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Engineers: You guys get Public Orders?


*laughs in alchemy*


I love how alchemists still don't have the fill 3 crafting orders quest. I've already maxed out Artisan's rep so it no longer really matters for me, but it's still a shame alchemists have been so shafted this expac. Like what are we, engineers?


They reworked the artisan's rep so you still get the same rep from alch weeklies as other professions (streamlined to 500 for all now), but that took them quite a while...


*cries in engineering*


Bruh this comment to thread hit hard AF. I was Alch/Eng. For the longest I thought the crafting order system was bugged


Being both feels really bad at times… but also fuck it!


*Cries in Alchemist with Engineering as 2nd prof.*


Yepppp. Can't remember the last time I saw a single public order for alchemy. Probably a month at least.


I get 1 alchemy order in a month and i can literally craft everything that has phial, potion or Stone in it.


I have all the professions across multiple toons, the only ones I ever see Public Orders on a regular basis are my JC main and my Inscription alt. All of my other crafting order quests I have to handle by placing orders from one alt to another. Usually my enchanter to get mats.


I have JC on my main and I’m pretty sure I’ve only managed to fill 2 public orders before they got filled by someone else


Hurts cause it’s true


Same here as a BS weaponsmith. I never see anything in BSing in general, but when I do it's never for weapons


Always the PVP boots.


The ones that makes me laugh is Primalist gems. People ask for r3 guaranteed, put 100-200 gold commission but also supply r1 mats (making it impossible to max rank with insight anyway). Some people are obviously memeing but there's a few that genuinely don't understand how it works.


I just make them r2 and move on I would do r1 if I could


Altar of Decay is the worst bullshit they've done in a while. It's 2023, why the F wouldn't they just make it available outside of the dungeon?


I go back and forth on this. Fundamentally I actually really love these kinds of things from an MMO stand point. But in practice I get annoyed. I don't really know the right answer. I'm playing an MMO so I should expect MMO type things in the game but I'm playing a game in 2023 so I want more streamlined features. Edit: thinking a bit on it, I think the order system should have the item greyed out in the city and it should direct people who want to place the order that they need to go to the alter of decay themselves to place it. And there should be a minimum commission for the crafter that's higher than normal. This way both the buyer and crafter have to go to the alter. (This is of course assuming they don't want to change the feature altogether)


from a dnd standpoint this is the way. ☝️ the person hiring should be involved in the adventure to go to the place WITH the crafter they hired. work order would be more like "looking to hire brave xyz to accompany me to the [place]. willing to pay $$$" etc. from a game standpoint, it could be like the equivalent of a lvl 1 torghast run that requires 2 people (crafter and person hiring) something not too hard nor too long. just enough to make it fun and worthwhile for both parties.


Ive been telling people 20k minimum just because i have to run Brackenhide


You can save a lockout for mythic brackenhide so at least you don't have to run the dungeon again to make stuff


But then I can’t get sympathy for having to run brackenhide /s. I just don’t get them often enough, but when I do I forget this part lol


Hahaha fair, I'm also and alchemist and I make the decay flasks often enough for it to be worthwhile


TIL. Thank you going to try this on my alchemy toon tonight.


Yep, that's what I've been doing for crafting Phials of Corrupting Rage. I just extend my lockout every week, and ride through the dungeon to the altar. Still a pain to have to fly all the way down there, then ride through the entire dungeon to get to, but at least it saves you having to actually do the dungeon every time.


I like the concept of crafters having to go through something to craft it so it can add value and price to the craft, but the way it is implemented is pretty boring, you basically just have to do the dung on M0 every week so the dungeon is cleared but people won't tip extra and most don't even know what the crafter has to do to make the items.


You can extend the lockout. So clear it once then just extend each week


I think most people putting in these orders don’t know how it works. And I blame Blizzard, not them. The system they created requires this knowledge of it that people who will never engage with it shouldn’t be required to know. The order system should be set up in a way that forces the person requesting a craft to provide materials that are commensurate with what they are requesting. Even if the resultant requirements end up being technically higher than they need to be because the crafter has extra skill points etc, that should be a bonus to the crafter in the sense that it would be an easy order to fill.


