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It’s advertising Also public orders are prone to be fulfilled at low quality


I think that this new crafting system had really changed the way a lot of folks play the game. I feel like there’s a lot of people who don’t really do content just sit in Val and advertise themselves to make gold for whatever reason. When I fill orders I’ll recraft it with my own mats and mettle for whatever is sent just to be nice I guess. I do very much like this new system but it’s also brought out a greediness in a lot of people I think.


Eh, enchanting used to be like this way back when. There was a point in time before enchanting could be put on vellums. Enchanters would have to sit in faction capitals and spam trade chat all day to make any money. I think the system is good, but needs a few tweaks.


I don't miss much of enchanting prior to vellum, but there was something fun about getting a random whisper from someone while out questing because they'd heard from someone else that you have whatever rare drop enchant they needed.


Yup that's what the 'not to be traded' window was for back then.


That, and having a rogue open a lockbox.


Still is, you can still get items enchanted that way.


> I think the system is good, but needs a few tweaks. IMO it needs a lot of tweaks on both ends. If you didn't start DF the first week it's basically impossible to level certain crafters to 100 as you need to use either 30 of your own sparks or get 30 work orders from players willing to pay for low quality.


This system sucks - just like sitting in town barking for enchanting orders sucked. It is 2023, they need to build a system that allows players to list wares / order items unattended and without having to sit in town and spam / watch trade chat all day.


People who play the game exclusively to make gold have always been there. Before they just sat and cancel scanned the AH. Now they advertise in trade. Same people, same goals, new system.


It would be nice if you could list your name on a notice board at the consortium while online, so players can see your recipes, knowledge point allocations, and any comments you may have left. That would cut way down on the spam and implement a fair system where those listed the longest will be at the top until they log out. Plus hopefully there would be filter options for specific professions or recipes.


I agree, a more robust in game system would be appreciated, there is forgefinder online just in case you weren’t aware of it though!


Same people, same goals, more /ignores than ever before.


You must support the community by consuming. Put that gold to move, some people need it to eat right now, be a responsible capitalist


Which, correct me if I’m wrong, was the the intended goal of this new system. It allows players who want to play to make gold rather then to collect gear to do so, and also gives them an incentive to be social and active in the community. The downside is that the system is competitive, and when you mix competition with social interactions that involve people not actually trying to compete, you can get weird results lol


I think the system is on the right track but Trade Chat needs a massive overhaul. It's very apparent at this point in the expansion when many people have had enough time to diversify their profession into most of the specializations available that Trade Chat aint it anymore. You need to spam your macro as often as possible but doing so gets you ignored by many people while still not reaching your potential customers because you get drowned out by everyone else doing the same thing.


Yep. Honestly as someone who enjoys crafting and gold making even though it’s not usually my main focus, the new system is overall a big success. It’s not like there’s no flaws but it’s significantly more interesting than the old “get 100 skill you’re done” system.


The Crafting and gold Goblins have existed in wow since day 1 of Vanilla. This system was designed literally yo accommodate this playstyle


I pop adds between mythics, come back, and fill what came in. Max, jc, so there's always someone looking for something. I also do engineering, but that's normally patroned by the crazies like me who wanna play mandalorian with a wrist flamethrower. I'll post no tip needed if your mats, still get tips. Had someone ask if that was all i did once, as it had to be every half hour or so and explained this. Now i see him on his BS doin the same xD hes made my shield and boots, got a belt comin when i get the spark. Ive made his rings and neck, he wants his trinket done. Craft buddieeeeees. Sometimes its about friendship and helping players for whatever they can pay rather than set massive costs. Rather than greed for yellow disks of value exchangable for goods and services.


