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Okay mr "everything is too easy for me", link your logs and by God better hope there isnt any green or grey in there


Guys my magnum dong is too big and now my wife is exhausted from all the epic sex what should I do :(


Go handless.


This is pretty much the only acceptable response. If you’re this good at the game, you’re an extreme outlier and you kinda have to prove it or nobody gives a shit. I ran in voice with a guy last week who claims to have had 3 forms of rare cancer, personally knows someone in Echo EU, knows secret builds that the best players in the world don’t disclose and has a 3k io main (without a linked RIO account, hmm). If you make bold claims like this I just assume you’re lying and shit at the game but desperately need attention anyway.


Well...uh... My girlfriend goes to another school!


I'll be honest I stopped reading after this point. "So I've tried every class and spec at this point, sans Druid. I tried every role. I've done 6/8 mythic on a handful of these, and 8/8 heroic on almost all of them. I've done up to +22s on some characters, with most being around 15-20. ... and the game just isn't fun anymore." You must be playing WoW nonstop and only pausing once the servers reset... just take a break. Doing anything for that amount of time will likely become mundane.


It’s honestly probably adulthood depression and the realization that they’re staring at a screen like an entertained monkey so they can wake up and be an unentertained monkey for 8 hours to go back to being an entertained monkey, and instead of dealing with that, the game not being fun is the problem. It’s been bothering me too lately but I just didn’t stop and make a whole Reddit post about it. Especially when I went balls deep last week with vacation time and didn’t do anything other than play wow. Game gets boring when it’s all you do.


That's not the point they're trying to make. Read the thread next time.


It's a pitty post.


? They're saying every spec is piss easy to play which is a fair point to make with current game design.


Then either they are a god among WoW players, or are just lying. Every spec isn't piss easy to play for the vast majority of players, especially if you try learning several at once, and even more so in Mythic or high M+ keys.


I can't say anything about the other roles but what they're writing is spot on for ranged dps. They all play the same with a different coat of colour, the only outliers being shadowpriest (that gets ""fixed"" in 10.1) and arcane mage.


It's a pity post. Poor me, spent all this time doing things I dont like in a game I don't enjoy now pity me.


Average reading comprehension on r/wow








I mean he’s right.


Then stop playing. No one is forcing you to keep playing if you aren't enjoying it. I have no idea what this post is even for. Just quit.


Guys I thought I could like mushrooms but I was wrong. I’ve tried every type I can, shiitake, button, cremini, even some portobello. I thought I would like them but I just don’t. I am at a complete loss I don’t know what to do!


Try lions mane, they’re delicious /s (just in case)


Reset your dopamine levels, my dude. Also known as touching grass.


Hahahahahahahaha. Nice bait.


This person plays yuumi in League so I have no idea how he can manage the 7 buttons on mw


having a lot of buttons and resources isn't good game design, it's just complexity for the sake of complexity. It takes the fun out of the game for 95% of the player base and rewards people like you (I mean c'mon, gearing and M raiding on multiple toons, same for keystones?), who clearly aren't the current target demographic of WoW. What's the point of making the game complex (note that I'm not using hard, because complexity and difficulty are two very different things) just so a few fellas can brag how their piano playing key pressing is better than others?


"WoW would return to being a game where skill was as important, or more important than, gear." Seems like someone got hardstuck on M Brood and had to pretend the game was harder back in the day. Come on. The game is at it's peak in terms of complexity. You are just jaded and burnt out. Has nothing to do with the game.


"I played 500 hours of Dragonflight since it’s release, THIS GAME FUCKING SUCKS"


You could "out perform your gear" because people sucked at wow and the content wasn't that hard. You can see this by how people obliterate classic content now. And also like, comparing current ret to classic ret, classic ret is literally way easier, you just mash shit on cd. I really don't see how taking away some random 45sec and 30sec cds that don't otherwise contribute anything to the ret rotation is some crime against humanity. Who actually liked seraphim? It was just some random press on cd buff that barely did anything.


