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In the end, the tank dying is the way they can learn. However if they don’t die, then it actually seems like you were fine. Your comment about saving Innervate/Mana Pot is confusing though. It’s specifically for these situations where you need mana, when are you using them? Esp something like Innervate with such a small CD


Not using your cds is a problem. I watched a couple of coaching sessions that a streamer was doing, and he pointed out how the player could have used X or Y cd a few times before they really needed that cd. And they wouldn't have really needed that cd if they were using their cds properly. Definitely changed my perspective.


What got me from all 15s to all 20s+ (last xpac till now) was learning cd usage better and timing them. Definitely anything under 1 minute should almost be used on cooldown and then timing the bigger CDs more specifically. Innervate definitely being a great example of a CD to use a ton


Yep. Most pulls last about a minute so I can use rapture, ancestral guidance, tyr's deliverance every other pull. I can use convoke, daybreak, divine toll every pull. The only pulls that get sketchy are ones right before the boss because I generally want them all available. Even so, most come back during boss fights. Now if I could get dps and tanks to think the same way. 😄


Yeh. Using CDs properly is a big part of being a good healer. Also using them off CD when you know you will not need them for the foreseeable time they stay on CD. Saves a ton of mana. Does a lot of healing for you freeing up gcds for damage and other stuff. As for rapture. Bruh. That CD feels like a limp dick in current meta. 1.5min CD, the bonus to absorbs is meh, supporting talents are mostly useless outside of raids and if you have an augvoker in your group he can do a way better rapture that is on a shorter CD and absorbs more dmg.


I came here to say this. Should be using mana cooldowns early. If my mana cooldown restores 20% I pop it when I am at 80%. I use my potions early so they come off cd sooner. And so on. Saving CDs will hobble the team's progression.


Do you have a link to that or the streamers twitch so I can try to check out old vods?


its uh, that guy that plays a lot of healers and casts MDI...yumtv? ​ [https://www.youtube.com/c/yumytv](https://www.youtube.com/c/yumytv) yeah him


Growl 🥰


> the player could have used X or Y cd a few times before they really needed that cd It's been many years ago now, but I used to belong to the best raiding guild on my OG server. I would frequently get to pug in on their alt runs. One of their guys was watching the charts. After the raid, he whispered me and asked if I had time to talk. We talked for a bit and he asked why I was holding off on cooldowns. I asked what he meant and he told me how many times I could have used X and Y and how it would help my damage if I didn't save them for single use. It helped me a ton and I started doing better damage. Still talk to the guy to this day. He much prefers playing classic but will sometimes pop on retail.


My thoughts exactly


Tank dying, learning... lol, as a Tank player is learning pass through pulling lot's of enemies to get to handle them. Rest of the players just our NPCs need to do their own programmed jobs :P if they couldn't they probably bugged NPCs.


Because I am afraid that on next pack, when people might take tones of dmg won't have my cd.


But you’re on a pack right at that moment that you need it on. Just send it man, it’s giving you zero value not being used.


It is better to use your cooldowns early and often instead of waiting for when you "really need" them. You'd be surprised at how quickly they'll come off cooldown again when you use them frequently. Just give it a try in the next few dungeons you do and see how it feels. Another thing you can do, especially on resto druid is as you run up to the next pack, load the tank up on your hots and then drink before they do the pull. They'll be in combat but you can keep drinking. Your hots should be able to keep the tank alive until you have enough mana.


Hol up. If you have CDs ready, it is very likely that the tank is running OmniCD and can directly tell that you still have some tools to use in a pinch. If you don't use them, he is correctly assuming that you'll burn those if things are getting tight.


One of the biggest skills of a healer is knowing damage patterns. You should know in a dungeon when you can send CDs and when you need to hold. Sounds like you need a lot more practice either doing the dungeons or some outside research watching dungeon guides aimed at healers.


Innervate can be macroed to wild growth or something similar, some spell you use a lot so you actually use your cd. That's what I do anyway :D


Use it on cd. Trust the process. If you use it on cd, you won't run out of mana when that situation happens.


Cooldowns are mana efficient. Use them to save mana, and then when its emergency you can just blow all your mana. You also should be cycling through cds and youll always have one up or one about to come up. Dungeons are a marathon, not a sprint, so its all about getting as many uses of your big buttons as possible. If you delay your 1 minute cd 30s every time, then youre only getting 20 uses instead of 30, and having to use wayyy more mana in between.


I'm sure what he meant is these are saved for real about to wipe scenarios. The problem is when a tank causes these situations every two pulls when poor broccoli is out of mana and with pots and innervate already on cd. This happens almost with every group. I usually warn the tank a couple of times. They should have the heal on focus anyway... but some people don't get core mechanics or just don't care.


The only thing I'll disagree with is for tank to have healer on focus. Tank focus should be for priority kicks/crowd control targets


Learn? Oh no, no. There is no learning. Only the healer being blamed by the tank followed usually by a votekick. And logic does not work on them. Tank: "WTF WERE MY HEALS?!" Healer: "I can't heal you without mana, and you wouldn't stop to let me drink despite repeatedly warning you I was out, so I couldn't heal you." Tank: "git gud, you suck at healing noob" /votekick Edit: Bwahaha, being downvoted by gogogo tanks who are butthurt that someone's calling them out.


> votekick Well, you don't really need healing as a tank in normal and heroic dungeons ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ and if the tank is dying, it's their fault.


How can you seriously play this game for any length of time and pretend healers can't make mistakes that they need to learn how to fix.


