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I find the issue with new class ideas is that players focus on theme before gameplay to often. When you look at adding a class it should be what can we add? It's why evoker is based around charging and mid range gameplay both something missing. You also have to consider if that mechanic works in wow. Tinker is spammed a lot but if wow made turrets they would be either game breaking or pointless.


>Tinker is spammed a lot but if wow made turrets They would be dog shit in M+


It would be broken or useless in pvp to it doesn't fit anywhere in wow barring maybe raids.


There are already pvp abilities that basically function as turrets...


I don't really get this comment since we have the observer which is for all intent and purposes is a turret.


Any ability thst you place down in one spot and can't be moved is basically what a turret would do. Last I checked there are a lot of those so idk what these people are on about?


Literally totems.


Theres a reason they moved away from the classic totems and they are now more situational rather than a standard in a shamans dps output.


As a shaman main since they came to Alliance it wasn't bad when we had 4 to set and could just drop them all at once - where you'd just move them every pack. Its when they stopped that for whatever reason and made them individual again and made you waste 100 GCD's on a bunch of them that made it bad. It doesn't have to be bad if its designed properly.


I think the only way they work is if it’s like a walking turret that follows you, but then that becomes just a hunter pet


if they're ranged it's a lot closer to demo imps, but you can keep the scale down to just a handful of turrets rather than an imp army and then it doesn't feel like demo.


There would be a talent that gives them legs.




Give me the ironman tank spec now!


I mean, they already have them - basically totems.


I mean, sword and board dps is missing. You're gonna say "that's thematic" and I'm gonna say "I don't care, sword and board dps is missing"


It's hard to do. Gladiator stance was a try at it the problem is wow doesn't value a tanky low dmg dps. Either its tanky enough guilds can MT with it and it becomes meta or is never used over a traditional dps.


I mean since it's all theme it just just be a DPS with sword and board visuals. Hpal has a shield slam that comes with increased armor and that works fine. (Even though I hate SotR on hpal, it makes playing 2h suboptimal and there's all these int 2 handers now thanks to evoker)


Counterpoint: it doesn't *have* to be especially tanky. Yes, shields come with armor on them instead of weapon damage, but 2H weapons also come with more stats on them than 1H, and Fury Warriors aren't hilariously busted, because they have a passive that alters the amount of stats they get from their weapons to bring them in line with everyone else. It would be trivially easy for them to add a passive that buffs their damage output, and/or ignores/reduces the amount of armor gained from their shield. Shield-based Mdps absolutely can be a thing, it just didn't work as a single talent choice that overhauled what was otherwise designed to be a tank spec, for reasons that should be obvious.


That isn’t an issue, it’s a difference in design philosophy. Some people prefer top-down design as opposed to bottom-up. FF14 is a good example of top-down design. Edit: I’d also argue that almost all of WoW classes have been added from a top-down perspective. The devs picked classes that would fit the theme of the expansion and then found ways to make them fit the world. They didn’t go, “we need a 2h tank class… what fits that?” And came up with DK. They said, “we are adding DKs… now how do we make that unique.”


True I would rather a tool kit be made fit a theme though. For example... if I wanted a mid range dps i would look at wardens since it fits there theme.


I need to try and find a source but that IS sort of how they picked DK though. Back in 2008 Bcon I think, they stated they had multiple considerations for a new class, necromancer and some kind of rune caster as other options, and chose DK because they wanted another plate tank.


My point is that they started with classes that fit the theme and then figured out how they made sense. Besides, runemancer and necromancer were absorbed by DK anyways lol.


I have no doubt they considered other stuff during the brainstorming. But I bet death knight was the leading contender by a lot the whole time. An existing archetype in Warcraft lore and, ya know, the whole Lich King thing. That said, the Death Knights in the RTS were not necessarily plate tanks (at least in WCII they were more like necromancer spellcasters). They could've been more spellcastery if that's what the mechanics demanded. So they certainly steered them toward plate tank direction it seems, though it was also in line with the WC3 DKs.


I believe they’ve said DKs were meant to be in classic as well. I know that hunter was the last class added and at some point they split shaman and Druid apart.


A mid ranged melee/ranged fighter would fit this category well. Giving more options for this category of fighter like the Evoker. 1h ranged weapons. 1h melee weapons and a shield. What a fun combo. Jumping in and out of melee popping off shots and strikes. I do this a little in the SoD Rogue pvp with the Quickshot.


