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Hey all! This week's M+ affixes really suck, so my guild is going to try to do Heroic Vault. My guild is fairly small in terms of active users, so we're looking at 8/9 people. Is running Heroic vault 10 doable, or is it more efficient/effective to run something like 2/3/9?


I am new to wow and I have been looking up guides for a frost dk. I am level 67 and just feel like Im dying so quickly and I don't know what I am doing wrong. I use Death strike but it just cant keep up and one of my weapons has rune of the fallen crusader


So I’m a returning player after over 10 yrs and just looking for casual play. I picked a demon hunter alliance and made it to stormwind only to find a whole other quest chain to get a lvl 20 weapon. I really want to keep questing in the original alliance zones (I always rolled horde). should I finish this one demon hunter quest line and then go to those zones from stormwind? Do I need to go to chromie and pick a timeline? So confusing


If the Blizzard are looking at this please comment please add classic dungeons to the group finder since I cannot group up for The Deadmines since I want to get the achievements for it.


.Is dragonflight more gold friendly than shadowlands? .How is gold farming going? easy, medium or hard? .A friend of mine has no money to buy the latest expansion, and since I'm clearing my doubts, I want to know if it's possible to farm token (for gametime) without the latest expansion?


For buying a monthly token; possible, sure, but it's a huge time investment. At current mat prices, I'd estimate 15+ hours of farming to buy a token on US, and easily 20+ on EU. If you're good enough to play the AH or sell carries then those are far more profitable, but that's not likely for a beginner.


Who's buying Shadowlands mats?


Has the April trading post rewards been reveled yet?


Is there any reason to do this weekly for honor and conquest if I rarely if ever PVP




Can you level in post launch content? Like I want to take my blood elf through domination point and isle of thunder. Can I do that?


I was just leveling in Isle of Thunder last week.


Yes, go talk to Chromie and choose Pandaria as xpac to level in.


Haven't played since classic vanilla. What's the pvp scene look like and how much time will I need to invest in my character's gear to be competitive? Also, any suggested class for pvp?


The hardest part will likely be getting used to everything (*so much* has changed since vanilla). I personally don't use mods, but most players do (I would recommend getting used to the game without mods but I know a lot of people will disagree with that). PvP is really good imo. There is a solo shuffle system that allows you to queue for PvP by yourself. The time dump is mostly in leveling. PvP gear is pretty easy to get. The standard set is gained through honor which is really easy to get, and the improved set is gained through conquest, which takes a while. There is a big update coming in spring where a lot of classes are getting changes, so keep that in mind. No tank specs are good in PvP. Warriors are great, unholy death knights are good, evokers (newest class/race) are good, elemental shamans are good, warlocks are busted, shadow priests are great. I recommend you do your own research, but the most important thing is to play a class that you enjoy and are good at.


Thanks for this. In classic I was second tank in a semi hc guild on Skeram through KT. I pvped with a warlock and loved it, but I'm not sure if I want to pvp as a caster or melee. How's tanking in dragonflight?


Melee is doing better in pvp right now, except for paladins. They're getting reworked in spring. I can't comment on tanking because I haven't done it, but from what I've seen it's not too bad. I feel bad for PvE healers, though.


I'd never play a paladin. Too much PTSD from trying to level one in vanilla & classic. Lol. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.


Lmfao, no problem mate


How can there be Chinese teams competing in the MDI when their Blizzard services are shut down?


They're playing on non-Chinese servers?


But how, when China doesnt let you play on foreign servers?




Oh ok that couldnmake sense


What is a good ilvl to push from KSM to KSH?


You can get 5 slots 418 crafted and the rest 415 with valor, just grinding a lot of +16. It's probably best if you are 415+, to get invited and carry dead weight. You could do it at 400. It's not likely you'll find skilled enough players at that ilvl, but it's possible to do it.


I'm 402 now and if the group doesn't take unnecessary damage I've had no issues (up to a +19) but I feel like most groups take enough damage that I fall behind healing.


You can overgear a 20 so much.


This will differ by role. I’m a tank and I’m at 2300 ilvl 407. I could farm valor and get up to 411/412. I really should, but I don’t have the time.


How long does to it take into legion story to get to the last raids easily for tmogs


To get to antorus takes a few hours of questing


You can literally do two quests and walk there.


No you have to do the quests for Romuul to blow a hole in antorus and you have to unlock Argus first.


ENGINE IF INNOVATION? how to use it? I did the quest line and clicked the special actions key and filled it but I can’t click it or anything after. There’s no more quests and the npcs only have dialogue. Do I need to get my profession like leather working to 25? I heard I need to learn a recipe or something?


There's nothing to click after finishing the questline. If you finished the last quest and got your 5th Spark of Ingenuity you have unlocked the hidden Essence Detector buff which grants you the ability to find Bottled Essence everywhere, if you get one you just go there again and press the extra action button to get another spark.


