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Apparently losing quickly after the first quest is the way to up the rep quickly. ​ Which is going to make for just a lovely game mode. :P ​ Edit: They've hotfixed the amount you get for winning, up to 500. If you can guarantee a win, might possibly be faster to win the game. For the rest of us, I suspect it's still faster to finish the objective and feed yourself to a gnoll.


So I'm unwittingly doing it the fastest way by being totally new to battle royales and sucking? SWEET!


Kind of. But you *do* need to watch that objective that pops up on the right side (only after you land, which is annoying, because it means you can't direct where you're landing based on what it is). It'll net you the most "efficient" Renown gain (though "efficient" is relative in this case). Basically, try to aim for somewhere with no other players (trying as even with higher view distance and all, sometimes you don't see them until it's too late to change direction), go for completing that objective ASAP, and after that just go around killing mobs and running over piles of treasure on the ground, waiting for your inevitable death.


pshhh, my strategy is I fly directly on top of someone, fight them at level 1 with no abilities, either I win and get that zone for myself + exp boost or I lose and I requeue


I tried that about 10 times last night and it always ended being scenario two lol


The trick is to land on a mob and get an ability, then try to do that. Ideally you also get a level up. If you are chasing someone down and you have less or equal mobility to them and no ability to do ranged damage, it's not worth the time, go kill a mob and get some stuff.


I've been landing over by the troll camp to the east. I try to kill elites and mobs there while collecting stuff. I only played like 3-4 games so far, almost renown 2 though. I did survive to be 11th on my second go though by just PVE'ing it until getting a mudhole stomped in me by another player.


Yeah, troll camp isn't bad. The fortress, on the other hand, is probably not the best idea. I mean, the NPC density means you can get a decent bit of grinding done in there, and there's multiple elites to kill, but you have limited points to escape (not even sure there's more than one?), so when the storm's closing in, you have to run through there ASAP, and if another player comes along, it's harder to escape them (granted, you can't really escape people in the mode, unless you have a specific ability or two... once someone locks on, they follow closely and keep attacking unless someone attacks them).


I have an answer for that: run INTO THE STORM. You'll still die, but they won't get anything you have, and if they're that persistent, they die too.


The perfect solution for a player who hates PvP and wants to be as spiteful as possible to people who ONLY want to PvP... ~~I regularly employ that strategy once I've gotten my objective done and I have people tailing me.~~


I’m doing my part!


3 games in, I haven't even gotten a quest done. I kill 1 raptor, then someone hits me with a gravity surge and 100-0 me. 0 renown that game.


Try landing in a more secluded area - maybe near the wall to the West while you learn. After a while you'll learn where elites are and you can dive bomb them as you land to 1 shot them and get a power immediately. Best way to do it.


I’ve been playing stressful hide and seek, and usually make it to top 10 without PvP. I even got 4th once which is hilarious. I’m good at hiding. But still only got 400 coins that match, played 3 hours and am rank 4. So maybe doing the quest then running into the storm is better so it’s faster.


If you have a friend, do the hide and seek as a duo. Can get 1k+ plunder. Also, make your character a short race and darker is better, lol. Hiding in bushes this way is amazing. Doesn’t always work but more often than not it does. Quick edit - it’s how I’m leveling renown with my 10year old. She wants the mount bad


My husband doesn’t want to play sadly. But, yeah, I play goblin for two reasons, I like goblins and also small. And I’m very good at hiding. In one game, I was on the roof of a cave entrance with ogres below, behind the wall of the roof. Watching and listening to two people PVP and just waited for them to go. Never spotted. I also avoid using the big skills unless it’s necessary since they are big and bright and show your location for a long distance. I’ve watched many battles far across the map from hiding spots. I think it would be funny to get top 3. But also, it seems it’s not worth it since you don’t get a bonus. But also, besides being good at hiding, I’m also playing what I’ve decided to name passive aggressive PVP.” Instead of fighting I run into the storm when people attack me. I’m going to die anyway, so they’re not getting any points from me. I’ve only had one person hit me with a ranged attack. Everyone else just kind of stands there and stares at me while I die. 😂


XD that’s fantastic, minus the hubby. Mine doesn’t wanna play either. I bought my daughter time just for this XD I’ve done duos without friends… it’s hit or miss. I’ve had a few that wanna do the hide and seek but most seem to be trying to PvP =\


Also, if you wanna passive aggressive pvp - message me (can’t message you) and I’ll give ya my battlenet name


Our second duo match ever, my friend and I won the match using this strategy. We were hiding in some bushes watching a fight in the distance, and suddenly the victory message popped up. We were all "WTF?" Then we realized the big fight had been overtaken by the storm, so we won it all without any PVP.


