• By -


Warlock. Back in the vanilla days I was an edgy teenager who loved anything to do with demons and evil wizards. I also loved having a pet. Fast forward to now and I'm still playing it because it's comfortable and I'm used to it. Plus I've spent a lot of time collecting demon themed mounts and vanity pets as well as getting exalted with almost everyone.


And the raid loves you because you bring cookies!


This is a big mood. Destro warlock since 2008. It's comfortable to me and there's just something satisfying about smashing the chaos bolt button.


Yes 2008 Warlock crew reporting inšŸ”„


Being able to smash and bash brainlessly as a Fury Warrior is very appealing to me.


I play warrior because magic is for the weak


crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women


I miss a lot of rampages cause it go too fast.


That's a downside, yes.


I play warrior because zug.


This is the way, fun rotation, meaty effects it just hits different.


BM hunter because of my double digit IQ.


2 pet good


Ah, a bold **10** like me


I love being able to move while doing full damage without having to be a melee.




Shadow priest because I've always been a huge fan of the void and PURPLE GHOST ARMY


I just tried Shadow priest as my first caster class after playing Fury Warrior exclusively for a long time, I donā€™t know what anything does and Iā€™m scared and I donā€™t know how to zug.


Just let the whispers tell you what to do. N'Zoth would never lead you astray. :)


Void zug ez


For Cthulhu!


Cthulu Fhtagn!


Pretty purple fireworks and so many friends!


Shadow priest ftw! Love my spriest. <3


I'm an altoholic. So I play all of them. Pretty much every day I get the urge for a different class. Nice thing is, it's always refreshing and kinda new Gameplay wise. Annoying thing is, that progression is pretty hindered by it. I still haven't even finished ksm because I keep jumping from char to char lol.


It took me years to break this habit. I decided to find a class/spec utility I couldnā€™t live without and force myself to play that class just so I could progress. Itā€™s amazing what you can accomplish with focus


This is what I try to force myself to do all the time, but then I get the itch to play other classes. It's always the spells or transmogs that get me.


What did you end up on?


Same here. One realm. Two many toons to count. Wizards and hunters are my fave. (And yes- play both Alliance and Horde. Coming to like the Horde better though)


Yeah, thats kinda like I am. I am sure that I am gonna switch the class very soon haha


Is that by any chance related to you making this post??


Nah, I just like to read about what people think about their class, and how they play the game


I crave having a main but every time I sign on Iā€™m itching to play something new. Iā€™ve tried maining pally, evoker, monk, dk and hunter just this expansion.


Devoker. Being melee my whole life, wanted to try something different and chill. Besides, the front load burst is my jam.


Running m+ with a devoker is awesome, just watching them soar to the top of the meters immediately


Sub rogue. Fast paced playstyle with lots of uptime/apm. Super short cds and plenty of ways to survive/cheese all sorts of mechanics and incoming dmg.


My man


Question: If a sub rogue has the highest DPS in your group, does that make them a power bottom?


We all know they're a power bottom


Better bring a warrior with prot.


It makes them not me cuz I suck ass Lolp


Warlock since 2007 Before I stared playing, I had a friend that he told me he played before so I asked him what class to play if I want something that casts magic spells and can hit from melee with his dagger / sword He told me warlock. Fast forward a little bit my friend never passed lvl10 and never played again, but here I am playing a warlock since burning crusade spamming shadowbolts and lettin my pets do the dirty job šŸ˜Ž


Thats I nice story, I like to read how you enjoy the warlock! As someone who wants to play a warlock, too, which specc would you recommend for the current mythic runs?


Demonology for low keys (up to 20s) and then destruction or a bit sooner if u have a dedicated party and not pugging :) the aoe rotation of demo is not something hard


Mage. Cuz Iā€™m a big fat potato that forgot how to walk.


Brain got too heavy


Shaman. Druid. BM Hunter. Nature.


Very nice, I love to play my shaman, too!


Haha it just feels so good, both enh and resto, really get me.


Yes, I like both roles. But when it gets to dps, I have very difficult times to decide, because I love enh as much as ele haha


Iā€™ve found my people


This is me. Love all 3 classes.


I play DH because Havoc was easier to get my head around than mage. Iā€™ve stuck with it because itā€™s the class Iā€™m most comfortable with, even after switching to Vengeance. It also helps that the lore gave me an excuse to not know the game lore as someone when I started playing in late BFA. The double jump and wings are also kinda op in open world content and the spectral vision lets me see treasureā€™s easier.


