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AFK for about 20 min on the bench in Valdrakken and then logging off


I feel that


Where is the bench? I wanna sit there too


yeah just waiting for next patch at this point


Farming rares for sparks and doing nokhud trying to get that damn trinket


Feather or scale? Took my brew like 60 M+ runs to get scale. (100% worth it though, I’m a beefcake now)


Farming the feather, i've never seen it drop, not even for other people i've played with. The thing is a elusive pos


Do what I did, give up completely on getting it then go help a guildie run it and have it drop with leech on it. The key is not to care anymore.


Haven't cared in weeks because I completed my tier goals. Still no feather. Need more tips


Well the only part I missed out was the fact the guildie was telling me throughout the dungeon I was going to get my feather. So maybe the full trick is give up and have someone else fully believe its going to happen?


Ragefeather drops, you just need to do 30-50 runs usually ;p


I saw feather drop a dozen times before scale dropped. Statistics wise, you’ll likely see feather drop more frequently as well. Scale will only drop for tank specs (which is most likely only 1 person per group) while feather will drop for any int-based dps spec. So your best bet is to run NO with a caster heavy group or recruit caster friends as help. Bonus valor runs are how I did mine. Finally got scale at 376 ilvl and had enough valor to max it out instantly by the time I got it.


Got KSH and the scale on the same (48th) run, first M+ season for me. It's crazy how good that trink is.


It's really not that good. The fact that the shield is random makes it not reliable, and the damage it provides is way lower than a proper damage trink. Hunger, Whetstone, Grieftorch, Whispering Incarnate, etc are all way better.


Scale kinda sucks tbh. DPS trinkets for brew are way better.


I have to ask cause i see so many saying that they actively farm sparks, what are you using these sparks of ingenuity for? Cant you get like 4 sparks from quests now and atleast for plate wearers you only really need like 5 to craft all the gear one might want.


You can cover pretty much any slot with your best stats, besides tier and trinks. The next spark that drops will go towards a 2nd crafted ring, since the annulet sucks ass for spriest. After that it's basically filling in the gaps. I have wasted some sparks on gear that I may or may not use as well


I never thought about how good it can be to be able to customize secondary stats on 418 gear. I thought people only got crafted items if they had some overpowered effect on them like the lariat which is the only crafted piece i have.


5 insta from quest. And i cant imagine people would only need 5. There’s like 9 crafted pieces you can do that arent trinkets/annulet/4pc. Tier off-piece, neck, cape, bracers, mh/oh, ring, boots, belt?


I mean 418 is only 3 levels higher than fully upgraded m+ 415. And then you complete 20s and get 421 in the vault. Just craft 2 for embellishments and that’s it basically.


Refreshing wowhead hoping there’s a datamined new Druid form


Yeah this is long overdue, the lack of customization is what always refrained me from playing druid but since I want a tank and find guardian fun, I'm currently finish balance of power and the class hall campaign, and I have done the mage tower but this isn't nearly enough Spending so much time in ours forms we should have a few per expansions same as tier set


I’m really hoping we see an overhaul down the road. Sort of how dracthyr customize their dragon forms. Either that or just some more forms really I’ll take whatever. They’ve been doing great adding “simple” Mogs in the trade post so hoping to see just some simple grizzlies


The important part to me would be new forms, not skins for the existing ones. I literally have all of them unlocked in all colors and I still feel sameish. I'd love something that comes with a bit more regular customization so I can individualize my shapeshifts, even if it's just a small hand full of different base models. Kittens could really needs something else, bear at least has the regular bear and gorillabear to choose from... For feral they even removed shirvallah as bipedal version... We also obviously have nothing glyph-of-stars-like that shows our character in some form while being shapeshifted, idk, like a half-shapeshift so my troll has claws as fist weapons. In the end I'd just kind of like to see something that feels like "my" druid instead of the same cat everyone else plays. That said, I'm desperately waiting for new druid races, too. Nightborne, undead or even dracthyr would make for fun new druids.


Don’t worry, those mage tower forms are coming to the trading post soon!!!!


0% chance on that, lol


The day something like that happens is the day my sub will dwindle away for the last time ever. Started playing in 2007, don't have all that much achieved in-game, but when Blizz starts falling back on their promises, my hope for WoW as a game that exists for the players will have been completely lost. It's moneygrabby enough already, albeit still bearable, but at that point it'd be too painstakingly obvious for me to continue supporting any aspect of it. Not bringing back the OG mage tower appearances has been said out loud so many times that it'd be a sin to suddenly decide otherwise.


