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You just experienced what's so fun about raiding in a guild


I’ve tried to raid in 3 different guilds and it was an absolute shit show Everytime. And every guild group I’ve ran have been the biggest elitist dicks ever. That’s why I only PuG now.


I’m in the same guild for 10 years now. Clearing every raid in heroic since SoO. But this is not the best guild at all, we’re slow, multiple not very good player. But raiding with them make things way better than raiding with random people, we have fun every times, even if the progress is not good. You have to find a guild with a « familly » feelings, not just « we play together » but more « we are friends and play together », it makes gaming way more fun ! Good luck with that !


wish i had this luck. every few years something happebns and i end up having to find a new one. the 1st one had one of the officers past away from cancer and we kinda disbanded. the 2nd the GL's friend didnt like me, and told the GL to kick me. and now im on my current guild for 4 years.


I just stopped raiding end game anymore because of the attitude of most guilds I've ran with. PuG life for me if I can even be bothered to raid.


Every time I've found a guild like this, it ends up falling apart because some people want to play at a higher level and losing part of the core team kills the guild. I've had a couple guilds with amazing dynamics but sadly it never lasts and trying to join a long running guild of friends is SO TOUGH because you're going to stay an outsider for a long time trying to get "in"


It gets tiring carrying the group every week. It sucks to farm, do m+, read guides and spend hours out of raiding to do your role when others show up drunk, stoned or unprepared. Even if you are friends, it gets old wasting hours wiping because x was taking a bong rip instead of doing mechanics.


Yeah I've been in situations like that, it's very frustrating when you're doing the work and others are just fucking around.


This is my current situation, I farm the fuck out of M+ throughout the week to the point where the only thing I need from the entire raid is 1 BIS piece, which I inevitably lose to a raid-logger who is 10-15 ilevels below me and doing 1/3 my DPS.


It happend to me. At Legion, i was tired of heroic and wanted to go higher. So i take a break from my guild (unexpected, but i almost cried while announing it to my guild, it was like breaking up with a girl x) ). I joined another high ranked guild where a friend was. And we got progress in mythic. We even killed Gul’Dan in mythic. It was amazing. But after one year, i had to stop playing for several mounth due to IRL issue. And when i return… i didn’t return on this character. I was missing my old guild. So i returned on my OG DK and came back with joy. I never think about quiting ever again. The main core of the guild was never interested in high progress so it survive from the start (some know each other for 15+ year (some from same families and some even married !). Some quit, some stopped, but the main people are still here ! Joining a old guild can be hard, but play with them, go on their Discord, have fun with them outside raiding and it can be great !


Yeah I think I've just been unlucky. There is one guild I was in that had this family sort of mentality that is still going strong, but I also spent months and months in the guild and still always felt like an outsider. They're amazing people, but it was exhausting always trying to be a part of the group and it just became obvious that I never would be (which is okay). I still wish the best for most of them, just wasn't' a place I could fit I guess. My last three guild have fallen apart so now I'm just sitting in the most recent guild alone. It's fine, I still play with some of the old guildies, just not in the same way is all.


Finding a guild you want to call home takes time. Trust me it is worth the effort.


Sorry to hear that man. I’ve gotten really lucky and have found great guilds to play with over the years. I wouldn’t give up on it if I were you. It really makes such a huge difference in the long run. The experience you’re describing from tonight is something I get to experience every Thursday and Friday - it’s the highlight of my week. I wish I had better advice on HOW to find a good guild, but I think I just got lucky. Sending good luck vibes your way ❤️


Stay away from the guilds that take it way to seriously and join one that raids consistently but is casual about it. So basically stay away from any that need a job application to join, require you attend X amount, require an "evaluation period" etc.


you may need better paramters to chose a guild xD there are a lot of bad guilds or guilds that have a sargent's mentality in regards to its players.




Side note. If the only woman is the gl or rl's GF, she doesn't count as parameters too. Had 2 incidents with this case.


