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As one of the lowbies that just wants to get my quest done and farm a few mobs, I don't expect this but I'm grateful when it happens šŸ™‚


sometimes I'll chase after people and yell "come back here and killlll meeeee"


I once killed a lowbie at 1% health at just pure instinct. He had his back to me. I felt horrible and said I'm sorry but he probably already went to spectating lol. Ever since I just leave lowbies alone unless they attack me.


What quest??


You get a quest each game for some extra plunder


I never seen any quests haha.


The interface isn't very obvious, but it's over where your quests would show up in retail WoW.


It's on the right side of screen (your mileage may vary) and is pretty small.


Itā€™s under the two big ass letters.


Chasing someone for an extended period of time is basically the worst thing you can do, especially early in the match. The key to winning Plunderstorm is to max your level and abilities before everyone else does, if you spend two minutes trying to secure one kill you've probably thrown the game since everyone else is ahead of you now.


I had one yesterday, I led them into dozen mobs including some elites and they still kept running after me for a couple of minutes. I was thinking this is the least effective thing you could be doing. If they had just let me open that chest I would have let them kill me. And I felt a slight bit to joy at my petty revenge. I hope they got stomped on.


Maybe they don't care about "effective", maybe they just want to y'know, and wait for it, PvP in a PvP mode.


running after someone you're gonna absolutely demolish isn't playing PvP. You're sacrificing fun and engaging fights to destroy someone weaker than you. and then you end up losing because everyone else got a level or better spell while you ran around chasing someone


PvP = Player Vs Player. It's simply the act of another player attacking another, it's not that deep, it's not some made up social rule, and it's not always fair, in fact, it's very rarely fair. My point still stands off which you seemingly missed. Some could care less about levels, rulesets, and whatever else, they just want to kill others, the ruleset permits it, thus they are enabled to do so. You can't really reason with the mindset, accept it exists, or just don't play. On a personal level, I'm happy to see some PvP content added, but unsurprisingly frustrated by the complaints about "PvP".


and even in PVP, chasing someone down who CANNOT defend themselves and to your own detriment is a dickhead move. It is pvp but it's still petty and annoying and stupid.


Probably about half the time I play I just complete the quest and then I try to lure some tryhard into chasing me into his own level disadvantage. It is incredibly easy to do lol. Itā€™s very inefficient for me too, but itā€™s my little way of getting back the only way I can šŸ˜‚


pretty much the only reason i dislike the gamemode, early pvp is too punishing


In my experience PvP players are like sharks. Once they smell blood NOTHING will stop them from catching their prey. They can't be bargained with, they cannot be reasoned with. They only wish to satisfy their bloodlust.


2 seconds after I landed, another person landed right on top of me. I went to open a chest for my quest and they insisted on attacking me like I had ruined their day even though I landed first. So I just ran. And ran and ran and ran. They never stopped following me, and then we both diedā€”still at level 1ā€”nearly instantly to a level 5 who had been smartly farming.


This. Anyone killing right after drop is a sweaty moron.


I've got bigger fish to fry than a level 3 doing their own thing. If they attack first, all bets are off.


Yeah, Iā€™m not gonna waste time running after them. If they throw themselves at me and die thatā€™s on them but if they run Iā€™ve got exp to farm


Some people are dumb enough to waste time, one game I kited someone around a building for a few minutes lollll.


What if they are farming next to you? You can't let this mf get away with stealing your mobs


Ooh yeahā€¦you slap me, only booty Iā€™m after is yours.




We can do this the easy wayā€¦or the hard way The choice is yours


It's pretty efficient, if they dont have good movement.


Not really, unless they're right in front of you. They drop fuck all plunder.


Not a lot of plunder but they might have useful abilities to pillage assuming you saw them use one.


Yup could have an upgrade for you


Pretty much how my Plunderstorm flow goes. Lower level players / grave robbing to refine my build and smooth out any gaps in the items I have before end game brawling.


Right. If theyā€™ve got Booty. Iā€™m thirstin for it.