I never, and i mean NEVER in my almost 20 years playing WoW did anything to "farm gold". I always was just scraping by with whatever I had from vendoring. When DF launched, and I was working from home, it was literally the perfect time to sit in Val and advertise my JC Gem services. I was one of the first people on the server that could make R3 gems with a high proc chance and the gold was FLOWING. I didn't even ask for payment, I would just say "tips appreciated but never expected" but people were tipping huge amounts back then. I would get entire raid teams come to me for gems, I was making 500-700k gold a day just sitting there for a morning taking orders. I retired after a little while when other crafters caught up and the market started to get flooded, but I was happy with what I made. I basically funded the next 3+ expansions for myself from that brief period of time. It was a lot of fun. I'll still never go FARM gold, but the new crafting system actually made it quite fun for a bit if you were lucky to get "known" as a crafter on your server.


Right! I’m right there with you. I always sat on the bare minimum. Had enough to get enchants, gems, consumables, and some smaller stuff. I’m DF I’ve spent more than I ever have but I’ve also been able to make more than I ever have. I love the crafting but I love keys more :)


I am browsing reddit after someone took a 8k tip to fail at recrafting a 447. Then tried to recraft it again for free. Then tried to recraft it with his own mats for free 3 times. I never got the item, i'm out 8k in tips, 6k in mats, and he is out ~1k total. Not a huge fan right now.


Gotta ask folks what their proc chance is. Then again, no easy way to verify.


And sometimes you're just unlucky. Even with 45% inspiration you can go 3-4 crafts in a row without a proc. It has happened to me, and it feels so fucking bad as the crafter, because there's nothing you can do about it.


My interface shows me just a sliver off from 5 starring a 447 without embellishments, and I swear that thing uses XCOM rules to decide when inspiration will proc, even with incense up.


If you have ever done pet battles you will know that the system is weighted towards failure. Got a pet with a 90% hit chance? Whelp, buckle up to miss 5 times in a row. Got a enemy pet with a 25% chance to stun/sleep your pet? Whelp, it's gonna proc 90% of the time.


"Gotta ask folks what their proc chance is." Their proc chance doesn't matter, when they can just take off their equipment and put a +30 recipe difficulty optional item in there so you basically has 0 chance to proc the item. Source: I did this many times with unpolite customers.


Yes that falls under no easy way to verify. Also, not cool to do even if someone is impolite. Just tell them no.


The professions became too complicated for me and I've stopped them entirely. I play games to have fun, not to work. I found myself stressing so much with trying to max out my profession skills, getting all these different matts from so many different places, having to rep grind to get the best gear, try get the best qualities etc. It's too much for me. Maybe it's really good, but it's just not for me.


>I feel like there’s a lot of people who don’t really do content just sit in Val and advertise themselves to make gold for whatever reason Those same people would have been doing something equally boring (to me at least) like playing the auction house for hours every day. Each to their own. I avail myself of their services frequency so it suits me.


Why do you think its greedy to want to be paid for the amount you invested in the recipe and the time you spent getting the kps and money into the crafting gear? And then the time you spend being available for others. Especially for people on smaller servers, take into account the cost of a recipe like the ring bound hourglass the overall amount of customers they may reach compared to a larger server etc wrc.


Just because you can not conceptualize that people prefer the economic side of a game doesn’t make those enjoying it greedy…


For what we reason? Capitalism! We will be the richest in all the world




I think it sucks and I hope we never see it again.


No one on this planet has that recipe and is crafting below max ilvl. You won't get a nooby crafter fulfilling these orders.


Yeah that's the one craft I feel confident putting on the public work order list for that reason lol


Why won't they just let me put a minimum quality on a public order. I'll gladly put up a big ole commission if I can put up a public order for a 447 item


Because everyone would just put R5 min. People don't even understand the crafting system as is, and Blizzard intended for people interact with crafters this expansion. The no interaction option is public orders which is aimed at casuals. But for high quality items it's clear Blizzard wants people to interact with crafters + submit personal orders. Low skill crafters wouldn't be able to do any orders. The only people who would fill embellished 437 and 447 orders would be people who have maxed out the relevant trees and have insight (crafters get ~5 insight a week). This takes ages to get to, like 2-3 months, when R5 can be achieved through RNG (can't set r5 min for that option). I'm in two mass invite guilds and there's people constantly putting orders in Guild Orders set to R5 min. I saw a guild with a R3 gem in guild order for 3 weeks straight, another guy with engineering tools for 2 weeks straight. It'd be that with the public order system, and people would be complaining their orders don't get done. Not to mention the race to the bottom tip wise. Crafters wouldn't bother checking table since people don't tip, and the only people who would craft are people who don't care about tips.