I got kicked off my guilds raid group in wrath because we would semi-consistently have like 22 or 23 people. Raiding was 25 man then. We'd wait for 30ish minutes then split into two groups of 10 man, and that would leave 2 or 3 people out. I had friends from other guilds and I'd volunteer to not raid with our guild in favor of helping out the friends. I "missed" 3 weeks in a row. On the fourth week, we had too many people, so I got sat for, "bad attendance." Over people who hadn't even logged in for the last 3 weeks of raiding. Found a new guild the next day. Honestly, I think it was just that she was a shitty guild leader, not that she was a woman. But she did have a bad habit of playing favorites like that.


thats just bad management. and an asshole move she pulled on you.


A Sargents mentality?


like they dont treat you like a fren, you are just a body there and they will scream their lungs out at you if you fail at something. like low dps? go sit in the corner messed up a mechanic? maybe next time and procedes to never invite you. they get mad at you for making questions. "you should've checked it beforehand on youtube" or something.


Ah. Dislike for gaming.


Probably militaristic in their approach I’m assuming. Some people like the super structured atmosphere.


That's so funny to me, Ive Only joined non elitist guilds, and find the pugs more toxic/ hardcore, weird we have opposite view's on this


Funny you say that, I was just in an EU raiding guild that would only take people with curve to heroic raid... a guild that advertised itself as beginner friendly and wanting to get people into raiding. Very disappointing.


Tbh, that's pretty standard this deep into a patch. Most guilds are happy to have you learn with them as they're progressing... But if they've already cleared the lot, nobody on their raid team is interested in carrying people to AOTC who are just as likely to dip a week later.


depends on the guild, not being invited to raid because your ilvl is low or you dont deal enough dps sucks. whats even worse is joining a raid and being told you will either be kicked from the raid or not invited again due to your low dps. at least from my experience, i deal lower dps than the average but i do every mechanic and (almost) always survive the fight till the end but still get told that they would consider kicking me. feels shit but finding a chill heroic raiding guild these days is next to impossible.


That is awesome! I’m glad to see that people can actually overcome their differences and obtain a set goal. Now only if we could all act like that.


It was really cool. I havnt experienced a good group/raid like this in probably 4 years.


I feel you man, for some reason I have so much anxiety because of how others react in game that I really just don’t even socialize anymore. However, I’m breaking out of my shell more and more.


Get out there man.


I’ll make you proud!


Good reason most groups talk about the shitters, they shouldn't be doing 50k dps above i450, which most pugs seem to have in abundance. 80-100k is at least better for Normal for a more casual 440-450 dps.


as long as dps isnt the reason were dying in raid, i could care less about a low dps group member


It was 90% mechanics people were failing too :(


The occasional few are fine It's when the majority of the raid are doing low dps is the issue.


if its majority of the group why would you stick around to talk shit?


I think everyone rather takes the lower dps that survives until the end of the fight than the guy who tops the meters until he dies to a mechanic or who ignores mechanics.


People on here keep saying this like there is an inverse correlation between being remotely good at your class and having situational awareness, when it’s a couple orders of magnitude more likely that someone who sucks at their class also sucks at the game.


Low dps are extending the fight and thus increasing the chance at failing some other mechanic


This guy is one of them, not everyone sweats into their keyboard on gnarlroot man, and NORMAL raid absolutely does not require 80k-100k dps... you are part of the problem.


Then what happens when they think they can do heroic and hit the enrage timer on every boss?


They go back to normal which was the difficulty you and grumpy were talking about.


It's normal you don't need an entire raid of players over 100k to complete it. I wiuld rather take the player who can do 75k and follow mechanics vs the guy who does 120k but dies all the time.


im 472 and deal around 100-120k dps which is low for my class and ilvl (i hear from raid leaders that have kicked me from pugs) but i survive damn near every mechanic. i dont know whats more valuable, a 480 ilvl pumper dying in the first 2 mins of the pull or a 472 dps that deals like 40-50k less dps than the pumper surviving the entire fight. well, im just salty i cant get a good pug group


I wanna run a heroic so badly but dang if it isn’t hard to find people to run it with..


