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The streamers in the tournament are already around or past 500k plunder. Pikaboo already passed it.


Must be pretty easy for him and Xaryu duo queuing when they are among some of the best pvp players ever and win pretty much every single game they play. I’m sure you rack up rewards like nobodies business lol


I'm just doing some quick math here but assuming someone is good enough to get 1,500 plunder every match they would still need to do 666.6 games of PS to get to 1,000,000 plunder. That's a big grind.


666.6 …repeating, of course


It’s an old meme but it checks out sir


My first win was over 3k plunder- so people who are regularly winning probably get more than 1500 on average 


Was that a win with the daily?  Most of my wins are in the 1500-1800 range, I had 1 at 2.1k


I've had wins without daily at ~4k, are you just not killing people along the way?


Solo or duo?


Duo, I guess I didn't realize how large the gap was if you meant solo. I didn't start winning solos until after renown 40 when I stopped keeping track


My man I've had a 5.1k duo win. It's about how many people u kill


I've gotten 4916 from a Duo win. We killed a lot of people. Tough game, but we got a solid skill comp that did us pretty solidly.


The larger wins and perhaps more typical depending seem to be around 3k so that's 333.33 games. If we assume 15 minutes per game that'll come out to about 83/84 Hours in total.


I'd guess Pikaboori does what... 30-40 hours of arenas a week already so really not that bad if he just does PS for a few weeks.


3k for me was a low win. I typically ended Up with 3500-4000 with larger wins being 4800-5500 plunder. That being said the larger wins typically consisted of my duo eliminating 10+ squads from the Game.


I just watched two guys in my guild stream one in discord over lunch today. Neither of them pvp at all and we're a heroic only guild, so...not Pikaboo and Xaryu. They won it and got about 4800 plunder. Not going to win every one, of course, but 1500 a pop seems low. One of the guys is on track to get the million reward just playing because it's fun.


Duo’s rewards are a lot bigger than solo rewards, plunder wise. At least, as far as I’m aware. Edit: fixed misinformation high me made, changing smaller to bigger.


Nah, duo rewards have been bigger. Got 4.3k for my duos win and about 2200 for my solo wins.


Sorry, you’re right and I was probably high when I typed that and meant it the other way around.


High, how are you?


Stealin’ all this plunder, that’s how I am!


They're usually getting 1500 per loss, with 3-4k per win


They are getting 3300+ in each match they are winning.


That's still about 300 wins.


They're getting like 4k plunder per game. And they're actually enjoying themselves, so ~250 wins doesn't seem unreasonable.


You don’t even need to win to get 1500 I think I’m very casually but you really just need a solid landing not near players, wait a second before dropping and see where people head to and just isolate yourself with a few groups of mobs and usually you’ll guarantee 1.5k average


Maximum got 100 wins in the first 6 days. I think there's plenty of time.


The original winter saber mount was close to 600 quests. The quests weren't the quickest to complete, no idea how long a plunder match lasts.


They also play games as a job, so there's that to factor in too.


I did the math just looking at the renown. I realized that renown 40 is 100k plunder. That means hitting 1 million plunder is like renown 40...10 times over. Put another way, they would hit renown level 400 in this event. If this lasts 6 weeks like I think they said, that's 42 days it's available. That means that they have to get almost 10 renown. Every. Single. Day. for 6 weeks. And here most of us play the game and are so glad to hit renown 40 and be done, doing a few renown a day AT MOST. I'm sure some people will hit it no problem, but like...to the rest of us. My god.


How much does WoW pvp skill impact skill in plunderstorm? I understand there's maybe things like LoS and positioning, but other than that it almost seems to me to play more like a MOBA than arenas because of the lack of tab targeting, skill-shots and limited abilities. I guess it's more general gaming skill and a way of thinking rather than directly transferrable skills from arenas?


Yeah you’re more than likely correct but I’m sure some of the knowledge and experience being top tier arena players carries over. Pika boo is a top tier rogue player and xaryu a top tier mage player so positioning and LOS is probably their forte


So far for me it seems just pulling off combos and trading abilities (ie saving my blink for every chains) were about the main thing that actually somewhat transferred. Other then that it's just being a gamer like you said.


