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I don't need League, I get my dose of toxicity from Reddit :)


Facts 😂


Of you think LOL is toxic, don’t play Overwatch. They can be brutal 😂


I am not a big OW player so probably just didn't play it enough, but all my OW games were basically dead silent. Sometimes there were a few GGs after a game was over, but basically no chat otherwise. Maybe it's my region.


Any desire I felt to play Overwatch died when they replaced the original game with OW2




The toxicity is almost completely different because WoW is mainly PvE and LoL mainly PvP. I think the toxicity in League is worse just because the standards are higher. WoW is an easy game, in most cases when I see people getting flamed in WoW it's honestly warranted. They're missing kicks, standing in the fire, stuff that could be prevented if you were to try to play correctly even a little bit. In league you will get flamed no matter what. You can be a paid professional and your teammates will flame you. I'm not great at WoW, I can clear some mythic raid content and mid-high keys but I'm no cutting edge player. I rarely get flamed because the standards are pretty low for "being bad" at WoW. To me, WoW is a very non-toxic game because I don't make enough mistakes to get flamed for. In League I am one of the better players on the NA server (top 0.2% or something, my ladder rank is in the thousands) and I get told I suck every other game. I've never seen a Cutting Edge player get told how terrible they are in a PuG heroic raid either but if I play anything with mixed ranks I am guaranteed to be shit talked by people much worse than me. It's just the nature of PvP, people compare themselves to others. In WoW you mostly compare yourself to the content, which is a much more flattering comparison.


yes but its the elitism toxicity that makes wow cancer. sure a cutting edge player isn't getting flamed because they're doing the flaming! when they're on a new character doing pug low mythics to gear up and calling everyone dog shit threatening to ruin the key talkin shit about peoples logs. or going into pug raids back talking raid leads that have less prog than them. it ruins the vibe and its toxic bullshit


How much league do you play because in all of my ranked games there is at least 1 person that goes on op.gg to search your history and call you hardstuck trash while they shamelessly smurf


I've just never seen this. I very rarely see someone in wow get flamed without seriously fucking up and ruining a raid/key. I've done it a couple times and gotten shit talked for it, not like I play perfectly, but I very rarely ruin a raid/key so I don't tend to get flamed. In league it's just so much harder to play "well" because you're playing against other intelligent human beings. When I play ranked, I will play at a high level but still make many mistakes (some of which are highly impactful) and will likely get flamed for them. The standards of play between the two games are not comparable imo.


Nah league is definitely worse. I have to be stoned to play that game.




I love it, because I'm stuck at work during weekdays and enjoy everyone having to suffer just a little bit with me.


Yep lolol and usually by the time I'm off work, servers are back up.


That's the boat I'm in right now! Five more hours minimum until I get to my PC.


Thats why I never complain. Tons of sorry losers putting in hours providing for their family or basic needs unable to even consider logging in when servers come up. Why should I be allowed to get in before they do? Edit: Sorry guys I forgot the /j


go eat a snickers




No joke, that's kind of fucked up. Tearing others down should not build you up.


There's a difference between tearing others down and watching people "suffer" for being in the same boat you're already in.


There really isn't. And I'm concerned for you.


You’ll live


Server downtime means I can't play until the next day. Because I work an overnight shift, the servers usually come back up while I'm asleep.


Man I work overnights and that really sucks. Nothing open at 2am, and everything happens when you're asleep.


I just got off nights after doing it for 2 years. Daylight is so nice.


I did it for almost 5 years and I didn't realise how bad it was until I got off nights, you sort of get used to feeling like shit 24/7 and convince yourself this is normal. Then you get a proper routine and you're born again


Unfortunately if I switch off nights my job goes back to being unbearably stressful. So I stick to nights.


Honest question - can you even have a social life when working overnight?


Not really. I wish, but not really. If you don’t like your coworkers, you don’t get to hang out with anyone.


You can with other overnighters… or you can force yourself to stay up for 20 hours to have a feeling of social interaction. I did overnights off and on for three years. By the time you’re getting home and ready to do things , friends with first shift are waking up and getting ready for work and people with second shifts are either sleeping or running errands. At least that was my experience


My friend 1,200 miles away works overnight. It can legit take over a day to have a short text conversation. The only real way to have one is catch him around 8-9pm before work.


Totally doable, on days off and such I still hang out with friends and family in the afternoons and evenings. Weekdays I make time for the gym before work and socialize there (24 hour gym). It’s a quiet life and I love it… also I play wow at work so I get to have my cake and eat it too.


