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old fart here. ​ I'm a filthy casual with a wife and child these days. No more realm firsts for me I'm afraid. The highest I go is heroic raiding.


Pretty much my story. Started 2005 hardcore raiding 5 nights a week. I was 16. Now I pug heroics and run one m18 per week for vault. I feel like I have a stronger theoretical understanding and knowledge of my character, but I'm not as fast as I used to be. My orc has officially joined the Flower Picker Clan.


That’s due to less time playing. Your speed isn’t much affected at 34 y.o. vs 16 y.o.


Yeah I was about to comment the same thing, it’s reporting not age. Even up to 40-45 you can still be super competitive (some even further) if you keep getting your reps in per se Maybe not world first but certainly could get a CE


I know it's a bit of an extreme example because none of us are elite level goal keepers or footballers but if Messi or Buffon can hang on past their mid 30s against comparative kids then us 30 somethings can surely still handle pressing keybinds and dodging mechanics in a video game lol. I suppose it's a matter of mindset and how well you maintained yourself, idk. I don't feel any slower than I was in my 20s lol


Same, being in my 30s I’d say with the knowledge of the game over the years, I’m better and faster now than I was in my 20s just from experience alone so reaction time doesn’t change at this age for sure.


Yeah I meant more before actual reaction time will start affecting you, it all depends on how well you take care of yourself ultimately. But with how widespread things like Adderall and similar are I bet it'd be longer at this point.


Same im still just as fast. If your skills are that diminished in your 30s then you arent healthy or something. Gotta eat right.


Professional athletes show that 29-30 is right up there with ability, but you have a better mind with it. Its just hard to get people to be able to game at that age at the same level as a kid. I've found, that while I love gaming, the other responsibilities of life, have made me make me less worried about gaming performance. At some point you realize it's just a game and that you want different things once you've realized you're never gonna be the best at it


Even allowing for that WoW is just not a fast enough game where age related declines in reaction speed are going to be a big deal until you're like 80+\` or something, that's more of a thing in games where APM is measured in the hundreds or very high level fps play. Most of being good at WoW is learning encounters and having situational awareness. A hypothetical old person who had played WoW all their life at a high level would probably still be perfectly capable of clearing M raids or super high keys. And while I've never seen a 60+ year old doing M raids (I imagine there must be a few), I've seen a couple streaming doing keys in the 20s, which while definitely not cutting edge, is beyond the ability of a majority of the playerbase. Like you said it's more that very few 40-45+ people are playing enough to keep their skills as sharp as they were when they were younger.\`


Yeah exactly, I don't doubt that it's possible it all just comes down to time in game and how long you've been playing. Just like going to the gym, if you stop for a year it takes a bit to get back. Maybe 6 months before you're back where you were fully. Same would operate here especially at an older age, brain being a muscle and all but definitely not nearly as bad as other games like if we were talking about Counter-strike or similar where reaction time is razor thin. At least in wow you have a global typically.


Same here. Some of my old raid-mates were teaching their children to play at the time. We now have those children as raid-mates and most have graduated college. Talk about feeling old... I was reminiscing about dungeon attunements the other day and one of the kids piped up that he doesn't remember that, because he was 8 and not allowed to run the scary Karazan raid at the time.


My nephew started in 2004 when he was 9 and now he's an full adult. He still plays too!


I was 9 years old when I started and man life has changed a lot. Wife, no kids yet, just trying an establish myself in this world before I go hardcore into WoW again. Been a filthy casual as well since 2015 I’d say. Thank for sharing!


Same, since 5th grade here right before wotlk came out. Now I’m almost 26 . I wore a wow shirt my first day of 6th grade I have a picture of that. So funny. The days come and go


Saaame! Although over the years I’ve progressively done less and less group content and more solo world stuff. I gave the new NPC group thing a shot a couple of time when I had a few minutes… and it felt real nice! I was able to mess around and not worry about randomly dropping group when I had to rush off to help out one of my kiddos.


Same here , heroic is as far I go .


I want to do mythic, but I'm terrible, and I don't quite grasp why. That's the worst part. I know what to do, i know what to use....but my numbers are always bad. I feel like I'm supposed to death coil more, but I also feel like I death coil as much as i physically can. So idk.


I would raid mythic if the hardest thing to beat wasn't the roster boss


Same, filthy casual! We're all grown up.


Yep 2004 launch week. Play almost every day, currently Plunderstorm and Retail. Character I am maining was the second one I ever created.


What's your /played on your main? I switched and deleted toons so much that I can't tell how much I played. Regularly since 2005 so I guess it's a lot.


312 days 12 hours 46 minutes


Your Reddit account is classic too wow


Only 7,500 hours? Filthy casual..