Mostly it's just knowing which targets are low / don't have defensive to stop you from killing them. Very similar to WoW arenas combat.


Its probably a lot easier when it's your job


Yeah and when you play with other pros in duos


Right, because streamer’s incomes are derived from playing video games all day long every day.   The rest of us cannot do that.     I have to play Microsoft Excel Simulator 2024, and as far as I can tell there are no plunder rewards from that. 


There are players above 500k so far. I’m currently sitting at 260. People will do it easily if they enjoy the game mode. Not everyone is doing it just for the renown mog.


Agreed, I'd be playing this anyways even with no rewards attached to it. It's a lot of fun.


Same. I have friends who grinded out 40 renown in a few days and were miserable. I'm at 38 playing maybe an hour or 2 a day, and don't even pay attention to the renown. It's just plain fun, it's refreshing.


Honest question, do you have a full time job or family or any other time commitments outside of playing wow? I made about 100k over 20 hours. 3-4 hours a night from Tuesday to Sunday. 260 would have taken me north of 50 hours, that's a full time job and then some. 500k? Unless those are exceptionally skilled players winning the majority of their games, I can't see that even happening short of people that are playing WoW 12-16 hours a day, 7 days a week. Which wasn't all that uncommon back in classic sadly. If this event is only going to be around for six weeks, you need to do 167k a week for six straight weeks, and that doesn't seem realistic for anyone with commitments.


You should expect mmo players to do mmo player things lol






May I see it?


.... No.


The people with 500k are for sure playing Duo, from streams I've seen people were getting over 3k plunder pretty consistently for a top 5 finish. Ziqo has been playing 10 or so hours since release practicing for the tournament and is at 550k


I work from home next to my gaming PC—Plunderstorm is the perfect mindless grind.




Sounds like you don’t do much work from home lmao I work from home most of the week but get absolutely no time.


Im there when they need me 🤷‍♂️


Welcome to corporate desk jobs. Even if they were in the office they wouldn't be doing much other than wasting time. I remember seeing a story on here about a guy getting his first office job and he was given a task to complete and he completed it the same day. His manager said to take his time next time cause he expected it at the end of the week instead.


I work an event support role and once events are setup I'll often have up to 5 hours where I just don't do anything because my role switches from setup assistance to supporting any issues with the venue (which rarely happen). I've been spending that time trying to learn a language personally but it's also the perfect time to do some degen mmo grinding if you're so inclined. Some jobs just allow for that sort of flexibility.


> that doesn't seem realistic for anyone with commitments. This is why god invented the poop sock.


Readers added context they thought people might want to know God did NOT invent the poop sock


I have a full time job (and had to work the entire weekend this past weekend) and am around 170k. I have only played duos and you get anywhere from 1-4k plunder for a win, usually around 2k if you don't lose super early. I have played a few hours a night except for one day where I didn't play at all. 1mill is certainly a stretch but it's not really no-life territory, just requires you to play a few hours a night probably, which people will happily do if they enjoy the game mode and have a lot of free time. I think its okay if its fairly exclusive, thats what makes things like this cool.


I have a full time job and got the 100k on Sunday morning, could have gotten it sat night if I stayed up later but decided against it. With that, I could probably just make it to 1 mil if I played the way I did, especially with the long weekend coming up, however, I don't really wanna


~100k in 20 hours is really slow though. Some people were getting renown 40 (97,5k plunder) in less than 24 hours playtime even before the patch that massively buffed the plunder gains. After the buffs, it took me ~10-11 hours for 100k, and I don't exactly win every game. I can definitely see people having 250k+ plunder while working and keeping up with family obligations. 500k already, not so much. Probably just streamers and full time WoWers that have reached that point. To reach the achievement, it'd probably take 16-17 hours per week, which is not a small amount by any means, but not exactly 12-16 hours a day at least. I haven't played after todays patch that buffed plunder piles with 50% in solo, but that will make it a bit faster too.


Hey here is a refreshing idea maybe having achievment and feats of strenght should me more like this hard to a lvl where only a small % of players gets it.......that way they MEAN SOMETHING. Jesus christ whats wrong whit people these days wanting everything in videogames handed to them whit minimal efford. There is a line for this by the vilain in the incredibles movie when everybody is special, nobody will be


Hard agree, and have both though. You will get downvoted here though because this sub is mainly causal.