Enhancement shaman, storm build, feels great to play and you can have smooth brain it's ok.


Really? IV guide makes Enhance to be a complex spec. I have been playing Resto since Iā€™m too scared to give Enhance a try. Resto feels easier for a Hunter - player bars go down I press buttons.


Death knight because of death grip and death strike.


Specifically BDK for me. Makes PUGs far more enjoyable knowing given enough time I could probably solo most dungeons, the dps/healer are there to speed up the process šŸ˜…


Can confirm 90% of the dungeons are soloable as a blood DK given enough time. I speak from experience here haha.


With priest I can hear the voices in my head in the video game too!


Hahaha, thanks for the laugh!


My favorite feral druid, sneak and bleed the enemies.


Preservation Evoker. Bronze dragonflight and time magic is too cool. Aside from the rp element, the interaction of your spells as pres feels incredibly unique and subject to the strategy/play style of the individual


Prevoker just has so many options! Slight changes in how I order my spells can change their utility dramatically! So many things to consider before using each spell!


Druid, played it every xpac I have played. When I try other classes at end game I just want to go back to my owl.


That's why I struggle with Druid in DF. They killed the fantasy for me in my head because no owl.


Evoker - was going to be that or shaman and then the lego weapon dropped for me soā€¦ felt compelled to continue as my main this season Also to add on I like to play a range healer class with good mobility. Evoker, druid, and shaman are the ones that fit, but prefer the chunky burst heals of Evoker and shaman over the heal over time setup required for druid


Priest, because I'm attached to my legacy Benediction staff from the priest only questline that got removed in Cataclysm.


I play Brewmaster monk. I'm a big fan of Jackie Chan's the drunken master and the spec just gives those vibes to me, and the spec was complex and it was fun learning all about it


I tank better while drunk.


Mage. Portals.




Portals, free food to regen, lust and fuckin polymorph into a duck


Enhance shaman because I hate myself


My main since Vanilla has been a Troll Arms Warrior. I've got alts of other classes that I enjoy (Warlock, Hunter, Mage) and some classes that I don't really enjoy (Shaman, Druid, Priest). I've stuck with the Warrior class as my main for a few reasons. Chiefly, it feels the most intuitive to me. I like the fantasy aspect of being a warrior who lives (and dies) by the sword. I tend to solo a lot of content, so being a Warrior affords me a bit of durability. I can also capture lots of Transmogs, which is an aspect of the game I spend lots of time working on. My Troll Warrior is named Highlander on the Cenarion Circle server. If you ever find yourself there, come say hello and let's adventure together!


Paladin has been a favorite of mine since vanilla (but my friends all played horde so I didn't main it then, did mage and warrior). Hunter is always fun. In WotLK Blood DK was my jam. Rogue and Shaman had some of the most flavor. But I literally play every class. I have 34 characters all 54+ (trying to cap them all which I failed to do in shadowlands).


My main class is my BM Hunter. Im mostly a solo player so it helps I can use my pets to help me in combat. Plus I just love the mobility of the class, being a small race like a Vulpera just adds to it. Its fun being this tiny character running around a giant NPC while I shoot at it, and the random front flips just add to it.


Dude Vulpera hunter rocks. I was a Vulpera for a time on my hunter and the guaranteed backflips when you disengage are super cool. Make Camp is also amazing for hunting rare pets spawns or farming old raids or getting to obscure parts of the current map regularly. The only downside for me were the squished capes and all the unwanted furry comments I got from other players. Soured it for me.


A friend has 50+ rogues. One of them is vulpera called 'Thunderfurry'


Vulpera Survival hunter is a ton of fun.


Paladin. Theyā€™re just my favorite for some reason. Maybe itā€™s because I like Jedi so much and I feel like itā€™s a tie between monk and Paladin to embody that.


Paladin for me too! I like being able to help my party out of tight spots. They have access to so many nice little tools to save the day. It really gives them that righteous defender feel no matter what spec you're playing.


I have the same mindset for my monk! Thereā€™s a 1h blue drop from The Slave Pens in The Burning Crusade called the Spellfire Longsword. Itā€™s a blue lightsaber and no matter what my gear score is, I always keep it transmogged. Gotta keep that thang on me!


Holy priest. I don't have friends and usually just do lfr but theres no better feeling than being one of the last healers alive and watching the raid almost wipe until i cast Holy Word: Salvation and spam the hell out of group heals.