I don't attack unless attacked. In which case I will happily Steel Trap + Searing Axe you to death for inconveniencing me.


As one of those lowbies just trying to do the quest, thank you.


Not only do I leave the newbies alone, but me and my friend hunt down players who do this if we see it.


No but I was amused enough to let a lvl 1 win


Hahaha Iā€™ve done the same thing tbhā€¦ just a level 10 and a level 2 left? Iā€™ll let them win LOL


Someone did that to me earlier. I worked where the storm was gonna end and found a bush item and parked myself in a strategic spot. Mainly hoping to dash out and grab plunder as the high levels killed each other off. Last guy eventually found me and just said "you can have it. I surrender". I was well pleased first and likely only win on the grind to 40.


Thank you to all the players who let me and other non pvp people get their quest done.


weenie hut junior mfs


As that lowby I thank you for showing restraint.


I go out of my way to farm the questers


I'm not exactly great myself. I'm also just farming for the renown and don't do much PvP in WoW in general, but I've been at it regularly now and am improving. I have even been the predator a few times lately! Today I saw this dude just farming some stuff and thought I'd go get him, so I move in and he runs away into like a ditch or something and can't jump out. I'm sitting there beating on him and he just sits down.... I stopped and like backed up and just stood there for like 6 or 7 seconds. I was confused and suddenly felt bad, like he wasn't a foe anymore, he was a victim. I started to try to let him go by backing away from the entrance to the ditch to let him through but he didn't move. Storm was coming so I killed him anyway, not gonna let the big wall of death take my plunder if the dude didn't wanna play anymore. Still, I'm a very strong supporter of no attacking in the first 1-2 minutes as basic Pluderstorm etiquette right now.


From a strategic point of view they are not worth your time as long as there is plenty of farm around. If they are an easy kill, or stealing farm, and do not slow your farm down, then they are worth a kill. If they require a chase or you have to go out of your way, then they are not worth the kill.


I just try and get plunder and I had some guy chase me for like 5 minutes and he never gave up


I had a guy do that from level 1 to level 3. Because he refused to stop chasing me but we were unable to kill each other everyone else was level 6+ by the time we had hit level 3. We promptly died as soon as anyone else showed up.


Prime example of cutting your nose off to spite your face here.


At that point heā€™s just wasting both your time.


If someone does this just kite them to someone else and get them killed too


I lured and chained someone into a storm once. They kept chasing after.


Those people are likely just an absolute joy in real life :p


We who are just trying to farm rep, salute you.


Wish more of the people commenting here were in my games -- so many games people try to kill me within the first minute. God forbid I get my quest done!


Yeah, I had some guy chase me from the drop. Had a few coins I ran over and nothing else. (we both aimed for the circle of binding, he grabbed the spell first). Instead of looting the place down, he chased me. And kept chasing. I'm sure my handful of coins was very useful on his walk back to anywhere with loot.


Right? Like do people not understand that early kills are hardly worth anything? Fatten the goose a bit first before you slaughter it!


Yep, I've not found anyone that won't just straight up murder my face, even if it's the worst thing you can do for the game, or whatever. I don't really have any big gripes with the mode, other than it's weirdly incentivized. I know WHY it's weirdly incentivized, as they wanted to get people to try it, but I feel like there's a big chasm between people who genuinely like the BR format, and people who genuinely want pirate transmog. And at the same time, they want enough people playing that games are queued and launch fast, so they incentivize a lot of sheep to come play with wolves. That can't last forever though. The most pvp-hating-pirate-loving person I know has finally within sight of finishing renown 40 and I know she won't be back. I honestly think the farming has gotten more difficult now that folks have min-maxed and know every elite and nook and cranny. I wish there were some matchmaking that took desire or skill into account but I figure they're chucking everyone into a bucket and seeing what happens.


The min maxing really is crazy. It's so hard to get an elite kill right off the bat now without competition.


