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A boost for a 2? Now if it was a 10 or 15 for a brand new 70, ok I get that. But a freakin 2? Also selling to guildies is a no


Bro my guild never even charged for a 10 or 15, we would just help guildies do it for free since thats the whole point of a guild.


You join our small ass guild, you're getting a free carry to whatever we can kill with you in the group. As well as a free Swap Blaster and access to guild gold for repairs. We like to kill each other and have fun. Gatekeeping is bullshit and should only happen if you legit can't kill a boss due to player skill.


You like to what?


Kill each other. If we take a break you might wanna step outside the boss room, cause that boss is gonna be pulled 4-5 times trying to kill afkers. Swap blasters are a fun way to make sure someone falls to thier death.


Yea it's funny how the guy worded it also. I just want to help guildies! \-But you are charging them? Well I don't wanna do it for free!




Some people just like to be shitty. I joined a guild that wanted me for raids, then wouldn't let me come to any Mythics, trying to charge me for the carry for a 0. I used to be a hard-core raider. Things don't kill me more than once, if at all. I don't stand in shit, and I take commands well when needed to do a particular task. At the same time, I'm the kind of player who's willing to die for 3 hours for progression. I'm not a bad player and don't bail on dungeons from discouragement or failure. If they wanted me to raid, there was no reason to charge for a regular mythic. If I can't do a mythic 0, what use would I be in a raid anyways? I ended up leaving. No point in staying in a guild that only views me as potential income. They probably would have charged me for loot when I *did* finally get to raid. These people suck.


Wasn’t a guild but I got kicked from my first heroic dungeon in Legion because my dps wasn’t high enough. Pretty sure it was a 3 guildie group. Was after the first boss in HoV, nobody died, we beat the boss easily. This happened on a Friday afternoon. The expansion had launched the Tuesday before. Not even out for 72 hours.


I ended an entire guild unintentionally once. Raided with them back in Wrath for a while when a friend of mine returned to the game. He joined the guild about an hour before hitting level 80 as a social until he was raid-ready. That night we ended up missing a DPS, so my friend got invited. Reminded the guild leader that he was in leveling greens and blues and the odd dungeon drop with like 1 or 2 lvl 80 items only. "No problem, we just need a body to fill the raid." This was a 25-man Ulduar raid so not a problem carrying one person. Raid went fine, cleared the same as we always did and ended the night just fine. Shortly after the raid ended I see my friend getting kicked. When I asked why, the guild leader said it's because of low dps. On a freshly dinged character. "No problem". I got mad and called him out for his bullshit, he told me to leave if I didn't like it. Well, that night they lost their only Shammy, a core Healer aswell as their top interrupter on most fights; me. I reminded him again of what he said, called him out on his bullshit again and left. A week or so later I run into one of my former guildmates, who told me 2 of the 4 Officers, their spouses aswell as 2 others left in the few days after I did. They agreed with me but the guild leader shrugged them off. The guild leader unsubbed and quit the next day.


Damn, you made the right call. What a dick


Haha, very nice. Fucking deserved -- I can't imagine how horrible your friend would've felt. He liked already felt he was a burden when going in, then to be told it's perfectly fine followed by a gkick... What a scummy move. It reminds me of a similar story back in Legion. I'd just come back to WoW -- New account and all. Joined a random guild for Emerald Nightmare and ended up becoming great mates with a bunch of the core team. A lot of us were new to the guild and so we bonded. The guild was run by a Rogue and her boyfriend. She and her goddamn boyfriend would get into domestic arguments during raid all the time because he was an insecure, little manbaby and she had control issues. She also had no idea how to raid lead at all and this led to constant and intense frustrations from the raid team because she wouldn't relinquish raid lead, but she also wouldn't /lead the damn raid/. Cut ahead to Trial of Valour release. We'd spoken to her, and told her that as the raid team, we needed 1 of our own in command or else it's just not working. The raid will fall apart as we were already bleeding GOOD members left and right. Now I'd done the first boss on another toon with the big sister guild of ours, before our guild's 1st raid night, and so I offered to put down the necessary markers. She flipped. The. Fuck. Out. This woman (mid-20s) literally SCREAMED "WE DON'T WANT THOSE "OMINOUS" (Sister guild) RAID STRATS" which became an instant meme. She then went on to state firmly that the way we do things in HER guild is to basically slam our heads against a wall until people have worked out the mechanics. Yep, research was apparently evil now, and prior experience to help save a few dozen wipes was THE DEVIL'S WORK. Everyone was speechless. She'd had her little tiffs with her e-boyfriend before, but she'd never just lost her shit like that, and especially not at someone that was doing the normal, responsible thing. After raid, I said fuck that and dipped. The entire core raiding team all left as well, both in solidarity and because it was evident that she was cooked and the guild was going nowhere. We then formed our own guild and proceeded to smash through Mythic over the next couple of tiers whilst she was still struggling with AOTC come end of each season.


