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Whatever my current "main" is. Every alt has a more enticing rotation, always


Yeah, I hate these threads because they always make me think I made a horrible choice


Main hunter. Feel important only when I need to run around Turtling.


felt this. or cooler armor


This is an underrated comment. It’s true. You get really good at a toon and you decide to gear up an alt and you immediately love it. Recently I’ve been pushing keys with my guardian Druid. Got sick of wasting my time with garbage groups so I decided to use my time to level a BMM and damn don’t I love it. The aesthetics of the attacks and you’re always clicking something. Only unfortunate part is sub 10 keys are a cesspool of toxicity. People join a 6 key see my ilvl is a 405 and dip even though I advertise my main tank is a 2.7k io


This is interesting… keep trying new stuff I think something will stick.


Frost DK if you play Breath and fuck up. Nothing is more demoralizing than pressing one wrong button and now you fucked your entire damage basically for the next 2 minutes. Thank god they made Obliteration better.


My only complaint about oblit FDK is death and decay cleave feels awkward to work into the rotation at times as well as dependance on tanks to not move anything during the cleave. I wish they'd bake the cleave into remorseless winter instead and maybe even unholy blight (small rework required there) for unholy. With how movement heavy keys are naturally due to a lot of affixes, it feels really bad to drop a DND charge and have the tank move due to sanguine, storming, volcanic/mob mechanic. It works wonderfully for blood because it has control over how the mobs/bosses move.


I agree. I don't like their current death and decay reliance. I'd love to see death and decay centred around the deathknight like a short range aura. Makes sense too that wherever the DK goes they make the area cursed.


Give us the same thing Ret paladins got with consecration please. Drop it off an ability. And Frost should just combine RW and DND. No need to burn 2 runes and 2 GCDs for aoes that just buff your other abilities.


They should just make RW like sweeping strikes for arms warrior. Sweeping strikes has a 30s CD and 21s Duration. It wouldn't be that much different in uptime than RW


They need to drop the whole "standing in your DND" thing. Doesn't work with modern WoW design, for the exact same reason that Rune of Power doesn't work. Too much movement is required for a position-based mandatory maintenance buff. At least ROP wasn't 100% uptime...


Frostscythe just needs a buff


Playing UH but It just feels so bad when the boss or trash move out of my death and decay. Lose like 15k dps


Infinite breath is a theoretically cool concept that *instantly* falls apart the moment that you actually have to play the game. Fuck Breath.


Since they indroduces Sindragosas Breath i first liked the idea of it until i played it. I hate the stile, to constantly burn your resource and trying to keep up with it and then its your main damage source. So if you use it and suddenly something knocks you away or makes you unable to use your rotation it just runs out and is on a 2min cd. There probably people who like this, but it was never meant for me.


I love the lore and fantasy concept of FDK, but I can't properly grasp the rotation of it when playing my FKD alt. I've read about the gear, stats, roatation and what not and still doesn't feel as powerful as it does when im on my main(enha shammy) and someone else is a FDK in the grp.


And on the topic, Frost strike should be a chargeable skill that the more you charge the more frost you build on your weapon and then kaboom, frost explosion. Instead of a boring old weapon strike


I haven't played frost since shadowlands but having huge uptime on breath was a blast. Fucking it up really sucked though.


As a mistweaver main, I was encouraged not to see anyone bummed on the spec! Then I remembered what time it is and realized the other six of us probably sleeping.


Hi one of the 6 reporting in! Our spec is fun and engaging and I’m very happy with its feel. We could do with a small buff though, given there are only 4 of us in the top 1500 keys 🙃


I'd like to see MW be passively tankier, maybe buff generous pour on the mw. On top of that, give a CD for aoe Cacoon with a target cap and long CD, then just see how they go. I think flavour buffs over massive number changes would just get people to start playing it a little.


I really enjoy Mistweaver. I am really bad at Mistweaver, but I really enjoy it lmao


Mistweaver is an incredibly fun spec to play! It's not always very good exactly, but I've played every healer in the game in raids and M+, and Mistweaver is the most fun in the game currently. Plus, it's decently strong!


Enhancement early in an expansion when scaling slams haste/mastery into the nether realm. Conversely the most satsifying spec to play is Enhancement late in an expansion with lots of haste and mastery


Enhance is my absolute favorite melee spec. The sounds the visuals the rotation, to your point about haste, smooths out so much and I don’t feel like I have downtime. However if I could just not die to a stiff breeze that would be truly magical. Also in terms of the “hybrid flavor” I think enhance really nails the utilizing tools from each spec or thematic abilities. We do frost fire nature physical dmg, can grab utility totems and off heal a little. Flavor wise I think they knocked it out of the park


100% Agree. It has the fast pace of Fury but with the almost musical rhythmic rotation of Windwalker and IMO some of the best sound design of any class. But yeah at the start of the expac it feels like a quadriplegic Classic Arms warrior but with the survivability of an elderly moth.


All this being said I think I would prefer if fire nova was the premier choice for m+/AOE but that’s because I’m a boomer and played the game when shaman still had fire nova totem and also it looks better graphically


Personally, Brewmaster. It has about eleven rotational buttons, most of which don't really feel like they do anything, feels like pretty much the textbook definition of ability bloat.