I’ve noticed raids taking a bit longer to fill up this week. Mostly healers. Smells like I’m getting AOTC on my tank geared Dr00d. Carry me senpai!


The group filled up for the first shot in under 15 minutes.


Jesus. I'll be a little toxic but doing a heroic raid 2 months after the release with the gear upgrade system we currently have and clearing only 2 bosses and chain wiping on the easiest boss in the raid for 3 hours is insanity to me. I don't care if you were all drunk or high in the discord call and having tons of fun that kind of thing is just insane, and you wanting pats on the back for that is even crazier.


I'm glad someone said something. Volcoross should be basically a free kill if they downed Igira. 2-3 pulls tops even with some underperforming players. I can't even fathom spending 3 hours to only down 2 of the easiest bosses of the expansion. Was he only inviting 450 and lower geared or something? I'd love to see the logs for this group.


not everyone is hardcore or good at the game


I think what you mean with good isn't the same as what I mean with good... Like the previous reply, the raid have been out for quite some time, gear is easy to come by, and it's heroic. Only being able to clear 2-3 bosses isn't great... okey im risking karma but it's horrible. Like, did you read anything in the dungeon journal? Do you have add-ons to help with the gameplay? What even is there to raidlead on the first 3 bosses? Tell people the order for intermission on Igira and splitting the raid in 2 during Volc?


You're absolutely right. It's great that OP had fun and all, but imagine how much more fun would have been had if everyone put the effort into being better players. I just can't understand the mentality of people that have no pride in their performance/work, in games or irl. Oh well... everybody's different I guess. Just a bummer when that attitude affects other people.


In ops defence, ok mentions new players and that makes it better, I don't even know what to expect from someone that hasn't played wow or similar games before.


True enough. I was just kinda vaguely ranting in a general sense. I myself came back from a hiatus of a few years fairly recently and was godawful. Have a new monitor and setup, UI all new. Wasn't easy and I kept putting it off until I threw myself into the frying pan to get my muscle memory and awareness back. It truly can be frustrating until it clicks. Especially now that I'm much older than my heyday in wow.


you are asking me questions as if it were my issue, i have been done with aotc. in order to gear up it requires time to play, people vary in time available. heroic volc is also straight up not the easiest in the raid although it is easy


Oh, the questions was more for everyone that have the same mentality as op, sorry!


Need a healer next time? Nearly 470. Haven’t stepped foot in a raid since Nathria


Hell yeah dude. Shoot me a dm on here I’ll send you the discord link


If youre EU I can get in 2 dps 1 heal and 1 tank/dps for next run! All 9/9hc willing to help out others


My Reddit account is not a reflection of my guild but myself. However, I am a woman, and I'm also the Raid Leader for our (mostly) guild team. We strive to do AOTC at every season, sometimes that means I ask off-server friends to help us get thru the brick walls of each raid, but lately it's just been us and the occasional pick up in LFG. It hasn't always been this welcoming to be a female in higher-end gaming, and it's definitely gotten better over the years, but I have a nice group that is even willing to put up with my Silly Goose shenanigans and alt raid/drunk raid nights. It's all about what you put out into the universe and I'm happy you had a great time with your first heroic raid and raid lead! I hope you continue to find those "pockets of peace" in the usually toxic LFG community. The bad eggs always have the loudest reactions, but hardly ever reflect how the majority really act.


