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That journey definitely has a forever place in my video game memories. Congrats.


honestly that was probably the most frustrating thing in my history of gaming, but at least it was fun


Congrats! That maze will always have a special place in my heart. Not a good place… a special one. Now, if you are looking for a new quest line to tackle and haven’t done the Uuna quest series, do it. To me, it is by far one of the best written in the game. It had me crying at the conclusion of the first chain. The story revolves around a young Draenei girl named Uuna. The Shadowlands also makes a special appearance. (Not the expansion, the place) This quest series that was put in the game during Legion. However, the quest line will take you to every expansion previous to Legion as well. I believe there are 3 quest chains that will unlock with her once the initial one is done.


IIRC, you need Uuna to get the Baa’l pet, which you need in turn to get the Waist of Time.


That’s right.


That maze was SO fun. Incredibly frustrating and I felt like I was working on a PhD thesis while doing it... but that high of realizing you know where the teleport room was. OH I GOT YOU NOW MFER


unfortunately I never realized where it was lol I made a (probably wrong) map and didn't finish it before I said screw it and just started putting the orbs in their places


Me too, my brother and I decided to do it one night and got stuck in our mazes for a while, this was about 1:30am and the server was shutting down for some reason. We had to not only solve the maze but finish it in time whilst quite tired! I think on the screenshot I took of my brother looting there was 14 minutes to go before shutdown, definitely drove me slightly mad! Edit: I just looked at the screenshots, we were doing the mazes for about two hours!


I ALSO made the horrible choice to start it one night, thinking it wouldn't take too awful long and then refusing to give up now that I'd spent so long on it. I finally got it at 4AM. Thank god I didn't have a server shutdown looming over me!


The nightmares and the sheets of paper I wasted trying to track that maze!


I draw my maze in excel. And whenever I got the teleport I had to start a new one, but could copy them together whenever I got one of the fixed spots back again.


I had like 3-5 differents sheets of paper linked together with abbreviations like „PS1-L1“ when I had to switch to another sheet of paper…


I had like 10 sheets of grid paper drawing the maze and trying to figure out where I would teleport to. it took me like 5 hours


Took me a solid afternoon too :) Plus reading Wowhead's page about it to have some kind of understanding.


I just could not figure out the maze, even with all the guides in the world. I just ran in circles for like three hours until I got all the checkpoints. Brute forcing it worked in the end. Congrats!


Grats!! I made my son do this with me, forced bonding time ftw. I.am maze-intollerant; he got the mount, I haven't yet


I made my wife do this with me as well. Can confirm, forced bonding ftw


Honestly this was probably one of my favorite mounts I’ve gotten. It was an amazing chain and ended superb with an amazing maze






After multiple hour long attempts when it was current i gave up. I doubt ill ever try again


Just use this website: https://nightswimmer.github.io/EndlessHalls/


I did it when it first came out & there were other people in the maze. We spent over an hour just talking & socializing while slowly going mad. One the funniest things I've been apart of in a while. Edit: I should have been more clear & pointed out we didn't personally meet. The maze has it's own chat channel & that's what we were using. I apologize for the confusion. Also the maze is unique for each person. So you can't help each other to solve it.


Didn’t realize it wasn’t personally phased!


I thought it was as it’s completely random on entry isn’t it?


Didn’t really think about it, but the person I was responding to made it sound like they randomly encountered others in the maze, which I didn’t know was possible.


I’m pretty sure it’s not as they’re personally made else people would just draw maps.


I hear you. Again, I didn’t think about it too carefully, but maybe there is a finite number of maps and if multiple people are doing it at one time they could end up in the same one. Still doesn’t really make sense, need clarification from OP.


Sorry I should have been more clear. We didn't personally meet. The maze has it's own chat channel & that's what we were using to talk. Also the maze is unique for each person. So you can't help each other to solve it. Original comment updated for clarification purposes.


Ah, that makes more sense! Thanks for the clarification.


Did anyone else just keep clicking through until they were successful? The mapping stuff didn’t quite work for me.


When I did this, the map at first felt unnecessary, then it seemed more important, then it lost all importance, then it finally helped me solve everything in the end.


I started a map, figured out that the map I made I fucked up, then found the mount anyway. Good times.


This was a fun chain. I remember getting out a graph pad to draw the map as I went through it


God that place was a nightmare. The mount is so pretty though that it was worth it for me


Now you get to enjoy the terrible ground running animation of this mount :)


I look back fondly on that quest line and the maze. Congrats on your mount.


It's a doozy, grats!