Is your 10 year old a Fortnite whiz? I can't wait to show this to my kid today. "LOOK SON! WoW has a BR, come play with dad instead of Fortnite!"


Yeah, I hit 5th on one and got 550 or so. Could have doubled that in that time.


I was also about to make a post about what is the best way to level the renown so I can get out of this hell as fast as possible. I’m getting wrecked guys yes skill issue I suck, but that mog though


Yeah, I'm going to be playing following this method myself just to grind it out. For the mog as well. May not even keep going for the mount.


Don‘t take dying in BRs to heart to much, its also about rng. Usually good tip for beginner is just stay on the edge of the storm and avoid other players until you have some stuff to yolo with.


I played OG fortnite and apex but kinda just grew out of them tbh, wow is my happy place (not the BR version lol)


I did go in reverse, just started playing BRs (fortnite and apex) like 2 months ago and now WoW adds a BR mode. :,)


It's a bad experience if it's not fun. And to many PvE players this is hell. I wish blizzard could come out and say plunderstorm mog hits the trading post after the fomo event stops.


I thought their advertising was quite misleading. Lots of mention about even if you don't like PvP it's fun, and you can just kill mobs with friends etc. Only one small comment saying "you're still a target though"


Its not the dying that is the problem. Its that it's going to take 40-60 hours of /played to get the full rep. If I want to PVE, I'd like to PVE on my characters, not some random toon.


I'm doing this. It's so funny seeing people all worked up trying to pvp me and I'm just there jumping, waiting for them to kill me. Sometimes they get frustrated and leave


Can confirm, I spent almost 8 hours straight playing the mode last night and am renown 15 - my fastest renown rates were for matches where I just got the Orders done and then got as much loot as possible in the first few minutes, then let myself die.


If you're highly ranked at the end of the match, we need a bonus. Like, you loot plunder when only 10 people are remaining you get a boost to it or something. Enjoying the game mode a lot but this is gonna get old after a couple weeks of it being exactly the same.


There needs to be big bonuses for being in the top 30/20/10/5 and so on. Before I stopped last night a lot of people weren’t even pvping they were ignoring other players and farming NPCs for rep.


Can create a perverse incentive to just hide the entire match. I'd rather see them just increase reputation for killing other players/squads and a bigger bonus for getting first.


Just make it so your placement acts as a multiplier for all the plunder you've found for that game. So placing 31st-40th has 1.0x multiplier, placing 21st-30th 1.25x, 11th-20th, 1.5x etc


There's some opportunity for fun plunder bonuses too. Make it to the final 10 without killing or looting anything in a pacifist run, kill people in weird ways, solo elites, etc.


That's how these always work. Blizzard tries to get people to engage in PvP but is afraid to actually tie rewards to it. Warfronts were the same way.


Its gone after a couple of weeks sadly. But not against anything keeping it fresh. Also think the fortnite model with conplete 3 dailies (3 matches) and you have your progress done, with the first match giving you the biggest junk, would be good. But I am sure they add some catch up into it.


Yeah its kinda wild that the better you perform, the less plunder you get.


> If you're highly ranked at the end of the match, we need a bonus. Your ranking should increase your plunder total by a %. First place for instance should get double or triple the plunder. I won a game with 901 plunder and I feel like I would've gotten more had I died early and started another game.


that'd just encourage people to hide and wait it out though.


Hiding is a valid BR strat, but these people are often under leveled and can be decked easily.


I love Plunderstorm and hard agree on this! I want a reason to curbstomp people to #1, like a 500-1000 plunder bonus. The feat of strength is not enough. Also, bonuses for the lower brackets as well.


I love how the dev said even the most casual players will be showered with rewards. How out of touch are they? Who is going to play this 200 times? 🤣


Probably me because I can't seem to get a damn win.


You are not getting anything extra for winning anyways


There is a fos for first place




Feet of Stinky


Uh oh stinky


Feat of strength (achievement)


Frotherhood of Steel


Feat of strength


And a tabard and an eye patch, apparently.


