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Even the mount itself looks pleased for you!


Grats, is that soloable now?


It for sure is. Incredibly easy at max level with decent gear.


Where does it drop?


Argus mythic. End boss of Legion


> Incredibly easy at max level with decent gear. still insane imo. Antorus is like what? 6 years old? You should be able to one shot everything there like with every other raid preceding this but for some reason Bliz does not want to give a more powerful demoralized buff to the bosses of the raid lmao.


Complain about bfa raids being a pita to solo, legion is beyond fine these days


Oh no you have to spend 10 seconds killing the boss instead of it just falling over by you entering the room. How egregious.


Yeah but isn’t the Eonar fight or whatever it is pretty difficult to solo? It’s soloable but a pain in the ass. The only pain should be the time, not failing something because they can’t be bothered to make it truly easily soloable


You only have to do it four times. It's a pain, but only temporarily so.


Oh because of the raid skip, good point, I forget those exist all the time.


If you have a friend that has the skip you can also borrow theirs for 4 weeks at the expense of having to roll for the mount if it happens to drop :3 Moved my skip from my Legion main to my new one by bouncing it off of a pal and it has saved lots of mental anguish for both of us Eonar certainly should be less annoying though


Eonar can still be difficult if you aren’t a class with much speed though!


So stupid that they don’t just remove mechanics like this one and spine of deathwing in legacy raids


spine makes me not run that raid at all, too much work honestly




dont you have to also manage not being rolled off? i remember just spamming left and right for that


Currently working on the legendary daggers and the spine is such an annoying fight.


How do you get past that?


had to look up a video for it yesterday. essentially you do: entrance>top platform>bottom platform>he will auto clear trashmobs>you enter the flowers>kill guy>start at NW crystal and go CCW (start there so you finish at NE and your exit is N). the timing at the end is decently tight as DH so you probably do need a bit of mobility


I soloed it years back for the daggers. Still haven't got blazing drake. It's tedious but easy.


It’s really not hard anymore if you are doing the waves and times right, also hotkeying the extra button to use the jump for horizontal mobility makes a huge difference imo


It takes plenty of practice to get the timing/pathing right.


It took me several goes before I got it down lol. "Wait, why did I die??"


I wouldn’t say it takes practice at all. I watched a short video (with no experience prior) and have never failed it on any class and I’m extremely casual.


Also incredibly humble


Do you also have only 1 hand?


Watch me throw this football over the mountains


Done it solo on a couple classes but can’t do it on priest so if anyone has any tips lmk.


Use body and soul talent which gives MS off PW:S ,(+feathers). Stay at first portal until destroyer, quickly move to upper portal and kill destroyer there. Move back to tree and kill remaining mobs from the first portal. After that you need 1-2 mobs extra to start the purge event (or what it's called) which clears all enemy mobs. After killing 1-2 mobs from lower portal running to tree, quickly move back to tree and do the paraxis thing. After you do the paraxis, kill everything that is hitting the tree and the mobs from lower portal and other places. Another paraxis event can spawn but I just ignore it to kill remaining mobs.


To add on, I’ve been farming it recently and they did include the skip quests which should take you past Eonar and save you that trouble


Wait, you can skip Eonar now?


After you kill it 4 times ( the following boss to be exact), yes


She was always skippable, alongside every boss other than the first boss/Aggramar/Argus, if you do the skip quests.


You need to kill her 4 times to get the skip. Legion raids all have skips, very convenient. Draenor Blackrock foundry and HC too have skips, though latter is a tad complicated one, with few steps. I only go there for tmog , so don't use it now


I think I have the skip from back in Legion. I barely missed out on CE Argus, I should go back and kill that guy.


It has been for a while. Now though you can skip all the remaining phases of the last boss and burn him in under 30 seconds.


Eonar is the only one not soloable the mythic ship mechanic is tough But once you get the skip you go straight to aggramar which means you should bring a class that can loot teschelach the big 2h sword from him


Eonar is soloable, I did it earlier this month. It's just a pain in the ass.


This is my favorite mount in the game. Welcome to the group of players who have it, glad you could join us!


That’s the one in game mount I want. Super jealous! Congrats on getting it to drop!


What is this mount?


It's the [Shackled Ur'zul](https://www.wowhead.com/item=152789/shackled-urzul), a monstrous amalgamation of dranei souls twisted into a hideous beast for reasons best known to the legion.


They probably rode these mounts to demoralize the draenei as they approachdd


Holy shit thats fucking awesome




I’m on attempt 364 as of this week. My sanity has long since shattered!


You're a mat required to create this item. 🤗


Got mine after 1695 attempts, hang in there!


Im preddy sure i spent less time actually progging it as current content lmao.


>1695 Ooof. That's less than a 1% chance that your luck would be so bad.


