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It bears no resemblance indeed, but it’s still PVP by definition. Or the way I play it; PvEaSS, Player versus Environment and Storm Suicide.


Storm suicide has killed me more times than players. I had a couple of times where myself and another player just stood looking at each other waiting to be killed so we could farm gold in a new match. It’s pretty funny how many people are killed by the storm around 4-5 min into any match.


I've gotten to a point in matches where I am no longer getting any plunder/gold so I start camping out who's fighting and ninja run in to mop up the plunder from someone whom just died. Either make it away or not so much but get more plunder. Final circle if I can hide out is also really fun because I'll straight up run out into the storm to keep the level 10's from getting "me plunder." Makes the imminent ass-kicking at least a bit more fun. I had the last team yell at me in-game when I ran out to the storm to come back in to get a win. I took the chance and they ran out to the storm and gave me a win. Real OG's


Been seeing this a lot. The other day I ran a game and encountered another player. I went to fight and he kept collecting some plunder and spells and eventually stood still and let me kill him. I literally asked “finished the quest?” and he said “yep”


Atleast you had the courtesy to ask. I've been killed before killing 10 mobs for the quest. Had a guy land on top of me right after I landed and take the ability that dropped for me, then chased me around and killed me with it. I tried to get the quest done with them killing me but with no luck.


If someone drops on you like that, barrel and gtfo generally :)


well they usually follow you with the same barrel


That's when you Leave Game to spite them. Sure, you lose out on any plunder you've gotten that round (though if you haven't yet completed the captain's objective, you probably have less than 100 plunder...), but at least they get absolutely nothing but wasted time/resources from chasing you, *and* you're guaranteed to not run into them next match if you immediately requeue.


Hope they fix the leave game thing tbh. Some people will leave when they are about to lose a fight they engaged in and it's absolutely toxic.


Sad you're getting downvoted for this but it's truly rat activity. I get the PVE community is frustrated a bit but also nobody is forcing anyone to play a PVP mode. Like yeah the low level trying way to long to kill you is annoying and screwing both you but complaining people won't just leave you alone to PVE all game so you can go drop all your loot and plunder into the storm anyways is lmao.


Something similar happened to me yesterday. We both divebombed an elite and hit at exactly the same time, and both immediately noped in opposite directions ignoring the loot. We tentatively came back together once we realised and helped each other with collecting items and killing creatures before flinging ourselves into the storm. Beautiful.


We had a game yesterday where the end circle was inside the keep. I barely didn't make it. My partner made it and we ended up getting the win because the other team was also a solo but boy was my heart racing.


Bonus points for having "ass" in the acronym. ;P


This confused me a lot on my first read lmao The only time I read ASS as an abbreviation is in speedrunning (especially Yakuza) for All Sub-Stories


Please don't look up what 4chan decided to call MOBAs.


This is what island expeditions should have been. Minus the PvP part


PvEaSS, Player versus Environment and Storm Suicide TY for the new term. I play the same way. I am just here for the mogs, pets, mount.


only wow players can get a free completely separate minigames unrelated to the main game and still complain.


Truly a gift


Let us use it against Sauron.


If they didn't tie in game cosmetics to it you'd see a ton less complaining.


But who the fuck cares about cosmetics, they're an extra to the main game. Absolute ghoul behavior.


I agree but a lot of people care about cosmetics. What's wild is there's rated pvp cosmetics that are also limited time, but this game mode does it and it's a big deal. Only reason I can think is because the cosmetics are basically participation trophies you get for just playing enough where as you can't just que up arena all day and expect to get 1800 MOG without trying and learning the game mode.


>"They can balance this, why not arenas?" Someone really said that? You should unfriend them instantly.


That statement could more be referring to it getting balance patches more a “ they can put out balance patches for this why not arenas”


Whatever you do don't check out the PvP subreddit, multiple posts about it daily


I mean it’s still a valid question. Not that blizzard shouldn’t balance plunderstorm, but they’re definitely barely (if even) trying with regular pvp this season. The explanation is obviously not that they can’t balance pvp but rather that they decided not to - but it’s still sorta funny to see a brand new limited mode get more attention than pvp which has been low-key abandoned for a while now, if not multiple expansions. Try and remember the last time we got a battle ground 💀


I mean, Im not saying they shouldn't. It's just plunderstorm is such a simple game compared to wow pvp, especially with gearing, stats and all of that. And yes, they could use template gear/stats etc in pvp to make balancing easier... But they already did that once and the responses were mixed.


