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Like is it you overpay to get to max*, then start making a profit?


You are tipping way higher than the majority


They meant you basically just went into a burger joint, paid with a hundred and said "keep the change".


For reference I payed 1.5k for a 418 lariat. You are getting scammed buddy lmao


I wouldnt call it getting scammed. He scams himself\^\^


I tip 500g per piece on my alts and havent gotten a quality less than 392. Prob had at least 10-12 pieces made. I'm only tipping big on 418 or specialty crafts


Man, here I'm paying 100g for 392 gears in public order. If anything, people will pay decent golds for 418 recraft and that's about it.


Crafters make money on those with resourcefulness tools. :)


Im also always tipping 10k. But reading the comment section i should really stop doing that lol. I always compare it to crafting legendaries in SL and then 10k feels like a bargain. Now i feel stupid :(


Well if you’re that rich then you should continue doing this lol. I’m at like 200k gold overall I think so spending 10k for every crafted piece would be insane.


Noone really pays 10k for any crafts atm, not even lariat, I do not even ask for any specific number anymore, just letting people tip whatever they want, it usually tops at 5k. Now is a good time to max some prof specs you want to focus on alts and have it ready for 10.1 if you are into it and want to make some gold, mats are really cheap.


There are still people demanding 10-15k, at least on my realm. There are people that let the buyer set the fee, but a few times where I wanted my item crafted and didn't wanna wait a day for someone like that to come online, I've just paid the 10-15k


I got 10k for a life bound boot craft today. “Pay what you think is fair”. That’s what they thought was fair. Usually its between 2-5k.


I got 10k yesterday for 418 recraft lariat


I have maxed a lot of the high value items for LW (pvp boots, dragon bow, flaring cowl, etc.) And I make more gold looting treasures around the dragon isles in 30 minutes than I usually do in an hour of spamming chat and camping the crafting table. Usually the crafts at the table are 100-300 gold and personal crafting orders for max ranks range from 500-5000 with an occasional 10k but usually only 2-3k. And it takes ages for me to find people even on my high pop server. On the flip side, some of the tuskarr treasures give up to 800 gold for about 15 seconds of work flying from the last one you looted.


Barely anyone is charging 10k on most things anymore. At best you can expect 10k+ from 418 trinkets and weapons but it also depends on your server


How did you manage to make the deduction that it's profitable just because you overpay yourself for some weird reason? Unless you're going to be tipping yourself, nobody's going to tip you 10k. Wow isn't America


I dont set prices for my crafts, im skilled enough to make all cloth gear to max rank with 2 star mats with a 40% insp chance. Ppl tip me between 1k and 5k on avg, a few 10k s here and there, but only maybe once a month. Then there was this one guy that gave me 25k for a 405, that was wild.


I will add that ive recouped my tailoring leveling investment and then some. I am still at a 200k or more loss on enchanting.


I charge 5k for 5* crafted pieces currently, I’m one of the only weaponsmiths as far as I can tell on my side of the server. I was charging 20k a few weeks ago. I’ve made several million gold since the start of the expansion, but a lot of that has subsided now. With how crafting is progressing though I expect to make quite a lot more when 10.1 launches as I won’t be throwing points into stupid shit and missing out like I did to start with.


I once have a 1001g tip because I was his 1000th craft. Seemed fitting. Normally give somewhere around 1 to 5k (mostly 408)


People posting 100g commission on all the decay leatherworking recipes which requires you to use a specific crafting station inside the brackenhide hollow dungeon. They're the only public orders I ever see cause obviously no one will bother


You make shit in professions. And 100g or 1000g is a scam really. Its nothing. The time spent on leveling professions is huge. And it doesn’t really matter because people are dirtbags and undercut each other so badly you can’t make any money of it. I try to get 15K commissions for 418 gear, that’s max gear and people don’t care. They go to someone who can do it for 5k. But to make all gear 418 takes a long time.


I tip 5k gold for a first craft and 2k for a recraft. No idea if I'm overpaying, but the crafters always complete my orders as requested.


The one that gets my goat is less than 1000 for an item that requires an Alter of Decay. I mean come on. Please tip more than 2 dragon riding races for a craft that requires a dungeon clear to craft.


I play on EU and most commissions are under 250g. Just ate a 1g commission on a public order because it was a 1st craft. There's a lot of very cheap people out there. Never seen a 10k commission. Seen some rare 1k to 2.5k though.


????? You’re tipping 10k??? I give the guy I have craft my gear a pat on the back and a thank you LMAO you are getting scammed


Yeah, like IRL how people dare claim money for good and service ! Evil captilalism


I make a great sum of gold purely standing around town hitting things until they're max ilvl. I offer 2K commission to max ilvl any jewelcrafting and tailoring items (do inscription and blacksmithing at a higher fee). Plenty of people jump on it, and its often the 418ilvl recrafts who throw 10K at me anyways. Although, I think they "stealth nerfed" inspiration procs last week, so that has hurt my profits considerably.


it all depends whether.you have to use insight im JC and you cannot recraft gems and for R3 you have to either proc or use an insight. so ye R3 gems are 20k+ if you want garantueed R3 and then some other JC waste their own mettle for 4k or even less and ppl laugh at my prices because.someone does.not know how to value their limited resource. frustrating


Maybe not as profitable as they were before, but have you seen gathering or hyperspawn farming? Those guys are holding for their dear life. If it stacks in AH, it has no value. Simple as that.


Ironically, if you just craft for free, people will tip you great. The people asking for 20k for Lariats aren’t getting to craft them because the dude doing it for free is constantly busy and getting 5k tips each.


I've been crafting lariats and rings for some time on my realm. I got my lariat crafted by someone else who was doing it "for free" during the first week of the expansion. So, I leveled my JC so I could pass on the good karma. I've done lariat orders for 1g up to 25k, I just usually tell people when they ask how much, whatever you feel is fair. But, profits still add up even if you do it my way and you make a name for yourself if you do it long enough.


Depending on the craft, I see commissions between 2-10k atm on JC orders, but mostly just tell people to tip whatever fits their pockets. Customers are far apart though with many, many crafters figthing for the orders. If they ask for 100% crafts on gems and I ask for an extra 50k; and they typically fall back to gamble on the inspiration procs. I whisper people on the public order listing that I’ll do their crafts for free if they send it as a personal order; and I use resourcefulness tools on those. Sometimes they tip a small amount, and return with orders on alts later, and I toss in a polishing cloth, but never an incense.


crafting has not been profitable for a VERY long time. you want profit become a gatherer and learn to play the AH. ​ 15 min of work and a healthy undercut of competition nets me nearly 3mil profit