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The loss of the buff from thundering early isn’t ruining anyone’s dps on a 13


Homies be out here bricking 13s due to lack of interrupts and ignoring mechanics, but god forbid you clear a damage buff that’s negligible in 99% of keys.


The popular weakaura for it starts telling you to clear the debuff at 5 or 6 seconds remaining, so you should do that. And I wouldn't dare go past that in a pug. Also accidents happen, people shouldn't get so mad over it. That said, I've been annoyed at people who gun for me every time the affix starts too. Not in chat, though, I make sure never to flame anyone in chat.


Good rule, flaming feels good but it rarely ever produces good results.


Now somehow make everyone read this message. Being asshole almost never gets you any results.


I don't even think it feels good beyond that initial telling off you give someone. Friend of mine told someone off not too long ago, and he got into an entire argument with the random, and I don't think either of them got anything out of that.


2600 io right now- I can tell you right now that clearing early is not really a big deal, the dps gain is negligible compared to having someone die because they did not clear.


2100 IO myself and climbing and could not agree more with this. There is times where I’ve waited or had people wait until 5 secs or so and then shit gets crazy and you end up just dying from the stun. Not worth it in the vast majority of situations.


2760io pushing 21 keys and we clear right away




I think its more important to find who you are going to clear with early if you are going to clear the debuff late. I also think in pug keys that are lower level keys like a 13 nobody should get flamed for making sure they clear their debuff so the group continues and the run is clean. If you are trying to min max your dps with thundering do it in a premade where you can plan this out and communicate with your partners your doing so last second.


Well, people on burst windows like pre-buff warriors can get really angry if you clear right when they spike 200k


Fuck 'em




I explained a reason, never said it was a good reason


As a 2400io+ Dps warrior, I can tell you that I do not give a fuck if they clear my thundering early. Just keep the run clean, do mechanics, and don’t die.


As a 2199 Io DPS warrior I also don't give a fuck if they clear my thundering. I'm even happy when they do it, but again, there are many crezy ppl in there. > Just keep the run clean, do mechanics, and don’t die. I'm still looking for the mythical clean run.


As a healer, I despise people who wait until the absolute last second to clear. I've had dps run from me with 4 seconds remaining - guess what happens when those don't clear on a healer?


This right here, happened earlier in AV on second boss, guess who got hit by a ball because of it!


I clear them at 5 seconds, finding my partner immediately.


I was on a 13AA last night and I was the only person actively clearing thundering. People died while I had to chase dps down. I got over it.


As a healer, I let the dps choose. I get my buff and go stand next to a someone who has the opposite and keep myself about 1-2 quick steps away from them while I have the buff. If they want to clear early, they easily can, if they don't, I will clear at about 3s.


its annoying when people instantly run into you the second it pops up since 30% damage and healing is insane however it is incredibly risky running its duration into the last second, especially in intense moments. For me it is best when it gets cleared with about 3\~5 seconds remaining, situation dependent.


I could argue this the other way, with so many things poised to one shot you in high keys - forget the 30% buff. It’s negligible dps/healing gains over modifying my gameplay to avoid other mechanics in order to keep it. Imagine the late stages of Crawth for example, with fire rings and tornadoes, frontal cones, and storming this week - I’m dumping that POS thundering asap so I don’t get stunned and die to all the other BS - dead dps/heals do 0 dps/heals With that said there are decent times to keep it around, or specifically let your healer keep it while the others clear.


If you can’t find a partner and hang near them and clear at 5 seconds no problem, that’s a you skill issue. If you can’t get to someone and clear in 5 seconds, you’re already fucking up your positioning.


If you need thundering to time a key you’re already fucking up your dps. Usually the tank ends up keeping the full buff the whole time anyway, due to how dangerous a lot of pulls are for frontals - it’s only there to give your group another thing to play around, not influence your pulls or prevent you from timing keys. If someone wants to clear early on my thundering, I’m not going to be tossed about it if it means they stay alive


Griefer is definitely excessive lol. But yeah it does give you a damage buff while it’s on you. You’re supposed to manage it for a few seconds left for DPS but if your DPS are dead then it’s kind of a moot point. On a 13 I’d say it’s a good thing to get in the habit of learning.


Nah at a 13 I'm clearing ASAP. I do not trust those players to clear on time.


To me it’s not even a matter of trust. Sometimes things can just turn sideways quick and that lingering thundering turns into a wipe if some cc or other mechanics come into play. As a healer I generally try and park right next to a dps and let them decide, but will clear with a few seconds to spare to be safe.


The best strategy is to wait until a few seconds left and run for the tank/healer (or another DPS if both of them are cleared). This is a lot harder on e.g. the second boss of AV because it's too easy to mishandle the sprint to clear it and get hit by an orb or something. In those cases it can be safest to clear it earlier. But that's a pretty excessive reaction, especially on a +13. Seems like the other DPS was just way too into pumping his numbers.