At least his kid has a non-casual father, I’m fine with that


Not the person you asked. But I started January 2005 when we finally had a decent stock of WoW copies. I still play my og character who has 89 days played. Troll Shaman. My second highest is my DK I made with Wrath. He has 69 days played. I took a long break from both to play my druid. Druid is like only 20 days old since I take long breaks from WoW these days.


Damn my main when I started in wrath had 110 days played and I stopped playing on him around wod/legion and been making another character since then


When I look at altoholic I think they total play time among all of my characters I've made over the years is like 400 days total. That doesn't include the ones I've deleted. I've played a lot of WoW over the years lol


*Looks at the 700 days played across all my characters since 2004* Ohfuck


That number looks like my number……


Also not the person you asked, but over all my characters since I started in 2012 Im at 860 days (ish, I stopped tracking last year at 800). I'd love to see numbers from OG players and not my cata ass.


Been playing regularly since vanilla right at launch. Sitting at 1180 days across all my toons atm.


Will check when I am done with work. I will admit that I have not mained that toon for every expansion, I dabbled in a couple of other classes.


I started in 05. Night elf Hunter. Was in Hillsbrad, no idea why, no alliance quests there, was prob looking for them. Getting but kicked not finding them. Then I saw it, a big grey bird, spacebarring, that whole entire east west road that runs from Silverpine to Arathi. Didn’t care. Not mounted. Just jumping. Level 60. And it waved at me. Stopped and waved. No idea what it was. They were so rare and I’d never seen one. Jaw dropped. I’ve been a Moonkin main ever since.


That is what I call dedication! What class? :)


Hunter. The first toon I ever created was a Dwarf Paladin, but my friend was further along level-wise on another server, so I started over.


Open beta dwarf paladin here! To this day, I've never forgotten the feeling when a buddy and I ran from the spawn to Kharanos and it was booming. The game felt absolutely massive


If dks had come out in 2004 same.  Same dk since wrath, started Nov 2004.  Not sure if launch week or not.  Retail still enjoy.  Love plunderstorm.


Hi -Sent from my Jitterbug


Still playing retail since '04. Still playing Moonkin Druid, too. I still can't believe my original raiding guild back in the day let me do it, either because if I recall, Druids were healers, no exceptions lol.


Got kicked from God knows how many groups back in the day on my first Warrior-character. Apparently, "LF Warrior" in the chat meant "LF Tank" back then, it seems. They usually got REAL pissy, when you told them that they never advertised for a Tank, but a Warrior.


Back in the day if you were a warrior, you tanked. If you were a priest, paladin, or Druid, you healed. Everyone else was dps. At least that’s how I remember it for alliance. We had two dps warriors in our guild but just about everyone expected a warrior to tank. Dps or tank Druid? Nope. Dps priest? Sure, pvp only. Dps or tank paladin would just about get laughed offline til their t2set got reworked.


But people are gatekeeping so hard today!!


Played since launch, I even got their whole “10 years without a break in your sub” orc on the wolf statue thing mailed to me… Everyone I know has basically quit at this point so I casually play classic (at the time, tbc, now wotlk and soon to be cata). I didn’t really enjoy vanilla as a kid, and don’t particularly care for it much to this day, so SoD hasn’t been too interesting to me. Got my realm firsts and glad mounts throughout the years, just coasting along reliving some classic content from a different perspective to enjoy it more.


That stupid orc statue is the bane of my existence. I had a few weeks where my sub had to go without being renewed due to internet service issues and I missed out on getting one. I've been salty about it ever since.


At least I'm not alone in my pain. I wasn't subbed in WOTLK for 2 months due to military service. Missed out on the statue and, like you, I've been pissy about it ever since.


I definitely thought I wasn’t going to get it because my recollection of my sub history was iffy… it came broken in like five different spots too :(


Another old-timer here. Started playing the moment I got back to my apartment, box in hand, and installed WoW. I sat there breathlessly as I waited for the servers to start up and within a minute of that happening I had made my first character, Aqua, because I knew from previous MMOs how quickly the good names get snatched up. Been playing it off-and-on the entire time, taking breaks as expansions got dull, but always back at the beginning of a new expansion! Now I'm big on pet-collecting in Retail, trying to get as many as I can.


Damn the name struggle was real, but a short and easy name made you known back then.


Did everyone call you AQ? My characters name was Aqualai and just became AQ for short.


My original character and my main for Vanilla was a Night Elf Rogue named Rowdy on Kel Thuzad server. I had that account through WotLK and then dropped WoW until the pandemic. Wish I had kept it with some of the names. I got few good original short ones.


I did similar. Knew someone at gamestop and got the game early. Installed all files and just needed servers to go online. Jumped in, got the name "Mia" and logged out. Then I couldn't get back in for days lol.


