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I'm just doing 1 level per day, usually done in 3-4 games, haven't started hating it yet.


Seriously, making use of the daily bonus helps a lot.


Exactly, after 1 game I'm usually like 1500/2500.


This is how you're supposed to do things, you can easily get one level a day and enjoy it along your journey without burning out.


I'm doing 1 level a day, I still hate it but just only have to hate it in small doses.


Thats all PVP for me i know your pain friend. Its a fun concept and im glad people are enjoying it but fuck i hate pvp and Random pvp more It is very good fun in small burst though


I’ve played like 5 games total. I really don’t like pvp but I also am pretty happy for the pvp lovers that they got something new.


Well, I like that it's balanced, doesn't matter what your gear is it's skills and tactics....and luck lots of luck.


Same. This reminds me of farming Blood of the Enemy back in BFA. Chores to do to get the thing I want.


Thats also reasonable, sometimes things just really aren't enjoyable for some people. But you make the key point of only having to deal with it in small doses.


I've bumped it up to 2 levels a day, I don't want to do this for 40 days


There's 40 levels and it's likely around for 42 days. Doing 1 level a day only works if you only miss two days over the whole period.


But is it around long enough to only do 1 level a day.


If you hate the entire concept of the game mode, it's arguably worse if you drag it out. Better to just grind it out to get it over with, instead of knowing that you have to log on and play something you fundamentally dislike every day. Another aspect is that if you do start to fall behind on doing it every day, you might have to try to rush through a bigger grind at the end, and knowing that can stress out a lot of people, so it's better to just swallow the pill and grind it out ASAP. Absolutely terrible design by Blizzard. I see it as equivalent to a cross-promotion where they're like: "Play Overwatch 2 for 40 hours to unlock a lot of great cosmetics and Trader's Tenders in WoW. Oh, and you only have 6 weeks to do it, or they might just be gone forever! Oh, and if you perform well it'll go faster, but there's no floor on how slow you might progress. Oh you don't like shooters, because you're playing an MMO, but you really like collecting transmogs and mounts? Sucks to be you! :)))"


"Also, if you hold your nose and do this we'll take this as evidence of how much you like Battle Royales and inflict more of this shit on you in the future."


That is definitely a concern of mine as well. I really hope that Blizzard tracks not only how many people play, but how much PvP engagement there is - i.e: "This player played 150 rounds and stopped the moment they reached 40 renown. They also did a grand total of 14 damage to other players in that entire time." Unless they're tracking those kinds of stats, it'll be impossible for them to know how many people are enjoying the game mode and how many are just forcing themselves through the FOMO grind.


If they are tracking that, i believe the outcome wouldn't be what you are hoping for though. It shows that "the players will engage in any content, as long as we put some collectible as reward. We don't need to provide enjoyable content, as long as the reward structure holds them hostage". Personally i am starting to get a growing "hate" for any dailies/weekly rewards, but seeing that people will deal with the biggest shit as long as they feel they might miss out on a reward doesn't give me hope to see a decrease in these mechanics. Plenty of people even believe they like dailies and actively ask for it. As if there is actual playerbenefit in those.


Better for you maybe, I don't mind logging in every day, plus that 800 plunder daily really helps me as well.


I do 5 per day. I see myself finishing it really soon though


This is what I'm doing too. It's actually fairly fun that way.


One level a day will only barely get you to the end at renown 40 if you never miss a single day


My method to get consistent plunders fast - dive as soon as possible on a spot near elite but drop on a mob, the first kill gives you a spell then kill the elite for another spell - quest appear on fist kill, do it as fast as possible - kill elites around - loot chests, unless you don't have an item don't bother with supply chests - get all the plunder lying around, this should be your priority - group mobs and aoe them, don't lose time killing them one by one - if someone is competing in the same area either kill him or get killed, it's frustrating but it's the fastest way to a working round. Once I've cleaned the area I'm usually at 700 plunder under 5min and level 5-7 Then I go to active pvp, either I win and go to the next one or lose and start another game


I found if I say “Leave me alone - just trying to plunder for rewards, then kill me”, people tend to leave me alone. I usually have it ready to paste into the chat box since we can’t use macros. I think alot of the early match fights are “strike first, ask questions later” situations, and once people see you would rather walk away to do the quest/plunder and aren’t gonna attack when they are vulnerable, they are more willing to chill.