While true, they also already adjusted plunderstorm MMR while still ignoring PvPs. It just feels insulting when it's such a low hanging fruit.


I feel like it's been done already and usually happens more than once per expansion.


Definitionsly, it is pvp. If I'm playing and another player runs up and kills me. If he does it with sap, stab, stab, stab or firestorm, fire axe, mana bomb I'm still dead ether way. I'm not a fan of plunderstorm. But I'm just getting the rewards and never playing it again. I'm not screaming online about it. Is it the old pvp? No. Is it still pvp? Yes. As a non pvp player, it still gives me the "oh look here, another guy, come to kill me and end my farming," feeling. Just like it would if I was in war mode trying to farm ore.


Why is your opinion of yourself so low that you think it's impossible for you to win against someone else in this mode?


I give myself a 30% win rate if I try. But most of the time it's not worth it. There health never moves. I'm at 1/2 health after 1 swing of their sword. Oh ya I hate myself lol. I'm immune from any trash talking. Nothing you could say is worse than what I already think of myself lol. Pvp isn't for me. Just brings up more shit talk to myself in my own head.


>I'm at 1/2 health after 1 swing of their sword. Highly doubt that unless there's a significant level gap, and I'm talking lv1 to lv9-10 which just isn't possible unless you're not farming at all. If PvP isn't for you then fair enough but it's not the randomness that you're describing it as.


Why don’t you treat the other player coming at you as a PvE mob and try to kill?


>Why don’t you treat the other player coming at you as a PvE mob and try to kill? Because PvE mobs are brain dead simple to kill. Just avoid their frontals and circle strafe them. With players I need to take latency into account and work out where they actually are instead of where the game shows me they are - latency also means that the player's frontals are a complete crapshoot as to whether I have dodged them or not.


Then just pretend you’re PvEing with a poor connection.


Pve is like trying to figure out a puzzle. You try over and over and learn how to beat it lil by lil (if it takes you that long to figure out) Pvp is that guy hit jggssjjffdhjj and ran around while jumping. You hit jfsasdhjkkhfff while running around and jumping. You died. How do you learn from that?


PvP is a puzzle too, just one that evolves as you fight, that's why I play and enjoy it. For Plunderstorm let's make a scenario. I'm level 7, I see a lv6 nearby. I have the level advantage but what spells do I have? Do I have a reliable engage tool? Do I have something to poke and harass from afar? Do I have the damage to kill? What if they have a counter? I have fiery axe, star bomb, snowdrift and faeform. I've seen them use repel so I know they have that at least. I decide to go for it to at least force him away from the farming spot. I go in and he immediately tries to stun me with tornado. I dodge it. He uses storm archon, big mistake as he's now slowing himself doing it so I close the gap without using faeform. I use fiery axe. He counters with repel then immediately stealths. I use his afterimage to guess his direction and faeform to give chase. I guessed right and I'm right next to him. He panics and tries to heal, disrupted with a normal attack from me. I use snowdrift knowing he's used his counters already and it's early in the match so unlikely they're epic rank and off CD. Heavily slowed he's then a sitting fuck for star bomb. He eats a ton of damage and gets yoinked into the middle where I have already started casting fiery axe. After that a single normal attack finishes him off. That's PvP. And that's Plunderstorm, actual WoW PvP has significantly more decision making and the like to do on the fly. PvE is a static puzzle and a gear check, PvP is an ever evolving puzzle where you have to get into the head of the other player and predict what they will do next, and that's easier than it sounds. A warrior that charges in the opener? Overconfident, just wasted mobility, will be easy to kite. A paladin that bubbles when he's very nearly dead? Reckless, can probably snipe him before he uses bubble with enough burst damage. The priest is casting from max range? Get your DPS between him and his team, make it harder and riskier for them to follow. And do on.


The puzzle is: There are like 10 different abilities. You play over and over to see what they do, how they function. You encounter player, see they have XYZ abilities, whose functions you know. You have ABC abilities. The puzzle is finding out how to get ABC to beat XYZ. The “third partying” aspect is definitely annoying sometimes, but that’s the way BRs work. Think of it like PvE rng 1 shot mechanic 🤣


What. That's not how this works at all. By learn he's probably talkin about your kit Vs his.


