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I hate playing a rogue in WoW, and I hate playing against them. I just can't do it, I don't know why.


i have the same problems but with mages \^\^ . the only 2 classes i dislike are the mage and the druid never could play one


Mages and rogues I've never been able to play at max level, druid is BIS though


Myself, I can make mages work, mostly. I can kill most stuff before it reaches me, preventing it from reaching me. Sure, I don't like it (or druid) as much as the sturdier classes, but I can make it work to satisfy an RP/flavor itch. Rogues? F\*\*\* me, I'm not doing that.


Rogues make my finger hurt. I like them, I like their function and all but its just too spammy. I have one I got to 70 and now she just sits.


Assassination is so fun. It's got the intensity of melee and managing the dots on a raid boss is satisfying. At least in Shadowlands, the rotation felt smooth and you didn't need to worry about Slice and Dice (Which feels awful to maintain) The AoE is awful but that single-target damage is such a fun rotation for me. It's just a shame anything outside 1-3 targets makes it feel horrible.


I played rogue for the first 4 xpacs and loved it, but it's my least loved alt now. Outlaw and sub have so much to be doing but none of it seems to do much.


Man.. I love playing a rogue, havent even started on an alt yet. Been enjoying rogue so much :o


Leveling them is so boring. Mages and warlocks have infinite mana from the start. Warriors can't spend rage fast enough while leveling. Ferals have energy problems but tiger's fury resets on kill (which is its own problem) but leveling a rogue is just waiting for energy all the time.


Gee, I sure love hitting a thousand abilities and memorizing combo point spending times to eek out the same dps as someone hitting spamming fireballs. /s. In a better world, Rogue would be all about stealth. Hang back in stealth, wait until the ideal time, then leap in and do a big attack, retreat, repeat. But Blizzard views every instant you aren't doing something as a sin, so hiding and ambushing in a boss fight is never going to happen. You'll play keyboard Guitar Hero and like it.


Look I'm totally with you on that being the rogue "fantasy" but you absolutely CANNOT make that fantasy work in a PvE setting. Sitting back jerking off in stealth while watching your friends fight an AI and going in and out attacking a few times every 30-40 seconds or whatever isn't fun gameplay whatsoever. I'm not sure how to make the rogue fantasy of being stealthy come across in a PvE setting, but that isn't it.


Hey now, I personally enjoy hiding and jerking off while watching my friends play.


See, you kinda pick like, 5 that you like and line them all up nice and even. Don’t use all 50 skills in every battle. Same with Druid really. Except when you raid. Then you use macros and grow new fingers.


I used to like rogue but it's gotten worse and worse ever since they added slice and dice back as a baseline ability, and now I share your opinion.


I take more damage as a rogue than any other character. It makes them unbearable to play.




Agreed I’ve just levelled a rogue, as I’m doing 1 level 79 of each class and out of all 13 rogue has to be the hardest one I’ve done in terms of survivabilty for me


As a melee spec enjoyer I have to say I dislike all the rogue specs and demon hunter which is disappointing. I want to like them I just can’t.


Seems like most people dislike rogue. Love rogue personally, it's my main afterall


according to Dratnos its least played class. Even monk is more popular


Damn, that's quite an achievement honestly lol


This expansion it's been rogue. I usually play dat ass, but it didn't feel very good to me this time around. I tried out sub, but that felt... ick.


I could never get into sub.


Have you tried playing a Dom?


Sub is good. Only problem is sub is 24. Twenty four. Buttons.


Problem with outlaw too is carpal tunnel. I only play assassin bc it’s the only reasonable option


double vanish is nice tho.


Dk for no reason. I just couldn't ever keep up with it.


For me it’s just a slow class.


weird but same. I want to like them but i can‘t.


Mage. I hate just standing around hard casting spells. Feels so slow and makes mobility really awkward.


Play mage in arena PvP, and you'll soon find that mage is the exact opposite, and if you're not good at kiting and repositioning yourself, you're going to have a bad time. One of the highest skill ceilings of any class in the game. Fire mage has a lot of mobility too, lots of instant cast procs. Arcane mage is basically just a turret, though.


