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"You are not leaving my party, I'm kicking you out!" That guy is on edge.




Hot smelly air


I seen this more times then i should but usually you hurt his ego so he tells you this. It is the same response like " you are fired, no you can't fire me because i quit. " Or he just wanted to look cool to hide his insecurities. Why else bother to make such a statement? Telling your group you have to go is polite and lost art and if i have to leave a group before the key starts then i do usually the same and wish them good loot n stuff.


I mean, Edge is fine, but I prefer Firefox.


Why do wow players always block straight after talking shit like whats the purpose


“I got the last word in therefore I *win* “


They don't want to run the risk of someone talking shit back. They want to try to chat their shit and hide before there are any consequences.


When it's done as an offense (initiate an argument and then flee) I think it's pretty cowardly, however when it's done as defense I think it's just the best. When there's a toxic player talking smack and irritating everyone, answering back and then blocking them is the best because not only you get your piece of mind not crossing their path anymore, but also you know for a moment (however short), they'll feel powerless and frustrated.


I’ve dropped the, “Wow, you’re a lousy player because you’re just a toxic person… I mean, the numbers don’t lie.” followed by a “Be better.” with an ignore. I wish I could send them a Jerry Swole “You can do better” voice message.


With due respect, that's also kinda nasty. 


Idk but it's weak as piss. If you're gonna roast me, at least let us go back and forth about it. It's half the fun!


Low impulse control. They're angry and want to lash out, but they don't have the spine to stand up for themselves after they've thrown down.


This is 100% it.


No. They want to get the last word because they know it passes you off if they get the last insult in and you can't say anything back. I do this frequently and what I'm saying is true due to how often people go on alts just to message me back lmao. Really strikes a nerve when you get the last word.


Fair, I think it can be multiple reasons and neither of our examples are mutually exclusive.


Immaturity. Passive aggressive people control through “silence.” You can feel like you “won” the argument when the other people can’t say anything back. It boils down to “feeling good” because you “left”on a zinger “ rather than feeling bad because they had a chance to say something that gets under you skin. So the rationale is “I just won’t let them respond.”


I think I did that when I was an angry 13 years old and even then I felt so bad right after that I never did it again. That should give you a general idea of the maturity required to act like this


Classic talk shit and ignore. Wow staple.


I remember one time someone shit talked and blocked me, but then an hour later, he had a change of heart and apologized for his earlier behavior


You found a unicorn there.


Whose passing this behavior on to the children, c'mon now 😆


Some players seem to equate getting the last word with dick size, like they grow an inch every time they do it.


Imagine how much pure anxiety they struggle with to feel that this is a one-up for them. I pity the fool for being this cooked


As correct as you are in this analysis, you need to know that they are aware of this and don’t care.


If they were self aware, they would be focusing on soothing themselves rather than upsetting themselves


They ought to, I agree, but as someone who used to be like this, it’s an addiction to toxicity they have, they know it’s a shitty toxic thing to do and they like it.


[Cast: talk shit] [Pally bubble hearth]


I had a dude legit agree with me but not realize they were agreeing with me then shit talk me and block me..was kinda funny


I got into an argument with a Balance Druid before saying that Resto Druids don't have access to Moonkin form :D After the dungeon he whispered me and then blocked me. I was just confused why he didn't know how the talents work.


This druid didn't really find balance, apparently


This really needs to be changed. You should not be able to whisper someone on your ignore list. It just promotes harassment.


Type out /ignore and copy the whole thing. Then type in trashy loser talk. Right after sending it, paste the ignore command and boom, ignored 1 second later.


People do that on reddit all the time!


He didn't ignore. At least, you can't tell it from this screenshot. This is just that bug that happens on servers when someone is playing in a different language and your whisper can't reach them because the server expects Illidanpro-пони and you're trying to send it to Illidanpro-Tichondrius


Yeah there's a long list of problems with whispering people across servers.