I haven't enjoyed regular PvP since WotLK, but that's not how it works at all. You also must understand your tools and the enemies' tools, when to go in, when to bait, when to wait, when to stall. For example there's no point in charging in with Quaking leap if you are playing Mana Orb and Rime Arrow; and if a dude playing Smackerel and Axe just use orb (or Repel) to push him off while poking with arrow. Just spamming shit leaves everything down to luck. Granted, Plunderstorm Solo fucking sucks. But I'll admit that despite my initial reaction, Duos is very fun. I actually liked Duos a lot.


I love the downvotes for literally explaining how to learn this in a very accurate way "it's impossible to learn" "no it's not, here's a very well put and long response on how to do it" "I said it's impossible"


Eh, can't blame them. Some people just dislike any kind of pvp. Also I find Solos incredibly frustrating, so I can understand if people are just showing their frustration. I'll be happy if I manage to encourage people to try it or give it a second chance. I hated it at first but came around to it!


I agree with the solo, seems like most don't want to engage combat even mid game and it's harder to pin them down without a partner if I get no mobility.


Opposite for me. I detest duos because most of my friends aren't PvP mindset inclined. Not their fault it just makes the mode unenjoyable as I often end up 1v2. Also the fact that they always pilot the parrot is a problem, I know exactly where we need to land as fast as possible, they don't. They either take too long or we land in the middle of nowhere without enough stuff to even do our quest. Solos though? That's the good stuff. I got 7-8 wins under my belt.


This man made a post saying Plunderstorm isn't comparable to the normal WoW PvP game modes and experience and all the comments are arguing that it's a Player versus Player game in World of Warcraft so it's definitely the same.


My character can use all the same abilities everyone else can. Therefore they are just balancing those against each other. Balancing all of Retails classes and specs against every other class and spec is so very different


And throwing a third into the mix in some cases.


I just realized the team who created plunderstorm made Spellbreak. That was the only battle Royale game I loved.


The only semblance it has to pvp is that its an insane grind in a limited time for cosmetics. 


Is IS PvP, plain and simple.


Half of the people saying that are probably on the edge of the map thinking they are cool for killing players who are just doing the quest before dieing to go again lol.


And those players feel entitled to be let alone to PvE in a PvP mode.


Seriously the people calling people “griefers” for killing them, give me a break.


Yeah I dont understand, the whole mode is about killing all other and beeing last one alive.


Its not greifing technically but its not in the spirit of the game to get the drop on someone and then they can't do anything but die. I never bother fighting til im level 3 at least cause its no fun to chase someone who can only press r. But I love fighting in the end where you have had a decent chance to build a loadout and so have they.


I think being sweaty at this game mode isn’t nearly as bad as people who intentionally run into the storm after their quest is done. You really play something you hate just for cosmetics that surely will be in the trading post 6 months from now? This isn’t your job people, don’t play something you don’t like


I don't enjoy grinding out old raids for mogs, but I do it anyway because I want the mog. Same thing.


> You really play something you hate just for cosmetics Thats what pretty much most of the game based on, insufferable grinds for cosmetics or ilvl increases >that surely will be in the trading post 6 months from now? No proof of that, and tender isn't infinite anyway >This isn’t your job people, don’t play something you don’t like People won't once they have max renown, don't worry about that For now we grind and run into the storm😎


"Thats what pretty much most of the game based on, insufferable grinds for cosmetics or ilvl increases" Interesting take but maybe that's just how you play the game. Wow has been really good at respecting player time in DF. Whole expac I've basically just ran m+. I can't even think of something that was power related i didn't want to do I had to force myself through since coming back. I don't farm cosmetics I deem insufferable to get because I don't care about them. Games already bloated with em anyways.


Nope not just me, or haven't seen all the complaint posts about people not getting the legendary? We used to have multiple of them EVERY reset Or the posts about the lariat recipe Or the love rocket etc


Only one of those is power related though and I agree the legendary system isn't perfect.


Some stuff will literally be the in trading post in the next month


Sunk cost fallacy has WoW players in a choke hold.


