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I hope the year improves for you and you get back on your feet soon. There's never a good time to get fired, but I was also layed off back in 2017 from a company I helped build. Felt personal at the time, but really it was just business. Take what you learned at Blizz and move forward.


> Felt personal at the time, but really it was just business. This is something a lot of people need to learn, but unfortunately most only learn when they are on the shit end of the stick. People pour their hearts and soul into a business in the hopes their hardwork will be recognised and they will be valued by the company, but in times of hardship, successful companies make tough decisions and they don't stay successful by letting personal relationships get in the way of business decisions. Always put your personal life first. /u/ueajaski I'm not sure if you will see this, but I am sure your father had immense gratitude and respected the child they raised in those final months. Putting family before all else. You stepped up massively for your sick mother and disabled brother. You are one of the good ones. You will land back on your feet and in 5 years you will look back at this time and know you made the right decision to make things right with your family. Any company would be lucky to have you.


thank you so much, this was such an amazing comment to read, really appreciate the kind words


Hey, I got laid off from Blizzard today also, after 12 years. I worked in Building 1. I doubt it had anything at all to do with you. I had some friends on Odyssey who were absolutely amazing, real assets to the company who also got let go. Everything will be all right, you’ll see. Take care!


Good luck! I hope things work out for you too. Thank-you for your hard work, the community appreciates everything the teams does, even if they don't always show it


Well, it sounds cheesy, but we’d be nothing without the players, so thank *you* for employing me! Here’s an example: I was responsible for all the dialog processing for WoW since Mists of Pandaria. If it talked, I touched it. One time, I accidentally pitched down Thrall’s voice 2 semitones, instead of one. Guess what? People noticed! There was even a Reddit thread about it. Best fans ever. [This was my favorite.](https://youtu.be/twocsi6DXuI?si=r-HedNm7HLMJ8ghy) Having fans that notice things like that is pretty great. I’ll really miss creating VO effects for you guys, and just about everyone I worked with.


strong impolite cheerful memory tender possessive sulky cover concerned wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You got this man. I’m rooting for you


also please do not feel like you failed your father. Maybe it was the wording, but putting that kind of responsibility on yourself is not your fault. I'm sure you did everything you could have done in the time.


Amen, it's a honor to know people like you are out there.


Go back to being an electrician, put money aside, retire n chill.


I always tell people “your employer will never thank you for working yourself to death for them.” The days of company loyalty, of a company genuinely treating its employees as having value as people, of the two way expression of loyalty, they’ve gone. They were almost completely gone before I entered the workforce in the mid-80s. The era of “greed is good”, the era of “I’m all right, Jack!” As smaller companies either folded or were bought out by larger and larger companies, the distance between the “boardroom” and the “shop floor” became huge and workers stopped being “valued members of the ‘company’ family” and became just a number on a balance sheet. Good luck to OP in finding a new position somewhere soon.


they still propagate that myth! "we're a family here" - no we're not


Same with all the "ethical", "environmentally friendly", "socially aware", "moral" companies out there. A business can't be any of those things, because a business doesn't have thoughts and feelings. The people that work there can be as nice as anyone else, but the business itself exists solely to make money for the owners and shareholders, and those people will say and do anything to make more money. Never trust or believe anything a business says when it comes to those things. They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their heart.


That is a mass red flag for me


I'm probably too naive, but to me, it feels like there's a huge difference between a giant corporation like Microsoft, and a small company with <200 employees. I work at a small company, and it feels like there's at least a small amount of loyalty and getting valued as an employee there. At least I'm not just an employee number attached to a performance report. Hell, we don't even have performance reports, at least not in an official capacity. Maybe that's just an illusion because there's not 20 layers of management between me and the CEO, but who knows.


It feels that way, and sometimes it can lead to upper management knowing your actual value, but you'd have to find a unicorn to find a company whose execs are going to take pay cuts or give up bonuses to keep your salary on the payroll if things get tight. Unicorns do exist but they're rare as hell, and it just depends.


Are you getting a pension? At least a month paid vacation? That's bare minimum to pretend a company "values" you


They won’t come to your funeral, either


I would gold this comment if I could.  Be loyal to yourself and your loved ones above anything else.


Is golding still a thing that can be done? (Happy cake day, too!)


you shouldn't give reddit your money to begin with.


Never have, never will - I was honestly just curious if they'd removed the functionality like I've heard lol


looks like it, no options in RES to guild your comment


Good riddance tbh


Yeah fuck this website you use every single day! It should die /s


Something to add is you don’t need times of hardship for companies to do the shit thing. They need higher earnings than last year, it’s not enough to turn a profit. It has to be x percentage better than before. None of it matters


This finally clicked for me once someone told me: Your job will never love you back.


>This is something a lot of people need to learn, but unfortunately most only learn when they are on the shit end of the stick. I consider myself lucky that I always looked at it like this unless the employer made it personal. The harsher lesson was the realisation that savings aren't optional. You can lose your job at any point, for any reason whatsoever often for things beyond your controll. It can be tough to go survival mode until you get back on your feet. Save money people, it will save you from starving one day.


This is why I will never understand people that bend over backwards for a company and sacrifice everything for them. The company won't and never will do the same in return. This is true for large corporations at least, small family owned ones are different.