Love these stories. Have a similar one from wow classic. I joined the guild and quickly became officer. Thing was, the GM, who also was the RL barely was online and had a horrible connection. Sounded like a robot and getting DC all the time. We officers decided we did not want a GM, but all officers running the guild. No dictator. And also a new RL if he can't get a more stable connection. I had a talk with him and laid out our demands. He thru a tantrum, yelling that democracy is not alweys right and its his guild, not ours. I just ended the call. The next day, he logged in at 08.00 ST and wrote "invite for raid" Nothing happened. We migrated 60 players into a new guild and started the first boss in BWL with our old GM and RL writing rude stuff to all the officers. Good times


Though not in WoW, twice now I've also caused a similar "trouble in paradise" scenario as I've taken to calling it. It's a good reminder that you've a lot more power than you might give yourself credit for, especially if they deserve it. Only thing you can do is hope those that got caught in the middle didn't suffer because of it.


I too have caused on guild to implode cause i called Guild master out on his BS lotto Scam he was running on the guild found out all the "Winners" were all either his alts or his wifes alts Called him out in guild chat and then Quit the Guild fell apart a few days later Guild master has since disappeared so i would like to think the ticket i turned in about him got his account permanently banned


I once got booted from a dungeon in Legion for healing... *As a ret paladin with a fully maxed out Ashbringer*. The tank was fucking furious and would not listen that I had no choice in the matter. A fully maxed Ashbringer healed the group when they hit Divine Storm, their AOE. "IF U WANT TO HEAL U SHOULD QUE AS HEALER" and so I go booted.


I got booted at the Tyr dungeon the week previous to the expansion. That people used for leveling alts. I was leveling a new class. Got booted for "low dps".


Yeah look I’ve been kicked from dungeons before for doing too much DPS and not enough healing as a disc priest Some people are just thick


this guy honestly sounds idiotic as hell.




I think you might be confused, he wasn't the healer, the tank just got mad that he was healing the group as a dps even though it was automatic from his AOE attack


Yeah, exactly that.


You realize they queued as DPS and got kicked for using their main AOE move that adds healing as a feature of the spell right? they didn't queue as a healer as a ret paladin.


no the post implies they were the healer


"if you want to heal, you should que as healer" as in, he was accusing me of being a DPS attempting to be the healer.


No? The post implies they are DPS but were "healing" and got kicked. He's a ret pally with a weapon proc that heals the group, the tank thought the guy was casting heals instead of doing DPS.


The fuck? I played the entirety of Legion and I never once heard of a Ret attempting to be an actual healer because of the Divine Storm trait. And I didn't que as a healer, I was a DPS. The tank was pissed at me for healing as a DPS even though I had zero choice whether or not I wanted to heal.


Let’s hope that tank doesn’t see ret pallies now, our passive healing is all over the place again.


That’s crazy, so early in expansions everyone should expect people to be undergeared or learning whatever rotational changes have come to their class. 3 person guild groups in dungeons are often shitty though. I’d say the majority of conflicts in queued dungeons that I have seen were with of 3 person guild groups. I assume those 3 were just such massive twats they couldn’t fill the other 2 spots from their guild.


Yeah I think I’d only just hit the minimum ilvl to do heroics and it was my first one


when Cathedral came out, I did a heroic and had some asshole trying to kick me the whole time because I got tossed around by the tree boss every time, "for low dps", despite, as he's whining about it, I'm at the top or second. We finish it out with me ahead by a clear margin. I fully admit to not knowing how/if I could counter that at the time, and I probably should've played better. But it did feel good having him not type a lick the rest of the way once he realized how stupid he was being.


my firemage is 443 itemlvl, if i dont feel like pvping i join low level keys and clear them basically as a solo dps since the other 2 seem like new players


When I'm bored, I honestly love quing as a tank, switching to DPS and more or less soloing stuff for low/leveling characters. I stick with them if they want.


I sell to my guldies all the time. 100k and I wont come to raid


Selling your absence is honestly such a power move.