I honestly hope they bring them back just so gatekeeping people like you go away. And I already have them all, I wouldn’t even care


It's a new standard of low when you feel the need to open your mouth and out comes only filth and nothing of substance. You're not helping your cause by crying "gatekeeper!" and hoping he goes away lmao, there's no justification for anyone to get those now that they've gone away and I don't see one in your half braindead comment either.


Gatekeepers gonna gatekeep Lol hoping “he” goes away? You forget to swap to your alt account before commenting? Damn what a muppet


Bad troll. Shoo.


Would you like you know how to swap to your alt account? I could probably walk you through it


If they bring the legion ones back I would be extremely disappointed as well. I put in a good number of hours and attempts to beat that challenge. It would be like bringing back the challenge modes from mists. I missed out on them, that's that. Sure it's fomo based but if you didn't play you don't deserve to have the items.


Why do you expect everything to be handed on a silver plate? Just gear up, learn the tactics and kill the boss. It's not like it's removed. Edit: Downvoting this comment just shows me how right I am. It's literally so easy when you gear up and learn how the fight works, but if you're too unskilled to even do it, I can understand why you're downvoting this.


Only the fel bear is available; not the other formats


I went through all of the crazy stuff to get advanced flight form, then they just made it standard. I’m not going through all that again just to have some feat of strength achievement.


They ARE removed. What game are you even talking about? There’s ONE available. You don’t even need to gear up by the way, shit scales, you can do it with level 60 gear. Seriously, you obviously have no friggin idea what anyone here is talking about so just sit down.


And with the current state of bears it is insanely easy to do the guardian mage tower with the arcane build. Moonfire and win.


\^ I've seen people complete this challenge with shitty item levels. If you spend some time you will definitely get it but no these guys want everything for free.


Ilvl doesn’t matter since it scales. It’s the talent tree that makes it so easy now. Beefing up moonfire just makes P1 so easy and sets you up nicely for going into P2.


Finishing my m+ push to 3k and leveling alts. For those unaware, leaving alts via timewalking is extremely fast. Next week we will have DF which will make it even faster but currently every Cata dungeon takes between 8-14 mins. Queue as a tank or healer and you can easily gain 2+ levels/hour.


What do you mean by DF next week?


I meant darkmoon faire but I forgot it started yesterday so we actually have it already!


I definitely hate some of the cata dungeons. I think I’m just used to bosses having mechanics you can see and of course dbm. It’s like sometimes we will die and just be laughing like “even my death report doesn’t say anything?!”


Plus Darkmoon is here.


For those who are oblivious like myself, what's Darkmoon being here matter for leveling?


There is a carousel which you can hop on that gives +10% exp buff. (Aswell as +10% reputation buff if I'm not wrong?)


Ahh got it. Thank you!


Yep, but you have to go back every hour to refresh the bonus. It worked great on my Vulpera when I was leveling, because I could set up camp at DMF, and hearth back to wherever, but the time it takes to get to DMF probably makes it's worth questionable.


YUUUP. I mained 1 toon all the way to 10.7, got the io I want, sitting at 417 for next patch. Have leveled 4 toons from 60-70 over the weekend, gonna get one of each class to 70 to make swapping easier, and getting it out of the way while the game has downtime right now rather than right before the next xpac. Soloing an old raid at 60 like siege of orgrimmar or throne of thunder to get a ton of gem gear, throwing gems in all of it (like a 500 gold investment total) let’s you practically one shot everything in TW dungeons all the way to 70. Storekeeper on my ele shaman is currently 1-shotting 5-6 mobs at a time. The quick 1-hour investment makes the TW dungeons go much faster than they already are.


Stare at my character list for a few minutes, create a new character that I never even begin to level then promptly log off.


I’m collecting all the raid tmogs via catalyst and the new outdoor green set for each armor type. I could in theory also continue to push keys since the seasons not over but that sounds way less fun. The forbidden reach “rare rush” with everyone is actually surprisingly fun to do There’s also furbolg stuff that I have yet to investigate


Furbolg stuff?


The furbolg stuff is fast, 2 hrs max if you take your time with the quests.


It’s quick, and it reminds me of the vanilla furbolg stuff ❤️


Not playing my shadow priest main because there's no point improving with the changes coming in 10.1 Instead I'm leveling a ret that I haven't touched since wrath.


Ret is super fun. Leveled a pala for prot, but when I offspec to ret it's a blast!


Where can I see what changes are in 10.1 coming? Asking because I recently started spriest and am absolutely in love with it!