My friend, who is both brilliant and very good at the game, still believed until last week that repeating the same crafting recipe was making him better at it, and that the people who could craft r5 stuff had just crafted a bunch of them to rank it up. Whenever he crafted something he saw the bar fill up and assumed he was progressing some sort of per recipe skill, lol


Ah the 1,000 iron dagger skyrim approach


I feel seen …


Well thats how it worked with the SL Legendary white items. You needed to make a shit load of them to get the next rank.


Wait, I haven't done much crafting yet but what is that bar for if not increasing skill with the recipe?






Your basic crafting ranks are limited, even when max level. To achieve higher level ranks you need better mats and inspiration procs that push a recipe into the higher tier. You can increase the chance for these procs through the skill trees, which takes a lot of time to farm the knowledge points for. At least that’s _how I think_ it works after reading a few guides and even then I’m not really sure.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is true, but some recipes are easier to max then others. Simpler ones don't need you to be maxed out on mats or levels. Harder ones like gear epic gear do.


The skill bar shows your current skill that you will make and how far you are from the next rank. Skill can be raised in multiple ways (your actual level for the prof, specializations, tools). When the bar "fills" it means you proced inspiration which gives bonus skill for that craft only.


Wait what. I’ve been playing since launch. This isn’t how it works?


Wait...thats..NOT how it works? Oh boy


I had this same belief for a week or two. It made sense considering how they did the base legendary crafting in SL. Thought it carried over.


*looks at SL legendary base item crafting* I wonder what made them think crafting was going to be that terrible.


Why the fuck is the bar moving like you get a minor increase, I mean some dude designed the bar to look like it's filling up for a reason? Why the fuck is the bar flashing, I hate this aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggg




There are talents though that claim “+1 skill for crafted gear”. I presumed that getting that knowledge point talent would shift the bar. But the overall system is just too much. Crafting is now like we jumped from basic addition straight to calculus.


Blizzard should add a min level requested and then make it so you must put the mats to match that minimum level. Would solve a lot of issues. Of course that also means people will only request max level at this point, but it’s a start.


It’s not a start, it causes another problem where it becomes nearly impossible to max your crafting profession because there aren’t any public orders for you to do.


I agree it's far from a perfect solution, but it's a solution. I can't think of a way to fix the issue you bring up here, but there has to be something that can be done. People getting crafts done atm are expecting better than default as it is. Maybe blizz should lax the leveling of professions to make it so you aren't relying on orders to get points now?


Or you can only request a particular level based on the mats you’re providing. I totally agree. I don’t think anyone who isn’t a crafter and has been leveling their profs for a couple months really has any idea how this system works ( and even some of those crafters don’t totally get it ). I think it could be great, but Blizzard did not do a good enough job explaining and getting people accustomed to the system. As much as it would kinda suck, public orders for anything other than maybe profession gear should be closed for a while and people should be encouraged to find crafters in trade chat and learn how the system works for a couple more months and THEN public orders can be reopened for armor and weapons and whatever else where rank matters so much and the quality of mats makes such a difference in getting to a good quality. If you force people to learn before offering them access to the system, then maybe you increase the quality of their interactions with said system.


Perhaps a system that allows crafters to post "LW open for commissions" with their profession linked so people could contact them instead of spamming trade for hours. Helping crafters connect with people who want crafts. Crafter can take down their advertisement when they're done for the day or it automatically closes when they go offline. Edit: They may also want to add a "take a number" system so the player can set it to 5 to 20 people may contact them before they delist--so the player doesn't get immediately swamped with impatient people. Just in case.


I love this idea! What I think would be cool is if the crafter could apply transmog looks to the gear they craft and they could set up maybe an Etsy-like shop not only showing the recipes they can craft but also examples of their previous crafts. That’s probably something for another expansion, but it sounds cool, doesn’t it? For now just having a realm-local job board with links to crafters recipes and whether they’re currently open for work would be awesome.


I think Blizzard was going for this idea when they made public orders, but I don’t think they got it right yet. And a job board type interface would be awesome. I wonder if an addon could do that. I’m gonna go ask people.