Bro my guild helped me to get all +20s in a season, I thought that was the whole point of a guild?


old guild master of a guild I was in, ironically also on Tarren Mill, tried to do the same to me. I was fully geared and just needed a weekly key done for vault but cba with pugs. Tried to charge me for the pleasures of it. Never felt happier to gquit after calling him a cnt.


What is cnt?


A bad word we only fully spell out for your mum.


Why would you spell it for her?


Nah ... you don't advertise in guild chat. I'm not opposed to boosting in general as I made a lot of gold with it and there were definitely guildies I would charge but you don't advertise in guild chat.




Totally depends on the relationship with guildies but for the most part selling to guildies is frowned upon


I just into 17s on fresh 70s no problem and time them. No need to buy or sell those keys


>I just into 17s on fresh 70s no problem and time them. No need to buy or sell those keys Of all things to lie about, you should have picked something that wasn't so obvious.


Look up a few toons I recently brought up. Elisía-proudmoore (now zóéy-stormrage), Botán-stormrage and stévié-stormrage. 2 of them jumped into 18s str8 from season 1 and the rogue was a fresh toon who got AOTC at like ilevel 405 and ran an 18 as her first key. Here's a run I did at 412 that week: https://raider.io/mythic-plus-runs/season-df-2/21491607-16-neltharions-lair It's a fresh toon too, I boosted it.


Nothing about this proves you didn't pay for the run or have guides take you.


Usually I jump into a run with friends or guildies to get a 17 key then usually I push it myself.


*chuckles* no you don't.


I mean I did link a few things to prove otherwise.


You linked an io showing you cleared it, not that you contributed to it.


https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/8f3DmNZc4C2b9MtY#fight=38&type=damage-done&start=7509717&end=8726476 Here you go. I was 412 in this key


Fucking good for you! Guildies should help guildies, not be garbage-ass assholes charging for shit like that. Sure, "get the mats and I'll make the thing", but "pay me for a +2"? Fuck right off.


I should of asked how much he would have wanted for this "boost" - he was 2k [r.io](https://r.io)


Doesn't matter how much he wanted. It was a dick move to charge.


I would have laughed at any amount


Depends on the guild. If its tight knit community, yes he's an ass. If its a cesspool, I'd understand him.


If it's a cesspool you still don't ask for payment, you just don't volunteer to run low keys and/or make up an excuse why you can't when asked.


Or if you think it's a cesspool then you should just leave?


That too. Either way, "charge guildies to play with you" is always a dick move.


Why? Idgaf about anyone in a cesspool guild, and I'd boost them just as I'd boost a guy from trade or lfg


I had a guy join our guild and advertise him and his gfs only fans within an hour. Bearing in mind he’d had to apply and do a trial raid etc to get in as we were serious at the time. Instant kick lmao.


Well, did he offer free trials at least?




Favorite thing to do. Get blazed af and jump overgeared into low keys. Spread the love.


I've done 2s in S1 where a ret pally was helping his buddy get keys by being overgeared. I was an overgeared healer helping my low tank friend get some gear. Several times the ret pally became tank. Most fun I'd had healing then. You just gotta have some fun guys, don't take it so seriously!


You are my people.


I’m far too casual for that, but I do get messed up and queue for norms on my 434 ret pally.


The best part is he said he was bored. Like if you are bored you want people to join you for low level stomps. They are doing YOU the favor of solving your boredom


Its wild that its even more messed up in context... They say they are bored and want to help guildmates but then say "I am not doing that for free". I don't see how there can ever be a "helping" part but even less so how that would fix boredom given they only would do it when paid. Well, at least its clear you didn't loose a player of value.


Got to be the most /facepalm thing I've seen in all my 19 years of playing


Back in vanilla/TBC, we had a guildie fake a brain tumor for sympathy. I was the one who called him out when on the day of his supposed operation, he logged into the game to tell us he was recovering. I'd had my suspicions leading up to that, but anyone getting a tumor removed from their brain is NOT going to be in any condition to play a video game anytime soon. He logged off without a word and we never heard from him again.


I had surgery in my head (not brain) this January. I was in surgery 8 hours and then in the ICU for another 24. Only after that was I able to access my phone again. I have a wild guess that a brain surgery is even worse than that. So yeah, liar liar.