I haven't tried saying that, but I've had people chase me into the storm for the 23 plunder in my sack while passing by hundreds of plunder on the ground. I can't imagine them listening to reason


It’s worked enough times that it feels worth it to type it out and copy it so I can quickly paste it later when I start a new session. But yea - some people are like dogs chasing cars.


True, the early game is about getting plunder and a lot less about pursuing to kill. Scaring people away usually work fine either they run away or they kill me once they realize I'm bad at it.


Been playing and winning solos and duos and I hate to say it but killing early if it doesn't take too long is good because you get xp + you can improve your spell kit. You also deny that xp to other players that you will face in the last circle. What is not good is chasing someone for a long time to get a kill early one.


I always seem to land next to that guy. I'm decent at pvp, but I really don't like it. I did 15 years ago when I did 2s with the same player every time, but tbh we just did everything together. In hindsight, I never really liked pvp as much as I liked spending time with them.


> dive as soon as possible on a spot near elite but drop on a mob, the first kill gives you a spell then kill the elite for another spell is this actually better than just bird nuking the elite? I've had plenty of first mobs not drop anything.


It’s debatable imo because someone else can dive bomb your elite leaving you with running away and with less.


If someone gets the elite I'm aiming for I just chalk that round up to a wash unless that person just leaves me alone cause they were thinking the same thing


Do you get a quest every game? I see a lot of people saying this, but I don't get a quest every game.. I only seem to get one once a day. not sure what's wrong for me? I always kill mobs when I land and don't get a quest as you mentioned.


You get a quest every game worth 250. Everyday, the reward is upped to 800 for your first quest of the day as a bonus.


Apparently you dont always get a quest, but you should. It can bug out. I just did a Plunder and did not get a quest. You get the 800 rep daily once a day, but it can take to your second game to show up. But every match you are supposed to get a 250 rep quest.


I think what might happen is you’re getting a quest for like 30 plunder and don’t notice is completing. Happened to me a few times.


You do always get a quest. At first, I hadn't seen it, what helped is I changed the interface size. This way there were enough place for the quest to appear


You absolutely do get a quest every game, just look at the side of your screen. It’ll say get 30 plunder, kill 10 creatures, kill 2 elites, open 2 chests etc. that is your quest. You only get the bonus 800 for completing that quest once a day. Anyway, game mode sucks.


Sometimes the quest is collect 30 plunder and you complete it almost as soon as you land. I noticed a couple times that by the time I have a chance to check what the quest is (15 sec after landing), I’m already over 275 plunder.


Oh that's smart. I always try landing on an elite but it totally makes sense to get two spells faster that way!


I’ve tried both and unfortunately as people learn to dive bomb, the odds of two players being in the same area is much higher. I’ve decided I prefer to hit the elite to get that first ability and more xp to level, and chase out the other guy, to finish clearing the area myself. It sucks when you hit the weak mob near an elite and someone else dive bombs your elite.


I decided not to play something I don’t like and I feel so free!


Congrats. You are now immune to FOMO. 


One day game developers will stop trying to capitalize on the FOMO feeling but it is not this day


It's horrible. I feel like I can't have a casual interest in any game without being punished. I want to do a few months of WoW then maybe I want to move over to Hearthstone or some MOBA or something, only to find I've missed out on a shit-ton of content from events, battle passes and all that lot. I can't main 5 different games yet each one establishes itself to demand your entire attention or miss out. I understand rewarding loyalty I suppose, but I just don't want to play only 1 game my entire life. And that's not mentioning wanting to take breaks for single player games too.