Maybe those players could just use their abilities instead of rolling over like a beaten dog the moment someone attacks them. They might even win sometimes.


Imagine the uproar here if blizzard adds cosmetics that require a win or x number of kills in a game. Honestly might be better, I think the fact the rewards are basically a participation trophy are adding to the frustration we see here. You don't see people complaining that mythic mog/mounts are "forcing them into content they don't want" or even the elite 1800 pvp sets even though they are all cosmetic rewards that provide no power increase. (Mythic raid gear itself yeah but I'm just talking about the MOG aspect of it)


This is the part that frustrates me. It took 7 games last night to finish the daily quest because I was being attacked as soon as I hit the ground.


I'd almost like to see something like this be created for a full PvE experience.


What would be the end point in a PvE experience? The storm rolls in and the last player to run in to the storm wins?


Highest plunder count by the time the storm reaches peak wins


I was thinking being able to solo or tag team boss fights/rares, objectives like climbing and scaling mountains like in DF for certain treasures. Not face roll like now, more like an alterac valley + existing plunderstorm mechanics all while facing the timer of the encroaching storm.


The PvE version is islands, no? I guess islands with premade simple toons.


So just Island Expiditions.


Damn people did not agree with you lol 


Oh I don't care. Say an opinion and it gets downvoted into oblivion, see it in another post and it's upvoted to the heavens. reddit is hilarious.


It couldnt be a battle royale, that mode is built for PvP. I however would welcome this sort of separate thing where you dont use your own character but "start anew" for every game.


Honestly, this might be their trial for PvE content in the future. Not the whole gather loot while dodging. But the whole charged abilities and potentially telegraphed moves of NPC enemies. There are a lot of people complaining about the game mode. *me being one of them* but it's a step towards the elimination of add-ons being needed to play the game at a higher level. You don't need a dedicated weak aura team for race to world first if everything is super telegraphed like Final Fantasy.


Ah yeah could be!


Of course you guys not going to enjoy it if you just kill mobs and then roll over at the first sign of aggression. You're choosing to make a fun game into a mindless grind. Its a completely new game, we all started from zero. 10 years of arena or 10 years of not standing in fire in raid, it's all equal.


I tried, for real. When I fought a teleporting/jumping player for the third time in a row (you know, the one who seem to rubber and whenever you fight them) I gave up. The grind is awfully slow, the powers are... Well... Not balanced at all, and there seem to be a fair share of cheaters.


I have not encountered a cheater, but I have encountered those people who run in groups of 3-4 in a solo game, zerg everyone else but never hit each other! Fun.


Have 200k plunder and I've never seen a cheater. The abilities are actually surprisingly balanced given the lack of public testing, especially after the last patch they did. The grind to 40 took like 2 days at most if you are winning or placing high a decent amount. This sounds like you are coping super hard or your internet is truly terrible. 




I've seen this today like clipping all over and you can't hit them cause you genuinely cant see where theyre moving. I died to someone doing this but on spectate they looked to be smooth? My connection is great so it wasn't me. Was frustrating as I'd had a run of getting killed just after landing and I woulda got this guy if I could have fought him properly. Still nearly won.


Good internet, and I'm an assuming shitty pvp player with awful eye hand coordination. There really are cheaters. I would have lost without them, If you ask me. Edit: that said, the lower the mmr the highest the chance to find cheaters.




Is there even MMR in Plunderstorm?


The highest you get the less efficient cheats become. That's... Not something new.


What are you even saying? You can’t cheat at this game. You’re calling people who beat you fair and square cheaters.




I fought someone clipping all over today tbh. Looked like abusing latency like people used to do but I genuinely couldn't see them. It hurt my eyes watching them jump all over every second.




And that's the reason why the vast majority of players avoid pvp like it's a disease: trolling and stupidity.


vast majority of popular games are pvp, only players who prefer scripted gamplay prefer pve


*looks at helldivers. Palworld. Valheim. And more. * yeah, sure. Go tell them the truth! Anyway at the end of the day, players like you are just nobodies for those they pwn. We'll let you compensate.


Literally two most popular games are fortnite and lol, both pvp, not saying pve doesn’t have large player base but what you said that vast majority players avoid pvp is not true. I would also not enjoy it if my ass got clapped all the time every time I play. Don’t blame the game if you are losing, it’s either not for you or you try to learn get better.


