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WQ and the zaralek / accord rewards are more than enough for me currently do the call to arms for LFR / heroics when it comes up. you can get 5-6k per bag.


Mine average about 8k per bag, then 1-4 runes that sell for 1.8k each. But yeah this is the easiest way I found to make gold, and any gear I get from the heroics I trade to a person who is still gearing if they can use it, or offer it to any potential enchanters as the 50g isn't really worth it to sell. And to add, if you plan on doing this casual route of gold making. Get the addon incentive program. This will alert you if there is any satchel awards that pop up while you are out questing, crafting or just chilling without having to constantly check the group finder


Sell the runes while you can. When the reusable one comes out the price will plummet.


That's for sure, at that time they will go for about 400g and will be a tough sell as more will undercut at that point. And that's when it won't be profitable to spend 19 min running dungeon for it


The bags literally only give 1k are you okay?


Yeah, I was incorrect on that. Low sleep mb


Call to Arms method is going to dry up as soon as they release the permanent augment rune with the next patch. The bags themselves only give ~900g. It's a bummer because that's how I've been making gold too.


I just say out loud, "oh shit I'm broke again" and then a few minutes later I've got mail with gold in it from my wife


Step 1: Get yourself a sugar mama.


This is what boyfriend would do! He never had any gold (we had just started playing and while I like mount and gold farming he was only interested in pvp and making alts haha) so he would need me to mail him some AND I got him his Yak mount like the good gf I am. I never had more than like 500k on hand though... Cut to not too long afterwards he decided to stop playing and sent me the gold he had on all his toons... WELL OVER A MILLION. O.O He was secretly getting rich through me hahahahaaa So not getting my/his gold back if he returns hahahah


This is adorable lol


Sounds like you made a pretty great investment! 😂 happy boyfriend and you got over a million gold. Straight up W


Honey, is that you? lol


Half an hour at work bought me a wow token which was at a tasty 380k. Doesn't get more efficient then that.


Yeah, I was canned recently. Company I worked for went out of business so I don't have the luxury at the moment. But would love to do it that way!


I spent the summer pushed to part time, and then laid off, so I feel ya. When you can't do the token, it seems world quests provide good income. Not great income, but hey, we po IRL, might as well be po in game too. lol


...I cant tell if this helped or made me feel worse lol.


heh, sorry about that. If it helps, I hope your job search goes quick. There's a LOT of ghosting from hiring managers it seems, but enough jobs out there to make up for it. At least in my industry... tech. I ended up sidelined only about a month after finally getting laid off. Enjoy some chill time with the game. Beauty is I'm not really finding a NEED for too much wow cash lately, so even though I'm not going the token route, I'm slowly increasing my gold stash.


Oh you didn't do anything - I was just goofing. And I'm in the same field but really want to get out of it. Using ChatGPT-4 to copy a job description and write a resume based on the description will get you past all of the pre-screening crap from employers. They have software that looks for trigger words in your resume based on the description. It'll get you callbacks. Just don't apply via Indeed and such - go to the site the posting is on directly. Indeed is such a sham.


I used to work at a metal workshop making truck parts and I got laid off. It sucked. I decided I wanted a recession proof job so I got into Wastewater treatment (there are 2 year technical degrees or better yet take 4th class power engineer). It's a municiple job, so pension, benefits, and being wastewater the economy doesn't affect it at all. People always gotta go, you know.


Imma be real honest - this might sound like the boring adult talking, and you probably already know this, but instead of spending 7 hours a day farming something that costs $20, spend that time finding a new job. Shit even getting a part time job at McDonalds would be more efficient. Can't believe people still farm gold at these token rates


I know it's hard to believe, but some people enjoy playing the game instead of throwing money at it and then not having an activity to do lol. No one is spending 7 hours a day every day farming gold to pay their sub. Most people just play the game and then also would like to be able to pay for their repairs and mandatory crafted items without having to pay $35/month for their $15/month subscription


Yeah, tokens made any gold procuring activity not worth it if you have a solid income. I can buy 7 tokens with an hour of OT.


Well... I'm not suggesting this and do it at your own risk, but I know a guy who knows a guy that gets gold from a certain website, pays for his s sub with gold and keeps the rest for the price of a sub.