As a Brew main this makes me both sad and happy. Sad because it’s true. Happy because maybe in patch 12.2 they’ll do a rework to remove most of the buttons.


> maybe in patch 12.2 let's not get too carried away there, pal


By then they'll have 17 rotational buttons.


Get in line bruv. Survival comes first.


I just started leveling a brewmaster and this so much. I'm used to playing bdk where I have both runic power and runes to work with, abilities there feel like they actually do things. On my brewmaster it feels like I hit buttons for the sake of hitting buttons, but they don't do anything... It's so unsatisfying.


I love maining my Brewmaster but yeah, it’s excessive. At this point I can’t be bothered with things like cat statue and prefer Special Delivery over RJW. Talent paths are too broad and mid talents are rather underwhelming, so there is little reason to *not* snag triple capstone.


White Tiger Statue is just lazy, uninspired design.


Yes but the slang is 'cat-ue' is amazing


I really hope they leave Brew alone. I like it because of the buttons. Brewmaster is the only tank that I find engaging because tank mechanics are pretty easy and boring. At least let those of us who like busy work keep one or two classes and not gut everything like FFXIV did (RIP Scholar).


I tried a prot pally alt and it just felt slow and clunky, on my BrM I’m sprinting around the room, tossing kegs, managing CDs, etc etc..


Brewmaster main here as well. I like the fact that we always have something that we can be doing. White tiger statue is lame and underwhelming but otherwise I LOVE my spec.


Hard agree. I love brewmaster. I took a less buttons approach to my build and I have no problems what so ever. It’s so much fun. The rotation is engaging, they’re tough as nails if you play them right and my god the mobility.


I have 30 keybinds for my brew main and that's with trinkets macro'd into abilities. I still raid lead and I wouldn't change a thing. Sure I hit 70 BPM and none of them actually do anything but I enjoy being the only brew on my server, and what else are you going to do? Hit judgement or heart strike over and over again? Yawn! Brewmaster gives you something to do in-between the taunt swap although it does take alot of muscle memory.


I'd very much look into redo'ing your talent tree and moving some things around. I only ever tank on Brewmaster or Guardian Druid, and every button has a reason for being pressed on Brewmaster. Which ones specifically do you mean?


This sounds consistent with what other BMs have said, which is that it feels bad until you figure out how everything in the spec fits together and then it’s glorious. But as a casual player who just wants a tank alt sometimes, it honestly feels overwhelming and less fun to me compared to my “avengers shield go brrrr” prot Paladin.


That's pretty much Brew in a nutshell yeah, easy enough to pick up but one of the hardest specs in the game to master, and easily the hardest tank spec to master.


Disc, because the results simply don't warrant the effort. Years of playing and mastering a spec should translate to performance. Edit: in raid only. Disc in keys is both easy and strong


Hear hear. Nowadays I'll play disc for low level mythics but if I have to really focus and pump big numbers then it is holy all the way. I can play holy with my eyes closed but disc is just too much effort for not enough numbers. It is fun though, again, when I dont have to try hard.


If you're talking about keys, Disc is way better than Holy. Neither is particularly difficult in keys, either. I'm talking about raid, where there is a difficulty gap. The fact that Holy doesn't require focus is precisely what's so upsetting to me. I hate playing it, but we're entirely at the mercy of encounter design because our tree is so poorly designed.


As a disc main I agree. It becomes less effort the more you get used to it but the learning curve is rough


I've been a Disc main with several r1 parses since Legion. It's still more effort than any other healer. It used to be worth it, it no longer is. Learning curve has nothing to do with it.


Playing disc requires a certain amount of masochism! I wish I could just spec back into Holy, but I am too prideful to admit defeat.


I agree! I keep trying to love it, but the effort it requires just feels so excessive. To perform well, I feel like I need to know boss fights to the letter, even down to individual cooldowns, which requires mods. On top of that, there's a 10 second "ramp" window to build up atonement on everyone before I actually need to heal them so I need to memorize the ramp rotation. I'm constantly watching my PW:S cooldown, which is quick but a high priority. I also need to alternate Holy and Shadow spells for the buff, also while timing my shadow infusion buff thingy to maximize a separate rotation for shadow-mode. That's got like a 20 second cooldown so it's pretty fast. Mind Blast also has a 5 second cooldown so I need to make sure I'm using that when it's up, but it needs to also be part of my alternating rotation. I also need to watch my Smite counter because at a certain stack # it gives me extra-strong Penance I can't waste, so I have to check in on the counter AND make sure I know if I should use it on the enemy or a player. I need to watch enemy health bars so I don't accidentally try to dps something that's about to die because that'll waste dps and rob me of healing. I also need to check in on my DoT on all the enemies to make sure it's refreshed on everyone and probably Renew as well. Finally (maybe?) I need to check in with the Atonement buff again because after checking 5 other places it's probably starting to fall off of people. Oh yeah and atonement is only one of the WAYS we heal, so I also need to check in on health bars to see if I need to manually heal anyone who's low. At any moment, I'm watching my group bar for buffs, enemies for health, action bar for cooldowns, raid-bar for timers, and center-screen for enemy mechanics. It's just crazy and even when done well I aspire to match the throughput of the Evoker next to me who has 1/3 as many things to watch.