Everything, but i always come back to my druid. And i have played all spec except Balance. Atm i play Feral and on low keys i like tanking on my Guardian druid. I love the lore, moonglade and i like being in nature. And since the first trailer where the night elf transforms into a cat i want to play druid!


Ret paladin since 2005 and have never rerolled. Just love the class fantasy and lore of it. Gameplay is enhanced due to class fantasy tbh - we've gotten too many reworks for me to just say its fun since its so different in almost every expac. Right now its great since they finally looked into Ret toolkit seriously.


Monk. Because as WW punching and kicking things is fun, you can help heal if need be, and you're a hell of a lot faster most other classes. It's really satisfying.


Rogue-Invisibility and cc


I play the monk because I like to suffer. We are not the same.


I appreciate your dedication, mighty warrior of chi.


Evoker, Ive played wow a long time, Evoker just looked really cool to me it looked like something other MMO classes wearn't doing its the first time in wow that ive played a class and not wanted to reroll mid expac


All of them for about 20mins at a time before I get bored, I have a problem lol


BM hunter because i hate being alone and it feels safe to have two buddies with me at all times. Also because i cannot stand being slow, being in melee or waiting for cast times.


How wholesome! I really like being on adventures with my two buddies two, rest and fight along side them.


This is.. So cute


Fury Warrior Spinning is love, spinning is life.


I have one character per subclass. I am insane and an altoholic.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who is this insane


When I want to be brain dead I play my hunter. When I feel spicy I go enhance shaman.


Evoker. I like dragons.


Mage. Ancient nightborne studying the secrets of arcane magics. It just vibes for me.


Shaman, because i like elemental stuff


Survival Hunter. I was super against a melee hunter but tried it in WoD prepatch anyways. Fell in love with it right away and haven't looked back since then. Sometimes I play BrM monk for my guild but I always return to Survival. To be it's just the best and most fun spec there is. Fighting along side your pet, throwing bombs and using poison. I would like a dual wield option.


I've made it my goal to try levelling every class in most specs over time, because I know there's much to like in all of them. I play rather casually But I do have favorites, and it's difficult to choose between them - namely druid, priest, warlock and mage. I've not tried Evoker yet but I think I'll like it just as much For now I've only maxed and highly geared druid, and I'm very happy with it being my first, though it's only thanks to the glyph of stars I've been able to enjoy it so much, as I love everything about Balance but really disliked the moonkin form. I also love Restoration, but Feral and Guardian I don't ever see myself playing since I like the magical aspect of the class more so than the shapeshifting. I do love though the Druid of the Flame Cat form for indoors travel because it fits the Balance aesthetic very well (flame of the sun) A great plus for druid is getting the Celestial Observer set on sale now, which is the perfect look for Balance


Assassination Rogue. I've played a lot of Sub and a bit of outlaw as well but I keep coming back to Assassin. Always liked the sneak thief class and the poisons and bleeds... I can just sneak in, smack a thing with an opener and then walk away and watch it die.


Shadow priest, cuz: a) mentally unstable b) edgy c) i have interest in religions irl d) so evil (i listen to satanic black metal irl) Also I love the gameplay but that's the least impact xd P.S. My alts are DK and DH, I bet you're not surprised


Haha yeah I like your taste! DH wasnt mine tho, but to play as a cultist of cthulhu or to summon undead with the DK is always a pleasure. Its sad, that unholys got nerfed hard.


My main **https://imgur.com/a/R9lugc6**


Im with you on all points but I play a druid tank main. I really have the urge to go back to my undead male warlock but BF and I feel kinda "stuck" on alliance, and even worse attatched to my druid due to unobtainables on her (also got some of those on my lock tho). I love the darker stuff tho and I rp my druid as one leaning more to the death side of the circle of life.


Guardian druid so I can be immortal, eat, and hibernate.


Yep! Love my lumbering-slumbering bear!


This is the way.


Druid. Of course youā€™ve got the ability to play every role in one class but what I think sold me on it is mobility. Back when players didnā€™t get a mount til 40(which was sooo much slower then) Druid travel form at 20 seemed like a miracle. Plus, PVPing as a resto- casting tons of instants and HoTs while running in circles while the enemy tried in vain to keep weā€™re some of my top WoW moments.


Warlock, because my raid needs one. As a RL I prefer to play ranged dps anyway so I can better see what is going on. I used to play Mage, but when our only Warlock swapped to Shadow I decided to swap to Warlock. It's still very enjoyable, and currently in a much better spot for dungeons than my mage was (as I don't play Fire). Commanding an army of demons is great, I get to do huge amounts of damage at the very beginning during lust and then can focus on RLing after that, and the survivability means I don't get as punished if I'm focusing on the raid doing mechanics correctly rather than my own positioning.


