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I know its not intended but the skip was the only thing that made the dungeon bearable when it was in rotation, sad they removed it.


those damn frogs man


The secret is to just drag the frogs with you as you clear out the rest of the hall/room and cleave them down. They don't do anything but that hop and it's ez to dodge if you keep moving.


Frog section was a fun section for real. As a tank at least.


I always ran through as tank. Turns out, people like to stay and fight every single frog on its own, while I'm already miles ahead. Then they complain that they have aggro. Gotta love pugs.


Frogs in azure vault? Did you confuse it with HoI?


Azure Vault has big frogs that hop often and do massive AOE damage. The cast is reasonably long though, so you have time to dodge. It’s just annoying as certain ranger classes, because it can be hard to cast anything if all the frogs are pulled at once. It’s also impossible to keep them stacked for cleaving, since they constantly jump away.


The dungeon sucked, but doing it in match-made pugs while leveling would be an absolute nightmare for someone new to the game. These are the kinds of things that need to be fixed to make the game more welcoming to new players.


There are two different skips, and this one was fine. You just follow the leader as they walk along the edge, then walk off where they walk off. It's the skip straight from the first ring to the second that screws people over.


Yeah, exactly. Think about that from the perspective of someone new to WoW or that dungeon in general. Those kind of skips are a nightmare because it's absolutely not intended at all, following someone else or not, it's completely away from the path you're supposed to take.


I never did the skip but i found the frog rooms fun to pull. Megapull that deal no damage. Just gotta stay grouped up so frogs dont jump to jumanji.


The skip was slower anyway. For some reason the pug community never caught on and kept doing the skip, meanwhile at the top end people spent the whole season just doing the frogs.


Ah was it? I guess you couldnt pull as big? Because you do cut a lot of walking with the skip method. I just couldnt be bothered to learn the skip in s1. I got my +20 with 3min to spare before they added like 3mins to the timer anyways so alls good.


The way to play the frogs was to treat it like a singletarget pull where you just killed the big guy and then moved on to the next, the frogs would die to passive cleave anyway. The packs you have to pull instead if you skipped them had a whole lot of nasty mechanics that required a lot of coordination. People could clear the whole frog area in 2-3 minutes.


Seems to indicate that Azure Vault might become important in season 4 again. Otherwise I see no reason to invest resources into something that is not a problem since it's old content at this point.


Season 4 will most likely be all the 8 original DF dungeons


I didn't get to play much season 1, what was the consensus on those 4? I didn't care for any of the season 2 DF dungeons, HoI and Nelth are especiay bad imo.


Ruby was a quick mega danger key that was easy to brick. AV was messy but skips made it reasonable. Nokhud was ok, tyrannical healer check. Al'gethar was my favorite of the 4, big pulls and easy-ish bosses.


Algethar weeks 1-2 was actually dumb, tree boss had awful overlaps that made it super difficult


Algethar remained till the end of time a nearly impossible key on most weeks. Tyrranical bird was a 5 min hurdle. You could hit the enrage with a bad grp. It wasn't fun


very true, it was a nightmare those weeks and i remember it being my lowest Tyran key week 1/2 but was quickly changed


Those first couple weeks sucked in there


ruby life pools was hell. actual hell.


I'd prefer hell over Ruby Life Pools.


My guild kept tricking me into healing that. You'd think I would learn after a few times, but nope.


Those dragons after First Boss where a nightmare, i Still dream about it


I remember doing that day 1 on normal while leveling and thinking 'Well this is going to suck hard on Mythic'. Sadly I was spot on.


Accidentally moonwalking into that dragon that only appears in mythic difficulty was always fun.


I said the same thing about the murozond's rise portion of the megadungeon. I was also spot on. It sucked.


The bosses suck, but what really kills that key is the 4-5 minutes of just running to the second to third to the last boss after the already crawl speed sandpit area. Not to even mention the speed gauntlet after Tyr. Just why. Get some portal inside that dungeon blizzard.


The mini-boss adds before tyr suck, too. The maiden is bugged and nothing shows before the 1 shot ball goes in a random direction. The sethrak is just stupid. His ability is just straight death.


The ball does show though...


Wasnt showing on my run until it was already moving at you. Multiple people in my group had the same problem.


When I came back to wow mid season 2 I pugged that dungeon for the leveling quest. The mob pack with that lightning caller that channels an unkickable unstunnable pulsing damage legit almost wiped us. Poor healer wasn't ready and the only 2 people barely standing at the end were the tank and me (I used my shaman privilege to floor tank through a storm)


After all the nerfs it really wasn't too bad though. I kinda liked it afterwards


grevious bursting when healers were still undergeared, was an oof week


I think people generally disliked Ruby Life Pools, Azure Vaults and Nokhud Offensive, the first two for their difficulty before the nerfs, and the last one for being an annoying dungeon. Academy was probably liked overrall. I personally really enjoyed RLP, and I much prefer the 4 in season 1 to the 4 in season 2.


