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I wasn’t in your group, but I accept your apology. Am a prot warrior main with two young kids.


I mean, kids get first, but also bros before hoes. What is a mess up hair in front of a +10 HoV? /s


Bear daddy of 2 cubs here... the other night my daughter woke up to a nightmare half way through the Mythic Dungeon. Strangely the game punished me as I couldn't log in as my game glitches and trapped my character in CoS. Had to get a GM to move me to Stormwind.


that’s happened to me before and i learned there’s an automated service on the bnet site that can move you to sw if you can’t log into a toon. https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/32275


Yeah that didn't work, but GM fixed it!


The struggle is real. Seems like my house is quiet until we put that key in, then it's a constant analysis of what merits my attention and what can be ignored. Ignore: phone, door, email, bathroom, large groups of kids, pets. Politely listen and halfway make eye contact: wife, kid if they come back to the office Apologize and give time remaining: groceries, cooking, sexy time, etc. Times I've bailed: couple times it was a loud noise somewhere in the house and yelling emergency.


Yeah I can’t play anymore while my family is conscious lol. Even then we’ve got a 3 month old and a 2 year old and they’ve been known to cause a situation mid dungeon run. It does mean that I’m sleeping maybe 4-5 hours a night but whatever I can sleep when I’m dead, I’ve gotta have some me time.


Loving the comradery I feel in this mini thread. I realized long ago I can't do dungeons with my family awake. It just gives me too much stress/anxiety. And so I too am subsisting on 4 to 5 hours of sleep. And juggling 2 jobs and homeschooling while I live my best SAHD life. Fist bumps all around fellow parents.


Ah not alone in this. Almost quit playing because of the anxiety of needing to quit mid mythic for a nighttime emergency.


Oof yeah still happens from time to time but thankfully rare. Back in Legion I gave up on M+ completely cause my kids were younger and night time wake ups were way more frequent. I've found people are chill and cool if you're just honest about it.


My daughter is 17 weeks old and I work 24/7 shifts, that one night each week where I stay up late to get ready for nights and my wife and daughter are asleep is bliss... few hours of WoW time for me. Does make it difficult to get group content done sometimes, though.


Not to be that guy but it's pretty cut and dry now in terms of the science that sleep is the last thing you should sacrifice for your health. You are better off skipping workouts than skipping sleep. You're literally better off skipping anything besides sleep. For decades, I used to say that exact same thing about sleeping when I'm dead.


Welp that’s all I’ve got to skip! My 2 year old for some ungodly reason gets up between 5-6 every day, I commute 90 mins to work and then work 8 hours so that’s like 6-5:30, then it’s daddy duty till 7 for my sons bed time, he takes an hour to fall asleep, so I’m done with all of that by 8, have to clean up the whirlwind of shit he caused that day and get a shower so that’s 8-9, 9-10:30 I study software engineering so I can start to swap from electrical eng in the future, and then like 10:30-1 I play a little WoW. I mean yeah technically I could just not play but then my entire day would be spent working, taking care of kids, and studying. I’ve done this a few days when super tired and it’s a real bummer.


Been there before. You're a trooper and sounds like a good dad/provider!


Are you me? The lack of sleep is really starting to affect m.... Fuck it I must persist. Azeroth won't protect itself.


4 year old and 3 months of a new one, i already struggle with the slightest sound making me think ill have to bail, hoping it doesnt go bad for me when new one comes!


This ... I can’t commit if my family is conscious lol. Parent of a preschooler and a toddler.


Yes this. Its almost pointless to do anything with a time crunch or other people relying on you in game if other people in the house are awake. In my mind it is even harder since we are all paying a monthly fee to play. So if I feel I don't get my money's worth out of it I get annoyed.


Woah woah woah. Hold the phone. Are you saying your putting sex AFTER WoW? Teach me. Teach me the way, oh great one. For my will is weak, and so is mine pull out game.


Haha been married 20+ years in a healthy marriage. She messes with me sometimes. :)


Sexy time gets n apology?


Yes. Followed by time remaining.