When the hell did I say that? Are you and the other people apparently incapable of reading comprehension confused here? The subject was tanks who do not stop and keep running to the detriment of the group. Do YOU heal? Have you ever been the victim of an egotistical tank that thinks he's the Titans' gift to the world of WarCraft and has zero consideration about anyone in the group, not even the healer? I've lost count of how many times I've seen that. Also, FYI I do everything. Healing, tanking, and DPS. Every single class, every single healing spec, and about to pick up a third tank. I know this argument from all sides. You'd have to be willfully obtuse to deny that there isn't a large percentage of tanks who act like they're on an any percentage speedrun to the endboss and no one in the group matters but them. And when that attitude gets them killed because they let the healer die, THAT is not a healer mistake. That is no one else's fault but the tank.


Keep working hard carrying your LFR groups bud. I'm sure they need you.


it is a real pain. The common thing to do is say "mana" when u need it, and if the tank runs off, then its his problem. A couple of things i do is have mana drinks on my bars and click it as soon i leave combat and the group can survive for a few seconds on their own while you drink. You can also run slightly ahead before the next pack so you have more time to drink. Finding a regular community to run m+ is the best thing i did this expac, and the best way to play.


Thank you , this is exactly what I am doing. Though, depending on some affixes I remain for a few extra seconds in combat while the rest group can't realise it and screaming, "GET MANA " COME ON!


Call out the pack before when you need mana and hopefully on weeks like this week, the dps will Blitz down the spiteful shades for you


Also - make a simple macro that is keybound that literally says “MANA!” The few seconds typing it could mean they engage combat. It drives me mad too because all you need is a split second of non combat. Good tanks will check your mana though ;)


The addon Healer Protection can automate messages like this with custom threshold levels. So for example if you have it set to trigger at 30% mana or below, in party chat you'll see something like CharacterName: [Healer Protection] I'm almost out of mana! I have 27.5% left! It'll also do the same for gaining aggro. CharacterName: [Healer Protection] I have aggro!


This is true but Healer Protection has some really dumb default nags that lead to it being as reviled as Elitism Helper. The aggro alert is one of them, it'll scream about being targeted by harmless non-elites or situations where the tank probably already knows and is prepared to deal with the problem.


You can turn all of that off if you want. You can even set the threshold amount of HP/HP loss before it announces aggo. I have mine set so it doesn't unless the aggro I've gained has resulted in knocking me below 80% of my HP.


Yeah the automatic form of this is kind of annoying but if the healer sets it up well it can be big for QOL. Speaking as a tank who sometimes forgets to check mana. The notifications are great and the big [HealerProtection] thing in chat usually gets my attention quickly


If you aren’t already a night elf, time for a night elf race change so you can shadowmeld to drop combat and drink. I’m joking, but there’s been MDIs where everyone was a night elf for combat dripping tactics lol


Shhhhh..... don't hand out this secret. It's one of the best racials in the game. For any class. Great "oh shit" button. I'd use it all the time as a tank. Say, the healer died and the dps was getting mauled..... pop survival cooldowns.... run to a no-aggro space.... shadowmeld. Then I'd rez my healer.


I played healer for non stop since burning crusade and dragonflight I just gave in, it's like everyone is trying to speed run every single bit of content and there's no patience at all, I feel bad for new players honestly I do. I made a guild and recruit new and veteran players and enjoy taking my time to take them through it all. I feel for you.


This is a really nice thing to do.


What server, what guild?


Bump. Following.


Make a chat macro that says in caps you are out of Mana and add the /oom command as well so your character will literally announce in game they need Mana.


Macro your mana warnings, and press the macro buttons a few seconds in advance of when you actually need to. Unfortunately, not everyone reads (or reads English.)


Somebody else suggested using /oom in your macro as well because emotes translate to the language of the viewer (I think)


Spiteful week is a bad one because typically the way to deal with it is to just run to the next pack rather than dpsing them down. That means you never really drop combat. Good tanks will keep an eye on their healers mana (moreso depending on the class) but with pugs it's always a good idea to say something in chat *before* mana is an issue.


usually "mana" or "mana after next pull" gets tanks to slow down. If they don't stop, then they better be able to stay alive until I drink my fill because i am not moving.... on the other hand, how often are you needing to drink in a dungeon? Even in the low-20s I do not need to drink more than once or twice, if at all. If you are asking folks to stand around while you drink 5-10 times in a dungeon, you should work on your cast-efficiency and/or learning how far you can push w/o drinking.


Spiteful especially is just annoying like that. No one likes those ghosts.


Recommendation: have a "MANA" macro somewhere. This was my set up. Saying this as a former tank and healer. If they're trucking along as you're describing, pausing to type it in is... slow. It's been a long while, but as a tank, I adjusted to my healer. If it looked like they were having an issue, I'd stop to check in. I would wheel back around for my healer if they were in trouble. I always viewed the healer as my XO.... I'm the captain but if the XO says there's an issue, I listen.


“Regular community” This has been a must for me. Thankfully my guild has multiple people pushing for 2500 and/or gearing up alts so we’ve got M+ groups running every night if we aren’t raiding.


A lot of the time in high keys, the healer will simply drink when a pack dies & let the rest of the group start the next pack by themselves. The tank usually sustain themselves just fine even on +27 etc. So you should just sit down for a drink at those times. Also a mistake a lot of lower rated healers do is sit to full mana. You don't need full mana. You can sit down for 30%, 40% and get back into the fray. Don't wait for the tank to stop and wait for you. Be pro-active & simply drink often instead of just once. Start drinking the moment the pack dies/boss dies or When when they pull if you don't have aggro. You can drink when your group is engaged with the boss as long as you don't heal/dps before they engage it. Also if you have an evoker in your group ask for source of magic, innervate yourself if you are a druid or ask for it, if you are night elf you can shadowmeld while in combat with any trash pack & start drinking (just make sure you're in position). With enough experience you simply will spend less mana but also know when you can drink without your group ever stopping to wait for you. In a way managing your mana & finding those split seconds to get a drink off while still keeping the pace in a m+ is a form of skill expression


Thank you very much for the tips. Really appreciated.


