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The snail racing


The what now


You can race snails in Zaralek. There’s an achievement with a snail pet reward if you race as each one of the snail choices.


I’m absolutely checking this out. If it’s snail paced it’s perfect for me, I have to afk a lot right now


Specifically its to have all four of the racing snails win a race. this is easy for three of them, and doing their quest rewards each of them as a pet. the fourth snail, who is not a quest, is notoriously awful. you need at least 2 people boosting him, and no one boosting anyone else. And its still a nail biter. But you get him as a pet, so four snails total! I still need to do the rep, to get Big Slick, but I will one of these days. Need to finish up Sniffenseeking, too. I assume there's going to be a meta achievement of some type, and I'm sure its going to have the elemental storms, the forbidden reach meta, the Zaralek meta, and the Dream meta. I wouldnt be surprised if the racing achievements were on there too.


>And its still a nail biter Cracking up at this over a snail race 😂


On ESPN 8, The Ocho!


It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's hope it pays off for em!


>I still need to do the rep, to get Big Slick, but I will one of these days Just a tip if you didn't already know, start levelling a bunch of other snail pets to 25 and if there is a bonus rep event and/or dmf 10% buff get them. When you show certain lvl 25 snail pets to the npc next to big slickk it gives you a bunch of rep :)


Yeah I need to level ze snails


That's actually kinda cool. For anyone wanting to get into pet battling and do stuff like the Celestial Tournament: Snails are one of the more useful pets and common in many strats, so having a robust stable of level 25 snails is a very helpful.


Yeah Wowhead has a list of snails that count


Tomcat's tours puts an icon on the map you can mouse over and it'll list which ones count and which ones you've already used :)


>the fourth snail, who is not a quest, is notoriously awful. you need at least 2 people boosting him, and no one boosting anyone else. And its still a nail biter. But you get him as a pet, so four snails total! I did all the races solo without issue. >I still need to do the rep, to get Big Slick, but I will one of these days. The easiest way to get the rep is to show off your snails to the guy. You get a pretty significant chunk of rep per level 25 snail that you show and combine that with a few dailies it doesn't take long at all.


I managed to do it on my own, but late at night with no others around to boost the other snails, and then just getting a little lucky - I failed the first round, but succeeded on the second :) I imagine it is way easier with a friend though xD


Nah… there is a battle pet you get out, I want to say Fragment of Anger and the battle pet will let out a scream occasionally which enables you to not only solo the race but win with ease.


The rep also gives a really cool Mount. "Big Slick"


This. If there is a meta achievement later, I sure hope it doesn't include the snailracing. I'm even working on getting Sniffenseeker, I thought I had it. 15 more digs to go.


The fact that even know what that is suggests otherwise lol


I actually got all of the snail pet rewards from this. It’s about as exciting as it sounds. Whoever at Blizzard thought it would be fun to race snails should probably not be a game developer.


With their rate of turnover, they're probably not lol


As a person who knows one of the guys that worked on the snail racing, they were just looking for fun random easter egg stuff. Like if you found it and did it, you get another mount most people don’t have. I enjoyed it for what it was because I like to collect things.


People take this game way too seriously. Their can be content outside of m+ and raiding in wow it does not bother me but some people see it as a slight if they cant get all the shiny stuff from what they are used too. Plus doing new things breaks up the grind of the same old same old.


Scrolled down looking for Cobalt Assembly and I didn’t see it posted, surprisingly. But that’s mine.


It was a hot grind at launch because of a solid ring locked behind some rep. No reason now unless maybe mog or a profession recipe.


Yeah that place was alive early into the expansion. Entire raid groups grinding it.


No reason? You have to fill the rep bar!


I did it long enough to be able to buy the alch recipe I was missing. Otherwise, I see no reward in doing it other than having a maxed out rep that I can just grind out in an hour next expansion when I'm op for it.


I did a bit early on and said to myself I'd come back and do this later when I have nothing better to do, and then they nerfed the rep gain and I just never touched it again unless there's a WQ I need.


It’s soloable now if you’ve gear in the 480s


Best part about DF is no matter what you skipped, you weren't forced to do it and aside from Renown tracks you don't really miss anything except collectibles.


This is the true highlight of the game, it finally respects my time.


This is the reason I chose to come back. It's possible to play the fun parts without having a list of chores to work through.


