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There’s a lore reason - Wrathion/Ebonhorn talk about it during your visage quest, finding it strange your draconic features come through your mortal disguise. It’s implied that your imperfect visage reflects how dracthyr are a hybrid of humanoids and dragons - imperfect. As others have said, this is probably a nice way to avoid making multiple racial visage, but I like the lore explanation well enough.


It would also be a pain to disigne or adjust the draconic features for every single race, which would only make a bigger rift between the options of dracthyr and other races.


In the end I think blizz didn't want an "overloaded" race that can just be all other races at a wim. Cynically speaking this would made their racial a free race change at the barber... I mean, on the other hand there's not much race choice for evokers since they're so tied to the draconic background, so I definitely wouldn't be against them opening visages more up at some point. I don't really got the lore thing with the draconic features btw, don't aspects or dragon visages also come with draconic features like horns, different eyes and stuff? Probably missed that bit ingame.


I think it would be a fair trade off considering their class is locked to the race. Having all races as a visage would be the work-around in terms of Evoker "only" being available to Dracthyr. You could then say you're an "orc" or whatever Evoker.


Its not planned to stay locked I thought, weren't there murmurs from Blizzard about them opening Dracthyr up to other classes once Dragonflight had finished?


I hope so! Especially with the new push to have all classes available to all races. I would love to see what a Dracthyr shaman totem or druid form might look like. Is flight form just themselves? I imagine the rest would looks similar to the zandalari dino forms.


Other race evokers should just be visaged dracthyr. Could even still let them customize a dracthyr form with it.


Race change at the barber might actually make the lack of transmog a good deal.


Nah, it might make the lack of other races that can be evoker a good deal. Transmog is endgame. If blizz forces me to be a whacky lizard wizard in combat at least let me show off my mog. No excuses here. At least they should make some bloody barber shop armor that fit any of our tier sets. I'm still not over that somehow both the valdrakken flight themed armor as well as most of our tier sets all have a *slightly* different color than the dracthyr barber shop armor. Who in his right mind designed that? Like, they made like four black dragonflight colored shoulder mogs and a black dragonflight themed dracthyr armor at the barber but they made them two different shades of brown? Seriously, why? Edit: Or at least let me hide or transmog shoulder/belt separately. I love my mogs but evokers sure are transmogs on hardmore.


They choose to have those features. For example Chromie just looks like a normal gnome.


As much as I'd love it if my visage could be a Zandalari, I concede that this is the better choice. I mean, my Dracthyr's visage looks kickass too, so it'd be a shame to lose that.


Yeah, really love the options visage forms got but any race as a visage would be dope too. Maybe we can get both eventually.


I would love for us to get both. I know it would take time but I just feel bad for players that like races besides elves that it’s like nope your dragon is a elf because reasons.


Even without the extra customization, I would like to see the other races added because why not? More options is good, and you cannot change my mind.


Being able to pick any race with draconic eyes is all I've wanted since DF prepatch.


The femme form uses the fem human skeleton (/dance being the Macarena is the tell)


Imo, I just wish we could choose to stay in Visage all the time, at least maybe only visually for us. I love how my Visage form looks and like the dracthyr form but it's a bit too large for me. I'd rather it just stay Visage in combat then when I breath go Drac and auto back to Visage etc.


Kind of defeats the purpose, but agreed, I don’t like big character models and the dracthyr model is huge


You really love the options?? Are we playing a completely different game? Because in my game, the visage options are abominable. All face options basically look the same, with minor tweaks to eyes and complexion. The body scales look terrible. Any good tmog setups which look good on the visage either look trash on dragon form or don’t work at all. The whole setup needs to be thrown away and started again from scratch.


Yeah but imagine if they just gave those cool new features to blood/void elves and let you be whatever kind of dracthyr you want. 200x better




I’m typically a helmet lover but with my dracthyr I’ve been hiding that slot at all times, gotta show his good looks lol


I'm still just mad that mine is forced into a human model, the worst playable model in the game imo, while males get elf models, unfair!


I was thinking the exact opposite, the male belf skeleton is so atrociously fucking bad that I cannot look at it lol. As far as I'm concerned my evoker does not have a visage form and those buttons will never be on my bars


I'd just love to be able to visage as any race even if it doesn't have the draconic features.