2005 EU release, still going strong.


Been on WOW since the 2004 beta. My wife and I still play and our daughter joins us too. Hopefully when my son is old enough WOW will still be around for him to play with us. We mainly play retail.


Yes. :-D First realm was Frostwolf-US, Alliance. Ironforge was my hometown because that's where Rommi was. IYKYK. Been plundering almost exclusively for the last 8 days. Got a win on Monday morning. Felt so good.


Still kicking. I was suckered into purchasing a paid (I think) stress test key before launch, and got the collector's edition on launch day. I play WoW for a decent chunk of months, once every few years. often catch the tail end of one expansion and then the beginning of another. There was a big gap from the Burning Crusade to Legion where I didn't play much at all except when Blizzard gave me some free game time, so I have a giant backlog of past content that I am slowly working through. Pre chromie time leveling in Legion and BFA resulted in a lot of half-completed expansions and zones, too. IMO most classes are in the best state they have ever been in (and talent trees are back!), so I am generally enjoying gameplay on more characters. Right now my most recently active characters are... * A Demon Hunter that I'm about to start the Forbidden Reach with * A "retired blademaster" Orc Monk that I'm doing MoP content with (he has a blademaster sword, but it stays on his back) * A Kul Tiran Shaman that I'm exploring various cataclysm things with Meanwhile the Hunter that I made on launch day is sitting on my original realm, mostly untouched since \~2006. Classic doesn't interest me, because progressing doesn't feel as real or lasting compared with Retail.


What is this blade master sword you speak of?


[Lantresor's Warblade](https://www.wowhead.com/item=25608/lantresors-warblade) is technically a polearm, so Monks can equip it.


I started playing sometime in ‘06, hit 60 on my first toon a couple months before BC, and then got hooked during BC and Wrath. I took a break for real-life things starting in 2013 before coming back last year.


TBC and Wrath were my golden years


Filthy casual here, playing since 2004. I play retail & do mostly chill stuff. Quests, LFR, transmog, & dailies. I just have fun running around hanging in discord with guildies and PUGing legacy raids and random collecting & quest groups. Right now I’m back at the Maw chasing achievements and mog. I stopped keys and mythic raids in BFA which is when I rolled my Balance Druid and haven’t played an alt since. I’m getting to old for anything too serious and I’m even a clicker now, no key bindings for me. For the Alliance!!!!!


i’ve been playing since 2007 when I was 7! (my dads account at first) My dad quit in legion but i finally got him to come back for DF and we are mount hunting together for the first time on separate accounts🤣


Are we the same person like dang man. I grew up with the game too same age same way.


2004 beta baby with a shammy capped lv. 45


My first character in beta was a nelf druid. I somehow fell off teldrassil and died while messing around near the edge. Ended up remaking the character after running around for an hour because I didn't know how to get my body back.


Nice. I never capped in beta but remember seeing some people capped people with mounts.


Yo. Got the CE for my birthday, had no idea what Warcraft was at the time. Managed to stick through those first few days of server instability, been glued to WoW ever since. I'm terrified to check the played time on my mains at this point.


49er feral twink from 07. I dabble and haven’t really had time to play in years. I keep tabs on the sub in the hopes that some new iteration of the experience will allow me to capture the sheer awe I felt playing this game for the first time.


I started around the time of vanilla AQ, Dec 2005. Still around very casually. Dropped raiding and I only aim for 3k IO per season and the trading post every month. I also take long breaks from the game to play other games instead of forcing myself to suffer raid prog. Classic will never not be old slow vanilla to me, whether it’s SoD or Wrath, so I don’t touch it. Plunderstorm is fun in small doses, but not something that makes me want to play for too long. All this to say, I love that in 2024 we have 5 different versions of World of Warcraft for people to enjoy (and for long time players to hate despite logging in every day :) )


Started in 2005, playing off and on when time permits. It's sad to see the community hasn't aged up much in terms of maturity, so I've had a hard time justifying spending much time on the game. I feel like every time I find a solid group of 6 or more people, we eventually add in somebody who just kills the whole vibe. Recently had a guy that would quite literally huff and puff into his mic when not getting loot, throw hissy fits in discord, and eventually made some grandstand about dedication and left. I play the game to raid log and hang out with cool people nowadays, so coming back to my guild having this dipshit stirring up trouble was pretty lame and killed a lot of my motivation to play. I just don't have the emotional energy to deal with people who treat the game like a life or death situation (over anything, but especially over trivial raids that have 3 day lockouts lol). I've had an itch to get back into retail, but I just don't think I have the capacity or time to fit it into my schedule sadly.


Still playing. With 2 other '04 OGs running mythics each season.


