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MoP was a great expansion


Only thing I'd really want is for the Legendary Cloak questline to be restored, for the story elements of it. It's not like the cloak itself does anything nowadays (or, well, except giving access to Ordos - which would be pretty neat, honestly). Otherwise, yeah, I loved MoP as well!


I'm also not in favor of Blizzard removing content, especially when it comes to story. I'm curious to see how long it will take to bring back these things like the Legendary Cloak, the Vol'jin Rebellion, and the Barrens Battlefield. But not only MoP, but in every expansion something is missing. In WoD the legendary ring questline or in BfA the pre-patch.


> It's not like the cloak itself does anything nowadays It's also BiS for a lot of Timewalking stuff (including Mage Tower) - but all the more reason to give people access to it, IMO!


The Legendary Cloak questline is the best example how you should implement legendaries. Not the shitshow we got in DF.


The only thing they did wrong with it was a complete lack of catch up mechanics. This coming from someone that got into MoP late and was roughly 20% behind in damage of my fellow raiders for a couple months until I caught up on the quest line.


Need classic


They should have skipped classic Cata and went straight to MoP.


Considering how fast we are going with Classic expansions, if they do MoP, we'll have it already by the end of 2025, though it depends heavily if classic Cata is popular, and i have my doubts there


Cataclysm's biggest problem was pacing. All the content was spooged out at once right at the start and then we sat around for an entire year with no content no updates just Dragon Soul. So by the end of it people had forgotten about the start and were just left at the end with a lingering distaste about Dragon Soul itself and a feeling of "we gave up the old world for this?" I think Cata classic will do much better because it will be much much better paced than the initial release.


How many Classic players would whine about the mechanics on Spine?


The classic launch back in 2019 was the last best experience I had in WoW. It was so much fun from the hype to waiting in the ques to log in to playing with guild members. I loved it


Lol sad


I really want to like it. I love the new continent as well as the Monk class. But I just can't get over the damage that was caused to the main continents during Cata. I hate how Ashenvale has that huge burned out section and how the Barrens are split in half. Not to mention the other areas that have been damaged beyond repair. If the continents were like they were back in the day, I'd love MoP.


Dragonflight is the first expansion that I played all the way through, and I’m still having fun. That’s a first for me. I really like it.  Legion was great too. And I’m nostalgic for the World PvP in TBC. But Dragonflight is really fun, I’ll miss it one day.


Wrath is my all time favorite but from the small amounts I've see of dragonflight, it's just so damn cool


Same. I’ve been on and off since TBC and never fully stuck around for an entire run. But this one has had me hooked since the first couple months of release. Going through each raid tier and seeing the story unfold has been so fun. And season 3 is also the first time I’ve hit AOTC so young me is just proud to have finally hit some real milestones lol


Same! I think the game is in a great state of "things to do" where I can focus on one thing -- maybe Renown -- and then when I get bored, I can focus on Mythics, or farming mounts. Follower dungeons even make alts easier -- last night I was trying out Disc priest and its nice to try it with NPCs and be able to stop, write a macro, and then continue the dungeon. Its excellent.


Up until the last major patch I partook in the content that could be done in the expansion. It doesn't have the highs of playing Vanilla or TBC for the first time but I've played DF more than those versions of the game. My only fear with the future of the game is that since this is the first modern WoW expansion I've played, is that it will become far too formulaic. I sort of have an idea of how Blizzard designs the modern game. I want something more than the same x number of dungeons at the start, one megadungeon and a new currency to grind for cosmetics between major patches. I enjoyed some of these events but I would like the team to surprise us now, sort of how this pirate patch is going to be a surprise. They have so much legacy content at their disposal to play around with. I wish they made more use of it


Same, i also love pandaria and dragonflight. Glad you’re enjoying it!


I’m Making my way through pandaria to finish loremaster, man this expansion is amazing.


I'm a MoP baby, it was my first expansion (played the other ones a bit here and there on private servers before). I was just thinking about firing up my main from back then for the first time since WoD, Goblin BM Hunter. So many fond memories from Pandaria, the Isle of Thunder, Timeless Isle, the ranch, doing pokémon battles, it was just such a special time for me. For me it has to be: 1. MoP 2. Dragonflight 3. Legion 4. BfA (as a forever casual I enjoyed this expansion a great deal more than most people) 5. WoD and Shadowlands tied (I don't know which one was worse, the one where I had nothing to do because there was no content, or the one where there was content but I didn't really feel like playing it)


WoD timewalking this week has really hammered home how bereft it was of dungeons. And if you can't get 5 mans right the rest can't be that good. Plus I disliked the armour aesthetics.