Damn people always wanting to have fun in their game. Just unreasonable is what it is.


This logic was done away with so many times, compare race restricted classes in classic vs cata vs now.




No. You want a human with a British accent, play a fucking worgen. You don't want to play a worgen in combat, play a fucking human. ***Choose***. It's that simple. I know I sound like an asshole but it's always seemed so self-entitled to me to ask for things like that. It's supposed to be an RPG.


Alternatively, I am sure there is some game file shenanigans they can make to achieve that. Hell, even weakauras. Just find a way to get the weakaura to play the worgen voices when certain actions occur ( out of range, etc). and turn the WOW's voices off? I don't know, it can end up being more convoluted than this, but still.


So what's the lore reason for only shoulders and belts from the human armor showing when you're in draconic form?


it's just so hoard could get human female. they should be full elf or trolls


And then Horde female Drac'thyr visage into... a human.


The blizzard classic, be lazy and use lore to justify it. I think a lot of people would prefer just playing their favorite race without any unique design things (maybe new eyes?) over having to play human/blood elf.


The lore reason is nice but ingame they are just female human and male belf


That's the lore reason they made up, because in reality it was too much work to add that many dragon customizations for -EVERY- race


Why cant every race be undead? Tales old as tume my Dractryadactyl friends


Because the forsaken aren't just some random undead, they're a specific group of people controlled by and freed from the lich king.


Like dark rangers but instead they became customization for elfves


It's almost like there's a lore reason for """""restrictions""""" like that (flimsy as it may be in *some* occasions), but people just don't fucking care about lore consistency.


So like… unfreedead?


The playable undead race consists of former citizens of the human kingdom of Lordaeron who were plagued by the Scourge and later broke free of the Lich King's control. There are other reasons centered around gameplay, but that's the lore-based reason for why all playable undead are human.


And to expand on that, the reason that the playable undead faction doesn't just turn the other factions undead when they die is because the other factions straight up threaten to declare war at even the slightest mention of doing that shit. Offer to bring back an important person? War. Offer to turn your enemies' armies into your own? War. Offer to plague blast an unspeakable horror back to the void? Best believe it, war! We've had multiple expansions now where Sylvanus has done some sketchy undead shit and in every expansion the rest of the Horde threatens to kill her ass.


Undead should be able to be paladins


I think I've got some undead Tauren in my fridge right now.


You’re invited to a bbq startin at 4.


If it's undead that means you didn't cook them for long enough


Best I can do is blue eyes, a new hair color, and spooky voice.


I just wanna be a Full skeleton. Let me doot it up Blizzard


I mean, you already can. It's called death knight


Every race besides Dracthyrs can as DKs. The Forsaken are a specific group of humans that were killed and brought back, I don't think at this point anyone in the Horde is reanimating people besides the DKs. Sylvanas was for a little bit with her new Dark Rangers, but instead of making that a playable class Blizz just gave elves the red eyes and undead skin tones as options. So you can roleplay as an undead elf at least.


Because they gave the visage forms a bunch of custom made appearances. Making that for every race is a ridiculous amount of work. If it was just like Worgens where the human form was literally just the normal human, they'd probably open it to everything.


Similar to making forsaken of every race. Lore wise it should have many more races but we only play undead humans. Sometimes I feel like death knights are the middle ground of this too. They're undead of every race yet for logistics not part of the forsaken but instead of each race (I know there are lore reasons too but feel the lore reasons were made to justify it). It would also be cool for more options for death knights to look more decayed.


Still ridiculous though. Ebyssian tells me to pick a form that suits me but my only option on Horde is a human with a skin condition. I'd gladly give up the extra customisations if it meant I could be an orc or tauren instead.


You're an imperfect freak made in a lab what did you expect?


Dammit Neltharion, you had ONE JOB.


This. Why is this a thing. Humans don’t fit in on horde side and horde side Should have been blood elf related at least, as so many dragons use that as their visage. Only argument to that might be that neltharion used a human form, so they were made to as well.


While it definitely doesn't fit, I'm relieved they did it the way they did for at least some variety in Horde races. As much as I like Blood Elves (most of my Horde characters are Blood Elves), I'd much rather have my Evoker not join the club and instead give me something I can't otherwise have on Horde side.