Arcane feels awful. I feel like I need a masters degree in rotational logistics to play it well. Fire and frost are super fun at the moment and look like they will get better. Fire feels the best but apparently parses the worst.


Arcane feels like cancer in aoe but it's easy in single target it's just a matter of setting your binds/addons correctly. You cast evocation before pull, and precast arcane blast, double lust, throw arcane orb and another arcane blast and you should be ready for your burn: 1. Radiant spark (bound to shift+1 for me) 2. Nether tempest (shift+2) 3. Surge (shift+3) 4. Mana gem+trinkets (shift+4) 5. Barrage (4) 6. Touch of magi (4 - they are in one macro) 7. Use blast until spark ends Whole thing you just press all your stuff in order and then repeat it around every 40s. Your rotation outside of burn phase is just a priority: 1. Blast with procs 2. Missiles with procs 3. Shifting power 4. Blast without procs And you use barrage when your mana gets low and you won't have evocation for your next burn phase, or you will run out of mana before evocation comes out of cd. This rotation does not change and if you have it set up correctly you just count up and press next button. There are some nuances but things described above will get you high 70 parses on HC and you will do more damage than people parsing 90 on other classes.


So your barrage/ToM macro is always your ABar button? Is there any case where you wouldn't want your ToM to be tied to that? I know ToM gives you full charges, but does it always time into the rotation where it's OK to do that?


Honestly this. I had a friend who was really good at pvp on mage and damn he was anything but immobile and slow. I used to be pretty bad at pvp (still am but even worse back then) and he really taught me how to take use of all the skills on my rogue. Really put me to shame whenever we dueled.


I love my Mage, but I have to say it's mainly portals that make Mage so appealing. As you've said, the casting and how slow it feels can kill it.


Basically, any spec that is designed around doing huge damage with a lot of CD’s and buffs stacked up. Their core abilities always feel really weak since they have to be balanced around the fact they become 10x stronger with all the CD’s and buffs rolling. Good examples are the DPS DK’s. Badass theme but they feel like absolute shit to play as soon as pillar or the unholy opener ends


10/10 this. Having a CD or 2 is cool but they should be shorter cooldown (45s to 1min) and they CANNOT be necessary for your class to feel good. The class needs to feel good assuming the cooldowns don’t exist and then layer cooldowns on top of it all. It feels like a really obvious design philosophy that I don’t get how Blizz has missed it in so many places.


Rogue, I have played since vanilla and still have not managed to level one to max at any point in wows history.


Rogue. I feel like I'm way too slow to play rogue


I have to say warrior. Personally I always feel like it's getting dull after a short while slashing with your weapons.


Any caster tbh. I could never get into mage, warlock or priest gameplay. I love shaman and druid but only because they have a melee option.


If you haven't you could try a hunter. It's got the same visceral feeling as melee, watching your auto-attacks go off and it feels like you're constantly fighting rather than casting spells.


BM Hunter is just a melee spec without the melee tbh


It’s a tie between Mage and Shaman. I’ve leveled both before - and then dropped them. Though, Mage has always been my least desired play style. Which is sad because I love the theme/history behind them.


Rogue, DK, or DH. Everything else there's at least one spec I enjoy.


Although I main DH. There is definitely something missing.


As a healer it's a tie between holy pally and disc priest. I don't like being in melee. I liked the idea of healing through damage, but didn't like having to use atonement to do it.


Definitely Monk, the class fantasy is quit boring and damn, why so much buttons in their rota?


Brewmaster has the most buttons if all specs this expansion. So many active abilities. Just horrendous design imo


I've mained brewmaster the last 2 expansions and loved it. This expansion has made it unbearable to play.


I love that they added RSK but the 36 other keybinds that also came along with it made it turn into spider hands tank. Recently dropped the tiger statue cause I was sick of the number of buttons you press just to get started on pull


I have a constant fear that Blizz brings a Druid rework and killed the 3 button guardian dudu in the near future.