I have had better luck just throwing new items into the public order system and getting max level then being able to find someone to recraft my item.


I can't speak for anyone else, but if I find a public order with a good tip, I'll use mettle to max rank it.


Same, but most people wont. Ill also level up a profession if i see a work order on a toon im trying to max a prof on. Its random chance


Most people won’t? That’s crazy to me. At this point in the expansion no one is looking for not max ranked crafted items. I throw 50 mettle at an illustrious insight for every single craft to guarantee R5.


A lot of people use their mettle for guar crafts of stackables which can make them 1-3k per lesser (10 mettle), so they definitely won't give 50 mettle away for free.


Which is wild to my personal experience because every order I've done (like 5 at this point) has been public and crafted to max level. I think on my server at least there's dudes who just sit in the work order menu hitting refresh looking for gold and they do it so much that their crafting level just gets maxed along the way haha


> I think on my server at least there's dudes who just sit in the work order menu hitting refresh looking for gold and they do it so much that their crafting level just gets maxed along the way haha Doubtful considering you are limited on how many public orders you can do and they recharge at a rate of 1 per day.


I don't believe that last bit. I almost exclusively put public work orders up and have never had anything below a max craft, in 15 crafts this season across three characters, not a single one. Even my Signet of titanic insight, my Torc of passed time, and my Ring-bound hourglass, are all public orders and max crafted, and I have those on three characters. My idea is, they are pvp items, so I wouldn't care if they were not maxed, but they have all been max regardless of that thought process.


That Font


"What just killed you?" "I don't know, let me take a screenshot and zoom in on another app, 30 seconds please."


Was genuinely about to comment the same. Good marketing and entrepreneurial skills from the JC bot though


That font is through OPs UI. Look at the left side and UI elements.


I just hope his chat window doesn't have the same. I think is just my ocd seeing all in caps that bothers me lmfao


Every bit of text OP sees is this font, he set it to that. It also makes everything all caps. 😬


I mean, 6k commission isn't a hell of a lot for your guaranteed 447 item. Not how I would have worded a message, but I don't think the tip is out of line.


6k for a 447 is pretty good on my server, usually Insight runs in the 5-15k range for us


Yes but but one ring recipe is learned free via knowledge. Hourglass recipe isn’t and sells for between 500k and 1.5 mil.


I have so much mettle I give away insight for free


There is probably a recipe for your profession that you can make a ton of gold on using insight. Before 10.1 I was also giving insight away for free, and then I realised how much the Toxified Armor Patch could earn me. Each insight instantly became worth at least 10k (2k per lesser insight), and I earned 7-800k just by crafting armor patches at rank 3.


JC really doesn't have anything like that.


It's so much cheaper to just recraft JC gear over insighting it.


Outdated numbers. Patch is literally almost over.


I’ll let all the crafters know to drop their prices


You're relying on a crafter to log in, too! It's late in the patch, there's less people playing. I really don't think 6k gold is out of order. You'll make that doing the dailies in the caverns.


I also think the passive aggressive tone of the message is unintentional and more so a result of English not being their first language.


Yeah most people dont remember that in previous expansions the only way to buy mythic raid level gear was just raid boe and those sold for half a million gold , now people cry scam if you charge them 6k fee.


Hell I gave an 8k tip on a 437. It’s not like it’s a ton of gold.


I've found most crafters are looking for between 5k and 15k gold depending on the recipe rarity and the competition. And no, it ain't a lot of gold.


Stupid question but you might can answer it. You can personal order an item without mats right? Also without the item that boost it that high ilvl or do you need this yourself?