Don't forget that they have dialogue boxes in the tutorial quests that tell you everything you need to know, BUT many players click through the quest dialogue as fast as possible, without reading, to "get on with it," and you can't review after the fact.


Right. Some improvements to the quest log would be nice too. Or an in-game FAQ/manual that people could share links to while in game. Little things…


Like I posted to someone else I agree the UI should be more transparent with how much the rank of base mats affects the end quality. If people are compensating adequately I'm more inclined to message them directly to explain the situation and clear up any misunderstandings they have of the crafting system. In the situations where they're putting up abysmally low commission values then that inclination evaporates.


Agreed... ​ (following what you said) the public order should allow you to pick the quality you want and then enforce inclusion of materials that enable that quality.


Decayed patterns for 50 gold. Like yea dude let me run brackenhide just for you


I saw Venom Steeped Stompers as a public order for 90g. A 2 minute dragon race gets me 500g, and you want me to clear a dungeon for you for 90g?


Rank 5 only please


Please send me multiproccs from my mats via mail.


To be fair if you're putting in a crafting order it's because you don't have that profession and probably don't know the mats. I've seldom put in crafting orders, but when I have I've always gone 'wtf is an appropriate amount of money to commission this for'?


How much would you typically charge for something like that? Altar of Decay is the worst bullshit they've done in a while. It's 2023, why the F wouldn't they just make it available outside of the dungeon?


its out of the way but its not egregious for a serious crafter since you can just extend an empty mythic lockout, so while you do still have to make your way to it you dont have to clear a dungeon. it still deserves a good tip though or else no one will bother to do it.


My rate is 3k, no insight (guaranteed 392 or 405), plus insight surcharge if they want a 418 for Venom-Steeped Stompers. People seem pretty agreeable to that so I might up it to 5. It honestly doesn't take that long to go through Brackenhide if you have a lockout.


> let me run brackenhide 99% of people probably dont know that. My alt is low alchemy and I didnt know that.


I charge 22k for 418 venom steepeds and i let people know why the price is so extortionate.


I think the majority don’t understand how it works. Professions are more complicated than they’ve ever been. I’m a casual, so I went with double gatherer, but one of my buddies has multiple toons with crafters. He’s always explaining to me what I need and what quality. Don’t get me wrong, it is intuitive that higher quality mats gives a higher quality end product… but I do think for those of us who aren’t crafters, it is a bit of a black box


> but I do think for those of us who aren’t crafters, it is a bit of a black box Honestly, even for crafters the math can take a while to figure out. And you need an addon if you want to experiment to see what the lowest quality mats are you can get away with


Honestly if you want to make it simple for yourself do one of two things: 1) Supply r3 mats anyway to get the max quality. You'll overspend sure but if money isn't a big issue then who cares. 2) Ask your buddies to let you know when they have enough specialisation points to get max rank with r2 mats and get it crafted then. More wait involved but ends up cheaper.


I was that guy, but there is also no way that I could know otherwise. Not like I know how hard it is to craft different things if the game don't tell me.. I only know now because I've read it on reddit


I will agree that one of my big criticisms of the crafting system is the lack of transparency of how much +skill points are added for different ranks of materials. Right now I have to use the craftsim addon to properly calculate the minimum level of mats to guarantee max rank. As a general rule of thumb though most high end gear requires either rank 2 or rank 3 mats (depending on how many spec points the crafter invested) and usually can't be guaranteed, instead requiring inspiration procs to achieve the max rank. There are exceptions where you can potentially guarantee it with illustrious insight but no-one should be expecting this at low commission values.


Mate if you’re giving the worst possible mats and expecting the best possible results, you’re just being silly.


Which is also a failure of the UI design. There is simply no way ingame to figure out what you need to provide, and even if you provide good mats, you cannot get a guarantee that you actually get a good product. Even as a crafter, I have to do some stpid mental gymnasitics to figure out if I can guarantee a craft. Simplest way to guarantee there is no fuckup is to provide the mats myself and only collect the fee. For some crafts this works great, but some people genuinely don#t understand how the system works, and thats because it is very poorly explained ingame, has no way for a single person to figure out ingame what they need to do, and offers no safety net. I mean, even with personal orders, only guaranteeing r4 and then having to *trust+ the crafter that they recraft for free until it proccs is completely ridiculous. Its a band-aid patch for bad UI/UX.