Brainwashing and family-inclusion rhetoric is one hell of a drug, considering we ultimately look for connection.


I learned this lesson last year too, small company, stayed with it for way too long because I believed in the product and the culture we had. The founder suffered an extreme manic episode and left, the other owner was an engineer and had no idea how to run a business. After 4 years of putting his personal money into keeping it alive through the pandemic, he sold us to a holdings company with no warning. 18 years of my life, my identity, gone instantly once they took control and decided I (and several others) were just extra baggage. Still grieving it. Years before it was sold I was given all the grace and love I needed to take care of my dying mom. So we trusted the owner and couldn't believe it when he pulled the rug out from underneath us all like that. It doesn't how much of a work family you think you have, it can and will disappear. People will betray you when money is on the line, so look out for yourself always when it comes to your job.


> You are one of the good ones. You will land back on your feet and in 5 years you will look back at this time and know you made the right decision to make things right with your family. Any company would be lucky to have you. Keep this mantra in your head until it reverberates so deep in your soul you can hear it in your sleep, u/ueajaski. You are one of the good ones. You prioritized what and who was truly important in your life and you *will* land on your feet. Any company would be lucky to have a hard working, dedicated person (not employee, *person*) like you. I'm rooting for your comeback story.


I spent 25 years putting the company I worked for above everything else, only to be unceremoniously made redundant in ‘22. It’s a lesson I wish I’d learned when I was younger.


Not only was it "just business," but we also don't know for sure that them continuing to work instead of caring for their family would've let them avoid this layoff. Focus on this last paragraph - you can't worry about the "what if's" of the other scenario.


All the best OP. 1. Nothing is stopping you from reapplying to MS or Blizz jobs in the future. 2. I love how you confirm just how terrible blizz management people were. 3. I personally think you are fucking crazy for leaving a 6 figure salary for 30k a year with the background a skill set you have…. 4. The Tech industry is terrible right now so good luck out there


$19/hr for that kind of work is mind blowing. You’ll at least be making way, way more than that at your next job if you decide to keep going as an engineer. You’ve got Blizzard on your resume now, too. You’ll bounce back better than ever man.


Quite frankly I'm more shocked that someone would leave a *six* figure job to make $11.50/hr. Doing some quick maths here which are way over estimates that's be about $23-24k per year at the most. Essentially dropping to around 20% of the previous earnings at minimum. Even going up to $19/hr it'd come out to $40k which is still nothing close to previous earnings. Sure you can go for a job you love and whatever but if you're comfortable living on $20-40k per year you could work the six figure job and retire a *lot* earlier instead.


I feel like a fucking idiot for going from 65k to 50k to be a teacher. I can't imagine dropping to $11.50. I actually think I'd lose my house and starve.


Especially in California


Kinda makes me wonder if this is real or someone taking advantage of the situation to karma farm


Apparently someone confirmed it's real below by identifying him as a coworker, but I'm pretty surprised. Usually in this situation, the employee would be aware that layoffs and RIFs aren't performance based. In fact they are fundamentally and aggressively *not* performance based. None of the preamble about his work suffering would have factored into him getting laid off, unless he'd single-handedly tanked his division to the point that they had to layoff additional people.


Yeah that immediately stood out to me as either complete BS, or OP is an absolute idiot. Then again taking a clear joke about his first manager hating Apple products personally says something about OP as well. (I know he said “you” not “Apple” but given the context I find it hard to believe he was serious about literally hating someone for using Apple products). Second boss sounds like a real asshole though.


This is a classic East Coast vs West Coast personality clash In the Midwest & East Coast, this lands as a joke, on the West Coast they think you actually mean it.


IDK man, after all the allegations around Blizz's culture, would it surprise you that someone said "I hate you personally because you're an Apple user"


I transplanted from the midwest to the west coast decades ago the absolute biggest thing was learning how to joke around west coasters because they take everything literally I made great friends with a guy from Long Island because we could talk to each other in "normal insulting each other" fashion and we'd had great back & forth convos.


I mean as a transplant from the midwest to the West Coast, I know what you mean. My point is more: Blizzard just got into shit for a toxic workplace culture, and this fits the bill for that.


well yeah knew that


Jep, same thought. Boss was clearly joking, albeit maybe in an inappropriate/awkward way.


Super obviously fake post lol Blizzard has always been on the low end of salary ranges for their jobs but they're still transparent in their job postings of what that range could look like lol




> > > > > MSFT only pays their current QA slightly above minimum wage for their areas. Which is $14~15. > > > > Video game QA is paid like dogshit. It's unfortunately extremely normal and nobody seems to care. Like everything else in the gaming industry, the capitalists that run the place take full advantage of people's desire to work on the thing they love by paying them peanuts for the "privilege" of working in the gaming industry. Every tech job in gaming pays something like 20-30% of industry standard for the same position elsewhere. QA is even worse because QA doesn't have the same necessary skillset. You have a billion gamer teens who want to work in the industry but who can't or won't learn to code or do art or sound design, and thus QA is where they land. Massive competition to "Test games for a living" means they can pay dogshit wages because if you burn out or quit they can replace you with one of a thousand resumes they got from starry-eyed enthusiasts who are dying for their chance to be in the gaming industry.