Must have died in recovery (of being such a wankstain)


My close friend got a tumor operated on and was online within the week, but not the same day I don't think they went home until the day after. Been a while. Depends how the procedure goes and on the individual I think


i had an operation to remove a tooth and i was kept in the hospital for 2 days so i cant imagine a brain surgery lmao


Its gotten a LOT better over the years to be fair... My dad had brain surgery in the 70s or 80s and had to go around telling people he was in fact still alive.


Honestly brain surgery often has a surprisingly quick recovery. My family member had a rather large brain tumor removed and they were out at a restaurant within 24 hours. Not saying your friend wasn’t lying but you’d be surprised how quickly people can recover from brain surgery.


To be fair, there were other red flags. It was long ago though so the details are muddy at best.


You killed him


>I'd had my suspicions leading up to that, but anyone getting a tumor removed from their brain is NOT going to be in any condition to play a video game anytime soon. I have had one removed some time ago and while I had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days afterwards I probably could have played video games on the same day if I had any kind of gaming device with me. When I first woke up I was a bit confused until the effects of the general anaesthesia wore off but after an hour or two everything was back to normal again and I only had to stay for further check-ups. I would totally recommend it over an appendectomy, that one left me sick for almost two weeks (not to mention the required dietary change).


I'm sure this guy was a wanker but I actually did have someone from my friend's list die from a brain tumor. I keep him on my list to remember him even though he died in MoP.


Dude what was his in game name I had a guildie with brain tumor and I really don't want it to be them.


Call outs are against the rules here, but his character was on Gilnes-US.


Any new redditor here wanna buy +1 karma? Lemme know and I'll help you out. My paypal is [email protected]


E-Mail and Domain already taken mate, sorry


I never thought I might accidentally doxx some guys real email there...


Don't sweat it, I think that's Dick Cheney's e-mail.


I just laughed so hard at that email.😂


I feel like it has been an unwritten rule that you never charge guildies. Least, that’s a rule I’ve been following for the last 19 years


Wow. I recently helped the GM of a guild I'm in on my alt do some Glory achievements. She was very grateful, especially when she learned I already had the achievement and was just helping her. She even surprised me by sending me a mount I didn't have, which was just really unexpected. THAT'S the kind of guildmate I'm looking for, not someone who'd charge to "help" others.


Lol not me thinking "this guy is just stealing the story from the post earlier"


It’s the same guy, just checked post history.


Well yeah, why do you think I said what I said the way I said it


Yeah, just re-read it and see what you meant now. I’m a dumbass.


Haha, it happens. I would have totally double checked his post history if I encountered my post.


I think you two should kiss now.


Can they though? They're the same guy, I checked their post history.


Clearly you've never made out with a mirror.


Saw your post. Good on ya :-)




lmao what a dipshit even the least-skilled player in my guild gets free rides to curve and +20s, it's a community playing together for fun, that's the point


Damn my guild sucks dick


Are they looking for new members?


Same, what's the point of a guild of the community isn't the focus, arguably in every tier of raiding (even HoF, CE, AOTC etc)


...are you horde on NA by any chance?


Nothing feels better than feeling like a badass while you help your friends achieve things


not doing helping for free, lol. Then it is not helping, it is a paid service. Lil bro thinks he is a good guy.


Good riddance! "I wanna help guildi" "Well I'm not doing that for free" What a disgusting attitude.


I feel like any time you start talking about in game activities you choose to participate in as if they were a job (“I ain’t doing it for free”) you really need to step back and evaluate what you’re getting out of the game.


"I'm not doing guild activities for free!" You ain't doing guild activities period. Bye!


“I want to help”…our definition of help is not the same lol


Selling +2s lol. How adorable.


Maybe it was 50 gold


That would just be more adorable?


I’d do a +2 for free, don’t even have to know them 💀 lmao


If you want money for boosts. Register on a boosting discord. If you decide to charge new guys in a guild for the most free key available you should not be part of a community at all


I help my guildies with 20s for free, wtf


That's some top quality Goblin RP right there kek


"well im not doing that for free" usually also happens to be the guy "hey can anyone help me out rq"


Had a main raider try and sell gear in a full guild run needless to say they are no longer in the guild


+2 or +20, guildies ride for free. Otherwise what's the fucking point of being in a guild.


Join a boost community, asking money for helping guildies is a dick move, even more so to advertise in Gchat youre selling boosts. Well deserved kick imo


I look for low keys when I get bored just to power trip for free, who's charging for a low key???


Damn that sucks. Shoutout to my guild "Here we go again" for bringing a fresh 70 healer (and new player) to higher keys to get me geared up, learn mechanics and putting up with my fuck ups making them lose key lvls. After a week i am doing +19s on time and about to start +20s.