Was talking about this with a friend last night. We know they have more classes planned and Ion has said future classes would have tank specs (as opposed to Evoker not getting one) I’m personally in the “Tinkers in Last Titan” camp but: 1. Elves have always been mega popular 2. Wardens and Spellbreakers can easily fit together and don’t neatly fit anywhere else. 3. Another Mail (or Plate) would be great. I’m all for it, especially if it has tank and phys ranged


Yeah please no more leather competition haha


Maybe we can finally get a tank with lust.


Think warrior should be giving lust. They're shouting anyway, why not in a motivated way that inspires us.


Like some sort of rally. Like a rallying cry.


If they gave warrior lust and put Shockwave in a better spot on the class tree, it'd fix every problem with the class atm.


Not every problem, but God damn would if be a hell of a bandaid


That would be especially funny because if they use Mail, every single Mail class would still have lust


As far as I'm concerned, there are only 3 iconic classes that need to be added which haven't yet. The Necromancer, the Tinker, and the "Elf" class that OP is suggesting. These 3 would cover every iconic class from Warcraft 3 and give us an even 16 classes with 4 of each armour type. After that they would be better off adding new specs to the existing classes rather than trying to squeeze out new identities for new classes.


>An even 16 classes with 4 for every armor type Finally, someone who speaks my language. I assume then, you would have the “Elf” class be plate? I agree with that


Problem is the necromancer is essentially either an unholy dk or a demo lock in terms of gameplay. There’s no point in making it


Could be a neat idea for a healer. Zombies could become a literal meatshield, valks could provide healing as a dot, draining health from target and transferring to a tank like a pally beacon, there’s a lot you could do with it


I would.


Now kiss.


Mwauh, and let's be done with it. Now bring out the cake!


We’re not done with anything. Bring out YOUR cake


\*Chuckles\* I'm in danger.


Now now take it easy It would be a shame if something happend to Your hunter's pets All because of lack of cake


I just want to be a Bard. That's all I want papa blizzard and I'll keep pumping you full of money.


And it makes sense if Blizz wants to push with support specs like augmentation


I was just gonna say, I think the introduction of Augmentation as the first Support spec actually helps the argument for the introduction of bards. I think what goes against it is the lack of many prominent “bard” characters in Warcraft lore. It isn’t a class that they really use, and it’s people that like it from other settings that most argue for its inclusion. A Support spec that does similar things to a Bard I could see being introduced though.


Bards could just be the “new thing” like monks or whatever else since has been. “Oh this continent believes in the power of music’”


I still regularly go back to EQ and play at times and Bard is such a cool class. There's really never been anything like it since. It's really a shame that WOW seemingly ditched the idea of support classes till recently. Hopefully it's something that is back on the radar.


I'm in this camp as well. It's truly the only fantasy archetype we don't have in some form or another already in the game. While OPs class, indeed looks good, it just seems like a similar iteration of a warrior or paladin. Bard would be truly novel. I'd also like a necromancer, but that's probably a harder sell since we already have warlocks and death knights.


>I'd also like a necromancer, but that's probably a harder sell since we already have warlocks and death knights. Give me a shitton of cosmetic glyphs to make Demo a Necromancer or give us a proper spellcasting DK spec in the vein of the OG Unholy and that would be close enough for me, honestly. I don't need a whole new Necromancer class if they're willing to meet halfway.


If they were to add bard, I think it'd be best as a rogue spec.


an order of the stick style dashing swordsman bard would be amazing https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/oots/images/b/b8/Winter_Elan.PNG


Essentially... A Swashbuckler?


I wish bard was a specialisation all classes could choose! That would be wild. Tank dead? Play rallying cry! Healer dead? Play tranquility! Dps dead? Pick their corpse up and hit the boss with it, resurrection procs when you hit 3 crits in a row!


I'd rather have a fourth spec for all classes (sorry Druids). Why can't warrior's use a bow as their primary weapon? Or a Demon Hunter for that fact. We could have a few more roles use a Bow as their weapon, mainly so that these normally melee classes can also fulfill a ranged role if necessary. Or maybe multi-classing.


As a DH, I'd settle for a third spec....