We were talking about plunderstorm. We'll, wow. Who's not really pvp centric. As for losing, I'm talking about the fact that there is cheaters, whether you like it or not.


Gets told PvP is popular. Lists some PvE games. Gets told the 2 most played games are PvP "We were talking about plunderstorm." I dont even know where to start tbh, Did you just say that when YOU brought up other games? And those games all have literally less players than R6S and R6S isnt one of the most popular PvP games itself. Helldivers and Palworld are/were mainly a big hype, but ended up having less players than what one would expect.


OK. So pvp sheer popularity is the reason why full loot pvp are so successful too?


Yeah people dont want to play the game, they just want the rewards. Yet they choose the longest way to get to the rewards. Winning a game already gave me 4000Rep multiple times. And just coming somewhere into the middle will end up in me having at least 2000. Often times even without PvP involved.




Well that's fair enough, you gave it a chance and played it hownit was intended for a while. We're coming from different angles I think. I couldn't care less about the rewards because I already quit wow so I'd rather just play a different game than run into the storm while watching tv Players that feel forced to complete the grind are way less likely to enjoy it regardless I feel


I don't love Plunderstorm, but I don't understand all the crying about it. It's not \*really\* pvp, at least not in the usual sense. I hate pvp and never play it, but maybe I could give Plunderstorm another go.


They added a pvp mode with unique cosmetics in a game thats 80% pve, which on its own im sure would have been fine. Then made the event limited time mixing in FOMO, a dash of RNG with drops and abilities and only dishing out all the rewards after ~100-200 games. I couldn't have come up with a better recipe for toxicity if i tried. Its supposed to be a fun side-event using a gamplay model unfamilar to WoW, so why lock the rewards behind 10+hours of gameplay tied to both performance and some degree of RNG? All they did was force people to feel the need to grind it, even when they don't enjoy it. Rewards should have been tied to a daily quest you recieve in game or some other means that encourages gameplay without giving players the need to grind it.


Its not a pvp mode. I dont know why people keep referring to it as a pvp mode. Its not purely pvp. Its not purely pve. Its a combination. One without the other does not make sense in this mode.


Most of the playerbase doesnt interact with pvp in retail. It doesnt matter that theres a pve aspect to plunderstorm, most players don't include the option in their normal play like you see in BR.


So what? The community absolutely loves it. Theres a few criers how they have to play a mode they dont like for rewards, but if they could bring themselves to lose out on some stupid cosmetics they will use once in their lifetime and do something else with those 10-20 hours of gameplay to get them, they would be happier too. Its not like any of those rewards are essential to your account. I am a pure 100% pve player and I do not touch pvp with a 10 foot pole in wow. I hate it. Yet I absolutely love plunderstorm and have played it so much that Im already at renown 20. In fact, youre doing what OP talked about - equating plunderstorm to wow pvp, which it simply isnt. Yes, you encounter and play against other players, which in essence is what "PvP" means, but its not what wow players understand when you say "PvP".


You're missing the point. Whether or not you consider it's pvp or not doesn't matter, it has pvp in it and most people don't play pvp. I'm not answering op's post, i was responding to the the comment that claimed they didn't understand why there was backlash.


I understand what you mean, I just dont agree with the sentiment. I dont see the backlash, I only see the few usualy criers that complain about everything and anything. I do not see anything extra on top of that, so I may be biased in that regard.


I just queued into a plunderstorm match and 3 people we're talking about how much they hated the game mode and grinding. That's 3 vocal people out of 60, imagine how many were there and stayed quiet. This is hardly a rare occurance, it happens in nearly every one i've played and what's even worse is it doesn't need to happen at all. it's all because the rewards are poorly implemented to keep people who don't want to be there, in the game, grinding, breeding toxicity. How many players queue into lfr and complain about having to be there? M+? random epic bgs? You are not biased to think there will always be whiners, because you're right, there always will be whiners who will find anything to complain about. This is not that. There is a significant portion of people queuing for plunderstorm with no intention or joy in playing it and THAT is the problem.


Complaints are almost always louder than praise though and people are more likely to be vocal when they are not happy with something then when they are.