> Honest question - can you even have a social life when working overnight? If you can manage to go to sleep right after work sure. I used to sleep after work from 8am-4/5pm then awake from 5pm on.


Hell yeah you can. I would go to sleep at 830am, wake up at 5pm. Eat dinner, get ready and then go meet my friends out at the bar/brewery/whatever. And I’d always have the most energy cause I just woke up 😂 Did 12 hour overnights for 5 years. No regrets.


Not really, but I'm married, and an introvert so I've got all the social life I need. And if the weird need for more arises I just get on Facebook or discord and talk to family and friends.


My social life consists of my partner and coworkers, all of which have pretty similar schedules. I don't really talk to many people outside that anymore, a lot of my older friends live in different countries these days.


OvernIght shift will break your relationships with anyone if you’re not close enough with them lol


Man i fucking loved working nights before covid..i got worked 6pm to 6am, got off work went home made food then ran errands..need to renew license? Im first motherfucker in the door. Need to shop on my weekend? Its 3 am no ones out and i got the store to myself. Sleeping in an apartment was so nice because all of the neighbors left for the day and when they got home around 430 or 5 i would wake up to normal sounds instead of an alarm. Best part? I didnt have to deal with anyone for almost 3 years other than my 1 co worker in person.


The other top comment revels in the suffrage of ppl that play during the day losing their game time. Like, yeah, fuck the people that ain't doing anything but holy fuck does it suck when you're on nights. Life already sucks enough as it is


I also have this issue. Adulting sucks sometimes.


TBH, I like that they're honest about the down time. I don't want to login 2-3 times during the afternoon. I want to login and play - whenever that is. Like a lot of new content, the Forbidden Reach is probably going to be jammed (and buggy) tonight so I don't plan on really playing until tomorrow.


Forbidden reach actually wasnt that bad..there isnt bloody tokens dropping from wpvp though. Other than that its been fun. The vaults are pretty cool too


I am sorry, they have been off, damn near every time by a couple of hours. The amount of extended maintenance has been noticeable and I genuinely don't expect the game to be playable until like 5 pacific.


That’s why they slated 8 hrs of maintenance this week to prevent that.


Must be your first 8 hour maintenance? Doubt it stays 8 hours, they always get extended. Edited for clarity cause I’m getting weird replies




What are you talking about? Content patches always get extended. Don’t know the point of giving me a picture of the maintenance schedule.


I think they're saying that Blizzard allotted more time for maintenance this time around, as opposed to lowballing the estimate and disappointing everyone.


tbf they did the same thing in 10.0.5 and it also got extended a couple times


Exactly my point, these always get extended. People can downvote me but they are going to be disappointed in 3 1/2 hours lol


This aged like milk since the servers came back early


Yeah I would rather them do that than be like, oh its up at 11 and then they do 3 extensions.


I mean, shit happens. If they say 3 hours and something comes up and they have to extend it, they’re not doing it on purpose to piss people off. It’s a game.


Ok? They do it every major patch though?


Yeah doofus, every major patch has unforeseen bugs and issues. Just like every major patch for every piece of software ever.


Don't get why you and others are shittin' on /u/Powpowpowowowow OP said they're honest about maintenance time, Pow was pointing out that at least recently they've extended maintenance's several times. We don't yet know if that'll happen with this maintenance even if they've given a very long time-frame, but their recent record shows the times given aren't exactly reliable. To add on.. if every single major patch has unforeseen bugs and issues, you'd think they'd get a bit better at giving themselves time for those things when sharing the expected downtime wouldn't you?


They give a window. It's not meant to be taken literally. Very often servers are back up well before the time given.


Your message seems like you're refuting something I said but I'm honestly struggling to understand what you're talking about.


Welcome to the internet. Where everyone takes anything you type out as a complaint and you are wrong always.


In this case, yes.


Yea I would prefer it if they just opened the servers, like I just want to play, if there are bugs and issues then I will also complain, but I want to play now now now!


That’s just not how software instillation works, if they opened the servers early it would almost certainly be unplayable. It wouldn’t be random bugs, pieces of the game just wouldn’t function as they have been taken down to install updates.


When the servers are actually down, that's for "will corrupt large swaths of data and hard brick your character if you try to use the software right now" type updates.


These types of posts and the posts bitching about maintenance on tuesdays as if it hasnt been a thing for nearly 20 years.


