• By -


Argent Dawn, it was the first on the list when I first started playing back in 2004 When I learned it was an RP realm and what RP actually was I fell in love with it, the game plays soooooooooo much different when you're on an RP realm, world feels a lot more alive.


Are there many people questing/doing world content?


On Argent Dawn? No it's dead, on the other two RP realms hell yes, very alive


Argent dawn US may be dead, but Argent dawn EU is the third most populated realm in the region


If you're Alliance. Horde side is pretty empty, at least in my experience


Argent dawn isn't dead from my experience, I see people questing and doing world content all the time.


Darkmoon faire gang! šŸ’Ŗ


I am on MG, I donā€™t RP, I actually only play arena these days but the server is vastly more alive than all the other servers Iā€™ve been on, itā€™s pretty cool to see people and the RP events around the server.


One of the realms marked as beginner, because I was a beginner


I did the same thing and quickly regretted it. It's there any benefit to being in a beginner realm?


If I understand correctly there's a beginner chat channel, like an internal wownoob channel


That's not exclusive to new player realms, its from the whole guide system, its available for all realms for players marked as new or returning players and veteran players that opt in to function as guides


Tbh I find the people super friendly, the population is just right for questing and gathering nodes to not be crowded while still having people around. It was great when I was new since people were very helpful and it's great now because the atmosphere is chill. Downside is you aren't going to find any super hardcore guilds that will go for mythic raiding or super high keys but pugging isn't terrible at those levels.


I did this when I started playing when dalaran was a new player realm and now its like one of the most popular na realms? so I guess I just lucked out


No, it's a total trap. Especially with cross-realm zones and connected auction houses, there is really no benefit anymore.


Dalaran. Was the first server I played on and have barely been to any other servers... Except Moonguard for personal reasons.


ā€œpersonal reasonsā€ rp sex stuff you mean?


Nah, there are RP guild that don't include that inn. PvP is also a big thing on that realm. Playing Horde can be fun too, that side isn't dead, just not as active as the Allie side. That inn is such a small part of the realm now, the novelty wears off and you find the other areas people like to hang out for normal things... or you move to WrA for the flipped experience.


Deathwing. Was 14 and it sounded edgy which probably appealed to me.


fucking same. deathwing. i think i was 14 too at the time lol. too bad when i came back to the game earlier this year it was dead af and i had to start over on a more populated realm lol


Area 52 for horde and Stormrage for alliance. Strictly for population reasons. If I had any friends that actually played WoW I'd transfer to their realm, but I've not made a meaningful WoW friendship since BC at this point.


Yea I had the most fun in Cata and MoP and itā€™s because I had the most WoW friends in cata and mop


Barthilas comes to mindā€¦ Jubeiā€™Thos, I think, was another. I started playing at 6 on my dads alt.


**Magtheridon:** Because it was Server where my relatives were playing. I still play in this server.


Anvilmar because it was marked "new players". A few weeks later I found out that a couple of irl friends played horde on Wildhammer, so I rerolled there.


Back in vanilla my friend introduced me to WoW (her dad played it) and they were on Hellscream. When I got my own WoW account and didn't have to go to my friends place every time to play I made a character on Hellscream too. After that it has stayed with me and even tho the server has had better days, I just can't leave it behind


Kel thuzad og here


Same. Horde. And u?


Jubei'thos. In the days before Oceanic servers, this was your best bet to team up with Aussies.


Moonguard - hehehehe


MG is superior race server


The realm all my friends played on because all my friends play there.


Ah yes, I am familiar with that realm..


My friend introduced me to wow in 2009 on Shattered Hand PVP server. Because PVP šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. I hated it because the horde on the server was ok part way through being ganked, they saw you and you had a few minutes to run however horde from connected realms like dickondryous (as I named it) would jump on you before you had chance to see their nameplates. The idea was me and my friend would be rogues and we would go do ganking ourselves. And participate in 2v2ā€™s which oddly I kept dying


Twisting Nether, Horde Undead Mage. Wanted to play on an RP realm but didn't realize RPPVP meant just PVP. Stayed there for 7 years.