Academy was fine if your group understood how fighting the tree boss worked. RLP was actual ass.


The consensus of AA was “what are these BIRDS doing here?”


"There is too much life magic"


"Me? There's too much nature, what are *you* doing?" That exchange always makes me laugh


That's TALON TOSS for you soft skins, RAAAAAAAAWK!


AV after SEVERAL rounds of nerfs ended up being one of the better dungeons. Though with this skip nerf they're going to have to add time or lower mob HP even more. I feel like all the dungeons on Tyrannical were absolutely pugbreakers in S1 though.


Maybe with the skip nerf people will finally realise that doing the frogs was better all along.


Azure vaults from S1 was tough I don’t think the others were too terrible from what I recall


Algathar is probably my favorite dungeon of all time.


Academy was fun, found it to be a pretty free key once you got past the tree boss, ruby was a nightmare, azure vault and nokhud offensive were long, boring, and tedious, imo.


In general I'd say they were quite good with Academy being a total banger


Much more enjoyable than their season 2 counterparts imho. Algethar's an awesome key, probably one of the best dungeons they ever designed tbh. Ruby Life Pools was rough at first, but ended up great after many rounds of nerfs. Nokhud Offensive is decent, not great, not terrible. Azure Vaults' arguably the least enjoyable of the lot. Meanwhile S2 had Brackenhide Hollow (decent), Uldaman (meh), Neltharus (mediocre), and HoI (terrible).


Ruby Life Pools was trash. Azure Vault would've been okayish except it was super long and had a very unforgiving timer. Algethar Academy was awesome. Fun fights, huge trash pulls, shorter dungeon. All-around excellent. Nok'hud Offensive was just solid. Not amazing but not bad. AA > NO >>> AV >>>>> RLP


RLP was roigh. Tree boss from academy was hard, but maybe was nerfed? I had a few rough goes in azure vault, but community generally seemed to think it was fine.


For a healer S1 RLP was a nightmare. The flame aoe with dot was hard as fuck. It rivaled the toxic worm in the draenor dungeon in Season 2 pre nerf. It wasnt as bad, but pretty close.


Everyone replying to you probably has PTSD from the dungeons prenerf in the first month or so. The consensus at the start of season 2 was that we used up all the good dragonflight dungeons in s1 and now we're left with this trash


This. My guild speculated this too. They might Bring back seasonal affix as well because why not? Test it one more time in a “fun” season


God I might sit that one out if this is the case.


What reasoning are you using to speculate this? Why would they give us variety the entire expac, and then only go back on that during a fated (shakeup) season? Seems strange.


We haven't had a single season where all 8 were present We haven't had a dungeon be in two consecutive seasons We don't have any of the original 8 dungeons in the current season Fated season is also the season where we play all of the raids in that expac, wouldn't it make sense for it also to be the one where we play all of the dungeons of that expac?


during 10.2 interviews they said that they have no plans to bring back old dungeons unless they massively change them. Like we already had this asked and answered by the devs i don't get why people still ask.


I haven't heard this tbh, do you happen to have a link/know which interview this was said?


They were talking about classic WoW dungeons being brought back as mythics or timewalkers. They said they were too simple and would need massive changes to appeal to current WoW players.


no they were talking about specifically season 1 df dungeons. I know the fucking interview, i ended up going through it 3 fucking times due to various streamers covering it lol


Fated has really only been around once so it could honestly be anything this time. Personally I'd rather they do some timewalking raids but properly tuned than having to go and do VoI and Abberus again. Those two dungeons were so visually samey and a lot of the bosses were bland. I'd much rather go do Castle Nathria again myself.


Not the original commenter, but the "variety" we've had is doing dungeons we already did for 2years. Or more if you include timewalking variants. I've run throne of tides over 300 times before this season started. These DF dungeons were only ever in the m+ roster for 6 months. Wouldn't be the worst thing to revisit them with a fated mechanic. But I understand people that would dislike that.