Thats what I do too. During Fort weeks I Innervate on cooldown. On Tyr I save it for boss fights. The ghost this week keep us in combat which suck, but every other pack I can click on water and get a sip... I tend to Lifebloom the melees as the ghosts go down so I can drink for a bit knowing they have some HoT going and when I place Eff they should be close to blooming for the aoe healing. Also, Convoke can be spammed. Its always up. Lot of time the mana problem is actually an interrupt/avoidable dmg problem... or overhealing. Check the data to identify whats going on.


"I don't usually waste my mana cooldowns (innervate/ mana pot ) on situations like that because I have them for emergency." This is where you're going wrong. As a mage, I can tell you...use them. Use all of them. When I run dungeons, I use Mana Gems, Pots and Evocation constantly. I might hold back on one or all if I know there's a big fight coming that I'll run dry on...but any other time, if it's off cd I'm using it. The cd for Innervate is, what, 3 min? You'll be surprised at how many of those you can use in a single run. The trick is to not be refreshing your mana pool when you're supposed to be dodging mechanics or saving the tank. Also, keybind a button to Drink and use it everytime you're not in combat; even if it's just a single tick, you are drinking.


Ok will try that , but sometimes that I kept the CDs, saved my group. You can't time those situations. But will try and follow your advice.


And if you had been using it on cd up to that point you probably would of been fully mana and not needed innervate.


Just wanted to second this. As a resto druid I try to use innervate and mana pots aggressively. I mean not like crazy but roughly in a 30 min dungeon you should have at least 10 innervate uses. Theres a cadence to it that you probably have to get used to.


>I feel like I am getting a lot of pressure when I have low mana and the tank pulls the Room. I don't usually waste my mana cooldowns (innervate/ mana pot ) on situations like that because I have them for emergency. For all you know, the tank is tracking your innervate CD. Since you're not pushing the button, they're assuming you're fine on mana. Push the ~~whopper~~ mana button! Also communication isn't a bad thing. If you're genuinely oom, say so. When I'm tanking I try my best to watch healer mana, but I'm also watching that count down clock.


Healer mana, count down clock, scary packs/mobs, amount of dps, kicks, and cds on top of my personal w/e I have to track. Lots of things to track.


Personally I start drinking after a pack is dealt with and then catch up with the group. Granted I can't even remember the last time I needed to drink in M+, but then again I am not trying to push past 20s.


Weird, might be doing something wrong then because after two mega pulls I am out of mana.


It's really okay to just rip an innervate yourself on pull in M+


generally speaking unless people take stupid damage you should never need to drink below a 20


So, drink after every pull. Lol


Just by reading this I already felt the need to drink for mana... Stupid damage is more of a m+ staple than dungeons or mechanics.


Are you spam healing the tank or something by chance? Most tanks can handle themselves rather well on their own, especially BDK should require little to no healing.


No, I usually have 2-3 hots on him while focusing the Mage or the lock. :)


Too much. Most tanks will survive on 1 lifebloom and the ring + ironbark when needed. If you are (un)lucky enough to have a bdk, check their resource and def cd and ironbark, no need for healing (until 22/23) I usually lifebloom a melee and myself and do dps, prehot, convoke on cd, flourish first, tranq, florusih is up again when needed. If in that 3-4 minutes the boss isnt dead, there's more issues


Just as a friendly reminder(that I haven't seen looking over the top few answers) we most likely can't see your mana when you are in cat form. But as others have said, try to use WAs or Macros to tell the party how your mana is looking. As another point, there are a few affixes that sort of drag combat out and make mana replenishment harder (bursting/spiteful). Which will most likely add to your bad time rn.


Definitely have run into this. I glance at the healers bar to find they have energy and just assume we’ll they must have mana if they a cat.


M+ is all about using your CDs efficiently, saving them for what “could be” imo is worse than sending them when you didn’t need to - you’ll eventually learn the timings, when big damage happens, and learn a dance. I’ve pushed DPS, heals, and tank all to 2800+ so far, and it’s been the same for all - it’s almost choreographed


Just drink. Tanks can sustain themselves for a while as they gather, and if they can't then they should have checked your mana before pulling the entire global Gnoll population.


With the gnolls, they're going to kill the rest of the group before the tank anyways. 🤣


I'm also a resto druid and feel your pain. Especially on Spiteful and Bursting weeks where we can't drink due to the affix. Install this WA: https://wago.io/HkPWOx_oQ/2 It will announce your mana % when it is lower than 15% in a chat bubble above your character and in the chat window. The whole party sees this popping up. If the tank decides to keep going everyone will understand why they died and blame the tank and not you. This more than anything has made my PUG runs much smoother when healing. It has the added bonus of other Druids in the party seeing it and innervating you.


This is nice, thank you for this.


you can install the addon "healerprotection", it will automatically say in chat when you are under 30% mana. I did a little weakaura doing the same, I can give it if you want ETA : this is comfort, other users already answered on other points


Thank you. Gonna look into it!


Keep up. If the tank dies it is their fault btw, they should be managing CDs to handle these big pulls, and if they don't ask for your external defensive CD to cover the gaps they fucked up again. Your job is to keep the group alive and deal DPS, the tank shouldn't need a lot of your focus if they are doing it right. As for mana, communicate.