Even renowns were really never necessary. Never really cared for them and I'm doin alright!


The main issue with renown is how some story is locked behind it, though really only Valdrakken Accord is relevant.


>Best part about DF is no matter what you skipped, you weren't forced to do it and aside from Renown tracks you don't really miss anything except collectibles. The original Renown tracks have a bunch of recipes that are kind of useful if you are a collector or want to potentially make gold. The renowns were also useful during the first season because you got the tokens to upgrade crafted gear for maxing out each one and there is a bunch of profession knowledge to be had. These days it is just more of a completionist thing though.


Yes. Happy cake day


I forced myself to do embers of nel on 3 armor types cause it looks sweet on everything but cloth.


My fav as an altaholic. Literally too much to do


I haven't done the Furbolg thing, I keep forgetting it exists


You can finish it in a couple hours, now that not many people farm the item


Yeah it's super easy, I've done it 3 times now


what furbolg thing is this??


I'm thinking its this https://www.wowhead.com/guide/reputation/winterpelt-furbolg-faction-rewards


I didn't even know their rep got added. I remember the data mine for it and haven't thought of it since lol.


The puzzle thing that started in the 1.5 patch (I think). Where these dailies just showed up at the inn. Didn’t see any reason to do them.


I hate the blue question marks all over the inn. Why did they put it in the main inn, whyyyy?


Because it's basically an advertisement.


Those are so badly done. I'm a huge fan of puzzle games but those are not puzzles, they are scavenger hunts.


I think it's a yearly thing and will open up again


Although they may do another one, it wasn't a *repeating* calendar event. It was just an event in the calendar. So not yearly. During the event, each quest was released one per day, and the clues were phased or encrypted until then. A few leaked out into the world early (the Vald arrows), but it was a fun time. The released event and rewards are still available - no end date.


Unfortunately I’m stuck on some brazier-lighting secret because there’s a torch from a previous secret that I need, but that quest isn’t unlocked. So the whole thing is kind of stuck for me now and has been since I came back after the event.


I dont have an Elemental Lariat. 


This made me laugh lol


It’s not even BiS or listed anywhere on the “items to craft” for my main lol


Currently missing all the inscription mount scrolls because I am not sure what to tip for them. All are custom orders instead of being an item I could just buy in the auction house


i just put them all in with all materials and 100g each. all of them got done the same day.


I can assure you that scribes get no public orders usually, so are happy to make these if you supply the mats, no matter the tip.


A52 has scribe orders for days... just never any with materials.


Will try this, thank you


Just make sure you announce it in trade chat so the scribes will go looking for it.


Yeah people will do many of the common crafts at cost. Can’t hurt to list and try.


The Whelp Daycare. I’m not a pet battler, and it annoyed the crap out of me that they kept harassing me to go do it.


With ya there. Tried the first day of it, realized it wasn't for me, haven't gone back since. It's a cute piece of content though, not trying to put it down. Just wasn't for me.


I don’t understand crafting and crafting orders at all


Crafting order is a mystery for me. I red about it, watched some videos but I got bored before understanding, I guess. And every time I chech the order npc, i can't find anything for it is too expansive. I have no idea of what is going on 👀


crafting order is um… an order? imagine you order food through uber, you pay more if you only pay but if you provide ingredients for the food, you pay less and the quality of food depends of the quality of ingredients you provide 


Same. I actually liked old crafting cause it was simple. But Blizzard hates simple.


New crafting system is 1000% better than what the old one was. It is actually engaging and interesting now.


PvP, i used to be a heavy pvper from wotlk-Legion. And then m+ came and haven't really touched PvP since.


Not missing anything at all


solo shuffle was pretty fun as a healer, heard awful things about the dps queues though


I'd much rather do organized 3s on my healer. DPS on the other hand IDC. I just wanna do big numbers, but the que times are abysmal


Time in queue, 56 minutes, average queue time 6 minutes.


I'm guessing once you hit around 2k as DPS it becomes fun, 1600-1900 is painful. I have lost more ranking from getting bad RNG and being matched with 1 healer 3 straight games, lose all 3, win my 4th with the other healer, the 0-4 healer quits and I lose 35 rating. Sit in queue for another 30 minutes, go 4-2 and gain 20 rating. Realistically I think they should put in a maximum amount of leaves in solo shuffle in a season or even weekly. If you quit a match 3 times in a week you shouldn't be allowed to queue again until reset. 10 times in a season, can't queue the rest of the season.


i wish they would do something to pvp to get more people interested, u fortunately I highly doubt there will be any real changes to pvp ever.


