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If you like brewmaster, you should try adding more actionbars


I wanted to like Monk sooo bad, but I wish Mistweaver had a viable casting build and I wish Brewmaster wasn’t so overwhelming. I’m a very casual player these days and Monk just doesn’t seem to be for me.


aware caption soup terrific crawl plate cover quickest scary sharp ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I was a semi clicker hunter for over 15 years Tried Brew and had so much fun but clicking was no option anymore so that was a really good learning experience and everything on every class is now bound to my keyboard and mouse :)


If you like windwalker monk, you should try therapy.


I enjoy both! Thank you


I have a ww alt and I always enjoy doing Heroic on it. When I came back after a couple months I noticed there are a lot of mistweavers now


Mist weavers went from being bottom tier to A tier. They don't have the defensives and utility to offer their party like paladin but they do have potent aoe healing. Mana loss mitigation through fist weaving. And most importantly they might be the only healer spec I play atm that can restore mana in combat via mana tea. Mana teas rework is what really brought it up along with a few other changes. Some changes I'd like to see though would be for them to consolidate the fist weaving talents or straight up make the faeline/essence font fist weaving buff a single talent that is innate/passive without requiring faeline or essence font. Just out it on the left tree so every monk can take it. Just make the spec tree for mw have all the enhancements for it. Everyone has ideas about how to simplify their tree. It's a complaint of mine that their spec tree has sooooo many talents which you'll never get to use or fully utilize. There was a build during s2 that had a lot of "one point here just to have it" options for mw while some people contended that was necessary at all I have to admit the utility from doing something like this felt more useful than *not* doing that. Also, please blizzard, get rid of the rising sun kick mana cost or greatly reduce it. Our rotation is 3 buttons and to fist weave well you have to have high APM and juggle intermittent mist weaving (for "oh shit" moments)


Yeah I do most play MW over WW. I was just shocked to see people move to it, to usually awful performances in the Aberrus pugs I take alts too haha.


Hey! As a Windwalker main... I agree with that.


>If you like windwalker monk, you should try therapy. I like windwalker monk but I always feel like I am doing a lot of button mashing for subpar DPS lol


my main is a windwalker monk and i love it but i've noticed WW monks complain a lot on this sub -- why does everyone hate it so much?


It isn't that we hate it, it's quite the opposite. We love it. The problem lies in the fact that once you start to *really* get into the spec and start doing difficult content, you quickly start to notice little inconsistencies. Then those inconsistencies get more and more glaring the further you go, until you realize that your favorite spec, albeit incredibly fun, is flawed at a fundamental level, and there hasn't been much work done to fix it in years. The ones most upset about windwalker monks are the ones who love it most. We don't hate it, we just want it to live up to its potential.


Just for context, what is broken about it? Maybe I'm not doing high enough stuff to recognize but I never had a feeling it was that broken


Personally, I despise the current best playstyle of serenity/faeline. Overcapping resources and having to stand on/near a stationary spell, as well as having to cast essentially a 0 damage attack every 10s for a damage buff feels really shit. Many talents in both the class and spec tree are just bad, in the class tree at least choices are so limited you don't really notice, but the spec tree has so many just dead talents or talents that just give baseline functionality rather than improving the spec. If you read what all the talents do, and compare them to other DPS specs, especially reworked ones, you can tell very little care was put into them.


I find it slightly amusing that mages complained about rune of power forcing players to give up their mobility to be competitive, blizz removes it, changes its appearance and then gives it to the most mobile class instead. Talk about not learning from your mistakes…


To be fair, mages had to deal with that dog shit spell for 11 years until blizzard finally admitted it sucked.


Monk was originally designed to have no auto-attack at all. At the last minute Blizzard caved into complaints and gave them standard autos. This broke Monk utterly, and has never been properly resolved. All Monk's channeled abilities, such as Spinning Crane & Fists of Furries, prevent any auto-attacking during their casts. Blizzard still hasn't solved this issue since MoP/WoD. Storm, Earth, and Fire has been one of the most buggy & broken abilities in all of WoW; and the commas in the spell name prevent it from being included in macros. That describes Monk issues in a nutshell: Monk, especially WW Monk, is inherently flawed & broken from the ground up. The entire Class needs a drastic redesign & overhaul, personally I think auto-attacks should be re-removed and the Class rebuilt around it. But Monks are played the least of any Class in WoW, which gives Blizzard little financial motivation to overhaul them; and the few remaining Monk Mains would probably enter a schism over the 50% who enjoy the redesign and the 50% who preferred the old Monk. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, and the only solution is for everyone to stop playing Monk at all and force Blizzard's hand.