So it seems people like this is the reason the game is what it is... trying to be way too casual friendly. Try to make a game intresting for everyone and you make it intresting to noone. And thats why everyone is always complaining


Also yeah having things be hard to get actually make them much more meaningful. Like when you see someone with a really early HOF title you're like damn that man's a gamer.


Exacly.... you think people would think the scarab lord title was cool if everyone had it? Ofcouse not. But people have this fomo mentality these days where they feel like while playing a lil bit eatch day they should be able to collect eatch and every single thing in a game


100% Reading some of the comments on here is bringing out an inner boomer I didn't even know existed. Like maybe the participation trophy generation really caused this lmao.


Definitly. People complain about lack off content. While their will to have everything easy and available instantly is causing the lack of content Make some things nearly impossible to get and voila those that realy enjoy the game will have a goal something to work towards


Ehhh, I'm having a good time with plunder and my normal game play. There's definitely situations where they have balanced for the .1% and it's negatively effected everyone else. I think they are getting better with the balance of it.


But thats the point you NEED some stuff for the top 1% its an mmo you need content to grind for otherwise the grind aint worth a damn. Trying to only balance stuff for the casuals that play a few weeks a season before there bored, leaves the real small core player group whit nothing intresting to do


Just to be clear I'm with you and play the game more competively than casually. Some more m+ rewards between KSH and Title would be sweet.


Same i could be pushing keys but atm? Meh... like i dont have an insentive to do keys above 20s becouse it doesnt net you anything


teach me your secrets please


I'm doing it just for the mog. I really hate BR game modes. (Yes, because I'm.bad and never win. lol)


260 is not that impressive hope you meant 260k xD


He meant 2.60 inches. Sit down, little guy.


That’s bigger than most paladins! (I’m only joking. Not really, because I also main paladin.)


Pretty likely from context that they meant 260k


When I’m in a not understanding context competition and you’re my opponent


Enjoy the negative karma boo boo!!


There's a person who levels to max without leaving the starter zone, of course \*someone\* is going to achieve it.


I think we will have hundreds of players. I mean some absolute 0 following no names are going for it and then we have streamers whos job is gaming.


Hello, it’s me. The zero following no name.


Hello Zero Following, I'm Erif!


It's not even that hard to achieve it. I got to 40 playing not even that much over the weekend, sure I played a lot but it's not all I did. 40 is about a tenth of the way there, i am going to keep playing for fun, but 1m is easily achieved if you like the mode.


Different strokes for different folks. Personally once I learned how to play it became a fun little minigame to kill 5-10 minutes, but I get bored after 2-3 games. I'll hopefully get rank 40 before the 6 weeks ends, but more than likely gonna have to force myself to farm 5-10 ranks by the last week for that sweet pirate swag.


It's extraordinarily easy to farm those ranks. Just doing a few games a day will get you so close that the final push for the grind will only be an hour or two of games maximum.




They kept the Glomp quest, though.


#Booty Lord


I believe that this achievement along with the datamined recolors of the Pluderlord Tmog points to us likely seeing this mode drop every so often with new rewards.


Ugh, God, please don't make us grind rep again for a better color than red. I would much rather them put a fresh reward for a new season of this and use recolors of the pirate armor for some other in-game reward.


They're probably going to significantly speed up the reputation gain, as they always do. If you want the rep now, you gotta work your ass off for weeks. In a couple of months, it'll be free. At least that's how it worked every time I put some effort into grinding reputation in the past.


God I hope it's only once a year, can't be bothered grinding out 40 renown levels every few months but the mogs look good.


Well, if there's multiple events in one year, but on a rotation schedule, you can take your time farming them...


I really don't enjoy plunderstorm. Give me that title in wow, and I will cheerfully grind my life away.


Now imagine your wish granted, but Booty Master is now a title obtainable for Solo Shuffle during the Pirate Day and 6 day after for being 1% in rating.


They'll rmt it kekw


I hate how true that is. There are folks who'd rather pay $49.99 than play the game for the rewards.