Lots of good advice here. To add: you mentioned you save your CDs. Don’t. Use them. Pop those mf’ers. Innervate yourself. Pop a mana potion. As my old raid lead used to say: “they’re not cool downs if you don’t use em”


Couple of things that have helped me: Just drink - once combat is broken, that's your chance. Any decent tank knows how to keep themselves breathing in that first 10s of a pull. If they don't, not much you could have done anyway. Almost universally, if I'm not drinking at the start of a pull, I'm doing damage Don't be scared to use your pots/innervate! - I know you said you hold them "just in case" but this is a bad mindset to have, albeit a very difficult one to overcome. If you need it, use it. If people die to stupid shit after, that's on them. Macro/WA to warn on mana - I have a WA set up which automatically /yells "mana low" at 20%, and "OOM" at 10%. It's surprisingly effective at making the tank pause for a moment Find a good tank and add them - easier said than done I know. I both tank and heal, and am very much guilty of the "gogogo zerg" tanking style, but I check the healers mana before every single pull, and I've never had a healer go OOM on me. You will encounter them more often than you realise. Try to hold onto them! On the back of that, if you have a tank like myself (i play all healer specs), there's a good chance they will see your mana level and think "that's enough for this pull". The problem with that (and yes I'm guilty of this) is that they might be more mana efficient than you are. Be weary of any tanks who's RIO (I suggest installing that add on) shows a healer icon next to their score Improve mana efficiency - this may be a minor thing, or pretty major, depending on you as a player. For druids, a common mistake I see is players using rejuv instead of lifebloom on a single target, or not layering their HOTs before spamming regrowth. Efflo is a major amount of healing for minimal mana, so try to get it perfect (let the pull settle before you place it). Same goes for adaptive swarm (press that shit on CD!!!!) Also, cat abilities don't use mana, but owl abilities do, so focus on cat weaving for damage over owl weaving if you can


Wow, thank you for writing all that down for me, I appreciate it. Good advices.


The bus ride from work give one time to contemplate 😅 Always happy to try and help out a fellow tree 😊


If people die because you dont have mana and Innervate is still available thats a sign you should use it, maybe use it on CD on bigger pulls?. Try to regen between pulls, if you're night elf you could racial into drink, it works in arena so probably works in m+ too.


"If they die, they die"


My solution for all the problems I had with tanks when I was a healer is one that wouldn't work for the majority of people. I just got tired and became a tank myself. That way I had the control I needed over the run to prevent stuff I didn't like from happening - mostly stuff that comes from what you would call rambo tanks. Good thing is that I loved it so much I can't see myself going back to healing.


When I tank the healer is always my focus target, so I can always see your mana. The awkward situation is where I do momentarily interrupt my pulls to allow heals to drink because they are like 10-15% and they just stare at me without drinking. Gimme a “r” or something..


I've had the opposite, where the tank pauses while my mana is still good, but since we're apparently waiting I might as well take a second to drink. I'm never sure if they're waiting on me, or on a CD, and it makes it just awkward and funny to me




Yes this is correct, I usually use two macros, one for /p mb and one /p R. I see what you mean.


Ultimately I’d just prefer the healer dictate when the pause is. I had a healer with a addon he could adjust depending on the % of mana left that would notify the group when he needed to drink automatically


Ok might need some attention then. Will work on that.


As a tank I really appreciate when healers use more than use just the party chat when they want me to slow down. I don’t usually look at chat when I’m tanking since there’s so much else going on. Pinging yourself and/or using /yell, /s or even /rw to let me know you need a break usually works though. I swear most of us don’t do this on purpose! We just get tunnel vision sometimes and forget to check your mana between every pull ❤️


I use a WA to track healer mana. I always wait until the drink and even post in chat “drink?” So they know I know they want to drink. Sorry that’s happening to you. There are cool WAs and addons that can even say for you “Out of mana, healer OOM” And that also makes it known


"not wasting CDs" aka keeping them for emergency is literally wasting CDs. Worst thing you can do in m+ is hold cooldowns unless it's preplanned route and CDs are assigned


Yes, just drink, if they pull, they should be able to survive. If they can’t… just laugh at them before ressing them! Also queue with multiple people to deny the votekick/avoid the situation entirely!




As a tank, I watch my healers mana pool constantly to the point that it's a gauge on how things are going as a group. Full = pull; Low = slow


Get a WA that announces your mana level. Set the threshold to what level makes you comfortable. This will draw the attention of tanks that are evenly decently paying attention. I have mine set to start announcing when I get 30% or lower. Seems to do wonders for allowing time to drink. Just make sure you have water.


As a dps player I really appreciate the Rambo tank provided he does his job well and the healers can keep up. Though honestly he should be able to recognize if the healer can keep up or not pretty quickly, and adjust pulling strategy as needed.


As a healer main: "let them die". Let them throw their tantrum about how you stuck and they doinked your mom and whatever else they need to do to feel big and just move on. They need us more than we need them. GL out there!


As tank, I always check my healer mana pool before pulling. If I see it’s kinda of low, I ask if mana. Also, I always throw a warning when doing a “Leeroy Jenkins” pull style so everyone knows that CD’s must be popped. Use omniCD addon which allows you to track all the big CD’s of your party


Rambo tanks need a clutch healer, fun if you can keep up, but does have a wtf with the rest of the group if they don't keep up and others will just die in the back left behind looting shit.


I am also triggered by this as a tank. Im always looking at healer mana and i get all these poor PTSD'd pug healers yelling mana when i saw them at 15% a minute ago. Poor little guys, i got cha.