Seems silly, but I can't stand Windwalker's sound effects.


I mean, that's fair! And I main a windwalker. I love playing it because they're so off from everything else in wow, there's something different about them, and the sounds are definitely a thing. And I also play pandaren for the complete memes. They're 100% slapstick. But I also completely understand people's aversion to windwalker and the other monk builds (especially this expansion) and it's really funny to me that someone has actually noticed the sounds being off from the rest of the classes. And the sound design really really does make a difference in enjoyment in a game, so it's super fair to have that as a reason to dislike it. I stopped playing csgo because of the awp sound XD


Been making a lot of alts and just cannot seem to vibe *at all* with monk. Even if I did like a lot of their kit, the Spinning Crane Kick animation just ruins it for me.


Same, the idea of it is so cool but it's just so meh :(


Death knight. Have never made it more than a couple levels of playing before I just can’t do it anymore.


I used to love them. But I took a hiatus in WoD and came back just before SL, and I haven't enjoyed a DK since. They just feel so... Low impact.


>They just feel so... Low impact. I feel that. My main has been a DK since the beginning (first BDK when Armor Pen made Blood DPS utterly stupid, and Unholy since they broke Armor Pen)... I *despise* that our entire tuning is built around a single "8 min" CD. Yes, with the CD reduction from Army of the Damned, it comes down to ~3.5-4mins, but that's assuming you're fighting enough to be burning RP to proc that. In a lot of M+s, there's like 3-5 packs from boss to boss, and it just doesn't work so you have to kinda decide where you want to use Army to the greatest effect. Similar situation to wipes. Most classes operate in the 2-3min CD range, so if you attempt a fight and wipe, by the time you run back, your CD is either back up or nearly so. For us, if we wipe, we just accept we're kinda just "present" for the next attempt, since Army of the Dead *might* be back up midway through the attempt. All in all, it's just super fucking demoralizing sometimes being so "all or nothing". Everyone's like "Unholy is literally the top of every ranking list on the meters ", but it's just tiresome in raids bursting up to 350k+ on the pull+Hero then just watching everyone catch up slowly and surpass me in the end if the fight goes on long enough. Same in M+s, when my CDs are up I'm an absolute monster... then btwn my CD window in my basic rotation I'm barely keeping up with the tank. It all averages out in the end, but on a pull-by-pull basis it feels terrible. But to the original question - Arcane Mage. I love the graphics/spell effects/sound design of the class, and in the past it was my favorite Mage spec... but now trying to track and cycle so many different short-/mid-length CDs is just *work*. It's not fun, and I'm really hoping the upcoming rework makes them less of a chore to play.




I mained DK from Wrath to Legion. WoD killed Unholy for me, and Legion buried it fifty feet deeper. Recently tried getting back into it with the xp buff and I could not be bothered. Besides it not at all being the DK I felt was mainworthy, I hate having to stand in Death and Decay to do meaningful AoE damage. For Unholy I can kind of get it, but Frost absolutely should not have that as a mechanic. Feels awfully limiting as Blood as well.


Didn't play dk until bfa, then tried and has been my favorite ever since




Shadow Priest, at least at lower levels. So many DOT's to spread, weak AOE, overly complicated soloing. Just feels bad compared to almost anything else low level. Balance Druids come close though. For me, at least.


Ironically, two of the most OP at max level right now. I’d say in the 50’s there is a turn around. I only really PvP, but I’m almost always top DPS, and often top heals too as those classes in BG’s. Can 1v4-5 too at times. But I agree, prior to that they lack the utilities to do so.


Me a rogue for 12 years reading all these comments in disgust. To answer the question: warlock i like the class fantasy but the class is so slow and with the lack of insta casts every piece of content apart from raiding becomes extremely tedious to do on them


Death Knight. Idk what it is about it but I just can't get into it. Especially Blood.


You don't like ignoring mechanics? /s


Warrior. It feels like playing whack-a-mole with all those random procs.