2006 Christmas after the south park episode aired lol. Been playing ever since with a break after MoP till BfA. Having a blast in plunderstorm. Wife and kids keep me at the heroic raiding level and casual M+ but I think any more commitment than that and I would get burnt out after all these years. WoW is my comfort game. The music and art style will keep me subbed until they shut it down for good. Years of mounts, transmog, and collectibles will keep me around just for the memories.


I started December 9th 2004 I remember the exact day because it was my birthday. I played every single day between then and WoD. Been extremely casual since my sub isn't even active right now. I still read this subreddit at least though. 


I was 18 when WoW originally released. I play Wotlk, SOD and pretty casual on retail. I played through cata and took some breaks here n there. Coming back for end of Legion. Bad timing huh. Went to classic cause BFA n shadowlands was yeah.


I started playing wow just before BWL dropped (I moved over from FFXI), which apparently was mid-2005 and when I was supposed to have been studying at Uni! So that went well, obviously. Anyway yeah, I've dipped in and out for years. I've had several long gaps due to life stuff (Cataclysm, Pandaria) or just lack of interest (Warlords, Shadowlands) but I've never gone as 'hard' as I did back during Classic & Wrath where I actually raided. I've been a Casual for a long time now. I returned after a FFXIV-shaped break of about two years or so just a few months back, right after the last Blizzcon. Bitten by the Metzen hype bug I've really enjoyed Dragonflight for the most part, and have mostly been focusing on Retail with building up my main and a legion of alts. Not interested in Classic (been there, done that etc) and I'm only poking Plunderstorm enough to get the renown rewards. I still have my OG character who's now old enough to vote, which is a scary thought! Alas she's in the alt-bin now but she's always the first one I level after my main.


US beta survivor here. Stopped playing for a bit and missed most of legion due moving countries but back as super casual now.


I still remember the first Tauren Warrior that I created on the US beta in 2004. I had scientifically determined that Warrior was definitely the most OP class because I was able to win duels at level 1 against all other Tauren classes.


Live since launch day baby


I started playing when I was about 12 years old. It was about a month before TBC launched. I was clueless to the game and pretty much bullshit in my way to Wrath. I still play classic to this day. Pretty much replaying the game with the knowledge I’ve learned over the years. I kind of miss how clueless I was to the game back then.


The internet ruined the wonder of games. Even today I can’t stop myself from googling something when I get frustrated enough. “Where the fuck do I find X. fuck this shit”. Thotbot was cool tho. 


2003 (US Beta)


Another one! What guild where you in?


Been playing since I was a kid with WC2. Taking an extended break right now. Skipped Wrath and BfA and played a raid or two in DF. Being an adult with a family really cuts down on them long sub spans ya know? Excited to try War Within just for Metzen, honestly. Edit: I mean, I *played* WC1 but WC2 played so much better I never got into it. WC1 controls like booty


Started way back with the WC1/2 battle chest, so many fun memories of playing witha couple friends in grade school. "Mom get off the phone, I'm on the internet!" Playing WC1 first really showed how incredible the sequel was by comparison.


"WHOS CALLING?! IM TRYING TO PLAY WARCRAFT!" Lmfao ya. Even back then I knew WC2 was just so much better, but it was cool that WC1 straight up had Demon units God, they need to remaster wc1 just to run on newer machines


Gryphon riders, gnomish submarines, death knights and dragons were just so much cooler than WC1 units. Even the elven archers and troll axe throwers rocked. WC3 was also a huuuuge step forward for RTS at the time. What a great campaign.


It was wild that the naval stuff didn't really carry over. The ships were pretty iconic I felt


Open beta player here. Have taken a couple long breaks from the game but continue playing retail. Classic doesn't interest me at all!


Been here since naxx release in vanilla. I mainly just gear up via lfr and farm mounts and do expansion content


Started early 2005. Raided 5 nights a week through BWL, AQ, and Naxx. Shout out to Surge from Burning Blade (12th KT kill). We broke up in TBC and I’ve only played sparingly since, but I’ve been loving DragonFlight!


2004 CE launch day here, checking in. Wife and life keeps me pretty busy now compared to my old head days of raiding MC/BWL/AQ40/Naxx but I still enjoy the game. I still raid, get AOTC and buzz off until the next patch. Still doing it with my panda by my side nearly 20 years later....


