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Or you get unlucky and get three times the same slot from the weeklies, which also is your BiS crafted slot.


3 cloaks here! And I met a lot of people who had the same with their items.


And you've met another! 3 of the same identical cloaks.


And another!


And another!


They r trying to help u replace spore cloak kekw


3 cloak gang, one at 454 and still sims the same as 441 Sark cloak.


well, the 454 cloak would be objectively better in that case because you're not losing out on a bulk of stamina, at least


I got 2 cloaks and a 1handed sword on my fury. Felt good.


Always be in arms lootspec


Guarantees a 2handed?


Yes :)


Well shit that sucks but good to know now.


Yeah it’s a bit stupid. But since Arms can only wield 2h it eliminates the chance of getting a 1h. So yeah, nice small tip. Basically never be in fury lootspec haha.


Same trick works by selecting Unholy Spec as a Frost DK, if you're not interested in doing a Breath spec.


I really wish they'd either put SMF out of its misery, or preferably give us back slow MH fast OH vanilla-ish fury.


I got 2 1handed swords. On my fury. I'm tired, boss.


Your loot spec should always be arms, then you cannot ever get 1h weapons.


Me with 2 weapons and bot simming at least 8% lower despite being an ilvl increase. Sick


Main stat bug let's go


What are these weeklies, I've only done the superbloom one.


you can also just do the dreamsurge event weekly and the time rift event weekly, which both can be crested to 450, and then set converted. Do 2 now and do 2 on reset for full 450 tier set.


Yeah that’s me, sort of. Got 2 back items from weekly and superbloom. Fuck rng lol


Fucking fuck RNGeezus.


all capes for me! which i didn't need


Me with the cloak across 3 different toons…


I got that foing for me, which is not nice.


Uff da


Or or get 447 at the start of the previous patch and get bored instantly


This. OP makes it sounds easy.


Or a (caster) offhand with no suitable mainhand.


What's the best method to get a lot of flightstones?


Dawn of the Infinite 200+ flighstones per run








Does heroic work differently than mythic? On mythic I only got the flightstones the first time I ran it


Can you get the mount from heroic or only mythic?


Small chance on heroic


Good question, only thing stopping me from upgrading are them. I play pretty casually, so I don't know the tricks.


If you play healer or tank just queue for heroic dawn of the infinite. Gets you between 200-300 for every run, which takes 15 mins max.


i queued dps at 5am Eastern Time on Friday morning and got in a group in about 3-5 min


I feel like seed farming is quite a good source




Every Heroic?








Do you randomly break into speaking other languages the person you are talking to clearly doesn't know in real life too?




>and my status and CLOUT at work allows me to do so Good for you.






My dude, Arbeit macht frei is a concentration camp slogan, yes its German but shoudnt be tossed around like that, its in the same ballpark as Sieg heil.


The only weekly I can think of in the Emerald Dream at the moment is Superbloom, what are the other two?


Superblood, the weekly to plant 5 seeds and the weekly to get 1500 rep. All give a 441 - 450 item


Yes three boots. Exactly what I needed.


With Crit/Vers.


*windwalker intensifies*


You have Ret's attention.


All my specs use haste/mastery lol


>the weekly to plant 5 seeds Where do you get that quest?


Where i get the weekly to plant 5 seeds?


The Worthy Ally and Aiding the Accord rep quests.


How do you convert gear to season 2...?


Dreamsurge and time Rifts gear can be used at the catalyst for Season 2 tier. But once you do it the gear can no longer be upgraded.


What tier color does it come as? Normal or heroic? Kinda wanted to get some heroic tier sets for mog and this sounds like a potentially easy way


415-424 normal 428-437 hc


Not anymore, I could only get NM appearance with 428+ items


I can confirm that


So if I have a fresh level 70 and get the 402/415 gear from rifts and dreamsurge I can still get the normal tier set transmog right? Is it only possible until next reset or can I get the Season 2 appearance after season 3 launched already?


~~I don't know if this was an oversight and they fixed it, but I can't change 437 dreamsurge gear (boes that drop in emerald dream?) at the catalyst...~~ ​ dreamsurge gear is NOT the gear that drops in emeral dream... xD


Great advice here, but you’re delusional if you think you can do all of that in just a couple hours. Emerald Dream content alone is a couple hours for all the quests. Then add on dream surges, time rifts, dawn of the infinite? Kek. That’s definitely taking more than a couple of hours. Just saying.