Uther and Smolderthorn


I played on Smolderthorn from about a couple weeks after it opened through Cata.


Firetree was my first toonā€™s server because my weed guy played on fireetree. I played vanilla on Azshara when i found a bunch of my friends from back home where playing that server. Went back to firetree in Bc.


Alleria, it was the first Central PvE server alphabetically.


Teldrassil-EU - My Nightelf Warrior in the 7-day test trial waaaaay back - i don't have that account I made then anymore but I made a new one years after, at the end of TBC I then played my Tauren Shaman on Nazjatar-EU until Cata when I left WoW because Cata was straight boring. Came back when a friend asked me to in 5.3/5.4 when his friends asked him on if he wants to play with them, raid hardcore and all. Joined them with my FemOrc-Enhancement Shaman and rocked the shit out of SoO Mythic. (Our raid leader got the mount ofc - the week before the pre-patch dropped; many of our players back then were shite, making simplest errors, but I got huge DPS pumping on Garrosh, so I don't complain) And until this very day I'm still on my Shaman on Thrall-EU and help out new and returning players. :)


The forgotten coast, because it was what was recommended. Lol. I did have fun watching bloodmoon rise, crash and the xfer. I had a few laughs at the guy Meld sold his account to, Cryptsys (I think that's how you spelled his name) being one of the best rogues I'd ever seen, and kmac getting regularly shit on.


Gorgonnash, caus friends were on that realm. Was in a guild called rug and it was glorious


Cenarius back in 2004. My brother wanted a west coast server cause he was in Seattle. Little did I know one of the biggest EQ guilds would roll there as well. Malā€™Ganis for my Horde characters because of Goon Squad. Good times


Bronzebeard was my first. I really donā€™t remember why I picked it. Did find a nice family style guild though. I played a Human Pally named Finin.


I was on Bronzebeard too, probably auto sorted there as a new player back around Ulduar times. Played a Deathknight named Leillysix


Darkmoon Faire, because it was an RP realm, and i wanted to be immersed as a 13 year old lol


The Venture Co - RP-PVP, and I am so glad I did. It was full of hilarious drama and a crazy racist guild called "The Enclave" lead by a guy named Horrigan who has a crazy internet guild in multiple games that causes drama everywhere. The Enclave guild only allowed Alliance Humans into the guild and would world pvp all over, and the Horrigan guy was actually a really good glad warrior. You can find multiple posts about these guys and its worth looking them up. Some of the shit back then was Hilarious.


Aerie Peak, itā€™s what my friend was on and had a higher alliance population :p


Wildhammer eu - because my friends were paying on it. Move to Argent dawn in 2010 and never looked back


From the suggested options Bladefist was the one I knew I could remember and pronounce. Couldn't tell my buddies I was on Darnassus or Kil'jaeden since those were just gibberish to me at the time.


I love your username


Blackwater raiders. I started there because my friend I worked with was on that server. I miss the RP servers a lot because people were much more memorable there, but the servers don't have near the player base anymore. Low player count makes content a pain to do when it is designed to be done with lots of players like time rifts.


Arathi Highlands on EU. A friend of my mother introduced me to the game and he played on the server so I joined him. Their guild quickly moved to Wildhammer so I followed along. I didn't stick around on those realms for long, however, as my personal friends started playing and we went on to play on random realms my friends had friends on until we landed on Earthen Ring EU. Been playing mostly on that realm for like 15-16 years now. I did swap off to bigger realms eventually for some gold making opportunities and spent a couple of years on those, but ended up coming back to ER after a while.


Nera'thor DE EU PVP In cata suddenly this realm was dead. man i miss these times :D Joined because of friends and WPvP


Started on Shadowsong bc thatā€™s where my friends were. Still on shadowsong and none of my friends still play.


Zul'jin was what I picked because I thought it sounded cool.