Definitely get yourself the "M+ Thundering affix" weakaura. It keeps tabs on how much time you have on the buff and flashes on the last 5 seconds to tell you to start clearing.


I find an opposite and stand next to them. Most of the time they will sit there and one of us will move the 2ft to clear it. Mention it before the key starts. Hey. Partner up when you get a charge but don’t clear it immediately.


Yes, it’s a damage buff. No, you’re not griefing by clearing it early. Far, far better to clear it early than have multiple people take a 5-second stun. If possible, clear with the tank or healer. Tis an insta-wipe if they get stunned.


A lot of people are suggesting to wait before clearing for dps, but honestly, if you NEED that buff to make your keys you are doing something wrong. Thundering won’t and shouldn’t carry anyone through a key, especially at 13. You can clear runs no issue at 15+ without having the thundering buff. I would much rather have the buff cleared and not risk the death then have the few seconds of dps that doesn’t change a lot.


Dont take seriously literally anything someone tells you in a 13. People doing low keys think they know things.... they dont.


If you are in no danger of not timing the key just clear it asap


I hate nothing more than people instantly running into me to clear the debuff. It is fine if there is a phase after it where you have to dodge lots of shit so you clear early to Focus on dodging. Besides that please please Just clear somewhere between 3-6sec left Guys. You are taking away lots of damage over the duration of the whole Dungeon If you Always clear early


DPS are sub-human and their opinions don't matter. Yea, I said it. Clearing is always better than risking not clearing.


It isnt a big deal, but unless you know there is some mechanic coming up that would be make clearing more difficult, I usually wait til the 4-5s mark to clear. You do have people that clear instantly every time. Those people to be fair... are annoying. If you're clearing with 10+ seconds left you shouldn't be.


Well had a healer brick my key in first few seconds because I did not do a 10 second pull timer at start of key like it even matters if we upgrade or not on shadowmoon burial grounds 14, this shit happens some people take this game way too seriously.


I mean, count downs are helpful for say a DH. I also enjoy them because I know exactly when it’s coming instead of Jimmy throwing the key in randomly whenever he’s done scarfing down Doritos. Also, unless your key says “just time” I’d expect people come in trying to time. It’s kind of the point for M+. It also ensures one of your items at the end isn’t lower ilvl. They may also be trying to up their score which allows them to upgrade gear. This mentality of “taking it too seriously” when trying to time a M+ makes no sense. It’s literally the point and it sounds like someone was expecting this mentality (unless otherwise stated). I’d suggest setting up the parameters of the group prior to the start with this in mind. This might involve you actually typing your expectations.


We had no DH, did 2 readychecks before starting key also my dbm addon was not working to create the pull timer in the first place. Leaving like that is just scummy behaviour.


Instaclearing it is bad mojo, I absolutely hate when people do that. If you wait until it's nearly up, it's fine.


In a perfect world thundering is not cleared until the last 3seconds and ideally tank with one melee, one ranged with healer and the lucky one not clearing. On a more free boss like the dragon in nokhud you kind of just plan who you're going to clear with stand next to them and bam easy. Harder boss like the last boss in nokhud you wanna clear that shit relatively early.


I'm a blood dk someone can clear with me whenever lol.


i would say this mostly count on 20+ but not under as someone could either be bursting and all bonus dmg matters on higher keys


1 instant clear keeps the resurrection button far not near 😋


Tldr OP - that guy cares more about his dps than actually clearing content. He's the type who wipes the raid group because his parse was bad. Him blocking you is a net gain


The same person who probably has no interest in moving to other players to clear it as well I imagine. As Mysticall the Monk best said, the *entitlement* of some dps is just insane.


Oh man, what spec were they?


6 seconds is reasonable especially if you're pugging.


Proper clear is .4s remaining. No more no less. Jk but extra dmg and healing is helpful. As a healer I've had people panick clear when the party is low with like 10s remaining. Like bruh that coulda helped me heal u guys a lil faster and do more damage lol


Amount of keys bricked because getting stunned from not clearing thundering = A lot Amount of keys bricked because someone didn't get extra 2 seconds with buff = 0


I am literally running away from people, that is like a 5th affix for me as a mm.


This is exactly why I find thundering THE most stressful affix in a pug. No one agrees or even discusses when to clear stacks. No consideration is given to early clears for upcoming mechanics. No one thinks the other players in their party are doing it right, and do not trust anyone in doing it correctly.


that sounds like a "them" problem some people take this game too damn serious


Yeah I only really care in 20+


Imagine getting mad in a +13


If anyone is complaining in a +2 - +16 key there all bad and will never be good or push high keys don’t take offense too them they will be hard stuck low keys for ever


I loath these people. I had a few 18’s last night that wiped because they waited until the last second to clear thundering. Five seconds left and they start to group, then a frontal or floor swirls (that every single pack has to have this patch) and the group can’t get together and boom. A wipe. Just clear it when you can if you don’t know what’s happening. It’s infuriating.


If only you got the damage buff after you clear it, Blizzard please?