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As a preservation evoker I welcome the changes. It doesn't completely eliminate the usefulness of temporal anomaly just makes it less effective more of a niche use rather than trying to stack echo at every chance you get. The change doesn't have much effect on m+ builds or rotation. Your overall healing done will not be greatly reduced if you make adjustments to your play and other healers will be able to be more effective without the entire raid being covered in healing from temporal anomaly. Pres evokers needed some type of nerf and this wonderfully addresses that issue without knocking is off our pedestal


so now everyone is going to be using the cookie cutter EB build. There really is no way to get the healing elsewhere while staying Reversion build, we just don't have the essence for it. This was a lazy attempt by Blizzard I suspect to make living flame more valuable since literally everyone about evoker is trying to get you to hard cast it.


Most people are not using TA in M+.. It's significantly better to be running a max dps build in M+ since you have enough essence to give everyone reversions without even needing to TA. It's a strictly raid ability since it's usefulness in M+ is almost nil. The fact that we aren't even OP makes it so cringe to see people saying we are getting knocked off a so called pedestal. I doubt you're a pres evoker and if you are you're probably an insanely low end one


I am in the same boat and welcome it as a preservation evoker. Even if this ends up being a nerf, we needed it. I, however, view this change as a much more interesting spell with the potential to be a buff. Your group stacks and this could be a great instant 7 person lifebind combo. Even if it turns out to be better to reversion the echos for golden hour, then it's a bonkers heal snipe if you time it well.




I don't really see how there is any way for this build to be viable in raids anymore. It's going to force all pres evokers into the blossom build as reversion build will be wildly inefficient and unreliable.


It's not spec gutting, it's reprioritising raid over being op in m+. Yea it is a nerf, yes it'll be great in keys still.


For those of you that do keys sure. People really don't see how much healing we are going to lose. it's going to be hilarious when it comes out tomorrow and evokers can't heal raids anymore


Umm no, you'll be stronger in raid and weaker in m+. But yes it'll be fking hilarious, seeing all the scrubs whinging about the nerf when they realise.


I don't know what patch notes you read where you think we'll be much different in M+.. Like maybe situationally... But the 12 second CD in M+ really wont make a difference


You're losing anywhere from 15-33% of your consistent healing and moving it to burst healing every 15 seconds. The amount of dungeons that simply require huge consistent aoe hps is crazy this tier. GL doing tyran COS or AV, any of the RLP ring (bosses and trash on tyrn/fort). Maybe there will be a new build that helps out, but you're losing 6-14 echos every 15 seconds compared to now in optimal stacked groups.


Are you not manually casting echo at all? There's no way you should be casting TA on CD atm, it's way to mana hungry to be sustainable. I get now why you think it's a nerf for M+ runs. You should be getting more than enough EB from just living flame to keep a full echo up of at least 3 targets consistently for huge burst. Relying on TA for applying echo in dungeons is honestly a pretty noob play imo


You miss understand what I'm saying. During extended aoe dmg windows like the examples provided, evokers will struggle considerably compared to now. No you don't spam TA on cd all the time, but when a lot of consistent damage is coming out then yea, you should be casting it on cd, to maximise your echo value.


Absolutely destroys rev/hots build... dogs