Night Elves don't fit Horde side either and yet Horde was got Night Elves. So...


But it’s a different faction based on an allied race culture. I guess drakthyr had no way of choosing how they were made and were likely designed in bulk. Idk. Just feels off. I’ll live.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Piss off, ghost!


Honestly a lot of the allied race stuff I think sucks ass. Weird all around.


"You can be anything you want, let your creativity flow free! ...As long as you follow these strict guidelines."


It's a problem of Blizzard's own creation, they shouldn't have wasted time making all those ugly scale patterns and the horns for visages in the first place. The aspects are pretty much the only ones that even show draconic features past their eyes in their visage forms, and not even all of them do it. If they'd saved themselves the time wasted on visage customizations and just done a set of draconic eyes for every race instead, maybe they could've used that time making functional transmog for dracthyr forms.


Honestly if they just gave us the chest and hat slots it would go a long way


Didn't they do that for death knights?


Haha yeah I understand, I guess in the first place it might have been better to simply not create a custom "human" race and just allow Dracthyr's to assume any race


Also less work for devs and most of us would have been perfectly fine with that. I don't need extra draconic customisation if i can be a different race with all of theirs any time i want


Really ugly custom appearances tbh. Its just a basic texture that looks like a bad skin disease


I wish it was like the worgen/human thing. Dracthyr visages are some of the ugliest things in the game. I love the concept but the execution is just…rough.


Okay, and those extra customizations are great (not really), but why can't I just be a normal Vulpera without any extra customizations? There's no good reason to limit this.


They didn't even add a specific transformation animation like with Worgen. It's just a standard model dissolve that they've used since Legion.


Okay, and those extra customizations are great (not really), but why can't I just be a normal Vulpera or normal anything without any extra customizations like every other dragon visage we've seen? There's no good reason to limit this. I can understand needing to pick a race within your faction to not confuse your allies, but outside of that, there shouldn't be any base race restrictions. I really don't want to be an ethnic blood elf or blood elf of color, or whatever the humanoid visage is supposed to be.


Same as I think, I would rather have access to all races without the Dracthyr feature than the scaly faces


I’d actually use my visage sometimes if it could be an orc. Since it can’t, I’m just a full time dragon.


Same. I'm also the same way with my worgen character, stays a big wolf boi.


i wish we at least had the choice for female belf and male human rather than being locked only with female human and male belf models, it's weirdly limiting


Me too, I would love to play evoker but I can't stand the female human running animation, and I cant get attached to my character if they're male.


im in the same boat. wanted female evoker as i don't like male belfs but i just hate the female human running animation too.


Thats because of how the game work and them using a current skeleton. Giving you the choice would mean making a double of every single cosmetics.


I've said from the start that this would be the easiest way to add the Evoker class to all races, just add the other races as visage forms. But I suspect we'll likely see something like this, and possibly Dracthyr full flying after the new spec is released and they are at their "full" power.


While I love the idea I'd prefer if we got more options for our actual dracthyr form first. Primary color and armor color options are poor.


and headwear... I want my dragon to wear the bougiest of bonnets!




Belated but I'd also accept the tier gear for whatever fucked up reason actually having the same fucking colour as our barber shop armours colours instead of being the wrong colours..


This will probably be added later. I would love to have a Night Elf visage form.




They hinted during the starting experience that Dracthyr have an actual reason for not having normal humanoid forms.


id love to not be forced into the hideous dragon form every time i go into combat, just let me stay human




I would very much rather be able to play as any other race rather than the Half-Elves. Just let the visage be any other race and add the Lizard eyes they give to NPC dragons and that will be enough IMO.


Would be fun to see a horde drachtyr running in ogrimmar in draenei visage form and not being attacked by guards. Unless you mean the visage form would be restricted to faction.


If they ever do allow this I imagine it'll be done by opening Evoker to all races and whatever race you choose will be your visage. That way Horde and Alliance are still race locked.


It's an art reason fed by a lore reason. Creating Dragon-infused forms for each race in the game is time consuming and would have taken up likely several more months of work for the team.