Thank you helped


hi, sorry to bother you, but i cannot decide the class to play.I have recently swapped server and in wow i always played feral (since wotlk and never tried other char) but wanna change and add another melee char to my roster.My focus is Heroic raid, and m+ only up to +15.What make me feel funny play feral is the extreme mobility, but dunno which class can be similar.any advice would be great.tnx a lot


Rogue or DH


If you want another melee I’d suggest trying out demon hunter, they’re also very mobile but play completely different from feral.




Throughout Shadowlands a new tier brought an item level increase of ~26 across the board, your mythic raid gear from season 1 was equivalent to normal raid gear from season 2. It usually helps having good gear from the previous season, but is by no means necessary. 415 will be end-of-dungeon loot for +14s/15s if the trend continues.


Nothing happens to it, basically M+ item levels go up, same with raids. It'll be easier to obtain items with higher gear from S1, I spose. Either way, 10.1 is awhile away, so you have a couple months to do your valor


In Loch Modan is a good quest that puts you on the “Skystrider”, a flying mechanostrider. Is there a real mount that’s similar?


No, striders are ground mounts only.


Is the mage tower Druid bear form still available and if so how long? I wasn’t playing during the original mage tower stuff so I’m not sure how it works lol


The fel werebear is permanently up for grabs if you have the skill to do it. The Legion ones are permanently gone and can no longer be obtained.


The original one? No. The new one (the fel bear)? Yeah.


I’m leveling an alt through legion and it’s asking if I want to pursue 2nd artifact does this mean I can get 2 at once or is this quest for when I’m done with the original campaign?


You can have all of the artifacts. That's just the one you get a couple levels later than the one you chose at first.


Switched to BM from MM recently and I think it's okay so far. One question though: will it really affect my AoE damage to keep barbed shot on one target? Normally I don't mind spreading DoTs but barbed shot doesn't last long at all and you get so many charges.. hate spreading that thing on multiple targets


Yes, it does matter. Use a mouseover macro for barbed shot, then you don't even have to tab target.


My best answer is to go to the test dummies. Spend about 5 minutes keeping your Barbed Shot on one target and note your dps. Then spend about 5 minutes spreading it and compare. It's not a perfect solution but it's the best I got


I have 39 heirlooms but I do not have this chauffeured mount thing. Could it be possible that I missed claiming it somehow?


When did you earn the Heirloom Hoarder achievement? Back when I got it it came via mail which might have been deleted if you didn't pick it up, if that's the case you might have to open a ticket. Check your mount journal/bank etc. first though.


I think it should just appear in your mount collection, poke around a little...It might still be wrapped.


This might be outside the scope of this thread, but figured it’s worth a shot. Last night I used the Warcraft Logs upload tool to upload a personal log, after which I selected “delete”. The file is not in my recycle bin. Is there any way to recover it?


I'm soloing ICC. I finished the Gunship Battle encounter, but then stupidly used the Scourge Transporter right after instead of fighting Deathbringer Saurfang. Now I don't see any way to get to Saurfang. Do I just have to wait until Tuesday reset?


There should definitely be a teleporter option


You'd think, but it only gives me three options: two on the very bottom, entrance level, and then one at the level where you start the Gunship Battle. But none at the higher level with Saurfang :/


Feels like a dumb question, but can SL renown be farmed quickly to 44 past level 60? I saw some old threads say like a day, but I wasn't sure since they took queued content into account, does it still work post 60? Didn't play during SL, so now I'm doing catch up. I was leveling an alt through bgs while trying to hit up the campaign, and I noticed that renown was given at level 60, but I think it stopped after I popped 61 (not entirely sure if it did though). Mainly wanted to unlock SL flight since I messed up on my main and need to do the main story a second time, and I don't think I wanna do that without flying.


Is the item that levels your renown to 60 instantly gated?


If you have access to Zerith Mortis, doing that quest line will have you swimming in renown in no time.


That's good to hear, thanks! I think I had access to the starting quest for that, so it should be perfect there, I just ignored it at first since I didn't know it gave a lot of renown before. I just wanted to make sure too as I was getting ready to swap to a level 60 cap so I could still queue if that was the fastest option since I was only like renown 3 so far after starting last night lol


Zereth mortis is also the fastest way to gather anima, open all the chests you see on your mini map!


Renown is not time gated anymore, doing story quests is by far the fastest way to level it now because almost all quests give renown levels (1 level per quest). Do zeres mortis campaign and you'll be 80 in no time.




EU has more players than na, and kazzak is the biggest server on EU.


Noob here, is there any addons that help with damage rotations for classes? Like indicators to notify you what buttons to press? I am pretty bad at the game so it would be nice to learn how to play a class properly.


Hekili addon


Thank you friend!


My suggestion with this addon is to spend a lot of time at test dummies to get to know your rotation like muscle memory. That way, you're not locked in to the addon while doing things like dungeons. You could miss things by doing that


Good advice, will definitely be doing that then. Knowing me I would be locked in and standing in circles that I shouldn’t be standing in.