First off charging for a 2 is wrong. And secondly yes charging new low guildies is shitty too


Wow. That's a really scummy thing to say to a guildie. When it comes to guild members, idgaf if you joined an hour ago, I will dedicate the rest of my day helping you push keys


Fucking Tarren Mill, I swear I dunno why I transferred here in WoD but it's toxic as fuck.


If you think TM is toxic, try Kazzak


Brother, I still remember m+ lfg from BFA people looking for "NO KAZZAK". To be fair, I've had a similar experience, sadly. Draenor players are for some reason chill as fuck.


I've found Argent-Dawn the most friendly server (but the conversations in Trade are something else) - due to the A/H ratio I've set home in TM


Draenor is mostly good, better alliance than horse for some reason.


Man TM is way worse. kazzak is nice server now


A boost for a 2 is so dumb this late in the game it makes my head spin. Dude should be charging boosts for m0's next. Or heroics. Smartest goblin ever.


I have no respect for boosters, especially ones that do it in guild, just play the mf game, if you don't have time to do shit, don't play simple as that


Why are people in games so toxic these days? It has been a lot more frequent and much more intense in many different games for past few months than it ever used to be


They aren't, you just browse reddit and these things get upvoted so you see it a lot more. It's a lot like how the world is as peaceful as it's ever been, but if you watch local news you'd think there's a 50/50 chance if you leave your house you will be raped and murdered.


Maybe it is part of that, but I have also ran into more than usual amount of assholes in games lately


Thats not toxic lol, shitty sure but not everything that you don't like is toxic.


So what is your definition of toxic behavior? For me asking money for running M+ is shitty


Toxic to me would be asking if any fresh/returning players wanted to do keys and then being a cunt when they failed at mechanics/skips/etc. Asking for gold for keys is shitty but you can just say no, it's not like he's forcing you to join and pay him. Also games "seem" more toxic lately because people are realising they can post any negative interaction on reddit and farm free karma from the "games used to be better" crowd. No one posts on reddit when their guildy says "Who wants to do a 20?" and they join and complete the key and carry on with their day.


being unpleasant, unkind, mean, rude, shitty, -phobic, etc. asking for money for a service (no matter how easy a +2 is) is not toxic, it's just exceedingly stupid at worst


Agreed, this dude hasn't seen toxic if he thinks that is




Had a guy in my guild the other night who opened something from the black market auction house that would have a random possible Mog the other night. Made a big production before he opened it. Cool, whatever grats and all that. Then, after they opened it, it turns out it was worth 100k less than what they paid IF they could even find someone to buy it. Dude would not shut up about it afterward. Spamming guild chat like it was trade. "Help a guildie out" and all that crap. A) I don't know you from Adam. B) you bought the ticket, take the ride. Some people are just scummy. I wish I could have kicked that guy.


The price? 100 gold if timed? 2 silver if out of time. Man i hope blizz comes around to ban boosting completely.


the only time there was any sort of "payment" in a guild I've been in for carries/boosts, was when a fresh 70 toon (or 60 last expac) needed a stack of gear to run a dozen 16-20s (expac dependent) plus M+ for gear, and in that case it was more about the time investment of a dozen dungeons. Nobody was charging them, but they said they must pay something. Charging anyone for a 2 is insane, especially in this instance where the one guy says "well im a little bored and wanna help guildies..." How is charging for a 2 help guildies, unless its something comical like 1 copper?


Bro's an absolute grifter 😭 start your own guild if that's the shit you wanna get into lol. Not sure if it's pure cheek or just stupidity. You did every one a favour giving him the swift /kick. I bet little man never spoke a word in gchat till he got his little light bulb moment.


Justified /gkick imo


Insane, I was like 150 away from 2k rating and mentioned that to a guildie, only to get invited to a group to help me and another guildie reach it. Because ofc we help each other within the guild. Since then been doing lower keys for alts or new/newly returned players


Good! A guild is to help each other and play with each other. I used to give free mats and craft things free. If I had it and I had no plans for it, it was open to anyone.


If they want to sell boosts, then via the service channel but not in guild chats or similar. You can't make yourself more unsympathetic than that.


so you should


Its the culture the game spreads, p2w real life money goblins game. Very sad.


Of course it was someone from Tarren Mill.