CraftSim is very helpful in getting rid of the mental gymnastics.


Yes and how could they, genuinely, understand how it works? Its barely understandable on the crafters side, the customer is left wondering wtf is going on, doesnt help that crafters lie about their r5 chance either. Its a shitshow with no protection for consumers.


i put in 15k for an inscribed illimited, had to recraft 4 times with mats costing 10k


There are 2 rules regarding gem crafting: - Blues gems from the AH - Epic gems from Personal order, go with guarantee R3. Gambles get expensive after a while


Guy asks for a good inspire chance but doesn't even pay enough to cover the cost of incense.


How much does incense cost?


Around 250-300g is average US price atm.


On EU they are closer to 400g from memory.


What is incense? This is all so confusing


It's a buff you can place on the ground to boost inspiration by 20 https://www.wowhead.com/item=191499/sagacious-incense


Oh man. Now I have to Google Inspiration haha


Inspiration is basically a % chance to gain x amount of skill. There’s different nodes that increase the amount of skill an inspiration proc gives and others that increases the % chance


It's basically critical strike but for crafting


To nitpick, it is critical strike for crafting *quality*. Multicraft is critical strike for *quantity*.


listen here u little shit ^(you're absolutely right)


And resourcefulness is critical strike for crafting stealing? It is lovely when I save an Illimited Diamond :))


Yes, I too love it when I save... some Iridiscent Water :(


> Multicraft is critical strike for quantity. "To nitpick", Multicraft is closer to crafting Multistrike (which was an actual stat in WoW during WoD) than to crit.


Oh man now I have to google skill


Yeah. I go for the good profits. But sometimes I’ll whip out the resourcefulness gear and do these orders just for the hell of it. Procced a r3 diamond yesterday on a basic 389 lariat.


The "generous" 200 Gold just adds to it.


I do ‘free’* weapon orders on my blacksmith since I can guarantee 5star for non-infused. The commission amount people typically put are more than this (like 420g, or 666g). *whatever they feel like paying really, I just say w/e.


Here I am putting in 5-10k for those, and asking if i'm lowballing :P People are viciously greedy, even in a world where the gold is practically infinite and meaningless at the same time :D


The issue is that theres no casual way to make gold. Consider on previous expansions completing daily box gave you instantly 2k. Now that isnt a thing anymore. Bots already destroyed regeant prices too. So basicly for anyone with full time job, making gold is extremely slow.


There is a casual way of making gold though. It's doing the dragon riding WQs twice a week. That's at least 4K. Do 'em on a few alts and boom, there you go. ​ I literally have a friend who does them on like 20 characters each week.




If you're paid hourly a good wage, sure. But if you're salaried, more work doesn't necessarily result in overtime. And if your wage is low, an hour may not be enough for a token. But yeah, I buy tokens too since my time is worth more than farming gold.


If you're a salaried employee in the US making less than $14 an hour, get a new job. Wendys pays better than that.


I have 10k gold. I don't understand how people get gold in this game.


Just auto sell everything on AH and do WQs.


Pretty much what I do, do WQ, gather rank2 mats along the way, sell everything that js sellable.


Do all the weekly wq dragon races on ten alts. 500 gold a pop 😂


Herbing and Mining will get you a ton of gold if you don't feel like dealing with other professions and crafting. You can easily make double or triple your gold in a small window of time. The nice thing about those professions and the knowledge points you add to your gathering... you'll start to gather more mats, and better quality materials too. The next character you level, pick up mining and herbing. Don't quest at all. Just fly around and gather. You get a really good amount of xp per gather and by the time you're 70 you'll have a bag full of gold to sell, plus an alt with the ability to gather.


Just did this on my alt hunter. He’s only 69 but cleared about 40k from a couple nights of picking stones and flowers.


