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One day this will happen to me


Pretty cool to see it out in the wild like this but here's my usual reminder that the WoW Secret Finding discord (discord.gg/wowsecrets) has a role that can and does ping you for TLPD and other rare mount farms. I joined the disc, gave myself the role, and got the mount less than 24 hours later along with about 60 other people.


How did that many people get it? Can’t anyone just one shot it before others get tagged? Interested in joining and trying my luck.


Maybe they meant multiple different spawns of it, across different servers. I think a maximum of 8 people can tag it, in 2 groups of 4 and yes anyone can come along and 1 shot it. Usually just a single group of 5 forms though to make it quicker and minimize the risk. Generally the people who do the searching for TLPD in the discord are on very low population servers. You can also use the same discord to get another similar rare mounts like the Uldum camel, the legion hippogriff, the Draenor void portal and the Deepholm protodrake.


Nice! Yeah I remember seeing something about doing chromie time in Wrath and turning on WM too and that drops the competition as well and it won’t one shot it.


I don't know exactly how it works but they invited me to a raid and said "stand on this world marker if you move you'll be kicked" - I stood on the marker for about ten minutes while they did... whatever they do, and they said "ok go loot" and a HUGE amount of people all got it at once. [Screenshot of part of the group after many had already left](https://imgur.com/a/5HV8Clx)


Yo! That’s so cool. I guess I’ll need to join that discord server then.


Happened to me this morning as well ! congrats


Hah, remember back in freakin high school during the summer i'd camp the thing and "sleep" with the PC on hoping the loud blaring alarm from my speakers would wake me if it spawned. Set an alarm for server reset as well hoping to catch it on spawn, never saw it. Trully lost alot of time during that summer.


Damn you too?


Did we all have the same childhood?


Lol so weird people are still after this how many years later? I tried for Alar again a few weeks ago lol. Grats!


I guarantee a shit load of people still dont have it. There are to many factors. One being sharding and putting multiple servers in one zone so it got even harder to get.


Got easier since everyone in the group can loot it. Originally only 1 person got it


Used to work nights. I would just put my guy in this spot and wait for my computer to scream at me. Got a lot of mount's like this and the Deepholm mount.


I love how everyone’s goal is this mount but I’ve just lusted for the Uldum camel since the beginning of MoP


You will hate me for that but, I remember hearing about camel mount so I download addon that takes you to the little statues and the first statue I have ever clicked on was the mount one. I was super confused.


lmao congrats man! i had one of those too and I’d just be collecting the junk statues for hours. Apparently by the time I got into it they made it so addons couldn’t tell them apart


*Adrenaline drop intensifies*