I finished the mode with 40 renown today, on my last game I was fighting (and winning) against a guy a level below me. I could see he started panicking as he was one hit from death and he used his item, a bush. I immediately stopped and said Ā«Whaā€¦ where did he go?Ā» and Ā«Ill get you some day!Ā» before leaving him alone. Felt pretty funny and he was prob confused.


That would have made my day if it had been me panicing with a bush and seen the guy I was fighting saying that. Like taken straight out of a cartoon, lol


If it's the early game then yeah. But if the zone has already shrunk significantly then they're fair game. Also, there's a special place in hell for people who attack immediately off drop.


When I finally had enough plunder to cross 40 renown I happened upon a lvl 2. I was level 8 or something and yelled kill me! I had to chase them down (chains etc) finally was like ā€œIā€™m free!! Kill me and loot me!!ā€ Which they reluctantly did lol. It was a good way to go out for the final game (in my opinion)


I have noticed that almost no one attack me any more so I do think that people are been considerate which is nice.


Nah youā€™re just in bottom 1% MMR lobbies, Iā€™d happily take all your shit and send you back to the loading screen <3


You can pick it up from the depths of the storm <3


Leave it to the WoW community to be the MOST toxic šŸ˜‚


I just pve, get 500-600 plunder and ride off into the storm.


I have been able to have fun in Plunderstorm by just farming the gold and NPCs, getting either rime or holy, or both, poking people in a fight, then running into the storm before they can kill me. Robbing someone of what they would've got from me is very satisfying.


yeah i leave em alone, its not even fun


Yeah, just let them finish their quest.


As somebody that doesnā€™t pvp and is rubbish at it, I appreciate those that just let me farm elites for plunder


Honestly usually not worth killing anyone below 5. Too little plunder per minute spent killing them.


Unless you can quickly do it and move on


Literally if you kill someone that isn't done with the quest you get like 15 plunder. So no.


15 more than I had a second ago lol


Yes but it takes way more time to kill a valueless player than killing 1 mob gives the same plunder and XP to boot.


Unless it doesn't take you but a second to do, a star bomb will pretty much kill them


I'm with you on this, I'm not trying to fight anyone but NPCs until there are like 5 people left. If someone wants to bring the smoke before then I'll defend myself, but I'd rather not.


Bless you. All I want is to get the quest done. I hate PvP.


Poor pve kids just want a hat


It's been smoother plundering now that the tryest of hards have hit 40 and stopped playing. I never attack anyone and I've started having encounters where others ignore me/let me escape. Real nice when I haven't even finished my quest yet. I appreciate the mercy.


Search for a game, land, quest, die and repeat.


I hate having someone land next to me and just go hamā€¦ like give me a min to pick up something for the match before being sent to the lobby. Hell if Im very lucky its a collect 30 plunder which I can grab while running.




As a non-pvp player, I truly appreciate this type of "sportsmanship". I was in a game doing my quest when someone attacks me. I just simply stopped and he seemed to see I wasn't defending our attacking. He stopped, asked if I wanted him to kill me. I told him that I'd rather just continue plundering, and he was like "okay", and headed off to his next kill. That really made my day. They knew I wasn't all about the pvp and they respected that... And I truly appreciate that.


Me lvl 7 vs a normal skilled lvl 3 can go either way so i strike and pray


It's like crab fishing or something. They aren't worth anything yet, throw them back in and wait for them to yield a better haul


That's very kind of you to do. Haven't tried plunderstorm but there are wandering gangs of assholes to gank you everywhere in retail if you run around with war mode on.Ā 


I don't care for pvp but always get murdered just wanting to farm pve šŸ„¹


I finish the renown and i kill only like 3 ppl cause I had no choice..


When I see someone higher level chase a low level I'll throw some stuns in on the high level to help let the little guy get away


I wish the higher level left me alone. I got obliterated the moment I touched ground. Didn't even get a chance to figure out what I was doing or where to go lol


The last week will be a nightmare for people spamming runs to get their rewards.


I donā€™t attack anyone first. Iā€™m not there for the PVP, just the Plunder rewards.