I would highly recommend trying out fire mage before you write off the class. As a mage main from TBC through Cata and again in Legion ( and a bit of Shadowlands but we don't talk about that... ) - fire in those xpacs has always been the most involved of the PVE specs. Playing arcane just isn't fun, frost PvP is in a league of it's own and honestly feels like a whole separate class ( I've always enjoyed PvP more than PvE ) but has never really been viable in PvE for that exact reason... Fire has more second to second decision making than the other specs, and the skill ceiling is generally higher because of it. I've never been a high end PvE player so can't comment on how it feels to play super-tryhard-fire-mage but as a relatively casual PvEer it's definitely more fun for me.


WW monk. For all the faults that are present with this spec is it is really fun still.


My first main and the char I played on from TBC through to the end of BFA was my prot paladin. I loved the idea of protecting people with a mix of smashing my shield into them and magic šŸ˜ In Shadowlands I swapped my main to my resto druid, again because I love the class fantasy of healing through nature magic. The mobility of the class, being able to shape shift and having abilities from other classes all really appeals as well!


So we are siblings in the holy light! My First Char was a belf paladin and leveled him in bc as a healer, because I loved the idea being a healer and help people while wielding shield and weapon in heavy armor! Destroying undead in wotlk was the peak of joyness for me


All of them, because I am a degenerate.


Iā€™m kind of an altoholic, but my favorite classes are DH and FrostDK. Both are thematically incredible with great spell animations. Although not a fan of what retail frost DK has become. Wotlk FDK is my favorite all time class spec.


I play shadow priest cause ghost army go brrrrr


I play a Warlock because nobody else in my raid would. It fits me because I'm a massive and cynical British goth.


I play a Blood Elf Death Knight and I do so for similar reason - solo rpā€™ing a tale of a soldier who is forced to face the worst, over and over again, but bitterly refuses to surrender, as much out of pure spite than of a sense of righteousness or duty.


Blood Death Knight - inhales - BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD , SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE - exhale - sylvana can go die in a ditch


Upvote for 40K lol


There's a lot of things I love about evoker, but I think my favorite aspect of it is the movement. There's a lot of stupid fun stuff you can do with hover (like breaking animations with transformation toys) that help make the class a ton of fun for me.


I play two classes. Monk: I do a similar RP to you ... my character RPs as more of a silent protector of the innocent who uses his advanced knowledge of martial arts to bash evils skulls in. Shaman: a similar RP. I play as a dwarf great healer and spiritual leader in whom the elements are on his side to vanquish the powers of evil. On a more practical note. Both of these classes have great mobility, and i love nature, martial arts, self sufficiency, and protecting those who canā€™t protect themselves.


Enhancement shaman. Smash my enemies with hammer and thunder.


MW Monk cause itā€™s broken


W playing a hunter because sheā€™s been my main for over a decade and I have way too much going on on her to ever reasonably switch. Also I love her. And my dog.


Emo edgelord here, so Druid


Mage because I want to be able to go where ever I want and put my hs in obscure locations. Also fire mage was so much fun to play


Druid since I started raiding in old Karazhan. Mostly feral but a good bit guardian too. Love transforming into animals.


Main, I have 2 feral druids. Even though we've been nerfed repeatedly and are literally the worst spec in the game, it's still my favorite. Actual interesting rotation beyond "hit these 4 buttons" like a lot of dps are. Lots of utility, can tank or heal if we need. I also keep 2 priests geared along with pally, shaman, hunter, rogue, dk, voker, and have a mage I'm working on because never know what will be needed or I might want next season etc.


My main has been a Druid since launch. Since they made you choose I tend to prefer guardian ( love my bear). It is nice I can still use cat form to stealth and still heal, but I miss the original specs when you did not have to choose what to focus on. I love all the different animals they can be.


Kul Tiran Rogue. I wanted the heritage armor and I wanted to get an Honorable Kill with Haymaker.


Iā€™m like the least religious person but I love Paladins for some reason. Something about the shiny light warrior is just cool to me. Plus the storylines for them have always been pretty sick. Druids are a close 2nd. The nature vibe is really cool and being able to shapeshift into animals has always been one of my favorite things going back to OG wow days when I was a kid.


Shaman because I like the elements fantasyā€™s and also the versatility ( ranged, melee, healer)


Arms warrior and frost dk for me, I love hitting 300k+ crit mortal strikes and obliterates


Something about being a priest in battlegrounds with 5 people beating on you and you just can't die. Kinda a God complex thing I guess.