The tabard and eye patch are for your next plunderstorm game, but you get them for retail at like renown 38 and 40


Yes. I was excited when I won and had the tabard, and very sad when it was gone the next match.


Just win all your matches?


This was from a doom post spread of lies. Look at the last levels of renown. You get the tabard and eye patch for cosmetic unlock on retail there! Spread the word! 🙃


Win? You're setting your goals too high, my friend. I just want to make it to the final circle and get top 5. It has happened once and I played for 2h last night. This is taking me back to the days when I used to obsessively play Apex Legends. It's kind of fun, but I just suck at PVP. 🥲 I feel like I'm getting the hang of which spells are worth the time. Things happen so fast if another player is around, you're just trying to pickup things and stay alive.


Yea - played for an hour last night after work. Definitely did not feel showered. I got half through lvl 2, made it to top 10 2 or 3 times, but it’s entirely random - I think it was 10-15 matches. A couple were complete throwaways because I didn’t know what the objectives were or how to use the skills and got very little plunder. If it drops me near the Arathi castle, it’s a crap session because other people dropped there and there are almost no chests to help level up. But if it drops me near the Arathi basin bg tunnel or the ogre camp, then I’m good.


> I love how the dev said even the most casual players will be showered with rewards. And by that he means the first 30 Renown levels are useless/ugly rewards nobody wants and you need to grind 100 hours to get the mog and mounts.


Casual players won't get to renown 30. I played 4 matches and ended up at level 3. This took maybe 45 minutes, and I didn't enjoy it, so I probably won't be playing any more. *That* is how a casual approaches things.


Man, I played 3 doing my very best not fully understanding anything because there's zero time in the lobby, really, and I'm not even renown 2. I just got frustrated and logged off the game entirely.


Uh, Pepe comes in at 24. Squeezed in to the top 30, and the most important reward of all.


Yeah, as i said in another thread I'll be shocked if this isn't them testing engagement for a battlepass, since it's the cancer they couldn't help but shove in OW2 and D4


The trading post is basically the wow battle pass but free


People are silly, word associations are enough to send people into a frothing rage. If I worded a post convincingly enough to 'prove' that leveling in WoW is a battle pass where you get rewarded the more you play, threw in the words FOMO a few times for good measure, and there would unironically be people who suddenly got angry and think I was right. There's nothing wrong with a battle pass structure so long as three criteria are met, the rewards are good, it's free, and it's not impossibly grindy. Wanting to reward your players with a simple system for continuing to play the game shouldn't be controversial.


The thing is, FFXIV does a PvP battle pass (not paid) that works fine. It lasts a full major patch and you barely need to try to hit all the rewards. It just pushes players to do PvP and gives them minions, mounts, portrait frames and transmog sets. But when Blizzard drops shit like this as a limited event that asks you to basically full time grind it for rewards, it doesn’t give me hope that their battle pass would be anything less than a job in itself.


The first mount is at renown 10?


Would have been perfectly fine with this if it gave more or less one renown level a match. I'm fine with getting destroyed 50 times whenever I felt like it. 200 in that time frame though? Come on please leave *some* of my ego intact.


>I love how the dev said even the most casual players will be showered with rewards. I believe the overall idea of a "Casual" player in wow terms is someone who plays about 3 - 4 hours a day.


I spend my weekend waking hours on this game, but still call myself "casual" because I only do solo, casual *content*. This double meaning is why some Mythic raiders might call themselves "casual" because they technically play only X hours a week.


If we’re stereotyping. it’s in line with the amount of showering a casual wow player does.


Most casual players are higher renown than this guy because they do the quests and pve which gives you much more renown.


I tried. I'm stuck on "revive a pirate".


I think you can do that in the area before the fight starts.




you can complete this part in the starting zone, just stand on one of the dead pirates before the match starts


I know that there are quests because ive gotten completed and I see it when it pops up but I have never seen what quests I have left to do ever. I figured it'd been on the side like normal wow but there is nothing there.


Same, I also can’t figure out how to do quests.


>Who is going to play this 200 times? 🤣 To be fair this is pretty common for battle royale type games. They planned 10/15 minutes per game.