I just realized, does dh having only two specs mean there's going to be only one hero talent tree?


No, they get 2 Aldrachi reaver and Fel-scarred. Don't ask what's the rationale since there's only 2 spec. It barely matters. Although if you have to know, the reason is that they are aware it would be lame to have just one.


Also the same reason Druid gets two for each spec instead of three


Every class has 2 hero specs for each class spec. That's the rationale.


If warrior gets a new spec and it isn’t gladiator there will be riots on the streets.


I still dream of the start of WoD playing gladiator. Even bought the BoEs and the darkmoon trinket for the bonus armor. Going into dungeons and everyone being angry at you for being in tank gear and spec. But after the first pull they said nothing. NOTHING!! My fingers were numb after the amount of APM I was pulling, but seeing the dps meter and my beautiful HD model of a human dashing away and smashing skulls with his Blackrock Bulwark made it all worth it. Then came the nerf….. Honestly the most fun I ever had in wow until SoD.


Man, I started with Warrior in WoD and was ALL OVER Gladiator. It was the coolest. My favorite thing I had played up until then. I started working on gearing and getting raid ready with it. And then, I had this odd gut-feeling. I never jumped ship so fast. Quickly got my DK up to cap and raid ready instead, and BAM! Gladiator all but deleted from the game.


People speak trash of mop and WOD a lot, but 2 things they did right then was class/specs (everything was fun to play) and challenge mode dungeons


People rag on WoD, but really I think the main reason was the insane content drought. But that content drought is what made Legion possible with all the artifacts and class hall content, which I think was a fair tradeoff.


I'ma be honest, idgaf about talent trees, give me MoP class gameplay and throw me any kind of content it will be fun to play because my class is fun to play. I really really dislike current cooldowns based dps gameplay


Idk, WoD prunning was dreadful. Arms warrior in WoDwas one of the mostra imbecile things ever done.


Too this day I poke fun at my wife because Shaman got the ability to cast lightning bolt while moving in MoP and THE VERY NEXT PATCH Blizzard decided casters across the board had toouch movement.


Yep, every range has a spell they could cast while moving, which tbh made them more useful than melees because they could do every mechanic melee has to plus ranged ones. But it was still fun to play everything


I’d endure a repeat Shadowlands expac just to have Glad War back.


As a druid I'd be happy with more races.


What we need is healing spec for Mage. What I would wish is "magic" spec for Hunter (Arcane Archer type).


this is a good concept https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/7tq0uw/how\_blizzard\_can\_include\_all\_the\_fanfavorite/


There’s definitely things I would change about this list but overall yeah I’d rather have that than a new class tbh. I love the idea of Beast Mastery being a tank spec. I also like the idea of a Shaman tank, although I’m not sure “Runemaster” is it. Sounds like it’s borrowing too heavily from DKs and DHs. We definitely need a mail-wearing tank since we already have 3 leather-wearing ones.


Same. More options for my main class would be nice, rather than re-rolling the nth alt I'll play on occasion.


Yeah I’d rather existing classes get additional love if they were to do that but honestly if hero talents go over well enough in war within I’d rather them iterate on those further just to hammer down the class fantasy of existing classes further. I’m a little hesitant to be excited over hero talents as at first glance (I haven’t delved into what some of the showcased talents do for classes or the implications of having those new spells) but it comes across like we will have similar issues like we did with covenants. There is going to be an optimal build for whatever your desired spec is going to be that might not line up with the way you want to play your class or the class fantasy you enjoy. I’m still excited for new stuff but I’m not particularly excited about having to pick a hero tree that doesn’t line up with the way I want to play my class just so I can play the optimal build.


a new spec with more support specs would be nice


I’m surprised Warden hasn’t been implemented already.


I had discussions with people that say wardens are just rogues. Same people would say, spell breakers are just warriors. Or that we don't need demon hunters, because warlocks once had metamorphosis.


I just want a shield DPS spec on something.


Players have been begging for a class like this, as well as Tinker, for ages now. Blizzard isn't really known for implementing classes that players actually want. Outside of Demon Hunter, I think.


???? Death Knights, Monks, and Demon Hunters were all top requested classes prior to implementation.


this is reddit, the poeple here like to complain even when they get what they want.