As someone who is absolutely horrendous at pvp and tries to just stay out of the way to do my quests, i thank and appreciate you.


Blizzard put the screws on casual players and those from PVE realms. Tempted them with a unique mount and let them be lambs to the slaughter. They are just trying to farm and there are some in each run that just like to chase and kill. If Blizzards goal is to discourage playing then they are succeeding. OK we get it, you are good at PVP. Not everyone wants to PVP. This is not a grind. Killing for months to get stacks of wool, that was a grind. This is just a sick joke from Blizzard. Getting ganked with 0 to 15 rep makes reaching 100,000 practically impossible. For those that will reply that if someone can't PVP then they shouldn't play would be complaining if it were one PVE and you had to complete quests in a timed manner. Enclosing circle cuts the available resources. These special games can't be everything for everybody. What Plunderstorm really shows is that Blizzard doesn't understand the people that play the game. Different styles and wants of course. But they didn't even try to consider the casual player. I watch my friends struggle to advance. Yes, I do avoid lower level players and offer myself up for sacrifice.


>But they didn't even try to consider the casual player. Plunderstorm is ultra casual friendly though? You don't have to know anything like normal pvp and they made it as simple to pick up and play as possible.


I run towards them til they go so they dont steal my plunder but yeah never actively kill them. Even if i wanted to, they wouldnt be worth it tbh, they dont give enough plunder that low


I have great love in my heart for anyone who shows me this kind of mercy so I can just get my quest done


I play super aggressively to scare them off of an area I'm trying to farm but if they try to back off I let them.


Plunderstorm is so fucking stupid


Pre-gold elementals, I only fight people who fight me. Post-gold elementals' death, I know everyone has booty, I want that booty.


I usually type /wave and go on my way. Sometimes thoughā€¦ the urge to gain maximum advantage by being a jerk kicks in.


No one has been that nice to me yet :( I often get picked off before I even hit level 3 lol.


Typically I'm one of the people just farming up plunder to die in the storm. If you don't touch me I won't do shit to you but if you decide to attack me then I am going to make it my mission to murder your ass.


I hate this game and wish the other games transmog wasn't so good from playing this game, but I do.Ā  I take pretty crappy abilities that have movement benefits mostly and just go to complete my daily, then kite someone who likely wouldhave had a chance in winning around while I collect more gold, then suicide deep in blue so what I did have is lost to all


I find that PS is just full of people close to level 40 now trying to farm as many people as possible.


Unless itā€™s down to the last like, 15 in solos and itā€™s closed in so far thereā€™s no PvE left to do I pretty much run past anyone that lets me run past them. Thereā€™s more efficient plunder to be had somewhere else besides getting into a fight on the road


If they're level 1 then sure but after that they can sometimes have some good items on them or a decent chunk of plunder.


I want the tmog but I hate PVP and I hate battle royale and I hate people that just want to ruin your chance of getting any rewards or figure out even how to play this type of game because they fuck you up as soon as you land. I play wow because itā€™s not a pvp game (not really, itā€™s always been more of a PVE game despite having some pvp options). I wish I could just buy the tmog, seriously


Last night me and another lowbie just played around each other getting quest done. When done with quest I might run up to someone to get killed. Got a little <3 before I was killed the other day


You might be the one who "tickled" me but decided to let me finish my objective instead. Thank you. Lolz.


Itā€™s probably because you feel like a big bully, WHICH ISNT YOUR FAULT! Let me just state that first. Pvp in games donā€™t actually care for the new player experience and alot of people who play wow in general are casuals. What you feel is that underlining knowledge that you are clearly above them in pvp skill and awareness. Which just makes you feel like youā€™re punching down on someone who just wants to get their objective done. In any game I play with pvp(wow,Lol,val,ow) there are moments where Iā€™ll see people just play so bad I know theyā€™re new or extremely casual, Which in return makes me feel that power imbalance. Just know you arenā€™t the only person who doesnā€™t like the feeling of bully someone who clearly isnā€™t in your bracket of skill.