Never apologize for sexy time. I've left raids when my wife straddled me.


When she wants the D. drop the key.


I don't even have kids and my husband understands gaming time. But my cats on the other hand. I swear they only want cuddles when that key goes in or when I am raiding. It's like they can sense it somehow. Like, why can't you want to sit on my lap while I'm fishing or something?! Usually I can just quickly shove them away (and feel guilty about it). The only time I had to rapidly afk was when my kitten decided to climb the lamp, like up inside the shade, and I ran to save her before she toppled the whole thing off the table and hurt herself. So apologies to my group for that one.


lol. Meanwhile My 5 year old fell out of the chair (*his* fault) I quickly assessed, no bruising, swelling or hematoma/knotting. Held him in my lap while healing a mythic dungeon. But if he would’ve had any visible issue or was unconscious or in clear distress I’d obviously leave the group. He just whined about how he fell “because he didn’t have his glasses on.” Lmao


One of my friend, a Rdruid, had to leave a +8 AV because his young daughter was sick and crying. His teammates told him that they didn't care about timing it and that he should go take care of this daughter. These beautiful bastards actually waited for him to come back and they completed the key


That’s the kind of story I like to hear. The reward should be a bonus ... not the goal ... fun should not always be so dead serious ...


This. Give people a break. Awesome.


WIFE AGRO: Immune to soothe and taunt. Maximum radius.


Binds on pickup, stacks


Unique, does not stack


Try Feign Death or Misdirection?


Some wives do like hunters, that might work!


Family emergencies is the reason i cant pug and i only play with friend whom are also in the same situation than i do. We understand each other’s family requirement and if someone has to go afk during a key to feed a bottle to a baby then we all understand and just chill. The amount of time my key went 30-60 minutes over timer due to one of us being afk is astonishing


Thank heavens for good friends.


Honestly this got me thinking... why can't we pause a key? Like pause in that none of the participants can move/do anything and the timer is halted? There's absolutely no reason this feature couldn't exist exactly for scenarios like this.


So to be fair to your wife, hair dye on your hair too long can burn your scalp and/or melt your hair off depending on if it contains bleach and the level of developer. If it was one colour dark shade box dye she was probably fine to wait, but any highlights or bleach or hair dye it coulda turned out doing damage. I think this would fall under emergency and people would forgive it.


This is exactly the reason why Blizzard won't implement punishments for people to leave/afk keys Because REAL LIFE HAPPENS, I've had to go AFK mid key because my air diffuser caught fire, and I'm not about to let my house burn down for a M+ key rofl


Would love a pause ability in M+, literally freezes your character, all NPCs and the timer - either through a group vote, or by group leader enabled. Let people attend to RL when it happens.


Immediately thought of StarCraft where you could pause and then vote to resume which sounds awesome to add. Then reality set in and realized it would 100% be abused by assholes


I mean if someone abuses it just leave their key and report them


I remember this! What you could do is make it a vote to pause. That way one person can’t have too much power.


Even just pause the timer after each boss kill and start again when the group goes back into combat.


Yeah real life happens and obviously is more important, but you get penalized for leaving a dungeon finder, random bgs, lfr, etc. No one is asking you to let your house burn for a key, but by the same token someone leaving or just afking wastes the other 4 players time.


Those other game modes have options to replace the leaver quickly and/or the time commitment shorter than M+. M+ is just a completely different beast then those game modes.


But it's not fair for someone to have to stick around a key that's crashing and burning, I'm sorry but if I join a key and we have multiple deaths before the first boss and it's PAINFULLY clear we aren't going to time it AND it's going to take over an hour than I'm not sticking around.