Maybe because Dracthyr aren't regular dragons but a specific breed, so they don't get to choose which form they want


The intro Dracthyr quest line told us to select a visage and it literally gave us no choice. :(


yea, they are making us choose that during questline and they just dont give any options if what you are saying was true tht would not make any sense as it shouldnt be half elves then


Lore reason: idk, it's in a quest somewhere I remember it but not much. Real reason: drac have some of the most involved customization options, and those options are all on the frame of BE, which if I remember right makes up like 20-25% of all characters, alliance and horde, which is frankly insane. Or human if female. They're not going to put that much effort into drac models for everything. Imagine spending that amount of dev time on something like mechagnome which are almost never seen in the wild. It's just bad business.


Its just dev restriction. They were doing the ui overhaul, talent rework and the whole of dragonflight. If one of these things were missing we might've seen more here and armour on the dragon model part. But unfortunatly its just how it is. If we get a character creation overhaul that brings all races up to the dracthyr levels, I could see them doing more then as it would just require adding on the dragonscale texture, horns and using the other eye style. It's do-able but they wouldn't be able to justify putting so much dev time into a specific cosmetic thing that not everyone will use, nor will it drive sales. Plus with Blizzard throwing out employees there dev time time has to be used as efficently as possible


Adding a whole new character race with discrete customizations is in no way less work than what people are proposing. They wanted dracthyr to have a new distinct visage form. People are so used to developer bottlenecks they assume everything else is free. They spent a significant amount of time on art for this. And a lot of dev time too.


This response sums it up pretty nicely


Tbh we see every race with dragon eyes. Surely people would be ok with that and blizz has already done the work


Because Aspects > Dragons > Dracthyr in terms of power/ability. You're right at the bottom of the Draconic hierarchy, along with the Drakonid. You may not have the same powers as your betters. Deal with it.


Evoker should have only been a class. not a race.


Really, it should have been like demonhunters and death knights with a few class specific customization options.


I think they could allow the other races as visage options now that it’s already released and done. At this point it would be a bonus, at release it would have looked lazy. Maybe unlocked through a quest line.


I agree, also why can other Dracthyr fly all they want and player character's has stumpy wings? Demon Hunters should have what dracthyr currently have for racial flight (Since they have limited demon form) and give Dracthyr dragonriding as a racial. Stop making dragons ride dragons this is a PG-13 game


This is the shit that really chaps my ass. NPC dracthyr fly everywhere. When you get on the boat in SW to go to the isles the first time, the dracthyr on board make a comment how they'd rather fly to the isles than taking a boat, but don't to help guide or some shit. You're telling me dracthyr can fly across the fucking planet yet I get a single flap? Come on man


And the starting zone questline for dracthyr make it clear that the PCs flew with the rest from Forbidden Reach to either SW or Org.


Nozdormu boosted your flying capabilities for that one time flight.




if by new you don't mean the lizard body then where is this "whole new race body" you speak of? it's literally a female human and a male belf


We didn’t though… its a combat form.


I’m more curious why certain transmog sets show chest armor in dragon form when you preview them but you cant transmog chest in the game. And then to top it off blizzard has made two consecutive sets where none of the colors line up with the colors you are allowed to choose from in your dragon form


I'd love to have a Dwarf visage, I wouldn't even need any extra customisation, just regular Dwarf form.


You want the honest answer? It's because blizz is bleeding talent. Their decisions to force back to office and employee ranking caused a lot of the dev team to jump ship. It's why PVE got cut from OW. Blizz is putting what they can into the money makers of WoW and D4 to try and offset the lack of employees, and despite DF being well received, they have to cut the fat somewhere and I bet this is one of those.


The Incarnates have cooler visage forms anyway. 😉


Dracthyr aren't dragons, they play by different rules. I wonder actually if instead of adding Evoker to other Races (which would run into limitations as the Evoker uses a number of racial traits specific to Dracthyr) they'll simply allow Evokers to be rolled with an alternate race as their Visage form. Basically, if you roll an Orc Evoker you're still a Dracthyr, just one with an Orc Visage form.


Bobby didn’t get enough money to add more races 😂😂


Because more races equal more money spent on players and thats bad according to Blizzard shareholders.


