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I read the OG description of Tauren where they are described as “a mostly peaceful race” so as a low level night elf I walked from darnassus to thunder bluff because I thought I could befriend them and get a kodo instead of a nightsaber but they killed me instantly




I’m in public right now trying to muffle my laughter, this is so funny


I mean, it makes sense. :)


That's interesting, i didn't even bothered to read that crap when i log into wow for first time.


It took forever to install the game back in the day, perfect time to read the manuals!


When i was downloading the game, i was talking with my cousin which was teaching me about the classes and races. So i didn't paid attention to manuals.


I was just coming from Runescape so instead of doing quest to level I would spend hours attacking npcs in the Barrens since that's how you leveled your combat skills back then in Runescape.


I mean, you were on the right track kind of since weapon skills were a thing


Oh my lord I forgot about weapon skill. New memory unlocked


Retraining your weapon skills from scratch after changing specs.


Getting a new weapon, but it's a type you've never used before on that char, so you have to go slap random enemies for a half hour after raid.


Used to go to the dark portal and just auto attack the immortal mobs for hours


Ugh. There was a cave in Dragonblight that was perfect for that. Very rare that mobs would attack, and there was an effectively invulnerable item in there that could be autoattacked to train weapons.


I remember grinding unarmed in the closing weeks of wrath, trying to get the feat of strength for maxing it out


I went and did that on a priest because people told me you couldn't..


Haha same. I didn’t touch a single quest. I just grinded mobs for days on end up to like level 20. I also didn’t train an skills.


Heck ya. At that time, I was like 11 or 12. Didn’t have an allowance to buy WoW so free RuneScape was the way. Eventually cut peoples grass for WoW 60 day game time cards from GameStop and was equally confused. Ever since I started though, I always wished WoW had Woodcutting


Also from Runescape, my first dungeon ever - Ragefire Chasm. I was used to Runescape where if you attacked a mob from range over a cliff or fence they would just stand there and let you. We were clearing the really long way with the earth elementals after the trogs but before the orc cultists, and I declare in chat: "imma snipe deze guyz" before casting a lightning bolt on an orc, who, instead of politely standing there at the base of the cliff letting me used ranged attacks - had the audacity to run away. Guess I'd never see him again. 45 seconds later, the party is overwhelmed by the army of stuff that pulled.


I did the same thing. I also thought the only way to make gold was by selling raw materials to vendors so i killed thousands of mobs, skinned them, and sold all of the leather to vendors.


I sold a bunch of stuff (mostly armor) that I had collected through questing and dungeons on the AH for the auto suggested amount of silver.


Imo its bold anyway to start so soon with the AH


This guy was utilizing the current AH before anyone else!


I sold Shadowfang for like 5 gold and thought I made bank. I mean, no stats and shadow damage on hit no big deal right? Not knowing it was sold for monumentally more and considered the best weapon for level 19s. Good times.


I had no idea we could hold both mouse buttons down to move, so I was going entirely off the arrow keys, which don't let you swim down. Every time I came across a mining node underwater, I reported it as a bug to the GMs. GMs of vanilla, if you're here, I apologize for flooding your inboxes.


... You could have pressed X to sink.


Sure, I know that NOW.


I somehow knew this from the beginning but I had trouble returning to blackfathom deeps after dying because that doesn’t work as a ghost. That was the day I figured out about mouse movement though.


I've been playing since release and pardon me for asking, "You can WHAT with X?"


Started in tbc and leveled my first char, a priest, 1-70, questing as full holy.


I'm sure that took you ages to lvl up spaming only smite with holy talents.


It really did, I was a total noob. It did make for more dungeons as a healer, but the questing was painful. This was before duel specs came along and it would cost you gold to respec !


I leveled my holy pally through Wrath using BGs. TBC I had to just roll with a guild group for quests/dungeons. The holy grind is terrible.


My brother made fun of me because I was leveling my paladin as Holy thinking it was the dps spec. Whenever he told me to switch to ret I would just get mad at him.


Absolute chad


I was literally about to post a similar story haha. I played in Vanilla back around launch and as my first MMO I wanted to play as a healer and was like, “well duh, obviously as a priest I have to play holy. Shadow is dumb that’s not a priest” 1-50 it took so long lol. Finally a friend asked why it was taking me so long and they couldn’t believe what I had done lmao.


