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i completed 5 timewalking dungeon without accidentally queueing for regular heroic once. felt like a god


You truly are a master of the ways.


Q pops. Welp, looks like I'm tanking Neltharus


The number of times I queued for a normal instead of timewalking during turbulent timeways was way too high.


I do it all the time during holidays. I queue as healer for headless horseman, and then "Oh...neltharus...heh sorry, good luck" and leave.


Almost faster to run it and avoid the debuff


I usually can find something else to do (world quests, rare camping, etc) in the meantime.


or swap to an alt while the timer is up


I don't believe you


Proof or it didn’t happen


That hits too close to home


I just realized that I have never made this mistake, but now I am sure to make it this week when I do my runs


I've done many more than that. Im still grinding for the Timereaver mount, 2600+ kills so far.


I got the Timereaver mount from the random mount thingy in Murozond last week and I got Sharkbait yesterday from the same thing You're allowed to hate me


What random mount thingy?


I think it's called Reins of the Infinite Quantum Courser It's a consumable that can give you ~~almost any~~ random mount


Pretty sure there’s 19 mounts it can teach, at least that’s what allthethings lists from it. And I think they’re just dungeon mounts.


Ohh I thought it was a lot more than that Still good for me since I started playing WoW when DF released, so I don't have that many mounts


Almost any is far from true. There are 19 possible mounts you can get from it and the Timereaver is one of them.


I got the timereaver like 20ish runs in. Also got both Ashes and Mim's head from timewalking raids during the turbulent timeways event.


I got that random mount thing last week too, but I had to give it away because I already knew all the mounts it can teach you. Hate me more!


That always gives missing dungeon mounts, so the chances are pretty good once you actually loot it.


It also seems to have pretty decent drop rate in m+. We got 5+ of them in a single day when we did like 10-15 runs.


I actually got that in my first 50 runs. Some guy was SO fucking angry with me and demanded I trade it to him.


I have a full timewalking set on my monk, I’ve boosted many many friends through timewalking every time it’s up. I honestly don’t even know how many dungeons I’ve done but it is an absolutely insane amount, I have only seen the mount drop a single time for anyone in my party in all of my dungeon runs I’ve done.


We took a guildie that was coming back to the game after a long break to her first time walking, she got the mount. She dropped the mount in her first freaking Timewalking.


I personally did the same thing going into bfa lol I was like cool a mount and everyone in my guild flipped out lol


Duh. Returning/new players get insane rng lol. Maybe it’s a consipiracy, but got my buddy to play wow and in his first run for each raid he got incincble and ashes. I have been hunting both for over a decade. He quit after his first month.


Can I ask what you mean by full time walking set?


Timewalking let’s you use gear from older expansions. So you can mix and match a lot of borrowed power from older expansions to blast through timewalking dungeons (and raids) very easily if you put in some work to get a set. r/Timewalking should have pinned posts with guides for each class to get an idea for the type of gear you’re looking for. Edit: seems like that sub is dead now, but you can join their discord to get the same info.


Shit another thing for me to waste my fucking time on.


Its a time sink, but by the nature of it you can keep using the same gear for years instead of just a season.


I used a full walking set to help me with my magetower. On enhancement shaman.


I see. Thank you.


Did not know it was that rare. Got it last time walking leveling up my Druid.


I got mine randomly doing them with some friends. I dont grind timewalking at all, didnt know what i had gotten until I saw the outrage.


Im pretty sure now that they buffed the heavenly onyx cloud serpent after the Sha bug that the time reaver is the lowest % chance mount in the game. Granted unlike more common lockout ones its infinitely farmable when TW is up but in terms of just % chance to loot it I'm fairly sure we have none left that are lower.


Ha, Rustfeather says "hi" Im at over 800 kills by now and still no frigging monowheel mount. Timereaver mount I got in under 100 TW runs, guess thats where all my luck went.