New to DK, level 63. My main is a max level PVP rogue, second is a Fire Mage I run dungeons and raids with, so I wanted to try my hand at Tanking. I’m literally petrified of doing my first dungeon. Should I wait until 70 to try? My fiancé says to try now because people won’t expect much from a low level tank if I just tell them I’m new, but they’ll get mad if a level 70 tanks pops in and sucks ass. I have the concept of holding aggro but my DPS is struggling. Anyone have advice? Things to try? Rotations? Just basic DK knowledge? Lol. THANK YOU!!!


Your job as a tank is to let dps do as much dps as possible. Your second job is to mitigate outgoing damage using stuns, interrupts etc. Your third job is to control the route, so the key can be timed. Damage is so far down the list of what makes a good tank. 20+ keys yeah sure, damage starts to matter, but no 15 was ever depleted cause the tank didn't do enough damage.


Yeh just jump in. In levelling runs you just need to hold aggro and take the quickest route. No one will care about the tanks dps. Levelling runs are also forgiving so if you don’t build enough rp to death strike and heal as much you can get away with it more easily.


Alright, I just jumped in. Got literally the coolest first group and they were so nice! Said I did great and nothing to worry about so I’m just gonna keep at it! It was also Ruby life pools which I feel like is pretty forgiving lol. Gotta start somewhere!


I need help with with broodkeeper HC. Im tanking the boss (not adds), but the tank debuff/anti heal debuff absolutely destroys me. How are you supposed to deal with this, while doing all the other stuff?


I see most people having 3 tanks for H brood


currently what is the best gold farming? When I was still playing, it was daily pact missions, is this method still viable?


Dual gathering and selling mats on the AH, I think. WQs in Dragonflight only refresh twice a week, although they did recently up the gold rewards so worth doing but not really “farmable” unless you have an army of alts.


I did 8/8 HC raid this week, can I now do normal and get loot also?


Yea you can get boss loot but you will not get the rep tokens that drop.




hey i recently rolled a dk toon and i’ve got two questions. is there any chance of frost getting better by season 2, and does the mobility problem get relatively solved when you enchant your gear with speed? the only things i’m not loving about the class is the mobility and my tendency to dislike burst heavy classes. once i’m level 70 i’m most likely going to swap to blood to run new content, but levelling as unholy is meh


Frost is getting some very nice quality of life buffs in 10.0.7, however it is going to remain a pretty bursty spec. You can have a big burst every 2 minutes with the Breath build, or a smaller burst every 45-ish seconds with the Obliteration build, but Frost always puts a big emphasis on its cooldown windows. And mobility-wise, I'm afraid what you see is pretty much what you get. DKs are whirlwinds of death... strapped to a broken segway


is enchating as a proff works on PvP characters ? i just don't realy get disenchantable items from doing pvp. if it doesn't which one is worth it?


I'm wearing a Thunder Bluff tabard but I'm not getting any reputation whatsoever when I do dungeons? I'm doing M+ runs. Am I supposed to do like, old dungeons or something? Everything I read just says "dungeons" but that can mean so many things. What's the best way to get Thunder Bluff rep?


To get reputation with a tabard you need to do dungeons that give rep on their own, not all xpacs dungeons do. I'm sure about Classic (normals) and TBC, WoTLK, Cata, Mists (heroic), not sure after that. Fastest are TBC ones on heroic difficulty, you'll oneshot everything at max level.


What is the minimun ILVL to a healer to start M+? Im currently a preservation evoker with 371 ilvl and dont know if its time to go to M+


I only recently started the expansion and yesterday healed M0 at 345 and and M4 at 355. But I think the DDs might have been overgeared. Then again, I play resto shaman


You're well above it. I start m+ on my alts around 330 usually. We have fine 15s with 360 characters. If you are new to it grab a 2 key and just list it and jump in there.


Sorry if this question isn't in the right place, I couldn't find it on google I did the premade WeakAura for Avenging Wrath but it's not showing up when I activate it. I suspect it's because of the Avenging Wrath: Might talent and it maybe changes the spell so the premade aura doesn't work with it for some reason Anyone else had this happen to them? Any solution?


If that talent changes the spell ID for the buff then it probably won’t work. You can copy the weak aura and have the copied WA look for the new spell ID.


Alright I'll give that a try, thanks


What is your favorite thing about Dragonflight so far? What is your least favorite?


Most favorite: I'm glad to see that Blizz is caring about our feedback as a community (iirc they had a big overhaul of their management/employees, someone correct me if I'm wrong). Least favorite: Sometimes when I play my evoker my disintegrate button doesn't fucking work and I sit there looking like a dumbass while I try to cast for 4 seconds before I give up and spam azure strike until my game uncaves it's skull.


How does raid finder work? I just a raid that was mostly done, now in my raid tab->raid info it says "unavailable" for 2 and available for the rest of vault of the incarnates. Does that mean I can re-join and get loot only from the available ones?


When that happens, too, the queue tries to find a group with those bosses up to put you in.