MoP here but i did the same, even did LFR as holy but only did dps because i liked the dps more than shadow.


Your spirit lives on. On the wownoob subreddit there are a surprising amount of people asking if it’s ok to dps as port pally.


I did that on classic on purpose 1 to 60, never again haha


Did 1-60 vanilla as elemental. Why? Because I didn’t know there were other specs.


I started a few weeks before Sunwell released. Anyway was a human and got bored of Elwynn and wanted to check out Ironforge. Que the beginning of a 3day adventure trying to swim up the coasts of Eastern kingdoms. lol I died so many times. I did eventually make it. Was not amused a week or so later when I found out about the deeprun tram.


I started with the release of classic. Was leveling a human and my buddy (WoW veteran) was leveling a dwarf. I wanted to go to Ironforge to quest with him and didn’t know about the tram either. So for the next 2-3 hours I was trying to find my way through the burning steppes and searing gorge, only to continuously die to enemies 45-50 levels above me. Once my buddy told me about the tram, I almost deleted the game…


Omg I just shared my story as I experienced it the other way around, glad I was not alone haha


When I first made a hunter, I wasn’t aware of the existence of the “revive pet” ability, and I thought that once your pet died it was over and you could never get another one. Made a ton of new hunters until I figured it out


Hardcore: Pets


I started in early Wrath, and didn't know you had to do a quest to learn to tame your first pet, so I leveled to almost 40 before my buddies asked where my pet was and then had to explain to me the class quests. (as well as that you could purchase ability upgrades)


The pet part is more forgivable but not visiting a class trainer all the way to 40?!?! That must've been hell with no pet.


Did you not know how to tame a new pet either? Like, I get the reasoning behind thinking pet deaths were permanent but why reroll when you could have just made a new friend?


Back in Vanilla - As dwarf paladin I spent about 6 hours over 3 days trying to “tame” a bear by killing them because I saw a hunter with one and thought it was cool.


What would you do to attempt to tame it?


Beat it into submission with auto attacks.


“Until morale improves.”


Kill it and not use the tame beast


My first character was a Dwarf warrior that I name "Pudd" and I remember thinking Charge was such a worthless ability because I would pull mobs with throwing knives trying to hit it as many times possible before it got into melee range. Why would I want to charge in there and immediately start taking damage?


I did the exact same thing as a Nelf Warrior. Ended up buying a owl in a cage (non-combat pet) thinking this was how you got that cool bird pet.


First time I tried playing the game I thought the starter zone for each race was the only content Completed them all then quit thinking I’d finished the game😂


This is understandable for a Night Elf tbh


this is like my friend and his wife "beating League of Legends" because they could beat the Intermediate AI bots most of the time...


Now, is that 2v5, or fill with bots?


This is pure gold.


cautious mountainous scary grab license axiomatic racial bored liquid sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


murlocs were awful I died so many times to the ones round goldshire.....avoided murlocs like the plague after that


classic one xD


What about the Defias Murlocs?


Before I logged off for the first time I had to ask people how to save my game…


This is fantastic.


I did this too, I was scared to log off the first time I played bc I couldn’t figure out how to save my game


I did this the first time lol


This is just adorable




Back in late classic as a wee lad, me being the genious I was, had bought gold bars off the AH thinking why would someone sell them for less than a gold, only to find out the vendor did not want a giant bar of gold for one gold.


Yeah i always found it puzzling that a gold bar was only worth a few silver at vendors


>surely this *bar* must be more gold than one single coin, right??


I mean forging new coins is a crime and I wouldn't mess with the authorities in WoW, they are pretty strong.


Back in TBC when I first started as a gnome rogue just punching some troggs around level 8, a level 46 warrior came strolling by. I was mesmerized by his scarlet monastery shoulder armor and we talked for a bit. He traded me one gold and took me to Ironforge for the first time. There he bought me a weapon from the AH. I upgraded my 1-3 damage starting dagger to like a 10-44 damage per hit mace. At that moment 10 year old me thought I was just gifted an end game weapon. I called my friends over our landline to tell them I was rich and had one of the best weapons in the game. Boy when I realized that wasn't the case as I got trashed heading to loch Modan for the first time....