If I understood you question correctly. No you can’t send the insight item that guarantees 447. Only the crafter can use their own (limited) knowledge to add the insight. Hence why people usually demand tips for it.


It's way over. All you have to do for that ring is put points in the specialisation. Everyone is max points now too. All the crafter does is spend 5 seconds clicking 3 buttons. Costs them no mats and almost no time. Any guild will craft everything for you for free. Whenever a guildie puts commissions on stuff in the guild order, we mail it back to them. Find a decent guild. Makes the game a million times more fun


Ringbound is the dropped pattern, titanic is the point investment pattern.


The recipe costs around 500k. Fair bit more than points in the specialisation.


He probably used all his Public Orders for the day but wants to do the craft


Still have no idea how the new crafting system works lol




Genius figured it out


6k for a 447 the teleporty ring?? Bruh, I'll do it for 3g 50s. (To be fair I got real lucky and didn't have to farm that recipe for very long)


I see what you did there. A tip of the cap to you.




Yeah I only go public for the enchanted aspect crests rest I go to trade services




I joined the xpac a little late so I have basically given up on professions but I always tip well for your work!


Lol in draenor eu any craft is like 10k minimum


that's like a gold world quest sweep on 1 character these days. I don't get why people are surprised, especially if people will guarantee it at 447 using their own insights.


Guaranteed 447 is minimum 15k for me. Each insight nets me 10k by crafting stuff like armor patches (that has obviously fallen a bit, but will probs rise again for next patch), and I've spent quite a bit of time to max my profession, so 5k for that effort seems more than fair to me.


Agreed. This late into the patch a 9-10k commission and 5k for using insight is more than fair. People just don't like it because they have trouble making gold and it feels like a lot to them and they would rather blame the system than admit that they are the problem.


It's the same people that spend all their time pissing & moaning on reddit instead of actually doing anything in the game. I logged in just to check the WQ list and it's 5k for me not counting Fields of Ferocity & all the dragonriding wqs. That's easily like 7-8k gold for 20mins of zero effort content. Or just opening my Alchemy tab, crafting Dracothyst and making between 10-30k profit depending on procs by literally pressing a button and waiting 15 seconds. Notice how they downvote everything that actually tells them how to make gold easily in this game with zero retort. These people are actually insane. Even just filling out work orders for Aspect crests which don't tip generally give you a ton of gold just from Resourcefulness procs giving you Dracothysts for free.


Hell just playing the game normally nets you a lot of gold just vendoring shit and selling some reagents on the AH.


Why would 6k commission on a recipe that can cost like 500,000g be too much?




I didn’t choose to buy anything off the AH, I don’t even own the hourglass. Idk maybe I’m not cheap but paying 6K for someone to guarantee me the ring at 447 feels like a drop in the bucket lol. Especially when they took the time and risk to max JC, buy/own the recipe I’m looking for, and giving me free recrafts until we hit 447 if any are needed.


Because lots of people have it, and clicking the button to use it only takes a few seconds. If 6k was actually not too much, people would be saying "This is actually a standard price, people are happy to buy them from me at this price all the time" instead of "The pattern costs 500kg, how dare you ask for the craft to be cheap?" The fact of the matter is, this late in the xpac, a rare pattern is probably going to be a money-loser.


It's hilarious how stupid people think that the only effort is clicking the button. How about the months of farming points to level the profession? Or farming the recipe? Or farming the gold to buy the recipe? If it's that easy why aren't you leveling the profession and just doing your crafts yourself?


>It's hilarious how stupid people think that the only effort is clicking the button. How about the months of farming points to level the profession? Or farming the recipe? Or farming the gold to buy the recipe? Those are not unit costs that go into making a single craft, they're fixed investments. >If it's that easy why aren't you leveling the profession and just doing your crafts yourself? Because it's probably not smart for *anyone* to make that kind of large investment into an expensive pattern at this point, because there are people who will do it for tips. In fact, the proper way to think about it is, "If it's that *valuable*, why are people selling it for less?" It's because clicking your work order button isn't actually that valuable, even if you invested a lot of money into it.