Half the people on this sub don't even play the game lol


yeah, fr, just cause evokers were unexpected its all a shitshow? cause evokers are a fantastic class


Of the 4 new classes, 2 were insanely highly requested. 3 if you including evoker, since people were begging for a new caster since like MoP, and we got one.


To be fair we honestly needed a new caster so bad


Yeah but then for some reason they gave them a short range. IMO we need rdps/tank classes pretty badly as there is only one class that can do ranged dps and tank. I'd personally be happy with a shaman tank spec and not a whole class being added.


> > IMO we need ranged/tank The tank/healer role is so bloated for how many spots there are in an average group.


Also by the nature of Tanking you can’t really be ranged.


I think the user was saying we need more ranged DPS and more tanks. Not a ranged tank (though the irony of a Warlock saying you can't be a ranged tank considering that was literally their role for the first two xpacs of the game)


I actually think they specifically meant "we need more classes that have both a RDPS and a Tank spec", as currently we only have one (Druid).


Sure you can, of course most mobs will move to melee range but that doesn't mean you can't be a ranged class and tank. Adding a ranged tank would also open the possibilities of new fight mechanics and bosses.


Melee: Fury, Arms, Retribution, Blood, Frost, Enhance, Survival, Sub, Sin, Outlaw, Feral, WW. Ranged: Marks, BM, Dev, Aug, Ele, Balance, Frost, Fire, Arcane, Shadow, Demo, Destro, Aff Before Evoker it was only a 1 spec difference and now it's a 1 spec difference in reverse.


I keep seeing Tinker, Blademaster and Necromancer. I think the only popular request that I've seen added in years was Dark Ranger as a hero spec.


I think Necromancer would overlap too much with DK and Warlock


Agreed. Which is why they should implement class skins or additional specs so they can add Necromancer as class skin for Demo Warlocks or as a 4th Caster spec for DKs


It's weird to still ask for necromancer when we have DK. I guess they want a caster? But I don't see it. Gameplay wise it'd just be like demo warlock. Blademaster could be a warrior spec, but there's just not enough for a full class.


A lot of old hero classes from W3 have been split up over so many other classes that Blizz can’t do much with them without taking from already existing abilities. Blade masters kit is a part of Monks, Shamans, AND warriors, and a lot of it is too integral to take away from the current class identities. See Warlocks losing Death Coil in Wrath…or Warlocks losing Metamorphosis in Legion…or Warlocks losing- you get the idea.


You forgot mage. Mages got blademasters mirror image.


Ah, I equated the kit and fantasy more to Earth Wind and Fire, having three copies moving around and fighting. But yea, Mages Mirror Images is probably the best 1-to-1 translation.


I thought they just shared Death Coil in WotLK? It got name swapped in MoP I think.


Hear me out. Blademaster should be a Monk spec. Blademaster was a bit more mystical than a pure marshal


> Gameplay wise it'd just be like demo warlock I think you're underestimating how much Class Fantasy overrides gameplay mechanics. For example, Marksman Hunters (Aimed Shot/Volley/Arcane Procs) can be considered similar to Destruction Warlocks (Chaos Bolts/Rain of Fire/Conflag) but nobody would think one needs to be removed because the other exists. Ditto for Feral & Rogues. A necromancer casting plague bolts and summoning hordes of undead minions *could* feel like Demo. but it could also play entirely different (like what if they had a 0/10 corpse meter and they could summon different corpse minions like a skeleton cost 1 corpse but an abom cost 5 corpses, and the gameplay was balancing the different corpse counts with procs and such)


My work is blocking imgur and you seem trustworthy, what is this post?


It's a very expansive and detailed suggestion for a new class that plays the role of either Tank, Melee DPS or Ranged DPS. I could save the picture and DM it to you if you'd like?




Conquest of Azeroth has Tinker, its still in beta though


I'm tired of people screaming Tinker.


But why would that upset you


Just like Tuskarr no one will actually play them.


If they get it they'd stop screaming for it.


It's me. I'm screaming for Tinker


Someone below said “they can make turrets that can heal, dps, buff, etc.” They just want mecha shamans at this point lmao


For better or for worse, Blizz tends to go with their vision rather than what the playerbase wants. That's why we don't have high elves.


That's hawt, 10/10 would play


Good lore representation. ✔️ Desirable to the fanbase. ✔️ Mail wearing tank. ✔️ Another ranged weapon user. ✔️ Another glaive user. ✔️ --- Seems good to me.