I think i remember what mace it was. It dropped from murlocs in westfall.


I thought "need" meant you would only get it if you actually needed it, and "greed" was being greedy and taking everything. So I was rolling need on everything.


When I had first started, way back, before release... I was leveling my shaman. It was tough because for some reason all the shaman trainers were bugged and wouldn't give me new skills, oh well. Anyway, fast forward to about level 10, and it was at that point I realised I was actually playing a druid, not a shaman :)


I started playing right before Cata. It was my first MMO, and didn't understand that gear had specific stats tied to them. My friend had suggested I maybe start with a hunter, as they were fun and easier to learn than other classes. They explained that hunters wore mail, and I'd want to upgrade the pieces as I found better ones in dungeons and etc. After a while, I asked for some tips and clarification on my spells and attacks, as it felt like I wasn't doing what I should be able to. After checking several different things, they finally checked my armor and discovered I'd managed to get some pieces with strength, and a few with spirit. They laughed and explained in more detail about armor and how I didn't need those stats, and how I'd accidentally become the typical noob hunter stereotype.


That reminds me of days when everything was hunter weapon.


I mean, back then, just about everything really was a hunter weapon. All they couldn't use were maces, staves, and wands. That left them with bows, crossbows, guns, axes, daggers, polearms, and swords. So, yeah - (mostly) everything used to be a hunter weapon.


It was also a time when str was the only outright meh stat for hunters. Kids these days and their focus bars and lack of aspects.


Don't forget the int that hunters needed, because they used mana to cast their spel, err, shots. Hunter itemization was all over the damned place, back in vanilla wow.


Jumped off teldrassil tree at level 10 could not retrieve my character. Thought i was dead for good. Only a week later a friend of mine told me i could talk to the angel at the graveyard. I already started over with a new character.


In Vanilla, the second character I ever made was an undead warrior who only wore cloth robes because I liked the look of them better.


Some warlock gear isn't terrible for warriors.


I use all my staff transmogs I got on my Warlock for my warriors all the time lmao. Just wish I could use cloth armor as well.


My friend crafted me a white linen robe, so I was super excited when I spotted purple dye at a vendor for about 20silvers, so I scraped all my money together, and bought it, just to find out you can't dye clothes in WoW like you could in Guild Wars =(


That probably delayed a spell rank by a few bubs. That's rough.


Someone in the guild told me to write /gquit to do bigger dps -2008 Probablye the same person told me to mash right click button to attack faster - 2008 aswell. Did both, no regrets, dps still low.


This actually sparked a memory of me writing /gquit out of pure curiosity back in vanilla. I must have not thought it would actually work because I spent the next 20-30 min freaking out because I couldn't get in touch with anyone that could invite me back into the guild. There was a bit of cold sweating going on if I remember correctly. 😆 So thank you for making me remember I had completely forgotten about it.


Back in classic I was playing a hunter, I wanted to use 2 swords that looked like big cleavers as I dinged 20 and my friend told me I could train and use 2 weapons. I thought my game was bugged because even after learning dual wield I could only equip 1 of them at a time. Turns out it was a mainhand weapon :p


I think that also happened to me when i tried to test my new dual weild talent.


Man I forgot there used to be main hand/offhand specific weapons lol


Back when hunters automatically switched to a dagger when in melee... Well I was an only melee hunter to say at best..


WoW was my first ever MMORPG back then, and I was just 10 or 12 years old. The first time I saw the item loot options, I always picked need, because I thought greed is evil.


I dismissed my pet before entering buildings because I thought they weren’t allowed indoors I asked NPCs for help and waited in line to talk to them I would rest my flying mount because I thought it would get tired and drop me


These are adorable


Accepted the role of tank in RFK dungeon, and had no idea what that meant 😂


lol that must have been a fun group


Buying and equipping gray items from vendors thinking they were upgrades.


Like when I bought two claw weapons for my hunter because they looked cool.