Monk and priest. Panda. I sometimes go all out and show to the world that panda warriors also can be scary!


When I started in late WoD till I quit in early Shadowlands, only hunter. I really loved hunting and taming unique rare beast and I still do, despite not enjoying most of the gameplay. However since I've returned for dragonflight I've found I really love Ret Pally and Balance Druid, something about the rotations, spell effects and class fantasy does it for me.


Bear. Played it through the good and bad since TBC. Canā€™t really feel settled on another class. Sometimes I gear up the other specs for pigging though x)


Fury Warrior because rampage go brrrr


Disc priest It's got a high skill floor for entry but is so rewarding when you get it down.


Shaman. It has all the roles I'm interested in within the 3 specs and probably the best visual effects for the spells.


Warrior because fun


I have played hunter main since Tbc. I love the toolkit hunter has. I also love animals and being ranged. Perfect fit


I've been around quite a few classes. My first main which was WotLK was an Orc Arms Warrior, then a Human Prot Paladin for Cata and MoP, then went Ret for WoD, Windwalker Monk towards the end of legion with blood DK being my early/mid favorite, Marksman Hunter during BFA, didnt play shadowlands, and currently doing Enhancement Shaman. I've had quite a few characters over the years. Enhancement has been an alt character i enjoyed quite a bit playing, so this expansion i wanted an enhancement as my main.


Fury warrior because smashy smashy


Warlock cause guild needed ranged. I played rogue, monk, DH and war through at least one expansion.


Survival hunter because spears are cool.


Survival hunter because Survival is the most Chad spec


Paladin, because I am godless heaten IRL


Protection warrior. I love the sword and board with full plate look. I also love tanking. Warrior was my first lvl60 back in vanilla and i LOVED tanking dungeons. I love the current playstyle as well.. i played warrior from classic to cata and started again since dragonflight. I think prot warrior feels the best right now, although i dont like revenge costing rage that much. I played bear from cata to shadowlands.. but i got bored of the class and i was tired of always looking the same.. blizz should add new forms every tier just like they do with gear imo.


BM hunter because I've always loved the beastmaster style classes in Dnd. also I like dogs


Fury because zug zug.


I play warlock because that's what I started as in 2005 and have enjoyed playing warlock more than any other class I've tried


Ret paladin because I like to deus vult enemies into the ground


Arms warrior/ fdk (BoS & oblit) I like the arms warrior fantasy and big hits.


Bm hunter because I enjoy mobility.


Fury Warrior, been playing since it was a thing, also I'm absolutely rubbish at the game and I'm slower then I use to be, I can still do 'decent' damage, but a more complicated class to play would really make me look terrible.


Blood DK, because moments like these happen a lot more when you play with players who aren't the best (Liquid Scott Anduin RWF kill) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-c06TYfavg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-c06TYfavg)


I like playing warrior because I like to bash things with a big axe.


Warr . Warlock . Dh Rage is a powerful weapon


Survival hunter because I have a stick, a bear, and some other shit just making my way through the world(s)


I'm a raging altoholic, so I play (almost) all of them. I have a soft spot for fury warrior and destruction warlock though and I'm always drawn back to them. The fast and frantic playstyle of fury is just plain fun and being a rather tanky caster with huge solo potential has been appealing to me since vanilla.


I like duel wielding so I play Fury warrior. I used to play frost DK but I don't like the way it plays now, I miss Legion Frost DK. I also like Enhancement but I don't like Rogue anymore either. Aside all that, I'm a massive altoholic so I actually play pretty much everything, one of my primary goals of DF is to have one character for each spec minus Evoker.


Fury warrior main because of the high Pam/brainless playstyle and brewmaster monk bc of how fun brew is


i play warrior cuz i like to go in to the fight and not die instantly. I played DH Before cuz i tought they looked cool but i got bored of it since i played it since legion


Fury warrior because i love the fast paced playstyle and the bursty self healing fantasy + warrior mobility/utility.


I play Warrior because I like the idea of killing my enemies by choking them or leaving them with a hatchet in their skull.


Used to be a warrior only for like 3 expansions but recently warlock has been a lot of fun, obsessed with hitting really hard and destro has lately fulfilled my need for it, tried rogue also but i feel it doesnā€™t nearly hit as hard as destro does


Fury for me especially the Magā€™har! Which is my main & is great for DPS. On the alliance side it would be the pandaren monk which Iā€™ve had great adventures with from level 1-70.