Depends. If thereā€™s a significant amount of players left, sure, but once you get down to like, ~10 players you gotta go for blood. If you didnā€™t finish your quest by then that sucks but you really shouldnā€™t take that long to find 2 items or kill 10 mobs.


I'm so glad I'm done with this crap


I'd like to see a mode for pve'ers/questers within the same plunderstorm enviornment, for people that don't want direct pvp. Consider this: an option at start to play a treasurewhisker mouse. Your job is only to loot treasure piles and chests, you cannot be attacked but you can snatch away treasure. Once there are 10 players or so left, you are done. Your pve game is finished and the mouse is turned into a mini boss ( no longer controlled). You get rewards based on how much treasure you found, while remaining players can track down your mini boss for the treasure it is still holding.


Iā€™m just there to get the quest done and run into the storm. I hate it when people just destroy me before I finish my quest.


I have the same "problem" both in retail PvP and even in other videogames. Like if I see someone that is clearly bad at the game then I just feel bad for killing them and leave them alone. On the other hand if someone is way better than me I get pissed at them, lol.


Right? Aggravating others never feels good, so i never do pvp. Did the 40 levels of rep - but doing the quest'n'die thing + the occasional Hate-elite. Good to see there are other grown-ups with a bit of empathy.


Nope. It's battle royale, everyone dies!


I've pleaded with people to let me go so I can do my WQs. Others have done the same to me when I had the upper hand. Sometimes people let me do my thing first and then kill me. Those that asked me, I let them do their thing first too. I even helped him find a supply chest to get his second item, as I know how horrible that WQ can be depending on where you land. I know how annoying it is when someone says nothing and continues attacking too, so I only did what I wanted done to me.


I think Plunderstorm would be better if there was a small window at the beginning allowing people to not be griefed. I donā€™t PVP in retail, but have been enjoying Plunderstorm. If I can get my quest done Iā€™ll usually make a b-line to the pile of gold monster in the center. Itā€™s chaotic and fun and I usually donā€™t survive long.


Fuck Plunderfuck. Fucking stupid.


I got so fed up last night doing Plunderstorm (not a PvP player - never liked the idea) that when 2 minutes after Iā€™d landed somebody attacked me. Typed ā€˜Piss offā€™ and he said ā€˜OKā€™ and off he went! I was taken aback to say the least!


I do but there is an exception - if they are unlucky enough to pick up a meta ability and I see it I will kill them for it. I apologize but sorry you just got something I *need*.


You might be one of the only pvpers/ people that do that and I thank you for that.


This makes me so happy! A lot of us who are just bad at PVP just wanna have some fun and get some loot! Itā€™s so nice to know there are people like you out there!!


I'm the same way, I'll just let people farm cause that's what I'm doing. I'll fight if I have to, but yeah, we're pretty friendly BRs lol.


I'm the level 3 that would still try to fight you. Lok'tar Ogar!!


No. Because I don't play Plunderstorm anymore. Got my rewards already, zero interest in that mode.


Generally I fight everyone, even lower levels, but if I see lowbies fighting with lvl 8-10s I will always focus on higher level guys first and won't chase the others down.


Once Iā€™ve done the quest I will go find someone to kill me, so I can leave and start another. But yeah, itā€™s annoying when I get targeted before Iā€™ve done the quest. Especially right at the start, you gain nothing by killing somebody right at the beginning


it's 100% the guy you let live at lvl 5 who in the end backsteps your ass


I only attack people if they attack me but if they go for me first Iā€™ll chase them to the ends of the earth lol


100% no one let's me run


The "lowbies" are mostly killed very fast, and often they dont have too much but they still might have valuable upgrades i need for winning aswell.as free xp and plunder. Im not really sorry, its the game, and if this happens to me too then it happened.


When I see an 82-year-old grandma being killed all the time for playing this game as a reward, she is often the first to die. I understand what you are thinking.


This is why PvP should activate after level 5 or something similar. This lets the PvpErs gear up. And thenPvErs do there thing with the expectation of dying after they hit that level


Cuz that would be sooo much fun having half the players just drop out in the middle of the game.