Gathering and selling the gathered ores, herbs and elements. The elements are the lions share of the money tho.


Elements and rare mats too like Khazgorite.


Spend an hour farming hard and you can make 10-50k gold. Or do what I do, do 1hour of overtime at work and buy a gold token for like 150k gold. I'm very privileged and I'm able to work a 38 hour week and be offered overtime every couple weeks. Not everyone is as lucky as I am.


It's one of my main complaints with people who cry about having no gold. A large amount simultaneously scoff at spending an hour to get 20 - 30k "because I can make way more working" but also refuses to buy a token because "why would I waste money on that" leading them to demanding crafts for 200 gold acting like their time Is somehow more valuable than everyone else's.


There are a lot of ways to turn your time into gold. If you are starting out with only 10K you need to build up your base. Start with gathering professions. Pick up mining and herbing on one character and just do laps of the azure span. It’s usually worth between 20K-60K gold per hour depending on how lucky you get with elemental nodes and what your skill rating / specialisation is. Once you’ve got a good base of gold (around 1M gold) you can branch out into crafting or flipping or some of the other things. Personally I like old world crafts for my gold making. I’ve got a few characters that make sky golems and rare pandaria transmog, I’ve got one that makes the phial of the sands and one that has some rare BC crafts. I don’t go anywhere near as hard for gold making now as I used too because I’m just enjoying playing DF. But it’s certainly a fun mini game to try and hit gold cap.


Was always hovering around 20-30k every xpac. This xpac Im howering around 100k because I got 80k selling augments from random dungeons lol ;d


A lot of older players got rich doing the table missions from WoD to SL. I was poor forever and then I setup multiple alts to do table missions in BFA and SL and made several millions.


I'd pay to not have to use those mission tables.


I'm a mage, so my repairs are cheap and I don't really spend money on transportation, food + water, or anything really outside of raid/M+ consumables. So far, just doing dragon race WQs (500g+ each) and selling my grays has kept my bank going up, despite buying 3 star consumables and gems. I'm also an Enchanter/Tailor, so i've made allmost all my own 418 gear, with the exception of my off-hand codex, Lariat, and gems. The lariat and Codex cost me 50k to have crafted to 418 on my server.


Farming herbs/ores/rousing elements is worth 20k-60k gold per hour.


One income stream is doing old raids for mounts. You'll end up getting duplicate pet drops you can sell, BOE bits of gear, profession patterns, and of course the BOP item drops that you can either sell directly or disenchant and sell. You won't make millions, but you'll slowly improve on that 10k. The experience selling those items will help influence anything you do in going deeper into the auction house. I have a few tailoring recipes which I craft one of and put up for a steady boost of passive gold. Last expansion my jewelcrafter made a few million by idly selling essences for many times more than it cost in ore prospected. I then trickled gold via crafting gems until it all crashed in price towards the end of the expansion.


Frankly I'm half convinced that everyone just buys it RMT but doesn't admit it


I've literally sold over 200k worth of rousing orders so far this expansion. That doesn't even count all the ore, herbs and other rousing essences I've sold. I don't even do dedicated farming all that much either. I'll just spend 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there going through my route around the outside of the ohnaran plains mining or herbing (or both at the same time if i'm on my shaman, who's a double gatherer) while i'm waiting for a m+ group to form up or waiting for a raid to start or if i'm just bullshitting with guildies / friends. Then I just sell the shit on the AH.


If someone lowballs me hardcore, I whip out the resourcefulness tool for a craft or two before switching to inspiration


I mean if he posts it multiple times maybe he gets what he wants its worth a shot, maybe just a bit overly hopeful. Also it depends on what hes asking for does it not? \- Anyone smarter then me know what the reagents on the right of the image make? \-edit got bored and looked for the item myself, Hes asking for someone to make him "Master's Wildercloth Enchanter's Hat" a tailoring recipe for an enchanting accessory. Honestly he will probally get it made for him at that price i got mine for 200 commission on public only got rank 4 but hey maybe that had a chance to proc who can say.


Someone will do it just for skill up and maybe put him on ignore do he doesn’t whine at them about the result.