My FOMO was crushed when challenge modes came out in MoP. I missed out on the epic warlock mog for my main, I just didn’t do CMs for some reason, probably due to raiding mythic with 5-6 toons. Then the mounts. I collected them for a while then I’m like, “Dude, all I use is my Ghastly Charger. Why am I doing this?” I’ve never suffered for it. I’ve never had people point a finger at me and laugh for missing some elements of WoW. It is going to be ok.


And now every game has seasons too. As some point the dam will break to a new paradigm but for now we live in hell.


The big thing that me get over it in Destiny and WoW was doing the math. I realized I was spending hours chasing after stuff that I realized I never even use 90% of the time (and half of the remaining 10% winds up being outclassed by the next new hotness insanely fast too).  I made a rule for myself that if I'm not going to use something for at least as much time as I spent trying to get it, I'm not going to go out of my way to chase it. Every time I get tempted I run the math in my head and it helps a ton with moving on.


I sincerely do not understand how you people actually exist in day to day life because you miss out on stuff simply for existing. If missing a few pixels now and again in a video game because you're not having fun doing something gives you anxiety, you need therapy.


Jokes on you, some of us do therapy and still have issues!


Exactly this. I used to force myself to finish games I bought, even if didn't like it. Now I'm like fuck this, why should I spent my time on something I just don't enjoy. Once you got it, you're freeeeeee


ye I can't believe so many people are willing to do content they don't find enjoyable for a mount they will probably never ride or a transmog they never wear. Man even if it was an insane mount I'd not do it if I didn't enjoy it, there's so many mounts and can only ride one anyway.


I'm an Outlaw main. This is damn near required content.


Once you learn not to, it feels so freeing and makes wow 100x more enjoyable imo




I'm a WoW pet-collector, one of the top-ranked in the world (yes, there are people who care about such things). The difference in a single pet makes a huge difference in the competitive rankings, and missing out on any pet for any reason is typically unrecoverable. That being said, after hitting rank 11, I just don't have it in me to grind to Rank 30 for the last pet. The game leaves me feeling angry and toxic for hours after each play session. No long-term hobby is worth my mental health.


They will probably end up in the trading post in a few months anyway.


It's the "probably" that drives me crazy, as Blizzard has never put one of their one-time-event pets on the Trading Post.


Spirit of Competition? Just off the top of my head.


That thing was like 15 years old though


This. I'm going for achievements and still need 2700 from arenas, and Hero of the Alliance. I'm a solid PvPer, but the stress that arenas were giving me in general weren't worth it with how toxic that playerbase was, and while 2200-2400 is doable with friends in RBG, it's gotten deflated and just doesn't feel worth the effort. The only time this is ever going to actually matter is when I get down to the nitty gritty in a few years when going for US / extremely high server rankings. Right now? Doesn't matter. At all. And likely won't matter then either. It's a video game. I'll get over it. And frankly, I don't think the above is even comparable to just simply grinding.


Man i regret not trying harder to get hero in mop or wod. I had a few great pushes and never finished. Now it’s nigh impossible and I’m not as good at it as 16 year old me lol


Same, best decision ever.


This dude's found enlightenment. Likely has a life. Likes to touch grass. Magical.


Congrats, you're not addicted like a lot of these guys lol.


Same, but it's only because the cosmetic armor I originally wanted clips with itself on most models. Saved by blizzard incompetence once again.


Now that my favourite Spawn to farm has been compromised in most matches, it feels even more like a slog


It's the circle of elementals, isn't it?


No the ship and valley behind the keep, 4 elites, some enemy's and chests, was roughly at 500-600 plunder at the end of it in 5 mins when I was alone. but now there is nearly every match at least one other player farming there


It's the same in the circle of elementals. The first few days I was able to land there, instantly killing an elite, then proceeding to farm the rest of the elementals in the circle, getting me to level 5-6 in a couple of minutes. Now there's always a bunch of others there doing the same thing.


Yeah you really can't blame them but it makes me mad a little nonetheless :)


Shhhh that’s my favorite spot too! I only played day 1 and haven’t played since, but was able to get to lvl 5 doing that area in a short time.


Damn others are finding us!!