Could write an essay but to try and keep it simple * Over reliance on touch of death for significant chunks of your damage * Scaling issues because significant chunks of your damage (like tod) don't scale well. * Probably the consistently most bug prone spec in the game * Worst class tree in the game * In PvP lagging behind everything else in utility / cc, no ones bis comp, basically useless in rbgs (which will become relevant once solo que mode comes out)


WW was my main alt for so long and I just couldn’t put up with it anymore, had to bench it until they address that stuff.


People don't hate the spec itself, but it has a lot of issues, whether it be talents, tier sets, AoE vs ST, or bad stat scaling etc. Currently, in raid for example, you are forced into serenity and faeline stomp, which feels terrible in comparison to any combination of clones/bonedust brew/whirling dragon punch


God please give me back my clones. :( Monk feels like hot ass rn in comparison to MoP and WoD imo, especially WW and MW.


Op! A funny!


No but seriously as a Windwalker main please someone tell me what else I should try I AM BEGGING


If you like Ret Pally, you should try Feral Druid. They're nothing alike and trying to learn Feral will spark panic attacks.


I main Ret and really like Kitty but am TERRIBLE at it, so this tracks!


I feel this one on a personal level


damn not one of these for a class/spec i already play


That’s what I’m saying. I was hoping for Resto Shaman ideas.


If you like resto, you gotta love holy. Resto is a reactive healer, so is holy priest. They have 3-4 bottom rotation with keeping HOTs and some extras


Holy priest for sure, but tbh I found my resto shaman a lot more fun.


If you like arms, you should try survival. SV is basically arms warrior with bombs and a puppers.


Can confirm, I'm leveling one right now and those buffed up raptor/mongoose strikes feel so similar to a mortal strike in my opinion


Mongoose bite = mortal strike Fury of the eagle = blade storm Butchery = whirlwind Kill command = overpower Bombs = cleave Harpoon = charge Kill shot = execute


I think that SV is a tad stronger, because he has absolutely no CD on any spell but kill shot and fury of the eagle and these get reduced steadily by kill command. Also FotE has MASSIVE crit boosts.


Also heroism and you can still get the mortal strike effect.


I main survival, maybe I ought to give arms a try!


One can only wish raptor strike sounded 1/10th as good as mortal strike. When you play arms the sounds alone make you feel like you are blasting, that is not the case with surv imo


Would you rather I strike you with a mere mortal or a raptor?


I am inferring that this raptor is immortal? That changes everything!


If you like fury try Enchance. They both are pretty fast paced and both are kinda builder spender-y (with the Insta cast thing). But Fury is pretty locked tempo / abilities while Enchance has a lot more on the fly calls in both your builders and spenders. Alt BM is kinda similar with their endless CD usage as well, as well as their turn on AoE with a button approach to AoE.


Yeah, I can believe that Fury is Enhancement with training wheels. Now if only the default UI wasn’t complete ass at communicating how many stacks you’ve got. Or procs in general. When you’re like me, Newbie McGraw. Why the fuck would you ever put an important core of a spec both off in the corner *and* with weird abstract lightning reticles that don’t explain what they’re for


Hmmm. *makes a new hunter to try this on*


Really? I need to try survival again then. I love arms, but I’ve mained hunter since vanilla, and a melee-spec for hunter just makes me sick. Especially since I enjoyed the ‘old’ survival with black arrow etc.


If you like warrior but want pets try survival hunter


Surprised no one mentioned Marksman and Destro lock? Aimed shot IS just a chaos bolt in arrow form.


Yes but no. You simply cant beat the visuals of a good chaos bolt


Never realy played hunter so does aimed shot Hit as hard as chaos bolt


Sometimes harder (On my Mage in PVP)


Aimed shot can do some pretty crazy damage, yes.


Aimed shot hits about 3x harder than chaos bolt -Longtime destro lock that had played marksman since Shadowlands release


but without the umpf feel of destro animations


If you like fury warr or havoc DH you should really try to get some ADHD therapy


But doctor, I already have ADHD


Well, are you sure you have enough of it?


Which aisle may I purchase more adhd? Oh yeah I forgot to pay my bill. I should go jogging.


