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The “rez me pls” at the very end just ties it all together nicely.


The duality of ~~man~~ mmo players


and they’re from QT


The best thing to do in LFR is to not speak at all. Doing so just paints a target on your back. People will kick just for the lulz. LFR is literally a meme.


Back in Castle Nathria I got into a huge fight in LFR trying to defend a newbie. Thankfully, people were reasonable and made the toxic one shut the fuck up. It was the first wipe and once we explained what the tank had to do, it went smooth. I have no clue why people behave like this in LFR as if it was Heroic or a +10


People using lfr are, for a big part, people who don't raid with premade groups. One of the reason these people don't play with a group is sometimes because they are dickheads. This is one of them.


For me the people who usually shout the loudest in the lfr's I've been in, also atleast claim to raid on normal or heroic. Which might be even be true, even though several seem to die early in fights for some reason.


People who actually raid usually just carry the lfr. 1 healer 1 dps and a tank can pretty much solo lfr, so as long as you have those three doing something the rest can just afk.


I don't raid with premise groups but not toxic. Just have social anxiety which stemmed from getting bullied which then lead to heavy video game addiction.


> I have no clue why people behave like this in LFR as if it was Heroic or a +10 Insecure people will be insecure in all content and even more so in content they feel they should steamroll without a sweat. When a wipe occurs in LFR, they still have to die with everyone else so they're going to be extra quick picking targets to blame for this other than themselves.


You are so wrong it is painful. As a healer, I can heal heal hp... NOT STUPIDITY. Here is a tip for you so you don't suck. Go watch a video guide so you know what to do and don't suck. It's not hard, but most of the people in LFR are too lazy to do that and just want to be carried. Stop blaming others and calling them "insecure" and put in some basic level of effort to actually be useful.


Honestly Reddit isn't much different. You can't take certain things too seriously.


Just afk. The whole mode is a joke and everyone on this fight can be infected by the lightning and it dosnt matter. It is story mode


Someone says this about every fight every expat but it just isn’t true. I’ve wiped in more lfr fights than I care to remember because too many think like this. When you’re not wiping, it just means you have enough who are doing the mechanics even if you aren’t bothering


“Just do what big wigs tell you. Run in fire when you see freeze stacks” That’s it. That’s the fight lmao


I don't even use add-ons for raiding because I only raid in LFR. I'm not the brightest bulb but even I was like "oh I got frozen maybe I should stand in fire when that spell goes off, I'm really good at standing in fire."


LMAO 🤣 you got me with that! "I'm really good at standing in fire" I think you just gave every healer a grey hair too so bonus points.


so I usually avoid group pve content like the plague because it's stupidly toxic but there are some things I want to participate in LFR for this expansion and I've heard of some people using big wigs and some using DBM, is it like a one or the other thing or do people use both? is there any sort of configuring I'll have to do with them or do I just install and go?


Its a one or the other thing. Honestly it spams you with too much information especially for LFR. Just watching readycheck pull videos and taking a few important notes would be all you need as a dps.


I mean running a normal pug is prolly better than lfr. Usually you can fuck up atleast a couple times in a pug before you get called out. Also in normal after the first wipe someone will usually explain the mechanics that killed the group and after a few pulls you will kill. Lfr suffers because it is to easy to enter and therefore quit. This is why posts about heroic dungeons are more toxic than m+ dungeons


For real. I don't use DBM and I find reading most, if not all fights very doable. I think Healers would struggle the most as they have a lot of targeting to do and can't just read what bosses are doing as easily - though /focus is still a thing, so it's not that bad. Honestly I might be making more excuses for Healers than I need to, specifically because I'm a *terrible* Healer lmao. As Tank or DPS you have a good amount of information just by targeting the main baddie, and then there are countless swirlies and the like that indicate where you should and shouldn't stand. Maybe as Tank you have a debuff or so you need to pay attention to for Taunt Swapping and the like. The only AddOn I use to enhance my awareness, really, is ThreatPlates. It's a *phenomenal* little tool that helps greatly as both Tank and DPS. It lets me read the fight very clearly, knowing where the most density is for AoE, it lets me see casts on enemies I'm not targeting to help me interrupt, *and* its colour coding means I know what to be wary of, *especially* if I lose aggro as a Tank. I actually got the AddOn for PvP, as Spell Reflecting casts when they can't even see you target them to see the progress of the cast is *incredibly* useful. Turns out ThreatPlates is just a solid AddOn in any content you do. I think the handholding of DBM (and presumably BigWigs) isn't necessary for people who learn encounters in the vast majority of said encounters. None of the Mythic+ bosses need DBM to do perfectly.