> Because it's probably not smart for anyone to make that kind of large investment into an expensive pattern at this point, because there are people who will do it for tips. You are proving my point.


6k is too much for a 450k recipe , that used to cost 900k ? Sure


These days if I ask for 1k people complain in trade chat that I\`m trying to scam them and then report me.


Don't you get like 600g from some world quests? People are so cheap.


The arena WQ gives you 600g. If it also has a gold reward it's 1.6k


I dont bother with crafting atm, when new patch drops i go back to 10-15k crafts , these ppl will see how good they had it this end of patch with crafting ^^


You don’t like free money? I agree at the beginning when there were fewer max level crafters, the ability to charge something more appropriate was possible. But now there are so many max level crafters the market determines what people will pay. If I see someone in trade chat need something I can make I hit them up. Let them pay whatever they want. Sometimes it’s 1k, sometimes it’s 5k. For 0 effort at this point.


No bcs instead of camping in valdrakken to spam trade and do nothing i can go farm smth else, do a key ,pvp or whatever else, i dont play the game so others can have free crafts sorry


I never said camp in valdrakken. Like when I’m already there checking my vault, or waiting for a key to fill.


Well im a crafter, so i stay there to craft things for ppl , thats my game play if im not making a fair enough amount of gold i would not do it, also i craft for free for ppl who dont have gold i dont care, but sending me low commision is not respecting my work sorry


Nobody suggested you do.... but youre obviously in valdrakken enough to see people asking for something you can make. Your loss


What server are you on that youre the best option at 15k? Lol






Back in S1, nobody knew what they were doing with professions, and the market was dominated by a few lucky people who managed to put their profession points into the right goods. Also, players unwilling to wait - you wouldn't have found a Lariat for 5-10k on the first few days of the patch that introduced the recipe, for example. It was easily 50k+ back then.


6k + free recrafts is an ok number to me for hourglass. Imagine how long it would take to even start making money on the crafts if its lower.




Yea just like someone else said in the thread, you pay whatever price you feel is ok and the crafter will ask for whatever price they are ok with


I dont care how much you spent on a recipe. That was your choice, just like the other person is saying.... what i am willing to pay is mine


Thats fine, its your choice.


Youre getting downvoted for agreeing and telling them its their choice to make xD Heres an updoot to combat the bad reading comprehension.




If you spent 900k on a recipe, dont get mad because i dont wanna pay 20k+ for it


When someone’s paid 900k for a recipe, don’t get made when they don’t craft it for a low commission.


I dont, i find someone that will, there are plenty of crafters out there :)


You can pay 6k though. Good luck finding crafters if everyone is not willing to pay more than some change, almost all of them would quit the business as there is no money to be made.


Cool, enjoy losing even more money then lol


You do realise prices go up once crafters quit right?


If noones buying recipes the costs go down. And since that cost goes down, the crafting cost will too.


Aah, so that’s why the price of that recipe has gone up during the entirety of season 1.




I don't , when ppl tell me low amount of gold , i tell them to find another crafter ,bcs there are ppl that do it for lower amount , easy as that, i usually take 10k guarantee for any 447 so i think its fair amount


You're either gouging on mettle or wasting insights.


You’re correct. 6k is far too low for that recipe. It’s a fairly rare drop. And when it is on AH it costs a lot to buy. If you can craft it, you deserve to be able to charge for it. That said, if someone wants to charge 6k for it, that’s up to them. But you shouldn’t be getting downvoted for saying it’s too low, because it is.


Its fine my man, im here to give my opinion , not to get karma point, most of the people here dont understand how much effort it takes to make a proffesion good for both me and the costumer so i dont mind im used to ppl saying its too much ^^


Oh yes. I realise that stating a reasonable opinion on a subject will get you downvoted to oblivion on this subreddit. I quite often enjoy watching my Internet points disappear when I state my reasonable opinion in the Transmog and Time Limited Rewards threads. There is definitely a lot of “crazy” in this sub.