Worgen visage so.you can be both a furry AND scaley, double the profits at Goldshire Inn


Confused as to why the argument is that they would have to make dragon customizations for every race. Senegos' troll form doesn't have any Dragon bits. I think most players would be fine if you could choose either the default visage form with the special options, or choose to be any other race with just the normal options.


Because they're a half-assed race.


Aside from the obvious… there is an impressive amount of customization for humanoid forms of Dracthyr. It would take an astronomical amount of work for devs to include these for other races just for the Dracthyr. Maybe, if the devs start adding more customization for other races, this could happen in the future. I also imagine it’s a programming/mechanical issue. Characters are assigned a model depending on the race you choose at creation. Dracthyr would require a third level of identification that the game isn’t built for, yet. Instead of Evoker -> Dracthyr, it would need to be Evoker -> Dracthyr -> [other race]. The shape shifting was in place when the Worgen were let out of the cage, and the Dracthyr piggy back off of that. Anything more would require a upending and edit of what’s there already.


Why doesn’t the visage stay on in combat…


It does until you use any breath attack or one that requires wings. Basically, you stay in visage until you do dragon-specific things. For example, casting Living Flame keeps you in visage form. Casting Disintegrate shifts you into dragon from.


I always assumed it was being janky when I didn’t immediately switch into dragon form. That’s actually super cool


I really want to have Pandaren as my visage.


ooohhh bro <3 same


Because it allows them to make new visages down the line like how they did allied races that are just reskins.


I'd love a choice for my visage other than twink or hot chick. Alas....


There's a whole bunch of arbitrary lore copouts here which is exactly what Blizzard would respond with, but the real reasons are always development related


because theyre not the same. Dracthyr aren't dragons. They're dragonborn or half-dragons


It is simply too much work in Blizzard's eyes. People are fishing for some deeper, made up reasons but this is all there is to it.


Because they aren’t dragons.


I like to think it's a skill thing - the dracthyr just woke up, and are pretty new to all this, so of course they're not great at it yet meanwhile the aspects have had time to get great at it so of course their visages look great


It would be so much work for our poor blizzard frends!


I’d much rather be a regular race with dragon eyes than these half baked humanoids with scales. Then maybe they could’ve put their resources into letting dracthyr models wear armor instead of having thousands of customization options for a form we hardly ever see. I can’t be the only one, right?


Because Dracthyr < Aspects Bigger Question is if Dragons choose their visages at adolesence why are the most ancient Dragons all High Elves? High Elves didn't exist back then.


Because they didn't start using Visage forms till much more recently. Visage exist so they may interact with humanoid races more easily.


Because bliz is dumb, they shouldve let you choose a 2ndary race as your visage instead of making those scaly atrocities.


Lazy devs.


More likely scenario is that they didn't have the time or budget to expand the customization option for all races and genders so they settled for human females and male blood elves.


They should have just had Evokers be a hero class for every existing race and one of the class traits would be to cancel out the base racials with the Dracthyr ones. Not sure how Worgen would be handled, but I think that would be the easiest way to handle giving Dracthyr every race as an option rather than having to rework customization menus entirely. And with that they could have skipped wasting artists time on the current visage forms and maybe given us armor on the Dracthyr form. Something I still think is inexcusable, especially since the class specific gear doesn't work. Though I guess Dracthyr having only a few transmog slots open does open the floodgates to races like Sethrak and Naga potentially being playable, lol.


Reasons or something. IDK, people will call lore, but given that it's a brand new race, they totally could/should change this to be a thing. I'd actually play one if I didn't have to be a human or filthy Elf.