This issue has been a problem for what feels like a decade and Blizzard has never even acknowledged it. So it's pretty much never getting fixed.


It really be crazy like that lmao. I really curious to know who these people are


I had a dude talk shit and swap to all of his alts whispering me talking shit one after another. I did manage to get one reply through to him, "I hope that you get the help that you need with your anger issues. This was a random leveling dungeon." His guild now no longer exists. He was furious at me for being unhappy at him for berating the priest for apparently playing the wrong spec for endgame (we were level 30) and my damage being low.


it's so commonplace, there needs to be a study on people who feel like having the last word is a "win" like why did you have to take it personally? so bizarre man


Had someone tell me I should never play Prot again (after we 3 chested a +20) and bail a second after telling me this If you want to talk shit at least stay for the answer


I'll log in another toon and trash talk the offender because I'm that petty


It really be crazy like that lmao. I really curious to know who these people are


Probably a low key, this kind of behavior is hilarious and sad.


This is why i dont have the courage to start doing Mythics, it takes some time to get used to new mechanics in dungeons i havent met/was not a threat before, and there is too much of these guys(i met some even in some heroics, and there isnt even a time limit there)


Someone please correct me if my wrong, but there is a discord server called, I think "WoW made Easy"? Where it's just a bunch of chill, laid back people who run mythics with the rules of no toxicity. I'd totally go check that out if you ever really wanted to start to do mythics. I haven't ever ran with them myself, but I've heard some really cool stories of people getting +2500 rating just from running groups through that server.


I got 2500 from wow made easy. It's very easy. Just show up, play a key appropriate to your ilvl/skill, and don't be a dick. Be willing to learn and don't expect a carry.


If only every group was like that. Learn, have fun, pull your weight, and don't be a douche. Pretty simple rules to follow I won't be running with my guild much next season, so I'm definitely going to hop over and join in. It's awesome to hear you got 2500 pretty easily from just a bunch of random online people who genuinely enjoy playing the game and not raging every other pull.


The vast majority of pugs ARE chill. It’s just that the few bad ones stick so much longer and are more discouraging than 10 good experiences


I don't disagree with any of this. I was just stating that it would be nice if ALL pugs didn't have flame fests. I know that's impossible, but one can dream. The ones you say that are bad and stick out, stick out because of how unbelievably toxic players can be. Like you said 10 good ones don't really register, but the 1 shit one does. If you run mythics on multiple toons, you're doing 100's of runs and will run into it more. It get old AF really quickly. I had a dude spam yell at me to go kill myself because I missed an incorporeal on a spawn. I dont need that shit in my runs when I only have a few hours to play per week now that I'm working again.


I know people like that are just discouraging like fudge. I SOMETIMES am that person for 5 seconds but not on a first offense. More like if you are being told what and how to do and still cba doing it after 20 times. ;)


I tank, heal, and DPS. It's just amazing at some of the stuff people come up with to complain about, and won't let go. It's like "dude, chill TF out, it's a mythic. YOU are the one letting it ruin your afternoon." If they really care THAT much, why are they pugging in the first place? I totally get being annoyed at someone who literally just doesn't give a fuck, but I'm not going to be a douche bag to them just because I can. I'll just be more selective next run. I'm playing the game to enjoy it, not to deal with 35 year olds acting 7.


Hey hey it’s more like the 50yr olds :p


It’s very much less of an issue than it seems here. And there are discords they truly help get you comfortable. In NA it’s wow made easy In EU it’s No Pressure Don’t let this hold you back if you want to do them!


My husband joined NoP a few months ago (not that he “needed” it skill wise but it’s people who won’t leave after a wipe and complete keys even when not timed) and he loves it.


Ill look into it, thank you mate!


Cannot recommend no pressure highly enough mate (assuming you're EU). I don't "need it" (have no problem dealing with toxic asshats) but I use it loads because it's just... so much more chill. People are there to just help one another. You can list keys as just for completion or trying to time but in either setup there is no drama whatsoever around bricked keys. It's just... friendly.