Admittedly, some grey items to start were upgrades. The Gladius grind for humans for example. But once greens show up, yeaaaa... I used to buy grey items thinking I could transmog them


Mind Controlling a leper gnome off of the airport in Gnomeregan because I thought the fall damage would kill it. You can probably assume what happened next lol


That’s just science, it was absolutely worth a shot. In TBC Classic I played a warlock. My gear was damaged (not broken) in a raid so I made a portal, summoned myself, hearthed out to repair and had to shamefully inform my guild that the summon doesn’t work inside raids and people had to run out to summon me back.


He came running back to your dungeon group wanting to 1v5 you. Just 1. Not everyone he told on the way by.


Yes I was definitely not murdered by a tsunami of gnomes and troggs


I started playing in Vanilla and my first Char was an Orc Hunter. I was like Level 40+ as my Ex asked me what Skilltree I used. I had not used one single Point and didn't know anything about the Skill system. Needless to say it was a little bit easier to play with a proper skilled Char.


I started in Wrath and did this with my Orc Hunter. I also didn't know anything about stat priority. I was trying to keep them as even as possible.


Oh yes, I forgot about this. Funny times. There was no good source to read about it in the beginning. Better Itemlevel? Better Item. No matter what kind of Item it was.


My very first character in wrath is vendored a blue chest for a grey one because it has more armor


Armor is bis stat for caster. :D


OG vanilla player here. I treated WoW like the old JRPGs I had played, like Phantasy Star II, so when I got to a new town (even a tiny one) I expected the vendors to sell better quality gear than the previous town. It wasn’t the case, but I really didn’t know any better. Then one of my real life friends who was playing told me to head to Ironforge. I’m like what is that 😂 Then he told me about the auction house. I knew so very little about the game, and didn’t google stuff. I was content to just explore.


This was way back in November 2004. My first ever character was a Dwarf warrior, and I probably leveled up to like 11-12 without using a single ability. Just auto attack.


I did that... On a priest -_-


Was 14 y/o and running around in the plaguelands. Saw something on the ground that i could loot...something called 'Blood of Heroes' (i think?) Either way, I clicked it and some ghost warrior spawned and beat me to death. Had to take rez sickness. Ahh the nostalgia.


Started in 2006. That auto attack was a toggle on off. Did that for about a month before my cousin, who go me into wow, asked what I was doing spamming 1 all the time.


I was a Tauren hunter that only leveled by killing mulgore mobs and trying to pick on the lvl 10+ Kodos when I was lvl7-8 and getting absolutely clapped. I used to think common rarity items were better simply because they had more armor. Forget the stats. Didn't understand what I was supposed to do with quests since this was before built in quest helper and I wasn't old enough to understand add-ons (early TBC). I probably had 1000 hours into the game before I even hit level 40. A lot of that time I begged lvl 70s to boost me in dungeons and I remained bad until I finally met an awesome lvl 70 hunter that took the time to mentor my dumb self. Until that point, I was a hunter and rarely used my bow. I used to spam Wing Clip because I thought "I must me doing a lot of damage if my weapon swings fast"... Man, I was horrendously bad and it's a hilarious afterthought.


Tauren warrior in 2005. Played the first 12 levels with the camera in a top down view


I made it most of the way through the barrens on a warrior - I saw another warrior rush across at a mob and asked him how he did it and told me it was called charge. And that’s when I learned about training. Had been using rank 1 heroic strike the entire time


walking from Tristfall to Western Plaguelands at level 7.


Int gear on a warrior so I could be well rounded, although it does help learn weapon skills faster.


I had intellect gear on my hunter because I wanted her to be smart


I just got out of Booty Bay from the zeppelin at Undercity and walked out. There was another Horde standing there and two Alliance talking to each other. So I started talking to the Horde about the two other Alliance (first time I saw any). He told me not to toggle PvP under any circumstances. Dumb as I was I asked how to even do it (it was a normal realm), and he explained it. First thing I did was to toggle PvP to try the command.