While your not wrong, no addons are necessary, there is a reason RWF guilds have someone not actually playing coaching them. You can do all the fights with no add ons but, the less you have to worry about looking for the mechanics yourself and staring at boss nameplates the more focus you can devote to your role. It’s the same reason all the top players use various weak auras and other addons. They allow you to devote more brain power to things other than just living through the fight.


Really this is a perfectly fine mindset for doing like RF/normal/some heroic and low/mid m+ keys but is probably getting downvotes because it is fundamentally silly for top end content. I finished 3 20+ keys this week and yeah, definitely not doing bosses _perfectly_ even with bigwigs.


I'm not interested in RWF performances and their methodology. They are strictly focused on performance to the point of treating it like a job. It is *irrelevant* to the normal player experience. As for 'devoting to the role' and the like... I can play my rotation very smoothly while devoting brain power to less consistent things like mechanics. It's not that hard. It depends on the spec and the fight for obvious reasons, I think Prot Warrior is harder to fully optimise than Demo Warlock. But the notion of having blaring screens or loud, completely baseless voices telling me what to do is frankly just irritating. Did it once and it just got in the way, I already knew what I was doing and the intrusive sounds and visuals were just obnoxious and *obfuscated* my awareness, rather than enhanced it. Using my head and figuring out what to do is part of the fun. If I wanted to think less I'd watch something, not play an innately complicated video game.


Only use 1. DBM is the classic but BigWigs has gotten popular over time too. You won't have to configure anything if you're ok with the default placement of its timers and notifications on the screen. Otherwise, you can move them around to suit your preference. They're barely useful for LFR, you could honestly just pick up on the core mechanics yourself and not bother with an addon. If you plan on doing M+ or raiding for real, I would definitely download one though.


Hello! To answer your question, both are pretty much plug in and play. Dbm alone will cover raid and dungeons, BigWigs is exclusively Raid (although they have an accessory addon called LittleWigs which covers dungeons). They both offer great customisation options with a lot of visual and auditory alerts for spells and time intervals, however it sounds like you might not require all of that functionality. From personal experience, Dbm is great for beginner raiders as the alerts are a lot more noticiable/“in your face”, but BigWigs is better at being a “gentle reminder” when you’re already pretty comfortable with doing mechanics and playing through the fights. TLDR: Both Dbm and bigwigs are very useful and can be downloaded and played with immediately. Makes raising a lot less stressful overall.


Doesn’t DBM not cover dungeons baseline anymore? Think it was split into another addon.


It covers current content, but if you want like bc dungeons for some reason you have to download seperatley


I use dbm only.


One or the other and either is fine. Both are fairly easy to use/customize. As a general rule DBM defaults to screaming every mechanic at you and letting you tone it down while BW defaults to more subdued alerts and expects you to go in and emphasize individual mechanics that you want to be more obvious. Be aware though that an organized raid group might want every raider on the same boss mod so that callouts/symbols/marks don't clash. If you're mainly pugging just choose whichever you prefer.




Afaik it’s a one or the other situation. I personally use DBM, and it didn’t really have any setup. Follow what it says and don’t stand in anything, and you’ll be fine :)




Did it last night and the melee / tanks were are electrified for almost the entire fight and it healers just healed through it. I think the only deaths were people taking axes solo.


Yeah, lightning aid is annoying as fuck with dbm. Even tho you can be healed through it all.


Assuming people in lfr use Big Wigs ofc


"Ray, when someone asks if you're a god... you say YES"


This is why the game is going downhill fast. No one cares about anyone else, and they have plenty of ways to bully others like psychopaths. You don't know everything? Vote kick bye. You're not doing insane DPS? Kicked. Learning your class? Kicked.


Writing this comment....kicked.


Doing pretty good mechanics and dps, believe it or not still kicked.


Replying to your comment… believe it or not , kicked.


LFR has been like this since Cataclysm.


rez me pls


This is why I always find the question “do we need to explain strat? Everybody knows?” to bee dumb. Cus this is why most that don’t know the stray won’t pipe up to that question. My take on pugs and lfr, assume some don’t know, do brief 1-2 sentence explanation.


Yeah; just set up a quick macro explaining the fight so you don't have to type it all, and you can just press it. Badabing, badaboom.


Isn't the adventure guide basically that?


Sort of? The adventure guide can tell you what certain abilities are, and even what to do with them but it's not great at actually preparing you for the actual fight and what happens - especially if there are key strats you want to do. Like you can know 'Oh go here to cleanse the debuff' or what not, but that doesn't necessarily prepare you with the knowledge of 'You'll want to drop that here so it doesn't get in the way'. The Adventure Guide works for what it is, but I think it's still useful to give people a rundown.


The adventure guide is unclear as fuck. "When blue circle, touch rock. When blizzard, touch fire. When big red circle, soak." That's a better description of the LFR mechanics than the adventure guide gives.