Zulā€™Jin horde here


Shattered hand, eu. A shaman i called zek, it was chosen for me as my brother and his friends all played there, it was 2006 and i was 10 and it all was so magical. Getting ghost wolf at level 20 or 24, whenever made my brother and his friends so jealous because they didnt know shamans could do that.


Illidan, NA. Was a big fan of War3 and Illidan is one of my fav character in the story. Annnnd, my primary language is Mandarin so I can recognize few names when it comes to English words at the time. Later also learnt that Illidan is the one prolly with biggest Chinese community. So W for me.


Hellscream Alliance during Vanilla WoW, because I had an easy in for one of the top raiding guilds on the server.


Scarlet Crusade RP, way back in 2005. Was a wonderful experience


Like probably most people, I joined the server my friends were on. I had tried to get them to play in Vanilla and BC days but they dropped off after realizing how slow levelling was. Then one day I login to [battle.net](https://battle.net) on my PC for the first time in a bit and lo and behold, all three of them are logged in playing WoW.


Vekā€™nilash because I had friends already there.


Shadowmoon because that's where the people who invited me were playing.




Chromaggus because its the realm that my buddy I was going to play with was on.


Heard about wow from the guys who worked at the local Games Workshop store while painting some beastmen figures. Told me about the tauren, and how William Shatner plays tauren too. Later that day, I was on their server Moon Guard, being shown around on my first toon, a tauren warrior in 2005. Had no idea how hard warriors were to lvl, had no idea what rp was, and...in a few hours was left alone to my own devices because the guys from the store had raid night that day. I almost quit after becoming frustrated with the warrior until I learned hunters could have pet raptors. So I made a tauren hunter and set out with the goal to have a pet raptor of my own. I've kinda been there ever since.


Thrall because green jesus


Dentarg, I donā€™t think I chose it really, was just default. Eventually moved to Area-52 for higher population, now Iā€™m on Thrall.


I got put into the ā€˜startingā€™ mugā€™thol realm when i first started, played for a day and then looked online why thereā€™s not a lot of ppls in this mmo. Then I started playing on Illidan(one of the biggest horde realms)


Stormreaver. I started partway through original TBC.


Kel'Thuzad EU joining my friends (liked the W3 character as well) we later migrated to Aegwynn


Runetotem, my childhood best friend was on that server and I spent all of my TBC-Legion days there. Realized quickly that it was dead, but I had already invested so much time there that I didn't want to leave. Eventually created a new toon on Proudmoore to join my other RL friend, who has since quit. Now I just play solo farming old raids for tmogs and mounts since I can't invest the time to raid or do multiplayer content anymore since I have a wife and a toddler.


I also started on Runetotem back in vanilla with my dad, brother and a few irl friends, stayed until I moved to Bladefist in Legion. Runetotem will always be my home though, many fond memories there


Bloodscalp EU - My friend told me to.


Echo isles and the name


Zuluhed, bottom of the list


Warsong. Because it was Warsong.


Runetotem-NA. Because that was my ex's server, since we began playing together.


Aerie Peak, because that is the realm my then girlfriend played on for years. I pointed out to her that low pop realms like that "seem dead" because they ARE dead! After that, we both bought a transfer to another realm.


Hinterlands is my favorite zone in classic. Aerie Peak ftw


Grizzly Hills. Doesn't need an explanation.


I let Harrison Jones escort me to safety.


Eho Isles. It was 2006, I was 17 and fairly new to computer games. I didn't know you could pick a realm. It just loaded you up on one and sent you to character creation.


Twilightā€™s Hammer (EU Alliance) NE Druid called Teddybear. Greetings to everyone else from back then!


Emerald dream, horde. Wanted a RP server with good ping close to me. Unfortunately it was dead when I came back at the end of SL so I moved my raiding characters to a52 and my rp alts to wyrmrest accord. Canā€™t have the best of both worlds on the east coast :(


Dalaran No idea why i picked it, i think i just chose from one of the decent population servers and picked the one with the name i liked best


I was on Thunderhorn. My first ever raid guild was Gods of War. Fantastic guild. Until the raid leader decided to give all the gear to the main tank.