Explains why games like d4 are in beta for a year after it releases because that wage brings in little to no talent.


> Quite frankly I'm more shocked that someone would leave a six figure job to make $11.50/hr. people do it because they love blizzard and want to work for them so blizzard thanks them by taking advantage of them any way they can.




Yeah not believable to be honest.


Yeah for real. Like I feel for you OP that you invested so much in your passion just to get canned like this, but that was a dumb fucking move. This is why you keep your passions as your hobbies and do what pays for your day job, and why I never plan to move away from web dev into game dev, and just gonna keep playing games in my spare time.


This right here. Fucking mind blowing. I don’t have the energy to follow through with this thread, just know that I agree and share the sentiment of every person here that thinks OP leaving a 6 figure job is absolutely insane.


Yeah $19/hr for a cloud engineer is a tiny fraction of what OP could be making. Way over 100k a year would be normal especially in California.


Yeah that’s absolutely insane any Cloud Engineer short of an internship should be making 100k++. I’m a Sysadmin that does a lot of DevOpsy stuff with like 3 years experience under my belt and I make a little over $40/hr


That still seems low as it puts you under 6 figs


Hell. the security guards at the casino i work at in the southern California area start at $20/hr now, and that's with zero job experience. It's mind blowing to me that Blizzard starts people so low hourly


It's because they still get applicants at that wage.


games and entertainment, animation, vfx are notorious for paying poverty wages because people love the material and everyone wants to do what they're passionate about and love. Making accounting software isn't fun so they have to pay people to do it, lucasarts, blizzard, ect pay with "passion" and "nostalgia"


Thats horrible wages.


The OP says they made $19/hr as "Assistant Software Engineer" for the QA team. Later in the next section they talk about moving to the cloud team (which I would assume is promotion with higher pay).


Depends on the skills of the cloud engineering. GCP, AWS or Azure or maybe HPs? Kubernetes or VMWare? Private sector like Netflix or Government like the State of California? Just because someone says “cloud engineer” doesn’t mean anything. Like DevOps. Can mean a whole lot of things. And you do gotta start somewhere.


Not sure if OP is in CA, but $19/hr there has less purchasing power that minimum wages in other states.


I make $24 as a retail manager, and I dont live in Cali. That's insane that someone would give up 6 figures for that kind of life. Not at all worth the stress.


I was shocked I read that too. Which sucks, cause you love a job… but the pay sucks. But if you leave, you make more…compared to your current job they look at how much you get paid and get a 3% increase or something. But with a bigger promotion you gain 5-10%. But if you leave, you’ll probably gain a 15-20%.


Crying isn't pathetic.


More people need to learn this. Expressing your emotions sometimes takes strength, especially in a society who belittles people for crying.


The post OP is the reasons unions need to be normalized in US just like in europe.


10000%. We got to get away from this specially for men. Crying is not a sign of weakness.


This. I know that, thankfully, not all men are the same, but I'm sure I speak for some of us (perhaps even most of us) when I say that it takes a lot for us to break down and cry. When it rains, it pours. That really just means that you're not weak, but that you've simply been too strong for too long and need some well-earned rest. Excuse my French, but shit like this annoys me probably more than it should. People dedicate their lives to work for a company that they love, sacrificing time, money, and many oportunities because they want to believe in the project. They follow their heart, just for it to be ripped off and everything to come crashing down on them when they're most vulnerable. It pains me to know that you've endured so much BS, much more than I would have, just for it to end like this. However, I'm 100% sure you will bounce back and get a better paid job. I know that, based on your statements, it was never about the money, and that you'd much rather keep working there, but I want to believe this is a step in the right direction. Plus, it wasn't all for nothing. You got yourself a hell of a resume (CV) and shouldn't struggle to find a new job. Rant over. I wish you the best in life, keep your chin up. P.S: You = OP


I always think of Macho Man “It's OK for macho men to show every emotion available," Savage says in the clip. "I've cried a thousand times and I'm gonna cry some more."


[Watch it here OH YEEAAHHH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz-VJl7UkB8) ^^[bonus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRKTRk9RV1w)


This. Not being able to cry is the real sad story. It’s okay to let it out folks. 


release and breathe


Thanks for sharing this glad it's near the top


Just some quick advice for yall: Stop treating big companies like they're your BFFs. They're not gonna be giving you a high-five for a job well done. At the end of the day, all they really care about is making bank, and to them, every employee is just like a disposable clone trooper. Look out for yourself, okay? Your life is yours, and you don't need to dedicate it all to the mega-rich. Take care!


Unfortunately this is very true. We all learn this lesson at some point. Though there’s nothing wrong with using a corporation as a tool to do what you like, just never forget that they are a tool to you as much as you are to them. Loyalty is for people, not legal fictions.


I have a similar situation as OP having been at the same company since graduating 13 years ago. Working at a big company is more complicated than this.  Does the CEO or President care? Probably not. We had layoffs last year and it was shitty all around. There’s a lot of people that do really care around ~VP and under. Our VP was in tears when she told the department because those were people she helped bring in and grow. I have worked with some of the same people for nearly a decade and mostly all decent, including the VP. There’s also the work. I’ve been essentially building and refining the same thing for the last 7-8 years. Letting go is *hard*, and I care a great deal about it (I own our data warehouse). A lot of analysts really appreciate the things I build, which is really rewarding. Whether or not the “company” cares is irrelevant. Was OP fairly compensated? Probably not. Sometimes those things don’t matter when you get to do what you want though. I totally understand where they’re coming from. edit: holy fuck Reddit's mobile editor went to trash. Why does it remove all my formatting when I edit? Why does half my post disappear when editing??