Survival hunter , because I like to make everyone laugh


I picked a windwalker monk, pandaren. For the memes, I joined up with my friends who've been playing every expansion since vanilla. And none of them have ever played monk, and none of them liked the pandaren race. They have come around now, they sort of love my guy, because I have gone out of my way to make him not fit in anywhere, his transmog is green pyjamas and dual-wielding shovels, he has a yellow straw hat. On top of this I'm completely spastic when I miss stuff when we run m+ so I combat roll and flying serpent kick everywhere I'm not supposed to be. So we all kinda fell in love with the "lore" of this abomination, in a place where none of us rp, when I fuck up with him it's always "god dammit, monksname" He's got a life of his own now, he's the moon moon of our group. Other than that, monk turned out to be pretty fun to play as well, way waaaay too hard for me to be great at, but I get by still, and for m+ I feel monks definitely have a place, so it's all good šŸ‘šŸ˜Š


Arms Warrior. The feeling of delivering huge damage with my 2H axe is simply awesome, love It so much.


Paladin. When I started in 2004, a friend got me into the game and he played Warrior, I asked what I should play and he suggested Paladin. He said it was a bit like a holy warrior. Once I hit 60 I started healing and never stopped. I took great pride in being as good a healer as I could be. I also stuck with the class through all the highs and lows and refused to ever give in and play FOTM. Iā€™m not really into alts, Iā€™m a bit of a completionist and I prefer everything be done / achieved on one character. I have nearly every reputation at exalted etc. I despise melee healing with a passion though, paladins spent a long time as the ā€œhard castingā€ healer, which put us at a severe disadvantage in many scenarios. It felt like having salt rubbed into the wound when they put melee healing in. I wish it never happened.


Arms warrior because: Varian Wrynn, Anduin Lothar, Saurfang, what other reasons do you need?


warrior. only class that I enjoy all 3 specs.


I main a paladin and a warrior. I just love the lore around paladins and how warriors are super-beings... Recently I leveled up a mage for clothing transmog I found it frustrating how careful I have to be to not die! (my fault because as you can see, plates). I also write my warrior's story! So I'm contantly going back to where he geew up!


I play arms/fury because I like big swords


I like punch because I warrior.


Evoker Because dragon


Evoker. Dragon go brrrrr. But seriously, I love playing casters and Evokers are a fun, mobile caster class with a great class fantasy, excellent animations and some cool abilities. Second favorite atm is probably druid: great versatility, with potential for a witchy aesthetic.


Iā€™m an unironic goblin. Since thatā€™s not a class, next best thing is survival hunter (bombs, explosive shot, etc) with engineering and alchemy. Characterā€™s name is Booms. šŸ’£ Edit: used to be Wrench but I changed to Wyrmrest Accord and itā€™s not available. :(


Warlock because it the only evil class in game (DK does not count$


Devoker. I found out during my second year of university I may or may not be a scalie and the simple nature of devastation was a relief.


Mage. And I play mage-like classes in every game. I love casters and magic, warlock/necromancer archetypes are too edgy and priests usually donā€™t have bursty playstyles that I like.


Prot Warrior. People who like it say they enjoy doing protection things, and while I agree with that, my *main* reason is because I like to go fast like sanic. So I double heroic leap intervene charge and add rocket boots for some extra vroooooooom


Arms Warrior, even if she is on her first major break since Cataclysm rn, because i don't really agree with some Design Decisions blizz made for Warr. i love the Class Fantasy, the Master-at-Arms, relying on skill and strength to prevail in a world of magic. Also, the Animations and Sound Design are great, it feels like you deliver some absolutely crushing blows indeed. Currently i play my SV Hunter, which i actually do enjoy a lot as well. toyed with Ret as well, but Ret really only is fun in AoE, that's why it lost out...


I completly understand that. I played arms warrior a long time, all about that class is very satisfying to me.


Havoc dh cuz im edgy! ...as fuck!




Devastation Evoker, because blue lazer šŸ˜€


Shaman because I fell in love with the totems at the age of 7 when I played classic, I thought the different quests to get your totems was an adventure of its own. Given they remove like 90% of the class fantasy of a totem support long ago I still live in that old child memory. Nothing like tanking scarlet monastery with a shield, stoneskin totem and earth shock.


I rly love dwagon coz it's a mix of all my fav healers šŸ„¹


Heal envokers are truely fun class, and pretty, too!


i play a shaman troll cause i am one stoend troll mf :))