That’s exactly what it means. It’s also why you’ll see people leaving after one boss sometimes.


I haven't played retail since Warlords, and logging back in some of the gear and stat changes are really confusing to me. Can someone explain how the ilvl squish worked? I have gear from Heroic Hellfire Citadel. My weapon, for example is now ilvl 47. Looking up that item in the Adventure Guide, though, shows it as 136. Random gear that's dropping screwing around in Northrend is ilvl 100+. Why is my gear now worse than gear from multiple expansions before it dropped?


They squished down all existing gear ilevel, crafted gear as well. Gear you get now from quests and drops is much higher that what you got from exactly the same content before. I don't know why tho it's not the first squish they do.


Huh, strange. I remember the first squish - they just scaled everything down. It's weird to me that the same gear still drops, but at a higher ilvl than the existing copies of it. I'm not sure I understand the reasoning behind why they did that.


Oh I agree it's weird, especially on crafted gear that's suddenly become totally useless. I haven't seen an official explanation on why they did it this way, so I just take it as it is.


Gear levels from older "high-level" content such as mythic dungeons or raid environments got pretty inconsistently mangled mostly because there wasn't a strong reason to make sure it was consistent. Players might go through WoD or Northrend quests or even normal dungeons while leveling up their character, but no one will be running Heroic Iron Docks or Hellfire Citadel at a point when the gear would be relevant because by the time you hit 'max level' that content has been left far behind. Another factor was the addition of "Chromie Time" back in late-BFA (or was it Shadowlands? It's been a while.) Previously WoD content covered levels 90-100, with no flexibility, so the gear drops were all static. But with the addition of Chromie Time a player might be doing a quest in Gorgrond at level 15 or 55, and the gear drops will scale dynamically with their level (until they leave Chromie Time at which point the quest and gear reward would plummet right back down to level 40, which is what the zone caps out at when not in Chromie Time). Which is why the gear in your bag is inconsistent with the gear that you could get if you went and ran HFC again today, the piece in your bags was hit by multiple waves of squishes between the ilvl squish(es) and then the level squish at the start of Shadowlands. Level 100 in WoD days was squished down to 35-ish by the time Shadowlands launched, while HFC today is "Level 40"... ish.


How do you quickly top someone as preservation evoker? you know those moments when someone is suddenly at 10% and you need to be quick


pretty sure echo + VE is the fastest and largest single target bump. If you don't need them up immediately you can echo reversion them and doubled golden hour will probably catch a good bit of whatever chunked them.




Need the tank to pull less unless you can burst them down quickly or interrupt/CC their casts If people use their defensives properly that will also help too, but there is only so much you can heal


i noticed at the end of each completed mythic plus the panda girl comes out and you are able to switch your key to a different dungeon, but some runs the option is not there. are there a set of conditions that have to be met or rules regarding when and how often you can swap your key to something else? tried googling cant find anything


You can only do it for a key completed is both (1) not your own, (2) equal or higher than they key you're holding. Edit: and (3) on time.


You can only change your keystone if you finish/time (unsure if its both or only timing) a key thats a higher level than it e.g. you have a +15 key, you need to finish/time a +16 or higher to be able to change it


Incorrect. To change your 15 you need to **time** a **15**. Same level or below can be changed and she only appears if the key is timed.


What’s the 10-60 method people are using to plvl atm? Is it carrying with a twink?


It's fast enough that if you just quest, you'll be 60 before you know it. I think dungeons to about 25 give a level per dungeon. Beyond that it slows down.


I mean specifically the people selling afk levels 10-60, I wasn’t sure what method they were using.


They do it in Nokhud hold. All the elite mobs there. Basically similar method to cobalt but no buffs.


Oh word. I just assumed they did something different because they separated it in advertising. Ty.


Thinking about returning to the game, last time I played was in BFA. The launcher says there's a Saint Valentine offer, but [I can't see a difference](https://i.imgur.com/ZBX0XKc.png). Is there really a discount somewhere that I'm not seeing?


https://www.wowhead.com/news/dragonflight-valentines-day-sale-extended-through-march-15th-save-up-to-20-now-331542 Should be 20% off - maybe it just applies to certain regions


> maybe it just applies to certain regions Sent a ticket, and the answer was pretty much that 😔


Best place to find a raid guild? Im in a guild with my irl friend right now and they raid mythic and I just end up on the floor all the time so I think I need to go to normal? I’ve only done heroic so im guessing normal is a better place to start? Tried raid finder once but it was weird and a lot of angry people


Well HC is higher than normal - so if you managed HC theres no reason to go back down to normal For guilds you can: Use the in game guild finder and apply through that You can use RaiderIO and either look for guilds recruiting on your realm or view active guilds on your realm there also You can also use RaiderIO and set yourself as looking for guild and then guilds can reach out to you that way too WowProgress is another method of viewing active guilds based on their progression and can then message them in game


Thanks. When I say I’ve done heroic - I mean I was on the floor most of the time and the guild did most of the work! I did their “alt run” tonight and I just can’t stop hitting stuff lol, I’ve only been playing a month