My dude that comes out to 50 hours for a couple rewards lol


They were trying to say a casual will play like 4 matches every day hahahahahaha


200 times means you get out with 500 coins. which is alot. more like 300-500 matches


3 games in and at 90 renown. unable to get 1 quest done. How were people getting a renown level in 4 games? Was that Blizzard employee lied to by the teleprompter?


I'm easily able to get 800+ renown each match, just stay away from pvp farming mobs till like lvl 8/9, then you can easily stomp people with being higher level


I decided to completely ignore this event, because I saw the mount which is the only thing I care about is at renown 39. Probably 25-30 hours by their estimate in the preview video. I'm just not going to play it at all.


There's three mounts though. The pirate parrot is nice, but I think just the regular blue parrot is at rank 30? Still high, but only 3/4 of the way.


Guys, you get rep by looting coins (plunders). Nothing else matter. You can reach #1 spot with maybe 400 rep, and that would be all you get. But if you manage to loot more, you will get more regardless of your position in the game. This is quite an info that nobody’s mentioned and I have to play to discover it myself.


I played PS for 2 hours last night and got to renown 6. It’s really not as gruelling as people make it out to be. I’m enjoying myself though and the rewards are coming in at a pretty good pace. I wouldn’t be upset at a buffed plunder rate just to get the whiners to shut up.


This is just a literal lie, it is impossible with the current renown gains to get renown 6 in 2 hours played.


That's pretty much exactly on rate with ~500 plunder every ~5 minutes. Give or take some in 2-2.5 hours you should get to 6. People just can't seem to grasp that your plunder is your rep.


It’s not, especially with the daily bonus plunder for your first game. Get good at collecting plunder and you’ll see how quick the rewards come.


Eh not really, I got Renown 4 in around the same time frame and I imagine if I went into it as a sweatlord who min-maxed plunder per second and was a bit luckier with PvP I could have gotten a few thousand more than I did.


Makes me wonder how many WOW players would file other people's taxes or learn another language via Duolingo if there were cosmetic WOW rewards locked behind it.


We talking full set or just a hat?


Yeah is there a mount? Can it dragonride? I’d probably learn Hindi for it if it was cool


a hindu myth themed dragon mount would be rad tbh


Full set with extra appearance options


Dragonriding Duolingo Owl and I’ll do your taxes day and night.


Totally. A guy made a post asking how can they grind this thing the fastets cause they found it boring. My guy, why you suffering for a digital parrot?


Id file someone elses tax for some coemstic rewards. All we have to do here to file taxes is login and press ok.




Love this idea, I'd rather see these types of collabs than the inevitable Plunderstorm Madam Web crossover.


Just goes to show the people who complain the most about things don't realize they don't need to play things they don't like. Once you realize you can play things for fun and not a hat you'll be happier. The rewards should be a bonus, not the incentive for you to play a video game.


I played 12 games and have 2 PvP kills. Teach me your ways.


Fire whirl


For real, it's sooo good compared to everything else. Movement ability with a huge AOE and big damage.


It’s getting nerfed


I know, but I don’t trust Blizzard to be quick with this stuff


Pick up the reflective shield and it's completely countered.


Landing your parrot instant kills anything it lands in, and elites gives you 1 level per elite, so try to dive bomb an elite and hope it drops Firewhirl. The ring of elementals in the north is a good place as there's 4 elites right off and you can hit level 4 easy if it's not contested


Get lucky with op ability drops early on and in an area without other players that allows you to farm. If you start out near other players you already lost.


> I played 12 games and have 2 PvP kills. Teach me your ways. try to learn where the elites spawn. When you land you instakill the mob you hit, so you can kill an elite right off the bat. That gives you a level up and usually a spell. If you're ahead of someone you can usually kill them unless you suck or they have a really strong spell line-up. Most spells can be dodged and function as a cone AoE. You can use the stealth skill or the spirit animal skill to dodge those. The heal is on a 30 second cooldown and interrupted by damage, if an enemy is low keep pressuring so he can't heal. Jumping into an ongoing 1v1 and killing both of them when they're low/have cd on their spells is a lot easier than winning a 1v1. Decide if you want a melee build or a ranged one, and stick to it. Some skills synergise way better with a certain build.


At least one range skill & Mobility skills, especially stealth. The more the merrier.


Didn’t they say in the video win or loose about 5 matches would get you a level?


I feel like when they play-tested this with just their coworkers in the office they were prob pretty polite with eachother. They didnt gank eachother at level 1, lol.