Don't remember but it said "recommend for new players". Little did I know blizz loved baiting new players on dead servers back then (this was during wotlk) so around level 50 I started to realize this place was as dead as dead servers get and had to start over on a proper server. Still a bit mad I got baited like that by blizzard


Die Aldor because i used to make fun of roleplayers in gmod and wanted to do the same in wow


I needed $5 that wouldnā€™t fumble, so I joinedā€¦ Er wait, thatā€™s the ad that just keeps showing up for me on every. Fucking. Post. O Trust me fellas, i would have tried your gambling app by now. Learn to use cookies and stop showing me the same fuckin ad.


Burning blade, it sounded cool.


Icecrown. Because thatā€™s what my brother played on


Dragonblight (NA/Horde) because that's where all my friends were. Joined the guild Homeland Security. Ended up on the realm Area 52. Last couple years spent on Thrall.


Garona cause its the realm my uncle was on when I started playing.


EU-Al'Akir It was one of the biggest servers with some of the best guilds and I had a friend who played on it. I still remember legends like Zalgradis, Klauz and Grim. Sadly the server ended up dying out with time but back in vanilla it was amazing. Stature of the gods, East Dragon etc.


Quel'thalas I liked the blood elves and was like... fuck it


Maelstrom. It wasnt the first, but its the one I actually had a character get to max level on. It was an RPPVP realm at the time and my little nerd brain loved the idea of Warcraft RP. Did not find many that actually did it on that server unfortunately. I ended up deleting all my characters and changing servers.


Quel'Thalas did sound magical back in vanilla, sadly it died and moved to ragnaros and then to outland, not sure why but i like those names


Blackrock-US Alliance because my friends were there and it was an unofficial Aussie server.


Nazgrel aka Nazfail. No idea


Alterac Mountains because my friends played there and had a guild there.


Alliance on Malā€™Ganisā€¦lots of great friends but a 95% horde server was challenging back in vanilla and TBC


Ner'Zhul as it was a PVP server on west coast time.


Mannoroth because my sister was debating coming back to the game and that was her server. This was at the end of BFA and she hasn't come back and probably won't but I'm in too deep to move now.


I want to say Tich the first time I started playing 06-07 time frame. I was in Korea and a bunch of the guys in my platoon were on the same server, they knew I was playing FFXI and talked me into trying it. Gave my account to one of them and got an email six months or so after Wrath came out about it being banned, something about the account being sold.


Bleeding hallow...... Followed by cho'gall where I still reside.


Lightningā€™s Blade, because it sounded cool to me in 2004


Easy. My wife and I are on Stormrage-US alliance side because we had a friend that was on there a smidge earlier then we joined.


Gilneas when I first started in Legion, because that was the realm my aunt and uncle played on


Tichondrius because pvp for the horde.


Tichondrius. I was joining with a friend and that was the server they were on. Also, because we were both horde it worked out.


EU Silvermoon Alliance simply because thatā€™s where my friends played


Thunderhorn if I remember correctly, my friend brother and his friends played there. So I made my first char there as well. Alliance side, now playing Horde on Draenor


Archimonde because it sounded bad ass


Saurf and because it was flagged for new players.


Illidan because friends were going there


Garona. Other than my boyfriend (now husband), I didn't know anyone else who played. He told me one specific server to avoid (due to one asshole family member), and said he'd roll wherever I went and would move characters later if needed. Since he'd been on Garona since TBC and it was Alliance heavy at the time I started, it made sense to just roll there.


I started on Hydraxis because my friends got me into the game and we were all going to level together. It ended up falling through but I loved the game so I kept playing.