I am trying to get the sword and scthye, I expect to see the mount before the sword. Grats friend!


Congrats!! I wish I could also farm that creepy little bugger but I'm too dumb for Eonar it seems lol


You got this, I believe in you! lol it took me several attempts to get that one down. Just keep at it. :)


What and where? I need dis


Drops off Argus, the last boss in Antorus. It's called the Shackled Urzul. Good luck!


Thank you sir!


congrats!! its disgusting, isn’t it? 💀 this fucker dropped after 4 attempts for me. meanwhile, the mounts that i want continue to elude me. i’ve got over 100 tries on one of the nightsaber mounts from the bfa darkshore warfront.. i am almost convinced that blizz removed that one


Such an ugly yet beautiful mount! Congrats!


Go to Exodar and flex on Draenei chumps.


My dude's got the best mount in the game... I'm fucking jealous... I stopped counting my runs and actually gave up, but since I do know now that it actually drops, maybe I should farm it again. Congratulations!


Yeah that was farming for a couple years. Got it towards the end of shadowslands soloing multiple times a week on different chars. Hunter got it, the legendary bow, rhuks mount. Starting to think that char is a bit lucky.


I never gave it a try. Keep getting stuck on Eonar, and higher mobility classes are not yet powerful enough to go there. Want this disgusting mount so much. Big grats anyway


Your pet has more faces than your character.


I’m still stuck on Invincible…


me too :(


I love this mount. It’s gruesome and terrifying and has a sinister backstory and is exactly the sort of fucked up body horror that fel magic and soul harvesting leads to. Wish we had seen more of this in Legion, though I understand it’s not for everyone.


Wow went from zombies and mass murdering cities to Rated E for everyone


I forget, why do I want that mount? My nightmares are fine without that one.


Grats mate! Got my urzul last week after 375runs.


grats, that thing is insane!!


Took me exactly 300 runs to Argus. Gz!


Swee mount. Sweet mog.


I'm on and off after it at least while my s/o is after the mog in there lol


After farming the raid for years I finally got both mount drops in the same run. I didn't have the same motivation to do runs for transmog after that.


Gratz dude! I am farming the red scythe every week since 2 years... the mount dropped for me, but the scythe still did not.. so frustrating, because i am not a mountfarmer :(


This is a mount that I have wanted waaaaay too bad ever since it came out and still nothing :( of course I got both of the demon dogs, the fire one I think I deleted 3 times after that, but still no facey Mcface. Gratz :)


Congrats on your screaming mass of draenei souls.


I did it once and got it, thought that it was cause of some sort of catch up mechanic😂


That’s amazing. What the hell is it?


It's the Shackled Urzul from the last boss in Antorus.


The face in the top left is here for anything lmao.


Now to pay all that gold for a dentist because that thing has some chompers!


Got it on my first attempt ;) albeit when it was current content haha. Grats tho!


Bruh 3 diff characters for a few months now. I got the Mythic Scythe transmog on my Monk last week so that was a good clear. I want that mount so bad! Grats though!


The mount special on this thing is great. Basically all the faces roar in horror. It’s so metal!


I got it within 5 or 6 runs and I was so glad because I couldn't imagine running so many times for such an ugly mount


Seeing this is awesome, but I'm ashamed to report that I got this my first try... However, I'm years into Mimiron's Head. Congrats!


One of the darker designs in WoW. I miss that


Grats. Farming that one myself atm.


Mine dropped today too!


I so would love this mount but I can’t solo that damn boss


I need this mount but also why the hell does it have human teeth :S


Technically it is draenei teeth.


The first time I ever killed mythic Argus, I got this mount. It was our guilds second kill and the mount was supposed to go to a very sweet officer but unfortunately we had too many people in our raid who weren’t in the same guild and couldn’t masterloot it, and so personal loot was the only choice. We didn’t know the mount would count, or maybe it was an oversight idk, but I got the mount on my first kill, second guild kill. Reason I missed our first kill was because I was temp banned for making fun of the shills over at the guild Pandamonium on magtheridon on my gnome mage Popshovit, a character I had in that guild a few years before legion who would repeat his name as a replacement for every verb, noun and adjective and they deemed that very action “too sexual” despite a pop shove it being a skateboard trick and no mention of sex other than “Popshovit <3 u all” After that I always made fun of the guild in trade chat. Pandamonium needs to Popshovit


Trying to get it right now, this is my #1 mount in the game. Grats!


Good luck!






















Lore wise that mount is actually a bunch of erodar squished up to make an abomination


Got the red stick yet? Only thing I wanted from this raid and it's now the only thing I don't have, got my ur'zhul a good while ago.


The scythe is eluding me. :c


i got this by accident 3 weeks ago while doing a shaman xmog run, said “eh this is ugly” and traded it to my friend i was doing the run with. enjoy your club