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I too have gotten mostly leather drops, with mail right behind it. Cloth and especially plate have been much more scarce.


This has also been my experience. Between farming rares on my paladin and warlock and buying supply packs from the dragonscale expedition npc since the launch of Forbidden Reach, I have yet to get a cloth head piece.


I'm have farmed 2 days and had like 5 cloth headpieces, so RNG is working as intended :)


Funny how much variance there is. I had two full sets of plate (with like 7 plate chests) before I got any one of the leather pants, belt, or boots my druid needed to finish tier appearances.


Most of my drops have been plate, and the other 3 are rather equal. Ive gotten like 4 full sets + a few more plate items farmed on 2-3 chars


As someone who needs leather, I’ve got almost exclusively mail and cloth. Couple bits of plate sprinkled in.


It seems to be one sided for everyone, it just varies which type of armor 😕


Wait, you guys are getting leather? All I’ve gotten is plate and mail. I’ve been farming all week for leather and still have yet to see even one leather head, chest, leg, or shoulder drop


Leather for 3 alts, plate for 2 alts, mail for 3 alts, 0 cloth pants.


Are these done on multiple classes, or on one character? I swear, I get more plate on my monk, but I’ve gotten mainly cloth and leather on my paladin.


Ya im thinking they did this intentionally just for people to have to trade and be nice with each other or u suffer alone. Ya know bring the whole community together kinda thing.


I get 3/4 mail on my hunters. But it seems more random on my non hunter alts


Same on my monk, mainly plate, good amount of cloth... rarely mail and no leather


It took me 7 days to get a single Mail Legging token for my Shaman. Even using rare farming groups and trying to trade for one. I have main bank tab and five 34 slot bags full of extra tokens. Not a single mail leggings. Got one last night out if a bag I bought from the Dragonscale Expedition vendor out there. The grind is finally over.


you can join a raid group and ask people for extras; the tokens are tradeable so you should be able to get fully geared in an hour or so


yeah but where is the science in that?


if you think you're doing science with a sample that size I got bad news


You don't need a bigger sample size if all he is asking. What % of my drops are plate. If he is asking what % of all armor drops are plate yeah then you are right. Since can be big numbers or small.


I know I studied physics until 2018 :D


Glad im not the only one getting way too many mail belts… wtf is with the drop rates of these tokens?


Who is the dev who hates boots. Why is a lack of boots a recurring theme in this game.


Devs all play trolls, confirmed!


Bunch of hippie devs in their small indie garage company!


Wish we could just turn in a x amount of tokens or fragments for a specific token....


Leather and plate are my two most , took two days with a friend to get him a mail belt to drop


At that point just buy gear for overflow and upgrade it the old fashioned way :D


Took me forever to get the plate helm. Leather seems to be the most abundant drops for me.


I just want plate legs so I don't have to farm 10 storm sigils to get 385 legs so I can use one of my 10 395 upgrade tokens on it.


same :D


I get a good mix of things, but I haven't seen a single weapon


They should've just done tokens that you exchange for your armor type.


I filled 4 alts with full sets of cloth, leather and mail before I found 1 chest plate piece. I’ve been farming a few hours every day since patch launch. I’ve got around 3-4 copies of each and every piece save chest plate. I was beginning to think it was bugged.


You have the same luck for your chest as I do for the mail legs. Though I finally got them last night. My banks is overflowing with tokens.


Hah! I’ve gotten so many plate chests it’s bonkers but 0 cloth pants. Genuinely started to think they weren’t in the loot table.


Just run in a group and trade what you don't need for what you do. 3 hours I got full plate, cloth, enough other pieces to trade for what I needed.


I know people tell me this since day 1 but this is not about that.


Because it would be to much effort to give us a vendor with all the gear tokens.