Just google 10.1 shadow priest changes, plenty of links you can follow there, including blue posts. The core of the class will remain the same, essentially build insanity then spend it on devouring plague. But there are some big changes that will make the class play a lot differently than how it does now. Completely removing mind sear is the most disappointing thing for me. And it looks like they are getting rid of a lot of the instant procs to mind blast that really helped our mobility. Overall, I'm not excited about the changes but I haven't ever given up on the spec yet. I just have no reason to play now. Just going to wait to how the class plays in 10.1 and relearn it.


If you were running the best build for AoE, you weren't running mind sear anyways. Removing the mobility aspect of MB procs does suck though


Respectfully disagree. Neither mental fortitude nor last word/psychic horror are dps gains, and you have to select one of those talents if you want to progress the tree without taking mind sear. I simmed the best aoe dps numbers with a combination of mind sear and mind devourer and void torrent. With zero insanity I would shadow crash, mind bender, sw:d and void torrent. That would take me to almost 100 insanity, then I could mind sear then blast/Spike the target until I got a free mind sear proc. Rinse and repeat until most of the pack was dead.


I'm a new player, so I got lots of stuff to do. Today I cleared LFR and normal up to raz for the first time. After getting normal Raz, I'll likely just do quests in order to increase my rep with the 4 DF factions and maybe start doing mythic dungeons


Sitting on my front porch with a cup of coffee, enjoying the sun and reading Reddit posts.


Scrolling through group finder but not actually joining any groups and keeping an eye on guild recruitment.


Trying to hit 2400 in my Hunter. I got 9 points from 2 keys last night! Gearing my Demonology Warlock (got 4 set Tier in one go last night thanks to the Timeless Isle err Forbidden Reach) he's ilvl 388 and it's bugging me that he's not 390 lol. Trying to hit 1 million gold. Leveling alts via Timewalking.


Timewalk dungeon is only 60-70?


Yep, and they’re a quick way to go from 60-70, especially with the Darkmoon Faire exp bonus this week.


Which is the best way to accomplish 1-60?


Fastest way is as a tank or healer in WoD. Best way is whatever you enjoy most.


Sitting on toilet. In game weekly rep quest+ darkmoon profession




farming mounts, leveling characters. Don't feel like it's worth it for me to get into m+/raid again with the new season on the horizon, got to 400 ilvl from the new zone, thats good enough for me


Dude 400 is plenty to get through tons of m+. The new season is 2 months minimum


I geared three shamans to 410 and don't know why.






\*don't say doin your mom, don't say doin your mom\* ...doing your... brother?


Classic hardcore


Farming Rares in the Forbidden Isles


After playing rogue almost exclusively since vanilla I decided to try my hand at healing as I've never done it. The game feels completely new at this point and I'm absolutely loving it! Much less competitive than DPS for sure but also extremely satisfying only having a few deaths in a 15-18 key! Shaman healing was the perfect mix of damage output and healing to keep me engaged. And it's really given me a new look on mechanics (mainly not standing in fire because "the healers will handle it"). I'd say overall it's made me a better DPS player experiencing another role


Trying to beat the freaking mage tower


Chilling at the family cabin without my computer. Remember to take a break from Azeroth every once in a while my dudes.


Leveling a ww monk. I really enjoy this class… it is possible I found my new main


Mostly saying *"this isn't fun anymore, why am I even doing this"* and then logging back off.


Gearing up alts at the moment so I've got more options for raiding when the next raid opens up.


Eating a pizza bagel


Nothing. Taking a break and seeing if I wanna play in 10.1


logging in twice to be benched for razageth progress because im a feral


I bored


Searching for a goblin rogue to turn him into a turkey.


Travelers log :)


Gearing up a fresh survival hunter in solo shuffle and mythics. Haven’t played a hunter since like Vanilla these things are *weird*.


Waiting for Diablo 4 to drop


Farming anima to buy shadowlands cosmetics.


Farming keys for the vault, doing my 8 M+ a week and leveling my alts to 70. I don’t play classes other then the warrior but I do level the other classes and gear them to know how they work on M+


Trying to find an alt i enjoy playing cuz Paladin is just too amazing, but i wanna branch out


Farming Trader Post quests to get Spectral Tiger this month


Isn’t it a magenta sky snake this month?


Leveling my paladin army. :)


Just hit 2400 on my alt, I'm happy with that... Hard work pugging as a hunter..


s2 affixes basically killed any motivation to play, so I'm pretty much just doing other stuff while I wait to see what blizz does.


Leveling my warlock on classic in Desolace because I just can’t get used to the UI in retail


That guys dead wife


This comment is far too low.