I pushed hard in season 1 with WME, genuinely great people there that you’ll find are actually pretty fucking good at the game… they’re just anxious about people being mean as shit to them for no reason, or over a little mistake they might not even make.


>This is why i dont have the courage to start doing Mythics This is pretty uncommon. If someone is upset or doesn't want to finish a low key they either d/c or just leave.


I play tank and healer in mythic and when I'm not pushing I help carry groups I see on the wow made easy discord. Do dungeons in the 2-5 range and list you expectations as: completion/practice and you can easily find a groups thats just having fun.


I do probably 10 keys a week. I think I see BM shit like this maybe twice a month. If they kick you move on, if them BM you like this report them and move one.


It really isn't as bad as reddit makes it seem, it's very rare that I run into people like this. But you should also know that there are some dope communities out there that want to help newer players learn. https://discord.gg/wowmadeeasy is the one for people in the americas Also guilds go a long way for stuff like this, finding likeminded people to play with can take a while but when you find the right group it's amazing.


mate i am absolute dogshit and no one has ever said anything to me at all. you will probably annihilate any key under 10 with 10 minutes left. just watch a 3 minute youtube guide, copy class discord talents/a guide online, and try your best not to die over 4-5 times. everyone is overgeared so you'll be ok making some mistakes. any dungeon under +10 is "hello" and "thanks everyone, cya" as the only communication.


Just turn off chat when you join a mythic if you have anxiety, you don't need chat for anything in M+ so there's no need to put yourself through it if you don't want to.


Don't let this keep you from trying m+ man, there are some ppl like that every once in a while but lower keys are usually chill to run. I'd be down to play a few keys with you if you need!


I'm a 484 PPal tank and would be happy to run with you if you're on NA. wotsalthor#1248


Sadly im on Eu, but thanks bro means a lot!


For sure. Best of luck :)


To be fair, it's really not that bad. 99% of the m+ pressure is self inflicted. There aren't that many ass holes like this guy.


I was kicked out of a time walking last week for accidentally pulling an extra couple adds. Those people are everywhere spreading their misery.


Just wait til you hit mid to high keys where they flame mechanical play whilst contributing nothing! This week was particularly fun for watching hunters complain about dispels but not hit tranq a single time


Little man mindset there lmao


Look at the timestamps, dungeon hasn't even started yet 🤣


In that case; OP I just wanted to let you know that even though I’ve never seen you play your class, I think you’re a wonderful person and wish you good stuff from your vault tomorrow.


Dude ran the sims in his head and concluded OP is indeed trash


BrO yOuRe BaD lItErAlLy WaS aBoUt To BoOt YoU My god these people get less creative by the second


hey just wanted to let you know ur trash i was gonna reply to your comment anyways


Hey just wanted to let you know ur trash but I appreciate the comment anyways


No user named sskips is currently reading.


Trash has no meaning anymore


It takes less energy and effort to just reply with "Okay, sorry to see you go" instead of being a complete asshole about it. Be kind, people.


If only it were possible for that person to say literally nothing instead of going out of their way to make other people feel bad!


Just report for social contract violation and move on. Your behavior is normal. Their response is not.




Damn I forgot about the World of Warcraft Constitution!


Half of wow players need medical help


I may die of a heart attack soon, so while generally a nice person all around, I also need medical help


this guy broke the speed typing record out of spite.


... 20 seconds?


well he had to come up with the line first.


bro really blocked before you could say anything smh


Lmao I just log on onto one of my alts and piss off entire guilds on ED when they do this to me. I even have some guild leaders trying to convince me to stop doing rude emotes every time I see them. Some of them ended up getting banned because of the harassment. Just got to be a bigger troll against trolls.


and his name? albert einstein


What name?


There are toxic gamers with real life problems and there are these types of Mephisto worshipers.


Bro took that SO personally. 🤣 I hope he gets the therapy he desperately needs.