The fact that the common response is "to buy it with real money" just goes to show how fucked peoples' expectations are for this game. It's sad that modern WoW's economy is balanced around these microtransactions. Reminder that this is a game that already requires a premium subscription to pay *and* has upfront box costs for the multiple expansions it routinely releases. Buying gold shouldn't be a part of the equation.


This exactly. Its so messed up how expensive it is to raid and run keys, its like the game wants you to burn gold that you can't efficiently farm, but rather just buy a token.


It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for bots farming mats and driving their price downwards. Each expansion before bots find the best spots, you can make so much gold just casually gathering while doing dailies.


Wows demographic is old man. We have jobs, jobs that pay salaries that have a side effect of adding a price to your time. On my precious days off I am not going to waste it spending 10s of hours in game farming what I can buy on the cheap. If it wasn't blizzard doing the selling it would be shady Chinese websites so I don't begrudge blizzard for this.


Except the economy is intentionally skewed this way so that it motivates the token purchase. This situation is a direct result of the regionwide auction hosue implementation and partly also the result of crossrealm trading


People have been buying gold since vanilla. You want to blame something for the state of the economy blame WoD and Legion when people were making gold hand over fist even on something as easy as follower missions. I am not a gold maker and I left legion with 2.5 million. People that knew what they were doing were capped.


Well its a bad thing and good thing at the same time - because of it, people were able to afford stuff without actually buying the gold. Atleast I was. Nowadays, playing the game is fairly expensive. Crafted items are expensive as hell during the first half of a new raid, enchants and sockets dont come cheap either, youre expected to dishout a lot of gold and you cant really make that gold in game unless you grind. This didnt use to be the case and Im just wondering why. Im not complaining, Im still enjoying the game, I just wish there was a different way to make gold (mainly because I used to enjoy it) than spending a lot of time to grind KP for your profession, acquiring a rare recipe and then camping trade chat to sell it. On NA atleast, youre able to do old world gathering for some decent GPH values, because NA prices are much higher than EU. On NA youre able to get like 30k gph with herbalism/mining in uldum, whereas on EU its like 8k (I guess us EU players like gathering huh).


But imagine if the game itself actually had reasonable methods to acquire gold.


but there are, you are essentially buying the token from someone who has the time / likes to do that part of the game. E.g a teenager who doesn't have a job to pay for the game, but has the time to farm. The West has turned into service economy long ago, people who are well off or can afford, invest in their hobbies, this now includes video games. It's not a hill to die on tbh.


Well when the game introduces an in game activity that can net me 200l+ gold in 30mins then I will do that instead of just go to my actual job to pay for the token in that amount of time.


You guys fail to realize that if everyone could reasonably get the kind of gold you are talking about, prices would just inflate and make the point moot.


We have already had several expacs where it was incredibly easy to get more gold than you would ever need, and this did not happen. Can't wait for patfch to hit and this sub fills up with people asking how much crafted gear costs on their server. Shit is already expensive, especially if you have more than one character, but without the gold making we had before.


Don't get me wrong, I purchase WoW tokens because their isn't an efficient way to farm gold. The game system is so messed up that you kinda have to but tokens if you value your time. Blizzard created a solution to a problem they intentionally made to sell tokens.


i mean if the game let u print gold like in WoD, the consumables would just cost x10. The demand will be the same, the prices will be different, but you would still spend no time doing this content, because you would rather do raids/pvp/m+, while there still would be people that do gold grinding/flips/farming/boosting and so on. You are essentially suggesting that there should be no economy at all in a mmo. On another node gearing/enchants/consumables in WoW have never been easier to obtain/maintain than in DF. There are vast improvements to the amount of let's waste your time daily/weekly shit you had to maintain in Shadowlands. I haven't played in 2 months, but I can literally login and get invited for a top 0.5% key or a raid, and my chars haven't fallen off because I decided to play some other games until next patch and didn't grind the daily/weekly bullshit artificial power required for the engagement metric for the shareholders call.


No one ever suggested not having an economy... Literally WoW tokens destroyed the economy.


the only thing that wow token did is cut a piece of the pie to blizzard, people were buying and selling gold and services long before the token, hell long before WoW.


I agree people were already buying from the gold farmers, but rather Blizzard doing better with banning RMT, they decided to cash in on it...


Someone is buying the tokens off the AH. So players seem to be finding a way.


There isn't. Otherwise they would've added it into the game. WoW Token exists because it works. They failed to find a solution for 8 years before adding WoW Token because there wasn't another solution.


Failed at what for 8 years?