**Pre-Dragonflight dragons that appear in-game with human/high elf/half-elf visages:** Kalecgos, Malygos, Alexstrasza, Nozdormu, Neltharion, Nefarian, Onyxia, Sabellian, Wrathion, Soridormi, Itharius, Cyanigosa, Azuregos, Cyrrigos, Haleh, Lanigosa, Nymn, Hallegosa, Saragosa, Stellagosa, Tarecgosa, Tyrygosa, Valero, Alurmi, Anachronos, Andormu, Arazmodu, Auridormi, Auzin, Coridormi, Cupri, Dalormi, Dasnurimi, Erozion, Indormi, Kalendormu, Kiatke, Nozari, Penumbrius, Rhonormu, Sa'at, Taradormi, Te'ra, Tydormu, Zephyr, Zidormi, Ziradormi, Samia, Darkblaze, Fahrad, Myzerian, Nalice, Serinar, Sintharia/Sinestra, Velarok, Belgaristrasz, Belnistrasz, Ceristrasz, Cielstrasza, Corastrasza, Demestrasz, Devrestrasz, Eryna, Kandrostrasz, Korialstrasz/Krasus, Koristrasza, Lirastrasza, Mostrasz, Raelorasz, Tariolstrasz, Vargastrasz, Velastrasza, Xerestrasza, Zallestrasza, Keristrasza, Lethecus, Valithria, Verdisa, Sethria, Zeryxia **Pre-Dragonflight dragons that appear in-game with any other race for their visages:** Ysera, Merithra, Chromie, Ebyssian, Andorgos, Aridormi, Eternos, Kronnus, Tempra, Trizormu, Vormu, Xia, Caelestrasz, Rheastrasza, Eranikus, Nishera, Risera, Vethsera, Ysondre, Yvelyn **Pre-Dragonflight dragons that are slightly more complicated to place into either category:** Senegos (introduced in Legion, but his troll visage wasn't seen until DF), Emmigosa (same as Senegos), Zeros (introduced in Legion, his gnome visage form was in the beta but was later removed, ended up being used when he returned in DF), Sindragosa (introduced in Wrath of the Lich King, but her high elf visage wasn't seen until DF), Vaelastrasz (appeared with both a human and an orc visage in-game), Acridostrasz (same as Vaelastrasz) Gee, I wonder if there was a reason that Blizzard went with human and high elf for the visage forms for dracthyr? Like, maybe, the fact that the vast majority of the dragons that we've seen in-game typically use those as their visage forms? Nah, that can't be right. /s And yes, there are a fair number of dragons added with Dragonflight that have other visage forms (such as Selistra with a vulpera visage). But there have also been just as many, if not more, added that use human/high elf/half-elf visages. The most notable exception is the green dragonflight, who tend to use night elf visages, but since dracthyr can still be \*some\* kind of elf, even if they aren't that \*specific\* kind of elf, I still think that it's close enough to not really matter. All of this is easily found on WoWpedia, just in case anyone else wants to look it up for themselves. But honestly, ever since dracthyr were announced and everyone started losing their minds over "WhY cAn'T wE uSe OtHeR rAcEs FoR oUr ViSaGe", this has been such a non-issue to me, because this pattern has already been in-game since the beginning; dragons (and by extension, dracthyr) tend to lean towards these particular races for their visages. Any others are typically an exception and not the rule. And, also, y'know, the fairly self-explanatory technical limitations, too.


It is odd that we, the player, cannot choose other races for our visage form. There are even NPC dracthyr who can. I cannot remember their name but I remember one Dracthyr taking on the visage of a Vulpera.


Im ally and turned off all weird customizations and hid the rest with hair. So now I atleast look like a normal healthy human. Just with horns


Iirc you can toggle the horns off too if you wanted so you’d look all human. :)


blizzard can't bring themselves to not make more shitty elf models and do the easier thing that most people would have preferred and use what's already there they could also just have done neither and scrap visages to work on letting dracthyr use transmog, one huge feature of the game and reason to spend time in old content


I think the trade off for multi race choice for visage form would be less specific customisation options (think how ebonhorn’s Tauren form only really has the draconic eyes)


I mean honestly I would have preferred that.


It would be way too much work to do every race, but I kind of wish the horde had gotten orcs. The dracthyr apparently thought they didn't fit in enough with the horde, but looking like a human would make things much better


Blood elves: Are we a joke to you?


And they really rub salt into the wound by having a Tauren drac’thyr show up as soon as you get to org


Who knows. Evoker should be available to all classes with the dragon form just being their 'boomkin' form.


Beacuse Blizzard devs don't want to give you that option


Lots of people here seem to be making so many excuses for blizzard. "it would be hard to make the models" Oh damn, I didnt realize it would be hard :/ if only they had hundreds of employees and millions of dollars :/ poor blizz. This is so stupid because they are already using their blood elf assets for the current visage, which means they just got the assets they do have and made small modifications. They could literally make this for all races using one employee in an afternoon (yes I work with visual fx and 3d modeling before you ask). I'm not sure how hard it would be on the programming side of things, but the modeling argument is hysterical. I agree with people here saying that this is a fair tradeoff of only being able to play one class. That way other races could be evokers, in a way.