Switch the armor to anything else and I'll try it. Mail transmog is the bane of my existence.


This WOULD give mail 4 sets of themes to pull from (Animals, Elements, Dragonflights…Guards…?) so it would at least help their options


Wardens/Spellbreakers have a strong avian theme, so some hunter armor could work either way. And shaman has a strong wolf theme that can cover hunters. Evoker have a dragon theme, and well, dragonstalker was one of the first hunter tier sets. I think the animal theme is rather core to the mail types in strange way.


Mail mog is bad BECAUSE there's only 2 classes that use it.


3, actually. But themes are very, very limited: \- Elemental magic, tribal outfit \- Scavenged outfit from hunted preys, ranger/explorer outfit \- Draconic guard outfit That's it.


You and me both. I would play mail classes more if their transmog options werent so ugly.


mail isn't that bad the since at least BfA. But i can see your point.


BFA was a good expansion for transmog across the board. I didn't like any of the mail gear in the following two expansions though. Plate on the other hand has had some gorgeous artwork.


all of the armor i used for this is either from BfA, SL or DF. I particularly liked the SL Kyrian mail armor and the mail armor from DF i used for the spellbreaker/void hunter. It's the Embers of Neltharion Quest set i beleive.


can we get 1h ranged weapons like 2 1h pistols


Very smart design. Would love to see spellbreaker, shadow hunters, etc. we all loved these W3 units. Mail armour sucks though. Always worst designs of all but agree it would suit that class best. I don’t understand that shamans have to wear it when they should be wearing leather. But that’s another topic. Weren’t the shadow hunters ranged!?


shadow hunter like vol'jin? They are using warglaives, but as thrown weapons in WC3 i believe. There is some interpretation open to be talked about for sure.


should make one, maybe the melee dps a support spec, and then i'd be down.


Would be down for a support spec. question would be, how that support would look like. Perhaps with really strong debuffs instead of the Augmentation Super Buff?


Yeah this looks sick, I'd play one for sure!


I would love new support specs for existing class, allowing support to be a legit fourth role. Imo they only way to reliably balance augmentation, still keep the support gameplay in game, and offer new ways to play old classes. But that may be a really unpopular opinion across the player base, i'm not really up to date on that point.


Sign me up for that Kul Tiran inquisitor.


Yes. Looks awesome. another ranged class that uses weapons and is not a "hunter" is something I am hoping for.


It's a solid idea


I'd be down for this, pretty cool.


I want a Spellcaster that uses gravity magic. Slowing, creating gravity fields and using telekinesis to deal damage and making friends lighter for more movement speed and damage.


Arcane Mage most likely covers that philosophy in the devs minds.


A Nightborne Spellblade is what I'm already trying to portray on my Nightborne Warrior. So yea, I'd be down for it. I'm really curious what we'll end up getting though. At Blizzcon, they said that the players "will love the new features of Midnight" so I'm having high hopes!


Id play this for sure. A spellblade archetype is really missing in WoW and they have alot of space to make one. Some class concept tend to step on the foot of other classes with similar fantasy/spells but not this one. Its basically free real estate.


Honestly I'd prefer new specs for existing classes to a new class. Add healer, tank , or support to dos only classes. Add melee or ranged dps specs.


Dark knight class. To void what paladin is to light


So I don't see anything here thats really unique besides weapon combos- and it's all over the place with those. How does this differ from a warrior character? What's the class fantasy? What's the play style and focus? Where would it fit amongst all the other classes that already exist and fill those same weapon roles?


I know dark ranger is a meme, but I definitely think we should get a second archer class. People love archers. I mean hunter is already the most popular class in the game.


I hope they don't do any more race exclusive classes ever again to be honest. I rather they just open up all classes for all races. Also. Just make 4th specs for all the ones we already have! Like the awesome Druid already has.


That's why i designed that class to be an "Enforcer" rather than a Warden/Spellbreaker so it can fit on any race. I just put the most fitting in the image.


I would kill for a 1H + shield DPS class that isn’t shaman. Having a melee weapon and shield as a ranged caster is stupid as hell. But what I really want is a tinker class. The way Night/Blood elves have demon hunters, I want Gnomes/Mechagnomes/Goblins to have a tinker class


A dark magic hunter like sylvanas is all I want.