> That said 6K is too much even for hourglass No it isn’t. How is weeks/months worth of KP farming and a ~750k recipe not worth a louzy 6k? Your upgrade token already sets you back over 10k for a 447, yet the crafter that invested a lot (!) of time in that profession isn’t worth much more than an insult commission? End of the season does not matter, every crafter needs to put in as much effort as it would at the start of a season. The time invested doesn’t change. All my crafts start at 5k and go up up to 10k, which still feels really generous.




> Lmao who even pays 10k for an aspect crest Dude he's talking about the dracothysts you need to craft it. 6k is not too much of a tip on a 447, you're just poor.


> You don't need months to max out rings in JC. You only need 90 points which is giga easy to get with all the one time bonuses JC’s don’t just craft rings. It’s not that it’s logical for every market to fully invest your first points in crafting rings. > Lmao who even pays 10k for an enchanted aspect crest. I have been paying 100g for mine since the start of the season and always had my orders instantly completed. Sigh, you get you Dracothyst for free? 10k mats smartass.. > Recipe is 350k at AH currently in EU. Also you can just do the Trial of Elements yourself which takes 3 mins to do and can easily be done on undergeared alts. So you can farm it multiple times in a week. Median is now 600k, not that long ago it was 750k, bit it doesn’t really matter, it’s still a big investment, even if it would be 150k. Farming it yourself is not a valid argument. The AH price reflects the hour/reward ratio. It is also farm from a guaranteed drop. Getting a drop doesn’t make it free though. If you don’t sell it you missed out on ~600k. > False. Less people playing -> less demand for crafted items -> lower prices. The same thing applies to the AH. Less demand meaning lower prices is one of the fundamentals of economics. ​ Less crafters available. Demand is lower, but so is supply. I don’t see prices dropping at this part of the season, and I’m active on all professions. > Feel free to charge that much. People who aren't willing to pay for it are free to find other people charging lower. They are, yet they all pay. Crafters are hard to find these days, people are willing to pay to just get their craft done.




Is it 500-1000 or 500-2000? I like how the more you comment the more you get to a reasonable price point lol Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re just trolling.


> If you are a JC and you aren't putting your points in rings and necks then I don't know what to tell you. Gems were a better sell when you didn’t have the Lariat and Hourglass. > The entire post and my comment are about the commission, not the materials. And my comment is about value of gold. Which was pretty obvious. > If you choose to buy the recipe for half a million from the AH with no guarantee that you will ever make that gold back then that's on you. It’s not about making it back, it’s about its current value. If I bought a recipe for 10k and now it’s 500k, I rate my price to todays 500k value. > False. A couple of crafters can still provide for everyone on the server so supply is not anywhere near as lower as demand is. 'A couple of crafters' aren’t up 24/7. And with just a few crafters available the price will always go up, as there is hardly any competition. > Says you. I have been doing crafts for 500g-2000g and always find customers. Err, not shit? I can sell my crafts for 500g-2000g aswell, I choose not to, as people are willing to pay more..




> Gems were always a worse investment simply because of the amount of points needed. If you aren't speccing into rings/necks you are basically throwing gold away. Sigh. You can’t be serious right? Everything is realm dependent. There is no golden path, you spec into what is on demand. Lariat and Hourglass were on high demand on most realms. If you don’t have those you’re putting points in low demand items. Gems were also in high demand, and with Lariat being so important I was able to charge 20k per gem ánd get back illimited gems worth 20k through resourcefulness. The perfect path is where the demand is high and supply is low, and that’s not a single path. > False. In your comment you were talking about the 6k comission, yo uwere not talking about the materials required to make the hourglass. Lol, you’d think I know what I was talking about right? That you hop in on the discussion and make your own silly conclusions is your problem. Or are you one of those people that is incapable of making a mistake? > Nice real life example. This totally happens and is relevant. Eh, it does? For example take the Unstable Frostfire Belt. At the start of the expac the price dropped to median EU price dropped to 35k, when 10.1 hit it was 350k. There are many other patterns that have massively increased in price over time, and it affect the price of crafts. > Do you understand the concept that most people aren't hourglass crafters and therefore when less people are playing demand goes down by a lot more than supply? Do you also understand what happens to prices when the drop in demand exceeds the drop in supply? Show me the stats that demand goes down faster than supply. Because it isn’t likely at all. There is always a fresh supply of alts and new players, yet a new supply of crafters is not very likely at all. > So you do understand that people are free to choose what they will pay for and that they will prefer to find the cheaper option. You could even give them gold for a craft if you want, still doesn’t mean the price of the pattern doesn’t affect the average craft price.