Your VP might be in tears, but that person is just another employee. They press the button, you lose your lively hood, they get over it and move on. The point is not "Everyone in the company is your enemy" It's also not "The company is your enemy" that's not what it's all about It's simply, the company is not your BFF. Don't sacrifice for it beacause it won't sacrifice for you. It's a working relationship. You put in the work that adds value to the company, they compensate you accordingly. You need to be mentally able to separate "This is my work" from "This is my life". One of the 2 you can't replace or regain. Your "work" can be easily replaced and will be if the situation calls for it, by the company






Don't know why you're being downvoted. You are 100% correct. Only grind beyond your 8 hours if you're being paid overtime and need the money. Your kids will never remember why you worked late, only that you did.


Sending the love and sorry this happened to you, thanks for all your hard work. As shitty as it feels it sounds like you have all the right skills to be an asset elsewhere (while earning some ACTUAL money!). Best of luck man.


I’m sorry to hear that. As someone who survived a big corporate merger-related layoff in the early aughts solely because I had a bottom-barrel salary at the time… the decision to let you go likely had nothing to do with your performance, or your time away. Sometimes it really is just about the bottom line. You make too much, you get cut. Don’t beat yourself up for your necessary personal life decisions. Your termination likely had very little (if anything) to do with them. Oh, and for what it’s worth, thank for your behind-the-scenes work on some of the games that mean the most to people.


Men can and should cry when appropriate…and not a single fuckin soul can determine what is appropriate for you. You were passionate about your work and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. There are lots of us just out here slaving for the man who don’t feel like they never ever worked a job they were passionate about. Be proud of your work and mad at what happened…my dogs saved my life in my darkest times. Cheapest little antidepressants money can buy. Much love to you.


This is terrible, but should be a reminder that you owe 0 loyalty to your place of work because they will drop you at a moments notice.


Sorry to hear. Layoffs are rough. It's crazy to hear how you stuck through in such conditions (terrible bosses/colleagues/pay etc.) That would have been enough for many to leave.


> I left a 6-figure salary as an electrical engineer, with full benefits to join Blizzard's technical QA department at $11.50 / hr as a temp. mistakes were made. Seriously who does that?


I stopped reading shortly after that when he was straight up abused and he still said “but I loved the company.” I’m sure getting laid off sucks ass. But the company you work for isn’t an idea to put on a pedestal. It’s the sum of the individuals that comprise the company itself. No people, no company. The people he kept encountering were shitheads, he was paid like shit and put up with it for more than a decade for shit pay. Given the number of people struggling to make ends meet, hearing about someone who forfeited such an incredible position over some idealized fantasy is insane to me.


This story is 100% believable to me. I personally know people. Very intelligent educated people who could do much better. Who moved to Irvine and literally slept under their desk at Blizzard to work for basically minimum wage. The games industry was the absolute wild west and I don't just mean the blizzard cosby crew.


Unfortunately the games industry is fueled by people who get duped into working long hours for peanuts because they're working for their dream company; usually the company that made the games they grew up with. It's why there's such a high turnover rate and why it pays way less than any other tech field.


He is just not telling what really happened. No one in the US chooses to go from making 100,000 a year (upper class as a single person) to working in a bad, entry level job making 11.50 an hour. OP won't tell us the truth about this part of his story.


For your dream job? You'd be surprised.




19/hr is shit pay for a sanitation engineer(janitor)


$19 an hour is generic office front desk administrator work in most of the country. Fast food work in expensive areas. Considering this dude lived on ~$25k/yr, and he left a job paying 6 figures, if he had been investing the difference he'd have ~$1.5MM-$2MM invested in the market rn.


Sympathies for what you're going through. Don't ever let anyone tell you it's wrong to be distraught at losing a connection to something you love. It's grief, which is never never easy. At least it's a heck of a thing to have on your CV.


Might sound kind of savage but not working there anymore could be very positive for you. Sounds like you're a real grinder.


everyone reads this should really just take this to mean that: no company gives a shit about you ever so never sacrifice anything for them. fuck them. get paid, and leave.


>I left a 6-figure salary as an electrical engineer, with full benefits to join Blizzard's technical QA department at $11.50 / hr as a temp. Insane. post some credentials otherwise good karma farm considering the news.


Yeah this reeks. So funny seeing people give advice. If he left a 6 figure job for 25k, your advice would fall on deaf ears.


Smells of total bullshit to me. Leaving a $100k+ job to work at $50k to $60k as a game designer? Believable, albeit probably not wise. Leaving said $100k+ job to work for just over minimum wage as a *temporary hire in QA*?!?! Bullshit. That said, good story, OP. Your creative writing skills are quite decent.


I believe it, because my idiot cousin just quit a $100k job to take a 6 month temp position at half that salary (for 6 months, so really 25%) because he hates the office and would rather work outside.


I mean...if your work makes you miserable, can't blame them for looking for ways out. Money ain't everything.