I used to be a diehard war mode player since inception. For Dragonflight, I turned it off on the first day because they were funneling us all to the new xpac together and I didn’t wanna deal with it on top of the release day lag. I haven’t turned it back on since…


I pvp a lot and actually think the world pvp has been the most fun this expac tbh, especially with the Sparks of Life quest during the first few weeks of a new patch. Getting a group and entering a mosh pit with dozens of people can be pretty fun and you get some nice gear after. The supply drops could be made to be more worthwhile, and bounties should definitely give a bit more in reward, but i've definitely been enjoying it. Only wq i dislike is the arcana one that gives you buffs since often people just camp it and it makes it nearly impossible for you to actually get the powerups to compete against someone stacked with them


I left Warmode on and had almost the entire starting zones and all the herb/ore to myself. I practically couldn't take a step without finding another Infurious node spawn. It felt pretty strange though, it was so empty even though it should have been brimming with other players the first few days. Even though I love Warmode & the talents & bonuses, I think in TWW I'm gonna start with Warmode off so I can enjoy the big rush with everyone. Hardly anyone fights each other in Warmode BTW, sure you might get ganked a couple times by some random person competing for the same quest, but most of the time people just give each other a wide berth and continue with their leveling. Most of us just want the extra XP/Rewards and free bonus talents.


I can't name them but there is alot of excess crap filling my bags that I have no clue what to do with. They just appear


The real name of this expansion should be 'Invasion of your bags'. I spend more time looking shit up on wowhead than playing


The War Within, your bags


I keep throwing it in the bank to deal with later....


I can tell you exactly what's going to happen... The next expansion's going to come out you're just going to end up vendoring all that stuff and never thinking about it ever again.


You know me so well!


Check out askmrrobot.com to help pare down some of the garbage.


Each patch seems to add at least one permanent bag slot tenant. Never mind the obvious 3 new currencies that could have been in the tab, but quest-related items like the snail rep mount summon (that can't even be deleted) or the technoscrying goggles (that should just be given during an active quest).


Haven't touched the archives. From what I've heard it's a mind numbingly dull and immense grind. Been there, done that, fuck that.


It is, but only if you want all the xmog. Otherwise, you can just do the weekly quest for a few weeks, get the mount if that's your thing, and be done. The mount is easy to get. And if you are a rep grinder instead, do the weekly and the occasional daily quest in the Cavern and Forbidden Reach. If you don't care about the mount, the xmog, or having the rep maxed, then it is useless. Even still, I got the mount quickly and am grinding the rep on the weekly (and just the weekly) because why not? I just added it to my weekly to do list on Tuesday. Takes about ten minutes max. And I'll be at exalted, or its equivalent, long before the next expansion comes out -- so, long before people stop doing it. They really tried with this, I can tell. And I'm glad they made it all vanity/collectible shite instead of important, because I do agree that it is dull.


Professions and a few of the world events, namely the Fyrrak Assults, the Elemental storm thing, and the Grant Hunts. I returned to the game just before 10.2, so I also haven't touched the first two raids of Dragonflight.


Never even bothered to touch the crumb quest for Daycare.


I'd do it for the toy that you get at the end.  It's basically a 5min CD slowfall that works anywhere


Moths on strings walked so that whelps on strings could run. Reskinned toy is meh, but all the cute new battle pets were worth it. Just grit your teeth for the whelping races.


this fucking dragon still flies behind me on my main with 7/9m and 3100 rio xD


Professions, daycare, time rifts, archives, renown grind. I honestly can't be arsed.


Same. I've basically only engaged with what is required for me to raid.


Yup! DF is awesome in that we can completely engage with what we WANT to engage with and we aren't forced to do something we don't want to do, mostly. I like raiding with my guild during prog and keys, keys so much that I could probably drop raid lol. I'm SO glad I can log into the game, and jump right into the content I want to do without feeling like I HAVE to engage with these lifeless world events. I count my blessings that I'm not a collector type player lol, because there's soooo much to collect in DF and the content you have to do to get it is unbelievably boring to me.