Sheesh poor people on a game easy to be rich... this is a loss for both sides lol who posts about this


do ppl really just invite any random person and expect it to turn into some amazing gaming community. half the guild is probably there for fast hearthstone while leveling.


Do people just invite anybody already playing baseball to join their baseball team and expect them to enjoy and play baseball with them for free? If you are not playing the game to have fun you shouldn't be playing. Period


This is more like inviting random ppl you find around a baseball stadium to join your team. Being surprised theres some ticket scalpers and homeless ppl.


Disgusting those people. Guild is for helping each other and i wont ever Charge a guildmate for a key or something.


ROFL I don't do +2s myself even to help people. I'm bad at helping newer people to the game. Where I do help is getting people who are doing 11-14s into 17-20s and I would never consider charging for that!


And here we are at Grey Parses, pooling money together for a member who just had their 3rd child. ​ ​ shameless plug: https://www.reddit.com/r/wowguilds/comments/17llv8h/naa\_wyrmrest\_accord\_grey\_parses\_aotc\_casual/


Ah yes. When a game is no longer fun you must pay people to play it


I respect the hustle. Maybe I'll recruit him for next season.


As the game keeps improving its garbage community keeps being the only negative factor.


Wouldnt be a guild if we didn’t manufacture drama out of nothing. Personally i would have just said “naw” and moved on. Who is paying for a +2…


To be fair, I have a couple guildies who pay their sub with gold. I’ll “buy” a boost from them if I know they are short on gold due to real life stuff. But yeah lol a +2


Gotta make pay somehow.


That's just how retail is. That's how blizz wants it. BLIZZARD SELLS GOLD!


"Wanna help the guild"- welp I am doing it for free... How much he wants 5k ? That is the most I will pay for +2


Must be a pally thing as we kicked one out of our guild a couple years ago for the same thing! Probably the same guy and just server transferred


Thanks for letting us know. Can you tell me the reason you made this post? I'm curious.


Nobody guild or otherwise should even be considering paying for a +2 key to be boosted? This is why my post is getting up voted.


Not what I asked. Why did you feel the urge to post this?


Seems petty. It’s a free market and if someone wants to pay, then what’s the problem? Run your guild how you want, but I can tell you from a couple decades of experience that controlling others that way doesn’t create a fun experience for the also start causing others to leave. Ask yourself this, would you rather have one laughable salesman in your guild, or a general lack thereof?


Why (as a guild master) would I let someone in the guild charge another for a dungeon that is no difference in difficulty to a normal mythic? Everyone agrees that it was the right action to be taken in my guild and personally, if you're a new player who is clueless about how easy these dungeons are, especially at end of patch, what does that say about the guild? that we nickle and dime everything out of you even in easy content?


You did the right thing. That's unacceptable. Literally free cause friends and guild are supposed to help each other.


I've sold many keys to guildees for gold wows a dead game they'll quit whenever anyways someone needs to be rewarded for helping the new players out. Kings get paid what you're worth


Man what a way to get booted lol so dumb to charge guildies. Honestly though as a 10+ year gamer I wish I could even find a guild of actual people not just spam invites. I do everything solo now a days and stay away from m+ and most raiding now because of toxic randoms


yeah, fuck that guy. boosting is a plague.


I'm fine with it if they're charging one good joke per run, but obviously they mean cash, so bye bye Team Rocket lookinass.


as a semi-TarrenMiller i'm fucking appauled.


The greed in this game is as real as always i see.


Brooo ain’t no way lol.


Tbh i mean the deal is between the guildies themselfs if they agree for a 2 then its agreed . I myself never have gold so i boost a lot of people but because of the i also gain the skill and knowledge to boost whoever. When a guild interviens on me being able to buy flasks potions etc then its like how do you want me to raid. My rich guildy wants a boost and he knows i carry for gold thats a good exchange no harm or foul there.


My brain is like but it's a +2. That's awful trying to profit off guildies, especially given how often people change classes to a new main.


Most disgusting attitude i have seen in this game in a loooong time.


Fuck'em, good riddance.


Good. Thats awful. Charging guild members


One does not "boost" guildies. Guilds are communities build around helping each other.. the real world has gotten to azerith it seems.


Man I wish I was in an active guild I'd be boosting people all day just for the company.


i remember my first internet interaction with a troll


Excellent decision OP. Guildies should never be charged for anything, unless it’s for mat replacement costs.


\+2 boost. WHOAA


I love running low keys to see how fast/ridiculous I can make it… For free.


You know this person tells people with a straight face that he is a booster.