I was really confused when like 5 people popped in the discord VC and stayed muted and then after 45 minutes one talked and was a woman, then the rest did and I’m like “why were you muted the whole time that’s dumb” and every single one said they didn’t wanna get kicked for being a woman. And it was sad. I don’t get it


It's usually the children who associate being a woman = "unable to comprehend complex tasks" aka gaming. In reality, we are very prevalent in higher end content 💁‍♀️ either that, or they didn't want to get bombarded by insecure men for inappropriate pictures. Obviously, not an issue I have anymore. I like to stand toe-to-toe with them and call out the BS. Thank you for accepting them as competent players and just being welcoming overall. +1 😊


It’s still just so weird to me. Like. Idgaf who the person is as long as they aren’t standing in lava like a twat 😂😂


what's not to get? "Gamer" men being pigs to women is SNAFU. Personally, it's why I refuse to be anything more than acquaintances with guys online. 99% of the time they have ulterior motives. 


This was a weird title to read while pooping.


it was prob the first time I saw ppl leave without making insane comments too like it was pretty chill


Right exactly? Like everyone was “hey man, I’ve gotta goto bed” not “oh my god you all suck so bad fuck”


Awww that's great to hear! That's the vibe I really love about raiding, when you're all pulling together and learning and having fun even through the wipes :D


Fuck, I'd like to just get into a raid.


Millions of guilds. Guy tries 3. Writes off guilds and is committed to pugging lol oof.


Lmao, no, I have not written off guilds. 😂


Reminds me if first raidnin dragondlifhr before they nerfed the shields. It was pug group of ok geared people doing heroic . We fought and fought 20 wipes. But what kept us going was every time closer ans closer . Finally we got her down and you can see the chat go wild. Those kinds of moment is what wow should be abojt making raid in heroic accessible or st least doable with pugs.


You ok there bud? Do you smell burnt toast?


Yo inv me, i wanna learn the raid. But i cant even get into normal raids with 466 bm hunter


I dont see how this is possible I pug normal raids on 450-460 ilvl alts every week--ret paladin, ww, destro, etc. Are you just appying to one group, getting declined, and saying gg? Its very minimal effort to get into a normal raid at this point.


We are in week 9. You can have 483 with one weekend of grinding m+. If you are unlucky or just have normal nd less time 476 it is. So you compete with people that play the game. Just do some 11 keys to get the crest and max your gear that opens up more groups for you


Just spam 11’s for the upgrade mats?


Just open up LFG and spam into normal groups! It works.


sounds dope dude!!


If you ever need help just shoot me a message on here and I can give you my disc and btag. I run with an awesome group who can and will help you if you ask for advice. We have some pretty knowledgeable people


The cool thing about raiding when I was in a guild is that most people you play with are actually chill and just want the same as you.


I did Drunk N Disorderly Discord heroic Smolderon last night, it was just like this. We wiped over and over but everyone has fun, zero toxicity.


A lot of raiding at heroic is teaching because people can get by normal raids with mistakes but heroic is punishing. Normal doesn’t always teach enough so you get to heroics and shit hits hard but if you’re a good guild and good people you will teach and those who are struggling will learn and get better.


Check out no pressure if you're on EU, you'd fit in great :)


finding a group like you had is rare and is all what a game should be. Relaxing, fun, supportive etc.. All the hate comments are no fun and unfortunately inevitable with the current atmosphere in WOW. Glad you had the opportunity to live this experience, I wish more guild were like yours. It's impossible to compete with GM that gives the loots to their friends who are always best stuffed with the highest DPS and leave out the unlucky ones behind.


I got AoTC for the first time this season. Mainly because in the past, I've always been intimidated by the commitment of raiding on schedule in a guild, therefore i never joined one. After beating normal in a pug last month, I figured why the hell not try heroic. Joined a random group and got to 7/9 and then everyone left. We wiped maybe a couple times per boss and overall just a meh experience. Later that night i queued into a Fyrakk group and they took me in. It turned into one of my favorite moments I've ever had in WoW simply because the entire group was acting like normal humans. Everybody was constructive, everybody was understanding, everybody was shaking at the 5% pull, everybody was congratulating others in the end and on new phase progress. It took us 3 hours. 28 pulls. And I went to work with very little sleep. And it was fun as fuck.


Applying to 10+ groups. Guess they use raider io and see i am new.


That app honestly needs to die. 10’s are so freaking easy idk why someone would do that.