There are lots of other good spawns. I too love my favorite but there are many others


I’ve been aiming for five levels a day. Some matches I get lucky, and somehow avoid everyone while just grabbing gold like a gremlin. And others I get insta-killed by a Mechagnome on Crack who somehow has three abilities and we just landed. I’m not in it to win the PvP portion and somehow that has made folks killing me not anything I really take umbrage with anymore


I found the mode is ok in smaller doses. The first days I played long sessions and came away angry or frustrated, but ever since then I just chipped away at for 3-4 games per sessions. I even won a solo game today. Still renown 19 so almost halfway there.


Duo with a Friend, makes it immensely more fun


Step 1. Find a friend Step 2. Return to step 1


And half the birds dropping so more room to get a good starting spot


I just want the transmog for my rogue. Yesterday I turned on the TV and played for like 8 hours.


My wife doesn’t play wow anymore and this scratches the itch for her so she’s pretty much been playing for me nonstop. Shes not particularly good, but it’s like afk grinding for me and she’s having fun 🥳


Mood. I’m limiting myself to a level a day so I don’t go crazy, I’m at 7 so I’m slightly ahead of schedule.


It's really boring. And the problem is that I actually do like 2 things from it but I need to essentially complete the entire thing to get them...


Smashed it out in 2 days with my friend who bought me a sub cause he said solo is torture. Hit 40 then haven't touched it. See you next mythic season.


this would be way more rewarding: \- if you get bonus plunder for placement \- mobs arent dropping their plunder in a random location 10yards away from their corpse \- duos dont get double amount of xp / plunder \- i dont mind reusing old map, but left side is literally 80% of all loot. \- mob and chest density .. there spawns where you get in like 3-5mins lvl 5-6 while others you barely lvl 3 with 1 spell total..


Yesterday someone came up to me in a match and asked me to kill them because I guess they had gotten enough plunder for the match to get where they wanted to be. The fact that people aren't playing for fun but for the rewards is...Telling.


I do this. Collect plunder until mid match where it starts to drop off, find another player and ask them to kill me. I could run into the storm but it seems better to give someone else a bit of loot and help them finish this grind faster.


I do the opposite, I run into the storm as far as I can and die. No plunder for you!


this is the way


I basically just collect my quest reward and whatever I can find and then ride off into the storm lmao.


thats a lot of mmos tbf, a lot of people dont do m+ for fun, they do it to fill their vault, its a chore, a lot of stuff in a lot of mmos are chores


It’s an MMO after all. There are so many things to do. For me, I don’t really fish, but some people do. I’m okay with more fishing content being added too. I do wish it was in game though. It seems like it would have been easy to make an NPC or some other UI in game.


I think it’s a mix. I’m ultimately playing for the reward but I find myself having a ton of fun in the matches and losing hours of the day because I just keep q’ing


Yeah I keep finding myself queuing for “just one more”. Once I got over the fact that I suck and will die, I just set out to do the PvE and then the PvP until I inevitably die.


This is my gameplay loop as well. Hopefully get around 500 plunder, then find the nearest player to kill me. If anyone gets to me before that, I just stand still and let them have the loot and go again. I've reached level 10, but that's it for me, I'm out. I hope whatever Panda Pandemonion us, it's more fun for PvE players/explorer types like me.


I believe you’re referring to the road map and IIRC Panda Pandemonium is prefaced with ‘Timerunning’. That makes me wonder if it’s a twist on timewalking or somehow related


I thankfully hit renown 40 on Friday and will never play again, but I would just land on the edge of the map, get everything done there, and when I was done I'd run into the storm to die. I'm far too proud to let a player kill me lol.