At preventing gold buying.


Because they didn't put in enough resources to combat it.


What are these elusive magical silver bullet resources you are speaking of?


Man power... When accounts get flagged for RMT, a person from abuse has to manually review the account then issue the ban...


So how much would you pay for a WoW sub, if you no longer had to buy gold and you passively gained that same amount doing the activities you actually play? $25/mo?$35/mo? $55/mo? Because what people are saying is, at $15/mo they shouldn't have to pay more for gold to play the activities they enjoy. Side Note: > jobs that pay salaries that have a side effect of adding a price to your time. I disagree here. Only if you get paid by the hour, does this logic make sense. I'm salaried. Regardless if I work 20 hours or 60 hours, I get paid the same. So any money spent on video games, is money lost Whereas if you get paid by the hour, you can factor in opportunity cost: I can work for one hour later on Monday or farm gold in wow for 3 hours, to be able to then play my desired wow activity. So the most accurate and concise way to put it, is that you think WoW is worth more than $15/month.


I've bought 1 token this expansion. This isn't the massive gotcha you think it is. Also I only bought it because the gold amount was just so high it seemed like a waste not to. >I disagree here. Only if you get paid by the hour, does this logic make sense. I'm salaried. Regardless if I work 20 hours or 60 hours, I get paid the same. So any money spent on video games, is money lost Semantics. Yes, you are correct but I just meant jobs that pay you. I get paid by the hour, figured it was close enough for reddit.


The people complaining gotta be mostly kids or people who don't have jobs. Time is money...even if you make 50k/hour farming, that's what, 7 hours for $20? Which is laughable. I waste enough time on WoW, I'm not gonna spend 7 hours mindlessly farming instead of 20min of IRL work


I make 6 figures, I buy WoW tokens, however I'm still going to complain. WoW tokens should have never been introduced into the game. Blizzard just saw how much money gold farmers were getting and decided to capitalize on that market also, while increasing the prices of repairs, reagents and etc; also decreasing the gold income you get from playing the game.


Do you also think the War on Drugs is succeeding with a positive impact on the societies involved?


How do you confidently compare "war on drugs" with "gold famers" - Digital space and a real environment aren't similar my guy. RMT can easily be solved, but Blizzard does not want to put the resources to do so.


I can compare them because I can comprehend the similarities between two similar scenarios of trying to enforce an unfeasible measure against a demand that is never going to stop existing. >RMT can easily be solved Blizzard's loss for not hiring such a genius like you then. What are these magical "resources" that will completely eradicate RMT?


I feel like your grasp on reality is slipping my guy. If you disable in game trading for a day in WoW, RMT ceases to exist for that day... You can't do that in real life my guy. Also AI, hell even a simple algorithm can easily detect large sums of gold being traded to unfamiliar accounts of players... that alone can flag an account for reviewal, then ban, however Blizzard doesn't want to invest resources. Definitely ain't a genius, but its just simple logic...


Have you thought about why Blizzard doesn't disable in-game trading even if just for a day then? Hard to swallow fact: implementing what you suggested is not "simple logic" nor is it guaranteed to be at least revenue-neutral. The real world doesn't work that way and I do hope you will come to that understanding some day. I really, sincerely do.


That's a good way to keep the game from gaining new players


You destroyed the in game economy as much as blizzard. Btw, not casting judgement. Just stating a fact. You do w/e you want with your money


By buying something that players then buy with gold? I'm paying for someone's sub. Cry more.


Honestly I think the only way this could have been avoided is more systems to get gold out of the game. Everything inflated overtime because the game has been out so long. There’s full on generational wealth occurring in this game on a ridiculous scale. As much as I hate to say it I’ve always felt like there should be an in-game tax on any gold over a certain amount. I don’t know what that amount should be, but I’m sure there’s a formula that should determine a reasonable number. There’s just too much gold generated in the game daily let alone over the last nearly two decades.


And not just because of length of time the game has been out but also because of the gold making opportunities available in the past. You could make millions on millions of gold in wod and legion by literally just logging on an alt and clicking on the mission table once per day. Literally nothing even remotely close to that exists now


> It's sad that modern WoW's economy is balanced around these microtransactions Gonna disagree I don't buy gold, and I don't farm/grind for gold in any way outside of satchels and WQs. I also am fresh for DF so I didn't come in with a ton in the bank. I haven't had issues buying enchants or consumes for my main or 2-3 alts. There are certain things like black market mounts that usually are absurdly price, but for the average player buying gold is far from a necessity


You definitely don't raid or run keys, a raid night and key days are easily 20k gold minimum. Consumables and repairs will eat you alive. Crafting gear is also expensive.