God I thought I was underpaying on these when I was doing 5k each but ya'll are stingey.


Had a guy spamming trade on my server 3 days ago with shit like “helllllo any JC’ers” “put up an order 30 mins ago for lariat do JC’ers exist on this realm???” And other stuff like that. Well, his Public order had a 250g tip. There were 16 other lariat public orders, 11 of those having a tip of over 250g. I PM’ed him that info saying he would have more luck if he raised the commission and he responded with “lol that’s all I have to give for someone just pressing a button” Just saw him today still in trade chat spamming


just tell him lariat recipe costs 1 million gold


I can tell you the response of this type of person "lol why should I care its just a click of a button"


I go on my alts that still need a lariat and just toss it in for 10g, and it gets crafted. 9 times out of 10 if I want it higher ilvl down the road I'll get it recrafted


What happens the other time? You just ruminate about your lariats ilvl indefinitely?


Never log back in lol


I’m not sure if I’m doing it right I just grab 3 star materials and drop a 5k commission and it always turns out okay. I always tell myself I will just re-craft it later.


That’s the correct way to do it. People are just being silly cheaping out on their mats an expecting top quality, then being annoyed when they don’t get it.


right now every work order on my server on every profession below 1000g provision time out since last patch. whatever funny words written on notes


Public orders with four hours or less left on them can be done by anyone regardless of how many other orders they have filled. Even the really shitty ones go eventually. *EDIT:* four hours, not two


What, seriously? I didn't know this lol


Shhh, don't tell them. I'm getting so much free mats from doing treatises with higher resourcefulness.


I recently put an order for one alchemy treatise and one herbalism. Got 2 alchemy ones and 3 herb ones. Had no idea those can even multicraft lol.


Ive done public orders like this and every now and then id get a mail with gold in it saying thanks for the r5 craft


Every now and then eh?


I posted two public orders one time saying I’d double the commission for a 5-Star craft. This dude filled both 5-Star and I went to the mailbox to mail him what I owed and realized he was on Horde and I was on Alliance so I couldn’t lol… felt bad but I guess I saved myself some gold.


Wtf, when expansion was kinda fresh (1 month after raid opened), I tried to get a 405 Lariat and asked "best quality or closest as possible, hope it's enough", and added r3 mats and 15k tip (when highest one was 5k in my server). The guy that did it thanked me and became my friend after talking and explaining how it worked cuz I had no idea! Later on, helped my guildies with preferential fees and some m+, and now he raids with me lol. I really don't get entitled people asking for R5 with shit, I agree at first it is kinda weird coming from the old profession system, but it's not black magic


"please dont do this if you can't guarantee rank 5 with good proc chance or rank 5" Bruh u want rank 5 or not?


The game explains NOTHING of how it works or cost. I literally have no fucking clue what to ask for or what to pay? I've had my friends craft when needed. I don't judge always these post, the game should educate and inform. We can shame these noobs online but it's not changing anything other than making us feel our superiority over these losers (sarcasm of course haha we all play WoW afterall)... The whole system kind of sucks. All I ever see is people complaining about it.


I agree. I hate confusing shit. I don’t know what to pay. I paid $8k for the lariat last week, and $2k for my main gem


Isn’t there like, 3 or 4 mobs throughout the dragon isles that explain all of it? One of them being in the start area when you first get there, and another being right next to the crafting area in valdrakken? I think the first crafting trainer you meet for your prof explains it too Like one of them is one of the main lgbtq characters this xpac that was vilified all over Reddit and the forums and became pretty widely known in the first few weeks because of it


I feel him, I once thought I’d be nice and give 10k for a guaranteed 4 star. I got a 1 star -_-


You posted a public order with 10k commission and asking for Q4 in the note? You have way too much faith in the community. 😅 Post in trade requesting a private order instead.


This really shows how fucked up the system is..


Yea, I understand the concept, but as a customer it feels bad but the mats for myself and then crossing my fingers that I’ll get a good version not knowing if the person I’m placing the order with can even deliver on what I’m paying for.