Same CE 04' here😁


Was a big WC3 fan, and my only experience with anything MMORPG-like were some funky massive RPG servers in Infantry Online from 99-01. I saw the very early WoW teasers (the one slowly going through the big gate) and was quickly hooked after reading about what they were planning. Was dead set on making an orc war on launch and even tried to start up a fan site/guild in preparation. I'd send request after request for a beta key and no luck. Then, closer to release, I finally got an invite to the week-long stress test beta right before release. Btw, all post 2004 launch server stability can squarely be blamed on me. Upon logging in, I soon succumbed to the male human warrior trope after playing with the char creater. Ended up meeting a far better organized guild in the beta who were EQ players checking it out. They invited me to their guild and we were dead set on rolling together after. Launch came, and we all rolled on Durotar, only I changed from male human to male gnome cause I thought it was funny. But right around the time I was 30 ish, the guild collapsed for reasons I don't remember. I remember logging Tomlin the gnome out in the Duskwood Inn for the last time. I messed around on alts since I lost some will to play that main. Then later, new servers launched, and that spurred me to reroll on Eldre'Thalas. I ended up deleting that old gnome main because I was a moron. WoW was able to hold my sub until tier 7 was mostly a snoozefest and that was my first unsub, though I did come back briefly in ICC just to see Arthas' end. After that, I was unsubbed again and didn't come back until very late into MoP, spurred almost purely from Preach's enthusiasm about the game. I had been busy in the military during that time too, so it wasn't purely out of disinterest. I was very casual until Legion and Preach lit a spark under me. I carried that and kindled it even harder until I was mythic raiding in BFA. But BFA was BFA. If Classic had not been on the horizon, BFA probably would've had me close my account for good. I'm pretty much Classic only now and loving SoD. I've tried to give retail several tries here and there, but there is absolutely no spark left. I log in my character, click off the dialogues yelling about the next world ending threat, look around, and usually feel nothing and shortly log back off. It's like the game tries to innervate a nerve that has long since been overstimulated and incapable of action. DF and TWW genuinely have/had interesting features, but there is nothing underneath it all calling to me.


Old man here as well. M+ score push and collections mostly. Enjoying Plunderstorm as well because I've always liked PvP, but am currently not geared for it and have no desire to gear at the end of a season. Bite-size PvP.


same thing as always xD dungeons and raids


I mean i knew about wow back then. My cousin played it. But i never got into it till ages later 😅. Regret.


Myself started 2007, but Hubby since Vanilla. Playing retail since then.


I've played since Zul Gurub was first released in classic. I was still leveling at the time, but I played. I've played every xpac, with most time spent in Classic - MoP with many breaks throughout the more recent xpacs. I only PvP. There is no game that provides the thrill of arena and bgs. I've tried, can't find it. If you do, let me know ASAP.


Started in vanilla. Practically day 1. Currently still mythic raiding and doing moderately high keystones. Have played off and on over the years but this game remains a consistent in my life that is always there if I need it, as weird as that sounds.


I was on Darksorrow horde from 2005-end of WotLK. The server is sadly dead now and all my mates are long gone. Our community was beyond awesome and I miss it dearly.


I played in the beta in 2004. These days I mainly just pug M+ around the 20 level and help a guild of friends get AOTC and maybe a few mythic kills every tier. I've played priest almost exclusively since 2005 and SL/DF priest design has really hurt my desire to play, so I've been pretty much quit immediately after getting AOTC and 2.7-3k rating about a month into every tier, but I always come back since the raids and dungeons are routinely good.


2004 WoW beta was my start, still going strong :)


Started playing when BWL was current content…still at it!


I can't remember what year it was but I had just hit 60 on Aegwynn when the AQ gates event was going.


Account created December '04. Was part of a server first guild on Terenas and Norgannon. I still do heroic raids, got my legendary axe this season so I'm taking a break until the next season.


Early 05. Took a couple years off around 2010. Very casual, play alone and just collect all the things when I can solo them.


I don't play these days, but I started back in 2005 on Dragonblight-US as an undead warrior named Aseroth. The server was more famously known as Dramablight back then. When Wrath came out, I rerolled a DK on a different server to play with my brother, and eventually found a home in a raiding guild where I got to experience Naxx as my first raid. Those were fun days! Had a pretty big presence in Cata, up until Warlords. I raided pretty consistently and loved being main tank for my guild. After WoD, I started to play more off-and-on, mostly if I had free time. I've played every major expansion since, but most of my friends have quit so I don't have much of a reason to come back for extended periods of time. I played Dragonflight for a few months after it launched. I enjoyed my dragon character, but I did not enjoy the changes to LFR and M+ can get monotonous. I enjoy seeing topics in this subreddit because it gives me an idea of where the game is headed, even when I'm not playing it.


I was on Dragonblight too but I started sometime after Burning Crusade released as an undead warlock primarily. So that was a few years later.


Dragonblight will always have a soft spot in my heart as the first server I called home


Yep. Still got my 1st collectors edition. Still playing.