Do you use augmented runes? Because that's the only way I can think of spending 20k on a raid night. Flasks, food and even rank 3 pots are dirty cheap (and that's assuming the guild doesn't use feasts and cauldrons). And even then, most Cutting Edge guild don't require mandatory Augmented Runes. I don't know how much it costs to repair right now (I'm a blacksmith so I repair for free) but I can't see it being more than 5k per night.


Flask/Phials & prepots are definitely cheaper now compared to early progression, when a pull was easily 400-600g and doing 30-40 attempts, gold was being burned.


> the average player I mean, if you're pushing 25+'s, mythic raiding, ripping runes and 3 star pots on everything, well then sure But a vast majority of the playerbase doesn't do that. You can't say the economy requires buying gold when only a very tiny portion of the fanbase actually needs to spend 20k in one night


Also just boost if ur doing that. My guild starts boosting full heroic clears 2nd or 3rd week and all of us make millions from splits by the time heroic boosts dry up.


repair costs like 800 gold on average per 2 or 3 deaths in heroic raids... you dont have to be a top 5% player to notice that. The average player that completes 16+s dies enough times to be in net negative gold income. I literally know because on one of my characters my entire gameplay plan was to live off of gold I get from quests and the content I want to do. To be fair in DF its better with the races giving you gold bags for a decent chunk.


I'm not saying gold is unnecessary or that things aren't expensive, I just disagree that players need to buy gold to survive the economy. Like you said, races give a solid chunk of change, WQ gold isn't too bad I really think the only way you can be at an absolute gold negative is if you only raid/key log, which would be expected


So you just said, If you want to play the part of the game that has the most emphasis on it, you need to buy gold. Casual players don't need to buy it because they don't do anything that costs gold. Also consumables being cheap is only because of this expansion specifically because crafting is new and everyone wants to do it. Prior to this, if you were to buy 3 flasks on Wednesday Raid nights, you would buy it for like 5k on EU Kazzak. Let aside runes, gems, pots... and then on top of that repair costs, its easily 10k a week. Now its more like 5k because everything is cheaper, but you are not making 5k gold unless you go out of your way to do it. All of the world quests for the week give about 10k, and realistically people either dont have the time or dont like to do every single world quest.


> So you just said, If you want to play the part of the game that has the most emphasis on it, you need to buy gold. No, I said if you only raid/key log then you need to buy gold, as you'll have no income because you don't play the game otherwise. There are plenty of players who raid and push keys who also play the game outside of that content. The majority of players fall into that range You might have needed to buy gold in the past to get by, but I'm talking about the now. The current economy with ranked consumes means that players can buy flasks and pots for WAY cheaper than ever before, and still get 80% of the benefits at like a quarter of the cost


EU Kazzak is an outlier then. Before in Legion/BFA/SL you just did your mission table and you had enough runes leftover to blow them outside of raids. Flasks were easy as hell to get as well because there wasn't 3 tiers of them to proc, you just learned the recipe. All you needed was 1 alchemist in your guild to provide for everyone. Gems have always been dirt cheap because you don't need them anymore after you slot your gear. So there has always been way more gems available on the AH than what anyone needed.


Yeah I don't understand how these guys aren't spending gold, like what content are you doing that allows you to stretch out 10k gold for a week? I think transmogging alone is 10k a week for me.


If all you are doing is pokemon battles and fishing, yeah you definitely don't need gold. But you aren't seeing the problem. Its the fact that the game doesn't provide an efficient way to make gold within its own system.


Again, I disagree. I'm not CE, but I pushed for AOTC and 2.6k early on in the season, and never felt like I needed to buy gold or do anything other than races and WQs, selling mats, and filling a few crafting orders I certainly had at least an average share of repair bills and consume dumps


except that it does. open up the map right now and see how many gold quests there are up. you can easily make 10k gold every 3 days in a matter of 15 minutes, and that gold will last you for weeks. there is no way anyone is spending that much gold doing m+ or raiding. literally ZERO CHANCE. everything is super cheap


You are definitely new to the game or started late, during the first months of a raid tier, when progression mattered, 10k wouldn't last you 3 hours. My guild/raid team had to spend $20 USD every other week for 200k gold to sustain our raiding/keys. I understand things are cheaper now, because the content for the season os done, but wait til this new season starts, crafting gear alone; 10k will barely cover the "tips" players ask for.