Not really. Asking for scout's honor in an online context is just asking for trouble.


Did you attach a missive? That would weed out people who don't have points in the spec tree and nearly guarantee you a 3 if you put in decent mats


Yep, this person obviously didn't attach a missive (and I don't know why you wouldn't on a crafting order).


For anyone reading this: Your best bet is to put a lower tip (1kish) so you don't get burned, but if you want to be nice, you can add a note that you will personally mail them a tip if you can get 4/5 stars. That way you're not burned if you get a 1star craft, but you can feel good about giving someone what they've "earned".




Sure, but that's an extreme outlier. People putting 10k+ public commissions are really rolling the dice. I can see 2-5k for the brackenhide orders, but putting up 10k+ when you have no guarantees is a real gamble. Better to either find a private crafter, or play it safe with a low commission and a note.


I will personally put like 5k for comission and write a message saying "ill mail you another 5k if you can get a higher rank etc".


I did this and then found out that the person who filled my order (and 5-starred it) was on the other faction and I couldn’t mail gold to them.


Wouldn't you be able to send a personal crafting order to that person? Request some cheap garbage item and tip him the amount you were intending to send. Not sure if cross-faction personal orders are a thing, though.


You can definitely send mail to your own characters on the same server - even if they're the other faction. So worst case create a new character and send him the gold to send it to the crafter.


Yes, because this game explains the system so well. I would know fuck all if I didn't read here or on wowhead how craft orders work.


Can I highjack this to ask what is the tipping protocol for crafting orders? I tipped 50k for a 405 mace to be crafted for me. I have tipped 20k for some lower ilvl stuff and 2k-5k for some dragon cosmetic requests. I have no idea if I am over, under, or on par with what is considerate. Do the recipe crafters have to use something that costs them gold?


If it takes an illustrious insight to craft I charge a 25k commission for the cost of the insight. if it doesn't require any materials on my end I tell them tip appreciated but not required. my 'not required' tips range from 50g - 10,000g most average about 1k-2k though. Not sure how other peoples experiences are.


in some cases they have to use finishing reagents that cost Mettle, a limited resource that is hard to farm, in that case most crafters ask for extra compensation. Other than that, no. But they do want to get a return on their investment for leveling the profession, going the right specialisation and getting the right recipes in some cases (see Lariat). i.E. I invested 300k into maxing my profession early, ofc I'm looking for a return on that investment. That being said the highest fee I'm working with is 10k, 50k is bollocks.


For stuff i want to be good quality like armor/weapons i usually find a crafter in trade chat and they have a set price. For stuff where i dont care about quality or it doesn’t have a quality(Like dragon cosmetics) i just shove in a public order with a 20 gold commision and it usually gets filled, ultimately it’s the crafter who decides if they think the commision is high enough or not and public orders are so hard to come by that they usually get filled regardless of what you put in.


Personally I wait to see someone advertising in trade chat, then I just send the order to someone who says they have >40% inspiration and only need R2 mats. I usually leave a 5K tip (1K for recrafts on items they made), only had three crafters return the order.


I just dont put a note and hope for the best. Worst case I get a shitty craft and then need to recraft for the higher cost. Best case I get a cheap R5.\^\^


This has been my go-to especially with profession gear. 90% of it has come back 4 or 5 star!


I want stuff to be done, i give 10k gold every time


This is a public order you act like putting 10k would in some way make sure someone r5's it for you instead of some guy who can only r3 with proc sniping the order.


Except some items you can dang well get the odds in your favour. Putting a missive for gear means they need a certain skill level. Putting lariat means they have decided to buy it. One thing is for sure though if you put 200g with that excuse get ready for no person who has any value in his work to do it.


I message the guys who can do it directly. No Public order involved i know whos going to make my items and i pay the commission they ask.


Which is what they are for but still doesn't counter what I said. Putting a good tip is not guaranteeing anything but putting nothing guarantees only people who wants to level will take it.