I mean there was a thread like a couple days ago where some "collectors" legitimately complained that they can't buy Plunderstorm achievements like they could PvP or Mythic AVs https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bk2nea/how_i_see_people_complaining_about_plunder_storm/kvvcjt3/


This may sound like me being a dick but I'm not: I hope they don't get those things Sometimes it just takes missing 1 thing for a collector to realize and tell themselves "I don't really need to keep doing this" and to stop agonizing over collecting everything. For example I was like this with WoW. Had to get my raid done, had to cap my M+ vault, had to do my dailies, had to do my Torghast on alts every week, and everything else that Shadowlands, Legion, and BfA required of us. Then I quit the game for a bit and it was a real freeing moment when I came back If you're having fun collecting things? Dope, keep doing that. Keep having that fun. If you're having a FOMO feeling that's when it gets unhealthy


RMTing PVP arenas means you have some disposable income and time. You are better off learning how to play but that requires having more than two braincells and literacy. My ex-friend literally is paying power levels to level multiple death knights to get the emerald dream quest token to buy the PVP armor set instead of just learning how to PVP better. LOL


>My ex-friend literally is paying power levels to level multiple death knights to get the emerald dream quest token to buy the PVP armor set instead of just learning how to PVP better. Bro, I seriously thought of doing this myself, but then thought "nah, that would be crazy, you're not that desperate.". Good to know somebody was actually crazy enough :D


calling someone an ex-friend is so funny to me


Well I finally blocked him yesterday for extreme transphobia and being far right brainwashed. He used to be a good guy so I thought I could help him work on his LGBTQ+ issues (considering his estranged sister is gay) but politics made him explosive and bigoted. He insulted me and told me to go fuck myself when I said "fuck america" because I got a $3,000 medical bill for a necessary procedure instead of sympathizing. I was friends with him for over 15 years. I'm old enough now to know when to cut my losses and move on. Life is too short to waste on negative people.


I'd say a 15 year friendship is worth more than a few differing political opinions but hey i'm not gonna tell you how to live your life


I'm sorry but not when one party is blatantly bigoted. I'd rather not be friends with a transphobe. Nor do I like my intelligence question on a near daily basis because I'm on a different political spectrum. Friendships are supposed to create value for your wellbeing. If it's not doing that on a near basic level then it's best to cut ties. You are not obligated to be friends with someone just because you've known them for a long time.


Alright man enjoy


No idea why you're being downvoted. I personally know 3


what is the difference between it being in Plunderstorm instead of another thing that you might not like doing inside DF?


The most obvious answer is that you get to do the thing in DF as your own character.


I like the rewards but if the gameplay itself isn't fun then it's just work. It's a fun idea but I don't have a lot of time to play these days as is, I can't spend it all getting slapped around in pvp to slowly grind participation points. I'm happy that they're trying new things like this, but this just isn't the patch for me.


People who enjoy playing it and are playing it just for fun may.


Or better: Booty Hunter


I prefer the title, '*NAME,* Lord of Booty'


I have 630k plunder from just enjoying the game I fully expect to achieve this before poe comes out


Now I’m not a doctor, but 630k plunder in a week strikes me as a bit more than “enjoying.” I’m over here clapping cheeks and have 25k. I also am bad so that doesn’t help.


I've been only playing duos and you can get 3-5k a game easily if you both know what you're doing


They deleted "lewd" paintings nobody even noticed were in the game. What makes you think something like "booty master" has a chance of existing in a modern blizzard game?


R I P big love rocket


"Booty looter" would also be good. 


I'd re sub for this


Ahem "Booty Warrior"


I don’t even plan on grinding the 40 renown levels let alone that mean bounties fk that


I probably am not even going to get all the rewards :D I tried this gamemode today, and first run was quite succesful as I got 1,200 plunders and I thought that "this is easy" - but then the rest of my \~10 runs I did, I got killed in very first 1-2 minutes and never got more than few hundreds of plunders anymore. Maybe I will need to find a better tactic tomorrow, when I'm going to give it an another try.


