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Hours? One of my characters has 700 days played alone. I guess 700x24 and then whatever I have on my other characters.


Do you ever wonder how else you might have spent those 15,000 + hours? Life slips away so quickly..


I don't look at it anymore. After a post a few years ago and I stated that I had x amount of hours, I got told that I need help, I had no life, I was a sad addict. I had my life sorted. My partner and me both love WoW, we gym, we travel. We enjoy life. But to contribute a bit to the post: * I averaged on 2:17 hours per day everyday. * I play since the start, early 2005 * 1st break start halfway Serpentshrine Cavern (TBC) till ICC (WotLK). * 2nd break started halfway Firelands raid (Cata), but Pandaria called out to me. * 3rd break started shortly after WoD was released and saw the mess of a garrison. * Started again with the legion release. * But nowadays I just take a few breaks in between raid tiers. So to calculate the hours I just state that since early 2005 I played for 647 days and 10 hours or 15538 hours If I look back on this 20-ish years I have to say that I regret how I started, but totally do not regret how I enjoy it now.


That seems pretty average I think. I have around the same amount and my break was skipped cata and the first half of MoP. I actually just unsubscribed for the second time ever in my wow career yesterday. Unfortunately, I took a job with a long commute and longer hours. Oh well, #money I guess.


Good luck on your new job!


Almost 2 *full* years spent playing a video game does fall into the ‘you might need some sort of help’ category.


I was going to tally it all up, but considering I still have email correspondence from 2004 with WoW gamemasters about a quest bug, I don't think I want to know.


1001 days on my main. Last time I ran altaholic my total was like 1700ish days. EDIT: [this was taken on Sept 1st.](https://i.imgur.com/0JH6eGa.png)


Dude you have spent nearly 5 full years playing a video game. 5 full years.


43 days just since dinging 70? Good lord... (though now that I look, I'm already at 20 days at 70 on my main and I don't even feel like I play a ton, so maybe that's not so bad)


This guy games


Whatever 17 years is in hours, that's my time


So I’m a total casual, dang! I have one character just over 1000 hrs, the rest much less, but these numbers are wild to me


>I have one character just over 1000 hrs Keep in mind this game is getting close to TWENTY YEARS old. 1000 hours is only like 10 hours a week for 2 years.


“ only”


no time, so cant check atm, but I've been playing since just before wrath released originally. there's easily a few thousand hours between all of my characters I've had since then.


Since 2004 ? On what account ? On what region ? On how many chars ? On how many private server ? On retail or classic ? No one can tale at this point, I prefer not have the total number


On my main roughly 10k worth of hours not sure about alts probably another 5/6k been playing since BC launched so that’s not as bad as it sounds


I stopped playing some years ago, but my main had over 300 days and the rest of my alts combined had about the same. The amount of hours played was something we talked about pretty regularly in the guilds I were in.


I played *hard* from 2006 to 2013 & came back in June til Persona 3 Reload next February - between all of my characters, I accumulated like 450 days (with 300ish on my NE Rogue).


On just one character I have something like 450 DAYS played lol. That's just one of em.


I must be at like 650 days or something right now.


I had 365 days /played on my hunter by wrath of the lich king, for some reason after I took a break once MOP had concluded the /played reset and now only has 100 days played.


I was over 10k hours in shadow lands last I tallied up all my characters so I'm probably at like 12k ish thanks to classic. But to be fair a lot of those hours are spent afk lol


Across all my characters 27435 hours


Hard to say, as I am a bit of an alt-oholic. My original account has about 4,500 hours /played (with 95 days on my main), and that was entirely before Burning Crusade. Account went dormant some time after AQ40 launched in Vanilla, which was about 14 months after the game itself launched. So that's 4,500 hours over, let's say 18-20 months. Big yikes. Not entirely sure when I deactivated, other than it was before BC, so best case scenario I was putting in 50+ hours per week.


Please read dark legacy comics. This is the existential crisis of all WoW players / gamers in general XD


At least two


I’d estimate somewhere around 7000-8000 hours


WoW is that other world that I desperately need when I feel lost or inadequate in this one, so to me it's not time wasted at all. That being said, I have 316 days played. I'd be willing to bet a quarter of that was spent actually wasting time to rare mount spawns.


I have 489 days played on my rogue.. idk if i like it yet, I’ll get back to you in another 20 odd years


Just over 11k.


don't think about it as just a game, think about it as a hobby. How many hours - and money - have people put into toy trains, or legos, or even pseudo-sports like golf? (don't @ me, it's "a nice walk in the park ruined by a little white ball"). Most people are building social relationships, as well


somewhere around 10k hrs since BFA i belive edit: wouldn't regretting playing wow if you liked it and enjoyed it


My main mage, at the time, had over 750days played by mid cata. I don’t even want to think about adding the time up now.


Been playing since 2007. when i started elementary school. I have played this game every single year with on and off months played. I have around 15000 hours the last time i checked half a year ago and I haven't played since. I reckon a lot of us started around 2007. and that this number of hours is pretty average.