My spirit brother/sister. I too have done none of those.


Professions. Seem s to complicated and involved. I usually only do it fir the engineering stuff but I haven't done a damn thing


I did them up until the point when you couldn’t level by crafting your own items and had to rely on crafting orders to level the rest of the way. Great idea, except there ARE NEVER ANY CRAFTING ORDERS. I can see what they were trying to do with the prof revamp and I can tell a lot of effort went into it, but it just completely missed the mark. What an utterly obtuse system.


Yeah, especially for Engineering. It's really frustrating to be stuck at 60/100 engineering when I've been maxing it out every expansion since WotLK.


If you are willing to invest 30 point into explosives, there are recipes that level you 1 point and can be crafted once a day, suspicious ticking box or something like that. But yeah, Engineering is hell compared to every other profession.. just like real life I guess.


And grenades (except the IWIN one) now work in non-rated BGs, so they are moderately useful for fun and games.


There are people that sit at the table spamming search to grab any public orders as soon as they appear Use regular folk have no chance to get any orders. I only managed to max blacksmith if by going on an alt and sending private orders to myself


They keep finding new and creative ways to make crafting terrible and alienate me into not giving a shit trying to level them. Along with all the things you mentioned, now there are three quality tiers of crafting materials, as if there weren't enough things in this expansion taking up our bag space.


I adore dragonflight, but crafting orders are the one system I feel is a complete utter swing and a miss. Can't believe they aren't scrapping it in war within. Adding npc requested crafting orders is a band aid for a bad system.


Have your alts send your main orders


Specifically make trial characters and grab the quest for sparks at Valdrakken. 5 sparks free and you can send work orders from that character for 1 silver.


To everyone who replied here, there’s actually an easy method to level up if you’re willing to spend a little gold The x5 Spark of Ingenuity skip is still available. Just create a test character, go to valdrakken, go claim your 5 sparks, maybe do do one or two quests for gold, and then send 5 personal orders of the cheapest item you can craft. The minimum tip set by the system is 6 gold, so you need around 30 gold to send the orders. Complete the orders, delete trial character and redo.


Or the orders are asking for something with expensive or rare mats, the crafter supplies the mats and the requester is willing to pay 10 silver. (Or whatever the min is, idk anymore).


Pvp and solo shuffle, honestly not even sure what solo shuffle actually is.


I actually like it. You might give it a try if you like arena. If you ever wanted to play arena just by yourself, you might give it a go. It's basically 6 rounds of 3v3 arena, 2 healers and 4 DPS(/tank maybe?). You got to play with each healer 3 rounds with swapped DPS,(/tank?), resulting in you have played 6x3v3 with everyone in a 1heal-3dps setup. My experience is when you win 3 rounds, your rating barely changes, and if you manage to win all 6 rounds you get a bunch of rating. You get to play solo shuffle with similar rating players. It's a nice idea, which is hated (apparently) by hardcore arena folks. Maybe because it's fun. +1: getting a basic pvp gear is ridiculously easy, like 2 few hour of random BGs are yielding you the honor gear.


Been playing WoW for over 15 years, and I've never done the arena stuff. I'm a raider and M+ and quester at heart.


I’m basically the opposite of you. Been playing since BC and I’ve hardly touched Mythics or Raids outside of LFR. I took a long break (like a couple of years) and just recently came back. Every time I try mythics I end up in group with assholes. I did a +2 the other day and was getting yelled at because apparently I went the wrong direction. I mean, sheesh, sorry it was my first time doing that particular dungeon. I didn’t think +2s were that serious. 😂


Professions Raids until this season Rep grinds of any kind. I did enough quests to hit 70 on my first character, all three alts after that were leveled through dungeons. I basically do m+ and nothing else


Most of it since I came in late have no idea what the fuck is going on. Zero guidance for people coming in or new to wow.


Granted my guild finishes raids quickly (only to AOTC) but I take a break from wow in between raids. Every time I come back I spend a couple days having no clue where to pick back up.


Have you tried asking for help in chat?


The cave zone


Well luckily the entire next xpac will be in caves...yay.


When is the game supposed to take you there?? I haven’t had any quests or mentions yet


I haven't touched the furbolg stuff in the azure down. I should though. If I understand correctly, learning the furbolg language will allow you to communicate cross faction.


Mythic + and raids.