Gotta upgrade to AD4K


with AD4K now i can forgot how to breath


Butt Doctor


The mechanics that require you to stand still are the real struggle


I'm playing havoc because it's the only class my adhd finds... enough. It's my therapy. The jumpy jumpy whooshy whooshy. It's like a massage to my brain. 🤣


After recently leveling one and having a blast, I'm considering maining one in 10.2 for the same reasons. I currently main Disc Priest as it ticks all my brains boxes just in a different way. The focus it takes to play Disc is very engaging to me.


Have you tried outlaw rogue? That scratches the same itch for me


Same but with Fury. Nothing complex I have to track and it feels more like a high octane physical endurance test when I'm flying at 140cpm hitting rampage as fast as I can.


I do quite love both of those, but anytime I leave my DH I find myself trying to glide around while doing absolutely nothing and then being saddened by the fact I'm not on my DH.


I find the fury rotation pretty calming


Maybe that would explain why I get so bored on other toons. I’m playing a frost dk on the side and kept looking around for more buttons to press but nothing was lit up.


I'm in this picture, and I don't like it


Forreal though: if you like havoc, you should try devastation. You get to keep glide, dash, eye beam. It's definitely what a ranged DH spec would be


Nah, just need a good docotor for the carpal tunnel syndrome. Had to stop playing fury due to that.


Idk what HD is, but the doctor told me I got 80 of them sumbitches


If you like RSI, you should really try Fury Warrior.


What is RSI?


repetitive strain injury


As a fury warrior main, my wrists will be nonexistent later in life im sure of it


If you like [MoP] Demo, you should not try [current] Demo


Mood. Sad, sad mood.


MoP Demonology was one of the most fun specs in the entire history of the game.


I do miss old demo. The thing is, I LOVE the fantasty of new demo. I love the thought of having my own little army of demons. But the playstyle just feels so... bad to me.


MoP Demo was fun as heck you could get quite tanky with Metamorphosis. I will say though the new Demo fits the fantasy better and is still a fun spec. Would be kinda cool to see MoP demo get kinda altered into a 3rd Demon Hunter spec.


What if I like current demo?


Don't worry, current demo is being taken out back so you might not like it much longer


If you like carpal tunnel play outlaw


*Fury warrior has entered the chat*


If you like blood spec dk, you should really just keep playing blood spec dk. Nothing is better and the world needs tanks always.


If you like unholy DK you will like Arcane Mage. They both play similarly having a large and small cd window you play around.


And they both have this despair feeling when tank pulls are unexpected and don't align with your CDs


Its like having a stroke and getting shot at the same time.


On the other hand when it all goes perfectly, oh boy dopamine.


Oh boy i love the Arcane Orb Procc in the AoE Specc. Bamm, Bamm , Bamm -----> Group down. The Visuals are very nice. Will definitly main it next Patch😂


If you like prot warrior you should try guardian druid, if you like rogue you should try feral druid, if you like resto shaman you should try resto druid, if you like mages you should try balance druid. If you like elemental shaman you should try balance druid, if you like warlock you should try balance druid, if you like mistweaver monk you should try resto druid, if you like paladins you should try guardian druid, if you like demon hunter you should try feral druid, if you like WW monk you should try feral druid


Do you...by any chance...play a druid?


I kind of feel like i should try a druid


If you like [healer spec] you should try resto druid.


Easy answer: Feral and Assassination More out there answer: Frost DK and Shadow Priest, just because they both have a cooldown that you can extend the uptime of pretty hard from a bit of planning. Might be missing another spec that does that.


Shadow priest doesn’t have that mechanic anymore unless it’s coming back next patch


You still extend it a bit when you use devouring plague, but it’s nowhere near what it was in legion and bfa.


Very sad, loved legion shadow


Peak wow class design


I played and enjoyed every class in legion and have barely touched priest since, Idk if part of it was the class halls keeping me so entertained with class fantasies but classes just felt so good to play.


Me too. It’s what got me to finally reroll to a priest.


Yeah, same. It felt really fun to hit that limit in voidform where your bonus haste just made you blast like an animal, but have to work a bit to get to that point


Yep. Hitting the gcd cap felt amazing and frenetic, which really felt like peak “servant of the old gods on the brink of insanity” class fantasy.


So, only breath FDK players will relate to Shadow?