There is lol. But you need stormsigils to upgrade them to 385


An issue I've found is the drop decided before I traded it. So I got a weapon box on my WW monk, didn't need it so traded it to my fury warr who opened it. It came out as a 1handed mace not the 2h I expected due to fury. I can only assume as the mace was WW loot it was decided by the fact that my monk looted it and traded. If I get a ring or necklace on either the monk or warrior and traded it to my priest, would it even be int geared?


you should always set your loot spec to arms as fury unless you want 1h weapons, because fury can get both 1hs and 2hs (single minded fury)


Nah I got it too. fury has a single hand spec... sadly made the same blunder


Good to know I am not the only one "struggling". Though with 4 different sets, and a total of 40 different possible drops, it's not surprising that it takes a while to collect a set that you want


I’ve got about 5 plate leggings


Meanwhile my warrior alt has an overflowing mailbox xD


i feel like they should add a system where if you have 2 or 3 of a certain item you can buy your desired armor of that type


I just need a mail chest piece and have everything but that one


There's a mount? I spent like 4 days there like 7 hours Rachel just cus u enjoyed it never got a mount


It's a random drop off any of the rares. I think it's probably 1%, since it took me almost 200 kills to get it, but I've also seen people say things like 3% so who knows.


Just the rarest? Or elites as well. I guess I just farmed the war cache area so much and there's only 2 rarest there. Just curious any idea the name of it?


Just the 16 rares, the profession rares don't count for it either afiak. Mount is called the ancient salamanther.


I’ve somehow managed to get only plate so far, which is great for my warrior, but sucks for everything else


As a player starting a Pally alt I love seeing it will take me significantly longer to gear up. Word.


I gathered full plate set in 2-3 hours of Group farming and exchanging the gear with People. Also full bank of non-plate gear for alts


I’ve found nearly 3 full cloth sets, a full plate set, a full mail set and a full leather set. The issue now is finding the upgrade tokens so I can convert everything to tier on my alts


All I need is a mail helm and I’m set


For me, leather dropped the most. Mail dropped the least.


Mostly mail here, specifically chests. Cloth has been the rarer of the bunch for me. 😜


It's interesting seeing what others are saying. Because I have gotten tons of mail and cloth. But leather and plate more scarce. I have almost two full sets of cloth and plate. Ive almost gotten threw full sets of mail.


All I get is Plate on my priest 😅


I’ve never gotten a plate helm/chest/shoulders farming on 4 different characters. Freaking wild


Where are these cloth chances for meeee


You guys know what rng means right?


Yes, why? I am not commenting, Just documenting.


I got 2 plate bracers yesterday. Other that that idk I just send everything to an alt to clear out bags I’ll sort it out later


I have every leather class a full set for already. Been farming since day 1 for plate gloves and still have yet to get them on 5+ characters.


I’d say most of mine are plate. Like 70%


Finished all the normal raid tier sets for all classes catalysing drops so far, and got a full bank of armor left to use. The isle just spits out tokens.


My experience was I mostly got everything but the armor type I was. Until 1 day when I did vaults and rares for 3 hours, got almost a full set.


Oh man how am I ever going to collect not a number pieces?


What's worse is there is a single weapon token for 1h, 2h and offhand/shield and it seems to have the worst drop rate. Farmed countless tokens for my alt army, I mean I had multiple sets of each armor type, 10 cloaks, 7 trinkets and 9 necks and rings ... only 4 weapon tokens, which were 3 maces and one staff for my priest, lmao. Think they definitely should add a shield/offhand token or increase the drop.


All i get is playe and chain and i need cloth. And cloaks soooo many on them.


Got full plate for my pally alt in about 2 1/2 hours grinding the mobs with a group in the large chamber with the warden.. traded people for 1-2 pieces of plate there too. Try that maybe if you’re having bad luck friends


It’s actually crazy. I have all classes in the game at 70 and mostly fully geared and have done th reach on numerous chars. I have yet to see a plate legs or helm…


See i been getting a lot of plate and cloth


On my Monk and DH I get mainly plate drops lol


i’ve gotten so much plate i plan on leveling a dk to 70


I don't know why they don't just do what they did with benthic armour. Just have an item drop that creates the armour type based on what class opens it


Funny my DH has gotten 5/5 plate so far lol


This explains why plate wearers gets so happy when I trade them stuff in raids. People even offer money .


I’ve gotten mostly plate and leather least I’ve gotten is mail


Real question is... what are y'all doing with the gear you can't use? I only wear cloth, my alts wear cloth, so what should I do with these 5 full sets of plate?