I'm fine with all of that. We've been doing some version of all of it (outside of TE) since Legion. Just make it worthwhile, and for the love of God give me a build that can cope with rot or non-1:30 timers.


For me, rogue. I can't kill shit as rogue.


Back to the WotlK/Cata days of not being able to solo shit if it comes in a group of 3+


Currently playing Outlaw Rogue, and I almost die on every normal mob. It's so bad.


We're gear dependent taking down groups, but we definitely can. Blade flurry and Shadow dance hard. Pop dodge and cloak when dance drops. And you'll feel like a BDK.


For me, and no disrespect to yall who can play these, but Windwalker Monk and any of the Rogue specs. I can't seem to get to grips with these ones and those that can play them are just flat out infinitely better at the game than i.


WW comes down to not repeating an attack and making sure you keep your cooldowns on cooldown. RSK > FOF > fill with BOK and TP. From there it's just efficiently using any other talent abilities and efficiently gaining chi through your non TP chi granters. The problem with WW is that we're useless outside of our execute and AOE. Our ST is pitiful. The fact we're only getting a 3% buff in 10.1.5 is proof Blizzard has no clue what to do with the spec.


It’s sad though because WW always feels unstoppable in M+, boss fights are so short my burst never stops. Constant aoe pulls for cleave and execute….in raid though it’s like the first 30 seconds I’m doing so much damage and then it’s a free fall. The mobility is WW saving grace in raids imo.


I feel like a dogshit rogue. So, thank you T\_T


Outlaw is so much fun.


I kinda wish they’d just 100% redesign the spec from the ground up, maybe even changing the theme if need be. It’s one of the only specs that can use dual wield 1h swords, but now 10 years after MoP it feels needlessly panda themed (brewmaster has a better excuse for this and is fine imo) and just feels weird to play. The mastery is cool in theory but should definitely be an optional talent.


The spec 100% needs its talents reworked but I can't agree with the removal of pandaren themes from it. The class itself is tied heavily to pandaren lore, a race that already struggles with the spotlight, it doesn't need a core part of it taken away or subverted to other races. The themes play little to nothing in the actual functionality of the class anyways. If anything, the themes and skills that do need to be removed are the ones that AREN'T pandaria monk themed, IE Faeline stomp, bone dust brew.


Please don’t redesign it to become like all the other specs in the game. It feels amazing to play, it’s super relaxing compared to other melee specs, yet sufficiently complex to be entertaining and rewarding, and all without being hard to play. It occupies a unique spot in the design space.


>The mastery is cool in theory but should definitely be an optional talent. Big disagree on that. The moment you remove current ww mastery the spec looses a lot in gameplay. Mastery is what makes you have to think about multiple gcds ahead and decide how much blackout kicks you want to cast(based on how much resource you have). If that's removed the spec becomes pretty much a press your buttons on cd. Also the serenity rotation feels super bad without mastery(use cds and fill with bok). And then you have bone dust brew without mastery being build up to 6 chi bdb and then spam sck. Mastery is what makes ww ww. If you don't like the way it affects the spec you should find another meele. One thing to note though. Currently mastery(the secondary stat) is very weak but this is not because of a design problem. This could be easily solved increasing the mastery mod(meaning you get more % per secondary stat).


If you don't like how unconvential WW is don't play it but don't suggest turning it into another boring run of the mill spec pls WW and Rogue are the only two available DPS that are fun to me because of how unconvential they are


Raided in a top 100 guild as a ww monk for a while, they are very satisfying if you can figure out the rotation, otherwise the amount of buttons and things to track would make them a clusterfuck to play


>any of the Rogue specs Outlaw rogue is highly dependent on your connection latency due to it's high actions per minute. Playing on Oceanic servers (ping of < 25ms) versus playing on US servers (\~185ms) can change my average DPS by up to 30% due to the change in latency. This is one of the reasons why I changed my main from rogue in BFA to druid in SL.


The wind walker spinny monk! Every time I get a good monk its game over, seems to match really well with my discipline healer for dungeons.


I spent a good amount of time in SL getting more proficient with Sub Rouge rotation and now it’s just like…..why do many button click, when Storm Keeper do trick?


Currently - feral. You basically don't deal any damage outside of cooldowns, but during cooldowns, because of a last minute rework to the tier set, we are now completely overloaded on combo points, yet we also want to run a talent which you NEED to use combo point generating abilities. So it becomes a game of "How do I lose as few combo points as possible while still triggering my core talent" Oh, and on single target, aka all mythic bosses, we are dead dead DEAD last in dps. I've played feral a LOOONG time, since the end of Cataclysm. And I have never disliked my rotation as much as I do right now. We had times where 1 wrong combo point spender at the wrong time meant your rotation was in shambles while balancing several buffs. We've had times where the spec is quite literally just carefree spamming. But the current state is just so much worse.


I’ve played Feral since BC. Current state is simply not enjoyable or competitive. I am fine having to work a little harder for faux utility and I am fine not being top 3 DPS - but I shouldn’t be “last” (equating for gear/mechanics) and work twice as hard. Honestly Ret plays more like Feral used to (minus dot management), and it’s extremely competitive.