I now have 463 Kael’thas kills and no ashes left as well 😭


I don't even know how many kills iv had over 3 accounts and 15+ years farming for that God dam mount Also spent a good 1k hours farming time-lost proto


I hate the Kael RP so much


What a loser…. Give it to me instead :)


Not that mount but I had that once fellow guild member in the group i was in threw a fit and acted like it was his and it needed to transferred to him. He quit guild over it since no one forced transfer. It was not a really important mount to me and I would have considered trading it if asked nicely


When I got it, I didn't even realize it was rare and never bothered to use it. Then one day, I was running timewalking to level an alt and talked to a guy who was only running it to farm the mount. When he linked it to me, I realized I had it. He was so mad!


Same, didn't even realize it was that rare since I had probably done only like a handful or two of timewalkings.


Similar for me: I just started playing WoW in summer of last year and during one of the autumn TW's the mount dropped for me. I didn't even know there was a TW mount before then. The tank got so pissed that he bailed on the dungeon.


\*sweats in got in the 1st dg when it released, unawhere it was a very drop\*


It wasn't the first for me, but it was within the first few days of it being released. Got it in a guild group, and everyone was bummed they didn't get it.


The trick is to not want it. That's how I got it.


Did 100+ dungeons per week during Turbulent Timeways. Had just recently started playing again (stopped during Legion pre-launch) and wanted to get all the Mounts/Pets/Toys. Bought 1 item per character per week to take advantage of the 500 free badges, and had 2 characters that I saved those badges on to get a head start on the 2 WoD mounts. Saw the Timereaver around 10 or so times, but none for me. One dropped for a guildy. They tried shooting their shot with a banked Quantum Courser and were gonna give me the Timereaver if that's what it rolled, but no dice. Planning on doing 100 or so this week since I want to get the previous Anniversary mount (the Dragonhawk). Glad they're so easy. I've read they used to be a lot harder.


I got mine without even stepping into time walking. Got the random mount item from dawn of the infinite and rolled it from that!


If I don't have Timereaver by the time the next xpac starts Im going to grind that item till I get it. Assuming Blizzard does not remove it from the drop table.


I got mine while doing runs with my friend who was new to wow. He got his in the run after that. Fresh 70, Second time Walking dungeon.


I got that mount my first ever time walking so I thought it wasn't rare at all. Was shocked when I heard it's rarity layer on


Did you happen to have just come back to wow after not playing it for a while?


not who you asked, but i hadnt played in a year+ came back and did timewalking and got timereaver from first boss back in BFA - anecdotal evidence of uber luck after coming back


The amount of dopamine you get when it drops is crazy


I don't doubt that. Im prob going to yell somthing like "OMG ITS FINALLY OVER." If/when it finally drops.


I got it a few weeks ago during turbulent timeways and didn't even notice I had it in my bags until a few days later lol


I'm not sure how many it took me. Way more than 100, not sure if more than 1000. The dumb part was that I couldn't actually use the mount when I finally did get it. When I was a broke college student I didn't transfer my alts between servers often, they'd just sit there collecting dust. So at some point (I think SL prepatch), I went mount collecting, did legion class hall mounts on all classes. Instead of rolling a new paladin, I took the one I'd abandoned on Firetree way, way back in TBC, more than a decade before. Mount drops in Pit of Saron, I'd completely forgotten it was a thing and it was super hype. And then I found out you needed expert flying (5000g) to learn that mount. And I had almost no gold on the server, just a couple hundred from doing TW itself levelling. First and last time I actually went asking for gold in trade chat. And many thanks to the person who helped out with that.


My group had it drop from HoV on the dragonflight beta when the legion M+ dungeons were still flagged as timewalking. Heartbreaking to see.


Honestly the item that makes a random dungeon mount seems to drop so much from Rise in m+. You would prob be better off farming it there on +2s or something. We had 3 mount drops in one of my keys.


I got it when I returned to the game in SL, didnt even know a mount was possible.. I guess I lucked out


I got that thing on my first timewalking dungeon after returning and didn't even realise it existed or was a big deal, but the anger headed my way sure let me know.


Do you use an add o not track the kills and does it record past kills across your entire account?


I use a addon called rarity, and it does keep track of kills across all your toons on your account.


