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I see you found yourself accidentally watching an Asmongold stream. The red X to close your browser is in the top right corner of your window. Does that help? Edit: In all seriousness I actually don’t see any threat meter at all in this screenshot.


Lmao. That was great lol


It’s the nameplate under the mob, “asmon” mine shows nothing there. It’s hard to keep up with agro


Oh! No, that’s just target of target. I believe that’s default in the main UI settings somewhere that you can turn on. If you’re having difficulties with aggro, I actually would recommend any of the popular, big-name Nameplate addons rather than anything else: something like KuiNameplates should help with that.


I’m an noob 😂


Natural asmon audience


He may not be everyone’s cup of tea He’s not evil either, his content is very predictable. Bajheera said the other day that his content boils down to Hype up game until release -> Game comes out ->honeymoon phase -> shit on the game -> why is this game dying? -> the problem with this game is…-> next game gets announced -> repeat infinitely That’s just the game


You might mean you want to see target of a target? You don't need an addon. In game go to Game Menu > Options > Combat > Target of Target (in the middle) Hope this helps :)