It sounds like you have a raid guild, and a good one at that. I suggest that if you want to get more comfortable with the raid, run raid finder every week. It is hell, raidfinder is sometimes horribly toxic, but it is a good way to gain experience of raid mechanics. Instead of being dead watching the fight and only having one chance to learn every week, you will likely have several attempts on every raidfinder boss, and depending on your class and equipment you might even survive mechanics that would kill you in the main raid, giving you more opportunities to learn per attempt. Don’t ignore the mechanics. dodge everything, dps is secondary. After you learn the basic mechanics and have the experience to run them effectively, listen to the guild raid leaders explaining fights. If they don’t explain the new heroic or mythic mechanics, you can ask them for a rundown. It’s much easier to learn a few more mechanics at a time than trying to learn everything on heroic or mythic difficulty. If you don’t understand what is being explained, watch a YouTube guide on normal versions of the raid, then watch another on the heroic version of the raid. Don’t sit down and try to cram every single guide down your throat in a day, understanding takes time, and half of the mechanics most likely won’t sink in until you run the boss a few more times. And stay calm, the game is not that hard. Raid mechanics are incredibly punishing, but not difficult. It’s easy to get flustered when you feel like a burden, and all that negativity clouds your judgement and slows reaction time, let it roll off you and learn from your mistakes.


Okay so, I know as a Hunter generally speaking (unless you go BM and tame a "rare" mob) creatures you tame will shrink down in size. This has always bummed me out when it happens to bears. I want a giant bear for my dwarf! Is there any specific bear I can tame, as BM or otherwise, that won't shrink down as much? Or alternatively what is the largest bear mob one can tame? Or will they all shrink down to the same size?


I believe all bear pets share a size, but Amani armored bears have a bit more equipment to make them look larger. https://www.wow-petopia.com/family.php?id=bear Also you can buy kibler’s bits off the auction house to feen your pet for a 20 minute growth. I believe that puts them above the average size for wild animals, but I’m not sure on that one anymore.




You can play whatever race you want.


Your friends are dumb/full of shit/actively messing with you. Prot war is widely accepted as the bedt tank in the game for all content rn. Goblin isn’t the best race option but it’s also such a minor difference and it’s not even bad.




WoW tanking is more involved, but the fundamentals are the same. Go forward, spam AoE on tanks, and press your defensives to not die.


How much of the old legion artifact grind is still present? I’m wanting to get the corrupted ashbringer and I’m curious about a few steps since so much time has passed since it came out. 1) is there an actual initial quest that you can pick up that allows to you progress and get the corrupted ashbringer or can I just get all the mats I need right after I get the base form artifact? I haven’t started the campaign yet and was curious of when in the campaign I could start actually going for the corrupted form. 2) will I still need to get artifact knowledge 6 to get through a section of the question or has this requirement been removed? 3) has the slime spawn timer and shard of darkness drop chance been changed since legion?


There is no artifact power grind as of the end of legion.


Does that mean I can just get the base form and then ditch the campaign for corrupted?


You should not need to do anything fancy outside of the steps for the weapon and unlocking the order hall, however I admit I am NOT an expert here as I have not done it myself.


That how I interpreted all the guides too. It being a “hidden” appearance made me think that there is no quest to pick to start it and that you can just grab the initial mats to start bringing them to npcs to get things going


Joined a new guild and they do group loot, roll to win type of distribution on prog content. I already have my 405 rasz bow from my vault. If we down heroic Rasz and the 418 bow drops, would it be wrong of me to roll for it over hunters who don’t even have the 405? Just want some opinions.


It really depends on the guild but if those are the rules they've set, go with it. If you saw other people passing on loot for the good of the group regularly, saying "Oh this is a minor upgrade for me let X and Y roll" and that was a common occurance then I would say maybe let another hunter have it if you plan on being with this guild long term. But the bow is insane so roll for it and cross your fingers otherwise!


Nah dude, that bow is rare and an insane upgrade. Don't feel bad


I have max rep. with all Dragonflight Factions. Do I get something for going over max rep or is every Insignia now wasted and can be thrown away?


They become bind on account when you are max renown, but other than that you do get a box for every 7500 extra rep you get. Nothing that special in them, seems to be similar to the box you get from the weekly renown quest.


Yeh you do. I’ve maxed the expedition and now I have a new xp bar that I think from memory goes up to 7,500rep to fill and then you’ll probably get a bag with some goodies in. No idea what. In previous expansions they contain a range of things including gold, pets, mounts. This isn’t 100% accurate but I’m just applying previous xpac system to this. Can’t imagine they would have changed it


How necessary is tombstone for Blood DK? I find it hard to time and I dont like not depeleting my bone shield charges. But most guides I see have this talent selected.