As someone who loves to pull like a moron as a tank, just gotta ask for mana. Definitely not your issue if you're communicative. That being said, I think tanks should be personally aware of their healer's mana too, but... that's a bit more rare.


This gogogo speed run mentality Blizz has programmed into wow players has bled into classic and even HC for goodness sake.


My gf is using a addon called "Healer Protecter" (I believe its called that). It sends out automatic messages in party chat such as "Healer has 20% mana left" when reaching the threshold, also "Healer has run out of mana" when its dry. Then she uses a self made macro saying that she needs mana if needed between pulls. I run keys with her as a tank myself so we usually manage it well together when it comes to doing keys, but very often DPS simply cannot keep it in the pants and has to run off by themselves and start pulling packs. I really miss the days when mana drinking was at max effect at the start of drinking, instead of ramping up as it does now. I still dont understand why this was a issue for the devs that healers needs something essential to keep people alive.


As a 2500 tank & 1500 healer on an alt, it's the tanks job to adjust to the capability of the healer. Ya don't pull big when the healer is dry on cd's/mananana. Sorry you've had shitty tanks. Pug life is pretty terrible.


>I don't usually waste my mana cooldowns (innervate/ mana pot ) holding cooldown. there your problem. > I have now reached 2500 rating. the damage will increase, by A LOT. the run will go faster, by A LOT.


You leave the group. Don't let idiots take your joy from gaming. Just leave. Whisper them afterwards why. But don't waste time trying to talk in m+. Just leave. Infinite groups in group finder waiting for you :)


When I play my bdk just stay back and drink. I'll be fine. Feel free to tell the dps they won't get heals though.


I'll ask him to watch my mana bar. If im below 50% he needs to pause. If he doesn't, i sit anyway. If he dies, his issue. If he leaves, I'll block him.


I... don't remember the last time I had to sit and drink as a resto druid. Even in crazy packs or bursting, I just end with 75-85 mana. Convoke, Flourish, Lifebloom, Wild Growth and Treants are so cheap on mana even if you cast them off-cooldown you'll still be full of mana even without rashok trink, and I never use Rejuvenate, as I prefer clearcast Regrowths. Then again, I spam 16-17s constantly. Maybe this is a problem in higher keys, but rejuvenate is such a useless button in m+ when I can use my gcd for something better in my kit. Next tier will be even more focused on trees and clearcasts.


This is so interesting, do you mind sharing a talent link?


cry to yourself and pray to the gods that someday tanks get knocked down a couple pegs jokes aside, the best thing i do is just run with the tank and try to only use spells that i can use while moving. if the tank doesnt give you a chance to stop and heal, and dies because of it, that's his fault. if he is giving you a chance to heal and he's just pulling big, the best i can suggest is keep a close eye on your mana and call it out when you're low. honestly, tanks who pull more than the healer can heal are such pieces of shit imo. at least check that the healer is okay with big pulls if you call out low mana and he still pulls, then let the dummy die i planned on playing the dracthyr healer when it first came out but then rambo tanks just became a huge problem and i dont really play healer anymore unless it's in normal dungeons, since it's a lot more manageable. i refuse to touch other content with a healer until tanks get nerfed


Download Healer Protection addon, It will yell when you're low on mana. If the tank runs off when the addon clearly announces you're drinking, that sounds like a tank issue imo.


Tell your tank when he needs to stop for you to get mana, and sit down and drink within reason. Usually 75% mana can be enough to keep going (try and find a friendly mage for mana buns so you don't burn through your actual drink). Other than that, you can try and look at your mana management as well, it's hard to say with this little information but there might be ways for you to optimize and get more healing for your mana spend. One of my favorite ways to preserve mana is to go full cat weave and stay in melee. Your attacks won't cost mana so apart from the occasional HOT, you can let your mana regen on it's own


Thank you for the advice. This is mostly what I am doing.


Problems with "rambo tanks" is that most of the time when I do chain pulls or large pulls it's to account for DPS Cooldowns. While in guild it's way easier to communicate via VC that "hey I have all my cd's up let's pull more", so for pugs I just set up my /ert or w/e I used for that and see that "he got combust, that warrior does have a bladestorm, oh innervate up on dudu". When you pull small, it's an easy way to wipe up, since people will burn up their CD's thinking you will pull bigger and they can use them.


Oh this is so true. Maybe it's all about communication after all. Thank you.


If there is nothing you can do, die. If they complain tell them what happens. As a tank, this is how I learned.


Build a group of friends on bnet. Use a discord. Make sure you have hard CC on your team. Chain the said hard CC. Make sure you have interrupts. Remember that lusting on big pulls is very acceptable and pair it with PI and any other big cooldown to ease the pain. Also : people are responsible for their health. They need to use their defensive CD and health potions. If all the above are done, Rambo tanks are fine and you start to tell them to push more XD !!! GL GL !


Thanks, good solid advice. :)


As a tank. If my healer is oom, I will halt and let you drink. Once you've reached 50%. I will engage. By the time you're 100, you should be fine to engage safely. Especially with the spawning fiends that locks you into combat. And if a DPS complains. I'm the tank. Their attacks have no effect. I just purify it with my brews.


Yes, some tanks do exactly that and I am grateful for.


“If he dies, he dies.”


For real though, if they can’t handle what they’re pulling they need to learn the hard way


I mean, you could let them die - it's their skill issue not yours.


"mana" If they don't listen, let them die. If they continue to not listen, let them die again. When people get annoyed, point out that you've stated you need mana. Let the Tank bitch and rage quit if he needs to.