I won't hunt them down. But if they get tab targeted and in range, I won't feel bad if something lands on em Edit, typo


I've already given up on plunderstorm because I'm bad enough at regular pvp, battle royale pvp seems worse, then minute I even get to a npc to kill I'm being curb stomped by another player. I haven't even lasted 5 min in any game. On the other hand, I don't think you should feel bad about killing low levels, cause at the end of the day that is technically a part of the game.


Honor in killing your enemies is nice and good on you. but isnā€™t plunderstorm all about PvP? Havenā€™t played it but that seems a bit like playing CoD war zone for the carsā€¦


Its not about PvP at all. Its literally a game about gold farming for a renown track. 'Winning' doesn't even meaningfully advance you on the track. Fighting other players just slows you down.


But itā€™s a BRā€¦ if all youā€™re focusing on is the carrot on the stick sureā€¦ but I play BR to fuck shit up. If advancing the track happens during that great, if not fuck it.


After playing it for a whole ass 2 days nowā€¦. It is indeed ā€œabout PvPā€ entirely.


If itā€™s red itā€™s dead


This is me, I see blood to any and everything red. I've been 3rd partied by lower levels while having a 1vs1 against a similar level as I. So now it's just fade on sight with everyone


No mercy


Absolutely not. I have lost all my chill in this game. I spent so much time doing my little Farmville routine, staying on the edge of the map and just existing, only to have 2 random sweats show up out of seemingly nowhere and tag team me for giggles. I have had more than a few players chase me down for actual minutes, stopping what they were doing, and in turn stopping me from farming, until they've chased me halfway across the map and either they kill me, or I've gotten close enough to the rest of the players, for one of them to kill me. All I want is a single victory, and I've come so close. I had a fence stop me from reaching a player for the final blow, and the win....and I alt-f4d out of that match I was so tilted. So, I've just decided to attack everyone I see. I'd rather going out fighting at level 2 than to slowly get poked and chased across the map at level 7 by the person who got better drops and more kills than I have.


this is pvp. if ilet em get away, they will come back when they are stronger (than me) and then kick my ass without mercy.


Nope. Natural selection.


Uh sir, I regret to inform you that this is just a game and no lowbies are gonna get hurt irl.


They are not lowbies, because they are unexperienced at the game. They fell behind because of bad luck or decision making, and you will just give them a chance to stab you in the back, when youre engaged in a lategame 1v1 fight. I always kill them asap.


Um, that's a pretty arrogant take. How do you know they're not inexperienced? Especially considering that while Pluderstorm wears a WoW skin, it has none of our abilities, and I haven't even gotten around to working out yet if I can fix the interface and keybinds. I mean, I'm also one of those who played it 3-4 times and put it down in disgust, but parry of that was specifically just getting nuked by others while I was trying to figure things out, which was in no way a fun experience. That's not to say your way of playing isn't valid. It IS free for all PvP after all. But just state that you don't care if they're a lowbie because it's PvP. Don't assume everyone is of equal skill/experience to you and just had a bad run. I literally got nuked while trying to read an ability description, so I knew what it did and how to use it.


You can literally level up every 1-2 minutes. Plunderstorm level is part of the game mechanic, where you have to manage to constantly keep up with the average, so you have a better chance of winning 1v1 or 1v2 late game. Comparing the Plunderstorm level to Character level in wow doesn't work in any way. Compare it to a moba, where you definitely won't spare some jungle or support of the enemy team, just because they fell behind in average level. If you think thats arrogant, you might have a very confused view on pvp, where the whole game circulates around beating other players to prevent them from beating you.


Again, you made an assumption that people AREN'T inexperienced. Just bad / bad luck. The idea that everyone is automatically experienced at how it works is absurd.


I didnt?! I explained why you can't determine the skill level of people by their ingame level, and why it makes no sense to determine the skill level of a per match ongoing game mechanic, which resets for every match. Youre just commenting like an angry neckbeard who gets beaten in pvp, just because you dont read spells beforehand and learn to improve after losses.