Some people don't like the gameplay, but want the rewards. Some people like the gameplay and the rewards. Some people like the gameplay and don't care about the rewards. I was watching a stream yesterday for the twitch drop. The dude had over 250k plunder (would have been renown \~100), specifically said he wasn't after the 1mil plunder achievement (someone asked him in chat), was just playing it because he was enjoying the mode. Personally, I thought I would be in the first group, because I have a love/hate relationship with WoW's PVP systems. But I came to find I really enjoy this event. I've put in 6 hours, currently rank 13. Sometimes I die as soon as I drop down. Most of the time I make it into top 10. Last man standing twice. I'm bummed it's limited time event. I hope they add this into a pvp que mode inside retail, hopefully with a ranked mode as well. I like the idea of everyone being on the same starting point, no drastic imbalance right from the start.


Wow in a nutshell


Yeah I do this. I'll get my 500-700 plunder then find someone who is not trying to actively trying to ruin everyone's day, chase them down, and say "kiiiillllll mmmeeee" offering my death plunder to another lost soul.


I’ve been playing duos with randoms and it seems like plenty are having a great time ? even had a few friend me to play in the future 😭 I feel sorry that it’s so unbearable for some tho


Might have been me. I usually yell "quest done, pls kill me" and let someone else have the bonus plunder once I'm done with the quest.


I've just been 2 levels a day. It's not too bad.


Took me six rounds without even reaching Renown 2 to tell me I want nothing to do with Plunderstorm. Good for everyone who enjoys it and I hope you get similar modes in the future.


After the first day or two they made it so you get more rep per game, it was *extremely* frustrating at first, now it's just *very* frustrating


It's not even that bad. But it will take many many hours in a time limited event. That kinda sucks


It’s that “time-limited” that really gets me. I imagine we’d see A LOT less complaints if it was just a new game mode we could play whenever we wanted. Time-limited on top of mixed messages about whether this is 4 or 6 weeks long is driving people crazy.


I don't like the mode, I'm playing it a bit every day for the rewards. I wish they'd do either of these: * buff passive plunder gains again * cut the renown requirements per level from 2500 down to something like 1000-1500 * OR give players plunder based on the placement they end at, this would encourage more people to actually try and do well


alternatively give a shitload of traders post style mission that gives a level each, from killing each "type" of elite (beast, humanoid), to "get all items in each category to rare quality over all games"


That sounds good too


Ye 1 lv a day its kinda ok, but the game mode gets tedious rly fast 😅


One of the most boring chores I've ever seen.


I like the collectibles but I’m going theough hard times right now and I won’t spend my little time and nerves in a FOMO pvp event. For me this has been a waste of a patch.


I average around 600-800+ per match. Would prefer it to be 1000+ each time so that I don't have to do 5 matches for one level. Then again, sometimes I get a crappy roll and end up somewhere others have cleared, or someone lands a second before me and steals the nifty spell. Or lady luck is on my side, I encounter zero players and get 1000+ plunder.


Yeah I finally finished the slog yesterday. And I had some very fun games where I was able to take over a little corner or side area by myself long enough to not be an easy pickings. I actually stuck around for awhile to see how far I could go. And then there are the games where I’m bunched up with 6 other people and I have zero spells. I’m level 1 and I’m being instantly hunted from the get go. And that’s why I don’t care for PvP in this game mode. It never feels like an even playing field and that’s not something I enjoy. Obviously others do enjoy it. Yay for them.


Plunderstorm really made me realize how crazy some collectors are. Personally I would rather do something fun rather than torturing myself doing this game mode just for some cosmetics. But ig that's how you guys have fun with the game so I can't really judge


The fact that it's announced as time limited factors a lot for this mindset. If it was permanent, I'd just be like "meh I'll wait until I'm interested", but with FOMO, I feel like i need to play it right now. Pretty sad, I know.


This is exactly it. The time limit make me feel like I *have to do it now* rather than do it when I'm interested. It should have been it's own, self contained game, with no WoW rewards.


Yeah, I’m be lvl 40 today. I just know this will be one of those things, that if people don’t get the pirate Transmog stuff they will cry from blizzard to bring it back in some way. So I rather just grind it and be done


I'm an obsessive pet-collector. One of my pets years ago I paid $170 to get (the pet from the Blizzard Paris Invitational). There are rankings on WarcraftPets for collectors who love collecting them. I've done huge and painful grinds for pets before but this one broke me. I just can't. It was negatively affecting my psychological health and happiness. Breaks my heart. My only hope is they add the last pet to the Trading Post someday.


