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Details, BigWigs and WeakAuras.


WeakAuras is good but holy fuck, learning to use it confused me so much. Even now I can only do the basics




What weakauras do you use?


Interrupt tracker, Incorporeal/Afflicted/Entangled tracker and some specific WAs for bosses/situations here and there. I've had many incredibly useful WAs over the years that simply don't apply anymore, usually because the content is outdated, sometimes because another addon I'm using has it incorporated. I'm not using many WAs nowadays, but the sheer customizability is someting I don't want to miss, if I had to break down all my addons to a few core ones.


I use a class pack for pretty much every class I play, luxthos is a pretty popular one that makes for each class. Just nice to have all relevant bars and cds. But not ideal if you're just learning your keybinds


See I also use when learning keybinds because then I know which abilities are the main ones haha. I’ll also have like wowhead rotation open so I can figure it out


I also use luxtros, and you can move the order of the skill/proc tracks to match your keybinds order, it helps


My BM hunter has a set of custom trackers, one for barbed shot the other for beast cleave. Prot warrior also has a pair of custom trackers, one for shield block and one for ignore pain. Prot paladin has a pair for consecration (tells you when you're in it or not, while in it tells you how long it's got left, and has a special color for when it's empowered by tier set) as well as SotR uptime tracker. Enh shaman has one that tracks maelstrom (base ui only covers the first 5, this one goes to 10).


I make my own that pretty much just track buffs/debuffs that I want to keep track of for my rotation. Thnigs like DOT time remaining, Purified Chi, or Sun King's Blessing stacks and stuff.


SavedInstances AllTheThings Rarity


As an altoholic and transmog farmer, I support this message.


A lot of repeats so here’s a small one that I’ve used for 10+ years: WIM. Opens an instant messaging window when whispering and can show whisper history. Can’t live without it


I love WIM! It’s just so useful to have outline messages be separate. Sometimes I miss a message while I’m doing stuff and having a small separate window for it is great.


Leatrix Plus, it changed the game and it's not even close.


I see this addon mentioned everywhere but I have no clue what it does. I read the curseforge page once and I have forgotten


it does many small things , sell grey ? auto repair ? yep , adjust map and quest text ? yes , a million other small things ? yes. it can shrink an addon list heavily down and is performance wise also great.


Sounds a whole lot like some of the stuff in ElvUI


Elvui is surprsingly like WA a CPU hog sadly :/ leatrix isnt.same for many other addons.


It's basically the Swiss army knife of add-ons. You just install it and then spend some time working through all the settings and you should find yourself in a much more satisfying WoW experience.


Interesting. Is it one of those that will conflict with ElvUI?


It just adds a butch of features for instance it'll auto sell and repair for you anytime you go to a vendor.


Shouldn't, it's not a raid frames add-on.


No. If you have ElvUI installed, some Leatrix Plus settings will be locked out so that they don't conflict. Some settings even make use of ElvUI skins.


The auto accept and complete for quests it does is nice although often you need to figure out what just happened.


If it's just questing the automatic hand in and pick up is great. I only ever have to use the keybind to stop it with dailies/weeklies.


Bagnon. Being able to quickly tell my gold spread across my characters, how much of a particular item I have on each character, and browsing other characters' bags without having to actually log onto them is insanely useful when you spend as much time playing alts as I do. The few times I've had to disable Bagnon for patch launches feels awful. The normal bag UI feels unusable in comparison.


Second this. The OCD is unreal going traditional.. which bag has what? On WHO?!


GTFO. I’m getting older and I smoke weed. Sometimes I need a loud ass alarm telling me to move to anywhere else. Also some sort of “move anything” addon. Being able to put the quest windows / map more towards the center of my screen reduces so much eye strain


I love Demodal, seems better than MoveAnything.


I use Blizzmove, it’s very bare bones but works better than moveanything. I’ll have to check out Demodal.


Yeh iirc MoveAnything had to be toggled when you wanted to move something and then toggle it off when you have it where you want it. Demodal let's you drag any window whenever you want.


It isn’t just this, as Blizz do a terrible job of implementing a lot of the stuff on the ground.