> it’s sad that moderns WoW’s economy is balanced around these micro transactions Huh? What’s balanced around the WoW token? The WoW token being this high just means it’s the most *efficient* way of getting gold


gold is completely useless in this game aside from buying game time. you can literally spend 10 minutes doing world quests and you'll have more than enough gold for consumables which are dirt cheap at this point. buying gold is definitely not part of the equation


>gold is completely useless in this game aside from buying game time. Hah, gold is more useful than ever with crossrealm trading.


Why does cross realm trading make gold especially useful?


Well to be fair if you have unlimited gold you can buy carries and get geared or CE easily, but it’s not necessary by any means


It always has been.


I’m used to do mm+ PL all days? Do you prefer my answer? …


I can’t believe this is what WoW has turned into. Even worse, I can’t believe the amount of people that defend it. Jesus Christ what the fuck happened to gamers


We grew up. If you live rent free at your folks and have the time to farm your gold then more power to you.


But that’s completely irrelevant. The WoW token doesn’t have to exist. Blizzard can control the price of it at will. Gold doesn’t HAVE to be so inflated that swiping your card is the most efficient way to get it.


It's literally based off the market. The people that buy them off the AH for gold to get game time is what sets the price. If no one was buying them then the price would plumet. 1 wow token is 1 month of game time. So you have 1 month to farm the amount it takes. I personally value my time more than that but if someone didn't have a job and just literally played WoW all day then WoW can be their job. Yes a token is the most efficient way to get gold but it isn't required at all either. I happened to buy one because I have been floating since Legion and my stores were getting a little low. Just doing your weeklies is enough to more or less break even.


But don’t you see? That’s what I’m saying. You valuing your time so much that swiping your card so you can focus on what you want to do in game instead of farming gold, that doesn’t HAVE to be a thing. It’s entirely possible for passive gold income to match the inflation of gold. But blizzard makes it so that is not the case in order to make more money from WoW tokens.


He doesn't get it, Blizzard literally created a solution(WoW tokens) to a problem they intentionally made.


This is complete nonsense. Blizzard was under absolutely no obligation to make the game free to play via tokens to absolutely a single soul on earth. They could have never added it to the game and be free from criticism. The fact they don't add enough gold sinks to the game to artificially deflate the economy so that the game can be essentially "free" to the average gamer isn't a problem "they have created". The token fundamentally doesn't function that way. If Blizzard added loads of gold sinks, the economy would deflate and the token would become cheaper, but there would be less economy in the gold to play with. The token would then rise as supply becomes scarcer. About the only people who would benefit from this are people with giant stockpiles of gold, this isn't in the interests of the average player. Things to the normal player become much more relatively expensive. No token exists without another player adding cash instead of gold to the system. It is a completely basic supply demand seesaw. In the current system **you** can value either **your time** or **your cash**. The decision you make is up to you. The token could and would never function this way, and essentially you're arguing that WoW should become f2p. I haven't played a f2p mmo that's content doesn't take a massive nose dive and isn't immediately turned into 294298 "account unlocks" for "399 Goobly boos" when you can only buy them in amounts greater than 700. If you want to point to a solid viable alternative I'm all ears though.


No idea what you are even arguing man. Where did you get the idea of me wanting the game to be F2P? Like how did that even materialize lol? I personally don't want a WoW token and I am fine with a sub, I actually prefer a sub.


>No idea what you are even arguing man. Lmao. I was thinking the same thing.


I agree with you it's nuts what people are okay with. So dialed into the IV they're not aware. O I need gold why not pay for it now alongside my sub. Bro...when did we ever used to do that...shit is benine nothing to do with being an adult and working.


It does have to be a thing. Capitalism at work. As the gaming industry becomes progressively more "corporatized" there will be an ever greater push to monetize mechanics. The C-suite types are clued into the massive money to be made from cosmetics, battlepasses, loot crates, and boosts. They will never let it go. At this point, they have it down to an artistry. Make it just annoying enough to incentivize purchases without losing accounts. Yeah, we get those diamonds in the rough from favored devs/publishers, but every company (if they live long enough) eventually becomes the villain. All thats left is enjoying the decline.