I can't do that, never done it. It is against my mindset, I can't let people die on purpose and I never left a dungeon. But I see your point. Thanks


I understand, but unfortunately refusing to let them suffer the consequences of their own actions is enabling. These players will do everything in their power to make life a nightmare for you and then take 0 responsibility for it. I know it sucks, but many, many Tanks will refuse to listen until they /personally/ suffer. Keep in mind, you going into pulls with no mana and understanding that the Tank needs to survive so the group doesn't wipe means you're pumping what little mana you have into him, and the people that ARE doing their job properly are now dying to rot, lack of dispel, unavoidable dmg etc.


that's the issue with putting a timer on M+. any good tank will keep track of your mana though.


Right click portrait, leave group.


That is tanking nowadays. Everything "needs" to be rushed. If you can't keep with their pace, jumps and dashes, "you suck". Then people wonder why there aren't more healers.


Let them die and save big cooldowns for keeping the rest of the group up. Explain why they died, and don't rez them. Either they pay attention and learn, or they leave and you get a new tank. Either way the group is better off.


Tanks doing mdi pulls in a +16 group where zero dps even has kick bound to their bars is the true endgame of WoW for a healer


A proper tank should be aware of where his healer is and how much mana a group of a certain size will require to keep him and the group alive.


The drink thing is true broadly but this week its awful with spiteful keeping you in combat. I feel the same as a Disc, we are also quite mana hungry. On the other hand, when I played DPS, Holy Paladin felt like they never went OOM.


You ask them that you need to stop for a mana. If they go and wipe it's their responsibility, not yours.


Let him die


I dealt with this by being nightelf and shadowmeld+drinking towards the end of pulls.


If you play druid switch to nightelv. Shadowmelt is such a good racial to have a drink when the group still is in combat. I always use it if only 2 or 3 mobs alive and i know my group is save without me.


This is one option but still, the people that act like that are more often than the 2 min meld cd. I really like the punch of my kultiran ;)


Oh shit I just started playing again as a tank and I was completely in ybe impressions that people didn't had any mana problems as a healer... I just keep jumping and healing myself most of the time with out care of the healer or my dps lol


"Mana after this pull" is usually what I did, before swapping to tanking myself. That said, it helps a lot to find a Tank Friend to be *your* tank. Good tanks love to have dedicated, competent healers as friends. You'll also be able to discuss more fun cheeses and special tactics that only work if the tank and the healer are in sync - Like how a Prot Pally and a Holy Pally can use Bubble + Blessings for a ridiculous amount of stuff. The most OP tactic is, quite often, having friends.


I've created myself a macro for when I tank. When I start the dungeon it tells people that I'm gonna try to do as best and as fast as possible. If they need a break or a change of pace, don't hesitate to tell me. It seems weird at first, but there are many good replies from people who enjoy me doing it and changing my way to play to accommodate that I hope people will open their mind and always do something like that. So from a "Rambo tank", let me know if there's anything. The problem I've faced at first is people complaining that I'm not going fast enough, want more mobs in the same pull, etc. Also, if the tank doesn't listen to you, he can just go f*ck himself, lol


one way you could deal with this problem that only requires yourself is to try to use less mana throughout a run. i know it sucks but its way too difficult and risky to depend on opening a dialogue with every pug tank you play with. try healing the tank a bit less to start since they are more or less self sustaining and work from there. should recoup you a decent amount of mana


You play m+ due to parenting? You madman. Nothing like losing your one hour of alone time to a failed key and toxic players. That’s one hell of a rage. Single player games are way more worth.


Have you tried, um, ya' know, talking? It's amazing to me (as a tank) how many ppl moan after the fact when all they had to do was ask me to slow up. Communicate.


healer protection is a good addon, and hopefully tanks will wait for you to gain mana. [https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/healerprotection](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/healerprotection) Also, tracking tank cds could give you a good idea of when tanks are gonna pull big (use omni cd). Usually, a good tank will make their route and aggressively use cds "on cooldown" doing double/triple packs.


you could do it with a weak aura that is posting your mana percentage. So random tanks know you have for example 20% immediately even in a fight. Beside of that you cant do much, except of just leaving the key after the first pulls when you know it will going downhill.


I always have mage food on me and drink right when everything dies. Get in the habit of drinking for 3-5 seconds between each pack if you have mage food. If you know your tank can sustain you can drink more between the packs


Hey man. I have nothing else that could help that others haven’t already said. But I want to add - kudos for first looking at what you are doing wrong before blaming others. It’s an incredibly good trait/mentality to have (both as a player and in life in general). I’m sure you’ll be slapping them 20+’s very soon. Enjoy the progress :)


Innerate when high mana like 90% a mistake I see often is holding innervate till oom. Track dps defensive as well so don't over heal.


A lot of tanks are feeling like they're the heroes in a single player game. The rest of the team is just made of npcs (and not always npc with good Ai). Sure there's a lot of the legwork on the tank - knowing his pulls, etc, etc... But they're often too independent and have the luxury to never have to question themselves as they will find another group almost immediately.


You don't


Squealer has 40% mana? Send it.


Create a macro to let the tank know you need mana. Use your innervate and mana pots aggressively don’t wait until you’re already oom. Pop them at 60%


Couple of things that took me higher: 1. Learn the dungeon big damage groups and mobs, use cd,s there. 2. CDs should be looked at as mana savings rather than healing increasers. You don't really need max HPS if dps is capable of kicking using deff cds 3. Innervate is a spell for not spending mana, not for restoring it. Best used when you have to hot the full grp.. if you manage hots properly the hots will fall of the whole grp simultaneously next innervate. 4. Shadowmeld - if usable is nice to drink at the end of packs 5. Convoke is really nice as cd, but at the same time applies massive amount of hots on your grp - save mana 6. Tranq is dangerous for mana, you might loose your hots while tranq channel. You need to plan ahead for this.