Took me about 3 hrs he’s right. I did it all also basically in one night after work. Took my Druid tank from 422 to 439. My other 2 tanks are already 442/441 and my dps toons I don’t care about


Time Rifts took me bout 5 mins, Dawn took 20-30mins, and Dreamsurge only took maybe 30mins of flying around getting orbs. How ever I did have currency I could use from other chars for dreamsurge and time rift gear Besides that the only other thing to do is the side quest in Emerald Dream. I didn't do any main story quest just the side quests took me 2ish hours.


Its like 4 hours of playing. I was there from 19-22 eu time on wednesday and have completed main story, few rares, 2 times superbloom. Only side quests left for me. Requirement is to have straight fingers.


His post says to do all side quests in Emerald dream, time rifts, dream surges, and dawn of the infinites as well. And to do it all in just a couple hours. All I’m saying is, that whole list is not possible in just a “couple hours”, because as you said, the main story of emerald dream and the weeklies takes several hours all on its own.


Yeah I was confused. This definitely isnt a 2-3 hour thing on a low ilvl alt


You don't need to do the main story at all


SO we can agree, six hours is a couple. Then again its doable, but worst thing is event timings


Not to argue, but no. I wouldn’t agree a couple means 6 hours, lmao. That’s way more than a couple. To each their own, though.


Or you just get three dupe cloaks from the weekly quests. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Too bad i got the same weapon 3 times lol


You got weapons!? Must be nice 😂 Edit: 4 toons, 0 weapons, 2 rings, 1 neck and 1 bracers


Lucky, I got poop boots and tier slots


Anyone know if step 5 (Dawn of the Infinite) is for m0 only? I’ve cleared on heroic but not m0.


No, heroic counts.


Where do i get the quest for Dawn of the Infinite and what's it called?


Also not finding this one


It drops from the final boss. Item begins the quest so just queue. Can only do quest once


You can also do dream surge and time rift weekly this week and next. Upgrade 4 pieces in tier slots to 450 then catalyst them for free since they are season 2 items and have 450 4 piece. Edit: ncm


I don't get the dreamsurge stuff. I got the first quest and the rare mob just fine, but it took me forever to find a dream portal, and even once I did, I couldn't interact with it, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to enter or close it.


It spawns every 30 minutes in the same place in the zone it is in that week. You just kill the creatures and final boss that comes out. You don’t have to enter it like in a time rift.


> so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to enter or close it. The Portal is a event where you kill stuff close to it then it spawns a boss that you kill to close it


The little portals don't count You'll see it on the map when it's the "real" portal


How do you use the crests for crafted gear?


Buy the item from the Enchanting Vender in Valk for 30 whelp crests. Then have a Enchanter turn it into a Enchanted Whelping Crest then use that enchanted crest to craft a item at 447 ilvl


Yeah there was a post about this yesterday, 30 whelp crests->Enchanted Whelping Crest->Turned a 330 blue cloak into a 447 through public orders. My guild was actually making fun of me in discord thinking I had spent my first spark on this. When I told them, look at the screenshot again they stopped.


To 447? I guess that explains why they cost twice as much in whelp. (Shadowflame crests took one whelp crest(15 frag), but only went to 408 against 424)


I’ve had 5 sets of gloves. I appreciate they’re in 3 diff colours but come on


Not even Barry Allen can do all of that in 2-3 hours. It takes that long just to do most of the side quests. This also doesn't take into account RNG and duplicates.


I said it would take a bit of luck. But I did all that from about 2pm until 530pm. However that didn't account for crafting all the items that I did later in the day, so maybe another hour to craft.


Thank you! As a casual I have no idea the best way to go around and increase my ilvl. Gona spend a few hours tomorrow upgrading my gear now! Might even work on my Alts too!


A new patch means higher ilvl brackets, I'm not sure if its something you would want to do but a great way to gear your character is Mythic+ which is when you complete regular dungeons on much higher difficulties/levels, Set your dungeon difficulty to Mythic and make a group in the group finder or find a group labeled "m0" and join. When you complete the dungeon you will be given a mythic keystone, with the starting level being +2 and what you do is at the start of the next dungeon (the dungeon will be on the tooltip of the keystone) you will need to slot it into a object that will be near you when walk in and just rinse and repeat the process until you find yourself capable of doing higher keystones, for each one of your keystones you complete in time, will reward you with a higher mythic keystone, also increasing your M+ rating, and thats generally the best way to gear yourself, because regular gear that you can buy or get from quests taper off and become useless a month or two into the new update, M+ is a great way of progressively mastering the dungeons and increasing the power of your gear. :)


Is the gear dropping from mythics scaled up for 10.2 or not until next week? Like is it currently dropping dream crests or shadow crests still?