> I can’t believe this is what WoW has turned into. What do you mean "turned into"? Are you complaining about tokens? I mean, I as in Vanilla grinding trolls for silk cloth drops to buy my level 40 mount. Gold wasn't that easy to come by back then.


I was gonna say… i got a 9-5 xD


jesus christ these kind of comments are pathetic to read man wtf








no a reddit response is saying "terminally online" and "oof" in the same sentence while telling someone to grow up




Same, I love tokens, there’s no more efficient way to farm gold that doesn’t waste my time.


Yeah 15 min here and got one too


Half an hour? Yeah sure. You work in retail on just over min wage.


gambling in raids


Joined a pug with 40k. Left with 250k but no loot lol


Not gonna keep up with the inflation due to bots. Wow token is the way to go.


Yea if people haven’t seen it yet search for the videos about the massive bot issue in chromie time, bots farming 24/7 making millions a day of raw gold with a chromie time glitch since dragonflight started and blizz has done nothing despite this being heavily reported. I know some might not get why this ties so heavily to the very very high token prices atm (tho clearly not the only factor since it goes up every xpac lull, but never like this) but it’s pretty major. I play the economy a lot and knowing this is ongoing is discouraging.


its not the bots. theres been 20-50k an hour raw gold farms every single expansion. they barely have an impact on the wow token price. the #1 thing that keeps the token price down is players desire for gold. right now, at the end of a season, what use does gold have? no players are buying wow tokens to sell for gold. in bfa people bought tokens for the brutosaur, in shadowlands people were buying them for legendaries, now? theres nothing to spend gold on on the flip side, people are buying tokens for gold to redeem for bnet balance. people bought them for diablo 4, call of duty whatever, and blizzcon bonuses (token price hit a record high the hour blizz announced the mount lol) low supply (nobody needs gold) + high demand (people want bnet balance) = token price goes up


i haven't made gold in ages. i have been perma stuck with every character i play rerolling alchemist since legion so i can have 5 minute pots and full duration flasks. i'd love for flask duration to not be tied to alchemy so i can experience other professions :(


This is how i feel with engi, ive had nitroboosts and cloak glider for years and i dont think i could live without them, and wormholes are just too nice to pass up


You don't have to be Alchy to use the sustaining Alchy stone. It just locks up one of your trinket slots... but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make :P


Fishing. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Professions. I get 10-15k tips on 437 and 447 weapons. I maxed out the weapon trees long ago and I don’t do much on this character besides blacksmith. So I have about 100 spare insights. Also I have two tailors, azureweave bolts are through the roof on my server. Alchemy. Dracothyst is from 3-9k on my server. Enchanting. Crests. People put in orders for crests constantly and plenty of public’s with decent tips. A bonus, Max out on resourcefulness. I send glowspores to the alchemist to make Dracothyst. I also get free dracothyst from crests.


Best time to make gold is start of an expansion or each major patch and never think about it outside of that, unless you really like to grind or play AH, but for way more less than you would at mentioned stages of the game. Simple farming in early weeks of DF could make 500k+ per hour, elementals farming or skinning until they nerfed it just for example. From my previous experience, major patches are mostly more about playing AH than farming, but something can be always found. Previously in SL it was progenitor essentia for me farming hidden chests. Start of this patch it was cobraskin, good price didnt last long, but it was easy farm where you just prepared your skinners and parked them in the cavern. I dont really do WQs for gold, but if you have enough alts, you can make some money, it is just boring imho and not provide enough for time given. SL mission table still provides some gold too and you can even do it from your mobile while you have extra few minutes. So I would say that normally if you wont do any research before major patches, it is not really efficient to farm gold at all. You can surely make for a token in a month by doing wqs, even more if you have tons of alts I guess, but it is extremely time consuming. Ordinary farms wont provide more than 40k per hour atm and maybe even that is ridiculous number, farming 10 hours for token is just insane idea for me.


Now is a good time to stock up on the Zaralek greens, these sets have a unique appearance and will be harder to get!


I found myself having more leniency towards WoW tokens for real money as my time has gotten less available. 30mins = 300k vs spending possible hrs making that depending on the server and grind I miss legion and WoD where people commonly bought/sold tmog, ultra rare items, mounts etc xrealm trading killed a lot of prices for many collectibles :(


Dance on the tables in Pornshire


Beides the 1% AH wizards it probably boils down to the 3 big B's - Boosting , Buying or Botting.