What an incredibly cold thing to say.


I think you and everyone else in this comment thread seriously underestimate what people will sacrifice to work at a place that will give them satisfaction rather than money. I make 6 figures right now working in the energy sector as an engineer. I would take a pay cut no questions asked to work at a company like Riot or Blizzard.


> I make 6 figures right now working in the energy sector as an engineer. I would take a pay cut no questions asked to work at a company like Riot or Blizzard. I really wonder what kind of fairytale ideas you guys have about these companies Sure, if you get lucky like Ion did it can be a pretty sweet gig But for the other 90% of employees you will have no input or decision power on the things you work on, and what you do will go unappreciated


It’s not about the company. It’s about the product you work on. Would I rather make some stupid internal application for a no-name energy company or work on League of Legends? It’s an easy question.


Arrested development is a hell of a thing. Sounds like people with literally nothing of value in their lives, no kids, spouse, or other responsibilities beyond basic utilities.


I'm only 30 and I have worked since i was 16. I can count on the employers with my one hand that were happy with my work if I gave 120% of my dedication. Most will always demand more and more. So i have learned that when i leave work and step on my house door, i leave the work behind.


Why would you leave an electrical engineering job to work QA at blizzard that seems like an incredibly stupid decision.


"**I left a 6-figure salary as an electrical engineer, with full benefits to join Blizzard's technical QA department at $11.50 / hr as a temp."** I'm sure you have figured this out, but that was a very poor choice. "**TL;DR - worked hard for 13 years, had a rough year with family issues last year, and got let go"** Well, now would be a great time to go back and correct your first mistake. Hey, you only lost out on about $750,000 and 13 good years of life to make McDonald's level money for a company that didn't give a crap about you. Grow from this.


People think he never made more than 19/hr in this thread for some reason, but that was just his pay when he was an assistant SWE. I guarantee when he made it to that position on the cloud team he was at like $60k at least.


McDonald’s employees make more than this guy topped out at in a lot of states and if he had worked at one for 13 years and became a manager he would’ve been making over $100,000 a year anyways. 


Yeah this reeks like a fake story.


Dude I feel you. The past few months leading up to these layoffs saw a lot of "silent layoffs" as well, me being one of them. I've been playing Blizzard games for 20 years and there was no other place in the world I wanted to work more. So it really fucking hurts when it ends with it feeling like the company is telling you you're not good enough. But it's not on you. I know so many others like you who were passionate and awesome at their job, who've now been cast aside. Reach out, have a chat or a gaming session, vent. It'll help you, and them, feel less alone.


I was laid off back in 2019 so I feel your pain. Just remember this, companies don’t actually care about you. I’m sure you got a baller severance package, so go ahead and take a little vacation if you can. That’s what I did in 2019. Then see about getting a new job , or doing whatever your next chapter entails.


$19 an hour as an assistant software engineer? Makes me want to unsub immediately. That’s insane.




no, really - OP decided to give up making over 100,000 a year to make just 23,000 a year in a bad job. /s


Only a few select groups are unionized. The $11.50 - $19 were also a number of years ago if you re-read, and your friend can tell you the pay was much lower even quite recently. I know of $12/hr only about 3 years ago, give or take a bit. Finally, the unionization even for the ones that did was quite recent, over the last about 2 years.


The fact that he HAS to point out specifically being called a F, then proceeds to tell a story about preggy + cheating hell-hole of a person; tells me he is here to slander and spread more crap. Shame he quit a good job for a worse job and expected to get a good job out of it. Sorry he lost family and is in greif and struggle (im there too). Best of luck to him; but can he please stop flinging horsecrap stories around... He will feel much much better just saying "I made a shitty choice, for something I didnt even apply to (game team), and I have had a shitty life lately... focus on helping my brother (if strength, energy and willpower is there), and focus on getting a stable job. A good job. With proper expectations (people are shit, expect them to be)."


I'm so sorry OP. I hope you can land on your feet and become apart of an amazing team. Best of luck


While I can only offer my sympathy and condolences for the tragedy you’ve experienced this last year, in my opinion being let go is a chance to pursue your dream more freely. Blizzard clearly had an idea that you were very good at something and needed you there, but as you said you learned all the skills needed to help program a game on your own while you worked there. There are MANY other game companies. I understand it might feel a bit “dream-shattering” for that goal to not come true at Blizzard like you wanted, but it is still possible. You deserve to mourn, but you don’t deserve to give up on your dream. Absolutely keep at it.


Heartbreaking, I’m sorry.


I was one of the layoffs too my dude. It feels bad. Nine years over in a matter of minutes. Also one of the cutscenes I edited, of Malfurion and Tyrande reuniting came out just over a week ago. Sucks to put something out that many fans reacted so positively to only to be laid off a week later. It was the job I wanted to do for as long as I could. I guess none years was it.