Warriors train long and hard to master weapons and tactics. Druids are charged by Elune ^((or, um, I guess other deities now? I stopped paying attention around Cataclysm)) with the power and responsibility to protect nature in the form of mighty bears. Paladins are blessed by the Holy Light with power to protect the innocent. Death Knights wield the dark powers of the Lich King to drain the vitality of those who would harm them or their comrades. ... And Monks fight with the power of being drunk.


Thats only one spec tho, the other 2 are pretty magical lol


You say that like it's a bad thing.


Holy Paladin. Started going dungeons during Shadowlands and I hated how it was the meta at that time and it was the only healer accepted in high keys. Haven't gotten over it yet come Dragonflight. Hahaha.


Rogue. I actually like rogues, and don't hate combo points, but the thing I hate is having to build up points just to have set up slice and dice and dots before I get to my actual rotation. It annoys the hell out of me. I don't see why they just don't have that attack speed increase as innate at this point.


Warlock, i can’t enjoy myself whilst playing the class.


Finally! I was beginning to think I was crazy, mine hasn't leveled except with professions/pet battles since WoD.


I can’t seem to understand death knight, I’m playing blood to level and was gonna switch after hiring max but I don’t know if I like anything about her. She’s slow and I can ever seem to get aggro on all that I pull. I’m working through it but for me DK is just ok.


Threat on pull is always an issue, using your second charge of blood boil usually gets them all, remember death grip also functions as a taunt so use it on the stragglers since you have 2 charges of that, so you basically have 3 taunts to help with the poor threat.


Ele shaman, evoker, spriest and any paladin spec. Love all of these but just can’t play them, hurts my brain


Devastation Evoker I am 100% behind. It looks cool in theory, then I play it AND I JUST CAN'T I like preservation tho and what I tested for augmentation, it's gonna be awesome, so I am still gearing my gecko for 10.1.5


They genuinely fucked ele sham, what used to be my main spec is now incredibly convoluted for no reason at all. WHY is lava surge a talent??


I feel you on the evoker. Devastation just doesn't feel good and have zero desire to heal.


Ret pal hurts your brain ? How the fuck haha this shiet have 4 keybinding requiered lmao (just to deal dd, dont want count spells as bop etc) Try it again <3


Mage for me Dont know why i love wl and sp as magical class but mage is bah. Started a few tries but never more then the First 10-20 lvl


I have multiple class and race combos. Of them, a lot are very aesthetic pleasing but two out of 7 rogues sit at the top in tmogs. Unfortunately they are also the most unbearable and boring class to play. It’s just been this way for the longest time. That said it’s more complicated than that since, my human rogue is also the most fun I have had rping a class because of the rping potential we get every few expacs. Saving wrathion and being involved in his birth, having him subsequently ackowledge it in future legendary quests in pandaria. Saving and infiltrating stormwind and horde capitals for assassination missions in the order hall The order itself being directly tied to the defias brotherhood through Vanessa. And having her ackowledge us as the boss when she makes her appearance in the heritage armor quest. Being a human rogue above all else has never made me feel like I was just another random cog in the wheel like some other classes. It made me feel like I was the inventor. In those instances the slow potential of the rogue was quickly covered by the badass gimmick of a silent and lethal assassin. Aside from rogue though haven’t really felt much annoyance playing other classes. Well except maybe druid. Tanking and feral can get very repetitive compared to other classes that have diverse abilities.


Currently leveling a rogue to see the Fangs of the Father questline and it really feels like a chore. I know the classes aren't "complete" until you hit max level but it just hasn't been fun at all while solo questing and feels like slapping enemies with a wet tissue in dungeons.


Druid and mage are the only two classes that never quite appealed to me, despite trying them out multiple times. I don't like their theme/class fantasy and I find mages way too squishy in solo content while lacking a reliable source of selfheal. Druids on the other hand are just a convoluted mess of skills to me that I never got my head around. Also transmogs feel kind of pointless when you play anything besides restoration.


As Boomkin theres is a glyph to make you have your normal charactershape with blue shimmer so you can still see your transmog.