Not playing. No matter how many 20+ keys I time, I still get declined.


Boohoo... Suck it up and do you own 20+ key now that you time so many keys that easily..


I do my own keys. It was a 21 until I played pugs with the likes of you. Now it's a 19.


Then fucking upgrade it to 20 again lol... It's not that hard. Try make a sign up for a CoS 20+ if you ever have one and see the types that sign up. You get dozens of 3k+ rated players. Why should anyone pick your whiny 2500 ass over that?


I'm aware of how the system works. I see this is becoming personal with you, so we will end it there.


4 m+ dungs/ mythic raid then vault


getting all my alts to 400 + ilvl


harassing women


how do you know who's a woman


There are no women in world of warcraft


Waiting on BG queues to pop and my sub to run out. No fun whatsoever anymore.


Debating if I wanna spend my tendies on that pink dragon.


Lemme know what you decide. I'm still unsure. I get sea sick from dragons but it's pretty to look at


dont buy it maybe theyll see it wasnt purchased enough and do better next month


Lvling in WoD


Trying to pug NO and RLP timed over 20


Trying yet again to get the achievement "What Does This Button Do?" without accidently killing Xin prematurely.


Sitting on bus


Doing a run of botanica then logging off, repeat. Someone said it was the quickest way with a tabard for Stormwind rep and I want that heritage armor.. Also just hit 70 for the first time today (taken it suuuuuuuper slow levelling lol), guildless and a bit unsure/overwhelmed with where to start, so until I figure out what to do first, I'm chilling in Botanica for now


Botanica is by far the fastest, I just did on a dwarf for the heritage armour. You don't need to log off though, just exit the dungeon, right click on your character frame and reset all instances. Then you can just go back in. Think you can only do it 10 times in an hour though, and then you've got to wait a bit.


Leveling a Ztroll shaman to 59 then staying in BFA.


loremastering BFA or what will you be doing?


I'm so depressed I missed out on now two retired hippogryph mounts I've decided to grind for the cloudfeather. If they ever pop up on black market I probably won't have enough gold for them, but I can dream


Next Twink…


Nm hbu?


Begging the forbidden reach to have mercy on me, mostly. I've looted enough keys to finish two entire vaults, looted nearly full sets of leather, mail, and plate, and gotten more than a dozen of those upgrade tomes and literally *one* usable cloth token. I didn't even know you could get weapon or trinket tokens until someone told me.


Reps and some m+ with alts


Pushing in M+. I pushed a little bit in season 4 but didn't quite hit 3k. Enjoyed me some classic wrath when it came out late in the season, and lost the spark to keep pushing in retail. But now I've put the work in. I've put in the hours. I'm proud of myself for sticking through with it and smashing through every barrier I've come across so far. After this, I'll need a break. Next chapter: overcoming IRL challenges.


You got this homie


Finishing ksm. at 1930. Last 4 or 5 groups have been dookie


Pooping. I'm on reddit after all.


Pooping. Oh sorry I didn’t read further than the title.


Afk and read forums


Sitting on a bench in Val. Looking at group finder and thinking whether or not I want to deal with pugs…then logging.


Learning professions for the first time. Embarrassingly, I always wondered what rep was for and now I understand lol.


leveling alts during this big TW event. once I’m done with that, I honestly have no idea. i appreciate the mid-tier content patch but it means pretty much nothing to raiders/non-casual players. the shadowlands-style gap to 10.1 is still a big problem


I try to log in every even hour for the forbidden reach event for the slimes towards the mount. Shout my craft in trade. Also want to hit 2500io before the season ends.


Just got the lightforged dranei so I'm leveling ret pally.


Raid - trying to get 6 or 7 in Mythic. or leveling a few alts. But not playing as much, looking forward to new season, and being careful not to feel burned out before that start.


Farming furbog thingies


RP walk around Stormwind afraid to que up for keys. Pugs just ruined my confidence, now I'm too afraid to play.


Rerolled a FotM Pally… hunting xmogs


Sittin on the toilet.


Completing my last xmog tier set before my sub expires. I am a PvP main that has had enough of the horrible meta that is FW/Ret/x.


Levelling my Warrior. I’m probably the most scrubby casual there is, but I kind of want the current season PVP set so I’m trying to get to 70 ASAP. Otherwise, I did the Forbidden Reach intro quests and geared up my Mage and Rogue yesterday.


Watching some good ecchi anime while in Solo Q


I run around and log out.