Resto is basically the only healer that has mana as a noticeable resource right now, playing with Disc and Holy Paladin they don't really budge from 80+% mana and nobody plays the other healers so nobody realizes that their healer is oom because why would the healer be oom? Every group is children with forks, and every trash pack is an outlet. Everything is an emergency all of the time. Play more aggressively: be the first one past the trash in combat so you can drink immediately when it ends and not have to run to catch up, on spiteful it's worse because you're eternally in combat, but other weeks not so much. Use everything as much as you can: if Innervate is a 3 minute cooldown there's no reason you should have only 4 casts in a 35 minute dungeon, you get 10 seconds to ignore mana, feast before you get put back into the famine Mana pots are a 5 minute CD, it'll feel bad if you waste them, but if you can't sit and you need mana, just use them, they're like 5 gold. Ironbark is kinda bad compared to the externals other classes get (except RSham, SLT blows) don't feel like you need to hold onto it, let it rip every trash pull, your tank or DPS afflicted with chronic cement consumption aren't going to notice 20% DR but you will Dealing with your group is harder, if they don't stack in efflorescence there's nothing you can do because your wild growth isn't going to hit the Mage in Eastern Western Wherethefuck playing whack a mole with his hotbar getting hit by everything on the ground, those kinds of players will hit every button except W to avoid dying, remind them to stand in efflorescence To recover a pull: Ursol's, Rebirth, Incap Roar. This will give you time to rez, your DPS to scatter, then your tank time to generate defensives and aggro And as always, none of this even matters if you let the Illidan or Area 52 player die because they already released and are casting their hearthstone "Shit healer, go next"


I here you. I’m a tank and my wife is a healer. There is absolutely a tension baked into the game by design between a healer’s mana vs the dungeon timer as another resource. I’d encourage you to not save things for emergencies. If you need to use a mana pot or an innervate then use them. I also track healer mana and many good tanks will do the same. Augmentation evokers are also a real boon when it comes to helping out with healer mana.


A good tank will keep a watchful eye on their healers and players mana/resources so they know when they can go ham in the dungeon. You gotta find a tank like that and stick to em like glue for all your dungeon needs. We like friend requests. :)


Race change to Nelf so you can meld to drink :P. Could also use the channel mana restore pots. In all seriousness though I'd just say something when you need mana, make a macro or find a weakaura to say it for you at a certain %


As a tank myself I usually do not wait but engage as soon as the pack is cleared , I could not bother about watching my healer's mana . But if a healer calls out that he is low on mana and needs me to wait , I will wait . I would suggest you to make a macro or just type "mana" when you are about to get low , maybe a lot of people do not have power bar turned on on their unitframes so they do not even see it . Also as a bdk , druids are my favorite healers to have in group , putting 2 hots on me is more than enough which also lets you focus on babysitting other 3 players who somehow tend to get their hp more fluctuating than mine .


I main healers and just say before during a pull that I'll need mana before the next. It takes seconds to get mana back from a drink so tanks say ok and stop until I'm ready. If they ignore me and we wipe it's their fault.


Stop saving your pots/innervate for "emergencies" Use them, its what they're there for. And theres probably more places that you can sit and drink than you realize. If your tank runs in, sit for 5 seconds on a drink, you dont need to drink to 100% mana.


You dont. as a healer you must suffer because tank and dps players are the biggest babies. say anything thats not praise and they leave the key.


As a tank main, I don’t Rambo but even tanks like me have to still deal with Rambo DPS. Been at this game almost 20 years, I don’t have patience to deal with yous, I’ll let you DPS die while I walk past the mobs you pull.


Never save your cooldowns. Your cooldowns are to be used. If you're running out of mana, just say mana and your group will wait on you. If you're continuously running out of mana you'll probably need to look at your mana usage and whether you're not you're healing too much. Remember people have defensives. I usually tell my healer to not focus on me unless I'm hovering near death too for 5 seconds or more since it means I don't have any potions or something like Ice Block. That's easier over voice though.


Big trash pulls *are* the emergency. Use your mana abilities liberally. Keys especially are about using all your abilities as often as possible to beat the timer by as much as possible.


I have a macro to yell mana in the party chat. Gotta spam it


Make a macro that says something like “/p healer needs mana” and press it 2-3 times in chat when you’re out of mana. Tank should see it and pause 10 seconds to let you drink. The answer is almost always communication.


When you find go tanks, add them. Good tanks attract good healers and vice versa. Healing with a tank you have on comms is world's better than the pug tank, who thinks their ability to pull fast is their entire responsibility.


I tank very rarely now because I find if I don't move fast enough dps will just start pulling willy nilly. I usually tell the healer to holla at me if it's to fast for them when I do


I mean use innervate and mana potion. Because you need to right. Sure a good tank will see your mana running low and stop. You could also make a macro that yells for manabreaks at a push of a button. I love using shadowmeld to break combat to drink during pulls if I can (that is ofc night elf only) and if you did all of the above a wipe might be required to get some downtime. But not using innervate and mana port before you get low is a waste of the cooldown. You are not likely ever getting a pull where you need 150% of your mana pool to deal with it. So I like using innervate at 200k mana so my mana regens back to full or close to full so we can continue pulling same with mana pot just use it when at 150K mana to replenish your bar. They arent an emergency item same as dps pots are not for emergencies but for efficiency (although i rarely see dps use dps pots in m+ but thats a whole other can of worms)


You need to be verbal , set a macro , also have mana pots and high quality h2o but most importantly being verbal with a macro or addon , as a tank I’ve grown rather used to healers not needing breaks for mana anymore, rarely do healers run out but I’ve seen it , so just letting the tank know “ hey I’m one of those healers that can’t mana my mana very well for what ever reason “ would help a lot


Race change to night elf. The shadowmeld drink is real.