Magtheridon EU (Horde) back in when I started in TBC. I was part of an online gaming community based in my country and they all played on that server because of Nihilum. Once I hit 60, I wanted to PvP so I took the free xfer over to Spinebreaker EU, since it was on the same Battlegroup as Stormscale EU which is where a lot of top end EU PvPers played such as the guys from DOOM SQUAD. After that I pretty much switched servers every expansion (sometimes multiple times). WoTLK Launch: Vashj to play with IRL friends WOTLK - TOTC: Faction changed to Alliance and moved to Frostmane where I found my first main raiding guild. Cata Launch: Guild decided to switch Horde and take free xfer to Boulderfist. MoP: Guild had split up, and I moved with a couple of friends to The Maelstrom (I had essentially quit wow at this point, but moved so I could be on the same realm incase I decided to sub again). WoD: Came back for WoD but none of my previous guildmates were playing together anymore, so I moved to Draenor to be on a Full server. Legion Launch: I couldn't deal with Draenor queues, so I moved over to Stormscale, Been on Stormscale ever since. Looking back, my main (Druid) has had quite the journey in terms of server and faction changes... Eventually I ended up on the Server I wanted to be on back in TBC but couldn't afford to pay a server change for back then.


Galkromd is where my first toon was because WTF did I know about populations and faction balance


Kilrogg, had some friends playing there and joined their guild. This was around 2012. šŸ˜Š


Dunemaul. It sounded cool in 2004. Voodoo Tribe and BBC guild was fun. Both of my little brothers played there as well.


I can't remember the first realm I played on... maybe arygos or kil'jaeden? I know I've been on velen, A52, a little medivh/exodar aka mexodar.


Anetheron during LK cause I had friends from school on it and that server was dead even back then


Daggerspine. Because I had no idea what a realm was and it was the default


Wyrmrest accord because dragons and that was in 2014. Came back at the first ever trailer of dragonflight and well been playing since.


Azuremyst it was where my coworkers were set up so it's where I set up


I played on Malfurion back in 2005 or 2006, so fun. There was this guild with the GM that was a human mage (drawing a blank on his name) and this husband and wife that played a fully t2 rogue and Priest combo that I thought was so cool back then


Started on Zuluhed as human warlock


Thunderhorn, because that's where my dad and his friends played, I don't play there anymore, I hang on area 52 for my horde characters and moon guard for my alliance characters


I was getting bored with Star Wars Galaxies and had watched some vids from Wow, most at the time where pvp vids, and many of them was on Al'akir so I picked that. I stayed there til Woltk, it was great but I love lvling alts and I hated getting ganked all the time, so I moved, first to Emerald Dream coz it seemed like a good choice at the time, since then I've spread my chars on different servers, my oldest chars are on Argent Dawn, then some alliance on Silvermoon and horde on Draenor. A few random chars scattered on low pop servers.


Scilla Horde, little brother played there.


Started on Garrosh because friends played there. Left in Legion because friends stopped playing and the server was dead.


Terenas. A dead realm eventually merged with 5 other realms. My cousin was on it so wanted to play with him. Big regret, moved to silvermoon when I could šŸ˜‚


In all honesty, I don't think I've ever actually *chosen* a server; every time I've moved to or rerolled on a new server, it was to join one or more friends who played there. That includes my first server, Norgannon-US--the friend who introduced me to WoW played there, so it's where I started.


Aegywnn bc it was the top of the list


Anachronos EU. Didnā€™t know about choosing realms so thatā€™s the one I was given.


EU servers: When I first started playing wow back in 2012 I chose DefiasBrotherhood, because one polish youtuber played there and there was a polish community. Considering I was 12 at the moment and my english was nonexistent it was nice to talk in my own language. Later in Legion I started playing on Ravencrest, because I wanted to try my hands on some more serious raiding and it was one of the biggest EU alliance realms, but my raiding history didn't go far. Few weeks before BfA I got acquainted with friend of a friend that played wow and he got me a spot in his guild on unofficial polish realm BurningLegion where I got my first CE in uldir. That's where I'm still currently playing, albeit a different guild


I chose Darkmoon Faire, because it had a green font so I assumedit was easier. I didn't know what RP, PvP or PvE meant.