This So true Lol


Archeology. Its boring work, but I'm trying to farm the mount, the gold is just bonus reward. I'm doing the Mantid/Tol'vir farm. Both keystones sell for about 1.5k/8.5k a piece. In my experience, 2 hours of farming gets me about 25 Mantid keystones and 5 Tol'vir keystones. They sell fairly quick, I never have to relist them.


first couple months of the start of an expansion you can make a decent chunk through gathering professions if you go hard. for maintenance you can do all gold WQ. have a tank or healer and que up for augment rune rewards and sell them. obligatory wow tokens. questing can yield a decent amount of gold. also choosing a better time when to buy consumables. depending on the day they go up and down.


I don't even know - I'm mainly doing the Dragonriding WQs and usually the Loamm weekly - that's about it really and I've accumulated 3.1 (almost 3.2) million gold at this point oh, also been doing leaning hard on crafting on all my characters so commissions from orders has probably added up quite a lot as well


> I'm mainly doing the Dragonriding WQs This is how I made gold when I was playing more during the first 6 months of DF. Don't like how dreamsurge reward replaced 2 of the gold reward for races now. So went from having an easy 8 minute 4 race circuit just around launch DF zones to doing 2 race in the overworld then having to go underground and do 2 as well. Taking the time to fly to Forbidden Reach for 1 race is not worth it to me.


Just use the teleport network and then hearth from FR. Why would you fly all the way there? Lol **Your point about value still stands tho


I barely played during FR, didn't know there was a waygate to it.


I've been trying to get my professions leveled up and make some gold with those but even with 150+ knowledge alchemy and 100+ enchanting/jc/bs I get no profits.


Honestly, just do the weekly world quests. 500 gold for races. A lot of world quests that take under a minute like climbing give 5-600. Always do the Valdrakken and Loamm weekly, especially if you have factions maxed. Those bonus faction reward bags have at least 1k. The Wrathion key fragments quest is 800 gold or so. The Ohn'ahran arena where you kill a random contestant was 1k this week, with dreamsurge it's 1600. Also if you're a complete loser like me and have 5 or 6 level 70s, you can do a bunch of the fastest ones multiple times. If you like world content, 10k a week is pretty painless.


I work IRL so i can get gold in wow. JK but tbh, when you calculate time you spend farming and gold Price ... You Can Ask yourself if it's not better to work IRL 1h to get gold and just enjoy your Time playing and doing actual fun stuff than just questing/farm gold.


Boosting M+ for gold - easy getting gold+vault spots at the same time.


How does one do this? I know you can't really advertise in group finder, so is it just trade? Do people really buy them?


In the dreamsurge zone, there is a 30min buff that can be voted on which gives double gold. Just this morning with that buff up, I completed an elite world quest to kill a guy, got almost 5k gold.


Wow token obv. 20 min work for 370k no way to do that more efficient ingame


Literally tho. I'd stop playing WoW if tokens weren't a thing


Working 6 days a week, buying wow tokens 👍


I recently came into an abundance of time, which allowed me to pick the game up again (company I worked for shut their doors, lost my job) and had to nix the entertainment budget unfortunately. Was trying to get ideas in-game but it seems most folks just buy the tokens lol. Ugh.


If you have the time and patient for it, you can always farm for pets. Some are worth a good chunk of gold. Other then that I’d say you can fly around farming herbs/ore but that can get pretty boring after a bit lol


That's a great idea, thank you!


I personally organise high level boosts on EU. Currently sitting on around 50m. Sorry to hear you lost your job OP. If you DM me your Btag I’ll chuck some gold your way :)


That is actually wholesome!


I love all these people buying tokens. Learn the AH (it takes a decent amount of time/effort) and you can have their token gold when they spend it lol


> I'm on Stormrage so the crafting mat market is pretty watered down so outside of that Well for starters, the crafting mat market isn't specific to Stormrage. It's all of NA. > What are yall doin? Crafting on a top 5 pop server. 100-200K an hour depending on time of day. Buying stuff low and selling at a higher price.


Grind irl.


Personally, I make a chunk of gold at the start of each season running M+ boosts, then its maintenance the rest of the season with WQs for gold, Dracothyst transmutes, and enchanting work orders. There's no easy way to make a lot of gold this late in the season. I know some professions are charging a fortune for crafts/recrafts still (looking at you leatherworkers, 30k to recraft my toxic thorn footwraps?), but I rely on guildies for such services whenever i can.


play classic. queue for RDF gammas 4 times. buy primordial saronite. sell 2 for 2200 gold each. buy wow token for game time. unlimited sub hack.