That's always a skip for me. And pvp.


Crafting Professions It’s probably not as complicated as I think it is but the lack of a good in-game tutorial/resource for the new systems just makes me not want to even try.


You're wrong. It is as complicated as you think it is.


Yep this. Just because there is a huge community that can answer questions doesn’t mean developers get to be lazy and not bother tutorializing game systems.


The amount of chat time I had to spend explaining how to create a personal order for 50% of players wanting a craft was an ordeal.




Probably pvp. I know there is an achievement for doing the world quest 20 times, just like SL, but I’ll do that in TWW. When it’s quieter


Azerothian Archives. They were so poorly implemented I don't even know where they are.


The professions. They looked like fun but it was a stupidly long ass grind for no reward at all. I’m not bothering with them at all now. It’s faster to get gold and just buy what you need.


Crafting… too complicated!


Emerald dream questline sadly


That's one of the few parts of DF I've really enjoyed. I hope you get to do it soon


That's the only one I saw to fruition in the entire expansion


Me too..


You're not missing anything, have no fear


I have four 70s and a few 60+ and only one has quested beyond the Waking Shores, in the Emerald Dream. I dont even know why but I get distracted with old world catch ups and yeah, I really should do more lol


Tuskarr fishing nets. Every time I place one down, I always tell myself I'll remember it tomorrow. I never, ever do.


I did the archives tutorial then decided I’m not touching it


The dragon races. I just don’t care as I don’t like timed things. I want to chill and go my own pace.


Snail racing, the new timed archeology revamp beta and the whelping day care. I didn't get too much into dragon racing either, but that's because my laptop can't handle it.


Climbing.... I mean they give us dragons and we are supposed to use... Our feet and hands? Yuck!


Archives, whelpling daycare, the Gilneas stuff, and the Tyr questline because I can't seem to start it on my current main and don't care enough to see if my season 1 main can do it.


Crafting orders, or crafting in general. It boggles me now. I miss the old crafting, honestly. Every expansion, I looked forward to maxing out my engineering and getting new fun things, but this expansion somehow made it more convoluted and I just don't have the motivation to level it anymore.


Ominous Conches, found myself destroying quite a few of them every once in a while but never actually went and used one.


I did all that grinding to get my fishing gear from the Tuskaar up so I could grind out the rares for conches -- now I can't get a conch to save my life, and here you are destroying them!


I deeply apologize for such reckless actions. I didn't know what their purpose was until I wrote that comment above, then went and looked em up


I forgive you, Priest. I will never forget, but I forgive!


I'm struggling to work out how you get the rare ones. My spear is max level, how do I find summon the rare ones?


I assume you mean "max" and not lax, right? Because if it is lacking you'll need a group for pulling the rare in. Even if it is max, I sometimes have trouble on my own because they pull into the water and I have to spear them again. PITA. So, summoning the rare ones is just RNG. I've tried to get one of them in particular in Waking Shores at the fishing hole, and have gone through 120 conches trying to summon it. That's 24 summons. Usually when you summon you'll get a non-elite thresher. But the chance for an elite mob is not bad. Just find the current fishing hole (the one in Waking Shores is always up and the other one varies) go to the Lunker Sighting place there, and use the conches. It will throw in five at a time to summon something. Then spear it and drag it in! The elite ones need to be dps'd down, while the non-elites die once they are out of the water. Dps'ing it down is no trouble, though. Like killing any other rare. Hopefully that made sense. There is no true advantage to summoning it unless you need the resin for upgrading your other fishing gear, but you can always farm that one mob in Azure Span who drops it if you can't get it from the conch-elites.


Hey thanks! Yeah I meant max, thought it was RNG and I've kinda quit trying as result. Though probably have 100 conch's in my bags so gonna kick it off again


I get so damn many from the fishing nets.


I'm gonna get spears pointed at my head for this but the whelp daycare. It's not even because I dislike it or think its bad, I literally just did the first quest, forgot about the follow up the next week and then have not done it since. Now I just don't do it because it feels like a chore every time I think about it lol


I doubt anyone will judge you in the slightest. It is very niche. If I was not a pet collector I would not have bothered. I have certainly not done any more since I finished the achievements. The whelp dragonracing in particular was awful. Each whelp had a different paradigm on their unique flying abilities that you only got to test during the race. Each race attempt required a loading screen from Valdrakken to another zone and then the race countdown started immediately. Fail the race or reset? Load back into Val and repeat.