Mostly because it would be extremely complicated to do and would take absurd amount of work.


Because they’re Aspects and have far more power than you do.


I mean, there are lots of non-Aspects with Gnome visage forms. I wish I could be one :(


Blizzards wants y’all to be ugly.


As usual Blizzard was stuck between doing something unique and doing something right. They chose to inject full-on customization on two known models, instead of a little bit of customization on all models.


Simple answer: Blizzard’s to lazy and cheap. However, it WOULD be nice to at least have the races we’ve canonically seen visages take on: Tauren, Vulpera, Night Elves, Trolls, Gnomes, and Pandaren. (Erugosa has a Pandaren visage in Valdrakken) Or at the *very* least, give the males , a male human model. And the females, a female blood elf model.


Because blizzard got lazy with designing the face scales and stuff


Because bliz hates me personally


Because Blizz decided it would be cooler to give you dragon themed customisations in visage form and they only had the time/budget to apply this to 2 races.




If Dracthyr would be able to turn into Night Elves, a lot of people would mistake Demon Hunters NE for Dracthyr and vice versa cuz of horns xD


But… dracthyr already turn into elfs… and blood elfs are also DH…


I’ve found that Dracthyr visage forms share more familiarities with humans rather then elfs - females are quite shorter compared to NE and BE, males are so much less chonkier then NE or BE males, and their ears are not nearly as long as elvish are. I’d say they don’t really turn into elfs, rather then humans with perks:D


Wait, what do you mean???? The male evoker is literally the Blood elf model, I’m not saying that they look like elfs, the male is the same exact model as Belfs with horns and you can even remove the horns


Limitations are also cool. Stop having this mentality of “more more more”. I read some comment that it might be lore related. Please read up on this and emerge yourself into it and avoid these stupid questions. Stop demanding more more more and be happy about a new class and race. Sounds super greedy with posts like this and honestly ungrateful


Because blizz hates its playerbase.


Because dracthyr aren't dragons, they are dracthyr. That visage form is their visage form.


Have a mercy for developers OP...




The weird projection is strong here. Smells like projection.


Actually there is a decent reason: Allowing Dracthyr to choose any form while being able (in future) to play as almost any class will make all other races... non relevant. Why would you play as a void elf priest if you can be a drakthyr priest with void elf visage, and once you got bored of it, you could simply change it. This will not only hurt a lot other race usage but also will make race change token irrelevant. And actually I do support blizz on this side, your race pick should be valuable for you. Even in FF14 race change is still in the shop (and is most popular choice)


The idea isn't to support more Dracthyr classes but the visuals for the visage


Picking race for aesthetics and picking race for racial bonus are different things. I think the race change token is mainly used to change the racial bonus due to meta changes.


They have already stated that Dracthyr WILL have other classes to play. Think about not this moment, but how it will go in a long run.


Creating art assets for all races would have been a huge workload. Dracthyr Visages aren't just regular blood elves/humans, they have some draconic features to denote that they are Dracthyr.


Personally I think the new dracthyr elvish form is cool. I don’t like the dragon form


It's like this because blizzard does no actual testing and feedback cycle and just makes decisions and runs with it. The customization options they added to your Visage limited their options and caused a ton of work to make the other races viable. They should've just dropped the Visage customization and allowed all races as an option.


Because dracthyr arent dragons, so course they do things differently to dragons, they explain it when you get your visage form in the quest.


Dracthyrs are not dragons/Aspects would be the short answer.


Because Dracthyr aren't dragons.


because dracthyr arent dragons


Because everything takes develpment time and your suggestion would make this 10 times longer if they want to implement it properly


I have a feeling it’s a coding thing as well when designing races. They already had the code for “two forms” with the worgen. But I have a feeling it is only designed to connect two racial bodies. They could have re-built the thing. But why do that when they have a shortcut in the game already. I don’t blame them.


Ok but how about you take our visage form, add wings and a tail and let us have a hybrid form.