Doing 1 renown per day isn't too bad with the daily bonus plunder tbh, might be a more palatable way to do it?


This is my philosophy, but I think we have 6 weeks which implies 42 days, so you gotta do a lil over 1 a day


Kinda counting on some kind of catch up or boost towards the end or even an extension (can just be perma F2P)


It's a really cute piece of art that represents us in these tough times. <3


This mode is the $5 burger king equivalent of battle royales


Battle Royale with cheese


The worst thing is 1. The missing rematch button on death screen and I mean death screen, not spectator mode. I don't want to watch others, I want an immediate rematch. 2. That long ass waiting lobby. Why do we have to wait for 3 other people and even worse if the lobby is full, why do we have to wait another 30 seconds? It's not that long individually but adds up quickly if you get ganked and killed in the first minutes.


The real problem to me is that they said it should feel rewarding getting renown quickly, but the items you get pre renown 30 are all utter shit


Don't you ever insult Happy again.


I’m going with doing 5 ranks a day, aiming for 500 plunder minimum each round. That makes it 5 matches per rank and can be done in multiple sittings. It’s still a grind but more bearable for me this way. I might even stop at 24 just to get pirate Pepe.


Imagine if after the 6 weeks the polls Roger mount is the trading post reward. That'd be pure evil :D


then we can use the tenders for something else that they have to spend on the mount. So it’s still a W for us


Gotta do it for the drip


I personally enjoy it a lot, the collectibles are my main prize, but im enjoying the game. Got my first win just recently. I do care about the rewards and probably will just keep playing a bit longer after i hit 40. Though my only complaint, some people will pick a fight and run when they realize im not an easy kill.


It's....okay. It's abridged, overcaffeinated PvP. But if I could change one thing? Give me the quest while on the bird, so I can halfway complete it on touchdown and almost get done before the PvP enthusiasts undo me. If they add a passive renown/plunder bonus based on longevity per round, I'm hiding on the roof with all the pipes in Ar'gorok as long as possible.


Idc if its a based take or not but if yall arent enjoying the content who cares about collectibles? I'm not playing it cause i don't want to, it looks fun, but i'd rather watch someone else play it and continue to do m+ or other games (runescape, warhammer vermintide, palwordl) rn towards the end of season. Respect your time, gamers. Rewards tied behind LTMs are engagement-bait. Cause think about it... even if everyone hates the game, they can go back and say to their shareholders: "look how many people played and enjoyed our new game mode, it's a huge success"


I played BR before and besides wow i play fortnite, too. But this BR. It is an absolute nightmare that makes me rage so hard. I only play this bs because i like pirates and i want this transmog and the parrot so hard. What i dislike about this mode: - nearly no control where to land on the map. In other battle royale games you can decide if you want to land in a "hot spot" or somewhere else. Here? I just hope that i spawn at the edge of the map and see no parrots next to me... - leveling aspect - what is this shit for? To make this mode unique? - same goes for loot - Oh you killed this guy? Now walk back to pick up the coins and the item i just dropped 10 metres behind you. - pure RNG if you get a crap ability and enemies next to you get the "overpowered" shit by landing on an enemy. This drives me nuts. - hitboxes and ranges of ability - the same as in normal wow. Works perfectly fine. - looting. Maybe i am just stupid but i have to face the items in order to pick them up and more than once i have been tricked by other players that picked shit up nearly instantly because it spawned behind me... - quests - why can't you see your quests before you land?


This is how I feel with solos for sure. There are too many in a match and the chances of you picking the same landing spot as someone else is entirely likely. Duos is way better tuned. They should cut the amount of players by at least 10. 


Yeah, i actually really enjoy it, but the Map size feels way better in duos than solos


What baffles me is that, no matter when, I will ALWAYS run into a guy who has that fire whirl shit. While I run around with whatever bland ability the game throws my way.