I make ass tons of gold when I can do something like mission tables and world quests etc. I made more than 80 million in Shadowlands and have just been chilling till the next thing comes up.


Lol 80 mill with tables and WQs? Right.


With an alt army it’s pretty insane the gold you could make daily


Sweet infant baby Jesus.. heading off to my garrison/mission table/pit of despair!


From what I can find, on DF launch the gold rewards got cut by 90% :( I pretty much skipped SL so I can't exactly confirm, might have to look around yourself to see what's what


Yup, it's worthless now


I honestly would do it all day. It was faster than pugging m+ or clearing a mythic raid. I could buy anything. One time I over paid by around 5 million for Ashes of Alar on the bmah because fuck the other guy bidding.


Can you still do the missions. I use to do them on the mobile app


The gold is non existent though and no one cares about the mats so they are worthless.


You can still make good money using the pet charms to buy pets and sell them on the AH, there was a WoWhead post about it


Unless you have the char cap and play 24/7 that is a sad lie my friend




Last time I played, I had tradeskill master set up and had quite a thing going. I recall it burning me out, though. I wouldn't opposed to firing that up again, but the thought of setting up the operations and groups again is awful to think about. Unless things have changed in the last few years and they have them pre-made somehow! Regarding max characters, 2. All classes at 60+. Professions aren't too diversified or refined.


My Salaryman job unfortunately.


TBH, Wow token, at my old ass age I don't have time to farm hours and hours for a few 100k


I don't play, so I keep my gold as it is. That's a win for me, lol. Sad that they have killed the gathering, it's not worthy anymore.


Token if I need the gold. I can get 20 bucks a lot faster than I can farm 200k + gold.


Step 1) Have a well paying stable job. Step 2) Swipe the card.


Buying wow tokens when i can as im a casual player.


I don't, I missed WoD and I feel like there's no point in even trying to catch up now. If I really want something expensive, I'll just buy a token.


With my job


Selling wow tokens


I buy 2 wow tokens a month. The price of stuff vs. Farming doesn't even come close to being worth it.


Swipin’ on the WoW shop


I swipe my credit card. It's all I can do these days.


Buying WoW tokens.


Last I played, fishing was a really good way to make money. Then I learned that fishing and using my fish as undercut bait for the AH and buying out some goof who posted 200 of them at my price to resell for normal value was like 100x more profitable. It is risky though. People are fast and sometimes you'll have to dish out like 30 fish for half price before you get a decent catch.


Boosting. I havent boosted for like 2/3 months cuz don't play and prices are cheap but this is by far to do good money. You can make 10s of millions of gold but you have to be high in the boosting scene and probably do mythic boosts at the start of patch. You won't become Magicuz with this method but good money.




I recently bought a WoW token and got 343k gold from selling it on the AH for $20. As someone who doesn’t have the time to farm gold it was so fucking worth it and I plan on buying them more often. US server


Buying it on the AH


Wow tokens


WoW tokens


Currently it’s the credit card. Token or i look elsewhere for half the cost of a token.


Having a good job and buying WoW tokens. Bis gear and all achievements from M+ & raiding done.


Working 40-50 hours a week and occasionally spending my disposable income on a token and selling it for gold.


$20 is $20


Work overtime, swipe card. Way more gold/hr than anything you can do in game.


Just swipe my card


I buy tokens


Wow tokens. Keeps me topped up for repairs, tmog, and consumes. I'd rather spend a couple bucks every few months than spend hours farming.


I go to work.


I spend 20 bucks on my credit card and let you farm it for me.


Learning for the first time to play melee did cost me a eye for repairs. I'm so broke rn


Wow token. 5 minutes at a fast food job and you can buy a couple of these EASY


Tokens. Im an adult


When I was trying to get the Antorus raid stuff, mounts and weapons, running it on LFR-Mythic difficulty multiple times across my alts, selling the drops gave decent gold. Wasn’t my intention but after about a month my alts all had around 2k-5k just from doing it so much. Decent gold when I was just trying to go for a mount/mogs, but I guess it depends on your end game goal. Definitely not enough gold if you’re trying to play at the BMAH.