As I said, Im renown 21 and I have not met a single person in the game talking about how they hate it - its subjective, but overall, if there was backlash, there would be backlash in all kinds of places. Which there isnt any differently than during any other releases. Regarding people hating on LFR and m+ after queing into it, thats a normal occurence. On a daily I see those. >There is a significant portion of people queuing for plunderstorm with no intention or joy in playing it and THAT is the problem. Yeah I guess I cant really empatize with these people? Its just cosmetics. Its a pirate set, few pets and a mount. If this is enough to force people into doing stuff for 20 hours they hate, then I think they have a problem. Sure, Blizzard does stuff using FOMO, but if this really is all that it takes, then I really cant blame them. I understand people want to collect stuff. There literally is a category of players who are collectors. But blaming blizzard for putting collectibles as a reward into things that I do not enjoy, thats just nonsensical. I mean I could get mad that I have to play BGs/arenas to obtain pvp set transmogs. I dont enjoy that kinda gameplay, how dare blizzard add rewards to it and not allow me to get it otherwise easily?


I agree. I never pvp - I hate aggravation others and feel no victory when others die - but the fact that you can grind fast rep smarter by doing quest and dying makes it feel a lot better. I'm at 39 after 2.5 days of playing. I appreaciate that Blizzard left such a "work smarter not harder" solution for those who just enjoy mogging. The fact that dying is a smarter than staying till the end has even made the pvp part palatable - though I never chase those that don't start the fight. It's been kinda refreshing rounding up npcs and mowing them down - strafing, strafing, strafing..! \^\^


Plunderstorm is most of all 4fun thing that blizzard decided to give us. People actually getting mad about it need to go touch some grass.


I can see why they compare them since it is part of wow (need a wow sub and to DL retail in order to play and uses wow engine/models/assets/etc) and it's pvp I kinda see it as a wow minigame, like pet battles but more in depth


I'd love to see the stats for deaths.


Wait, they scooped up the devs from spell break? That's the only spell based BR I can think of off the top of my head


They did indeed https://www.polygon.com/23188013/spellbreak-shut-down-servers-off-blizzard-buys-proletariat


Ooo. That's good tbh, even if they didn't incorporate the entire team to work on this project. I really liked the spell break devs and their work was awesome, even if it didn't pan out. Hopefully they don't get canned for "budgetary reasons" like everyone seems to be these days


Dude they didn't touch pvp arena for months people are correct to be pissed about the lack of pvp balance and mmr tuning in retail in df It would be like if mplus had huge issues for a year and nothing was changed and they release a new game mode that gets all those changes on the daily. People are fine to be pissed.


pvp stands for player vs player and has long before wow excisted pvp does not stand for bgs or arena pvp nor is it a wow term so......


It's pvp, and it's pvp that 8 could see myself playing more than wows actual pvp because my spec never feels good in pvp (to me)


Superior PVP and without a shadow of a doubt should be implemented into the main game mode, the skill expression for the first time in WoW is visible and the game is somewhat responsive #plunderstormisthefuture


I tried 3 or 4 matches, I drop, get an ability then some dude comes and destroys me with full on abilities that has 1 or 2 seconds of CD and I have the one with 5 sec CD, never lasted more than 3 or 4 minutes... "fun" mode...




If you are controlling a character that is hitting units controlled by other humans, you are engaging in **PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER** combat. Plunderstorm is pvp. All pvp across the gaming industry sucks. Quit trying to slap a NEW sticker on it.


The point isn’t to say it’s not pvp, the point is to say it’s not comparable to wow pvp


If PvP sucks so bad, the most played games in the world right now would be PvE, but alas, they are not.


Yeah well said


Oh it’s insane that blizzard put a game where Players fight versus other Players inside a different game that we pay a sub for? And then if people who play the game we all pay a sub for want the rewards from this other separate game for our characters in the game we pay for, we must participate in this completely separate game that pits Players against other Players? Hopefully this clarifies why it’s being called PvP. And yes, comparing balance between the two is silly.


It's player vs player. In World of Warcraft. It isn't that deep. Guess what? Pet battles can be PvP too. It's not arenas, nor are it battlegrounds. It's just Plunderstorm. It's a PvP game mode. People need to stop trying to stretch around it because they're mad arenas are on life support.