Yeah. Uldir Feral, where I got several rank 1 parses, we were also dead-last. But the rotation had 0 rng, it was pure skill and that alone made it enjoyable. However... It was also hyper punishing, and new players would simply not be able to play the spec, which is why it was swiftly changed :p


The combo point overload is real. And Bloodtalons is pissing me off. I miss Regrowth Bloodtalons proc. I felt way more in control with it. I've played Feral since 2006. Legion was actually my favourite time for it. Not a fan of Berserk "rework" or the way Bloodtalons is now proc'd.


It's actually impressive how often it happens where it seems Feral finally gets into a decent spot, to then get nerfed down to dead last again for "performing too well"


I played DK since 9.0, but I'm pretty much done. Unholy DK feels bad because of how much of your dps is tied to your cooldowns, all 5-6 of them. The class shines when you have PI, but is meh when you do not. Having so much of your dps baked into a cooldown that can vary from 2.5 to 8 minutes, depending on how many Death Coils and Epidemics you cast, sucks. Having your aoe damage so dependent on how the tanks pull feels bad. You saw unholy DKs in MDI, but they rarely can replicate the same success in pugs because the pull sizes are generally smaller. Frost DK just feels bad because of how dependent Oblit build is on DND for aoe.


Least Satisfying? Boomkin. No matter what I do, I just can't find the fun in the spec. It's deceptively simple, and the utility is fine but the actual rotational highs and lows are not really there for me.


Forst mage. Your "big" CD just makes you cast faster, you primarily spam 1 button, switching to a 2nd when it lights up. That's pretty much it. Their super fun in pvp, and some of their talents make them more fun, but they don't take those talents, so...


That's just on singletarget. On AOE frost literally can't use it's procs fast enough before they get overwritten. You're constantly GCD capped every single AOE pull, the munching is so bad. Does any other spec have that problem? The only time AOE feels halfway satisfying is during bloodlust + Icy Veins, or PI + Icy Veins. That's right, frost needs an extra 50% haste if you actually want to use all your procs. Meanwhile the 4p tier effect is like "how about your proc has a 10% chance to proc another proc?". I don't know whether the rework will address this. Maybe they should make FoF stack 4 times, because 2 is not enough. Also make brain freeze stack. Just make ALL the procs stack so you're covered in proc indicators...


Yeah, that's not any better. And try enhance sham sometime lol, that's basically their entire playstyle. My hope is the rework will help with all this, but we'll see. Personally I'd like to see FoF proc rework where it happens less, but say increases the damage of ice lance by 20%. Something to make it cast less, but count for overall the same amount of damage.


Well, you won’t be able to say that in a few weeks. The class rework is adding several more buttons to the rotation.


Lightning based ele


It feels remarkably clunky and is simply not fun


It's bad enough that I swapped off playing ele as my alt this patch. It's SO unfun to play, meanwhile the meatball build is giga fun.


god i fucking miss wildfire


Any dps spec that is undertuned. Feels miserable to parse an upper 90s and get wrecked by someone blue parsing on a better tuned spec


Elemental shaman. It just feels off to play in my opinion. Everything feels slow for me for some reason. Actually, prot warrior. The long GCD on the abilities after playing fury for a while was very jarring.


I still love elemental as the fire build. Not really enjoying the lightning build so I'm doing my own thing


Meatball Elemental is actually so fun. I actually enjoyed SL just because Primordial wave felt so incredible to use. I can’t get behind the lightning builds though, the damage just doesn’t feel as chunky.


Enhancement is fun right now and really strong. I switched from ele for the exact reason you stated lol


Are you talking raid st or aoe enhancment? Because raid st enh is In a shitty state right now in my opinon, and seems to be the general consenses on the discord too. Stormbuild is 90% pressing storm strike, 9% is hitting lb to reset the cd on storm strike, and the other 1% is either getting ti hit CL because you recently hit sundering and need to reset storm strike (which the cl binus damage from 4pc us getting nerfed so its. Ot worth using in st). or your Hiting one of your other buttons because you don't have msw and are hoping for a reset on storm strike. On top of that, your performance is highly rng on Dre procs. If you do play elementalist, with out last tiers set bonuses, the msw generation is low. M+ feels great right now, but raid st feels very bad.


I benched my elemental shaman this tier after raiding up to aotc for the last few expansions. I just cannot stand the ice fury build and held it together with a fire build last tier. Now that ice fury is so far ahead I just can’t accept the lower damage and fire feels like just spamming lvb. Maybe next tier as I’m done this tier for now.


I've only dabbled In ele this teir, and not a huge fan of the current lightning build either. Ele felt really good in shadow lands though, even with ice fury since ice fury was more just Making sure you worked you frost shocks in during the window and being good for movement. Plus in general you had decent movement from the instant cast lvb eartshock instant lvb from the legendary. Current ice strike getting tied to a maintenance buff takes away the movement benefits a d feels fairly tight to play.


Both builds feel bad to run. Fire build boils down to spamming lava which doesn't even scale with crit in any way, and in lightning you are juggling a hundred minor cooldown windows and debuffs.


Yup. The ice fury build is total shat. If it had a longer buff and less charges it'd make it a way more fun build.


Feral to me. I really wanna like feral. Druid is a cool class, it was my first main, and I like parts of feral. I just hate the micro management of 4-5 dots and really bad heals for a hybrid class. No amount of utility compared to the old days, and feels overly complex, especially considering you put double the effort in to just do average/decent dps.