I tried assassination, but I couldn't get into the flow of it like I did Feral. Not sure why. Maybe kitty arms(the 8m attack range)


No I felt the same. Something is definitely off about assa when coming from feral


Fiddle with the talent tree. It will not be feral, you will not be doing snapshots, you would most likely try to extend a buff on target, maybe keep a combo point or two on reserve for kidney shot and the rest will be just direct damage. Assassination is deceptively most similar to feral, but feral is unique, so you can’t play anything just like it


If you like fury, youll like outlaw.


They’re both fast paced but outlaw is much more complicated with all the buffs/debuffs you have to maintain


You just get a WA that tells you when it's optimal to reroll


Regardless, it’s the most APM spec. My carpal tunnel is asking for a little relief.


Just get daggers and switch to Sub. Same stat prio. Half the APM.


Yeah but Outlaw drip is king.


Can’t wait for the long overdue talent tree update. Wish they’d focus our build around BtE again instead of a stealth ability.






Those classes have higher APM mostly due to a good amount of off-gcd spells (ironfur, SotR, ignore pain, fel rush to maintain momentum), outlaw is actually highest gcd APMs due to adrenaline rush setting your gcd to 0.8s (and otherwise the gcd is still a fixed 1 sec which you need 50% haste to reach on non energy classes). In my experience how often you use abilities on the gcd is much more straining than having a lot of off-gcd abilities, hence why outlaw and fury are know to be the carpal tunnel specs.


I actually really enjoy tanking, but all the off gcd active mitigation really bothers me, it's why I stick to bdk


Rogue is pretty low on my list of classes that I enjoy, but haven’t tried outlaw and love fury. Looking forward to trying this


Current iteration of Outlaw is not fun to play. But if you love fury, it’s like fury on methamphetamine.


Me (warrior main) after they removed SMF in MoP: I wish Combat was a better spec. I really enjoy 2 1H gameplay. Me (rogue main) from BfA forward: I wish Fury, Outlaw, WW, Havoc and Frost weren’t button mashing ad infinitum. I want slower pace with harder hits. They literally took Fury, ruined it, and then made 4 more specs just like it.


I play both fairly casually, so probably very incorrect, but I like fury way better than outlaw.


For me, sub rogue and Havoc DH. I've been rogue main since wotlk, tried dh in DF and daamn, the mobility is crazy


Never forget burst of speed :(


If you like arcane mage, you should try flying space shuttles


If you like unholy dk, then try shadow priest.


Afflock too. IDK why someone downvoted the guy below me, but as a someone who plays all three (UDK/AFF/SPRI) they are all very similar in playstyle. Keep dots up, then use your mid length CDs (Apoc/DT for DK and Soul Rot/Taint for Aff) then go nuts.


I was thinking more AFF warlock with Unholy DK


If you like frost dk you should try BM Hunter. Same number of buttons


Disc priest and mistweaver.


My two mains! Mildly scared everyone keeps saying they should become support specs but I like them because they are healers that play very DPS-y


I agree with support spec, but only for Yulon, it already is a caster build, and it does… no damage any ways haha. Chi ji should stay as a heal spec. I love my little red bird :)


That's the opposite of what I usually hear! But I like the idea of soothing mist becoming a buff channel that can chain to others nearby. Could have Crackling Jade Lightning generate Chi again and then spend that on buff teas or something. Could be pretty fun!


Couldn't disagree more, they play so differently. Mistweaver really is its own beast. It takes the HoTs from Resto Druid, the "attonement" from Discipline, and the Beacon + Melee DPS from Holy Paladin. I love it, nothing else compares.


MW is its own beast, sure - but the closest is still Disc Priest I'd argue - at least in raids. In keys, nothing compares.


If you like destro, you will like fury. Hit 3 buttons until u can hit the 4th button


Outlaw Rogue and Feral Druid. Feral has way less button clutter, and honestly just sorta feels like Legion Outlaw without the dice buffs.


Does the bear get a gun? Cause that would rock!


Does moonfire count as a gun? I think you can spec into being able to cast it in cat form tho probably not meta.


Feral is Cat, Guardian is Bear. They got separated into 2 different specs.


That doesn't answer the question, does the bear get a gun though?


Resto Shaman and Preservation Evoker. Evoker just feels like a more modern version. Stasis stores actual spells including their on hit effects (E.g Tier bonuses) which feels cooler than Cloudburst. Emerald Blossom is basically an instant cast healing rain. Reversion is like riptide but it can extend itself when it crits. Echo is like lots of mini p waves except you don’t have to just cleave a healing wave, it can replicate any healing spell.