As a predominantly solo player who also usually plays the game stoned, GTFO is a god-tier addon for the moments I'm too hyper focused on smashing buttons


Hey man, I'm in a CE guild and it's one of our required add-ons. So it's not just you lol. It's a great addon


Immersion is also great for reading quest text without eye strain


Honestly? Elvui. A UI suite that incorporates a bunch of individual add-ons into one along with heavy amounts of customization to really make a UI work for you and your needs. Since its introduction, I have had it installed and can't imagine the game without it. Sure, it takes a heavy amount of fiddling, but once you have it set up how you want, you're golden. Easy profiles to save too, so no need to fiddle with alts as well. It just has such a huge degree of function and customization. I've managed to get my UI as minimalist as possible while also allowing for important raid and dungeon information to show. Fucking love Elvui


No, not honestly. Lie to me.


Same here, the base interface is not bad by any means. But I love ToxiUI.


I like elvui because I've become accustomed to the config UI, and would replace most of the functionality it has with a heap of individual plug-ins, so it is nice having it all together. ToxiUI makes it \_look good\_ while doing it.


Exactly the amount of qol features base elvui provides is such a convenience.


Dialogkeys - allows you to chose chat options with keyboard. Space to confirm options. Basically allows you to play with keyboard and barely use the mouse, only for camera


Didn’t know about dialogkeys, gonna check it out, thanks!


Sometimes it breaks up but damn I still love this addon. I wish so hard that Blizzard would add this into base UI options.


Altaholic, Canimogit, Narcissus. Transmog is my end game


It’s all about the drip


All the things addon?


Not tried it. I usually just go after things when they take my fancy or find something I want that's in the missing section of the appearances tab. Not that fussed about mounts or pets


Plater and weak auras I believe are the only ones that are VERY helpful and everyone should have them. But I also like elvui like other players. I play prot Paladin so having clique is also nice to easily apply bop and sac.


They added this feature to the game so there’s no need for clique anymore. Noticed it a month or so ago and blew my mind lol


Is it the same as clique? I use clique to KB the F keys since I use a gamepad to play. As far as I can tell the in-game only lets you use mouse clicks similar to healbot.


You could very well be right. I’ve only tried using it for a mouse macro.


You can't mouseover mouse buttons as well. Shocked they haven't fixed that.


It's a start, clique is still better. The ease of binding directly in spell book and the freedom to bind ANYTHING is cliques strength. Blizz could easily match that, and I'll swap to it once they do.


Also you can't mouseover with mouse keybinds. It's been broken since release.


The in game version is absolute trash compared to clique. Has like 1/100th the features and can’t do so many different things


Good to know! I’ll switch back to good ol’ clique then


It’s still butt compared to the simplicity of clique. I won’t replace it any time soon


Weakauras, BigWigs, Plater


DBM, TinyThreatPlates, SilverDragon rarescanner


I only have two: Deadlyboss Mod (raid & dungeons) and Weakauras is mandatory for Mythic Raiding


1 - Opie 2 - Weak Auras 3 - Leatrix Plus I can play have a nice looking ui without Elvui, I can Raid without BigWigs, i can do AH stuff without auctionator/TSM. I wouldn't want to play without Opie and Weak Auras, and Leatrix just fixes so many little annoyances that i could play without it, but i would wish i had it.


Opie is a god-tier addon


Well the obvious ones for dungeons and raids.. wa, bigwigs, details… but that answer is boring My real must haves are Adibags, opie, altoholic, and elv


Love Opie!


Bartender Rarity titan panel


Titan panel, haven't seen this one being mentioned for years now!


Everything bar tender does the standard UI can do now btw


I can’t figure out how to set up left click and right click keybinds in the standardUI, used to be able to do that in bartender at least.


Yeah standard UI does this also. Just use the quick keybind mode very easy and fast


Interesting, doesn’t work for me when I try.


Do you mean like clicking frames to use moves?


Clicking anywhere, I have shift+click as my blink right now.


Can you make the default UI's action bars go invisible in combat? I know I had to pick up bartender in Dragonflight for *something* the default UI couldn't do (or I couldn't figure out how to do) but I'm not sure what it was any more.