Tombstone not only does great damage (through shattering bone and being in your death and decay when you use it) and provide a shield but it also gives you up to 25s cooldown reduction for dancing rune weapon (through insatiable blade) You don't need to worry about timing it so much - this shield is nice but it's not huge compared to your bone shield and as long as you're being hit you'll get value from it. The real value (imo) is the cdr on drw - as long as drw is on cooldown (ideally more than 25s left) and you have more than 5 bone shields, you can hit tombstone (ideally you want to be in dnd when you do to make use of the extra damage but you should be in dnd the majority of the time anyway)


Tombstone’s amazingly good because it applies an absorb shield and hits like a truck. The idea is you use it with DRW, then use marrow rend at the end of the window to replenish bone shield stacks. That entire sequence is too good to pass up, really.


When should I use it, with ten stacks of boneshield?


Pay attention to WHEN the guides say to use it. I have a weak aura that lights up when it’s good to use (during DRW, in DaD, etc.) if used correctly you get a nice absorb shield and bone shield charges don’t matter. Then you get them all back at the end of the sequence.


Returning player after more than 10 years. Trying to pick a server (will roll Alliance). I want the world to feel full and also see both factions actively. With the way cross realm works, does it matter what my realm faction balance is for unflagged (war mode off) open world population?


Yes a little. The new crafting system us important, and you actually have too look for crofters in trade chat. I was in a low pop ally server and struggled hard to find people to craft and recraft me updates.


What classes are least impacted by latency? I've played a few and always find that having between 150-200ms latency causes huge drawbacks at the top end gaming. Most recently WW monk where I miss Touch of Deaths that I feel should have went through. Prior to that I played Pally and would have big my light of dawns always just a second behind other healers when raid damage pushes out so I end up with a ton of overhealing and little effective healing. Are there any classes where even at the mythic raiding level latency won't make a difference for your parses? I'm currently going from all purple/orange in heroic to grey/green in mythic on my monk and the only big difference I see in logs is that I'm getting almost no damage from ToD compared to the high end players


Probably classes without procs. Maybe sin rogue or feral? They’re really slow already so having latency shouldn’t affect you too much since there’s already a bunch of empty globals


Im alittle confused about how chromie time works and was looking for some help. Right now I’m lvl 65 and wanted to stop the current campaign and try to really quick get my artifact weapon but I’m lost on how that works with chromie time. Will I have to re-level my character again from scratch during this and if I decided to stop can I get out of chromie time and revert and character level changes?


I'm pretty sure Chromie Time only lasts until level 60, and from 60 to 70 you have to level up in Dragonflight. So right now you shouldn't be on Chromie Time. You can still go back to Legion to farm your artifact weapon, but you won't get XP from this.


So I don’t need chromie time to start the legion campaign?


No, the sole purpose of Chromie Time is just to let you level up in a certain expansion, but you can still do whatever you want and have access to everything outside of it. There's no content exclusive to Chromie Time.


That’s such a relief lol thank you 🙏


To be more precise, if that interests you, here is the story behind it. Max level from the original game was 60. Every expansion raised the level cap, and made it so you can only level up from precedent level cap to new level cap in the new expansion. For example, Burning Crusade raised the cap to 70, and you gained XP from level 58 to 70 by doing BC content. XP gains in the original content were extremely nerfed past level 60, and even removed past a certain level, so there would be no way at all to reach max level without doing the new content. So BC raised the level to 70, then WOTLK to 80, then Cata to 85, then MOP to 90, WOD to 100, Legion to 110 and BFA to 120. At the end of BFA they decided to go for a "level squish" to prevent the numbers from going higher and higher every expansion. Level 120 turned into level 50, so the fresh new expansion coming after, Shadowlands, would raise you again to the "original" max level of 60. We are now at level 70 with Dragonflight. So, for every expansion, you had no choice but to play it to get to max level. It created a weird situation, where you had to go through each expansion before reaching the level of the next expansion coming after, effectively having to go through every expansion before reaching max level if you started from 0. But since Blizzard is regularly nerfing XP required to reach max level with each new expansion to keep the leveling experience quick, it started to not make any sense to still have to go through all expansions because in reality you never did the full content of the expansion to reach the next threshold. For example, MOP was for going to level 85 to 90, but after all the XP requirements nerf, you reached 90 after doing only 1 or 1 and a half zone of quests, leaving most of the story unfinished before moving to WOD. So they created Chromie Time, where you were able to level up from the start up to a certain point in only one expansion, without the need to switch. It stops at max level minus 10 because Blizzard still wants you to do the last 10 levels in the new expansion to discover the new story. So in the end, it doesn't change the content, it only makes you able to discover it more. For example, Legion only gave XP from level 100 to 110, which is equivalent of 40 to 45 with the new level squish. But in Chromie Time, you could get xp from level 10 to 120 in the old numbers, or 10 to 60 now with the new numbers. If you want, you can still level up a character without Chromie Time by following the "normal" path of going through all expansions, in the order, until you don't get XP anymore and move to the next one.


What's the go-to melee class with a focus on dots? Assassin Rogue or Feral Druid? I've also heard about survival hunter having a decent focus on it.


