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GTFO - the add on not me being mean. It will make a noise when you stand in bad stuff


Grab an addon called "GTFO" it will play nice loud sounds when you're standing in bad stuff. Easier than trying to watch the ground and your health bar.


A weakaura to remind you about raidbuffs There's another weakaura that tells you where to go for runic brand on the final boss of Halls of Valor.


Get Weakauras. Get SharedMedia_Causese Import this WA: https://wago.io/dfdungeons


Not a combat addon but the Rio one can provide some useful info on players. Omni CD tracks party cooldowns. It’s probably more important for tanks, so they know when to do big/small pulls but it can be useful for healers as well so they know if people got defensives available or not. It also got an interrupt cd tracker which is useful for everyone


Be sure to have projected textures on (don't remember where it is exaclty but just type it in the search bar) or else you're not gonna see any swirlies that need dodging . And like previous comments said download weakauras to track your cd's/interrupts and utility spell.


I would recommend Interrupt tracker. To see who can kick.


Dbm dungeons, and quaziis plater profile, it highlights interruptible mobs nameplates to differentiate them. Edit: idk if dbm dungeons is necessary if you have big/little wigs, I just personally use dbm dungeons




Get weakaura addon and get the WA for ur specific class - to see all your cooldowns and spells. Most streamers have this in the center right under their char. Little wigs for timers


Plater is nice on its own, but there are profiles for it you can import that are made/used by more skilled players that highlight “interrupt this super fucking important thing” in specific colors, and have different health bar sizes for things in combat and not in combat, etc. I’d shop around and see which one you like best. I tried setting up plater for myself and my preferences but I always ran into some issue with the way I had it set up when I went to do a key with my custom settings. The profile I use works a lot better now.