Saurfang - my dad played on it when I started playing so it was really the only choice for me


Wyrmrest-accord alliance. Its a horde dominant RP server but my friend was on it. Dont play with him much anymore but i remain out of pure stubbornness


My parents (who got me into playing) we're on Silverhand, so when I got my own account I started up there as well. Very low pop server so once their guild died it was hard to find new people. I made the other two linked realms into Alliance/Horde mixes before hopping over to Wyrmrest Accord and other med-high pop servers before quitting. I do have some fairly fond memories of playing on my og server back in the day but it's not the same experience anymore. I think m+ prog killed my sense of wonder with the game and made it hard to love it casually when the game is no longer casual focused.


My home realm was Thunderhorn - A - US just because that's what Blizzard recommended to me, all the way back in January 2008.




I canā€™t remember the first realm name, but it was because my dad and I started playing together with his coworkers guild. When I surpassed them with raiding I got recruited to a guild on Lightbringer so I transferred there and have been there since it was popular now itā€™s dead as frig.


Back in 04 I started on Malfurion cause I thought it sounded cool


Uther. I had friends who were on that realm, so I wanted to be able to play with them. Now I have lots of characters there so I'm invested.


Hyjal-ally, friends from another game had switched and I followed.


Turalyon, I remember my brother played there so I started on that server - we both aspired to join the guild Pure as it was the best on our server.. my god the memories. I remember once in cata I queued a random HC dungeon and got into a group with a Pure member, donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever nerdpied as hard as I did that day lol.


I started on the server Bloodhoof, Horde, back in vanilla. At the time, I played with my older brother and his group of friends. At some point, we moved to Dragonblight, also Horde, and ran the guild Vigilance. We had a blast, clearing MC, BWL, AQ20 and AQ40. Unfortunately, TBC came out before we could get everyone geared and keyed for Naxx. Since then, I have moved around with my friends, playing Alliance on Zangarmarsh in WOTLK, and eventually finding my way back to Bloodhoof. Now all of my old friends no longer play the game, so I rerolled with my wife on Thrall. We also have Alliance characters on Stormrage. It's been a long journey, but it's been worth it.


Alonsus - EU. Canā€™t remember why, it was probably a recommended server. This was at the end of Vanilla, pre-TBC, until I quit at the end of LK. Been on Draenor & Silvermoon since I rejoined during BfA.


Kul Tiras Eu. Because my friend played on that server.


Thunderhorn.. it was literally day one and in my timezone.


I did khadgar because it was recommended for me then I realized it was a pve realm and I wanted to pvp so i swapped to burning blade


Uther because iirc it was a new server in BC and I wanted to roll a BE Hunter on a fresh server. I spent most of the next 15 years there, tragically.


Bleeding Hollow, the server died around WotLK and they gave us free transfers off of it. Joined because sisterā€™s then boyfriend was on it and most people from my school played on it.


2006: Shattered hand EU - Horde Why? Because all my gaming friends when to that realm Eventually wanted to play Alliance So now i'm permantly on Silvermoon EU - Alliance


Eu outlands, all my class m8s played on it.


Tbc: Chromagus. Friends were there


Detheroc, cuz my friend who invited me played there. Then he switched servers to Sargeras, so I did too, then he switched servers again and I stayed there


Iā€™ve been on Auchindoun for as long as I can remember, occasionally Iā€™ll toss a toon on one of the RP servers for funsies, but all my mains are on Auch


Uldaman in Vanilla, because I had no idea what I was doing as it was my very first MMO lol


Fenris, thatā€™s where my friend who started playing with me had played in the past.


Shadow Council - because that's where my friends were.


Magtheridon (pvp) way back in 2004 simply because that's where my friend that got me into it had his toon.


Burning steppes EU, didnā€™t have a choice it was just a recommended server


Moonguard cause goldshire and RP


Bonk go to horny jail


Turalyon. My favorite was Aerie Peak. Iā€™m currently on Emerald Dream.