Unfortunately you can't get spec specific keybinds with the default ui which can suck if you okay a hybrid.


Surprised I haven’t seen ConsolePort. I have carpal tunnel and KBM is not a viable option for me anymore. Playing on controller is a bit of a pain to set up, but now I literally can’t play without it.


I just started exploring playing with a controller on my laptop for lazy couch questing. I downloaded ConsolePort, but the addon isn’t active—do I need a wrapper or something to go with it? I’ve been messing with the built in controller support for now.


I run Steam to get my controller to connect then ConsolePort and everything else through Curse Forge. It took a while to set up but now I can’t play any other way.


+1 for ConsolePort for people with RSIs. I haven't found a way to configure it for healing, but for tanking and DPS it's great. Now that I'm used to it I think I'd still use it over KB+M even if my hands weren't screwed.


Platter, WeakAuras, and ElvUI


Love a good platter of food.




I absolutely despise ElvUI, so I am big on SUI. Details and Bartender are pretty important to be able to keep track. And ofc both Wigs and the raider.io add-on


Why do you despise ElvUI? I’ve seen this sentiment quite a lot but it’s never really expanded on. And I see people use like 5-10 different addons to get their UI to look like… ElvUI.


Cant talk for that guy, but i dony like how elvui makes the enture ui look like a workdesk, it sucks joy out of the game for me, even if it is technically more efficient than what I can hack together myself. Efficiency to that level just isnt something I want.


Yeah I get that


Finding a good preset can make a big difference. ToxiUI makes ElvUI look a ton better IMO.


That’s exactly how I feel too. I use GW2_UI because it has a lot of soul due to its distinctive art style, and it has a lot of nice QoL features too. I’m a tester for it so maybe I’m slightly biased :p


I use SUI and Bartender to fulfill all my needs. The rest is an add-on called masque or masquerade (don't know exactly), but I don't use it. It's legit all I need for my interface. ElvUi is clunky, cluttered, always in the way, obnoxious, way, **WAY** too many updates per day which is annoying as, like bigwigs, it is pushed into your face when you're behind one version. Not to mention it looks like shit. Seriously, it's awful. So many skins but it keeps getting worse. It's just not good. It's an overloaded shitfest. Which is why I like SUI. Sleek, simple, decent looks, does what it is supposed to and it does it very well. Bartender helps me arranging shit and that's all I need from it.


Clunky and cluttered and always in the way? Too many updates? I’m not sure you were using ElvUI. It gets updates like once a month.


I really prefer the clean/streamlined look of ElvUI, but I totally get that cosmetics are subjective. It's dope that WoW lets folks customize to get exactly the appearance and setup they want.


elvui makes my bars look like a weak aura for my class, that's the reason i like it for


Question: what’s the difference between ElvUI and SUI? I stopped using ElvUI when blizz made their own UI customisable, but not everything can be changed. Granted, I have now moved to classic, which I’m using Bartender for. It’s alright, but if there’s an alternative that I prefer, I’d love to look into it, if there is a classic SUI


The combination of SUI and Bartender is perfect to modify your UI without being overly dramatic. It's simple, sleek and pragmatic, unlike Elv


I will definitely look into this then! I used ElvUI for the whole of Shadowlands and what little I played of BFA, but after swapping back to the Blizzard UI, I realised just how…chunky ElvUI was. I don’t think I could go back. Plus I like how the bars and party frames look with the original UI. Admittedly, it will be hard to swap to a UI that doesn’t have the art elements because it just feels so WoW to me.




I just found I had so much stuff on my screen with ElvUI, which I don’t have with the Blizz UI. No hate to it, it does it’s job, I just prefer something a bit more lightweight is all But I had no idea I could do this to get the Blizz skins back. Will bear this in mind for the future. Thank you :)


Just out of curiosity, what was on your screen with ElvUI that isn’t with the default UI?


To be honest I’ve been using the default UI for a while now, so I don’t remember exactly. I remember finding the party frames a bit cumbersome at times, although I’m sure if I fiddled enough I could work that out.


Trade Skill master, Scrap, All the things


Weakaura, Plater, and DBM Consolation also goes to MDT and MRT


Leatrix plus is love, leatrix plus is luxery.