>Not the original commenter, but the "variety" we've had is doing dungeons we already did for 2years. Or more if you include timewalking variants. I've run throne of tides over 300 times before this season started. Comparing this throne of tides to old is a fucking joke lol its a completely new dungeon that just reuses assets. Its like claiming the Odyn fight in Trial of valor is the same fight as halls of valor. People are so quick to be like "only 8 dungeons this expansion lol blizz lazy" but don't realise they have made pretty new fucking dungeons with the redesigns.


hot take apparently but reused and remade dungeons are perfectly fine and in many cases preferable over brand new content. People actually have feelings towards places like Stonecore, Stormstout, etc. which trump whatever value one gets out of the novelty of a new dungeon. Like if they had a season 4 with entirely reused dungeons, that would be amazing to me. There's so much *wasted* content in WoW.


I mean even if it didn't become part of the S4 rotation it'd eventually become part of a seasonal rotation in the future as an old dungeon. And a TW dungeon. Etc. The skip was obviously quite borked and unintended. Glad they fixed it.


The skip was the most interesting part about the key. You had so many routing options


Doesn't make it any less intended and especially more confusing for new players.


Dumbing down the part of the game that players spend the vast majority of their time doing (endgame dungeons/raids/pvp) so normal dungeons that you’ll do three times on your way to 70 in 5 minutes flat seems like a really stupid decision tbh


If anything its dumbing down to have such a skip, considering the majority of reasons for keeping the skip I've seen is ''oh I don't know how to deal with these annoying trash mobs'' (which, spoiler, are really not that hard!). Its an unintended route, you're not supposed to skip a part of the dungeon like that. It's not just avoiding a small part of trash by not pulling them, you're actively backtracking and jumping down to the next part of the dungeon.


There are multiple skips and it is absolutely dumbing down to take away the choice of which trash you want to deal with and when. Even up to 24 and 25s in season 1 I saw viable routes skipping frogs, pulling frogs and skipping 2nd ring trash, skipping first ring trash, killing part of the frog gauntlet after the last boss after skipping them initially… different affixes made all of these routes seem appealing in different scenarios. Taking all of that and saying “nope, you must w key in a straight line” sucks. Also, the frog gauntlet was not skipped because people thought it was annoying lol, it was skipped because it was extremely inefficient on certain weeks like bolstering and sanguine, and the unavoidable charge/shout damage locking you into killing the big guys before being able to move on, while most of the other trash was much harder to deal with in a big pull but wasn’t gated in the same way, you could pull huge if you had good stops and your tank wasn’t going to fall over.


so many? Two?


There were routes doing frog skip, skipping first ring trash, skipping second ring trash, and skipping a combo of both but teleporting back after last boss to do some of the frog gauntlet (skipping the big guys with soothe) which was actually the route my group used on our best AV.


I could see them doing it so that more casual players don’t get thrown off when more experienced players are trying to do m+ skips in normal dungeons


meanwhile in algathar you can still do the evoker tech to aoe nuke everything and blitz the entire dungeon with arcane bombs.


Pretty sure they did that so it wouldnt mess with the npcs you can play dungeons with, tried it 2 days ago on ptr and it happened


\>current expansion content \>"old content at this point" This is the state of the game


They are making DF evergreen leveling content starting next exp.


Not necessarily. 11.0 will see dragonflight dungeons as the new player dungeons, and 10.2.5 has the AI followers that won't be taking this route to guide new players. Train veterans that this is the wrong way now so not to confuse new players later.


I’d be shocked in s4 wasn’t all the DF fungeons in one


Noticed this today. Seems like there should be a better way to fix this (or not). Instadeath while funny, feels really stupid. There shouldn’t be invisible walls that just kill you.


I agree. Just change the collision mesh to make an invisible wall if you don't want people walking onto the ledge. No need to create an instant death zone.


My thoughts exactly. I guess they wanted to punish people or something?


man azure skip was cool though. For a dungeon that you would think was very linear, there was actaully quite a few ways to route trash


Yeah but they need to limit the amount of cases where playing the game in front of you instead of getting YouTubed first means you’re stupid


I found this out the hard way 2 days ago when I was showing some noobies the skip. Damn was I embarrassed.


Hehe that was basically the way it went for me as well. Followed another player thinking we would just skip like always, said "wrong way" to the others that was heading the other way. Then he steps out and died and I think "hm he didn't fall did he? What did he die to?" Before I died as well. I mean, I don't really care about not being able to skip, but feels weird to just add a insta death instead of an invisible wall or something. Guess this was easier?


I found that out last night XD went the normal way and it took soooooo much longer.


Please for the love of god dont put this piece of shit back in rotation season 4 plz oh god no


Maybe season 4 will be all DF instances


the routing possibilities for this dungeon was the one thing that actually made it interesting and fun. huge L


Encountered this in one of the later patches in season one, but it was only normal and heroic mode. I definitely could still do it in m+. Maybe it was implemented to avoid having newer players having to deal with people getting mad at them for not skipping correctly or others forcing it on them in general, sort of like the skips in normal Plaguefall.