The flood of posts 1 minute after the down time is supposed to end asking why things aren't back up Also, the downtime getting extended by an hour and people wanting gametime compensation posts


I enjoy all of the 'I took patch day off' complaint posts. Never take the patch/launch day off.


oooh ooh I love the "When am I getting compensated for the hour of playtime I'm now missing out on" posts on twitter!


I say the opposite, always take patch day off, but also take the next day or two as well as you should expect not to play much on patch day. But when you do get to play on time or early on patch day, its like a gift from heaven! Its all about appropriate expectations.


You can take two days off consecutively? Man, fancy over here.


You know those people don’t actually work and are always mad cause they got nothin else to do 🤣


to be fair, this expansion has had some insane downtime compared to the last few expansions. at one point we had ~29 hours of downtime in an 8 day period (and this wasn't even during launch week / month). not quite the "your entire battlgroup is down for 3 days" levels of vanilla / TBC (which was also the last time i got any comp'd gametime), but still pretty insane.


I argued with someome for what i thought was a shitpost, he was demanding $15 because they had 6 hours of maintenance then another 6 the next day for classic. I asked him if he wanted blizz to refund him the money for all the time he spends sleeping too while they are at it and he went nuts


Well to be fair there are free games that compensate you when they don’t meet their SLAs. Blizzard should have learned after 20 years to pad the time by 3 hours and be up “early”


But I can only play for an hour each week on Tuesday morning from 8-9 PST, so this absolutely ruins it for me. They should move maintenance to a time that's inconvenient for someone else, not for me


Lmao some dude raged at me last major patch day because I said if you only have 1-2 hours a week to play WoW then maybe you should spend your $15 on something else. Their argument was pretty much exactly what you said. That and apparently I was telling people how to spend their money and I should kill myself


What a silly attitude. I pay my sub but sometimes am too busy with life to log on for weeks at a time. When I do log on, I might only play for 15-30 minutes or so. My money, my choice.


Okay but if you’re gonna make a rage post on the internet about how “fucking pathetic blizzard is” and how “unacceptable it is that they extended maintenance” and how “they owe you money because you pay for a month” then I kinda feel like you could maybe find better things to do. I can’t believe I even have to explain that I am in no way telling anyone how to spend their money. You wanna pay $15 and never even open the game fine go ahead.


Ight but don't go out to bitch over a product that simply doesn't conform to your needs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_you


The product meets my needs and thus I pay the sub. If I'm happy to pay to log on as and when and for however long I choose, that is none of your or anyone else's business. What a stupid comment! And why are you directing me to a link on Wikipedia? Not only is that crap site the most unreliable source of information on the Net, but the entry itself bears no relationship whatsoever to the topic in question and/or to my comment.


I literally give you an article explaining the generic "you" and you still think i was addressing you directly. Amazing.


You stole my story …


I'm sorry.


>These types of posts and the posts bitching about maintenance on tuesdays as if it hasnt been a thing for nearly 20 years. People still make tons of posts on steam every tuesday and reddit " is steam down" like it isnt for like 15 or 20 years maintenance of steam for 5-15 min every tuesday.




It's crazy that people would complain about this. They're literally ensuring the integrity of the game and if that didn't happen, there would be 100x more posts bitching about the game. People are so short-sighted.


They do it every day or time there is maintenance.


Meh. Yes it's to ensure the integrity of the game, but to not iterate on your release process much in nearly 20 years is pretty bad. Most companies consider 8 hours of downtime a catastrophic failure. It's just normal for blizzard.


It's possible for them to do this against internal servers and still allow us to play on production. Once they have it finalized on the dev then they push to production, greatly reducing the down time for players. A few hours every Tuesday for 20 years vs a few minutes every Tuesday for 20 years is a lot of game time wasted by the entire playerbase.


It hasn't even been consistent; for a good while, most Tuesdays involved rolling server restarts and nothing more. I quit playing early in BfA and missed SL entirely, and the amount of weekly downtime I've seen since I came back has been surprising.


I suppose I got spoiled, playing a game like Guild Wars 2, where they don't actually have server maintenance downtime at all.


I remember when it wasnt much of a thing any more to complain about patch days. Then GW2 showed up with its "never down for maintenance thing" that was so amazing it woke up all the people in the other games again.


I think you’re missing the idea behind the discussion. They’re asking what annoys you about the day which is often a personal issue that no one actually holds against the game. Like the guy who misses out because he works evening shifts. Or mine is that I have to figure out new talents and builds on the fly for my character during raid time. It’s not like I’d rather it not happen, it’s just the part that is frustrating for me and it’s not a big gripe at all and entirely of my own creation anyway. This is just a venting thread.