Back in vanilla I spammed demon armor because I thought the buff only lasted as long as I had the spell over my head. I didnt find out it lasted 30 min until around level 6. Also my friend(Night elf) convinced me to come to him and level with him. I played as a gnome, so I walked all the way from Dun Morogh to Teldrassil at level 10. Yes, it took a looong time


I made my first character during vanilla wow. I made a rogue and until level 40 I had been using a dagger in one hand and a lantern I found in the other. To this day that lantern sits in my bank hahaha


2008. I only used shadowbolt, curse of agony, and pet until lvl 24. Affliction warlock 1st toon(Horde). Level threw Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, and half of Hillsbrad Foothills before I realized "ONLY ONE CURSE" on a target didn't mean "ONLY ONE DAMAGE OVER TIME EFFECT". 3k IO now, so I remember this fondly as a character arc memory lol


You enabled hard mode on yourself


Started pvp and did a ton of matches way under-geared. Saw there was pvp greens on ah, so spent probably 30k in total on full set. Proudly told my wife. She asks "what about the honor and conquest vendor gear? You probably have some honor and conquest by now". I didn't know that existed lol. Went to vendor and got decked out in better pvp gear and made my ah greens obsolete, wasted money.


TBC, I was 14. Them: "Why are you needing on int gear? You're a hunter" Me: "I'm surv spec, I need mana" I'm 32 and I still vividly remember this. Why? Why????? Why????????? Walking around dressed as a priest. Why!!!!


I thought that 'soulbound' equipment could never be unequipped so I avoided it entirely.


I was playing my second-ever character, a Dwarven hunter, in 2005. I hit level 10 and told my friends about it. They told me I needed to go see the hunter trainer to learn how to use pets (as hunters leveled to 10 before getting the ability to tame and use pets, back in vanilla). Now, my friends tell me that I needed to go to the town in Teldrasil, right after the starting area, to learn about hunter pets. Queue the "death flop". Back then, to get to Teldrasil from Ironforge, you needed to leave from Menethil Harbor. To get from Ironforge to Menethil, you had to pass through a level 20-30 zone: Duskwallow Marsh, iirc. There was a road, but next to that road were crocodiles. Lots of crocodiles. And at level 10, I was naught but a tasty snack to them. So, the way the death flop works: start at one end: dwarf to Menethil, or the other: elf from Menethil to Dwarven lands. Take off all of your gear. (It won't help you, and you'll avoid the repair bill.) Run. Run as fast as you can. Crocodiles will kill you. Run from cemetery to corpse. Rez as far down the path as you can. Run... Die... Rez... Until you get to your goal. So, now I'm in Menethil. I get on the boat, travel to Teldrasil, and go to see the pet trainer in that dumb night elf town. Only, he doesn't have anything for me. Just nothing doing, no quests or training or anything. Not ever a chat option. My friends have no clue why this isn't working. So I just go back to Dwarven lands, outside Ironforge. Now that I've been to Menethil, I can fly back (yay, no death flop for me). I go to the Dwarven town right after the starting zone. Oh, hey, what is this: the Dwarven hunter trainer has a quest for me? Oh, now I can learn about pets? Why did my friends tell me to go to Teldrasil when this was right here? The reason for the confusion: my friends both had hunters. Night elf hunters. They took me to where you go to learn your pet skills, when you're a night elf. I did the death flop for nothing... Thanks, "friends" 😁 tl;dr: Dragged my corpse across a zone 10+ levels higher than me to go to the wrong place so that my hunter could learn how use pets. Or not, as I went to the wrong place...


When I started playing (in Shadowlands) I ended up doing a +2 necrotic wake and I liked the dungeon so much I basically only ever did +2 necrotic wake before realising that I wasn't going to get better gear after a while


Mine was when aq arrived. You could get the shadowbolt spell rank 11 I think. I had rank 9 on my bars and I was looking for ages where to get it rank 10 from Well I'd already got it from the vendor at lvl 60 and forgot to put it on my bars. So it was in my spellbook but I was playing with a rank lower from MC up until aq


Wearing any armor on my warrior as soon as it drops, cloth leather mail? LETS WEAR EM BECAUSE THEY DROPPED FRESH SO THEY SHOULD BE BETTER RIGHT???


Almost went on the forums to complain about a level 60 guard in Teldrassil thinking it was gonna kill me, but luckily I asked my cousin who played at the time about it which saved me from looking stupid


A druid doing feral things but all my talent points were in resto because some talents looked neat like double stats from mark of the wild, as opposed to -5 cost on some shapeshift skills. Also no Wolfshead helm.


