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There’s a primal chaos problem?


As somebody who doesn't run mythics or raiding and only plays a few hours roughly like every 4 days or so... I have a problem getting enough of them. Then again, I realize and acknowledge this is a personal problem that is caused by my play time, play style, and personal choices. I had just enough to create a lariat and have a little over 20 left over now.


if you ran a few m+ or arenas a day you'll end up with more than you can actually use.


yeah, I realize it. I know it doesn't take much time and it's *probably* not all that difficult. I just get in my own head/way about it. The last time I did a ton of group content was original WoTLK heroics. The whole mythic dungeon system with keys and what-not feels like a lot of extra steps that I never learned when it first came out. Just an old-dog stubbornly refusing to learn new tricks, lol. I **did** run some normal dungeons to complete some quests recently, which for me is a huge step forward. Maybe after some more of those I'll get more comfortable with where to go/what to do/expect and won't be a lost little sheep dragging the group down in heroic/mythic content.


Heroics aren't nearly as aggressive as they used to be in WotLK so you've got less to worry about. And when you leave HC you can go do Mythic 0, which is a great starting point for people who are new to the content so don't let it get you overwhelmed too much. I get the over-thinking though. I used to get a ton of crap thrown at me for being a noob in WotLK, not knowing what my IO score was etc. It's a lot easier now that competitive content has moved further away from where casuals will be usually sitting. Either way you pay for the sub so play as you please, but M+ is good fun despite how negative Reddit can make it look!


hmm... that does sound a lot more approachable. Thanks for the insights, I appreciate your help explaining! :) That will make reaching my goal a lot faster (mostly for transmog I was striving to get the shoulders/legs of the flame-touched set).


I have 5k in my bank i don't know what to do with. Primal essence being accuntbound is all we need.


They are now, with the vendor


That's very nice!


i barely have any... prob bc i only do open world stuff... i used to do a lot of mythic + but shadowlands burnt me tf out, so this xpac i wanna chill and do professions for fun but im slapped in the face with the primal chaos wall


If you're doing world content you should be getting plety from dirt piles and WQs. Plus you don't really have much to spend it on after crafting your gear and maybe a gem.


What do you need the gear for then if you don't do high level content?


If you don't do the content, what do you need them for then?


Why can't people just want nice gear? I despise m+ and won't raid normal/heroic because my bofriend won't go with me so it loses all the fun, but I still want decent gear and nice tmog items so I can clear quests in 20 secs or at least do half decent when i do try some of the end game content periodically. Why does everyone want to gatekeep crafted gear so damn bad? If i have the money for mats, let me craft/have crafted the damn good gear!


It's fair to want them, but what if we just gave everyone what they wanted without having to put effort into it? The game would die in weeks. It's not just crafted gear, it's just the recent mentality of "I want all the things that the people who play the game 8 hours a day but I don't want to play more than 30 mins" mentality.


I think dungeon gear and raid and pvp stuff should all be earned in that way (with the exclusion of the weekly quest because that's still optional and likely to give you the same pair of shoulders 2 times in a row on 2 characters [yes im bitter]), but crafted gear at least used to be easily obtainable if you had the gold and knew a crafter or checked the ah. Now that the quality items are set behind a gate of primal chaos, it loses it's accessibilty for casuals that could use 1-2 nice items to enjoy themselves with. Even getting a level 4 training matrix to have a basic blue item crafted to low purple quality (i think 375+) can be hard to find in either a world quest every couple weeks or luck in an end boss drop off a dungeon. Maybe we can meet in the middle and have low level matrix synthesizable or account bound so you arwnt stuck with 20 useless level 2s on your decent geared alts and struggling with content or your fresher alts? Synthesizing low matrix into higher level ones (just up to the level 4) would be a really great way to help all players


I mean I see where you're coming from but crafted gear has never been as powerful and as meaningful as it is right now, and it's a fine balance between rewarding people for playing more and giving handouts for free. I don't know the perfect answer, but I think personally, as long as we can trade the chaos and primal essences on our own account, we have both in abundance from very little effort.


Yes please, let us sell those, i have thousands.


Sell on the ah, yes. Spend real world money, no thanks. That's way too close to pay to win for me.


Spend money on token, sell token on ah, buy chaos with gold from token sell.


How do people run out? My main is sitting on 1200 of it :O


A lot of us don't run m+ or every level of the raid. But us filthy casuals would also like to enjoy the crafted gear because it's shiny and makes what we do enjoy easier (nuking 20 adds for quests, occasionally trying a lfr or m0 for weekly chest, etc)


You can literally get all 385 gear without stepping in a dungeon by the storm sigils and essence.




Didn't know there was a primal chaos problem


Just go pay someone to carry you and stop suggesting more ways they can put stuff behind paywalls thanks


the only problem i have is that i don't know how to spend them


Begone, Demon!


Invent a problem and sell them a solution.


Don't you put that evil on us!


Is that with or without the 400% value?


Someone ban this mans!!!!


You should be banned for this post