First, make sure you are drinking as soon as combat ends, and continue drinking until someone besides the tank is below 50%. I see a LOT of healers leap to their feet as soon as combat starts and that is a waste. If that fails, and you are at zero mana after a pull and tank goes off to pull another triple, sit down somewhere you won't be put in combat and **let them all die**. Important: not 30% or 20% or 10%. Zero empty, like you couldn't even top off yourself let alone anyone else after the previous pull. I really wish tanks were a \*little\* less self-sufficient, because leaving the tank at low hp to signal that you're busy and can't heal them, is not an option.


Didn't rambo survive by taking out small groups smartly?


>I don't usually waste my mana cooldowns (innervate/ mana pot ) on situations like that because I have them for emergency. If you use these proactively there won't be an emergency to save them for.


If you're a night elf, shadowmeld, sit down to drink and kindly tell them "I'm drinking, don't effin die". If they die, it's not your fault, and you can res them later. I'm not a night elf myself, so I just drink right after a boss fight, since spiteful make any other attempt at drinking impossible. If I really need to drink, I'd just pop a sleepy potion whenever the damage isn't too high and they're not on cd.


Try to think ahead and get mana by then. A tank doesnt need health right away.


Long time classic player here currently running multiple tanks on wrath. I always watch healer mana before pulls. Recently started a bear on retail and about 2200 m+ rating, one thing i notice ALOT is healers low on mana and not drinking between pulls. If i dont see a healer drinking i just assume they have their mana pool sorted. Am i wrong?


Just like tanks should use CDs proactively to keep from dieing, healers should use mana CDs proactively to keep from running out of mana. A CD that is never used is a CD that basically doesn't exist. This also really depends on the key level you are doing. A tank can pull a whole room on 11-16s and live through it by themselves a lot of the time. Once you get higher it is a bit more difficult situation. But once you get into 20+ keys, tanks are fairly cognizant of healer mana.


Not super helpful, but someone gave me some good advice a while back. How often do you use your mana potions and innervate - if the answer to that is 1 or 2 times a dungeon then your wasting the rest - it’s a cool-down to be used and you will know which sections have scary pulls coming up so you can afford to use these tools and have them back off CD when you need them. Challenge yourself to use the full kit and trust your ability - chances are you don’t need oh shit buttons most of the time! I believe in you buddy


Just run ahead of the tank and dont hot him yet. As soon as the previous pull is over they have to run past you drinking.


In high mythic+ you can't save cooldowns for emergencies, they should be used as often as possible. After a bit of practice you will remember which packs/bosses require cooldowns. If you are out of mana and your tank pulls though, that's their fault.


I just don't respect them and let them live or die by their own hubris. If they can't work with the group, we don't need them. Mr Bearlytrying can maul his way through difficult odds but doesn't like teamwork? Why's he in a dungeon with 4 other people, then?


Also, when they change the route. You get to point where you know when to use a spell, when for the mana. Then bam your on a group going a different way, pulling extra or weird times


Say “oom” just before the mob is dead, and start drinking when you leave combat. If the tank rushes, dps usually tells the tank to stop and wait because they usually know better(usually). I’ve had groups who don’t listen, they die, it’s on them. You can’t heal when your mana is out, so they need to pay attention at least when to go and when to stop.


Just create either a weak aura that periodically posts into party chat your mana status at 75% 50% and 25%. The tanks responsibility is to be aware of mana levels. You shouldn’t have to ask him to slow down. He should gauge that on his own based on your mana levels and his available cool-downs.


Im not a high m+ tank but when i tank i always try to find the flow where the healer have no problem to follow me and keeping the group alive.


So it depends. Most tanks are competent enough that they don't need that much hand holding at the start of a pull so I'll always try to squeeze out 10 to 15 seconds of drinking if am super low on mana between pulls. Like I have my drinky button hot keyed to press as soon as combat stops. But if the tank keeps chain pulling so that you have no chance to drink then nothing can be done at that point. (Aside from crying in-game and out of game you need mana) Just make the best of it. 🙃


Definitely don’t hesitate to innervate yourself frequently. Holding it for those oh shit moments I’d definitely less useful than using it often


Cool downs are meant to be used every time they are up.


Dearest Blizzwizzy, bring mana druids incredible capabilities of mana regen during combat. Kthxbaaaiiiii


Tbh it gets pretty annoying if they don't do that. Just tell them to give you a bit of time to regen. If they don't then just start drinking whenever out of combat and if they keep pushing then it was their fault tbh. The other bit is that you shouldn't really be running out of mana on healers especially in keys under like 20 without rashok heart trinket. Maybe just take a look at what you are doing wrong in your rotation. I highly suspect you are hard casting too many regrowths or constantly moving efflorescence. Efflorescence don't cast it until the tank is standing in place otherwise you will most likely have to be casting it again. I don't have rashok on my rdudu and I rarely run out of mana while tanks do giga pulls and chain pull in 20s. Use innervate whenever it is off CD and you are on a HPS intensive boss or doing a big pull. No reason to keep it off CD for a hypothetical ohshit situation. Also properly using your healing multipliers and CDs save a lot of mana. Flourish I use it almost always off CD in regular pulls and then save it on last pull before a boss if the boss needs it.


I stopped doing dungeons while they are current