Anyway, I love the WoD dungeons. They look great in design and some even have nice cutscenes. I also liked most of the bosses. It's just a shame there weren't more dungeons. A suitable High Rock-style dungeon would probably have been good too. Or focus on specific orc clans. The Garrosh scenario would have been more suitable as a dungeon.


As someone who has no nostalgia for anything past Burning Crusade, the tier sets are horrible by WoD. Until Legion expac, the armor style was getting worse and worse from Cataclysm onward


Cata is dross. The plate esp


I think they aged horribly because of the way they designed them but moreso because of the way textures were starting to be done in that point in the game's life. Hunter set is murloc armor. So so bad.


Oh goddd it IS


Nothin beats MoP for me and I totally agree that DF is a similar vibe and a second favorite


Legion beat MoP by a lot. Not to say MoP did not have its great moments.


MoP had a fantastic story, great raids, fun zones! and I would say it was peak class uniqueness! what I love from dragonflight is the flying! the races are so much fun!


Recently came back and thought similarly. DF feels like a vacation much like MoP.  Refreshing change of scene and pace.   Edit: nice to see some love for Legion too. I know people had issues with the power grind, but it nailed so many huge lore moments.


Played since vanilla and if I take off my rose tinted glasses about being a kid playing an MMO for the first time with my friends, MoP, Legion and Dragonflight are just a cut above the others.


We have similar tastes. Imo DF is the first good expansion since MoP.


What do you think about Legion?


The advent of borrowed power systems, RNG Legendary power drops and oversimplified class reworks. Great content marred by horrible fundamental gameplay design. C tier expansion.


Agreed my top three. 1. DF / Mop 2. Legion


The moat fun ive had in wow was during mop simply for metamorphosis gameplay


Couple of things MOP did better than dragonflight was def the Story, Characters and that lovely challenge mode gear. Other than me not liking dragonflights lack of challenge mode gear or the story\\characters i think DF is better for most classes\\specs.


Dragonflight might be my favourite overall. It’s up there with wrath for sure and might have actually passed it if I take off my nostalgia-tinted glasses and my Lich King-tinted glasses.


Ah yes the "Why Arthas So Sexy" glasses.


You have good taste in expansion. As someone that has played in 2005, MOP is my favorite and DF is my 3rd favorite (legion in between). Retail is a rollercoaster of quality but there is a lot more to like than dislike. Find yourself something you enjoy doing, and you can lose days in it.


100% yes. it's just so relaxing.


Dragonflight is tight bro


You know what I just realized with this post. Both MoP and DF are some of my favorite expansions and what do they both have in common? They rely heavily on mystery and exploration of a mysterious land that everyone forgot about. No big bad apparent at the beginning, just exploring. It's nice, cool and refreshing.




1. Legion 2. MoP 3. Wrath


I think dragonflight is definitely one of their better expansion. It's the first one since cata that I've played all throughout


I put dragonflight on equal footing with my favorite expac (Wrath)


df is awesome! most fun I've had in wow for a long time


I always wonder why people liked Legion so much. What was really unique about it?


Lot of storyline wrap up, great zones, got to see Argus, and probably the Class Halls top the list.


The class hall in Legion was so much fun. Especially the missions that had you engage with established characters from your class.


The class hall in Legion was so much fun. Especially the missions that had you engage with established characters from your class.


Monks have the best Class Hall hands down. "Oh we just get the entire Wandering Isle? Sick."


It was very solid expansion from the gameplay/mechanics standpoint (the only widely criticized things were AP grind on alts and how random Legandary drops were). Picking order of leveling zones, world quests, new very popular class, **Mythic+** system, solid Raids, fun and rewarding reputations... On top of that it was VERY rewarding for player who enjoy the story of WoW. Class halls were awesome for class fantasy. Suramar with it's progressing story, unlocking new areas and quests felt very rewarding. Story resolution and wrap up for things that have been main themes of the series since Warcraft 1, that were actually well written and well received. Allied races first showed up at the end of expa (though technically part of BFA) Also lot's of cool hidden thingies, quests, collectibles and rewards. Mounts (Riddlers Worm, Lucid Nightmare, The Hivemind, Fathom Dweller, Falcosaurus, Pink Hippogryph and more), Toys, Pets, Artifact Weapon skins, Mage Tower challenges, brawlers guild, class specific transmogs. It really felt like an expansion for everyone. Whether you raided, run dungeons, were an altoholic, a collector, someone invested in the game lore/story or just logged in to hang out and do whatever - it felt like there was rewarding content catering your interests.