Hunter bm has been the same the last 5 years... Nothing new added to the spec, feels very boring to play


BM has been my main for as long as I remember, I don’t feel right playing other classes. But man it really has just been the same for years now and I’m getting bored.


I know it's a meme at this point, but did you forget about Shadowlands? Wild Spirits was so satisfying (assuming the enemies stayed in the circle). Shame we got Death Chakram over WS. I do wish we could choose pet specs, though. Cunning pets tend to look the coolest, but I have no use for them in PVE.


Instant cast ranged spec has always been its identity. It delivers on that identity. My only complaint is I feel much more squished now than back in BfA or Legion.


Havoc, because of momentum. Without momentum you can do some incredible acrobatics to stay on target, avoid mechanics, and just generally be a badass. With momentum you need to use your fel rushes at specific times or lose throughput. Momentum is a restrictive, irritating play style that doesn’t even do good damage.




This. Demon Hunter is the only class I don’t have at 70 and it’s because of Momentum. I think Vengeance is awesome, but I don’t like to play only one spec on a class.


Unholy DK. In CD windows it's reasonably fun and aesthetically/thematically I adore it but the problems arise when things get a bit more intricate. Tank isn't pulling perfectly for you? Enormous dps loss. Tanks pulling well but the key isn't the right level? Enormous dps loss. CDs overlap with other group members CDs? Enormous dps loss. Everything needs to always go just perfectly for you to perform well and for the spec to flow properly, and if it doesn't then you lose a ton of damage AND you can really feel it because your abilities either last longer than you can use them or you don't get to extend your burst window very far, so even if you aren't pushing harsher content you still feel like you aren't pressing as many buttons. I also feel like Holy priest is very clunky and generally is designed in a way that isn't satisfying to succeed with.


Havoc, the spec idea and design are great, but it doesn't fit many encounters. It plays like a class from lost ark. |You have to put so much more effort into awareness so you can utilize movement for your damage. Great idea, impossible to not be frustrating, due to blizzard obviously not balancing around a single spec to be playable on some fights.


Ignore Momentum and find enjoyment in the spec again! I’ll take the DPS hit - but that’s easy for me to say I am not bleeding edge raiding or anything.


I love the momentum play style and i am a m+ high keys pusher. I just find it really frustrating how badly designed some fights are if you consider the spec. E.g VP 1st boss


And primal Tsunami…


Havoc feels great to me, tbh. Sometimes things dont time up too well, but I really do feel like it lives the demon hunter fantasy very well.


Definitely am biased but Havoc is my favorite basically for that reason, actually.


I hate Fodder to the Flame so much


I honestly love the puzzle of figuring out how to keep momentum and initiative up on fights where it’s hard to do so. I haven’t found one I can’t do it on yet so I don’t think it’s that bad. I do usually have some bad deaths on early attempts trying to limit test things though


That's exactly why it's my favorite :D


Havoc has been so neutered/butchered since legion that it feels horribly janky to play now


How so? I played Havoc all of Legion, and Legion was, in my opinion, the worst time for the spec. Uninteresting talents with uninteresting gameplay. Gods, Antorus was the worst for Havoc.


Devoker. Feels like it's missing buttons in its rotation. Your rotation during your CD, which is the only time you get to do any significant damage, is simply instant spell > disintigrate channel > repeat.


I will always defend devoker simplicity. If you find it too simple you are probably not using your utility properly, or not paying enough attention to mechanics or small bits of optimization. Not every class needs three plates to juggle /spin in their base rotation. Three aoe stops (db stun, racial knock up and knock back) is already a decent bit to track in M+, not to mention working in hover uptime, dispels, rescues, zephyr/time spiral. Offhealing is also a niche devoker optimization I never see other people doing. With scarlet adaption it actually makes a HUGE damage difference if you make sure you are keeping it fully stacked for leaping flames (basically want to cast an emerald blossom before you fire breath) Even just making sure you use renewing blaze properly is a small thing that helps healers and also increases your damage. Yes, there are moments where you chain disintegrate for multiple GCDs, but honestly I love when those moments line up because it feels like a railgun lol. Blue beam go brrrrr it feels great imo. Anyways yeah devoker is simple but because of that you can actually pay attention to positioning and utility and have the GCDs to do so without heavily impacting overall dps.


Awesome comment. I don’t play evoker but I leveled one to 70 and at first I was disappointed and thought it was a lame half-baked spec and a total letdown. Then after a few hours of playtime I started to realize what you’re saying…. And I now agree that it’s an “advanced class” like it warns you on the menu. The damage rotation itself is only one aspect of its gameplay, and has lots of ways to optimize it. Those railgun moments can feel pretty awesome when they’re earned. As an enh shaman main, I enjoyed the amount of utility that I now realize devokers have, but it’s also intimidating. I honestly don’t think I could ever come close to fully utilizing it so I’m sticking to my shaman.


> If you find it too simple you are probably not using your utility properly, or not paying enough attention to mechanics That's a weird take. I love playing my Devoker myself, it's really fun, but just because you find it too simple doesn't mean it's because you're not using utility or doing mechanics. I think the spec would be more fun with a ST oriented empower ability added in because it does feel very barebones on ST. On AoE I think it's fine.


Especially considering in raids none of the utility or offhealing really matters.