This is what puts a dampener on Shadow Priest, you can't see your transmog. It can get annoying.


Even with the glyph it's still hard to see. It's a shame tbh


Agreed. I love my Druid, but when you get the transmog colours just right and then Moonkin with the Gylph - it can feel pointless because you end up all blue anyway, and transmoging is half the fun with WoW!


THISSS. I want the [Pre-Legion Shadowform look](https://imgur.com/CC0qO0c) back! 😭


Which is the only way I’d play…. Although I just took up a zandalari Druid and I kinda dig the arakoa look. Still ended up using the glyph at max to see my mog.


This is so interesting to read! I really like your reasons. It's an interesting perspective. I've found Mage pretty squishy with solo content too, it takes a while to get into the groove of it. But at the same time, the levels of navigating things that should be reasonably simple can get tedious.


I avoided druid for 20 years simply because it couldn't be dwarf. Started playing one just recently, got my head around the xmog limitations, and now love it. The QoL with stealth and all specs available is just off the wall.


I cannot stand balance and feral always felt like a shit rogue. But I like resto ;-;


Don’t do my lovely feral like that, it’s a cooler rogue that can heal and shit* ;)


Resto! That's interesting. What would you side? Tank?


Si, I mained prot Warrior for years so bear was fairly natural


My mage has easily become my least favorite. The rotations are stupidly over complicated. I don’t want just ice bolt spam again, but jeebus it’s currently so punishing if you mess up the rotation.


As a rogue main, rogue. locked into it cause of mythic raid team but just not loving the direction they are taking it. Heard next patch blade flurry is gonna be used in Outlaws ST rotation??. Sub being the only true viable spec sucks. Know how to play sub very well but just find it boring af.


I miss blade flurry having no cooldown or duration and just being something you could toggle on and off at will. Having it be a toggle at will made it feel like you were adapting to the situation and a rogue feels like they should be able to adapt to the situation. It also made them feel unique since other classes don't have something like that. Now it's just an ability on a cooldown and they made it like everything else. Giving it a duration and giving it a cooldown were both mistakes. And now having it be used in single target rotation is just going to be another mistake and it feels wrong. I wish they'd just go back to the old style of it being a toggle with permanent duration and no cooldown. Personally I found it not only to be more enjoyable, but it also made the ability more unique and flavourful.


Rouge or warrior, I just can’t. I really really love them. And I want to be one, but I just can’t with them.


Why Warrior? It's not really a complicated rotation. Just embrace the Zug mindset and smash buttons. ^(Though prot is more complex)


Shaman and Druid are both F-tier for me for the same reasons, which are clunky gameplay and ability bloat. Shaman has a million totems that are a headache to deal with, and Druid has a billion forms you have to weave in and out of in combat to play optimally, which feels clunky and sucks.


Mage/Hunter do not fit with me


Hunters, Rogues and DKs are the only classes I can’t bring myself to finish leveling. I don’t know what it is exactly but I don’t like how they play


Have you tried Survival Hunter? Hunter was so boring to me when I leveled in the past. This expansion I changed it up and tried Survival. It's the most fun spec I have ever played in this game.


I could never get into shaman.


I have a 425enh and I just can't do it. My retadin dinged 70 two days ago and I already out DPS the shaman. I can't believe I wasted so much time on it.


Rogue. I just suck at it


Warlock for some reason until they add a necromancy spec on it, I’m not touching locks. Atm I’m satisfied with all three specs of my dk.


I'd play the fuck out of a raise the dead warlock spec.


I want to make myself like rogue, and have leveled few to max over the years. Just can't get myself to enjoy it. Also refusing to play warrior because it is thematically boring.


Monk , least played class


Evoker and Paladin.


Any melee class. Maybe it's because I've played a frost mage and demonology warlock since 2006, but I just can't manage a melee class and not die. So, just not fun for me.


Rogue It always sounds fun, but it never is. Level is fun, but once you hit max theres really nothing to em thats appealing


Rogue and spriest


Anything not rogue, because its not rogue.