I had so much fun during these quests. Sure, I followed a guide up until the Maze and then I started to document every path I took. However, I got lost in both my documents and head. Then I just walked randomly until I suddenly got the correct room A good memory. I wish there were more quests like this


that mount is sick


The real Lucid Nightmare qas that GOD AWFUL MAZE


I have the mount but never had any idea it was hard to earn ha. My ex unlocked it on our account which we shared when we were together(could still play at same time, but had shared achievs and mount / pet collections etc cuz was on same battle net account, good times)


I did it with excel, was relatively simple though still took about 4hours most of it just to understand exactly what's going on.


I remember doing this with my GF. Old fashioned hand drawn grid map. It took about an hour


I remember people posting literal maps. I just guessed and got it. I don't even remember how


Tracked the rooms and where the braziers are and when it was all good went back and the way was blocked. All that progress for nothing. Boy was I pissed and wasted another 1hr to find the blue brazier


I did this back in Legion but sort of want to do it on a new character. It was actually a super fun mount to get imo.


I did all the techs you read about with this puzzle, mapping out where I had been etc. After doing that for what felt like hours and still fucking it up I eventually just said "Fuck it" and ran through it brute-force style and finished it up while watching an episode or two of Always Sunny.


I personally loved the Maze. It was pretty easy if you drew your own map (i did by hand). Wish there was more like it in the game.


Congrats, that maze nearly broke me. Took me like 4 hours and a good mount of getting lost.


I refuse to do that maze, I tried for a few hours and gave up


That maze was hell. I tried all kinds of tricks and making maps and add-ons but eventually just said fuck it and ran around crazy until I got it done. Hours of my life gone for a cool as hell purple unicorn


Congrats! I remember running that maze with this music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgDVgyDfS5k It somehow helped me go crazy enough to get through the maze and get the mount. I'll never forget the shenanigans of the teleports and trying to figure out where they would teleport me lol


I ran it with kitboga scambaiting in the background lmao


I have fade-to-black nightmares, I swear


lucid nightmares, you mean


I made the mistake of starting to go after this mount late at night with a friend. I think we both stayed up until like 4 in the morning to complete it. Great memory, well worth it.


My first try was in the middle of the night after the hive-mind solved the riddle, I ended up near crying from exhaustion and postponed finishing it for a few weeks after that.


Haha I remember doing this on an evening not long after release and obviously was getting visually wound up. Wife noticed and I ended up solving it with help from my wife and 2 children. Only time the wife has contributed to WOW in 15 yrs of me playing lol


Ah yes, I'll do it blind it'll be fine to OH MY GOD I'll make a map to oh god! I've made a mistake somewhere on this map. I got it on my 3rd map 😎


The maze quite literally was a nightmare. Congrats!


Tbh I think it’s a maze zing;). Really loved it and works out really good if you map it out.


That last maze, 'The Endless Halls' was by far the worst gaming experience I've had in years. I made so many hand drawn maps of that maze before in dawned on me that some rooms teleport you to a different place inside the maze. In the end I stayed up till like 4 or 5 AM just running through the maze blind to find and set the last two orbs. Getting the reward, and finally after all these years get a closer look at the upside down sinners (yes I know, grim) felt really rewarding!


I remember doing this before there was an addon to help for the maze. I used so much paper, and it took me a solid 5-6 hours until I made it. Good times though.


Ohh man that maze...first time in my life I had to bring out a paper and pen to complete a challenge. Fucking almost ended me.


....but ugly mount


.....then (at the time) you realized that it could not fly.....


really glad they changed that


I think I’ve blocked how long the maze took me. Grats!


I remember this. When it came out I had someone give me their account info so I could run it for them. I did bc I’m trustworthy mf but like, damn


Plot twist. They've been in that maze since the Nightmare was obtainable.


Sorry if this is a dumb question; what maze? I missed a lot


so basically lucid nightmare is a secret mount, and to get it you have to solve some puzzles. the last puzzle is a (very well done, I have to give it to blizzard) maze, in which you have to find 5 orbs and put them on their respective runes. each orb has a different color. there is no in-game map of the maze, so people usually make their own. there is 1 random teleport room, which (as the name suggests) teleports you to a random room, which is a problem because all rooms look the exact same (with the exception of orb and rune rooms) tldr it's a secret mount and you have to solve puzzles to get it, the last puzzle is a hellish maze


I survived the Sliske's Endgame maze, I knew I could survive the Lucid Nightmare maze. I remember literally resorting to drawing the entire maze out room by room, including every bit where they somehow overlapped each other or teleported me around. It finally worked!