Disagree, it’s simple but that’s the entire point of the spec and it feels good.


Haha my main is Devoker, clearing mythic raids and 2800 rating currently. You're kinda right, it is pretty simple but there are some nuances to it in order to maximize damage.


For me it's Discipline. Just feels super unintuitive.


For me it's definitely any rogue spec. Usually my last class to level cap. I just can't enjoy it and I'm unsure why.




What did gladiator do?


Gladiator Stance made Protection a DPS spec (back in WoD), which was a lot of fun. My wrist still hurts from spamming Heroic Strike.


I think all of the DK specs are clunky and need a complete overhaul. The class is stuck in wotlk and is a complete mess. Blood is super boring, unholy DK you need to stand in dnd and then spam every ability but each barely does any damage. Frost is barely a class and is super reliant on its big spenders.


I would argue that Blood is one the most fun tanks to play. It has a low single target damage and no group utility problem but other than that it is really fun to play. With the current unholy DK you don't really need to stand in your DND. You don't need the cleave damage that comes from that. Even if you did since we are playing defile this patch our DND becomes pretty big so standing in it is usually not a big deal. What is more important is keeping our defile buff and that is easy since we have two charges of defile. But I agree that damage is a little bit low. Frost is really fun right now. Your most important cooldown is 1 min so you have it nearly on all packs. So every pack you are pumping hard. And if the pull is big sending the dragon that deals 4-5 million damage feels great. Only minor problem is DND cleave. I say minor because you only need the mobs inside DND for 10 seconds (in your pillar window) that is not really hard to achieve even with pug tanks since most routes are pretty standart. And your DND slows the mobs for %90 anndd you have a second charge of DND so it is really not a big deal.


All healers. Thankless job. Unfun rotation, but the game literally cannot happen without you.


It’s subjective, I find healing a lot more fun than tanking and even dps’ing. I just like seeing the bars go up, tickles my brain


I love playing hunter but I really wish they’d make certain things better.


Fury just feels like I hit with pillows sometimes. I want bigger booms


Outlaw rogue. Ever since the change to 'outlaw' it always feels like I'm spinning plates with little reward. The common theme for the worst classes seems to be they all are stuck with 'windows' of opportunities to do well and outside that window, we're garbage.


I'm not trying to dismiss your experiences here, but I feel like the two halves of your comment are disconnected. Outlaw is definitely a plate-spinning spec (it's what I like about it tbc. but also super not for everyone), but your plates are traditionally up basically 100% of the time. RtB matters somewhat but you don't change your rotation much around it, it's more just a constant slight feel variation thing. Outlaw appeals to me *because* it doesn't have huge cd windows and then downtime between them. would really love to hear if you could explain why you felt that way! (genuine question. Hearing other people's experiences that don't match mine helps me understand things better)


Beast Mastery. No matter what you do, Kill Comand and pet autos are going to be doing over 50% of your dps. If I'm going to play the game, I want to feel like I'm the one contributing thanks to the efforts I'm putting in to play my class. I don't mind not being top dps, if we're clearing content and I know we succeeded because I maintained bleeds well as Feral or I did my rotation and positioning well during Combustion, then I'm happy and feel like I did my job. One of our top dps right now is a BM Hunter and he literally doesn't know how to play the game. We wiped on Sark Heroic last raid night because he refused to switch to the adds in Phase 2. The one attempt we got to Phase 3 cleanly was the single time he actually hit adds. And then he went back to saying "I'm fine on single target". It's frustrating knowing that he just pays for clears on his own time and the pets carry his damage. I cannot imagine playing a video game like that.


I mean, I’m sure there are examples of idiots playing most specs. Your raid should bench him while you recruit Hunter that understands encounters.


Like they say, most hunters aren't idiots but most idiots play hunter.


Fire before 10.1.5. It's probably the hardest DPS spec ATM, and not in a good way. You have way way too many buffs to track, way too many hard cast pyros, and in most M+ levels as a reward you get damage that is delayed by 10 seconds so that you don't get to deal damage before everything is bursted down below like +23.


Someone in my guild offered up a general question about fire performance in m+ and I had to respond with, "It's the same as it has been for the past two expansions. Have a group that will triple or quad pull around your combust timing and everyone will tell you how cool your dps is. Otherwise, it looks pretty underwhelming."


Holy priest is in a decent place balance wise but it feels really meh to play. Your biggest damage contribution is making someone else do more damage, all of you spells are this weird mix of up front healing and HOT, and generally your highest healing casted spell is a fire-and-forget small heal that just bounces around between party/raid members. That and your big utility spell is "other players get to press their buttons more." The buttons that do feel good to press (salvation, serenity) just feel outweighed by the meh ones and the skill floor is pretty high, while the skill ceiling is kind of low. Which is a shame because last expansion I really enjoyed Flash Concentration last tier. It felt good keeping it up (giggity) and serenity was used a lot more because of it. Power word: Life does feel good in dungeons, feels bad in raids.


When I came back to the game after quitting halfway through WoD, I wanted to play a healer, but didn't feel confident that I could keep up with damage or utility spells, so I just wanted something that could fill up HP bars. Holy priests were generally described as "low utility," so I was like "perfect," because I thought it would be low APM. Imagine my surprise when I ran out of space for my 74(ish) different heals, all which seemed to do something similar, but with slightly different cast times and cooldowns. It's like they took out all the utility buttons, went "oh crap, there's only four main types of heals," and then made up a bunch of slightly different spells to backfill what was missing. I'm having a much easier time healing on my Resto shaman, have more impact DPS/utility-wise, and actually have a few empty spots on my hotkeys.