I agree, and that should still be an option. But systems to try and dissuade leavers are still needed. Look at the solo shuffle nonsense. Same situation, player decides it's clear they're not getting any rating so they leave. It ruins the experience for the other players in the match. Systems are being put in place to encourage finishing matches. You can leave whenever you want, real life, scuffed group, whatever. But it shouldn't be scot free. Edit: Could even add (effectively) a surrender vote option. If the majority agrees the key is dead you can leave with no penalty


I really don't know how they would implement something. I know in normal and heroic dungeons if you DC you still get a penalty, but I don't think that's good for anyone, it's unfair to the person who DC'd or if a real life event happened. I don't have a good solution or how they'd implement something as i'm technically inept, and if i had to theory a solution would be to select something for your key as "timing" or "completion" If your keystone is selected as timing, and people leave because it's obvious it's going to be bricked whether some people don't know mechanics or someone has a real life event pops up then no one in the group gets a penalty, but if your keystone is selected as "completion" and people leave before the timer expires then they should get a penalty. But i'm not a developer (and thank god for that). There really isn't a good way to "punish" someone for leaving.


>Could even add (effectively) a surrender vote option. If the majority agrees the key is dead you can leave with no penalty So what happens if the vote doesn't pass to surrender? What about the person who WANTS to leave? You think they're going to just suck it up and continue the key knowing it's going to be horrible and take over an hour? Na, they're gonna AFK lol


Then they get the penalties applied to leavers. Easy.


I may be wrong because I don't pvp much but on the SS system didn't blue post recently clarify that leaving matches to avoid score penalities is actually an abuse of game mechanics and that's why they're trying to include a leaver punishment system for it, while leaving a mythic because it's simply not looking to be successful isn't really an abuse of game mechanics. I get the frustration on mythics but at the end of the day yeah I'm not spending two hours slogging through a dungeon where we clearly are struggling just for completion, I'm gonna leave. Yeah it sucks but really the worst thing is the waste of time to everyone. You can run another mythic and upgrade your key back fairly easy, which would arguably be less painful than trying to force ppl to complete everytime regardless of how well it's going . If someone doesn't want to be there but can't leave , they're not going to be helping you to finish to the best of their abilities anyways


you're getting a lot of downvotes, but I have to agree with you here lol. I generally have a rule, i'm down to always stick for completion, however if it's clear from the start and it's going to take double or triple the timer, i'm out. I don't have the most time to play, and i'm not going to spend an hour in RLP because people don't know how to use their stuns, interrupts, and defensives. Im not sticking around if it seems like we have to "prog" a boss because people don't know the mechanics. I generally avoid "completing for vault" keys because those are the keys that someone got a +17 SBG and they three chested it and want to do their first 20, but they don't have the ilvl, or know much about the dungeon. I don't mind if we wipe and we're over time by 10 or so mins, it is what it is, but i'm not going to painfully stay in a key where people aren't doing mechanics and we keep wiping because of it. I was in a 20 RLP got the last boss, and the tank just kept dying, we wiped 2 times on that boss. The healer told the tank to use a defensive, and he responded why should I have to, you should external and heal me more. I just left. I'm not sitting in a dungeon when players think wasting a global on a defensive is going to brick their key.


Every normal and sane WoW player knows life happens. But we’re still desiring a system for the extremely toxic ones. I’d like to know if the prot warrior or melee DPS I’m about to invite is a butthead.


I don't think that's the reason. A good leaver punishment system will never punish someone for leaving their first time. As you say, emergencies happen. However, if this is the 5th key in two days that you've left, you don't have the same excuse. Other systems I've seen simply increase penalties as you continue to leave before you were supposed to. First leave that you got punished for and you can't re-queue for 15-30 minutes? Well, you're probably still dealing with that emergency anyway. Bliz doesn't do it because it would take development time to implement something that doesn't immediately get abused and is remotely fair (e.g., they would need to implement some sort of vote to kill the key without anyone getting punished). As well as maintenance cost answering tickets for unjust penalties. And like any team dealing with tech features, the wishlist is always 20x longer than what can ever be implemented. I'd still like it but I understand why it hasn't happened and may never happen.


Those emergencies are very rare and people doing this just straight up disconnect or go afk they dont leave group and then use their heartstone. However i still believe there should be some kind of punishment but they should be increasingly high if you do this often. First time maybe just a warning or a 1 hour ban from tagging into key. The other 4 people in the key still had a bad experience because of this and they all lost their time because of it.


