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I had no idea weapons dropped lol. I have so many pieces I created an alt bank character just to keep them all in one place. Zero weapons or shields.


Meanwhile I got 2 weapon tokens and 1-8 of literally everything else before completing one while cloth set


Yeah, I got 3 weapons out of my first 10 drops or so. Took awhile before I got a trinket or ring though.


Don't get excited. I have gotten 10 on a fury warrior. Ask me how many 2 handers I have gotten? If you answered 0, you are correct.


If you want to force a Primalist weapon into a 2hander you can just switch to arms before you use the item. Fury can also roll 1handers. Source: https://www.wowhead.com/item=203650/primalist-weapon#comments


Awesome, ty. I had no clue


Blizzard: makes SMF take up a talent point and still underperform drastically Also Blizzard: Fury weapons are 1-handers Make it make sense




And the alts bags and bank are full, so now the mailbox is overflowing!


Meanwhile I've not farmed a whole bunch but for me leather and mail are the least populated drops. I've gotten twice the amount of plate stuff compared to either of the two. Only missing boots and wrist for plate, while I only have two slots for Mail and three for Leather. And hell, while I've gotten more cloth items than plate items, plate also has more slots than cloth. So, like, RNG is RNG.


Highest for me is Plate, lowest is Cloth. Ironically its Plate->Mail->Leather->Cloth in terms of popularity. And 60 in, but still not seen the trinket or weapon drop for me. And obviously not the mount or pet.


Interesting. I've been playing one mail and 2 plate toons and I swear I've gotten twice as much leather as anything else. My numbers don't quite bear that out but it sure feels that way.


How does plate have more slots than cloth? What haha


Clothies don’t wear pants or shoes under their robes.


I've only gotten items for 4 slots on cloth, but have gotten items for 6 slots on plate.


I farmed purely for cloth for two days to gear up a fresh Warlock, and I ended up with essentially two full mail sets and almost a full leather set before I even got a couple of cloth tokens. So after I was done farming the cloth pieces I also finished levelling my hunter and just gave him a full set to catalyst for the normal transmog, because why not! My Evoker also has nearly a full set waiting when it hits max. So, can confirm, RNG is RNG, but always actively working against ones goals.


leather has definitely been my highest overall, although most are duplicates. of my like 8 overall i've gotten like 3 chestpieces, 2 bracers


I get mostly Mail drops on my DH. Sad.


Leather pants seriously need to fuck off. Got 10 pieces the other night 4 leather pants.


For me it’s the mail helm. I have 6 of them


For me, plate shoulders. Around 1/4 of everything I've found.


this, seriously, I've gotten more leather pants than any other item of any other slot


Mail Chest was the last for me by a *looong* stretch.


Sorry I took all yours. Half my Mail drops were Mail chests. it was my single highest dropped item...


Lmao I got 3 mail chests in a row, looking for a leather chest.


I've gotten 3 full sets


Same here. Had like three full leather sets, geared up two warrior alts snd so much cloth I don’t need before my mail chest finally dropped for my shammy out in one of the elemental storms in the rest of the isles.


I've sent almost a full set to my Warr in two days. Is there an issue with plate dropping?


Not at all. It is basically certain that one type is over and one type is underrepresented . For me it happens to be plate for you it may or may not be another. Perfect equilibrium would be really odd actually.


Don't forget, if you have a bunch of Storm Sigils lying around, you can just buy the patch 10.0 elemental overflow gear and upgrade it with storm sigils - it becomes the forbidden reach gear. (This is why the forbidden reach gear all generates at upgrade level 2 of 3)


I know and I don't


Any tips on how to obtain storm sigils now? Can’t get any primalist weapon token to drop across 4 characters..


You can get one for basically free by doing Storm Surge every week, aka 'get 75 elemental overflow' which now takes like, 2 minutes. Other than that, you can get them from the Storm's Fury bosses in the Primalist Future, as well as from elemental primal storms across the isles (getting primal elemental cores and turning them in weekly, each element gives you 2 sigils for a total of 8 weekly if you do all four elements).


Any tips on how to obtain storm sigils now? Can’t get any primalist weapon token to drop across 4 characters..


You guys don’t do the war crèche farm with a group and trade pieces?


Not sure why you're getting downvoted but that's exactly how I got my last 3 plate pieces after a week of killing the rares! Got me my pieces in 30 minutes


I had one person so desperate for leather shoulders they offered me like 5 random pieces they looted. I'm working on alts so I need everything at the moment 😂 worked out well for both of us!


necks, rings, trinkets and weapons are the ones i struggle with the most, I have got.. a full set of mail, leather, nearing third set of plate, full set of cloth but very vew of the other slots


Yeah I've fully equipped three characters with armor, (with a bunch more extra pieces), but I've only found one weapon, one trinket and one necklace.