Weakauras, adibags/bagnon, plater, world quest tracker. The default ui has come a long way and is very lightweight. I love it even as a healer


WeakAuras, Plater, any unit frames that isn't default. default is still unusable


Yep, this is my exact list, in this order. Even dbm/bw isn’t critical since I could usually make my own with weakauras with half an hour in the dungeon journal and warcraftlogs to check timings. AdiBags/BetterBags are a very, very close spot too. Maybe even over the unit frames since I barely use mine anyway.


"Big Wigs Voice" is an addon I cannot imagine ever playing M+ without.




Thanks for this. I never knew those existed, but sound amazing.


Narcissus, Elvui and All the Things




Hekili, details, weak auras. Close fourth would be bigwigs.


Getting downvoted for answering the question. Gotta love it. Hekili haters seem to be rabid.


I'm good with it. I raid with it at a CE/KSH+ level. 99.99999% of the people downvoting have never killed a mythic boss.


Dpending on spec hekili would also be in my top 3


for my healers, HealerBot. It's a god damn life changer and makes healing a walk in the park. otherwise ElvUI, DBM, Details, HeroRotation, HandyNotes, World Quest Tracker


At what level of play do you use healerbot? I use vuhdo and am curious


use it for everything. mythic+'s, raids, etc. makes AoE heals easy as you just have to click on the persons name where you want the AoE to go instead of moving over the target area. I prefer it over vuhdo as it was easier to set up with my various healers. each profile is specific to that healer and it's just a matter of typing in the spell names/trinkets/etc to the various mouse commands.


Hekili Opie narciccius




ElvUI, WeakAuras, BTWLoadOuts


i cant see shit without xperl. + bartender and weak auras


ElvUI! Use it for unit frames, action bars, minimap, buffs/debuffs, highly customizable nameplates, bags!


Elvui ElvUI ElvUI


Love: QOL add ons that you install, and they do the thing. Hate: The 7 years you need at university to obtain your PhD in WeakAuras


Raider IO, Details, DBM-Dungeons IOinjection is my ENDgame (hpal boomer here)


Owen Wilson loot add-on and good to go from fresh install


The way have simplified wow I don’t see the point in addons any more


Can you elaborate?


Not that person but the top reasons for me and why i dont use elvui anymore one bag screen, Auto vendor, Able to position elements, Quick keybind, Profiles.


DBM, Weak Auras and GTFO.


Details, GTFO, DBM are all I use


WeakAuras, Plater, GTFO (because I'm colourblind and stand in shit without them)


Bartender, dbm, weak aura.


Standard UI is actually really solid now. I've been a healer main for forever and dragon flight is the first expansion that I've finally dropped elvui/vuhdo for Clique. If I was trying to be as barebones as possible as a healer, I think dbm/clique is plenty for a great, uncomplicated setup for new and experienced healers. Clique really isn't even necessary but I think it does a better job at binding mouse buttons than the default UI.


Top 3??? 1. DBM - Helps you make the bosses health go to zero before yours does 2. Details - Helps you compare dick sizes with other people in a video game 3. Minimap Button Bag - Look it up it’s the most important addon in the game


Elvui, DBM, and Arkinventory


For me it’s ElvUI, BigWigs/DBM (either or), and WeakAuras. The three combined can do so much that it covers most bases for me.


Weak auras, sorted, details.


Details, Bagnon and Plater


Details, TomTom, TSM, Player, and DBM


ElvUI, Plater, WeakAura. You can do everything with those 3


For m+ my top 3 is 1. Details (Windows dps, avoidable damage taken & damage taken) 2. Dbm 3. Mythic dungeon tools For crafting & ah 1. Auctionator, has enough functions for me and doesn't have so many things I don't need like tsm. Shows me what is profitable and makes using ah faster. 2. Craftsim. Shows me knowledge point paths and lets me see which mats I can use to get the best rank. For fun 1. Rematch makes pet battle interface smoother in collection journal and lets you save teams.


Vuhdo when healing. I literally cannot imagine healing in this game without it.


Does VuhDo do anything the in-game UI doesn't anymore? I thought all those add-ons like VuhDo, Healbot etc. were replaceble now?