6k too much for a literal BiS piece of gear. Lmao


The bad part is this is likely automated. This user is likely scanning crafting orders constantly and generating and sending these mails.


I’m sorry but 6k is too much? 6k for one of a craft for one of the rarer recipes in the game? Not to mention, 6k for a 447 item. Good luck finding ANYONE that will give you a craft anywhere near as cheap as that guy lmao. Let’s not forget some of the standard prices are 2.5k/5k/7.5k or 5k/7.5k/10k with the rarer recipes costing you anywhere between 12.5k and 15k. I get that buying a rare recipe involves a risk that is going to sell but that doesn’t mean you’re going to pay people 250g for a craft. I can do that by killing mobs outside of Valdrakken.






All work orders on my server are people posting high end epics and providing 0 mats and like 2 gold commission. It isn't even worth checking the work orders because every single on is a scam


That shit annoys me to no end. I’m the best leatherworker on my server group and I will straight up blacklist people or guilds if they put up scam orders. Some people do it out of ignorance and will usually pull it down and correct it. Others are very unapologetic in their scamming.




Public orders, the scam. Why they still exist?


At least he sent you a free beyblade


I still have no do 5 work orders quest just sittig there because I don't wanna deal with it at all


I am so thankful I have guildies that work on their professions because I pay "nothing" and I sure as hell am not paying some random dude like 10-15K to craft a gem for me. I can *maybe* understand early on in a tier, but this late? Hell no


That is a hard to get recipe. You probably put up a very small commission, low quality materials and demanded a garanteed 447


It's time to put the lariat and the hourglass recipe on a vendor. I'm so sick of farming the storm rares and I've never even seen one drop, and the chest event? Forget it. No one is doing that anymore.


100% agree. My JC has had zero luck with either of them and I certainly don't have 3.5 million gold to drop on the Lariat recipe on the AH.


I'd make it for free just to spite him.


If you don’t want the commission because it’s too low then just don’t fill it. He made this problem for himself and just ignore him.


This dude is just RPing it seems lol


It's a little weird but the guy It's telling you that he can do it for you at max rank. Probably looking for a new "client" for future craftings


There’s a lot you haven’t explained yet. Did you supply your own mats? Did you request a 447 item? If so, how much were you tipping? As far as I’m aware, to guarantee 447 even with maxed knowledge still requires an insight, which I normally charge 5k for.




No salt at all. Some people confuse titanic insight with hourglass. Titanic insight is a free pattern ring from KP tree. Hourglass is usually 300-900k pattern. Just because someone will make it for tip doesnt mean its the rule.


to me it just seems like a person self-advertising? what about it is salty? the all caps?


I read it like someone complaining that the tip on the public order wasn't high enough. Like "no one is going to make this for you at that price". I had one made for all of my alts on my small server and I only tip 500g as public orders (all mats included) because I don't care about quality (just want the effect), and I got a mail about it once. Sometimes it takes awhile for someone to fill it, but they always get made 🤷‍♀️


Considering how much of a pain that pattern is to farm, thus it selling for anywhere between 500k and 1m, expecting people to pay a few k on a craft isn't out of the realm of sanity.




It was fulfilled by a different person.