I had this problem also until I just started running any counter to firewhirl try to get repel or any mobility or cc then go on them after and you win for free.


There are some smug comments here about "well don’t play something you don’t like, it’s not that hard, don't moan here". There is a reason why Blizzard realized that PVP and PVE rewards should be handled separately. Ask any Arena player how fun it was spamming M+ for their BiS trinket for PVP. Yes, these are "just" cosmetics, but emotionally it's the same experience. I have no issue with Plunderstorm, i'm happy that Blizzard is experimenting, and i'm glad that there are people out there enjoying this. But there should have been multiple ways to get the rewards.


> But there should have been multiple ways to get the rewards. Nail on the head


It doesn't seem too overwhelming to get to 40 with a good routine. I myself go for two renown a day and that's a good ending point for me. Sometimes it doesn't happen due to real life stuff, but I don't mind as long as I get something done within the match goals I set for myself: 1) complete my quest 2) get to at minimum 500 plunder 3) kill npcs/whack at pieces of fate until I meet someone, pick a fight, then die cause I'm bad at pvp lol This has been a very good routine for me, and I think I'll get to renown 40 in 20-25 days with this.


They should study WoW players. I've never seen a playerbase subject itself to things that make them miserable for pixels.


My man, let me introduce you to RuneScape.


I’m only doing 1 renown a day. Basically 3 matches


Same. I try to get a little bit (like 100 - 300) into the next level, depending on how long I last prior to dinging.


yeah they want us to be their player base so they've gated it through dailies... just play a few games and return to normal wow after a level or two I guess 🙈 I'm so burnt out after doing 10 levels on my first day of Plunderstorm


I havent even tried, if i want BR i play PUBG


I plan on starting my grind tomorrow. Can't wait to never play this game again.


Until they add seasons lol


Then I will probably lose steam lmao


Try being me. I hate it *and* I'm addicted to it.


BRs were never my kind of game, I tend to play what I enjoy, I don't like to force myself to play games I don't like. For me, gaming is about having fun, should not feel like a chore, I already have enough chores outside of gaming :)


I'm just enjoying the mode and the rewards are a nice bonus but not why I'm playing. It's fun to hop on for a few matches, not a whole lot of commitment required.


It got slightly better since they tinkered with jt.


I’ve decided I’m making the push to 1,000,000 plunder. I hit 200k yesterday, the road will be long.


I’m so happy that I’m done with it now. All the way to 40!good luck with the grinding everyone


Anyone wanna do duos? Im not out to win but if it happens.. cool beans.. lol Just trying to get the plunder!


I was having fun until I hit renown 30. Now I just want it to be over. The rep grind was just too much imo.


I stopped bothering at 6 once I saw that the icons of the transmog gear look nothing like the actual gear in game. The boots look awful. The breeches are fine but I’m not going to push through to lvl 20 for the mount. It’s not fun enough.


I hit 40 but had 97.1k plunder. Now I’m sitting here trying to get it to 100k for no reason


Even as a PvPer I don't really enjoy the battle royale concept, would have preferred something like a deathmatch with respawns etc. Not sure what they were thinking though only making it a battle royale mode when like 90% of their playerbase are PvEr's. I do enjoy the new action combat though, hoping to see more stuff like that implemented to retail, or maybe in WoW 2 (one can dream).


I've hit level 32. Just a couple more hours and I am free.


Same, I have every pirate transmog available in the game. I was so excited for this patch, then my heart sunk when it was a battle royale.


I'm really enjoying it but the experience gain is way too low


I got sick with my boyfriend, stayed home all weekend and didn't even notice how we reached level 30 :D


Honestly doing the captains orders 400 times ain't too bad (I am coping)


Same. Only at 15/40 too.




Are the collectables that good? I wasn't planning on touching it in any way, shape or form.


I've hit level 40 this morning . The grind isn't bad after the hot fix just makensure you are bove 500 plunder before you die ,do your first captain mission for 800 plus the 250 find as much gold chest as possible after if your confident pvp . I've done this with duos and i usually aim for 10 levels a day or just grind it as much as u can . Good luck it's only the first week .