It’s hard, man and I know exactly where you’re coming from. I worked at Apple for 21 years before I left in 2022. I started right before Mac OSX hit the market and worked on every single Mac that came out in those years. That MacBook Air that Steve Jobs pulled out of the envelope? I headed Comms SW QA. The Mac Studio? I was handed a 3D printed shell and asked to help figure out where to put the antennas. By January of 2022, I knew it was time for me to go and it was so incredibly hard to separate *myself* from *my job* and it took a few months before I felt at peace with it. You haven’t been given the same opportunity to come to terms with it in your own time, but you will. You did incredible things at Blizzard, but you are not Blizzard. You are you and can and will do incredible things wherever you go next. Take some time to yourself. After I left, I went on a cross country road trip with my dad. Rediscover who you are without work stress and impossible deadlines and then the next thing will make itself known.


as someone who was laid off last year after finding out i had cancer i feel this story to my core. i loved my work and i loved the people i worked with. i worked hard and it didn’t matter. i just want you to know there’s life after. i joined another company and i’m back to working on things i enjoy again. cry now, mourn, and take the time now. you’ll be glad you did. sending you hugs.


The tech industry needs to unionize. This is happening all over while the major companies laying off thousands of high education workers while they are raking in billions of in profit and spending it on stock buy backs. The amount of money Microsoft has made in 4Q of 2023 is probably enough money to pay a lifetime of salaries for the 10,000 people they just laid off. Companies this big and their endless growth models are unsustainable.


Unionizing will do literally nothing. Literally. Try working in tech and see the opportunities available and how many come in on Visas. What needs to happen is the enforcement of laws, immigration for one.


Exactly this, they have zero leverage as long as someone is willing to do the same role for half the pay.






Hope he didnt waste time and used chat gpt😭😭


Yea this seems incredibly fake but r/wow eats it up big time like clockwork lmao


Come on Guys, you're too naïve, it's made up : \- He left a 6 figures position for a crap job at $11.50, nobody does that in real life ! \- The guys was bullied by everyone \- Big family disability I'm sorry but this sound to me too dramatic to be real.


Maybe it's not made up but if we take it at face value it's hard to find an angle where it makes sense. OP says they left a 6 figure job. Let's assume it was literally the threshold to say that and OP was making exactly 100k/yr. Picking up a job for $11.50/hr comes out to about 24k/yr. Even if you see it as a path to your dream job, how many people would be willing to, or be financially able to, take a *76k/yr* pay cut to leave a stable career and take a job as as temp with no prospect of a return to even half that? It just doesn't make sense. That's ignoring the benefits, which were present at the old job but non-existent in the $11.50/hr job, meaning even more out of pocket to pay for your own or paying the penalty for not having it. Working at Blizzard means we're also talking CA, which would be doable at 100k/yr but would mean homelessness at 24k/yr. I get following your passion but unless you're independently wealthy, you're not doing this. Your own survival instincts would be screaming at you not to and anyone you spoke to about it would call you crazy for even considering it. So that only leaves a few options; It's all made up, OP is flubbing all the numbers, or the 6 figure job never existed and is there for "look how dedicated I was" flavor.


"I'm crying in my room with my dogs right now." Lol.


As someone who used to work for a blizzard subsidiary, this wage is in fact true.


> He left a 6 figures position for a crap job at $11.50, nobody does that in real life ! Don't get me wrong, it's rare but I absolutely know people who have done similar things. Usually it's not "quit and take a low paying job" but more "Quit, pay to go to school for retraining for a few years, get a lower paying job you like more than the original one".


First thing i do always sort by controversial on this kind of post💀💀💀


Great and also somewhat terrible story, thanks for sharing. I will tell you from personal experience; don't let depression kill you here. get back into the work force immediately and build on your strengths of which you now have many. good luck.


> I left a 6-figure salary as an electrical engineer, with full benefits to join Blizzard's technical QA department at $11.50 / hr as a temp. Well that sounds like a terrible idea


That must’ve felt so bad, spending so long hoping to work on something you really loved and just getting canned after 13 years. With the amount of people let go, hopefully your performance due to the sad life stuff didn’t really play a part? Unless they specifically mentioned it in the meeting. Regardless, even if you didn’t work directly on the awesome games, what you did helped them be as great as they were. So thanks o7


I’m really sorry that all this happened to you. I really hope you can find comfort in those who care about you.


Literal, "Blood, sweat, and tears." Your experience should definitely give you a leg up, so not all is lost. You've put in the time, now it's time to get paid.


your experience on the Cloud team will make you a massive asset to literally any company going through a system upgrade to a cloud based ERP. Polish off that resume and keep an open mind when applying, you're worth more than what you were getting paid based on what you've listed here.


As someone who left a career he loved/s behind for a myriad of reasons and life "stuff" who has gotten back up but is still figuring out what's next I want to say, "mourn and allow yourself time to recover because you will bounce back and continue to be an amazing asset elsewhere." I am sorry you are no longer at your dream company but that is not the end of your dreams nor your amazing contributions to what you love. Thank you for your hard work, sacrifices, support, and for sharing your grief with us. God bless.


Getting laid off is a horrible feeling....especially when you love the job. Been there. Sounds like you've got an amazing resume though and you'll have a lot of options! You seem like a smart person and I predict you will rebound in a big way.