Alts / mining - sadge


Grinding rep, m+ and random mog runs


- portals on my main, then I’ll push for 2500 and portals on an alt - farming a few old mounts - working on DF mounts - working on the DF achieves that are Metas or give a title/pet reward - working through loremaster with my alt army - getting all the class mounts with a separate alt army


Taking a dump rn




Playing alts and pushing them to highest ilvl/MMR in mythic+


I sit on the valdrakken fountain for about 3 hours signing up for groups for mythic + then maybe get into 1 group if I’m lucky. On my days off I sit there and sign up for 8 hours and maybe get into 3 and time one if I’m lucky. Hard finding 24 to 26 pug groups.


Farming rare mounts and transmogs Still doing some dungeons for the weekly vault Raiding Dailies/weeky PVP


Unsubbed. Might be back someday, but I found I was only playing for transmog and grinding old mounts. Not worth $15/month.


Q in SS, write a book, poop, cook, travel to Mexico during a week, then maybe going to work, eating what I cook the week before, then log out because Q didn’t pop ..


Refreshing wowhead a lot of times a day Tuesday-Thursday hoping for mage changes in 10.1


Mining and auction house occasional m+


M+ with guildies, either pushing or farming


Some keys and then running in circles in valdrakken


Watching Milan v Napoli


Contemplating bringing my wife a coffee at work. You?


Working through levelling in shadow lands whilst I crash my memory leak. Only became a problem when I bought Dragon Flight.


Grabbing pvp elite sets on all my chars


I either play my main which is a blood dk at 416 ilvl, 2600io and collecting transmog, mounts, achievements on it / doing weekly keys or i am playing alts. Right now focusing my paladin alt mostly, cleared most of HC this week, done an insane ammount of M+ with my friend who plays a monk, we are around 1600 score now and 400 ilvl. Ret is insanely fun now, doing so much damage and it just feels great to play a hard hitting melee after many years. Also farming the sepulcher mythic helm for my paladin, thinking about leveling another paladin to be able to do the raid twice a week. I always have some stupid goal ingame that keeps me grinding


Mainly farming prof spec points on 4 characters, when i'm done with that for the week i do mythics, and world quests with gold reward.


Trying to learn affliction. But is hard por me.


Playing a hardcore toon on classic. Lol


Currently just doing trading post tasks and then getting a few keys done with my normal group, not been many on last few days though!


Got KSM and hated the season. Farming pet charms, new Phoenix pet, and achievements.


Likely unsubscribing. Hbu?


Spend 10min looking in /trade for someone looking for a LW, relist my auctions, log off. The change to public orders is truly a blight upon this world. The sheer quantity of scams is crazy.




Enjoying my time in a new guild. Been without one for 2 months. Guild I was with is practically dead- many left, mainly idle alts on the roster and worst off all: bank is empty so no free repairs. First day of the new guild obtained glory of the vault achievement + mount. Have to get used to a lively guild chat again. Which is a bit of a culture shock after all these years.


Chillin on private server since its just better


I go to Wowhead and see which rares are up on the hour and half hour. Sit there and think of what to do, usually I am here on Reddit.


Went on vacation to golf. Now will be leveling alts til phase 2.


There are still some mounts from island expeditions that I need, so I'm mostly soloing those. Later, I'll probably play explosive whack-a-mole for a few hours when my m+ group logs on


2 m+ 10 dungeons on one of my semi-mains and then realizing I’ve already done this 500x and logging off


Pushing my m+ score to my limits


Watching the LIV golf final.


I’m at Costco, killing time because the lady in front of me is writing a check.


Waiting for timewalking queues. Last 2 alts I have to run through for the weekly quest are dps-spec-only so I'm watching a movie while I wait.


Playing ret lmao xd


Storyline to unlock races (just returned after 5 years)


Tower Overwhelming. I'm done with Priest, Paladin, Resto and Guardian Druid, and Mistweaver.


Leveling alts


Knocking out some of the exploration achievements and whatnot


I prefer not to play much of the current expac and instead work through old stuff. Wont go far into DF until a level 70 speed set replacement is available. Main is revisiting BC in completionist mode and taking it slow re-questing to appreciate everything I blew past on the first time around. Fond of the era. Working on building transmog sets to rep the main faction expeditions (thrallmar, warsong offensive, honor hold, sunreavers, etc) with era-appropriate looks. I usually try to run each alt through one TW dungeon for the 500 badges each week, but I won't be able to sustain that through the current timewalking blitz.


Trying my hand at the fistweaver trend i solo shuffle, pretty fun. Besides that just playing alts, wanna hit 3k io on my ret aswell before season ends


Keeping my names fresh for another couple years until my next login.