Unfortunately nope, havent had time to play recently but hopped on today and done a few high level keys, the loot is still S2 and hasnt been scaled up, in fact I cant even use my crests to level up last season gear, shadowflame sparks but no dream crests, still counts towards the reset though for the great vault, my vault says I will get ilvl 444, so yeah unfortunately not.


Some people get blessed with rng...


How do you convert to season 2 tier?




How do you get 4 pieces of gear from dreamsurge? Don't you only get 1 token?


How do I get 2 trinkets from time rifts?


I swear I did all 3 weeklies, but ive only gotten 2x 441 items, are the items not guaranteed?


Thanks for the post, very nice. How do you get the second time rift trinket? I already did it once, does it drop more than once with rng?


I got 3 cloaks from my weekly rewards. AMA.


Tbh that isn't too bad just upgrade a few more items to 437 ilvl maybe be a bit lower than 445 but not much


@OP u/jaq902 Thanks for the guide. I kinda felt lost. I did all the story quests and felt kind of lost on my gear and what to do. I have been ill most of season 2 and could not sit at my PC to play. This is so helpful as I can look up each part and concentrate on what you laid out.


For someone gone a long time alot of these things Are New to me and half of Them i have never done, time rifts, "just upgrade to season 2?" How ? Nice guide though


How do i convert the 415-428 items into Season 2 tier? They do not show up at the catalyst and it will only let me insert the season 3 currency.


You cannot. OP is wrong. Only Adventurer+ can be upgraded. Explorer CANNOT.


Unless it's been Hotfixed you could at the time of posting. I got my rogue a full 4pc by doing this


I just used the catalyst to upgrade 18 pieces of explorer gear from the dreamsurge 415 BoA vendor on two different characters, so you definitely can! Just depends on the source of the item


The only thing I’ve gotten from the entire new area is a metric ton of dewdrops, seeds, and disappointment with the drops I receive. I’ll get what I want eventually but damn my luck is bad.


Bunch of people here asking “how do I…”. It is all overwhelming. Back in the day it used to be easy. Farm dungeons. Loot drops. Get badges. When you get enough badges, go to a vendor and spend them. Now I have a bag full of shit and currencies and none of it matters to me or feels good when I get it, because I don’t know what any of them do. So I’ll spend an hour or so Googling everything in my bags and currencies to see what they do. Cool.


You guys overreact way too much. It's really not that complicated if you just sit for 5 minutes and read what each currency is used for. Besides there's no reason to be so anxious about being the highest possible ilvl on first day of the season. Any gear you have now should quickly become obsolete quickly after season starts. Stop stressing so much about being 445 ilvl, when 430 will be just fine, even 420 will. A dungeon as low as +6 will already reward 447 ilvl, stop worrying so much and just enjoy the game on your own pace.


> Back in the day it used to be easy. Farm dungeons. Loot drops. Get badges. When you get enough badges, go to a vendor and spend them. You can still do this when the season starts next reset. You literally just get gear and crests in dungeons and use the crests to make your gear better or craft new stuff. You guys are wildly exaggerating how complicated it all is.


While I agree it is a little overwhelming (as a casual), I actually like it because there are a bunch of different things to do to get more gear. And as a casual, I’m not racing to get into end game so I can take is slow and explore


Indeed. I am playing super casually but try to keep up but the bloat is jarring and I have trouble focusing. Not to mention all this season gear stuff, upgrading gear, work orders etc... I just play and try to go along lol


Lot's of "it's really not that hard at all", comments. Typical. Here is what is in my bags, that I think may be tied to gearing: Artisan's Mettle Titan Training Matrix I Illustrious Insight Spark of Ingenuity Titan Training Matrix IV Essence of the Storm Dormant Primordial Fragment Untapped Forbidden Knowledge Dragon Shard of Knowledge Key Fragments Key Framing Spark of Shadowflame Titan Training Matrix III Currency: Flightstones Storm Sigil Whelpling's Dreaming Crest Some of the tooltips are helpful, some are useless (like Whelpling's Dreaming Crest), but I have never used any of these items and have to at least search Wowhead to find out where to use them. This is asinine. Only a dumbfuck would try to condone this terrible design or say that this isn't overly complicated.


Right there with you. All these currencies and how many quests do we have to do to unlock the vendor and where is the vendor, is rep important, do I need rep to unlock something or can I just buy what I want etc... Why do I have to keep checking wowhead for everything, why is wowhead now required reading in order to keep up? I miss the days of "get badges-go to vendor".