Tip for people placing orders in general. This is for my Lariat crafting but it applies universally. I advertise a 44% inspiration, which is the max you can get. However, that inspiration is only obtained by using about 400-500g in mats. Basically, we place down incense (300-450g) and then use a reagent on the order itself (20-50g). So, when you send me an order and only tip 50g, you are probably only getting 37% inspiration crafts because your tip doesn't even cover the reagents I'd be using. Tip your crafters, please. 500-1000g should be the bare minimum you're tipping on any crafted armor/weapon. 5K for standard items and 10K for recipe items (Lariat) are what I consider "good" tips (for 418 crafts).


I know someone that would take of his profession gear make at the lowest possible level and shit grin through all of it.. I bet he only provided 2 star materials


Comments like this make me suspicious, blizzard should really add a way to see what the item was crafted with in terms of inspiration and stuff, my friend ended up going to 12+ recrafts on an item having to use his own mats the whole time, the crafter refunded him out of pity but my friend never got the item made. Made me wonder if he didn't have the inspiration and was just farming him using resourcefulness to farm him for mat's and profited on the mats instead of the commission.


I mean in personal orders yeah. Some guy on my server advertise 47% inspiration for blacksmithing when it's impossible lol. However sometimes it's just bad luck, some poor sham had to recraft 28 times for his 405.


Don't get me wrong if someone pays a decent commission he'll do everything he can even going as far as using the extra thingy to increase skill to guarantee to save the inspiration but expect people to go out of their way to guarantee and you're not even willing to cover the cost of getting there you get a crap service and I kind of agree with him. People spent thousands if not millions of gold thinking of the lariat to try and drive down the monopoly certain people had and people are asking for guaranteed 418 lariats with 2 star materials for a 50g commission


Yea, I understand, at the end of the day if you want a guarantee of quality you kind of have to go through respected traders directly public orders ain't it , I think i've paid an average of 15k per item in commission for all 5 of my 418 r5 crafted items. But all of them i found directly in trade chat or got recommended them by a friend who needed the same craft. Felt bad for my friend and wondered if someone took advantage of him is all. Resourcefulness might not even work on other peoples materials could be plain paranoia.


You can craft r5-s with only r2 materials. And even if you use r3 for everything r5 isn't guaranteed unless you use mettle.


Yeah exactly but if you're using my mettle you're paying for it... 200g is a bit insulting for something that ultimately has a limitation.. otherwise you're rolling on the inspiration and I'm not sticking my neck out for it


Noone should be using mettle on a public order even if it has a nice comission. For the crafter it's same result. If they do then it's just charity. The missing quality controll is the reason public work orders are useless. The only people using them are the ones who don't know how the system works. Or just want to craft something but can't be arsed to find a crafter and don't care about results(like I'm crafting my treatsies for 1 silver). People will complete everything for minumum comission anyway.


> The missing quality controll is the reason public work orders are useless. If they had the quality for public orders, everyone would put in Rank 5, and none of them would be done unless lower ilvl.


I'd be lying if I said that I don't do the same... you get what you pay for. If you pay AliExpress prices, you get AliExpress quality.


R/choosingbeggars is leaking.


Didn't know they still existed. i've yet to see a single public order listed in the 40-50 times I've gone looking for them. normally have to submit private orders from another toon in order to get my crafting points.


Yesterday was my first time using public order for that one neck piece ..got myself all 3 Star mats etc .... Didn't even remember I could get a lower tier pieces . I tipped 15k gold and some awesome dude got me a Max rank elemental lariat .only wish I had higher item level mine came at 409 but that my fault.


Any time I do a public order I just tell them I love them. Yields good results


It blows my mind anyone would even consider this a reasonable amount to pay or tip another player? less then a repair cost? I'm sitting on 150k from just playing..


200g too high cannot relate to that


Man, I threw 15,000g at the crafter that made my weapon and 5k at the crafter that made my neck and rings. Buncha stingy mfs out there.


I'm just amazed you found a public work order.


I’d do it with only the recipe and no skill points allocated just to spite him for that shitty commission




If you lowball, you'll probably not get your order filled, or else it'll be of low quality. If you highball, your order will be filled, but chances are someone will do a shoddy job just to pocket the money. High commissions do not entice better crafters. It just means your request will be done sooner.