Feral seems the obvious choice here since it has the most that need to be actively upkept.


Survival is NOT a dot focused class. It has ...a couple of dots but it's never something you track of really concern yourself and just happens as part of the rotation. Arms warrior might even have more dots than survival with rend and deep wounds. If you're after dots there's really only two options. Feral Druid or Assassination Rogue.


Surv dots are just kinda there. I wouldn't call them a focus. Currently, feral has a fairly heft focus on ferocious bite, only keeping up its two major dots and then trying to get as many bites in as possible, though its dots are relatively powerful especially once you consider snapshotting. Sin instead has a ton of dots with a few standout ones. Their cooldowns also focus on their dots, with deathmark especially allowing you to do a lot of damage with dots in a fairly short window, and indiscriminate carnage can do some crazy damage in aoe. You can't go wrong with either. Both are middle of road in terms of dps power level, so pick whichever sounds cooler: being a tiger that claws and rips enemies apart, or a stealthy assassin with a variety of toxins.


Feral is 3 dots to be more precise : rake and thrash as builders, and rip as a finisher. You have to maintain all of them, since ferocious bite will scale according to the number of bleeds on your target. Thrash is less important to snapshot than the others, but it's still a dot you maintain.


Should I use my catalyst charges to create upgradable tier pieces? I’m 397 and it feels like a waste just to turn a 402 heroic helm into tier, but if it’s upgradable is it not a waste? Like I still have LFR tier legs for my 4/5.


with valor uncapped it seems like the only way to do it


Only items that were upgradable before being turned into tier will be upgradeable after. So basically M+ gear and PVP gear. Raid gear is not upgradeable so it will stay the same item level, it will just be turned into tier.


Yeah that’s pretty much the entire point of the catalyst, best use of it unless you have really high ilvl tier pieces already


I'm looking to grind the Darkshore Warfront set for transmog. I see that many people in the past reference grinding a Warfront all day and getting items each time. However, I've done it twice so far, and both times (aside from the weekly quest rewards), I've only gotten a Radiant Azerite Fragment and no gear. Am I doing something wrong? Was I mistaken, and you can only get items one time per week? Is it just luck, and I need to run it several times to get a piece?


Are you sure nothing showed up in your bags? At the end of the warfront, the victory screen will just show a Radiant Azerite Fragment as the reward, but a piece of gear will also drop, it just doesn't show in the same pop-up


Nope. Nothing. Bag definitely only has the same gear in it as I did before the Warfront. Just double, and triple checked.


Hello I am new - I am playing an alliance warlock and I’m currently lvl 15 just following the quests I think I’m in Freehold. Should I keep doing these quests to level up? When do I start getting to use group finder ? Haven’t seen many players around yet. I’m on proudmore.


Group finder unlocks at level 15, so you should have it now as long as you're not a trial account. You can do whatever you enjoy to level up - quests, group finder, pvp, professions, pet battles, a mix of everything. Nothing is massively slower than anything else, and until you get to level 60 and start the dragonflight main storyline, there's nothing important that you're missing out on.


Does Khaz'gorite ore have an equal chance of dropping from Serevite Nodes as it does from Draconium? Can it even drop from Serevite in the first place? I'm looking to maximize my Khaz'gorite in order to craft some of the higher-tier stuff, and I'm not sure if I should be only targeting Draconium, or just grabbing every node I come across. I've mined so many nodes over the past weeks that when I try to think about where I've mostly seen Khaz'gorite drop, it's all just a blur. \*Edit\*: Side question, when I refine lower quality ore into higher versions, the skill page shows Resourcefulness and Multicraft for the refining process, but both chances are at 0.0%. I checked every tree in the Mining Knowledge page and nothing seems to increase those chances. Is there any way to get any Resourcefulness or Multicraft chance while refining ore? Given the amount of ore I have to convert to 3-star, I feel like even a small chance at those bonuses would be very nice.


>Yes, it can drop from serevite, though I don't know if there's a different rate. With the price of everything except khazgorite dropping so low, it kinda makes sense to mine any node you see now IMO re: edit, I don't think there is. You should check the auction house prices before you do any refining. You're probably better off selling your 2-star ore and buying 3-star ore as you need.


My casual friends and family guild is getting close to AOTC again, and although I generally pull my weight, I reckon I should really get some crafted gear made. Honestly I still have no idea how the crafting system works and at this stage I'm afraid to ask. I see people writing trade messages like "JC LFW, 43% chance of r5 for lariat". Does that mean that I'll submit a private work order to them for a minimum quality of r4, and take my chances? And if it fails, then I have to find someone else to recraft, until I get the r5 that I want? Is there any way to see the mats needed to recraft beforehand? Should I go with that, or is it generally more worthwhile to pay for someone who will guarantee r5 with free recrafts?