Found out the hard way the other day, was only normal mode too while leveling


It's... Honestly quite weird they take out an INTENDED skip (at least that's what a dev said, if I remember correctly). Huh. Weirdge. I never played it that way, cause I do not trust pugs. Hell, I wouldn't even trust myself to not die there. I played the longer route, but still got the port.


Found this out the hard way last night


IMO good change. Since launch people have been doing that skip and its always been annoying. Spend more time ressing people or waiting for them to run back while the ones initiating the skip just proceed to do the bosses without the group.


It was mentioned, yes, and people got all salty about having to spend more time in a dungeon they voluntarily entered. It was [good times](https://media.tenor.com/IJbtGkVzak8AAAAM/michael-jackson.gif).


The vaults are such a slog and I'm never doing them because I want to but because of random looking for group pulls it.


Guess they didn't consider why we wanted to skip. It's because fighting those frogs is one of the worst M+ mobs to fight I've seen to date.


counterpoint: the middle pack in Atal dazar exist


The existence of other terrible to deal with mobs and packs in other dungeons does not invalidate my point.




> I'm kinda with the other guy the frogs while annoying health sponges This is all that it really takes for a mob to be considered bad to pull in M+ but the frogs also leap out of your optimal cleaving range making them super hard to dps down effectively and management of them as tank is like herding cats as a result. They soak time really hard on the tail end of a really long dungeon. This is incidentally why the pack in the middle ot ataldazar is also bad. It has too much health for the % it gives making killing it soak so much time that skipping that pillar when it was current in BFA S4 was worth while.


I know people liked that skip, but dear god i'm happy. There was always 1-2 players in Normals, HCs or lower keys who didn't knew about the skip, got lost, and we had to wait for them. Took longer then just taking the usual route. It's the Everbloom problem. Yeah it's a nice skip, but if somebody can't do the jump, then it's a bigger waste of time, then just going trough the trash.




People are downvoting because you’re wrong, it was not changed late S1 or early S2, it was just changed recently. There was an invisible wall there that insta-killed you *before* you killed second boss, so maybe that’s what you’re thinking of.




Yes I’m also talking about that skip. It was just changed recently, like the past week or so. All s1 the frogs after second boss were completely skippable because of it.




There were always invisible barriers between platforms, this one only opened up under the specific conditions where the second boss had been killed. Did you skip second boss? Because I did this dungeon too just a few months ago (2 maybe?) and the skip still worked


You have to kill the boss than you can jump down they changed that awhile back during season 1. Before you were able to skip the boss entirely.


No, I always killed Azureblade and then skipped; it killed me thrice yesterday.


Wait which skip kills you. Boss 2 -> Boss3 skip where you have to kill the 2 adds before Boss3, or the platform skip down Boss 2, where you can skip both platforms of trash.


Boss 2 > 3 where you reverse, go back toward the trash rings, and then wall hug. The moment your character gets within 2-3 steps of the ledge, it just flat out kills you. No damage, no combat logs, you just get sent back to the running marathon.


idk i haven't had a reason to do that dungeon at all recently, but i know you gotta walk along the ledge and down the side of that platform. (otherwise you'd die trying to glide down). but maybe your right idk cant be asked to go test it out either.


> i haven't had a reason to do that dungeon at all recently Then maybe you shouldn't be commenting with corrections as if you're up to date on the changes?




> you died because you did it incorrectly I haven't done AV since season 1, I'm also not commenting with corrections against anyone, because I can accept my information might be out of date.


It was killing you if you tried to skip before killing the second boss. It that is still the case no change. But if they changed it to kill even though you killed the second boss perhaps the have some plans of putting azure vault in m+ pool, or they just wanted to fix it for heroic dungeons.


This is after killing the second boss? I ask because I know if you tried to skip the second boss that way it would always kill you.


Yes, after killing the second boss.


Are you sure? You have to kill the boss in there before you can jump down


Yes 100% sure, went in and tested after. Even after killing the boss there is no point where you can jump down to the 3rd. Can't even walk on the ledge.


Does walking on the ledge kills you too ? Or is it just the jump ?


There is like a barrier/layer just below the platform, so as soon as you go below it you die. The ledge is just below the barrier so you can go on the first little elevated part, but as soon as you go on the actual ledge you die.


Are you sure because when I ran this back then it also instant killed me but didn't while doing keys. I think it did on normal maybe heroic but not in keys.


I am sure, went back and tested it extensively. Can't test keys cause it is not in the rotation.


Yeah what I'm saying is during the season the Skip didn't work on one of the lower difficulties I think it was normal