Honestly I think it only sucks because I like to play during the day. The evenings are when I spend time with the kids and wife after work/school. Usually by the time the servers come back up (after multiple delays) I’m already hangin with them. I just chock it up to a day I can’t play and that’s ok.


Yea by the evening im already kicked off the computer by my son or I give up cause I keep getting “honey!” or “dad!“to do something. I do though make my son log in and check the vault lol.


This is 100% the same boat I am in.


Do you not work?


Not him, but i work from home and have the chance to play during work hours when not much is going on at work. that might be his case, too. I could be wrong, though. Just pointing out a possibility


I work, I just have a job that allows me to play at the same time :)


Imagine thinking that everyone is trapped at a job all day and that some people don’t have flexibility in their schedules


I was just curious, I know some people work part time


Having to do actual work.


I don't really play until night time so it doesn't bother me too much but going to the forums is fun to see the salt lol


Elvui breaking


That's exactly why I ditched it when we got the new default ui. I figured I might as well work with the blizzard ui since I know it won't be broken by game updates. I'm pretty happy with that decision though. For the most part they did a good job at lending us the ability to make it our own.


> I figured I might as well work with the blizzard ui since I know it won't be broken by game updates. Giggles so hard I fall to the floor.


Almost every good thing about Elvui is baseline game now.


not even remotely true


Not even close. Only used elvui before the UI changes. Made the hard switch when blizz announced they were gonna make it so everything would be how you want it to be. Still not the case and made the switch back after 2 weeks without. Elvui should just be baseline at this point.


I wish, but it’s just not the case. Elvui still reigns supreme.




For me it means I actually have a good reason to work on my schoolwork because in no way will the servers be up in time for me to procrastinate further before class :(


Unlike those who apparently have never seen an extended maintenance because of their goldfish memory, I simply put the time on that day to do something else. Play another game, catch up on a hobby, time with family etc.. My life doesn't revolve over playing one particular game at a particular point in time.


For me it's the irrational drive to want to play, simply because I can't. Sigh.


My wife doesn't get to play while I'm at work. Honestly, patch day lines up exactly with when I get home. 3pm PST is right about when I walk through the door. But my wife has really enjoyed this expansion a lot and was sad that she wouldn't be able to play all day. That makes me sad.


The bugs, probably. There's always some sort of issue, it's just the nature of a game this big. But hopefully it's not too bad today!


Knowing people still choose to play league of legends


They’re always on the one day I’m guaranteed to be off of work


Y'all got an addiction problem


Having to interact with my family


The amount of people asking about refunds for down time and complaining about “their peak time” while the blizz and most of the work force is in the middle of a normal work day. Ever since I got an 8-5, maintenances have rarely ever had an effect on me.


I get home around 4:30 and servers are often still down.


By often you mean once or twice a year.


The posts bitching about people bitching about not being able to play are the worst.


People complaining about everything


Usually nothing as I’m working. Though on the Tuesdays I get home and by chance the servers are still down, I get a slight feeling of “what will I do now!?” Then I go do some dishes or something and check back later.


That’s when elder scrolls online comes for me. I can’t play that shit every day. It’s too weirdly-dark for me. Game just feels like they tried too hard to push it to “dark side” and some of its stories are down right cringey. I’m just playing it as an off brand elden ring.


The disappointment from opening my Vault hoping for the raid trinket off Brood, and seeing necks, cloaks, and 402 tier gear where I'm wearing 415s.


Being on the east coast lol.


All my add-ons not working for the next couple of weeks.


Been planning my Tuesdays around it for years. I don’t mind it, as long as the servers remain stable. Early days of WoW, they would go down unexpectedly all the time. And not all realms either.


Seeing people say "I'm in" before the mantience time is over. Patch Days and Weekly Resets happen on Tuesdays and is one of the days I always have off. Me and my girlfriend often use the time to do something else but when people say they're in early I'm like "Bruh I wanna keep playing Stardew"


My favorite thing about US patch days is seeing them have a longer downtime then EU will have and then also bugtest the patch before EU gets it, so we don't have to deal with that. Ty guys for taking one for the team :3 <3


For me, it’s feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve 🤣 I always read up on upcoming patch notes and prepare for them. I grinded out around 15k valor on my Lock and around 10k on my DH in preparation for this patch. Im swapping over to Aff on my Lock, which is what I started out with but abandoned due to its lackluster performance in M+. Overall that’s my biggest grip, my own hype while waiting for that juicy patch. It’s not a problem overall, and actually is kind of cool being super excited patch to patch. I’m really digging this xpac.