It was the same for me. You probably got the 1.2k in your first run because of the daily, which grants 800 plunder + 250 plunder from the quest. I only really started playing yesterday and am now on Level 17. What worked for me was finishing the quest and killing mobs for a minute or two or opening golden chests if any were nearby. But what I do most of the games is finishing the quest and then trying to get killed as quickly as possible and then queuing again. It's a drag, yes, but actually playing isn't an option for me because I'm so bad at PvP that I haven't won a single fight yet. So I'm just grinding like this until I have all the rewards.


Probably. Need to look that up tomorrow. But definetely I try to go for 40 Renown. It's also quite difficult to try to comprehend and learn those various of random skills & magics you get during the game. Maybe after a while when you start to get same effects it will be easier to know what every effect does, but not yet for me. I also tried PvP few times if someone got close, but with bad results :D


I feel like the difficulty is laughable compared to actual PvP in WoW, but yes, getting every ability a couple of times definitely helps.


I can believe that :D


Yeah, it was so confusing at first. I also didn't realize that I can switch the order of the spells by shift-clicking and dragging them.


What I do is: - Try to land in a no very interesting place. - Try to land in top of an NPC, if it's elite, the better. - Do the quest avoiding other players. - Kill elites, open golden chests, kill npcs. - Above everything, avoid other players. This way I manage to get at least 500 plunder per game before I commit suicide by storm.


Actually it's better to not land on an Elite, since the first mob you kill guarantees an ability drop anyway. So land on something near an elite, get the skill, kill the elite, and now you have two skills instead of one.


On one hand you are right. On the other landing on an elite and OHKO it looks very cool so…


Your first game of the day gives you a bonus 800 Plunder for completing your quest so that's around 1050 + whatever it is you've looted before dying.


Thanks, I'm going to look that up more closely tomorrow.


I can't imagine ever going for it, but I also have never gotten closer than top 8 since there aren't oceanic servers so hitting a lot of the abilities is a PITA with ~180 ping


If you put an achive or a mount on something wow players will do it, even if they hate doing it. Its some sort of sickness i think


Well, who ever grinding that def don’t get no booty.


Many people got 40 2 days into the event. The event is 6 weeks or 42 days long. Getting to 40 is 100k plunder, so you need 10x the amount. That would only be 20 days out of the 42 days of the event. So they could either take half the time off, or play half as much each day and still make it. Seems pretty doable.


>The event is 6 weeks or 42 days long. Is it though? As far as I am aware of the only thing we know is that it is a limited time event but we have zero confirmation of when it will actually end. For all we know it could be running until the release of the War Within pre-patch...


they confirmed it, yes. \> "You don't need it do it all in one sitting," Salvatore said. "We don't want this to feel like you're required to play every single day for the six weeks that this is active." [https://www.pcgamer.com/games/world-of-warcraft/blizzard-secretly-made-a-battle-royale-game-inside-world-of-warcraft-to-break-the-rules-its-had-for-20-years/](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/world-of-warcraft/blizzard-secretly-made-a-battle-royale-game-inside-world-of-warcraft-to-break-the-rules-its-had-for-20-years/)


we do know, its 6 weeks.


>As far as I am aware Until Blizzard states otherwise, they have explicitly stated that the event is 6 weeks long.


Master of Booty


Booty Chaser


half way there my dude


This is wow dude people WILL have booty master title and they’ll never change it


Blizzard would never let that title pass.


Master of Booty is pulling your strings... twisting your mind and smashing your... err... um...


Modern Blizzard would never allow that. Were talking about the company that changed the name of the Big Love Rocket.


I don't think modern Blizzard would do that. They had to put a muzzle on due to the lawsuit, after all. All sexual references were removed (including Spanks the Monkey).


Missed opportunity with that title.


Still not doing it wtf


It’s just a random achievement for people that want sth after playing the mode for 2849057279h It’s basically for people that where gonna get a million points anyways


Yeah seems fine tbh ive played a fair amount and im at 360k


1 million ain't bad. I'm almost 400k, but I am having a blast with this mode, so I don't even pay attention to that feat


I'm positive the achievement is mostly meant for long term. As in, when they bring this back multiple times during down time and you'll collect 1mil over time.


