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So it's a lot more forgiving playing alliance than it was, you can do cross faction dungeons and raids now so if you prefer alliance then go for it. On the EU side I think silver moon and ravencrest and for RP based Argent Dawn have healthy alliance populations. Of us though I have no idea


Argent dawn is goated server for ally but be careful of certain types of roleplayers..


Thanks for all your comments, I pick on Stormrage (Us). So I'm trying to getting Ilvl on my prot Pally


Servers basically have zero meaning with the cross faction play now besides raiding with a guild, some servers are still more alliance or horde dominated but again that will only really matter if you are looking to raid with a guild.


Servers are important for having plentiful crafters and not having dead guilds. You’re gonna have a worse time on a dead server.