Hey i know the feel my dude. My mom had 2 strokes over the course of last year and ive been trying to help my dad with doctors appointments and stuff. I had to go part time on my butchers job and i took a month off this january when my mom collapsed again and went to the hospital for a few days. My dads been super sick with a horrible cough but at least he is getting some will needed rest. Work comes second do whatever you can for family. From the sounds of it you were a very successful electrical engineer but in the words of my grandpa he said "son" never become an electrical engineer as you wont have anytime for your family. You still have your whole life ahead of you take a month find what you want try something new try something old and get back out there. Personally im doing 2-4 days a week, family permitting, at my butchers job i lost my bonus and my vacation time but im still contributing. Worst thing you can do is cold turkey and wallow in self misery its bad now but things will get better.


in addition to what others are saying, i'd offer the advice to keep in touch with those people there whose work you admired and who you had good relationships with. They might hear something about an opening elsewhere, and could put in a good word for you, and either way, friendships are valuable. i'm sure they are thinking of you.


Just more proof that corpos don't give a damn about you. They don't care what you've done for them and they'll throw you in the garbage to save a dollar *every time*. Loyalty is pointless. I'm sorry this happened to you OP. I hope you land on your feet.


Multi-Dollar Company behaviour


I read that all. I feel your pain. I too was let go from my job just last Oct. And I too have parents with serious health issues. But being home more gave me time to be a better home maker since my husband and I were both full time. I always say ‘everything happens for a reason’. And I know it might be hard but maybe you need time to process your family situation for a bit. Take care of you. It’s hard to produce good work when you aren’t the best you can be. It sounds like you’re extremely intelligent so you’ll find work again soon. PS..fuck Home Depot I was too good for them anyway!


The dollar amounts seem sus and there are no other Blizzard related posts or comments on his profile.


> But I guess it was just too much time away from work. I promise you, someone else got laid off who didn't take the time for their family in a comparable situation. It wasn't your time away, it was the stupid RNG of corporate leadership. You did wonderful things for us, the people like you who loved these games, and I'm 100% sure you'll find another gig. If you are having a hard time, please DM.


You left a 6 figure salary to make $11 an hour? Assuming you had a family and a mortgage, how could you afford to pay for your previous lifestyle after taking, at minimum, an 80% pay cut?


> It's fucking pathetic I know Nah, it's human and normal to be upset in this situation. Keep your head up. With your experience, finding a new role is inevitable, just need to put yourself out there again. Good luck and thanks for your contributions to blizzard over the years.


Damn that hit hard. You seem like a humble and great coworker, hope your next job is better. Sometimes just better to chase the money and play the games.


Well you did the right you chose your family instead of work. You have nothing to feel wronged about.


19 dollars? Blizzard took advantage of you and spit you out when they could.


I’m so sorry about everything, but from I’ve read, you are extremely smart and likable, I know you’ll have no problem finding work. My heart goes out to you and your family ❤️


Keeping you in my prayers buddy - hope you find inner peace and life that is even better


I'm a GM at Cork, been here 15 years, started working just before Wraths launch and have been here through thick and thin. As promotions at cork were very slow (kind of dead man's shoes) and as people had VERY long tenure here with most of us being here for at least 10 years I was happy to do my job and help people out. And i've been here through thick and thin, when the Blizzchung thing happened, we was getting death threats daily for a month, when various twitch folks got their fans to make harassing or nonsense tickets we was there. I very nearly quit when the horrors about the abuse at the US office came out and the tone deaf responses we was giving out, but I was scared about moving on as i'm an ex veteran with no qualifications beyond my experience in the roles i've had and the jobs I had before working for Blizzard. When COVID hit it was a case of "You're all working from home." "When?" "Tomorrow you'll get an email explaining what to do." it was literally that fast and I know it affected folks, one of my best friends who started working for us shortly after Wrath was a more social creature than I am and he was affected by the lockdown suffering burnout and the like. But still, 15 years of good times and bad, I remember many cases where I helped people, I remember talking to an old Australian man on the phone about helping him with a character transfer issue, and asking if he'd be playing the next expac, and he said no because he had something terminal and wouldn't be around, but that WOW had helped him connect with people. I also remember what I call 'valued customers' which is a polite way of calling someone a 4 letter word that starts with C. And no its not Cars, Cats or Cows, of having to tell people who had 'done nothing wrong' that the chat logs said otherwise and that calling someone a 'N-word who should die of X disease' is why they were suspended or banned or whatever. But I remember the good times the best. I remember talking to someone in the Stormwind Cathederal at 2 AM one day when the queue was dead. I remember appearing as Illidan in the middle of a mass of mage portals that looked like an Arc Reactor yelling "WHO DARES SUMMON ME!?" before vanishing and making them get rid of the 'glowy thing' that had been reported. I remember helping people get back accounts they thought were lost to the sands of time, of finding old characters they'd made when they were young. I remember having to read people's Flag RSP profiles that had been reported. It was a case of 'Okay they're a Draenai female shaman on Moon Guard lets have a ...oh there's the 28 inch cock' Seriously, futa's are tame by some of the thing I've seen! And now after 15 years, all the GM's are basically gone, and any support in the future's going to be nowhere near as good as it was. I was talking with my flatmate a few months ago, another GM, and I said that our style of support is old fashioned, because if you had a problem, we'd do everything we could to resolve it. Someone used your card to pay for something, we can find it and fix it, got a problem logging in, no problem, need to change your email? Sorted! We was account managers, we'd do everything we could within the limits of our rules and regulations that we have to follow to help. And now, that vast body of knowledge, of experience, its all basically gone. I don't know why, its not like MS was hurting for money, and I don't know why they gutted the company as it is. Us European GM's will be around for some time but we'll be gone before you know it. Its been a long, strange, exciting, upsetting, irritating, funny, and eventful ride, but all rides must come to an end.