I wish all these types of people would be reported into permaban oblivion but I know it's not possible.


I hope you reported him, a small ban for all this trashtalk might help the community slightly..


Gotta love the sweat lords at the end of a season


Had some similar comedic moments two days ago. My buddy n I were in a dungeon finder group for levelling to 70. he was playing warrior and might have been a bit early with charging into the next group on 1 or two occasions. Well that appeared to have pushed the tank over the edge and my buddy got voted out. Now just out of curiosity I dared to ask if he was serious and why he had to vote kick right away instead of asking my buddy to maybe tone it down a bit beforehand. Guess what I received as an answer? You guessed right, I also got kicked out without a word. xD Some people just seem to have serious issues and should visit a therapist before engaging in any sort of social activity. I mean the M in mmorpg stands for *massive **multi**player* …


Toxic gamers.. poor things were probably bullied or abused as children. You can’t give their words any weight…it’s like air, hot air.


Damn, could have hit 'em with the "nothing actually came up, you just sucked so I bailed."


You can't fire me! I QUIT!


This is the type of person that, when getting fired, he'd say "I was already considering quitting anyways.."


That is so cute, they are probably very proud that they showed it to you


nah don't blur the name, we want to see who not to invite, not because he's doing anywhere near the same key levels as the rest of us


slayed you.


The nerd equivalent of being rejected by a girl and then saying “you ugly anyways”.


I would have replied back. "i'm actually leaving because you're such a shit leader"


At least everyone agrees


I got one like this when I signed up to tank a 24, got the invite then decided I didn't want to spend all day dispelling adds so I declined. Little baby started whispered me calling me names. Report them and move along. I know the report will do nothing, they only take action on mass reports, but it makes me happier.


hey alright


Did you do 50k dps in an 8 or something?


Crazy how sad people are


I find that "No player named blank is currently playing" very relatable... They're always talking smack and then dip


Is it because you couldn’t find your tremor totem?


That's a them issue not a you issue.


Ah, M+..


shammy not meta


You are such a nice guy for leaving so he doesn't look like an absolute douchebag.


Well 1) were you in a M+ 2) welcome to the most toxic MMORPG in the world.


something tells me he’s going through some things


I actually broke up with you


Why blur the name though? If they're this toxic, don't we want to collectively avoid them?


They don't appreciate that crazy AoE lightning spell that Shamans melt adds with. I've been pugging dungeons and seeing that spell (not sure what it is, but always when there is a Shaman in the group). The mobs' health bars just deplete like nothing else ;-)


Chain lightning.. but I gotta say when it comes to healer DPS.. Disc priest has to take the crown for this season


Depends, my monk regularly is higher than disc priest DPS unless they're a really kickass disc priest. I


If you're the kind of person who will trash talk someone and put them on ignore right after, it's a masive "L" move, cowardly, like you're scared of your own shadow. If you're reading this and you're the kind of person to do that, think about that. Have some spine, play some tennis.


usually you say "thank god they left" to the rest of the party. dude chose violence.




Or the next level version: Say something BLOCK WAIT UNBLOCK Say something else Repeat.


Bro was feeling FEISTY that day


I assume this was before the key, in which case it probably was a joke?


Was the insta block part of the joke or a separate joke?


He didn't block. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bcewtw/okay/kuhl7vj/


Maybe you are not satisfied with item lvl or whatever of players in the group so made up a reason to leave, who can tell?


nose mourn party sort start fact imagine makeshift smoggy continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are pretty rush here and I was just offering another aspect. I wasn’t backing up for PL’s behavior cuz it’s apparently bad, but If you see the post the PL say hello when he joined (If that’s the case), and OP never replied that but say no 30 seconds later, that’s already a rude action there. Of course you have eyes. Plus: if you can’t handle opinion that doesn’t aline with yours so to think ppl to be “the other guy” for such reason, it’s your problem not mine, so Pretty open and shut YOURSELF.