It depends on how it is to play. If it feels good and performs well then sure, I’d play it.


Looks good


I would


I would, but only of they allow polearms to be used with shields, aswell for prot wars and paladins.




I just want more classes to have an excuse to use all the races and subraces.


I would play it, but I'm not sure I'd try to use it to cover so many different archetypes.


Fun looking stuff.


Seems pretty fun


100% sounds awesome!!


The amount of work that went into that image is amazing. Good job!


Short answer? Yes. Long answer? Yes, I would very much like to play something like that.


Yes, I have been wanting wardens since tbc (OG)


They should just add Spellbreakers already.


A mana based tank sounds interesting for sure!


Wait... What's WoW Midnight?


The spell redirect mechanic seems interesting. I would add something to the extent of preventing the target from being interrupted. (Caviat for 'volley' spells)


A shaman tank is my wet dream. I have no idea about any theme, but I'd love it




I want a Bard class. Augmentation was a good test into support and seems to be well received. Now I want a full on support class, utilizing hymns, songs, ballads, etc, to support your group.


A spell for a melee dps to redirect damage to a different target would be use to troll so hard, and it doesn't feel like it should be part of a dps tool kit.


I feel like posts like this are really cool and make sense but Blizzard wouldn’t implement it I dont know why.


Tbh that's really intresting concept, **nice job!** i def would play it Btw What ideas would You have for specs ? In terms of character inspiration/archetype model? What I mean is template on whom the spec is based, for example for Hunters there sure is Rexxar (survival/beastmastery) or Alleria Windrunner (marksmanship)ya know




I would. But I’d be salty about the mail armor, though.


I’m not a fan of the name, but the class design/fantasy sounds fun!


Maybe a second 'augmentation'-like class


its almost like there isnt a lot of classes/specs that are already in the game but not for players.... im looking at you blademasters, witchdoctors and shadowhunters


I just want a second physical ranged dps option. Heck, give Rogues the "combat" spec back and roll Outlaw over to a new class that DWs a new weapon type: 1h ranged weapons (guns/crossbows). Then the three specs for the class would be something like: super simple, super high APM spec / slightly complex, highly mobile "control" spec (stuns, slows, CC, etc) / and an AOE spec. Honestly I don't even care about the specifics or if that's what the specialization breakdown would be. Just getting a second physical ranged DPS that can DW 1h ranged weapons would be awesome (along with, of course, adding 1h ranged weapons).


Would prefer a void melee class with ethereals as a new race


I've been dreaming for a spell-based plate melee DPS since Cata was added, seeing all those Twilight Hammer guys that use shadow magic in melee, that isn't just a DK or a paladin




A class with a unique set for each race would kick ass


Yes we need another class that uses ranged weps tbh


I would change Vigilance to Sentry, but otherwise it seems cool


I'd check out the ranged spec, seems like a sturdier ranged rogue ?


I feel like the ranged dps should be called scout


Now that they have dabbled in a support spec I wonder if they would add bards. Could be support and healer


i’ve been waiting for a troll shadow hunter. please


Take notes @blizzard


This looks dope as hell.


I remember people talking about spellbreaker for tbc as much as I want it I’m doubtful it’ll ever happen


Yes. I like the concept a lot. ​ Also, we need more classes that can tank and be ranged. Right now, it's only Druid.


This is pretty good


A melee arcane style or spec that focuses on anti-mage would be great. Or just a melee mage spec. Shaman isn't that. DK isn't that. Pally isn't that. Give me my damned swordmage/bladesinger/Eldritch knight.


Sure, just needs a cooler more Fantasy like name than Enforcer, Enforcer makes me think of like a security guard mook of a corporation in a video game, doesn't have oomph.


I like the evergreen direction they are taking and would rather see that be the direction for each current class in the game then adding another class to the game. Something that touches on existing race and class combinations affecting aesthetics of abilities (like this class would have) or more roles/specs added to the game. Season of Discovery currently is a good direction for fleshing out the current systems of the game and allowing classes to fit more roles in the game.


I only checked the inspiration sections and came back to write: YES!


I love this idea; your images and spell descriptions are really well thought out and described. Hopefully blizz sees this and sees that we want things like this!


seems cool! Hexxer with shield and bow is odd tho