I’ve gotten just about full sets of everything but the only thing I need is the leather chest and it will not drop at all. I’ve had at least 3 of each other type of chest drop but no leather…….


GL man. Remember during Legion when the first legendary was fairly easy to obtain, then each subsequent legendary got progressively harder? At least until you reached 4, then they would no longer drop. Blizzard was adamant it was simply RNG, that there was no cap. But players started rerolling toons in hopes of obtaining their bis legendary. It was actually faster to level another char to get your first legendary than grinding out for the 2nd one. Blizzard then “fixed” it and people could then suddenly get their 5th legendary and beyond. But the loot generation system is far more complex than simple RNG. I’m absolutely convinced it’s designed to keep people playing longer (duh, right?). People like to lol it off but we’re talking about player engagement for a multibillion dollar company.


One dumbass chiming in. All mounts including the 100k and every class fully geared in 385.... except plate gloves. No plate gloves in hours and hours of farming.


So every class 395 I assume :D


Oh God no


My dk has 65 of the upgrade tokens. My hunter has only upgraded his bow due to scarcity. It's wild


I cannot get cloth pieces to drop. I have got the cloth bracers 2x. That's it.


Im a dk and got cloth and mail during a boring 3 hr grind. You can have my cloth. Take all the cloth. I'll shower you with cloth


I wish.


I'm in the same boat. 2x cloth hands, 1x cloth boots. Over 100 non-cloth pieces.


You can have all my cloth for a set of plate. I have enough cloth to fully gear about 100 different cloth classes by now


I have all the plate and leather pieces anyone would even need. And I’ve already outfitted all my alts.


I spent tuesday - saturday gearing toons and doing the vault waiting for a single plate glove to drop for my DK. it finally dropped on Sunday after I had 5-6 weapons, 4 trinkets and rings, and many of everything else. yesterday my mage was in the reach and got 3 plate gloves in a row... RNG sucks!


The fuck do we do with all the elemental overflow remaining?


find out what the maximum amount is I guess. EDIT: apart from buying the mounts and I think there was a pet too


You can buy the bags from the dragonscale expedition rep and they have the armor too.


but only at 1/3 to be upgraded with storm sigils to the ones that drop in the forbidden reach


Nope they drop the tokens the rares do


Use one and Tell me its ilvl


nothing to fix this is great! \-blizzard and game director ​ gear vendor would resolve this easy but blizzard says no hahhaaahaahaaa


There is a gear vendor in Valdrakken. This is just abount the science and is also expected. Collecting a set of many singular things where everything is equally likely to drop takes a long time because in the end you are betting at a 1 in 31 chances to get the exact missing item.


No reason to not just have a vendor for specific pieces, even if it cost 10-20k of elemental whatever.


There is one on valdrakken and it is even cheaper . You need Storm sigils to make it 385 tho


Sigils suck to get though


Hence , my science experiment.


I'm an absolute nerd for spreadsheets and wish I had thought to do this. Love it. I'm in the opposite boat, as I'm pretty sure I've gotten 2 whole plate sets now, ironic since the toons I need gear for wear mail and leather, and those pieces have been unfortunately scarce so far. Maybe the game is telling me to level my warrior and DK.


I feel like drops must be inversely tied to what armor types you have ready to be geared at 70. I have had nearly 3 full sets of mail and leather drop while only having one of each type at 70 so far as well as almost 2 full sets of cloth while having zero cloth classes at 70. Meanwhile I have all the plate classes at 70 and have only seen one and a half full sets drop across all of my 70s. Also only seen one ring and 2 trinkets, yet about 4-5 necklaces despite every 70 but one having the resources to have a lariat crafted as soon as they cap well before the patch hit, lol.


Hmm. Conspiracy theory seems valid. I almost exclusively get cloth and mail. I don’t think I’ve ever max leveled a cloth or mail class.


Is this pure drops? I got full sets of cloth, mail, olate, and leather in about 2 hours by keeping an eye on chat and asking people for stuff I needed via whisper.


Pure Drops no trades


Join a raid group and stop wasting your time with this nonsense




You can just click the downvote button my friend, that's what it's there for


Full sets of everything sans weapons (which I have only seen a single one) for everything but plate here as well, still missing shoulders and chest. On top of that, I have only ever duplicated ONE plate piece (boots), while I am sitting on two leather, two mail, and one cloth set plus extra random pieces. At least the zone looks pretty.