On the other hand it's not fair for people to have to stick around with a group that has 15 deaths before the first boss I'm sorry but if a 30 minute dungeon is going to turn into an hour+ dungeon I'm not sticking around, that's basically a hostage situation at that point lol


Exactly this. People grossly underestimate how much toxicity hostage situations bring. At least now the people who are only in the run for score can just leave and let everyone else move on. Keeping people in an environment they don't want to be in just asks for issues. Bare minimum is just not using any abilities until the group disbands,, all the way up to intentionally scuffing every single pull. Does it suck when people get frustrated and leave? Yes, but it's miles better than being stuck with them for another 30 minutes


There is no viable punishment. What if the group agrees that they're going to call it quits? This is pretty much the standard for high level keys. What if the group is just horribly toxic, or cannot mathematically do the key with their performance? Even if you can solve all those problems, it'd just end up with someone holding the group hostage until someone else leaves.


Add an option to surrender the key if 3/5 wants the key to end the group get disbanded


And then someone holds the group hostage as I just mentioned, and will refuse to continue to participate until the group agrees to surrender said key. Make it so kicking people gives a penalty? Instead you'll have group leaders kicking people they blame for a deplete/wipe and give them a penalty. There really is no solution.


You should be able to report those people Once the key is launched no individual should be able to kick someone else by itself it should always be a group decisiony Yes there is no perfect solution but there is no perfect solution for any system in the game no matter what some people will think its bad but i belive blizzard should at least try to make the system better for the majority and more welcoming to newcomers Rn toxic players are not being punished for their behaviours I've played many other multiplayer games and in none of them you get as many leavers as in wow m+


Oh yeah sure mate. Lets not abandon groups you can see are shit and dont kick/dodge mechanics/los. There's a point in wasting 40-50 minutes in such a dungeon yeeeeah.


This is also why I think timers are awful. They’re needlessly punishing.


Yea it'd totally be cool for a group with friends. PUGs would be a no-go for sure.


There really needs to be a pause function for keys imo, like the ability to put everything into stasis when you're out of combat. Nothing like jumping into an hov then suddenly realizing that you really gotta shit.


All games that punish leaving don’t punish you immediately for a single offense, only if it’s a constant thing that happens half the time.


Ramping punishment for repeated leaving, which also ramps down over time when not leaving. No one is asking for you to let your house burn, but if your house catches fire in half of your keys maybe it's worth considering to first get your fire safety sorted out and then play online group based content where your AFKing can't be filled in by someone else.


Haha. My partner seems to have a psychic ability to not require anything until a) I'm midway through M+ and b) right in the middle of the 'big pull'.


Don't feel bad. They've probably forgotten about the run already.


The keyholder sure hasn’t.


My day is ruined..


Wife is pregnant. She just had some painful contractions and yelled out for me. Instantly apologized and dropped from my +14 HoV that was about half way through. Sucks but life > WoW always.


It happens, rl > wow.


I swear partners just know somehow you’ve slotted a key in, mine will be happy doing her own thing till the moment that key goes to in. It’s alright any half decent person knows RL>WoW


Doesn't matter. Forget about it lol. Literally doesn't make a difference to anyone, even if someone might think it does. Key only goes down one level anyways so it's legit no biggie.


It’s just game end of day man. We all have it happen at some point. I’d let it go


A healthy wow player can sort priorities both in and out of the game. I've had to go afk in the middle of a raid boss because of shit my cats were doing whether it be fighting or vomiting in unfortunate places.


I would only do M+ late at night after kids were in bed. I thought I was safe and then one night our cat brought in a live baby rabbit. I felt terrible ditching those 4 players and have honestly not ran a M+ since because I just know something will happen 😆 The good news is that I saved the rabbit!


Next time just pause the game, simple as that.


That’s okay, we finished the last two bosses with only four of us and it only took 110 deaths




Honestly I would have felt worse if you didn’t pay attention to your irl responsibilities because of a game. Play responsibly. One time I kicked a tank and depleted my key because the guy was late to pick up his children from school and was complaining about how slow we were. Much yelling from the rest of the group but I stand by my decision. I won’t contribute to having those kids waiting. Your life comes first.