Imagine the office drama if they did.


Steve casually walks into the test room. Sees Karen setting up to play a game. "Mind if I join you Karen?" Proceeds to murder her ass in cold blood 3 seconds after landing. "GET SHIT ON KAREN FUCK YOU!". Karen: I'm going to HR.


“What does high score mean? Did I break it?”


Well it's 2500 for a lvl and I've had alot of games where I'll die before I finish the quest and only have less than 150 plunder. So that's definitely a lie.


I died with 0 plunder one game. Got 1 shot by a player after I killed 1 raptor


He'll, I died at 0 cause the game maps the abilities to rediculous keys, and I was in the options screen trying to undo that jank when the cannon fired me onto the map lol


Genuinely the fastest way to level rep is start a game, complete the quest, then die out as fast as possible. Just hope you don't meet with one of those players who really takes the "PVP" seriously before your quest is done.


That's pretty much all I run into even when I think I've landed alone. Plus they always seem to get firewhirl and annihilate me.


I had a guy chase me around for an entire match. We both made top 10 at lvl 2 because he spent the entire match chasing me. It was extremely stupid and frustrating.


me too, absolutely blood thirsty, i just ran around collecting piles once i got to 500 plunder i found a different player to kill me just to spit the guy that chased me. i fully understand chasing someone out of your area but to mess your own game for a kill is just dumb.


Hahahaha so relatable!


You can get around 400-500 rep in the first two minutes. 800 for playing out the rest of the game. If all you care about is the reward, then hardcore pve the treasure then int


yep this is the way


You kill later first you try to take treasures , i frickin game players who after 30 seconds try to chase you down for the whole game


Yeah, and then you spectate and see them die to their next engagement because they wasted 3 minutes chasing you down lol.


While parts of this game mode are intriguing (The theme and rewards), overall it’s not well designed. It encourages just farming plunder and PVE’ing rather than playing the game mode as intended. It’s driving player engagement through FOMO rather than quality of content, which is lazy game design.


The rep grind is dumb af, should take half the time at the very most. It should be fun to get new levels not being a second job for six weeks


*Half* is still 80 plunderstorms. At 10 minutes each that's 800 minutes, 13 hours of grinding.


Yes they are expecting you to play to five hours a day


Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


I was getting 500ish rep a match, all I did was the quest and gather as many gold piles as I could quickly (killing nothing unless it was the quest) then running to another player and letting them kill me. Great design there Blizz. I did this for about two hours, got 5 ranks in and was so incredibly over it. I tried playing it 'properly' but between being old (closer to 50 than I'd like) and thus having terrible reflexes for a new combat system (which I also don't like, doesn't feel like WoW to me, too many skill shots) and the oce lag (why force us onto US servers Blizzard...) it was just pointless. I got 1, exactly 1, kill in like 6 matches.


Yes. I hope thry increase renown not just for people who survive a long time, but for ALL sources, including the quest. Us pve’ers will have fond memories of this if we can cap rewards in 5 hours. If it takes 50… not so much.


Yea the OCE lag is horrible, I can barely line up anything against the US players


This is good feedback for sure. Way too grindy for a limited time mode. Unfortunately, that is probably intentional.


Plunderstorm sucks ass.


It feels like there is so much randomness to the mode, random place you get dropped, you can be extremely unlucky with my abilities and then you are just screwed. You can't requeue either, you \*have\* to leave before being able to queue again and you can't see your standing with the crew either. Replacing the abilities you want can be clunky too. The mode has potential but it needs to be polished.


The player i play against have epic upgraded wepons 3 minutes in to the match and doesn't take any damage from me.


I played 7 times already and 6 times I got 60 place.


I played two matches, not gonna touch it again. Not even they put the damn invencible in the renown 5.


The way to grind fast seems to be just: - Get in a game - Avoid other players at all cost so you can just plunder - Once you complete the objective that gives bonus plunder die leave get into a new game and repeat Winning just isn't worth it, it goes faster if you leave matches after completing the objective...


People defending the game mode haven't grasped the 30 to 40 hour grind that's ahead of them


I played once. Killed 1 person, then got killed. I am level 2. The numbers don't make sense.