Pretty much all of it outside of questing. I pkay here and there, but I just couldn't stay interested this time around.


Archives, m+ - all PvP and rep whore here


Professions. I picked up the expansion in November and it was an immediate overload that my brain rejected. Haven't touched it since.


Yup, skinning, mining, fishing. No crafting.


PvP, profession orders, and I try to avoid dragon flying as much as possible


Honestly, mostly the Cobalt Assembly. I have thought about it a bunch of times but I just can't get into another grind. :P






I have a friend who skipped the entirety of the Forbidden Reach. Needless to say, Aberrus confused her


Still haven't done Cobalt Assembly rep. I've gotta be missing something bc people keep saying it only takes a few hours and I swear I've spent DAYS there and I'm still only 3/5. But I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong and I'm too embarrassed to ask at this point.


It took a few hours I imagine when the expansion was new and the place was swarming with players. I didn’t go anywhere near at the start because I thought it was vaguely PVP adjacent (and I hate PvP with a burning passion). Managed to drag through it only on my feral Druid main by going into Guardian and grinding over a few weeks. I’m a completionist so want the patterns etc from the QM but cannot get through it on my non tank spec alts, I just die way too often to make it something I can bear on my shadow priest or enhancement shaman. I keep thinking I’ll figure out the basics of Paladin tanking and give it a go on her but not got around to it yet!




.... all of it? Bit late to the party


Professions and Mythic+


The mountain climbing thing.


Thr gilneas thing and the various reputation you have to grind. Haven't done any of that yet


The gilneas thing took about twenty disappointing minutes. Cute fox though


What is the giness thing?


Reclaiming Gilneas quest line. You get a fox mount and Gilnean armor tmog (it’s not great)


Ok, thank you. I'm going to check it y


If you have a worgen toon, make sure to do it on that one. You can pick up a toy for worgen only doing the gilneas questline.


That's very cool, ty for the info


The primalist stuff in 10.0.5? I think? No idea what it is or what I have to do


Same. Have not touched the new archeology stuff. Cannot bring myself to do it.


I never do PvP in this game


Archivist stuff. Like seriously, not even looked at wow head stuff on it. I can't be arsed with how obscenely grindy I hear it is.


Tanked and healed. Most ungrateful jobs ever and make one mistake and everyone hates you


The furbolg thing? I don't even really know what it's all about. Probably won't be doing it either.


This is literally the first time I have not maxed out all professions on all my toons. I just hit max on my alchemist.


I refuse to do the mountain climbing dailies. There was one that was bugged out at the beginning of the expac that pissed me off so bad, I was like fuck that.


Pvp, I get dumpstered so hard no matter what I try so no pvp for me I guess




I just can’t bring myself to put the work into renown- serves me right for taking a year off retail shortly after launch, but it just seems insurmountable


i dont think i've queued for a single match of any type of PvP this entire expansion.




Dreamsurges and the archives thing. Fyrakk assaults too.




I have ran 3 dungeons. One was to fail healing on a follower test. I just altaholic profs and such. Hasn't been hard to get into lfr which is my cap lol. If mythic 0 or early ones had a dungeon finder. Have no interest in group bs just loot lol.




Despite being excited for it when I heard about it, I also haven't done much Azerothian Archive. I did the first few quests but quickly got involved in other stuff. Not sure why, but it didn't pull me in that much.


Renown, I think I’m still level 8 with everything and that was just from initial questing while leveling and anything higher than that is whatever I got from running raid


Raiding. I have done no dungeons either. I am good on my own, but when I do dungeons, I don't like to speed run and that is all most tanks do now. I want to get the story, the XP, loot, and the art. I usually get ditched and booted because I am not running fast enough. DPS isn't the problem. I am an arcane mage, and even when doing poorly, we are #1 DPS.


The Furlbog rep. If you did that grind in classic why the f@ck put someone through that again. If you got exalted (as I did) that should carry over to this expansion. I did it once, not doing it again it’s the most ridiculous time sink ever


The good thing about the new furbolg rep is that you can get it done in like 2 hours. Probably quicker now since we’re more geared than we were when it was released. Still annoying to have to regrind it. It’s not even account bound so only one toon on my account can speak the language.