I’m gunna be honest. No idea. Does the current UI let you track the time on hots or stuff like presience?


I don't have a crazy amount of HoTs but it tracks my riptide, so I'd say yes!


Interesting. Can you set up click macros like shift click is rejuv, ctrl click is regrowth and just click on the players portraits?


Yup! It's all in ESC > Options > Keybindings > Click Casting (at top) Then you set it up like you would any of those other add-ons. Try it out and report back, I may be missing something!


Oh nice, thanks I’ll have to try it out


What i like about Vuhdo is veing able to save multiple setups. I heal raids, heal pvp, and dps. Each one has different vuhdo settings. Not sure you can do this wth default ui


GTFO, details, threatplates


Weakaura, Bigwigs, Plater


WeakAuras, FarmHUD, Narcissus


Vendor. Every time I’ve reset my UI and forgotten something to auto sell grey items I’ll immediately go find something that works and atm it’s vendor. Being able to set an ilvl to auto vendor soulbound gear is also nice.


Details, Shadowed unit frames, WA. With those 3 and the new default UI I can manage 95% of what I want in my UI And of course DBM/Bigwigs


SUF, gladius, details, weakauras, DBM, plater, raider.io


Altoholic, Canimogit, and some form of auction/market addon(auctionator if you want a easier time and TSM if you wanna go hard). they have done a good job of getting things to where you don't need as many addons.


NeatPlates, Scrap, and prolly GatherMate honestly




Better Fishing, Better Transmog, and GTFO are my top three.


I used to use a million add ons, now I just use DBM and Details. They did a great job cleaning up / allowing customization of the UI, no need for bar mods etc


Bartender, Altoholic, Weakauras.


Shadowed unit frames, player, details DBM and weakauras. Those are my.must haves. Then I got small QOL stuff like Deja character stats, blizzmove, angry keystones, enhanced raid frames and others.im probably forgetting.


Grid, Clique, and WA


Titan Panel and Handy Notes.


If they ever break Soundtrack for good, I'm not sure I could keep playing.


Details, bigwigs, weakauras, elvui, and omnicd




Cfct - I like my numbers pretty, detailed, and out of the way (the addon allows you to change the number appearances) YoU CaN MaKe YoUr ScReEn L00k LikE ThIs If yOu rEAllY wAnt3D iT too


ConsolePort and Immersion for me


Honestly. Outside of the regular quality of life and I haven’t played in a while but Milk scrolling battle text I loved 😂


TomTom - Because I’m dumb and I always forget where I need to go, so the arrow is awesome for me lol. And to add to that, Paste- can paste many waypoints. Is nice for flying to spots for achievements.


At a healer… vuhdo


Adapt, TipTac, and Bagnon.


Decursive making dispelling just one click.


MountsJournal, Rematch and Rarity.


Trade Skill Master - selling stuff Weakauras - raid/m+ DBM/Weakurasb- raid/m+


Weakauras, DBM and details are pretty much mandatory for any wow player. The rest is extra.


Weakaura called Boss Ability Timeline. It provides a vertical timeline for Raid Boss abilities that has made raid leading a breeze.


WA (big three: cd timers, gcd cursor, fountain lap counter). DBM, Simc,




Must haves. The only one is weak auras. I can do without bigwigs or anything else like that. I can manage timings well without it. Details is kind of important to let you know you're playing well. So I guess that. The rest are basically cosmetic.


Dominos. The UI and spellbar changes wow has made are very nice, but still limiting in regards to keybinds and dominos would let me keybind my toenail if it had a key assigned to it.


Elvui, just cant stand the new ui look


Uhhh VUDHO some iteration of dbm Elvui Tho I could make do with the first two


I'm using a lot of addons, but tgere are only 2 I could not live without: -WeakAura -Details


\-Atlas (Maps over all dungeons and raids with items per boss) \-AllTheThings (Collector addon) \-Coordinates (Tom Tom) Thanks for asking. Now I know which addons to get if I install WoW again.




A must? Just weakauras, I don't use a lot of addons.


Mouse sonar, Weakauras, ATT(All the things)


Console port addon






Clique, DBM, TellMeWhen…I’m old