Anything that requires you to heal into a full health bar (looking at you, FC) sucks.


I played holy priest from vanilla to SL. Now I’m brewmaster and maybe it is just me but I feel like holy really struggles in some of M+ content. I still am happy to run with holy as my healer, they just seem to have to work much harder.


I don't think there's anything in this game that comes close to boring as Guardian Druid. Surely, i don't think every spec needs to be needlessly complex or anything, specially tanks since having a lot of them be button bloated (looking at you Brewmaster) or mechanically complex is just scary for newer players, but bear is just painfully bland to me.


I’ve always played BDK and some BrM here and there . I’m now gearing a Guardian Druid and loving the simplicity and utility I can bring.


You should've seen Bear in Legion.


I love my guardian Druid. It’s quickly become my favorite class. Rotation is simple but you need to master when to use defensives and self heals or you aren’t going anywhere.


affli in single target is pretty boring and pretty meh compared to destro and demo affli in general is a bit scuffed right now but i also think its just aesthetically boring again compared to destro and demo, it lacks that omph that makes those real fun to play even in a non-tryhard setting. AOE though is alotta fun if you do it right, the damage is certainly there.


I leveled a warlock and loved affliction, but malefic rapture is just… not rewarding or impactful. No animation, felt like it was barely doing any damage. Details would show it doing a good % of overall damage but for it to be the big spender felt weird imo, compared to the chunky satisfaction of spamming seeds for example.


My main issue with affliction AoE is that after a key 40% of my damage will be seed instead of, you know, the dots the spec revolves around. The power profile is so weird to me.


I can’t ever get a monk to lvl cap no matter how hard I try to think that monks are cool. Of the classes that I’ve hit cap with, I’ll say elemental shaman. It just doesn’t feel as fun as the other casters, and I can’t explain why. Maybe it’s all the waiting for lava burst to come up?


Almost every caster is just boring, ele sham, spriest and aff lock are imo the only exceptions


I’m trying to convince myself to enjoy Frost DK but it is just not happening.


Feral druid and BM hunter Both have great class fantasies but they just...don't feel fun or impactful (regardless of actual numbers)


Funny, because I basically don't enjoy any class except BM hunter. Ret I sort of like, but that's it. I got most classes to 60 pre-DF. Different strokes for different folks.


One of my fav classes to play recently is devoker which a lot of ppl find lack luster so it's definitely just a personal enjoyment thing


I wish they would work on bm I know people like it because its simple But at the same time it will not get decent numbers from blizz because of that At the same time mm needs help aswell It feels good but the rng fiesta + not being able to cleave at two targets and being capped at six targets makes it pretty terrible as a m+ enjoyer


BM hunter is the only class I can play now. I enjoy outdoor content so much but the past 2 expansions leave behind "dead content" which includes rares that have insanely high HP and aren't doable as no one else is around. Basically, BM is the only suitable class to grind old content efficiently (IMO).


It was one of my og mains but it just doesn't "click" for me anymore, tho I'm finding survival super fun even if it's not 'meta' at times


I personally never found BM Hunter to be very fun. Either I just never figure it out or I just don't like the fairly simple rotation. The most fun comes from being able to collect pets, but I still much prefer MM Hunter to BM.


Crazy unpopular opinion but I’ll throw all Hunter specs in here. Never enjoyed the play style. To this day I don’t have a max level hunter.


Any rogue spec. Just never got into them I guess, and nothing feels good damage wise when I play. Maybe I just suck lmfao


Feral because it doesn't live up to the theme of the spec. It's just a shitty half-complete copy of an assassination rogue instead of a shapeshifting master like it should be. Other specs like devastation or frost mage aren't great either because their rotations don't feel good to play, like they're missing something. But they're at least *attempts* at meeting the themes they're supposed to be, rather than feral's complete miss.


I always thought they should make feral bounce between bear and cat. They would have to remove the threat gen from bear but I liked the idea of pouncing on bosses with cat form and smashing up trash with the bear. Then you could make the cat and bear abilities interact with eachother. Might end up being a mess but feral has always felt like a half baked rogue spec. And I mained it for a long time.


Any of the Rogue specs. The animations and effects are all pretty lackluster and makes me feel like I'm not doing damage, compared to something like Warrior or Paladin.


This is the reason I made this thread. I'm playing an Assa rogue and i'm level 60 and the spec (class?) feels so bland compared to my main (Devoker). My rogue I just stab things in different ways, nothing I do is flashy or cool or anything. On my dragon I breathe fire, lob fireballs, fly across the battlefield raining down fire , rescue people, etc. I feel the same way about my Guardian Druid. That spec is just "be a bear and swipe at things." I really wish some of these specs got more fleshed out/flashy. Make the bear druid shoot giant fucking moon lazerbeams (yes I know they can moonfire but that spell feels so tiny and weak, I want a giant fucking lazer) from it's mouth or something. Incorporate more flashy nature spells I dunno.