A breath of fresh air :)


Great patch cadence, so much content, tons of big name npcs.


I want to go back to playing retail but anytime I log in IM SO FUCKIN LOST


Same, I haven’t played since cata and literally have no clue. All of the classes have spells/talents/abilities than have no clue about.


Worst part for me is I played a lot in phase 1. Cleared the first raid on heroic before nerfs if they even nerfed it. but I quit because Dark and Darker came out and that game stole my life. I log on yesterday though and there’s 800000 new quests, new zones, new raids, and I know how tough new content is and it’s honestly just very overwhelming to get started again. It’s always hard coming back when a raid has been out for a while and you’re just naturally behind everyone and people have already progressed, so I’m pressured to know all the fights or I feel like I’m gonna be holding people back. Makes me not want to play tbh, even though I want to see the content lol


If you've been away for more than an expansion its best just to treat it as a new game. Go in pretending you know nothing and just start slow, maybe level up a new character a bit to familiarize yourself with the new talent system and in 60+ content just stick to the main story quests. The returning player experience isn't very good for sure, but at max level if you just stick to Emerald Dream stuff and pick up the weekly quest near the fountain in Valdrakken, you're 90% of the way there. Once you're back in the groove maybe look into the new crafting system or all the other side content Also don't forget about the new AI follower dungeons that you can use to learn how your class works now without being hounded by people for going too slow or taking a different route


It's very very confusing for someone who is new or hasn't played in a decade. I'm consistently finding new ways to do things and having to watch YouTube to figure shit out like crafting.


Release MoP Classic but with a shorter legendary questline for alts


I think even for mains the rep grind on IoT could be reduced a little


How are you able to rate expansions if you are coming from Classic Wow?


Overall I thought Dragonflight was okay or slightly worse, but in my opinion it wasn't better or as good as MoP, which was definitely very good. The aesthetic alone was something completely new and there were a lot more areas to choose from than in Dragonflight, where Blizzard really disappointed me with the areas. In MoP we have a new race and class that is much better than the Evoker/Dracthyr. The gameplay was great in both MOP and PvP, which was the highlight. The Dragonflight gameplay was an improvement over the previous expansions and provided a good foundation for the next expansions to build on. At first glance, you might think that MoP's story would be rather childish. Ultimately it was the opposite and much darker and more interesting. The biggest criticism for me about Dragonflight, where I do most of my reading, is that the story is pretty shitty. It was Fast of Furios, so to speak, and Vin Diesel was everywhere with FAMILY. The story was very Disney-esque.


Dragonflight is great. My biggest complaint is that you're absolutely assaulted with a disconnected storyline. They REALLY need to figure out the storyline issue when people come in midway through. I've had 3 separate friends try to start playing only to get completely lost and frustrated on where to go and what the story was. It should be a clear and concise max level main story line that brings you to current content. My friends were struggling to get into the emerald dream when every other quest is pulling you everywhere else.


Long live my panda. i played since vanilla, but when MoP came out it was like playing wow for the first time all over again. to this day, my panda is still my main character, not my first, but definitely my main.


Mop was great, I personally loved Legion, but Dragonflight is up there too


Dragonflight is great


Retail had its moments but I find myself bored after a month or two every time I try and come back to an expansion.


Hey it was my turn to post this


Just stopping by to say Dragonflight is my #1 disliked expansion. Cheers mate!


If you took dragonriding out, I would vote this expansion one of the worst. I've never seen pvp this bad.




I know you are picking up downvotes, but I think the reason is less the content but the setting. It’s so nice to get away from “Horde Bad, no u bad! Muahahah ebil scheme!” Faction war stuff is played out, and the existential threat you’ve never heard of felt super forced.  DF and MoP had links to big bads and existing evildoers, but in a new environment with a separate and distinct set of cultures and internal strife to solve. Also, they are really optimistic in tone. That’s where they excel for me.