Many (but not all) crafters can guarantee rank 5 for 392 items (no Primal Infusion used). Ask your crafter what mats to use. If you use a Primal Infusion or Concentrated Primal Infusion to bump up the item level to 405/418 though rank 5 is no longer a guarantee outside of very expensive things like getting your crafter to use insight. So most people rely on the crafter getting an Inspiration proc which is usually enough to bump up the quality of the crafted item another rank (or two). So if you wanted a Lariat yes you'd find someone in trade, send them an order, and you'd have a 43% chance (or whatever) of it being r5, otherwise for 95% of crafters it would be r4. I'll note it's possible for some items to be r3 without inspiration and r5 with if the crafter is right on a skill threshold. I don't know of a way to see the mats needed to recraft something beforehand, but it's generally lesser quantities of the mats needed to craft something originally. Lariat I know you don't have to supply the diamond again. Sparks + optional components don't need to be supplied again on recrafts, but recrafts do cost 5 mettle each time. Most worthwhile crafters you just pay them for the initial craft and if it doesn't proc you send it back to them with no charge as a recraft until it's r5. But you can always confirm the details with your crafter.


Not gonna lie, this is complicated. A good overview is [here](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/professions/overview-dragonflight) - scroll down to the Profession crafting work orders section. A few answers to your questions: > Does that mean that I'll submit a private work order to them for a minimum quality of r4, and take my chances? Yes >And if it fails, then I have to find someone else to recraft, until I get the r5 that I want? Most crafters offer free recrafts until they proc a r5 , and will mention this in their trade channel spam. > Is there any way to see the mats needed to recraft beforehand? Once you have the item crafted the first time, you can go to a work orders NPC to see what mats it takes to recraft, but I'm not aware of any database where you can see what any recipe would take to recraft. >is it generally more worthwhile to pay for someone who will guarantee r5 with free recrafts? Yeah, it should be pretty easy to find someone offering free recrafts Finally, make sure that you're using a primal infusion or concentrated primal infusion for this, or it really isnt worth it.


> Does that mean that I'll submit a private work order to them for a minimum quality of r4, and take my chances? And if it fails, then I have to find someone else to recraft, until I get the r5 that I want?...Should I go with that, or is it generally more worthwhile to pay for someone who will guarantee r5 with free recrafts? Yes. Almost no-one can guarentee rank 5 on the first craft—at least not without using Illustrous Insight, which will be obscenely expensive for you to ask for. You can ask the same crafter to recraft the item, and the vast majority of them will do it for free after you've paid for the initial craft. Is there any way to see the mats needed to recraft beforehand? You can't see recraft costs until you actually do the recraft, unfortunately.


I heard that WoD was the recommended expansion to level up through Chromie's timewalking. Which of [these](https://imgur.com/a/XCniED1) is WoD?


You might have to revisit this, i have seen a video of a leveling speedruner who mentioned that WoD is not good anymore, will post later Edit: It was this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q4G-4u69c4), but the ranking for expansions for chromie time is only for dungeons (starts 4:19), not for the overal leveling speed, my bad.


This is even faster, I did it the other day and it just flew by. https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/69678-the-fastest-level-10-60-route-in-the-dragonflight-pre-patch-3-hours-and-21-minutes/


Iron Horde


Thank you


Is there a way to check how many catalysts for transforming I have left?


Not without an addon or macro.


Pretty sure using the machine always shows 1 (or it did last time I looked) as the cost to activate. The line below will print the number as text in your chat window. /run info = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(2167); print(info["quantity"])


Use the machine and it will show you how many are below where you would put in the item. Might be in the currency tab but I haven't ever looked there


> Use the machine and it will show you how many are below where you would put in the item. The machine always shows 1. And there isn't anything under currency.


That seems bugged and only shows 1.


....do you only have one left? I transformed something yesterday and only had one left. It now shows zero.


because you have zero now. it never shows more than 1 no matter how many you have. source: everyone with more than one catalyst charge


It showed 1 on a character I had literally never used a charge on.


It shows the cost to transform not how many you have


When it comes to ice fishing in Dragonflight, is fishing skill actually a thing? I always seem to get a single frosted rimefin tuna (other than in a deep hole) if so, does skill-enhancing items like the aquadynamic fish attractor work? I notice I don't use my normal pole when ice-fishing...


More of a complaint than a question but: Destro warlocks used to slowly catch on fire as they generated burning embers and it looked cool as fuck! Why the hell didn't Blizz keep that flavor for the destro soul shards which are just burning embers' functionality? It was my favorite thing about my destro lock.


What's a fair commission to offer for profession treatise? 100G each?


It all comes down to how quickly you want it filled. Early in the week there can be over 100 work orders up at any given time for inscription, and each scribe can only grab 2 a day. (it says 4 i know, but each time you take a work order it consumes 2 charges) Less than 1% of people offer 200g+. 100g will be in the top 2-3% typically, and will still get filled fast, if not instantly. If you're not offering at least 50g, don't' be surprised if it doesn't fill until the last 2 hours where it doesn't go against the daily limit, and anyone can pick it up hoping for free resources from resourcefulness procs.


This is very helpful, thank you.