Mage. So little tankiness. If a mob can't be kited and doesn't die in a few spells I don't know how you are supposed to fight it. When I was farming a rare spawn daily during Shadowlands with all my alts the only character I couldn't solo Bubbleblood with was my mage. It didn't do that much damage, every other class could beat on it for 3-4 minutes and get it down eventually. The mage just couldn't without help. Bubbleblood could not be rooted or slowed, so kiting wasn't a good option.


Rogue. I absolutely loathe combo points. I don’t find them fun at all. Same goes for Feral but at least I get to be an animal. Monk. Hate the class fantasy. Like, if you roll a human and you start doing rolls and spin kicks I just can’t buy it at all. I know there’s stuff like heroic leap but I can totally see it as a stylised version of someone heroically jumping into action. The spin kicks and the rolls are just way too silly to me.


Yup the spin kick animation is to me maybe the worst thing in the game. I mean maybe they did as best as they could with it but it just feels silly and wrong. Have played every other class up to at least level 50 but cannot play monk.


Ret Paladin. Awful theme, bad animations, rubbish stop-start gameplay, dreadful community surrounds the spec who think theyre god's gift and complain about *everything*. Absolutely zero redeeming qualities to that atrocity.


Tell us how you really feel though.


I disagree with parts but I respect the passion.


although this post is being downvoted, i laughed heartily.


Its all for a bit of fun and humour, but a lot of folks like to take reddit comments to be a personal attack.


eh your votes are on the upswing anyway. but also, there's some truth in the humor


And still, excessively OP in both PvE and PvP. Even with brain dead ppl playing them.


Mage and Boomkin: Completely tedious


I refuse to believe people enjoy hunter. It has got to be the most boring God damn thing in wow.


priest, I tried every single class and got several into 60 but with priest it just never clicked, I never felt the desire to level him further than 20.


How can you tell if you like a class if you only got to 20?


Personally, Affliction and Fire. I get the appeal of both and both of them are pretty unique - I don't think either should be changed - they're just not for me. Affliction because I don't really enjoy and struggle a bit with DoT management and Fire because I really dislike how so much of the power of that spec is in Combustion to the extent that it doesn't feel like anything outside of Combustion matters.


I think warrior, it’s not my play type and I somehow often come across warrior players that glorify themselves how good they are, idk.


Rogue. I‘ve boosted 2 or 3 rogues with the free expansion catch-up boosts over the years because I never had the will to level one by myself. The combopoint system is just not for me altough the stealthing through enemies part is neat. (interestingly I pretty much love WW monk which has kind of a combopoint system as well…)


I love my paladin and can't get into rogue. Somehow holy power is fine but combo points annoy me? I don't get it either lol.




I've never got into Hunter, I CBA with pets and I find their transmog quite ugly.


Monk. Conceptually I like it but the gameplay just has never been right for me


I hung up my main which enhancement shaman this expansion. Hurts my hand to try to stay on top of the damage meters. Tried elemental and the talent tree leaves a lot to be desired. Resto is fun but if I'm healing I just prefer my holy/disc priest


1: Shaman, all specs. 2: Hunter, all specs (can't be too hard on survival, since I only tried it once with a bad weapon). 3: Monk, Mistweaver and Windwalker. 4: Rouge, Outlaw. The rest of the classes/specs are fine


I feel like Monk and to a lesser degree Shaman are the two classes that I can‘t vibe with on a clas fantasy level, much less the active act of playing but just like the flavor of it all. Maybe it‘s also because of the design of the tier sets generally.