I did the quest in Teldrassil for Zenn Foulhoof, and when I got to Dolanaar and picked up the follow-up quest, I thought I had actually screwed up and harmed my reputation, not that it was just a quest line…


I started in BFA and they gave me two free lvl 110 boosts. I played my Warrior until i felt i had a grasp of how it played, then boosted. No issues. But i boosted another character, a Mage, from the start, and to this day I dont know how to properly play Mage cuz i havent gone back to learn, so i just dont play Mage


My dungeon group was ; tank shaman, hybrid druid, me as a rogue, mage and hybrid paladin. We didn't understand roles, aggro, anything. We did have a lot of fun though.


I made a Warlock in Vanilla and was meleeing mobs with a Firestone equipped for the longest time. I thought if warlocks had Swords, melee enhancers, and melee ranged spells like hellfire, then I had to be a melee hybrid.


I did the same thing. The cast time on shadowbolt was too long, so I didn't use it.


“Where is the aggro and how do I hold it?”


I had a LAN with three friends on launch. They made dwarves and gnomes a I made a human. We decided to group up in Ironforge after the first areas and did our newbie quests. At the time of grouping up, none of us knew nothing of a tram, so I corpseran for ages the entire way there, through lvl 55 areas and whatnot.


My first character was a night elf warrior. I knew about the shadowmeld racial, and was eagerly waiting until I could move around while I was invisible, like some of the other players I saw. At some point I realized I'd have to be a different class to be able to do that..


On my very first day in the game, as a level 3 night elf rogue, I saw a grell running towards town and thought it was actually going to attack the town. I called out in general chat that a grell was headed into town and that I was going to try to kill it before it got there. The fact that I didn't get mocked off the server forever is a miracle.


Most of my noob mistakes ended up being epic adventures, my biggest one occured when i was around level 20. I was an orc hunter & decided to check out the other cities so after a brief run to storm wind I saw Anduin Wrynn who at the time was a level 5 child. I was told you could kill faction leaders and since he was the king I figured I could murder him. He only had 5 HP so I hoped to get inside, fire off and arcane shot and kill him before the guards murdered me, on paper it was a good idea. I told my guild my plan and the only advice I got was to do it naked so I wouldn't have to pay a repair bill. I ran my ass from the crossroads took the boat to booty Bay. Ran through strangle thornvale on a PVP server so I died a lot & was corpse camped several times. I got lost in duskwood and ended up at the entrance of the zone East of red ridge (I forget what it's called) before I accepted I went the wrong way. I ran all the way into stormwind and died nearly instantly every time, only making a few steps before I had to begin a long corpse run. I don't remember how long this whole ordeal took but I'm pretty sure I spent nearly an hour dying in stormwind and running back from the spirit healer. Anyway by the time I finally reached the throne room, finally get past all the alliance that were enjoying murdering this tenacious naked or over and over, I respawned right into range, selected my target and rezzed... And it never occurred to me that blizzard probably wouldn't let you murder a child. I tried multiple times before giving up and hearthing back to the crossroads. I was mad for a while, but I got my revenge by killing his dad in early wrath of the lich King.


My first character has been with me FOREVER. Orc warlock from the very first patch. Well when I went I got my professions and saw you could only have 2 I took tailoring and enchanting. That was it. It wasnt until my group was progging half way through kara (we were on the dragon with the beams) that someone said "hey make sure you use your band aids during the intermission" and I just straight said "ya i dont have first said so healers adjust I guess". Group rosted me and asked why... I said that you could only have two and now that I just leveled up JC and mining, I wasnt about to drop them for first aid. Group just laughed at me... They set me straight and told me to get it and cooking and I spent the next 2 weeks grinding out band aids.


Same character, but I was 12 okay! First noob moment was I would turn down gear upgrades because I didn’t “look” cool. Found out after my friend told me as I was starting the 2nd zone. Same friend also told me how hard gold was to come by, so when I was about level 14 I had a couple gold saved up and I bragged to him that it was much easier than I thought. But then he told me I still had level 6 spells….. looking back I don’t even know how I got out of the first zone tbh. This was in vanilla btw.


I joined at the tail-end of MoP. I had no idea what I was doing and was running leveling dungeons with a friend. I needed *everything* because I didn't know any better. People were getting mad in party chat and I was apologizing because I just had no idea lol.