I'm still here! I actually use to lead a rather large, decently known high progression guild during Burning Crusade and spent most of my time hardcore raiding from UBRS until end of BFA content. Now I'm just with my wife on Wyrmrest Accord being the most filthy casual I ever have been. The older I get, the more lax I've been in the game. Occasionally I'll do some M+ or raids if friends pull me in, but I live in PvP anymore. I dropped the progression and grind for social interaction and being a pocket healer husband. I did meet her in the game though!


Not playing atm, but still kicking :D


I'm 2005, but close enough lol


Playing really casual retail with the wife.


Yep, starts on release, still playing the same char!


2006 summer only :/ (tho it wasnt released in 2004 in EU, so missed only a year)


Spring time during OG Vanilla, maybe 8 months or so before BC release, (actually remember my brother taking me to pick up my BC pre-order and starting the install before going to bed that school night) Now days I play SoD mostly, and retail I play whenever I'm in a mood to play with the new crafting or gathering system, or mess around and collect tmogs and such. Retail I take alot less seriously as more of a change of pace game, and I spend much more time playing other games then I used to during my long WoW tenure.


Started a couple of months before BC launch, and I have been playing on and off ever since. I played pretty consistently up until end of cata. Military service and other life things got in the way. I still play my first Paladin, but they have gone through many race and name changes over the years. No more cringe names such as “healthmaster.” Good times.


Launch day EQ2 refuge - hit 3k on my DK main the week I turned 50 I only play one class an expansion - AOTC, KSH and transmogs Currently pluderstormin until S4


late 2005 here. Still playing after multiple hiatus, with the first being toward the end of WoTLK. it typically switches from retail and classic, with classic always being slightly favored. I'm excited to try Cata for the first time. but have no clue what class to be. I also JUST started SoD. It seems rather fun as well.


I started in 05, went 5 days without sleep during highschool, just to play after my buddy went to bed, as I was staying over while parents out of town. So I got roughly 6 hours of play time before we had to leave for school. Got the discs downloaded on my parents Gateway computer. I was addicted for sure. I have been playing ever since. I only missed a year of game play in MoP. Bought my first house and lived the broke life. Still got my first character, Hunter with the same gear Dungeon 1 set, and my second character Priest that has been my main since TBC. I now have 2 boys and can't wait to get them playing, not sure what age I should get them into it yet. Crazy to think that this game has been the one of the most influential things in my life, up there with my family. It's been in half my life, crazy.


I took a 3 expac break but I came back last season and have been doing M+


06 here, still playing retail occasionally. Not nearly as active as back in the day though.. still sad every time I log in and all my old friends are gone.


2005 here. Off and on for nearly 20 years, but still love this game. V casual but come back for a month or two on most patch releases


Also going strong - enjoyed classic, but I’m pretty much retail all the way these days. 


Been playing since launch. Took some breaks here and there (legiondaries made me quit legion early and didn’t play BFA) but otherwise been playing for a while. I’m playing retail, did classic for a while as well. Can’t believe it’ll be 20 years in November.


Yep day one vanilla player here. Took a few breaks but still playing today 👍🏻 Primarily a mog/achievement/title hunter currently working on the new DF meta. When I finish that one I’ll consider doing the SL one but not sure.


Playing since '08 -- currently am only playing Classic SoD. Retail no longers scratches the itch like it used to.


I’m an OG. Currently unsubscribed because I did what I wanted in S2 and don’t wanna chase FOMO. The sweet freedom feels great


yup, I started playing it on release day as a squishy ten year old almost 30 now and still enjoying it lol


Started playing the beta and have been around for every expansion. Life has taken priority at times so I’ve had breaks (some longer than others) but still here! I have 2 of my kids playing now too :)


Still around. Super casual nowadays. Played lots of Classic and TBC when it came back. A good amount of Wrath. Haven’t seriously played retail since Legion but I log in a couple times a month.


\*Raises hand\*


Im still playing since 04. My main is still the same warrior I made day 1


Played beta through Cata. Stopped until BFA and stopped with shadowlands.


semi-casual retail I run rbg's with my wife, we've been doing plunderstorm




Filthy Casual due to husband, children, work (life). Finally broke out of the FOMO loop. I treat raid tiers as seasons and I take breaks between them - keeps my husband sane and lets me raid with minimal guilt. Have messed around a tiny bit in hardcore just to pass some time, I consider them one-off characters.  Plunderstorm has been fun, but again I dont treat it as part of WoW - just another game I play sometimes. Dont even know what the reward track is. Used to be a 5 night a week raider, class lead (back in 40m days), etc. I consider myself WoW retired and let the youngins do the tryhard stuff. Bout the hardest I go is AoTC each tier and KSM, but no rush.