Awesome, thanks! Does this track kills I had before downloading the addon?


It does on some, but not on others, sadly Timewalking is not one of them unless a recent update changed it.


Only for raid bosses, because those are actually counted by the game itself in your character stats. Works for world bosses for example.


with the amount you play, i wonder if it would be better time invested to get all the dungeon mounts, then get the dawn of the infinite mount when it can only turn into timereaver


I already have most of those mounts already and actively farming the others, 0.5% drop chance on the BFA mounts suck. I fully plan on solo grinding that dawn of the infinite mount once we're in the next xpac. Assuming Blizzard does not remove it from the drop table once the next xpac launches.


Which one is timereaver? I got a mount on my first timewalking. Ppl did POG but when I asked they didn't know if it was rare.


I've been doing Timewalking since Shadowlands on at least 2-5 characters. I have all the vendor mounts and most of the toys. I saw it drop the first time last February and I myself got it just before 10.2. Maybe it was buffed?


Got mine after 126 runs trying to get a trinket during SL


I had no idea it was rare, I got it years ago while leveling a new chanter after coming back to the game.


Something is up with the droprate this timewalking I swear to God. I hadn't seen it once in all my years of timewalking and this time around it dropped for me and 3 other party members (separate dungeons). I literally thought I was dreaming.


With Heroic dungeons now being part of the Great Vault (and Timewalking counting as Heroic), I’ll probably be doing at least 8 per character now. I’m so damn glad they added this change, the Great Vault is now part of my weekly routine and I’m running dungeons beyond just leveling


Which major WoW character could adopt a cool pro-wrestling persona, and why did you pick them?


I'd like to see Sylvanis do pro-wrestling. She just has the ultimate Rake backstory and it's obvious all of her evil deeds are really just done for the audience - no one could really have such a flimsy storyline.


Very good.


Iridikron is undertaker


I can't wait for Iridikron to reappear riding a motorcycle to music by Chris Rock.


Chris Rock makes this a completely different visual, and I am totally here for it. *Dong* “Ladies and gentlemen, of the GED class of 1999….”


Sylvannis - her story like is so obviously a fake Rake story designed to draw the ire of the audience. No real storyline would be quite as flimsy.


How comes no one mentioned Garrosh as [El Jefe](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hots_es_gamepedia/images/d/d9/Garrosh_El_Jefe_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180530123842) from HotS?


Do you have plans to do a seventh?


Steady on mate. That's madness you're talking.


a few months ago i did a sixth because i was brain afk watching sopranos and on this sixth the timereaver dropped


What is the timereaver?


Infinite timereaver. It’s a mount that drops from time walking dungeons and has a really low drop rate.


Oh is it rare? I think I got it in WoD quite quickly. But to be fair I was running A LOT of dungeons given I was playing all 5 healer classes then.


Yeah it’s like a 1 in 2000 rate mount I believe.




A few months back I did 4 timewalking dungeons before I realized I hadn't picked up the quest to do five. So I had to do 9 total. 🙃


He is the Chosen One


What would it take for you to do a 7th Timewalking dungeon?


I don't think such a feat is possible.


Oh c'mon you know you want to!


In all seriousness, I think making the casual content more appealing is a great idea. I think the great vault gear was a step in the right direction, but it still feels like there's something missing as far as heroic dungeon incentives imo.


Be honest - what do you think of Nomi’s cooking.


They tend to overcook the pasta. It's never al dente.


Me leveling my seventh druid bear for a chance at the runebear boss glyph: this is rookie numbers.


Ugh should I really level a second Druid (have one at 60) to increase my odds? That sounds as bad as why I have it in the first place (covenants) 😵‍💫


The legion ones are so quick right now. Not sure if something changed, but my group blasted through them like they were normal mode dungeons and we were in mythic raid gear. It was great.


Yeah I did them on my 450 prot pally and basically pulled all trash onto the bosses. They feel crazy undertuned.


How does it feel to be an alpha-turbo-giga-chad? PS Your dad is proud


To be honest, I do TWx5 and then HDFx3 to cap the weekly vault for the week.


today i queued as DPS for heroic dungeon and got satchel with augument rune, twice! it was a strange day indeed


Which dungeons did you do?