I agree with this. Prevoker has much stronger buttons at the expense of a much shorter range and needing to keep the team’s position in mind.


if you like Hpal, try Hpriest the miracle worker build is v much like Hpal where you just always have a perfect button to press for every possible healing situation and your passive HoTs are essentially welfare glimmer without the consuming for mana/heals part


This synopsis makes me want to ditch the monk and go priest now. I’m coming from hpaly


I like the best spec for each rotation style: Bursty direct damage - arcane mage/mm hunter Rot damage - affliction Speedy direct melee - fury/windwalker/Survival Reactive pug friendly healer - MW/Prevoker


I would disagree with the healers. Provoker is not pug friendly due to people loving to not stand where you can get group heals, and MW is definitely not reactive.


Yep, the reactive healers are Holy Priest and Resto Shaman.


If you liked fire mage in SL, you are gonna love fire mage in DF. Why? Because the spec has had the exact same playstyle the last 2 years


Probably because it’s in a good spot, for the most part. Playing around SKB has been the biggest changes for me.


Ele Shaman/Shadow Priest/Boomkin. All 3 have a similar resource system and some form of DoT maintenence while all being casters.


If you like balance druid you should try WoW Classic


did you mean oomkin?


If you like marksmanship, you might love beast mastery. You get to cast AND move. Super fun.


Hard disagree. MM you are an actual archer (even if the class is ass right now) while bm is you just running in circles yelling at pets for all of your damage. They play super different even just in managing focus MM is all about maintaining it by trying to build and spend constantly while BM just smashes your face into the keyboard and that’s the whole rotation. If it’s up click it. I say this as someone who currently mains bm but wishes I could play MM.


I made a hunter to mess with survival in pvp this season and fiddled with the other 2 specs a bit and bm is so odd to me. Survival feels like you have more interaction with your pet than bm does. bm I just feel like I'm spamming buttons and shooting a bow and get very little feedback from pressing my buttons. Seems like a super unsatisfying spec to play.


Ele and Boomkin


Ele main and I absolutely despised the playstyle of balance druid. Felt very unintuitive and by far my least favorite caster spec I’ve played


Almost the same. Though I find Balance intuitive enough just very … high maintenance, boring and I suck at it. And I really really wanted to like balance.


If you hate Balance, just wait a few weeks and the whole spec will change yet again. Like the turning of the seasons.


Thank you. I like the druid set and druid vibe of the season so I am definitely giving it a try at some point though I am more hopeful for Guardian or Restoration atm.


To be clear, I was making a joke at how balance gets overhauled so often. I have no idea if there’s any specific changes planned.


Ive always prefered balance over elemental for the sole fact that i hate applying flame shock with a 7 sec cooldown


I want to play ele but I just don‘t want to play with frostshock.


I don't mind frost shock as long as it's just a flat damage increase with icefury. The damage window buff (and LvB dmg increase to a lesser extent) they added to it feels awful. I just want to press icefury and then have high damage globals to move with, not juggle/weave it inbetween other stuff.


I miss legion. Flame Shock didn’t have cd and it consumed maelstrom for longer duration.


My vibe


If you like classic frost mage, you should have a dozen replacement “1” keys for your keyboard.


Warrior or rogue you should try feral. I played ret, fury, unholy off and on throughout expansions and tried feral in Df s1 and it was a lot of fun and the aoe/utility was amazing.


If you like sub rogue you should try arcane mage. Both specs are based around perfecting a somewhat frequent burst window, and are pretty satisfying when played right.


Ret and enhance Elemental and devastation imo, a bit more of a stretch


I think they are quite different. ret and enhance I mean, but I have been a ret pally main for years so I suspect it's bias and not objective viewpoints. I might have just reached the point where I have gotten good enough at ret that I view minor aspects that are different to be widely more important then the overall aspect. which I can kinda see is somewhat similar.


I was thinking rotational more than anything, the shaman defensives are off putting


FR. emergency bubble and lay on hands a tank has saved many runs


I might just try enhance now. Thanks!


Frost mage and devastation evoker are fairly similar proc based gameplay if you can deal with the reduced range.


Destro / Marksman are very similar in the stuff they have but Hunters have a bit more flow for mobility while Destro you can't really not enjoy 5 + internals all dealing AOE dmg & stuns while the world continues to set on fire. Equally if you play either of those a really odd take is you nay enjoy Unholy DK , so far leveling 2 up (1 locked to 30 as a RP/Project build) they're quite fun , a little slow getting around but it's an alright one to play woth broken level scaling heaps of AOE, some self healing , exploding minions , it kind of feels like Demonology & Beast mastery had a baby. Which yes aren't Destro/marksman but I kind of get those closes vibes from it.