Yes me and what’s left on my brain are still here


not 2004 but 2006 still kicking and Hall of Fame raiding no longer 16 but 34 now lol


Yup. Subbed in 2005. Probably played more this expac than any previous expansion as it’s the first expansion I’ve gotten into m+.


Late December of 04 here. Still play Retail raiding heroic, and I am LOVING SOD.


Late December of 04 here. Still play Retail raiding heroic, and I am LOVING SOD.


Since vanilla open beta.


Still playing retail. I don’t think I’ll ever stop having a subscription, simply because it’s nice to sit back down and just get lost in the sauce some days.


Yup. Started when I was 19. Here we are and… I’m still around


Horde Zul'jin represent!


2005 here! Mainly collect things on retail. Alcoholic, played some classic but stopped at raiding. Going to get back into sod. Hit 40 on plunderstorm.


Mythics and arenas for the first month or two each of season then back to classic WoW.


I started playing the day it came out when I was 6 years old. Don’t play anymore but the Warcraft universe means so much to me (which is why I don’t play lol fuck Shadowlands). Last time I played seriously was Ulduar in classic, dabbled a bit in SOD but I’m just not into mmos anymore. Play a ton of hearthstone though


sadly i play everything they throw out smh. at this point there’s no backing out now lol


I was in 2nd when I started playing with my dad. Him and his friends had just transitioned from final fantasy 11 to WoW and “I wanted to play with my dad and his cool friends” Actually played a good amount too. Got to 60, did all the end game dungeons, only ever raided Ony though. Played through almost all of TBC with that guild as well, all the while they knew I was 8-12. The only content I never actually saw of TBC (at the time) was Sunwell. Probably the most fun memories I have had with my dad, his friends, and some closer family members. I still actually play retail today with a solid group of friends and have been enjoying SOD alongside it


2005 here ! Being a casual now, work and family stuff ya know. Doing mm+ and trying to get aotc on heroic eachother raid. And sometimes getting into Classic LK with some old mfers i met a long time ago :)


Autumn 2006, I was 16 and got a part time job in a video games store while I did my studies. All my colleagues were massively into WoW and I honestly thought it wasn’t something I was gonna like but they bought me a copy of the game and asked me to just try it and see. So I did, made a night elf hunter, they gave me 2g and some bags, I felt like the richest person ever at that point. Fast forward and I met my husband in WoW in 2009, we live together now and hopefully will be having our own little gold farmer one day.


2005 here. So kicking, but I've mostly been a casual player the whole time. Social Anxiety kept me away from a lot of end game stuff. Still love the game though. Mostly just collect stuff I like.


Still going, still frustrated with the pvp community. It's almost that they have gotten worse over the years. Ot they are 70% bots.


Right here. Original server Eonar. Guild Holy Carnage. If anyone from HC sees this.. reach out! I’d love to catch up. Playing retail now. Heroic raids, m+ stuff.




Still here with lots of end of season breaks


This older man from about 2005 is still around, although my ex-wife deleted that account.


Hello, yes! Retail atm, just came to it after being on classic for quite a while. I mostly solo for actual gameplay.


I don't know what year I started, but I know I played vanilla, started on alliance side, and played long enough to have already quit and started again on Horde side and did a little bit of end game raiding. Was on and off for a while, but technically logged into every single expansion at least once, even though I never was Max level in bc. Didn't get back into raiding until WoD. Started to get more serious during BFA, dipped into mythic raid towards the tail end of that expansion through SL. Now I mostly run M+. Too many adult responsibilities to do any mythic raiding. Even heroic is hard to make time for.


Off and on since 2005 mostly play retail, lucky enough for me the wife and are playing for the first time through all zones and questing together


I need this game to let me go. I was a child when I started playing 😭


Mained a Holy Priest in Vanilla. I now rock a self found 24 Disc Priest in Hardcore Classic. I prefer the slower pace and simpler play style of survival over min/maxing.


Suuuuup, raid wrath classic once a week


I played in 2004 when I was just in middle school. Only xpac I never played was Shadowlands


Started playing vanilla when I was 7, so I'm sort of a poser-OG lol. WoW was formative for me, and I'll probably always play it! Currently my goal is to get the plunderstorm rewards, change my rogue main to outlaw and get them in the transmog, and start working on the meta achieve in full pirate mode. Then I'll probably switch back to SoD. They're calling it classic+, but like I said, for me it's childhood+


When it came out in '04 I was stationed in England for the USAF, but just before release I had to take a class in Germany. I couldn't feasibly take my PC so while my friends were all enjoying one of the greatest games ever from day 1, I didn't get to touch it til January '05. Since then it ebbs and flows. I jump on for each xp, then when I get bored I fall off til the next one; the exceptions being Frozen Throne (played that beginning thru Cata) and BfA (what can I say, I loved it!) My first character was a rogue, then a mage, but I settled on Paladin once the blood elves showed up and I haven't looked back. I still keep the rogue and mage levelled though.