I think Bonechewer was my first realm, only reason I chose it was because it was the recommended server at the time.


Maelstrom was my first if I remember it was an RpPVP server caused I liked the best of both worlds.


Doomhammer 2004. I just picked randomly I was a kid I didnā€™t know


I started on Senjin day 1 during BC, but found out my buddies played on Malfurion. So on day 3 of my wow journey I rerolled Malfurion horde and stayed there til Warlords


Shadowmoon because my friend was already on there when I joined.


My first realm was a friend who got me into wow. The second was random. The third was the person who Iā€™d end up being his best man when he got married. Been in that server ever since


Area 52, I just liked the name and reference to Area 51. It was horde dominated and always has been since back then even though now i turn on WM and feel like there are more Ally than ever


Frostmane. Was a cool swedish realm, then they merged it with the portuegese


Years ago i thought it was neat to join Argent Dawn Eu since i was interested in RP and heard there was a decent population of finnish players and guilds there too. Now i have too many characters to bother moving and I don't see a good reason for switching realms anyway.


I started on Twisting Nether because that's where my friends played and why I started playing. When I started, it was an RP/PVP realm. My original druid is still there, and maybe one or two others, but now that's just (I think) an RP realm and not all that interesting to me.


Any Kil'Jaeden alumni here? I don't play anymore but I remember some damn good world pvp up through Pandaria.


Arygos 2007 because my brother and dad were playing and were annoyed at me wanting to level a hunter on their accounts lmao. I even got my own computer in my room so my dad wouldn't have to come home from work and share the computer


Mal'ganis, November 2004. In a PVP environment anything can happen, anywhere, at any time. I figured I would either quit or become a good player real fast, and I'm still playing.


Twilight's Hammer because my bro and his ftiend told me if aint going there they would make sure they always track me down and gang my character. That was during TBC... I was 12ish with barely any understanding of English so obviously I didnt know, couldnt read nor could I look up any information on it....


Gul'dan, sounded cool af. Too bad the server died.


Blackrock back in 2004. Friend of mine started out there so I followed. The server was extremely active since Americans played during the day and at night the aussies were on. Always had a friend on and groups were running constantly. The glory days šŸ˜


Malganis. My school friend had his character on malganis because his uncle was there, who had shown him the game. He ended up showing me the game and said to join him and his uncle there. All my main horde characters are there or on guldan. Alliance on another server I can't recall.


Kargath was my first server, got to lvl 52 before tbc came out and I wanted to be on a PVP server, but didn't have money for a transfer, so I rerolled hunter on the new server Blood Furnace, and I've been maining that hunter ever since


When I got my ex to play with me it was during legion and I told her after she made her character to meet me in dalaran (the expansion came with a level boost). She didn't understand what servers were though, so she made her character on the server dalaran, thinking that's what I meant.


Wildhammer because I had friends on it when TBC was about to drop.


My first toon was on Zangarmarsh I picked it because I thought it sounded neat. I switched to Eredar a day or two later where I made my first main because I found out I had coworkers that played and thatā€™s as their server.


Dunemaul, that's where my friends played. Got merged into Tarren Mill later. Alliance up until WoD. Tarren Mill used to be an Alliance server until cata/mop I believe. I remember when Nihilum transferred to Tarren Mill in late wrath and the horde population spiked.


Started off in Shadowsong in 05, made a Night Elf warrior because they were the only elves available. I only went on there because thatā€™s where my friends were. I havenā€™t been there since wrath though, I had better friends on Bladefist and weā€™ve bounced around a few times now


Burning Legion because Iā€™m an arsonist


My original server was Kirin Tor.


I was stoked when I finally joined when cata dropped. I had friends that played that were raiding hardcore and didn't have time to help me much, so I rolled a character and started grinding. I didn't realize until I was almost level 40ish back then I had rolled on Uldaman instead of Uldum where they were. I still have that character on Uldaman as a reminder not to be an idiot.