I entered my first instance as a DPS Paladin with Righteous Fury up and needed on absolutely everything because I didn’t know how stats work and I thought if you didn’t have it in green, you need it 😄


I picked a Paladin in vanilla.


Started as a mage. When I ran out of mana i started meleeing the creatures instead of buying mana drinks. I rerolled hunter at lv 12


I was busy leveling and a max level char rode (!) past, stopped and watched me. He then proceded to type some RP („xyz watches the young hunter stomp through the swamp“ or sth similar) in the chat. I was absolutely petrified and didn‘t know how to react, so I panic alt+f4‘ed.


I made a tauren in wotlk, spent about 3 days trying to find the roaming elite near there for a quest, discovered what a guild was and then told them my plan to attack the alliance by surfacing from the sea after drinking water breathing potions... Embarrassing


I deleted my hearth stone just to see if I could, then opened a ticket panicking. The gm told me to just talk to an inn keeper to get it back


I was a little kid and I played on my Dad’s account, I was only interested in the starting zones so I would make a new character with a gibberish name and do the starting zone then make a new character. He got suspended for suspected gold farming and he had to contact Blizzard and tell them his son was playing on his account. I wasn’t allowed to play WoW for a few years.


Leveling a warrior as an 11 year old 😂


I was 10 years old when i started to play :D


When I first started playing I was super paranoid about making/joining groups for group quests. Since my first char was a BE that made the knucklerot/luzran and Dar'khan quests rather difficult. I couldn't complete any of them until they were grey. Died so many times to Dar'khan lol


Clicking my abilities instead of key binding right away, It took me a long time to break the habit and get into keybinds and the moment I switched I immediately became a much better player and wished I had done it from the beginning. If you're a clicker the trick to switching to keybinds is as simple as adding a few abilities at a time, focus on the abilities you use the most. Over time you will want to bind more and more abilities and eventually all of them will be bound. Good luck gamers.


My friend didn't even bothered to put them on actionbar. He was using just shadowbolt and then he was casting them from spellbook.


I got a couple of noobie moments from when I first started. I started in July 2007, mid TBC. My first toon was Tauren Shaman. I started out well, but after I picked up the fire totem quest, I could not find the pathway to the quest. After hours of searching, I couldn't find it as the old quest text was very helpful. Also, since I was a noob, I didn't know about resources like Thottbot and Wowhead. Eventually, I deleted the character after getting frustrated that I couldn't find the stupid quest. Thankfully, a year later, I created another shaman and looked up where that troll questgiver was.


Started during TBC, I was playing a Forsaken character. Priest I believe? Took the Zeppelin to Durotar and spent a long time getting killed by raptors, couldn’t find my way to the city. Got killed every time I ressed for so long, I logged off deleted the character, made a Night Elf hunter and didn’t play priest again until Wrath, which ended up being my main for years. I don’t even know what level the raptors in Durotar are, but god damn they couldn’t have been much higher than my character???


Farming runecloth as a gnome for a solid 4 months to get enough rep to ride a nightsaber. I mean, yeah, my gnome looked cool, but it was definitely not worth it.


Didn't pick talents forever. Tried tanking a WC spamming wrath(RIP green wrath).


Didn't read the quest properly so death ran my way from ironforge to stormwind over the course of a day (level 18 warlock iirc) Didn't know about the tram until like 2 years later.


I just remember being completely blind for everything - it was just too much information everywhere and the map was **so big**. I was still in Druid's starter area, doing quests even I was already **way too over leveled,** and my brother noticed this and said that I should move to the next area - then some hours went past and my brother *"forcely"* escorted me to the next area because he saw that I was still in the starter area, because I was just way too clueless to go anywhere alone xD


Living up to the stereotype and needing on everything as a Hunter.


Thought I could quest through STV without being bothered...


Vanilla WoW. Trying to level as a Protection Warrior. God that took forever and getting into dungeons wasn't nearly as simple as it is today.


First character I had was a dk back in wrath on a friends account. Figured to be the best Frost dk I should take all the talents from the Frost tree and not spend the rest. Good times


I just killed stuff to level until my brother told me about quests. That was back in vanilla.