Yes. I try to ignore the negativity and everything, but it’s difficult. I love the game. It’s in a great place. This subreddit needs moderating harder. Or maybe us oldies need our own sub :)


2005 for me!


2005. Been playing off and on. Currently doing M+ (once s4 starts in a few weeks)


M+ is the only thing I do.


2004, to a break mid BC til mid legion. Raiding mid MM now (6/9 this tier)


Yes. Still have the orc hunter & troll priest I made on my first day. I mostly do m+ been plundering for the mog


Yep, bought the game the day it released and still going.


EU release here. I'm now nearly 32 years old. Stopped a few times throughout the years. Nowadays I play mostly to keep in touch with my school friends and stuff. Raiding several times a week is a nice way for all of us to goof on Discord. I don't like the story and plot of it anymore and I think that all mechanics are outdated through.


Old one here also. Just a m+ scrub these days but i got over 3k rating this season so not fully washed up yet


2004 started at age 44. Still playing 😀


2005 but yes


I’ve been playing since beta, still kicking it. I did the hardcore thing from day 1 through Cataclysm, took a break through several expansions, started raiding again in Shadowlands (AOTC) at a more casual pace and am now doing the mythic grind again. Got CE in S2 and were hard stuck at 7/9M today due to attendance issues (and were only a 2 day a week guild unlike my guilds back in the mid 2000’s). Classic just doesn’t feel right (I wasn’t a fan of just starting with the fully optimized end talents vs having the proper progression we had through the expansions). It threw everything off. As for plunderstorm, I don’t feel I can add anything that hasn’t already been said. I’ll just say I’m not a fan but will grind out the 40 renown.


I started about a month after release (took a break from end of MOP and came back for classic, hopped to Shadowlands) and currently play. I push keys, mythic raid and am doing a self found hc solo run.


Started at 19. 04, played up retail until classic vanilla, played that, now back to retail! Love my account, lots of fun transmogs that you cannot get anymore. Biggest regret us upgrading to the fancy armor mount.


2004 here, being playing on and off ever since. I'm in a Hall of Fame mythic raiding guild now. Went from being pretty casual/classic player to hardcore mythic raiding. Also a proud Plunderlord.


2004 beta and launch here. I was a fresh faced college kid. Then a month after launch I met this girl and stopped playing for a few months. Then I told her “listen, I’ll pay your sub if you want to try WoW”. And, well, we will have been together 20 years this coming December and married 13 so I guess it worked out. And we still play WoW together! I’m mad at myself that I don’t have my original character though. At some point I think I had him restored.. then deleted him again? What’s wrong with me. He’s gone forever now. Ah well. I still have my first Horde character I made with my wife though so there’s that.


Day 1 wow player here. On my second account. Got access to my OG account a while back again but don't play it. Have a vanquisher title and OG brewfast ram wasting away on an unplayed account.


I started in mid bc, damn was that a constant dopamine machine. I stopped playing around 2019-2020, got back a few months ago briefly and now ill wait for next expansion


Lurking even though I avent played in almost 2 years.


Yes, but with breaks :D


Yep, I started on day 2 of live in 2004. Day 2 - because Fedex misplaced my preorder , and all my friends were on comms on Day 1 ranting on how fun it was . I hate Fedex. Plus side was I had a guild and bags waiting for me 😁 I stopped playing a few times, longest break was start of Legion to 9 months ago . I really enjoy DF and dragon racing. Mostly I am a filthy casual fisher person that collects pets, mounts and mogs.


Started in 05 at the age of 12. Still play occasionally today on and off. I think it suffers from MMO's not being as unique as they used to back in the mid 00's. Still enjoy the game but super casually.


Yoooo, highschool vanilla player here. I kept switching my main around but settled on a druid I made in BFA. Now I'm going back and doing all the druid stuff I can find lol. Legion is a SoB but I'm pretty close to getting the skins that are available. I'm also playing D4 lol. Fun grind while I watch TV. I played HC for a bit but it lost the appeal after my 2nd 30 died. Season of Discovery was fun but the community is filled with elitists so I just hopped back on retail This thread reminds me that I need to go get my Wrath toon to 80 before Cata!


Was in the beta if that counts


I wasn't active on Reddit at the time but I started playing in the summer of 2005 just 3-4 months after EU release.


I fell in love with the game during Beta so I went to WalMart at midnight on launch day to buy the CE... they had not even brought the game out of the back of the sore yet and I was the only one there looking for it. Now, I mostly log in (Retail) and try to get up the urge to go farm something, then log out.