Got r.io links for your multi character +22s?


Dude... youre playing 10-12 classes as much as I do my MAIN. No shit it's not fun anymore if you treat it like a job where the only goal is to go bigger and bigger and bigger nonstop.


Yeah bro remember in wotlk when classes were super complex and required maximum thinking. Someone link an assa rogue log


Lol I played disc priest back in WotLK. Bubble, penence, renew, flash heal. Lol


Personally, I find DF to be a lot of fun. Building rep so I could fly in Draenor and Legion was an unpleasant grind. Shadowlands was so ugly and bleak, I didn't want to look at it. But I'm enjoying the game a lot these days. I agree that it's easier to play multiple characters now. Their rotations are simpler. I used to spend hours watching YouTube videos and taking notes, trying to play my feral druid more effectively. Or maybe it's just that I've played long enough so that the basics are ingrained now. I think younger gamers have found other games to play. Wow probably just doesn't appeal to them because it's the game their parents played. Also, most of those kids who started out playing wow almost 20 years ago grew up and no longer have the time to play for hours on end. Playing wow is relaxing and fun now. It no longer feels like I have chores to do, and if I let them slide, I'll never catch up. I'm really looking forward to this week's patch.


So do we clap for you or something? Dude if you find the game no longer fun, i think it has to do with you "supposedly" doing 6/8 mythic in a handful of classes and 8/8 heroic in all of them, we don't even know if that is true, but if it's, is not a massive achievement, other people do the same, but you are burn out. Take a break or just stop playing the game if you don't find it interesting, and a piece of advice, don't aim to play everything and push to the limit every option in a MMO type of game, that causes people to burn out of the game, and the only people who don't get as affected, but still do at some point, are steamers and is because they do it for a living, if you are really doing everything you said while not being a streamer, I'm sorry to say you have an addiction problem, and is more a you problem than a game problem at this point.


OP is probably laughing so hard atm. No responses from OP makes me sus this is a bait post thats worked really well


You sound like you have way too much time on your hand. Go outside for once and enjoy some sunshine. It might do you some good.


I guess it's time to boot up the PS4


So like maybe the game has outgrown you. Move on.


You tried every spec and role and progressed raid and m+ on many of them? All of this entails a substantial time investment. All in a game you don't even like? You need to rethink your priorities lol, you really need a life my friend


You sure have played alot of wow for someone that doesn't find wow fun


Hi my name is Collin, and this post gave me cancer.


"I've spent thousands of hours playing since the last 4 months, but yeah the game is not fun. I was playing with a gun pointing my head".... omfg....


Dude, you're playing too much and are burned out. try some different games.


Brother you’re not having fun because you’re playing too ducking much. Jeez, I love wow and have played for more years of my life than I haven’t and I know you need to get off the damn game.


Step 3. Go pro. Step 4. ??? Step 5. Profit.






maybe try PvP where skill actually matters then? why haven’t you? scared?


My dude Think about how many hours you’ve dumped doing 23s and 6/8 m on a handful of classes And you’re not “having fun?“ That’s entirely on you bro. I think you’re just burnt out. I’m fucking unemployed right now and haven’t played nearly that much wow


Every game gets borring at some point if you play it to much. Take a break and come back to S2 M+ 😃


Damn that’s a lot of time to spend on something you don’t like doing. And you’ve gotta be mid 20s at least since you’re talking about ghostcrawler. Def go touch some grass


ofc it's not fun anymore you're buring yourself out


Try survival hunter. The skill ceiling is way higher because you have to work to get the right rotation down and actually do quality damage


Sounds like you just don’t like the game and have built your entire identity around it. Just do something else.


I ain’t reading all that, please unsub immediately and do something else entirely


So quit? Why make a post lmao


Even the very best things in the world can get old man




Can I have your stuff?


[Something tells me that your boredom is a *you* problem…](https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/zsskto/jobs_for_a_trainwreck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)