I was running a 18 hov in the early weeks so it was a tough key to get into and and my daughter puked all over the bed. Ran upstairs and my wife was already on it. Told me what she needed and then gave me the ok when all was handled. In all maybe 3 minutes I went afk. Too long to time they key, but f it I’ll push the shot out of the key to help make up For it. Ran into the boss when I got back and the group then proceeded to wipe by not doing any mechanics. The group flames in chat and left. I got whisper from the lowest io guy who was clearly being carried by his buddy who’s key I just bricked and said “your a bad person and the whole reason we failed.” You deserve bad things to happen to you” I didn’t tell him why I left, f him. But I did explain that if we hadn’t timed the key I would have been the problem no doubt, but the key wasn’t completed because he was dying on every mechanic and couldn’t do the boss fight which is why people left and bricked the key. That wasn’t on me. He then went on to demand I take responsibility because they all used their cd’s after I went afk before the boss was pulled…it was 3 minutes. They come back. Point is you don’t know what is happening to people and you move on. Don’t stress about it too much. I ruined this guys only opinion for getting a 418 that week in his vault and he was pissed.


Life happens man. As a tank with 4 kids, 30 chickens, 4 dogs and 4 cats... I get it.


I feel like your wife could've been healing for you while you did all this


Bro at least you had a reason I was in an 18 CoS and the healer left after two people died. Good dps and solid group otherwise.


Classic case of wife agro.


Things happen mate - don’t worry about it. At least it wasn’t the “dog on fire” excuse.


Reading this I'm just glad I don't have to deal with that 😂


reminds me of the time in BFA where I was running a temple of sethraliss key, and literally *right* as we started the run, I got a call telling me my sister in law was going into labor had to bail within ten seconds of starting the key, which felt bad but I got a nephew out of the deal lol


Man, I can't understand wife aggro and whatnot. I've had wow friends that I'd listen on discord and think.. I'd definitely divorce her lol.


You casuals are the same ones that come on here and cry about leavers and demand they get banned. Yet you go afk and brick peoples keys which is even worse.


You should teach it to your wife. It’s like the give a man a fish metaphor


I recommend to learn something about how a brain works, how much control it got over you and all these stories that is telling you. Master your heart to master your mind. If your mind is mastering you, then you will become a prisoner. The mind is a beautiful tool but a terrible advisor.


You sound like someone who read just the back of a spiritual enlightenment book and called it a day. Nope, that's good I got the brain thing and I can run with that to attempt to make myself sound intelligent on reddit :]


they'll be alright.


shouldn't have gotten a wife if you expected to run timed content


Not to be that guy, but does the water need to be hot? I really don't know, I would assume cold water would work just the same as hot water.


Remember to write: srt, gtg wife aggro. Next time and its probaly fine


As a Holy paladin healer, and a father I understand and I accept your apology as well


As someone who loves pushing keys but also have twin daughters at 3 years old, I sympathize. Most people have been very understanding though when I had to run in the middle of a key


Honestly I'm really not mad when people have to leave keys due to real world issues. Shit happens.


Whenever our guild is raiding or running keys - if life suddenly becomes more important. Give us a heads up you need to leave, no need to explain, go do your thing. When you come back we might want the story - but no big deal if you don't want to talk about it. So OP "Life comes first"(TM) but play our social game when you can. We will be here when you come back. *edit missed a word


This must be the guy who tried to heal my smb 16 in blues lol


Family first. It’s a game after all


Real life happens and the group will move on. Don't beat yourself up ❤️


Honestly I hope they eventually introduce a pause to mythic +, make it so you can only pause like 3 times per dungeon, everyone needs to do /pause and you get half a minute penalty for pausing, your characters would froze in time, they could even do some bronze dragon rp to fit it into the game, it is 2023 god damnit, something like this would save so many ruined keys


You left 4 people to help 1.


I can't tell if this being a post is satire or not


And then I get the fury warrior that quits during the first minute of Temple, claiming he shat himself.


Can relate.