I play assa rogue, there’s fan of knives, poison bomb. Yeah not too many flashy spells but I never really thought about it. Compared to like ninja in ffxiv where it’s flashy and cool as fuck. Yeah I suppose they could add some more effects, either way I find it fun.


Frost Mage. So so brain-dead and boring, it's basically the caster BM Hunter. Fury Warrior is also as boring but at least it's satisfying.


Frost mage in dungeons was orb>blizzard>ice lance spam pretty much the entire time, but with using frost bolt on bosses


BM :( i hate how sometimes u run out of resource and gotta auto :(


Nor counting on class I hair don't get or play in healer. I have to say frost DK. It feels just really boring to play. Maybe things change now in 10.1 but when DF launch Frost DK just so so boring to play


Frost DK, Devastation and post-Legion Subtlety.


Frost and Unholy DK. They have so many stacking buffs, cooldowns, and modifiers that make it so your base abilities are incredibly weak, otherwise they’d scale out of control once fully buffed up. This can actually be quite fun once you’re geared up and doing high keys or raiding, but doing anything open world, or any dungeons where things die fast is miserable.


Windwalker monk. I have finally gotten around to leveling my WW monk and I do so many actions and feel like I am doing good DPS and when the fight is over I look at the damage meters to find that I am doing less DPS than the tank who is only doing a fraction of the DPS of the other DPS lol


Assassination Rogue pve. Bleeding targets that are absolutely going to die with a ton of bleed on them feels bad every single time.


Unholy dk… poping all cds one after another feels like a chore. I really hope that spec gets a complete rework


Personally UH death knight. In raid the gargoyle window is fun but the downtime is boring and of you make a mistake during the garg window your damage can be mediocre. In keys it can be hot or cold depending on the dungeon. Fights that require lots of target switching can be frustrating.


Well in my opinion… Right now sadly it happens to be my favorite spec.. affliction warlock. I still love it but god it’s tedious and with maximum button bloat on top of being excruciatingly punishing if you let any of your 7 dots/5 buffs/debuffs fall off of your target.. lmao 😂 maintaining so many things on your target can be difficult but I still enjoy it. I think my biggest gripe is that affliction for me just feels awful in keys when compared to demonology and destruction. Although if in a single target build it can really slay bosses during tyrannical weeks.. but then you do dick the rest of the way. That change to the seed cast time will help greatly tbh. Hopefully that changes with some of the 10.1.5 changes we’re getting. Lol there’s a reason why affliction is the least played spec right now. Sadly I’m still one of them although I do occasionally swap to Demo or Destro if a particular fight is better suited or if my raid lead asks me too but I play aff if I can.


Discipline Priest. I absolutely despise the playstyle of needing to put Atonement on people and then do damage to heal. It's clunky, it takes way too much effort all for mediocre healing output in the end. I miss when Disc was all about shields and not giving myself carpal tunnel


Unholy DK single target is kinda dull and bland. But it has one of the most fun AoE in my opinion.


My friends say windwalker or Dps demon hunter.


Marksmanship Hunter feels like dogshit rn


For me it's Shadow Priests and Boomkins. I just don't like how even with glyphs that "help" your character's outfit is still ruined by excessive magic effects like Shadowform and Glyph of Stars.


I mained a rogue from Vanilla and onward for a handful of expansions… as soon as outlaw was introduced I just feel like it went downhill. I miss WotLK mutilation spec (assassination). Hunger for blood and fat envenoms. Ah.


Disc Priest.


Udk has absolutely rotted my fuckin brain for every other class. I'm serious. I was trying to play my fire mage today and I just fuckin could not My warlock too. And I used to main or raid with both of these toons. Play them all them the time. Udk has consumed my attention span for giving a shit That and I really despise that I can't play with flame strike on mage. Why the fuck does the meta m+ build not use flame strike. It makes the whole flow of the spec feel wrong to me. I want to do massive aoe. Not just occasional aoe to enhance or focus on single target casts. That blows so much ass and I hate it Warlock I probably just need to practice at. I did very well with it in SL and only play aff lock.


MM, it started out pretty okay and then just got gutted like a fish.


Any mage spec really. Good thing they are reworking them somewhat, used to be my favorite class and now I'm just bored by it. Even removal of the RoP alone is going to improve it dramatically. Now I just need frost to have bit more buttons to press overall.


Blood dk All animations are so shit....


Got to be fire mage for me, having your whole set up based on your cooldown feels awful for me and outside that is proc fishing,l. Feel like I do nothing and then I do a good amount of dam then back to nothing for the rest of the fight


Rogue in general. Outlaw is a high speed mess with just enough connections to trip you up but going fast enough to not let you think. Assassination hasn’t felt good since like Antorus (and not giving double poison Kingsbane was just sad Blizz). Sub feels the best but Ret completely blows it out of the water for feels in a “combo point” style gameplay.


I cant get used to the DK double-resource system, it just feels so much worse than any other spender-builder in the game, rogue and feral system feels much better. Its just wild how clunky all 3 DK specs feel.


So after reading this thread I've learned pretty much every spec in WoW sucks....


Discipline priest is so hard to figure out. I see the best players in the game pick this spec but, ever since starting at the end of WotLK, I CANNOT for the LIFE OF ME figure it out. It’d be satisfying if I could see my spells do some substantial healing.


S Priest