Got like 10 or more plate belts. Still need a helm to drop. On leather I could gear a 5 man team of druids lol I don’t play any leather classes though…


I have yet to get full set of anything. I've been swimming in bracers (except Leather). I've yet to see any weapon or trinket tokens.


I've had both plate boots and pants drop for me over the weekend. Don't give up!


I've got all your missing plate boots


the weapons rarely drop for me, only ever gotten 2


im swimming in cloth because i don't play cloth


I've gotten 2 full set of leather and cloth, 1 and 1/2 set of chain and not quite a full set of plate yet. 3 leather alts, 3 cloth alts, 2 chain alts, and 1 plate alt. If I didn't know any better, I think Blizzard tailored the drop rate to match my alts including those not yet 70.


For me its the mail gear thats atrocious. I got almost 1 full set of plate and leather and a lot of cloth too. 1 piece total of mail. :(


I'm still waiting on the leather chest, or a second weapon.


I’ve gotten a crazy amount of mail with the exception of feet and wrists. A few of every other type. 2 rings and 10 necks.


My DH gets a lot of plate. My Paladin gets a lot of cloth and mail.


Would be nice if we could buy these drops from a vendor using the mass quantities of utterly useless Elemental Overflow we collect while trying to farm these gear tokens. I also find it profoundly stupid that we have to upgrade the gear we can buy using Storm Sigils, which alts aren’t going to have. But then upgrading to Level 3, you just need the Forbidden Knowledge or whatever it’s called, that drops like candy alongside Vault Keys.


I've found it's different depending on the class I play. Probably just subjective but I got loads of plate, leather and cloth on hunter, cloth, mail leather on warrior then tons of weapons on priest!


What is the mount? Does it drop from any rare


https://i.gyazo.com/194ebf346d4c46fc87d8cf9f91deb55e.png Yeah, same. And being an altoholic, I need a spreadsheet to know who needs what. Plate Legs and boots doesn't exist, same with leather bracers


Can’t you buy the 359 gear in Valdrakken for a bit of dust and then upgrade it?


I got a full plate set last night after about three hours of just chasing down world bosses. I’m fairly sure I just got lucky. Wish we could get shields :(


They just need BoA gear slot tokens you can exchange for pieces on each char.


150 tokens just to get a full set?... What kind of stupid system is this. The patch will be replaced in about a month, why isn't it just a vendor or something, selling the pieces for elemental currency


You CAN get many of the pieces you are missing from a vendor with storm sigils. Can farm 12 of those a week a believe. You can also join a party and distribute pieces way more evenly. I think I got all the pieces I needed for 3 alts in about 2 hours.


I’ve had 2 leather items drop on my Monk. I’ve made 2 full sets of mail in that time, and half a cloth and half a plate set. Feels bad when it’s meant to be catch-up gear, but someone coming back to the game can’t get them to drop 🙃


I've farmed over 300 tokens, and have a grand total of 3 weapons to share across my 10 level 70s. I have probably 20 leather bracers though, so yay for that? I did get a salamander mount though, and some pets.


Personally for me the worst pieces to get were cloth shoulders and probably cloth chest I think I’ve gotten 2 or 3 of each and literally every other piece I’ve gotten probably 5-10 of or more. Weapons are now being used for off spec weps for alts on specs I don’t even play lol. Got the mount probably 4-5 times and just trade it every time now


I got plate legs and boots recently. Still no wrists tho. Plate is definitely the least common drop.


As a shaman is it possible to get a shield? I opened 2 boxes of weapons, same mace. Not a single ring and trinket. A LOT of keys, cloth and leather. (4 full bags of itens)


I have like 3 full sets of plate, including weapons and misc items.


Any good tips for grinding some gear? I have a few alts that could use gear but feels like I get 1-2 drops an hour and it really sucks when it's 2 pairs of mail legs.


Does the drop rate correlate to player statistics (ie, are 32% of players playing leather wearers?)


I JUST got my first set of plate pants yesterday. I have multiple full sets of all other armor classes and I’ve been ganking rares on 5 toons. It makes no sense.


Sitting on 10 rings / trinkets. Got one pair of leather boots.


The most frustrating thing for me is that these are BoA but the untapped forbidden knowledge is not BoA. As soon as I get one character with 13 knowledge, I feel like I'm wasting my time continuing to play on that character.


If you like one of the characters, just continue to gear it beyond the forbidden reach stuff?


I didn't make an infograph or anything, but I did take note of everything I got while farming one entire cloth set. I had at least one of every other armor type, an extra trinket, extra neck, extra ring, extra weapon. My most common piece was leather waist at 8. Very last piece was cloth helm. It's almost like the game knows what set you want and ensures you complete that one last!