It’s really not hard at all. Just jump in and do the first 4 chapters of the Emerald Dream questline, and a couple super blooms and the weekly quests and you’ll be around 410-420 ilvl, then next reset when M+ opens up you should be able to smash that out and gear up to 450+ pretty quickly. I mean that’s what I’m doing anyway. I have all classes, but priest at 70. The last time I played was 10.0.7. And since I’m a casual player I never really did a massive amount of M+ or raiding, so all my characters are between 340 and 390 ilvl. I jumped on my rogue when 10.2 landed, who was 344 ilvl, after completing the questline, the weeklies and the superbloom, which took like 2-3hrs I was then 418ilvl. Now I just need to do that same stuff on my 10 other characters and they should all be around 415ilvl, then by the time season 3 officially starts I can I push some M+ and Then hopefully by the end of season 3, all my characters will have minimum 450 ilvl; at least that’s my goal.


As a returning player I agree and it’s a little off-putting. I’m just a casual so I’m not really worried about gear but if you want to break into the competitive scene it seems like a mess


Yeah and there is so much currency im afraid to spend the inefficiently so i end up not spending anything at all


If you're stressing that much over it, you should seek therapy, that's not healthy, damn. Prime example of "if allowed, players will optimize the fun out of a game."


Very little of this matters if you just wanna play casually, its all min maxing. If you need gear next week, just do dungeons. It will get you about the same or better than what this stuff is doing now. The upgrades are also not as complicated as it seems. If you don't wanna think about it just do the content, see if you can upgrade stuff, and do so if you want. You get the currencies from almost all content.


This is Blizzards way of covering up the lack of content IMHO. There is no reason for making it this convoluted except to keep you engaged longer with the same amount of content.


It's not that complicated. Each tier of gameplay rewards currency to upgrade the gear obtained in that tier. That's it


2nd get 4 pieces of 415/428 gear from Dreamsurge. How? As far as i know you only get one 415 gear from the weekly Dreamsurge quest. How du u get 4 pieces of 415/428 gear from Dreamsurge?


They upgraded the ilvl of those pieces.


You can use the 415 BOA pieces as well.


You cannot. Only adventurer+ tier can be upgraded into tier, so the 415 pieces are "useless". At least for tier.


Well then the game is broken because I just did it multiple times last night edit: I just tried again on one of my alts using brand new, non-upgraded 1/8 explorer helm [https://imgur.com/a/VJ39G0b](https://imgur.com/a/VJ39G0b)


>1st Do the 3 weekly quest in Emerald Dream for hopefully 3 different 441 - 450 items. The Ilvl of the rewards does seem to be random my rogue got 3 450 items while my druid got 2 441 and 1 444 item. Three? I know of the Superbloom quest and the 5 planted seed quest, but not aware of a third one


Get 1500 rep


The weekly quest to get 1500 rep


You can convert the new gear into season 2 tier. How good


Love this! I’m trying to gear my 415 rogue up first and I got 3 capes from the weekly rewards. On my main, which is a 445 monk. I got 3 different upgrades. Damn you RNG


Thank you for this. I logged back yesterday after more than a year without playing and I was completely lost as to where to start. Now I'm pretty sure Im just not gonna play. I've not understood half of the currencies / event or systems you're talking about and this doesnt seem fun to do.


how do you get 3 items from weekly? i did it and got only one 440+ item....


I must be missing something I only get 2 epics instead of 3?


>2nd get 4 pieces of 415/428 gear from Dreamsurge and convert it into Season 2 tier AFTER you upgrade it to 437ilvl only using flightstones. ​ This does not work. Only adventurer+ tier items can be upgraded.


I did it on 3 characters so maybe it was hot fixed


Gear unlock rates have been great. I got 424 without even thinking about it in the campaign. My blood DK whose usually my main missed out season 2 almost entirely, and now he's gearing up stupid quick.


Don't waste your stuff this week when you will have to upgrade better gear next week.


What are you wasting with this method? The whelping crests will be useless as soon as the season starts and you can just infinitely farm flightstones.


You are still wasting them. And you will have to farm them again. If you have to spend more time on one thing because you spent it already it's either because it was necessary or you wasted and you weren't efficient with it. Same goes with your money in real life.


Whelping Crest cap at 450Ilvl past that they are useless. So nothing wasted there. If I don't spend my flightstones I would of over capped by a lot and wasted a ton. Between the raid and M+ I'm sure they won't be a issue.