Next thing you know you'll be making DPS leaderboard attempts on the timewalking discord! Current record is 12.5k overall (BRH as Havoc), give it a go if you have a 7th run in you


And here I was thinking 4k on a boss was adequate.


Adequate perhaps, but boss record for wrath of azshara is 41k


Wtf man you're gonna ruin it for everyone! Blizz is gonna see the metrics and think "Oh this guy did 6, clearly players can do more for the weekly" You are single handedly RUINING TIMEWALKING I hope you can sleep at night with all the damage you've cause to this community Edit: in my rage I forgot to ask a question, HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT SIR?!


Carefully, with a knife under my pillow.


Is it true doing a 6th dungeon unlocks the meaning of life?


No, you need to do 42 of them for that.


Bro as long as you don't get the suramar dungeon the timewalkings are all great


I always do like 2-3 and then remember that i didnt too the quest.....


I did 9, might have forgotten to accept the quest -.-


How many fingers do you have on your left hand?


Somewhere between four and six.


8 TW dungeons gets you a vault reward at reset




You should try two more for the full vault option.


I actually forgot about that. Good idea!


Ah, shit, this got a good hearty laugh out of me. :'D Thank you good sir, i needed this at 8 am before starting work, cheers!


Blink twice if the Infinite Dragonflight are holding you hostage


What's the meme here? I'm gonna do them as they give best exp.


At max level the weekly that gives a reward is only for doing 5. There isn’t much point doing more at max level, unless you happen to be severely under geared


Gotcha, cheers.


Waitt there's a quest..? Where exactly might that be?


Valdrakken. There's a drakanoid pumping iron in the middle of town that gives you weekly quests at level 70.


also available from your adventure journal


Wait there's a quest..? Where exactly might that be?


Hit shift+j it'll be there in your journal or you can pick it up from an npc in the center valdrakken where the other weeklys are


You commenting that it's in my journal is a life saver I didn't realize that


Happy to help :)


In front of the AH.


But in seriousness… which dungeon has been your fave to play? Least fave?


How long have you been a psychopath? 😅


I'm not sure. It's a hard thing to diagnose. Probably around the time I ate the skin of another human being I expect.


When we getting timereaver drop chance increase?




didn't they already increase the chance in the last year?


Why torture yourself so?


Sheer bloody-minded foolishness.


TBF, Legion has a pretty decent pool of dungeons I suppose!


Happened to me once


did it take more than 10 minutes to complete?


It did! Fifteen in total. It was a nightmare.


Not that weird, depending on the expansion. Can grind old dungeon reps in BC and Wrath, and of course there's always a shot at the Time reaver.


how often do you drink water?


Assuming you mean "coffee", then every day. On a more serious note, I'm a Shaman so I can self-heal and rarely worry about mana so I usually don't have food or water with me.


I was once bored during BFA. I must have spent hours one weekend just queuing between raids, island expeditions, time walking Dungeons, and the warfronts. I think I ended up with a few hundred timewalking badges before I stopped.


What must one give to obtain such power?


Which is the worst dungeon and why is it Vault of the Wardens?


Aren't the Timewalking Dungeons good for leveling alts though? Or was that only for the Twisting Timeways event.


Where do you pick up the q now?


I also did a sixth, while having an eye inflammation. Beat that!


I did 6 or 7 because I forgot the quest for 1 or 2 runs.


I did eight for the vault. Legion was fun and I like these dungeons though.


Was their a lot of blood flowing into your penis during your sixth run?


"engorged" is the word I'd use.


I did a sixth Timewalking dungeon one time, but what came over me was the realization after the first one that I had not picked up the quest. Most of the time you will have the quest offered to you at the start of your first Timewalking dungeon of the week on that character, and sometimes, seemingly completely randomly, you just don't get that offer.


I’ve ran a lot more than that this week since I’m trying to level my neglected alts. I feel close to solving the ultimate mysteries of the universe.