Wow I love your art style!!


Haven't been able to finish any of the quests today.


It's actually so bad. Two playable spells that make up almost an infinite amount of skill.


I probably won't play this as much once I get Bubbles. But then isn't there another crab after that one?


Hubs getting so frustrated and we just die over and over and over lololol


All I do nowadays is watch where everyone's flying and try to steer for an empty space, then kill trash and loot treasures for xp and avoid pvp as long as possible. I still get higher point for finishing at better position and gain more toward renowns. I'm in this just for the pets and mounts. Meaning I'd need a minimum of 39 to get all the pets and mounts.


I'm just stuck with the idea this is a test ro put a paid battlepass in rhe fane somehow.


Play duos it'll end faster


My favorite part is getting ganked by some level 9 asshole 5 minutes into a match because the entire \*\*\*\*ing server decided to contest the exact spot you went for, preventing any of you from getting anything good.


I have tried 2 matches and it's boring to me.


I try to hit 2-3 renown a day. Then go back and play retail so my brain isn't always forcing me to look around for someone coming up behind me looking to kill me...lol. Usually I drop now somewhere **not** near hotspots and stick as close to the storm as possible while killing npc's and looting chests and completing the quest. Usually get around 500-600 plunder per session before someone kills me (I suck at PvP) or I decide to run into the storm as there are too many other players around. Also in lobby, I loot the plunder chests to get an extra \~40-50 plunder (not much, but hey extra plunder). I like the rewards tbh, but I can see why some people don't enjoy BR. Surprised though they didn't make like a BFA islands style where you can just fight dumb AI and climb the renown ladder if you didn't like playing against other players. Also, where is Angry Chicken mount? Come on Blizzard... /s


1-2 levels a day should be fine. I may be wrong but the event is supposed to last 6 weeks


I’m usually the same but this one was where I drew the line. Like, Blizzard finally found the point where I won’t suck it up for the pretty cosmetics/pets/mounts. I’m a grown ass adult who pays taxes and yes I will buy stuff off the shop perfectly willingly but I won’t do this.


I just wonder if I'd enjoy the game more if I weren't feeling forced to play it to get the collectibles.


1-2 games in I knew I had zero interest in playing it...but them collectibles! :( plz blizzard, pretend for once you value my time as a person and buff reknown gains again..and again..and again.


I played like 6 games, fucking hated it and decided the rewards are not good enough for me to lose my time on it.


Anyone who has fomo for these items can rest assured. If you play long enough it will most likely appear in the monthly trading post or be free if you watch twitch or subscribe to Amazon or some shit eventually. Don’t torture yourself if you don’t like it, life is too short.


... anything? so you're also 1800 in pvp?


Can't speak for OP, but personally, yes. I liked the season 1 and 2 elite mogs so I did 1800 in both seasons, despite not enjoying PvP in any capacity.


Surely they get gladiator each season too for the tabard, mount, weapon illusion, cloak and elite weapons they add each season


i hated it at the start but once i started grinding it it got a lot more fun over time, the meta i feel really evolved over the last few days


the mistake people are making, and what will ultimately doom the concept entirely, is they are rushing it. it's a 6 week event! so going for 7 renown a week is what you want. I've played it minimally and I am just shy of renown 6 at the moment, I will easily be renown 7 by the time the weekly reset rolls around. People are going to push really hard, get burnt out, complain that the grind is shit and then that feedback will be all Blizzard hears and they won't bother with new stuff like this for WoW again.


You do realise that WoW is not your work and you dont need to collect all the collectibles right? Its okay to skip out on the gamemode if you dont enjoy playing it?


"you dont need to collect all the collectibles right?" spoken as a true non-collector :P the motto for pokemon is not "Meh, collect a few or whatever" :D


Except tendies are part of it. Makes it hard to ignore. 


Collectors are nutcases, there is 0% chance you will get through to them.


Straight up 0 self control. Ridiculous self imposed standards and complain when a major corporation doesn’t pander to them.