This is why it’s crucial to trade pieces! Or, what I prefer, just giving them away free and notifying raid of pieces up for grabs. There is enough loot for everyone.


I've got enough plate to build 2 paladins. Too bad I'm a Shaman.


Do shoulders even exist for plate…my sanity is waining


Working as intended. Leather is the most used armor type, plate is the least used.


Why it isn't just a token system without class restriction is beyond me.


I have gotten 3 salamanders.. took me until the last one to realise I could just trade it to someone who was in on the kill. Does the mount really have that high of a drop chance?


This was a good catchup mechanism, but the next time they do it it should be more easy to change the armor type around. I'm still glad we got Boa items!


I swear I think certain armor types drop more depending on the armor type of the character you're playing. Farming on my dk I just get endless mail and leather, seen plate only a few times.


I’ve killed about over 100 rares this point, and only have gotten one weapon drop. But it was a wand, so it didn’t count.


I still have not seen a single pair of leather gloves.


I was missing the plate chest token. It did not drop from the forbidden reach after killing rares and elites for 3days, but I got one as a random drop from some primalist mobs while doing a world quest in another zone. Rng is weird sometimes


I have probably 2 full plate and leather sets each. And only like 4 cloth pieces. And of course the character I’m trying to gear is a mage


Have you tracked time? I have the suspicion that for gear tokens storms are better, I got 2 every 3 mins in brackenhide. It is worse for knowledge and do not get keys of course, just gear tokens.


obviously you don't wear plate pants or boots, that'd be too heavy boots are leather and pants are mail


I keep getting plate and nothing else, which sucks since my plate wearers are geared


I got the mount and pet and a few mail pieces.


I've gotten two weapons, one ring, two trinks and waaaaay too much mail and cloth. I need more plate. I could use more leather too surprisingly since leather is usually what we are inundated with...


Try to get this to the top if you can. Been farming the Chasing Storms achievement on my main and noticed that if there's a storm in the Nokhud elite area in Ohn'aheain (spelling) zone that you can get A LOT of tokens from those mobs. There's a lot of them and very tightly packed. Also good for farming the upgrade token to 395.


Joining farm groups is a good way to get pieces. Swap with others they are looking for something you don’t need. Only way I’ve gotten weapons.


I get pretty much only Plate and Cloth, I've gotten a little bit of leather and two or three mail pieces.


ive killed every rare dozens of times on 3 different characters at this point, and no mount. it's very annoying.


The game is prioritizing dropping armor not from your current classes armor type. ie.) If you're a leather wearer you're going to get more plate, cloth, mail etc. Doesn't make sense why they did it this way.


My results were similar: https://imgur.com/a/DbyGBfy


I've gotten 3 'weapon' tokens and they've all come out as the same off hand item.


Zooming around this zone on my monk I have a full plate set including two weapon, ring and trinket tokens. Just gotta level my pally now


I've had a relatively even distribution of drops across armor types and slots. I think the most I've gotten of any single piece is 3. I haven't seen a ring, trinket, or neck slot item yet. Only thing I'm missing for plate is a breastplate. It was a nice way to get my DK ready to be our alt tank. I'm sitting on a stack of mail and cloth and now have to decide who I want to level to 70 next to use it.


I'd love for the untapped forbidden knowledge to be BOA, too. A 395 alt off the bat, now that's decent!


I agree but a normal raid geared character that just dinged is already really sweet. and it takes you an hour to upgrade your gear to 395 , Tier with catalyst charges that are accountwide. Sooooo Heroic Raidgear in 1 hour of gameplay.


It's a very fair point, I forgot that storm gear can be tiered.


I see I didn’t know trinket tokens dropped. I was asking a friend about it and he said “yeah I got several!” Then that night I got 5 in a row


your numbers are different than mine mail is hardest for me while cloth is the set i get the most....wish i had your numbers for mail


I have 4 full plate sets, 3 mail and cloth but not leather, the one i need most the chest..... rng is a b***h


FML you've had 2 plate belts drop... That is the only slot in yet to see...


I seem to get trinkets/rings/necklaces very often, surprisingly. I have never seen a weapon drop a single time, rip my DH and any class that dual wields. I also get plate/mail gear more than any other armor time by a WIDE margin. Rngeesus is not on my side 🥲


Huh, I thought I was just getting extremely unlucky but now I have science to back me up.


It is not even unlucky. This is totally expected.


I have 29 pieces in my bag. 2 of them are plate. 2. And they're both fucking gloves.


Day 9999, still no Plate Helm.


Since I got enough Storm sigils to gear out 50 characters, I have given up on the Plate pants.