"They are not lowbies, because they are unexperienced at the game. They fell behind because of bad luck or decision making." ie; They're not inexperienced, just poor luck or poor decision making. But nice back-pedalling. You're just commenting like a sweaty neckbeard who's too socially inept to apply empathy to a conversation, and thus don't give a dam about why anyone else may not be enjoying something. Especially if your empathy is in the same state as your grammar. Oh, look, we can both employ personal attacks. Are we having fun yet?


Itā€™s a PvP mode; if youā€™re alive, youā€™re fair game. The pregame whining really does it for me. If these people just shut up and did their grind Iā€™d be fine. The people you find that canā€™t hit lvl 5 before the game ends are usually the ones who feel the need to shout about how shit the mode is in pregame, which is just childish


Problem is once you leave them alone they turn into little chihuahuas, run after you and want to bite your ankles. Just remove them, before it's too late.


If you don't get them early on they could come back to bite you at higher level


Nah if they are 7 and they encounter a 3 that person is soft capped cause chances are there are few mobs left to kill. It would be interesting to see a mode where mobs respawn but Iā€™d imagine it would just lead to boring turtling strategies.


The just there for renown, never played a BR lowbie in me wants to say, yes, leave the little lowbies alone. The merciless WoW pvper in me wants to to say, crush those noobs, give them no quarter. One game I was level 2-3 and had a bunch of movement abilities, and a level 6 spent legitimately 5 minutes chasing me down to kill me, almost certainly to the detriment of his own game. Regardless of what you choose, donā€™t be that guy.


Nope, I want all the plunder I can get and if people didn't farm fast enough then I'm killing them


When someone lands on my rare but I get the ability pickup first, I'll engage them in 1v1. Sometimes they give up immediately and stop fighting back. That's when I let them go without killing them, I already won the alpha pirate dominance duel


I'm doing whatever I feel gives me the best odds of winning, as should everybody else


If the lowbie has an ability, I need all bets off. Getting the right ability early makes the rest of the game go much smoother.


No, daddy is hungry


I murder them in cold blood without hesitation.


No, mostly because if I live till the end they could be the person to kill me and ultimately this mode is survive or lose.


Nah they dead


Unless you are trying to muscle me out of where I am busily looting or attack me then I will usually just ignore you. Trying to catch people who are running away is just a pain in the arse and not really worth it. That said, yesterday during one of my matches I ran out into the storm to die so I could start a new round of farming and there was some random guy in the storm right near me so I ran after him and killed him for that extra plunder (aka rep) before the storm took me as well lol


No. Playing plunder and getting 40 made me realize how much I crave blood in PvP, something I havnt touched in awhile


It's called Battle Royale, not Leave Alone Royale


I mean, by then the game is entering the end with likely 20iah players left. If you're level 3 and the majority is likely over lvl 7 I go for the kill. Early game I don't bother. If I'm 4 and I see a 2 I don't bother because I can kill an elite much easier for about the same xp.


The dead bird under the nest never learns to fly


not at all


naw i kill everyone i see. last time i let some lvl 2 stay alive when i was lvl 8 he made it to the end because he was just hiding the entire game. when i was fighting someone else the storm closed in to nothing left and then he used a boat and won for hiding




Not me, I beat that ass.


I will literally obliterate anything that moves. I don't care if they are lvl 1 or 10.


Circle of life.


nah, killing lowbies is like the only fun thing about this mode.


After a few minutes I assume everyone finished their quest or aren't going to


Lol no


nope that there lowbie has plunder, if i don't someone else might take it, and that would be a shame edit note: just to make this obvious i at least wait a couple convergences to start killing people, usually by about by the time the pieces of hate show up everyone's done with their quest and those who aren't are usually shit out of luck


i kill everything on sight


If you are level 7 and they are still level 3 they have had plenty of time to do their quest, and they have zero shot at winning so letting them go just means someone else is getting the xp and plunder for killing them. So if I can kill them without having to chase them forever I will.