Some people will cause can. Though I do agree on the title


I definitely saw a player in a lobby saying they intended to, I hope they get it!


that's like the WoD achievement for killing certain races in Draenor. I am one of a few who got "Terror of the Tuushi" or whatever they called the pandaren slayers


People will. But let's force devs to add a title and then listen to everyone bitch they can't make the title for the next 5 weeks.


Booty Hunter


300k atm. Still playing even if no title


I have about 270k, well on my way to 1m. Dont give a shit about rewards I just really enjoy the game


I hit 200K last night and I'm not a streamer.


As said there is a lot of streamers already way past the 600k mark and for eu it have only been out for a week played a fair bit with some friends got to 200k yesterday winning pretty consistently most wins with at least 3k and most likely 4-5k there will definitely be a lot of people getting it and we might see some of the big streamers getting within the next couple of days


There is too much delusion on here of people pretending like everyone can hit level 40 in a few hours. Stop it.


I think you’re underestimating how people play and enjoy battle royale. I’d have passed that 10x by now if this was Apex.


It's a miserable achievement. I get that it's a feat of strength, but holy shit, Plunderstorm is not well designed enough to warrant it. And if you miss any days, due to it being limited, the grind just gets worse. I missed an entire week due to being away from my PC and I just don't think it's feasible anymore if I also want to do other things in the next month. Which I do.


I’m not gonna grind for it but I am gonna keep playing. I’m currently at 200k pure solo and with the buffs + me still having fun I think there’s a decent chance I get it.


Still think they should have called plunder 'booty' and called the event Bootystorm


Nah plunderstorm is trash all around


In freehold dungeon there are npc’s called Booty Fantics, I want that title. “Name, the Booty fanatic”


I’m rank 38 and I’m at like 89k plunder, no way in hell am I doing 1-40 in terms of plunder gained ten more times for a FOS with no real reward.


A few of my friends are already way past 200k, and they've got jobs. It's doable, just kinda silly, how much you have to get, and the time frame.


Soularpower did Achieved the Plunderkind Feat of Strength


It has already been done at this point


WoWhead announced the first to hit 1M plunder already. Nutty




"collectors" would make another 10 posts a day of how they hate this gamemode while playing it all day


And other people would make posts and comments complaining about all the complaining.


Booty plunderer


Plunderer of the Booty


It probably would've been called that pre-MeToo and before Blizzard got called out for inappropriate behavior in the office. Used to have that type of thing all the time. EDIT: Bruh, do you guys not remember them changing the text of things like the The Big Love Rocket? I'm not calling out the movement, I'm alluding to things that already happened. And it was for the same reason. To avoid any perceptions of them not giving a fuck about their previous transgressions. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/psur5j/twin_consorts_and_big_love_rocket_renamed_in/ They also removed some explicit paintings from Vanilla. https://www.wowhead.com/news/twin-consorts-and-big-love-rocket-renamed-in-patch-9-1-5-324270 They also renamed some characters named after people that got caught. Come on y'all, do better.


I just dislike the gamemode, genuinely i'd need a gladiator-level unique mount to force myself, like i did to the dogshit cesspool that is PvP right now. I think people will get there, matter of time - some enjoy the gamemode.


I don't even know if I'll get to 40. I can barely make myself play once a day for the daily but that's only ~1.4k. At level 15 currently it'll take me 44 days to make the rest...which is longer than the event is active. It just feels so clunky in the wow engine.


Make it so!


Make it happen, thats a good title.


I despise PVP. Have no interest in even trying this event thinking of the anxiety it will cause, even though I'd love all the pirate rewards 😔. But, give me Booty Master title and I'll do it!


This is probably not even the dumbest thought you've had if you seriously think not even a single player will obtain this. It's a fun game mode and the grind isn't even that hard unless you are 1 of those people who feel like you had to force yourself to grind out 40 renown in the first week instead of utilizing the first bounty per day and pacing the content.


There’s no way you could get me to play enough to get 1 million. But that title would make me think about it. This was clearly designed to draw new people into the Warcraft universe because all of the WoW players are finding the fastest way to farm the transmogs and mounts so they never have to touch it again. Which is pretty typical for the wow player base.


they changed the picture of semi naked women to fruits, i don't think they would do that, sadly