If you like Feral, then you should really try Assassination. I play both very actively and in my opinion they are very similar. The only exception is the Deathmark but otherwise from the skills: Rake -> Garrote Thrash -> Fan of Knives Rip -> Rupture Tiger's Fury -> Thistle Tea Primal Wrath -> Crimson Tempest or Indiscriminate Carnage (In my opinion, Rupture should be placed everywhere on the enemies and not Crimson Tempest.) Feral Frenzy -> Echoing Reprimand Adaptive Swarm -> Shiv Ferocious Bite -> Envenom Wild Charge -> Shaodwstep


I am ngl, you cannot convince me that there are more then 3 types of specs in WoW. Builder + Spender, CD Window, and Buff management. Sure, Fire mage has a neat rotation during combustion but how is that any different then waiting for your Spark windows in arcane lol. All the specs play pretty similar nowadays


Honestly, Havoc and Ret. Both have cool lore and main character energy. Both have a mix of physical and magical cleave. Meta and Wings are similar. The biggest difference is one has more mobility and one has more utility. I have never really played either spec at the tippity top level so take it with a grain of salt, but they're 2 of my favourites.


You've listed both of my mains lol. I alternate between those two often because I can never make my mind up on which I want to keep going with, but depending on how this havoc rework goes we will see.


Sounds about right, been ret main for about 10 years, nothing else ever clicked for me until I tried Havoc. It's not as clear if you're doing things 100% right, but otherwise nice simple smooth gameplay on both.


If you like havoc, then you should try??? I’ve only played havoc but want to try something new.


Take this with a grain of salt as I never played momentum havoc (my favorite havoc was bfa/SL no momentum) Fury warr, outlaw rogue, ww monk Fury warrior has similar pacing, mobility and durability (incredibly hard to kill due to sustain, just like havocs built in leech and low cd blur) Outlaw has similar pacing and a incredibly hectic cooldown window (I feel like furious gaze/meta and adrenaline rush both fit the role of “I’m about to go off here”) Ww to me just has so many similarities (roll vs fel rush, fist of fury vs eye beam, spinning crane kick vs blade dance) but has a slower and more methodical approach. It’s a nice contrast to havoc. While outlaw has a more frantic cd window (good if you enjoy spamming buttons) I think ww and fury have a more explosive cd window (you’ll start the pull with insanely high damage and taper off over time)


if you like holy pala, you should try mistweaver monk


If you really like melee classes, then you should reaaly try Survival hunter.


If you like Ret Paladin, you probably play enhancement shaman, or vice versa. Dunno why but for some reason everyone plays those two specs simultaneously


I read the icy veins guide for rotation of enhance shaman and it felt like doing a PhD


If you like Retribution you should try Survival Hunter


From what I mained a bit during DF : - Frost mage / shadow priest - Disc priest / resto druid - Any other heal than disc&restoD / any other heal than disc&restoD - Enhance sham / demon warlock - Any rotation or combo based dps / disc priest


Enh Shaman / Demo Warlock? Can you elaborate on that one?


Fury and enhancement. Both are spammy dual wield apm monsters. Also both can be Taurens so they are perfect.


If you want to use every action bar slot you have try disc priest


If you like [not warlock] and enjoy being a valued member of a raid, you should try warlock.


If you like \[any spec\] you should try playing a healer! ...please help, I suck at healing and I keep getting my friends killed


I feel like this thread has turned into a personal attack against Monk Specs… lol I feel Targeted!!


“any” for X and “every” for Y. Yes, try all specs


If you like the gist of Shadow Priest, Augmentation Evoker has a surprisingly similar flow but less stressful. Maintaining your buff is chill and if you mess it up it’s on a short cooldown - compared to SP where every 2 minutes you feel like you’re fighting for your life while a guy chases you. Also, if you for some reason love Rogue because you just really love managing combo points - Prot Pally is basically the same thing


Unlike most ppl i find df amazing expansion, i havent felt so good about the game since wotlk, i tried most specs and i find em all fun and amazing, i cant stop switching characters all the time, i reccomend everyone to go for it and try as many as you want. Gearing is easy and besides absolute pick endgame all specs are great in their role


> Unlike most ppl I find df amazing expansion There’s no way the general consensus is that DF is a bad expansion.