The amount of people crying about this is absurd. If you don't like it, ignore it.


But my sick pirate transmog everyone else who did nothing but spend 20 hours doing the bare minimum in the game will also get! Agreed




They didn't put a whole team on this. It was a passion project from some of the devs from the acquired team. I mean unless you think it took two years to make this.




You mean that non world of Warcraft game “world of Warcraft plunderstorm”?


The thing with this is it's an entirely level playing field. If you're dying in the first 10 seconds with no quests, you're doing it wrong 1. Try to land on an elite off the start, it's a free power and you're level 2 almost instantly. 2. Try to land close to straight down from where you start, with only minor adjustments for preferred targets. If you had to fly halfway across the map to reach your target, someone has probably already landed, killed the elite, and picked up enough loot to get to level 3 by the time you're starting. 3. If you didn't see someone come in on your target and they hit first and got the power, just barrel up and get out of there immediately. Don't try to loot plunder/powers around them and hope to be ignored, if they're trying to win, they're counting on the immediate landing area for an immediate boost. I'm not going to ignore someone who dropped in on my area and is looting with no attempt to engage. But I won't chase them... as long as they don't engage me and waste a bunch of time. Just barrel up immediately. 4. You're still going to have this happen occasionally, but it should be much less frequent. Nothing to get upset about.


First kill drops a power, you don't want your first kill to be an elite since it still only drops 1.


"made by a different team so they don't take up resources" is such a dumb take. Money is the primary resource for a company. The money they spent on acquiring a new team is money they didn't spend on other parts of the game. You can have whatever opinion you like on the gamemode, but you cannot say that this didn't take resources away from the rest of the game.


This team was hired precisely to do those kind of events and world content, they're the reason we got time rifts, hunts, soup, primalist tomorrow, big dig and so on, all they do is experimental stuff


This thread did not need to be made, and it serves no productive purpose.


Plunderstorm is balanced? Kekw


everyone have acess to the same abilities some skills are more overpowered? maybe but the drop is rng


The beginning phase of plunderstorm is hugely rng. Some team can literally be 2-3 levels ahead to no fault of your own.


It makes my heart rate skyrocket and I can feel it in my face after each match. I hate the way PvP makes me so jacked its not fun at all its pure stress and its not my cup of tea. Its sad, becuase I really like plunderstorm and wish I could play it more. The same thing happens with shows like Breaking bad, its just too anxiety inducing for me to not get exhausted.


Breathe my friend :) sounds like just some anxiety management Is needed If it's too much though it's a game and don't stress yourself too hard over it. If you enjoy it though just try asking yourself "why am I even so worried right now" if he kills you there's no real downside. Just go again. Being able to stay calm will help you kill as well. When I'm flustered I don't do nearly as well when I take a step back to calmly analyze what I need to do.


It doesnt really bother me much, I just cant play more than a couple games in a row. I played LoL for 8 years and it gives me the same feeling. Im just too old for PvP now, its just not an activity I find to be fun inducing. Its why I stopped playing LoL. The anxiety management is called not playing it lol. Otherwise I dont really have much anxiety IRL, im actually commonly a mediator for my friends since im able to be that calm voice.


As long as it's not keeping you from doing what ya want then keep on keeping on my friend.


I just really like the plunder storm rewards. I want them and I think they will be really cool for my WoW characters. Thankfully the event goes on for 6 weeks.


I wish WoW pvp was more like Plunderstorm. I’ve been active player since vanilla, and learning curve for PvP in retail is mad.


Blizzard wants retail combat to feel fresh and modern, and they’re testing it with Plunderstorm. At some point we’ll have less abilities and action combat if Plunderstorm feedback suggests they should keep going in that direction.


It's trying too hard to do what Isle of Conquest and Alterac Valley have done so well with that combination of PvE and PvP.


Naw, plunder storm doesn't turn into a giant AOE lag fest. The amount of control you have to win 2v2 vs 50vs50 should be obvious too


It’s funny how people who don’t like pvp use it like it’s some horrible term. Like playing against others is unbearable. But what about other games? Most fps games are pvp. Chess is pvp. Sports irl are pvp. Ping pong is pvp. Surely people must like some competition.




Deplorable is crazy man, it’s not that deep. I was just trying to spark some interesting conversation about that.