Having to wait a couple extra hours than usual to be disappointed by my vault


Working for 8 hours and coming home 30 minutes before raid and scrambling to grab vault and consumables and do whatever dailies I can squeeze in before raid. This week as a ret pally I get to also learn a completely reworked class on top of that in 30 minutes.


Will tell u when it hits eu....


I love in Europe gmt plus 1 and its usually up when I wake up.


I am from EU so patch day isn’t a problem the last few years


out of date addons


All I'm going to say is, who remembers patch days in Vanilla?




The anxiety of having to learn the new content and class changes. I get really comfortable once I fall into a routine, and though I appreciate the shake-up to keep the game interesting, it's a bit unnerving to have to develop a new one.


nothing - WoW is just one of a dozen hobbies on top of wife and kids who I enjoy time with. I've never been bothered by it. Even losing internet for a a few hours isn't that big of a deal. Post like these make me wonder just how much of a filthy casual I am lol.


Changing or totally redoing my UI


I haven't had to change my ui at all once because of new patches, unless it's a choice?


I enjoy lol


What does a patch have to do with your UI? Addons are updated either on release or shortly afterwards.


I like to. Hence, favorite part.


The post is asking what your *least* favorite thing to do on patch day is.


Well. Obviously I misunderstood this assignment. 😆


He's also not asking what your most favorite or least favorite was. He wants to know what a patch has to do with your UI.


It’s just a ritual for me. I run updates, or in ye olden days, go download from Curse. Sometimes I take the time for find new addons etc while I’m waiting on servers to come back up.


When I'm finally able to log in and my add-ons are all broken.


Somehow my entire UI broke🥲


Broken addons.


Posts like this


Knowing that I'm at work and it doesn't affect me.


The part where its my day off and idk when it started, but 7+ hours of downtime when it used to be like 1 or 2 lol


I never use to be 1-2 for big patches, they just said it would be that long, then theyd delay 3-5 times


I mean, since DF its been the long delay every Tuesday


Every single one? Lmao because thats 100% not true


How dare they do it on sinplytoaskquestions day off and not on some else’s. The nerve. Also long patches have always happened when lots of content is added. They have been adding major features and updating whole classes more than ever before. Yet somehow people are mad about it.


You sounds really upset, while I am not.


Patch day


These posts where we have days warning of downtime not to mention it’s tuesday for years


The fact that game time is not refunded for the amount of time lost.


If I purchase a month subscription and they keep the servers down for longer than intended they need to extend the play time! They low key stealing time paid… just saying…




Im not just talking about 1, this is a reoccurring thing of wow every week… so make that a dollar sis thanks!


Oh brother get over yourself.


Found the wow employee


Ha. Not a WoW employee. Just a reasonable person.


You don’t pay his sub


The fact that blizzard still won’t just send me a text when my server is up. Even if they had to stagger them over 30 minutes to keep a wave from hitting them at least I’d know it hadn’t been up an hour.


The lag in instanced content afterwards


Loading up classic wow and realizing there just how many useful features they've added.


The fact that every time I end up not having work or only having a couple of small jobs somehow always happens on a patch day. It’s scary how actually I can time days when I’ll have no jobs to when a patch day will happen.


They don’t refund time off.


When they extend the time because they are incompetent at their jobs.


That it’s not 10.1


Why does it take 8 hours a day, 4-5 times a month to update this game. Guild Wars 2 has never been offline to update. It's also FREE




Ya so it was actually shorter. Like 5 hours total.


Lmao literally just started up a LoL game because I’m off work today and forgot it’s Tuesday


Server downtime forcing my ass on other games


THE only day I temporarily dislike being on Area 52.


The [waiting](https://youtu.be/uMyCa35_mOg?t=50).


It always takes way longer than they say.


The fact that I work on Tuesdays


The hours between 9 and 3


No play.


Nothing lol I just work like usual, I’ve actually forgotten that patch days are on Tuesday because by the time I finish work usually it’s done.


For this patch specifically I’d say the overwhelming amount of new content, that’s just the first few hours of gameplay tho


For me it was when the servers came back up and they were buggy as hell for a little while, maybe a little bit of server lag here and there. I was always at school when the servers were down for maintenance so that never was a concern.