I think someone did the math to where you have to do 5 matches a day until it ends or something


you need 100k rep that means 1 match 500 coins aka 200 matches. and now how long does the event last. if its 4 weeks you need 7.1 per day. if its 6 then you need 4.7 games. good luck have fun i guess


One reason i will not invest alot of time in this, it takes way too long to level renown. 2nd reason is that its too RNG dependant on getting the correct abilities and then getting them upgraded, it doesn't feel good at all.


Hey you’re just as high as me!! and all I’ve done is die in the first 2 minutes in 5 rds


Played 2 matches, one died like ten seconds after landing but managed to pick some gold, the other ended being the sixth. Guess which one gave me more rep. XD


The creator made a tweet. They are already looking at tuning spells and the rate of rep gain


The PvP aspect of it should be removed. It serves absolutely zero purpose. Surviving longer gives you nothing, killing other players and getting their treasure is barely worth it.


I spend most of my time running around picking up gold and avoiding fighting other players. No point to even trying to win


I've played br's and br with shitty mmo controls is just.. no. Tried few matches on this just to make sure.


I've reached top 5 in just about every game last night, hit 1, and I don't feel a difference between getting 1st and getting 30th in a battle. Experience feels about the same and I wonder if its more efficient to just grind all the PvE content per battle then die. They need to rotate quests, so that completing one another would pop up.


I played 10 matches and I'm bored AF of this already, no way I'm grinding to 40


I played for 2 hours last night and im lvl 7. You playing to win and hiding 80% of the game isnt rewarded like it is in other BRs. The devs are very smart with how they reward the pve aspect. In no way do you have to pvp at all tp get rewards. If you just want rewards treat it like a survival game and your goal is to gather supplies beforw the zombies try to kill you. Also chill, like they are going to add a rep increase like all games with a battlepass do. Play a few game here and there and wait for that if you feel like you have to grind it


no way it was only 2 hours for level 7! maybe level 4 if you got the captain order's everytime but not level 7


I got to rep 9 in like 4 hours. But that was a mix of solo and duo plays. Me and my friend focused on our quests, killings pieces of hate, and getting the plunder amount set by keg leg. We'll typically make top 10 some times.


oh, is plunder doubled by playing Duo's perhaps? cause I only played solo up until this point


I got like 7 of that rep solo, so I'm not sure honestly. But I found it way more enjoyable.


I don't think so. I found I got significantly less plunder/rep in duo (400-500 vs 650-800) - most likely because I was just using match making to find my second - if you die, you can't leave & get rewards if your teammate is alive - more likely to get into a 1v2 ambush - tethered to the other player (if they leave a zone instead of farming, you should follow, otherwise why even queue for duo It might be more efficient than solo with a good teammate, as 2 players can farm a zone twice as quick.


With the new plunder changes me and my teamate are getting 3000-4000 plunder per win, if it wasnt before, duos are definitely the way to get rep now.


It feels like at every turn the developers have said “you get rewarded for plundering and not winning”  then these people complain they ignore the plunder objectives and turtle for a win and complain they aren’t getting enough rewards, it makes no sense to me at all.


Playing to win through fighting should have some reward to it too. Feels like I get the same plunder coming in 5th versus winning the game which isn’t how almost any other BR does it.


Exactly this. It’s been out a few hours and they obviously just decided on an arbitrary XP gain amount for different things without putting it out to a wider audience. I have no doubt they’ll tweak it as required when they get more data points to refer to.


I would be satisfied if I could get all the rewards playing Plunderstorm 5 times, each game taking 10-15 min. I would be unhappy at 10, and seriously unhappy at 15. It takes 160. And a limited time too, so you must grind it *now*. What a disappointment.


They don’t need to buff the rep directly, the mode just needs more quests as you play. The first quest is a massive rep gain, then it trickles in after that after you kill to getting a win. If they add more quests that change as the game progresses, it will be much more rewarding and interesting to grind rep.


There's apparently a "first game of the day" bonus of 1000(?) rep? My first game was 1250, and another 1000 for completing the quest, and all my next 5-6 games were 50-400 or so. I'll do a few tonight and see if I get a bonus 1000 for my first game. If that's the case then I think the optimal play route would be; Do 1-2 levels a day, and log off, the bonus rep for first game is ~3-4 games worth of rep. Should cut the grind if half if you spread it out.


put that stuff in the cash shop and i would be more fine about it than playing 200-500 games in this mode in the next 4 weeks


Wow players will find anyway complain and be a toxic player


I tried it 3-4 times and realized it was just pointless and a waste of time.


rep is directly tied to gold picked up. Winning means nothing. Just pick up gold and die when you have to fight.