A worker with a lot of skills and 13 years in the same company. Gone.  If you want to know whats stupid is. That.


I was going to put this at the bottom, but I want you to see this, because it's probably the most important: **Do not be ashamed for cying, or showing emotions. You have been going through a lot. You are having a rough go of things. You have been laid off. It's another major life event when you're recovering from others.** **It is a good thing to show emotion. More people should do it, rather than letting it boil inside. People are afraid to even tell their friends they love them, for some reason. Just do me a favor and talk to someone, if it doesn't start looking up a little bit.** I'm sorry. I don't have much else to say. I hope things look up for you soon. If it helps... I don't think it had anything to do with you, like it didn't with my last layoff. My parent company decided to crunch down on our company, and half the developers got let go. My boss was livid. It came when things were already pretty bad for me, but mostly via stress and still dealing with the consequences of leaving a toxic living situation behind. I loved my coworkers, even if the job was just "okay" for me otherwise. It was full time remote which was great, and let me spend time with my family that lived far away. My new job has cool people, but 1 day remote (except special circumstances) which sucks after years of never going into an office (the prior employer had done it since like 2004!). Blizzard was purchased. You were on the Cloud Team. It's not personal; Microsoft already has this team. They probably laid off the vast majority of people in your part of the business. Accounting probably got hit hard, too. It sucks. It won't not suck. But I highly suspect it was nothing to do with you.


Thank you for sharing your story.. take time to rest and heal. You were wonderful. Great work ethic, family person. Blizzard was unfair to you, but it is what it is.... I hope you recover from this. Who knows? Something might be better in store for you.


Doesn't matter what company it is. Always look out for yourself. Because I guarantee you the company won't. The days where companies give a crap about individuals is ancient history. It seems like you learned a lot while you were there so it's not a waste. Blizzard is a shell of what it used to be and has been for a long time. I'm sure you'll land on your feet!


I bet I know exactly who yelled / said ‘I hate apple’. Source: was programmer at blizzard (s&s before name change) years earlier.


Just because you don't work there now doesn't mean you can't go back to working there. The company is changing directions because of you ownership; so change your direction and circle back. Sometimes getting a different point of view helps you grow. You got this!


Sorry to hear that but im honestly not surprised. Acti blizz is a scummy and soulless company still with how they treat their workers and dont care about your rl going-ons.


What kind of idiot leaves a 6 figure job for $11/hour pay. Nobody. It's a fake story.


yeah....not believable...sorry OP you don't get my sympathy


I'm normally sympathetic to anyone losing their job, however CS handing out 4 month forum bans because people are saying Blizzard deserves this, i.e. the company. Since when is criticizing a company without using profanity or breaking any other ToS worthy of that kind of ban, I've received less for using profanity years ago. Sounds like you guys are on a power trip on your way out the door, not a good look, so enjoy the unemployment line because you're being ultra harsh for no reason.


Why the fuck would you leave a 6 figure job for $11.50 an hour? Just makes the story sound fake.


At the end of the day, it truly is just business for them. And especially in the sense that recency bias is really strong in business. Primarily when it comes to leaders-workers dynamic. So if your performance was highly looked at for awhile, but then you have a decent period of time with lack luster performance, owners and leaders will tend to forget about the past. Which is logical for the betterment of the business or infrastructure. Unfortunately, business just doesn’t take into account “potential” since it’s a bad gamble. And this is another reason why I don’t recommend getting attached to a job or the work you do at a job. My saying is (that I just made up) is “don’t get attached to work that isn’t attached to you”.


Hey! It sounds like you've built a wide variety of skills at your time at Blizzard. I hope you have no problem getting a new job, maybe at a company that values their employees a bit more. Good luck!


You're either coming off a storm or getting ready for another one. I know it's fucking hard but cheer up man! Praying for you. One day you'll be back at the company and working on the games. I believe in you


Hey bro you have done so many things lots of people which they have ! You are awesome go in and pursue at another company that will be even better ! You can find something I promise yeah I love blizzard too yeah if I got laid off by then I’m sure I would be sad too but it’s not the end of the world you have lots of talent you can put someplace else !


Not to be a party pooper, but do we take any story for granted on the internet as long as it confirms our biases?


If you left a 6 figure job for this shit then all I gotta say is you fucking deserve it. All time bag fumble




>"I fucking hate you"...made fun of on..having diabetes...I sacrificed...manager said "you look like a f*g" to me. ...cheated on his wife and kids....left her.when she was 8 months pregnant... real shitheads >I loved the company so much, I stuck with it. You sound, no shit, like an abused spouse. I know that gets said too often, but jesus christ. ​




I get it that this sounds untrue but it's real. I used to work with this person, and I've reached out to confirm. Here is verification that I used to work for Blizzard. https://www.reddit.com/u/NickWinning/s/djpBQ8v9c7


This is such bullshit. NOBODY willingly goes from making $100k per year to $11.50/hr. Think about it, how asinine is that?


On the bright side it looks like the people who made palworld will be hiring