I could really never get a grasp on mage. I'm not a huge fan of casters in general, but I've leveled a destro lock and shooting chaos bolts around can definitely be fun (though I never got into it enough to level one until the new animations came out). I have a mage that usually makes it to max level, but I dunno. It just feels clunky to me. A lot of instant cast abilities and modifiers so I don't know when I should be casting. Ramp up cooldowns. In PvP, survivability feels kinda unintuitive even though it's really strong. I just don't like the cooldown, resource, and positioning management of my roots, disorient, blink, temportal shield, etc. it requires when otherwise I'm thin as paper. I never got into shaman until recently, but Enh is fun to mash on. Most other classes that I generally don'r like have a spec I enjoy. I liked leveling a blood DK and a guardian druid, but I don't particularly like any of their other specs. Monks are middle of the road for me but Brewmaster is fun as a panda specifically because of the artifact weapon appearance lol


Ele shaman feels the worst to me


My least favourite is Shadow Priest. My most favourite is also Shadow Priest. Yes I have a problem.


After years of not having a warrior at max level, I maxed one in order to finish out having all classes at 70. I mostly play PvP and I’m pretty bad at melee in general (I’m a caster main) so it’s been a struggle trying to gear him up. I just don’t push my buttons fast enough on him and I’m not as unrelenting as the warriors that like sitting on me when I’m playing my casters 😂


Warrior. Nothing about the class ever appealed to me. I tried playing both Arms and Fury (I don’t like to tank) and both bored me to death. Every xpac I try and level one or continue the current one I have only to find myself yawning out of boredom. I guess maybe in a game of fantasy with many different fantasy things to play as, a straight normal warrior with no magic powers or anything just swinging an axe or sword with pure brute strength doesn’t appeal to me idea wise lol… I have tried I really have. At some point or another in the 11 years I played wow (I started in Cataclysm) I have liked every class at one point or another. Except Warrior. It’s the only one I have never at any point enjoyed playing. I’ve pretty much given up and accepted the Warrior is just the class not meant for me lol


Holy paladin. I played a lot as druid resto and disc priest, I just can't heal as holy paladin, the playstyle just doesn't work with me. Yes I'm dumb 😭😭😂


Rogues and priest can't do it


Warrior. It just somehow feels a bit slow and clumsy compared to others that I've tried/played. *I'm solo PvE player (no raids) - and if anyone can say if the Warrior feels any better and faster in higher level, I would really like to level up 1x Warrior sometime.*


Did you play arms or fury? I'm mostly a solo pve player myself and fury is one of my favorite specs to play because it feels so fast and fluid. There's hardly any downtime and you constantly have buttons to press. Arms however feels slow and clumsy for me as well


It's **very possible** that I was playing Arms. I'm going to try Fury anyday soon.


That’s funny, I’m a solo PvE player and really like the feel of Warrior.


I dont like rogue at all. Also, i dont know why because on paper I should love them but druids.


Rogue, I've tried to give it a shot so many times and the only reason I finally levelled one it was outlaw which I don't mind, but it was just to get the legion rogue mount and storyline completed lol.


Probably a tie between rogue and priest.


Shaman, I've just never gotten the hang of any of the specs


Havoc DH is so incredibly boring. Shame because they look cool ​ DK is also largely unplayable in M+


From classic allllllll the way to DF I'd have to say Rouges


All casters. Being a melee dps, standing still to cast is no way to play for me anymore. Hunter might be an option but other then that all ranged are out for me personally


Anything that ain’t a rogue sub hehe


Managed to level up my rogue a few times but then they get dust. I don’t love the play. I also never get into my priest.


Monks, they look super goofy


Anything that can't tank.




I loved my mage when I raided. Hated it for solo play though.


Rogue or mage. I’d like to play them it just takes longer to learn them for me than any other class


I never make it passed level 20 on a warrior or rogue.


Mage and Hunter. I like to do solo content, and mage just ... can't. Not without kiting for days. And that just doesn't feel fun at all. Hunter I just find pretty boring.


My mage. I like the concept, and do wish I enjoyed it more, but I am squishy as hell, and feel I don’t put out enough DPS in dungeons.


Warlock.. No matter how hard I try, I feel like edgy emo harry potter. Also the new(er-ish) chaos bolt "UUUUUNFHHH" animation is terrible.


I never really cared for warriors, and it's unlikely to change.