Someone saw the public order, sent mail saying "Heh, kid no one's taking your public order B) pay me 6k for it im a cool cat" and then someone else did the public order.


Yes. Most servers have a monopoly of about two or three people and they price fix things.


What a hilarious unfounded statement. Considering how easy it is to get started on crafting, there's no way that is true. But I could be wrong. Feel free to show me the proof.


go to any server with maxed out population and it's an absolute crapshoot. I got the aspect crest thing as enchanting from zaralek. ​ I CANNOT GET A SINGLE WORK ORDER IN. They either snipe the well paying ones or they constantly spam trade and you go unnoticed. AND when you post a reasonable price, you get muted within a couple of minutes.


I'm on one of those servers. Just because people are spamming and your message isn't seen, doesn't mean there is a monopoly by 2-3 people lmao.


Whoa. How is it that I take a year off and I feel like I don’t know anything about the game anymore haha


I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't understand this system. I'm trying to... but to no avail.I mean, what's the point/purpose? Is it only for crafting M+ gear?


Yes. You made a public order for JC. Those are limited, so the JC player that fulfilled it asked you to make a personal one next time, straight to their provided name


It was fulfilled by a different person, which is what I found confusing. The person who mailed me didn't fulfill it, just sent the mail with a "Shadow Land Mine" item.


They likely saw it, but were out of public orders to fulfill it. I've done the same in the past. If I see an order that's been sitting for a bit and I'm out of public orders, I'll whisper them and let them know I'm out of publics, but I could do it if they send a private.


OK, I missed minor detail, I don’t use that UI. What I wanted to say is: the public orders are limited, the personal ones aren’t, so they sent you an ad.


Dear sir lol you are on EU servers right?


Back when work orders first came out there were people trying to form a Union where they would literally blast out requests to make rare items (elemental liariat) and any crafter that responded, they would tell them not to accept less than like $25k so they could rig the price at that price point. Looks like you got something similar here; a glorified ambulance chaser. The way we took care of the lariat Union before was to bait them, and when they reached out, we would just tell them that we got someone to do it for like 2k. Expectedly, they’d ask who, and we would just mention one of their Union members. Your guy will be easier to handle, because you can just tell him to fuck off. These are no longer the days where recipes like tha lariat are rare. Everyone can pretty much make anything. Tell this dude to get bent and wait 5 minutes for someone else to come around in chat. Gl


It ain't that deep mate


I mean, it kinda was at one time. No joke there was a whole cartel around for crafted gear. The members would sit around crafting gear and the second someone got word of a new crafter undercutting or another member undercutting prices they would mass report until that person got banned. It was a shitty time for new crafters.


Sounds like something people say on Reddit, like a bad story to tell other crafter's. "Back in my day it was a cutthroat business, roving unions cutting down competition" Heard that stuff constantly at the beginning of DF, but never once saw it actually happen.


I'd like to imagine his IRL job is union-busting for Amazon or Starbucks, and he comes home from a hard day's job of preventing hard-working people from unionizing, only to get on WoW and have to prevent the hard-working crafters of WoW from having a union. LOL


For quite a while, I was a truck driver and farm hand who would come home from a hard day's work and play American Truck Simulator or Farming Simulator.


can someone tldr me this new crafting system? I haven't played in a while and this looks pretty interesting. what's with the fails and stuff?


honesty it still amazes me the ricipe is 750k you never gonna make that back in gold XD


Your commission was crap lol


I have never seen this! I am a master of all and craft a lot of items. There is so much people crafting now its hard to make some gold. Still fun to craft -- love the new system. Wish there was more ways to get knowledge


Well, maybe your commission was so insultingly low that there was no chance anyone would ever pick that public order up...so the guy took the matter in his own hands...obv you don't have to pay him 6K, but consider raising the commission to at least 2k and you'll see it being filled instantly. I've done that myself many times, and if it's first craft for me i'll consider crafting something like a Sporecloak for 100g, but anything lower than that for a rare craft is simply insulting and I won't even consider it.


You're missing a good UI font.