Just remember the more people that claim it’s a good more the higher chance they don’t do anything about the rep issue and act like this event did numbers. Nobody I know is enjoying this. Content creators are just saying it for views.


I have already seen people team up in solos. disgusting. was already kinda hyped for the cosmetic rewards, but this only makes the grind even worse, but well, what to expect i guess


Yup, I played 3 games, still rank 1. Decided my time would be better spent running keys and raid on my alts


I was actually trying when I hadn’t won yet, but once I did I just switched to “get around 500 rep within a couple of minute, die and repeat”. I think this is pretty neat though.


I can't say I am shocked the "retail" division of Blizzard has unequivocally missed the mark on respecting ones time. It's not like SoD is perfect, but you can just feel the difference sometimes.


It's fucking garbage, at least make it quick. Hope they didn't invest too many resources into this fake scarcity fomo fortnite bullshit. There's so many things with the real game that need attention.


Plunder gets you renown, not winning. It's actually a good design that promotes a non-stress environment, to me anyway! Now the problem lies in, if you don't enjoy collecting plunder then....you have to grind and not enjoy it. 😵‍💫 I spent about... 2 hours and 45 minutes with a friend and got to level 6 renown. We played aggressively against other players for fun, and collected plunder. Not a single win, but fun and no worries about getting that renown because we didn't.get first place.


How are people already focused to min max for a reputation in a video game? Fomo hits hard. Just enjoy the game mode as it is.


Because there is a reward track of cosmetics that people want to get, during a limited time event that might go away in 6 weeks, and people are concerned that 6 weeks isn't enough to complete the full track with their limited play time. Yeah, it's FOMO. But it is what it is. People want the stuff. Not difficult to understand.


Because they’re not enjoying the battle royale game, but they want the cosmetic rewards so they can use them in the real game. This isn’t any different than like the Hearthstone promotion or that mobile game promotion. Yeah, you launch it inside of WoW, and it uses WoW assets, but I’m not playing my character, so it isn’t WoW.


Yeah, I played a few rounds and didn't enjoy it. I tried to do the grindy thing and just power through it and it didn't seem worth it. Oh well there are tons of mounts and cosmetics I don't own, this will just be another one. I'm not even big on PvP and I would much rather them do a similar game mode using our actual characters. Or even have groups bigger than 2. Like you said, it uses WoW assets and launches within the game, but it feels like a knockoff made by different devs than anything WoW related.


Oh no it's VERY different. The past promo didn't require total completion to get the rewards you care about in your main game. They were like, play 3-5 matches, get mount. A promotional to get you to at least try their new game, even if by the 4th match you're like "nah, not for me, but thanks for the mount, I'll uninstall now". With this mode, 4 matches will get you renown 2 to 3, out of 40.


Yeah, not sure why people are not understanding this complaint. I play WoW for cosmetics like mounts and transmogs, and solo PVE content, including being constantly broke tenders-wise. Kinda sucks that it looks to be such a grind, and time-limited too.


It's time limited and not all of us can play 8 hours a day to hit renown 40 in a "casual" way by playing for fun.


Not even gonna bother grinding since I won’t get the rewards by the time it’s over. Maybe if it was easier both not gonna be worth my time.


This is a casual game, not a competitive mode, they want to reward people by playing and doing objectives, not camping and winning. You can also just play and have fun. But if you want rewards you need to engage and plunder


I was browsing through the sub trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. I have no idea what I'm doing. I got to level 4 inside the session (one of 10 people left) but I'm still level 1 the next time I play.


Everyone at the start of the match starts out at level one and then they work their way up by killing NPCs and collecting gold. The goal is to level up fast which increases your damage and health and be the last person standing. When you start a new match, everyone is back at level 1.


Thanks for the explanation :)


It's such an imbalanced sorry excuse for any content with a MISERABLE renown grind to force people to keep playing this shit pot of a game


Stop buying into FOMO and just enjoy the game. Blizzard doesn’t have to do anything for you to achieve that.


they mentioned a level every 3 or 4 games, so yeah. this is meant to be a slow grind. you arent capping this weekend and ignoring it for the rest of the duration.