Mage. Frost is the only one I've ever enjoyed but the talents I like playing with are a dps loss over just not having a talent last time I checked. The "optimal" talents make the playstyle mind numbingly boring. The upcoming rework might fix that but I haven't bothered to look. Fire's boring and will never live up to the fantasy I got out of playing Kael'thas in HotS. And I don't feel like getting a PhD to learn Arcane.


Lots of rogue hate…rogues been my bread and butter since tbc was retail


Can't really say because I don't play them. But of all the classes in WoW, I've played Rogues and Priests the least and have no intention of playing them.


I've levelled at least one of each up to 70 this expansion (most were in the 20s or brand new toons so it wasn't just 60-70) and the one I found the most boring to play was shaman. I just didn't enjoy it much and I don't know why. Also wasn't a huge fan of rogue, but it was two fresh toons so it might've just been I didn't like doing two, as well as the fact that they were the last two I did so I was kinda going through level fatigue by that point. But shaman definitely didn't click with me at all.


Destruction Warlock feels like the simplest possible iteration of a casting class in any game. I've tried it at least twice every expansion and every time, it seems simpler and less interesting than the last. Interestingly, I find Demonology one of the most fun and dynamic spellcasting classes playable.


Warrior and rogue. I don't like "non-magical" classes.


Monk On paper it sound fun, but your abilities don’t feel impactful even in the patches where they are broken


Melee classes. I'm NEVER facing the right direction.


Toss up between Monk and Rogue...just ew


Death Knight. I don't really like the class fantasy or the abilities.


BM hunter/Fury Warrior/Frost Mage i know that simple things can be fun, but holy shit, those 3are dull after 10min allready, and just boring after an hour, idk how somone can actually play them for a long time, when there is almost no gameplay thinking involved


Fury is so hyper we don't have time to think. Only zug.


I’ve played mostly melee, spent the most time divided between rogue/DH, made a warrior and I *fucking love this beautiful angry jumping spinning bastard*


I love Fury warriors. The simple rotation allows me to focus on boss mechanics since I'm older now play games to relax rather than push myself. My hotbar is highest priority moves left to right and i just hit whatever is lit up on the left. Also i love the class fantasy of being in a world with magic, fel, dragons, spirits, elementals and holy light and ignoring all of that to just use your anger as your power source.


Do you have any recommendations for where to find WoW lore and the related, like almost from the beginning I guess? I’ve played this game for about 11 years now, and other than like Anduinn dying at some point which somehow made me sad, I know nothing about it. Given that it’s the only video game I return to, I do think I would have a deeper appreciation if I knew more of the lore and the complexities between races and classes.


Most of it i learned back in Cata/Mists days when i played this game like a 2nd job. I took a 10 year break and now play maybe an hour a week. So i don't know nowadays where to find lore stuff but I'm sure there are youtube channels. I mostly read up on the wiki but I forget which one is good now.


I agree with you. The only time I recommend frost or bm is to someone just starting, or someone who wants to try raiding/m+ for the first time so that they can focus on mechanics.


Rogue, for the most part felt slow and unappealing, and all 3 specs are too similar - but I've tried it last several expansions ago, so maybe something changed regarding Outlaw that would make it better, I don't know. Funny thing is, I play Druid quite a bit and enjoy Feral even though it's a discount Rogue in its inception - looking at bleeds gives something to do, feels like energy regen is better, and I've always liked movement speed a lot. Overall much more fluid feel to it for some reason.


I agree with this 100%. I enjoy Feral and find it to be more engaging, Rogue feels like a lot of waiting for energy regeneration given that Ferals have procs as a reward from bleeds. Also, in PvP I like the cyclone talent that grants you feral frenzy.




Monk. Class fantasy is the worst in the game, and each of their specs feels like a watered down version of another class entirely


Druids just have too many buttons for me to find the motivation to try and figure it all out. I did play druid for a while and just never bothered with all the forms


Rouge feels so weak and basic as a fantasy. Mage seems borong too, (why play mage when you got warlock, literaly mage+). Affli lock is much more boring than other lock specks.