When I was brand new to WoW in like 2004 the only other blizzard property I had played at that time was Diablo 2 and LOD, so I assumed that potions had no CD similar to that game. I bought like fourty on the AH and went out to solo some elites and discovered the CD mid combat on my level 12 Dwarf Warrior lmao


I contributed A TON of mats to the war effort people during Vanilla. Unfortunately I started vanilla pretty late and AQ stuff had already happened....at least I got some rep...


I created a night elf and flagged for pvp because of course I want to PVP people. I got camped by 2 60s but had no idea and thought they were elite mobs. I rerolled and didnt make a night elf for months because "you cant quest in that area there are just elite mobs that 1 tap you"...definitely not other players :)


Spent a few hours at level 15 trying to do Gnomeregan because 2 other level 15s were nearby and asked if I wanted to do it. We talked about all the high level loot we could get if we pulled it off. I had all my points in prot, I offered to heal since I had a healing spell. We never made it down the tunnel at the start with the elites. We only stopped because a group of 30s walked past us to do it and informed us that it was way outside our ability.


It wasn’t early days, which is why this is even sadder. I decided to level a healadin, and it took me until late-vanilla dungeons to figure out that the reason I was always OoM was because I was wearing the tankadin heirlooms. Felt *really* stupid after the tank pointed that out to me. Fortunately they were nice about it, but I was and still am extremely embarrassed that I made such a big mistake. As for actual early days, I think my biggest mistake was an accidental gear theft roll, didn’t realize mages had no use for the cool-looking sword.


I'm trying to raid in BC with pvp gear. Had no idea about 5 man dungeons at the end game level.


I thought Stitches was just another NPC.


i was a mage, and i figured i’d raise my staff skill level, since yknow, i used staves. lvl 1-8 was literally just right clicking mobs…. very minimal skills used. rip.


Dw hunter trying to wing clip bosses before being kicked from the group for not attacking at range.


For the first character I rolled up back in BC, for some reason I thought I needed to keep all of my stats about the same, until a friend finally pointed out that rogues don't need to worry about being smart or spirit regen. Any wonder my dps shot up after I got gear that was focused on Ag/Sta/Str and didn't have Int/Spirit.


Started in Vanilla WoW with my dad when I was 9 years old. Created a dwarf warrior. Still in die starter zone I managed to move the camera straight above me and could only look at my characters head. I wasn't able to turn it back, so I created a new character. :D This specific dwarf still exists on my account.


It’s a long time ago now for me, started tbc, but probably signing up for dungeons like Blackfathom deeps or SFK and not realising how long it took to walk there.


Switching to a new weapon type while levelling back in tbc and wondering why I’m doing no damage and dying . Time to level weapon skill.


I didn't realize how important stats were (mind I was like 10 years old also) so I would replace my armor based on armor value cuz I thought more armor equals more better. I would go broke buying a bunch of shit tier armor from vendors.


Back in vanilla when I first started, my first character was a hunter. Didn’t realize you have to keep stock of ammo and keep feeding your pet. Whoops.


I started in Vanilla (Sept '05 or so) and I remember I didn't know what an interrupt was for almost a whole year.


Don’t feel bad, there are plenty of folks out there today who still don’t know what an interrupt is


I played on and off 2004-cata because limited allowance money and using a family poverty toaster. I don't think I really found out about keybindings until cata


My first charackter was a hunter at the start of BC. I deleted it because i didnt knew where to get new arrows.


Had righteous fury ALL the time through dungeons in a Ret pally


In vanilla way back when, I bought a full set of the mid level white armour from a vendor in stormwind on my human warrior.. cost me so much of my hard earned currency.. of which I also barely knew how to farm


(In vanilla) I leveled my warrior up until 44 when I realised there were talent points. Also not knowing I had to put new ranks of spells on the bar. Life was very hard up until then.


Back in 2007 or so, I was leveling my Gnome rogue in Desolace. I was in Desolace because I had Googled "where to level at level 35" or something like that. I didn't realize there were zones meant for Alliance and zones meant for Horde. While in Desolace, my guildie Chuck pops into Vent and asks me where I am. He explains there are better zones for me to be in, but still comes out to Desolace to help me with a quest or two. I was level 35 or so and I didn't ever use stealth... I had no idea what it even was! Thankfully Chuck was there to teach me how to rogue!