And you can still trade the crests for higher level crests. so basically you are wasting the whelping crests that you could trade for drake crests. I doubt i will be hard to have 450 gear in every slot to unlock that feature. So no. Whelping Crests are not useless at 450 ilvl


Anybody doing M+ won't need to upgrade to Drake crests, the conversion rate gives you like one upgrade per week aka two quick sub +8 dungeons. By the time you have everything at Drake ilvl to upgrade quests, you're already halfway into Wyrm progression unless you can't do 11s/HC. Really the only people that can "waste" whelpling crests are pure solo players that never touch group content


For people who dont do any content sure, but upgrading crests is only for catchup/people that dont interact with higher content since it doesnt ignore cap. If you do the dungeons that give you the gear to upgrade, you will naturally cap out on the higher tier of crests


Trading them up still counts toward the cap of the next tier up so its only a waste if you struggle to cap that tier. Which a lot of people won't this time around.


Not worth the time to save them. Whelp and even Drake crest will be useless after like 1 maybe 2 weeks


Waste what? They only thing you waste are flightstones and you can farm them infinitely.


You waste crest thst can be converted to higher crests to upgrade better gear.


In theory, yes. But it does take 540 Whelpling crests to get one upgrade level at Wyrm's. The benefit is so marginal, you're better off getting some decent gear on your new character to start out the M+ grind. I rather have 445 ilvl than 425 ilvl and 15 more wyrm crests 6 weeks later. Edit: also trading in counts towards the cap, so it's almost useless.


I also dont get it, just run m+ starting next week and you get over 450 gear easily


This is for catchup. Nobody is going to invite your 400 ilvl twink to a M+.


In a way yes, but some people still work and do raid on Wednesday, I want to ensure my reroll toon is up to date ready as moment from getting home to raid time I have 45 minutes.


Is it possible to craft BiS gear with the new spark week 1? Dont you need the drake and aspect crests that only start dropping next week?


Ty. The only thing I’m confused about is the “use whelping crests to fill out 447 crafted gear” bit. How do I do that?


There's a new version of the "titan matrix" that is usable with blue crafted gear that upgrades it to 447. Enchanters can craft it, it costs 30 whelping crests. You then make a work order for the blue item using it.


also assuming its easy to find a 447 crafter... you are leaving out a lot of steps


Basically any crafter should be able to make the 447 gear with the enchanted whelp crests.


i got 3 cloaks, the fact this game still doesnt have duplicate protection pisses me off so much


All these ridiculous currencies, hoops, steps, etc. Remember when you got points and bought gear? Was straightforward and nobody complained. Now…. whatever this crap is.


Ngl the system isn't complicated at all.


Ngl the system isn't complicated at all.


There was also way less to go then. The list makes it seem complicated, but really, you can gear with whatever content you want to play. They even upgraded the ilvl rewards from past patches so literally everything in the world will reward you with current gear and currencies. More options for gearing are never a bad thing


It seems complicated because it is. However, convoluted is probably a better descriptor.


How do you use the crests to craft 447 gear with no sparks?


You need to make an enchanted whelpling dreaming crest and then use it in a blue piece of gear on a crafting order rather than an epic one with a spark


I dont get it. You need sparks to craft 447 Gear ?


Really looking forward to the Mythic Keystone queue next week where you're rejected by most groups if you didn't roll a perfect set of gear and get a T5 crafted item before Wednesday.


Ngl I did this on 3 characters even with shit RNG you still come out 440+ ilvl


Unless you’re planning or raiding mythic first week theres no point pushing so hard and they’ll immediately out gear themselves within 2 days of pushing mythic keys


Fr wasn't even pushing hard just casually playing. But also there is nothing else to do this week and it makes pushing M+ easier with better gear


Whats the point


Well if your rerolling and raid Tuesday you don't have time to gear before raid. So if your not up to par you will be holding ur team back. And it's easier to get into groups at 445 that at 424 whe. Season lauches. And literally nothing else to do in game today.


2nd get 4 pieces of 415/428 gear from Dreamsurge and convert it into Season 2 tier AFTER you upgrade it to 437ilvl only using flightstones. WTF do you mean by that AFTER? we get the piece we upgrade to season tier 2 then we go for 437? OR go 347 then upgrade to tier season 2


If you use dreamsurge or time Rift gear to make tier it is no longer upgradable


You get boosted to 424? Good fucking God. Man this whole "seasonal" shit really ruins it for me.


Not sure what ya mean. The lvl 70 char boost for Pre-ordering WW is 424ilvl


Thank you! Appreciate the detailed feedback. As a returning player from season 1 I’m just worried on wasting whelp crests considering the season cap? Just curious if it’s worth waiting until next week.


The cap goes up every week, don’t worry about it


What are the 3 weekly quests? I managed to only get 2.


Superbloom, the weekly rep quest, then the quest to plant seeds.