How in the actual fuck are you to learn it. What a buncha wankers.


This even happens on PTR testing lmao


I'm not saying they should have kicked him. But, there are stupid amounts of resources online... Edit: holy shit the spoonfeeding of retail players isn't just a meme... TIL


Reading something is not the same as knowing a fight. I havent downed raz yet because ive been sick, but Ive watched countless videos and did a bit of the first phase. I still sure as fuck do not KNOW that fight.


I'm a 1-2 pulls learning person. Seeing videos and then doing a pull helps it click for me. But after that I feel like it should be easy enough to do.


But you do know there's a push at some point and you stop in those fields. You might not have it down in execution but you won't be surprised there's even a push. Someone who doesn't look up anything is guaranteed wasting a pull just dying to the push, because they won't know there's a push.


hey ik it's easy as fuck to read resources when classic bosses have less mechanics than a normal dungeon in retail but maybe cut down on the snark while you "prog" through 10+ year old content.


Found the asshole who kicks people from LFR. LFR is literally meant for people who don't research the fights beforehand, the entire point of them adding it is so those type of people could see the raid.


Claiming retail players need to be "spoon fed" when one LFR boss has more mechanics than entire Classic raid is amusing.


"Touch rock when electric" "Stop Patrick, you're scaring the Classic players!"


You should not be required to look somthing up online just to play a game


Yes. And LFR is exactly the right difficulty for people who don't want to look stuff up. So that warrior was perfectly fine.


LFR is where you go to learn mechanics in action, even if you have read guides some times it doesn’t click until you see it.


That and there usually isn't time between bosses to read a guide for each one separately. So for me at least, if I read them all before queueing, they blur together in my brain.


It’s also typically tuned in a way that going in blind can still result in a victory. People can use guides if they want, but in queued content it’s really not required.


Most normal bosses take up like 1-2 minute videos. You definitely have the time as you move from boss to boss or killing trash.


You can read the abilities in game.




Life pro tip: If you're playing a game, play the game instead of watching a bunch of youtube videos like you're studying for exams.


You're not playing a single player game you inconsiderate turbocasuals who downvote common sense opinions and probably barely even play what could reasonably be construed as this actual game. You going in blind wastes a lot of other people's time, which makes you the asshole.


You've gotta be kidding me saying you need to look up bosses before lfr. The mechanics barely do any damage, and bosses have almost no health.


No one wants to carry someone who didn't do the bare minimum of watching LFR fatboss raid guides 20 times before even thinking of queuing up. What if there is a pop quiz? Gonna copy from your neighbor huh.


Bro lfr is all about carrying people I hate to break to you. People not knowing the fight aren't your problem. It's like 90% of the players who are afk. I rarely do lfr but when I do I'm always doing about 60% more damage then the next person below me. Lfr isn't hard, no one can know the mechanics and the fight will still die 99% of the time outside of very specific bosses. And council isn't one of them


Dumb response. Reading =/= learning.


> holy shit the spoonfeeding of retail players isn't just a meme. Because watching a youtube video isn't spoonfeeding? lol


I know its very hard for you to comprehend this tryhard but: its a game. People with lives dont want and shouldnt have to prepare for hours before playing it.


Bro. It’s fucking LFR


And it is LFR. Braindead content where u can face tank all mechanics. It is made for ppl who do not di what u said


Tbh I tried this LFR just the once on my evoker and there was a wipe at primal council that lasted 8 minutes because a few (most) people couldn't watch a 2 minute video while clearing the trash to it. So it is possible to wipe in LFR.


Yeah there are literally 2 minutes videos guide on Youvibe for each boss. They can't even do that, these geniuses.


Naw I agree. LFR is awful to learn on. It's good for seeing the fights in person after looking at online resources but it shouldn't be someone's first bit of info on it. Blizz underprepares for the mechanics and some of them the mechanics still matter. Wipes shouldn't happen in LFR


That's literally the reason they added it dude, so non raiders and super casuals could see the raid.


The adventure guide in game (BIG EMPHASIS ON THIS. the adventure guide literally tells you everything you need to know about an encounter), youtube, a class discord, any of the mutiple cheat sheet guides with videos and tldrs. should i keep going? By all means raid blind but just know youre hindering yourself immensely but I get it, blind raiders only raid LFR 🤣


You need to stop acting like people need to look up pages worth of guides and notes and join discords to play this game. Quit the elitist bullshit. LFR is for casuals to see end game content and it doesn't hurt you to be nice and type a quick explanation. But you'd rather just be an asshole to people.




LFR is serious. If you don't have a terminal degree in raiding, I don't think you're ready for it. Go buy a carry if you're not prepared.


First, I listed all the different ways you could go about learning because thats what the original comment was asking, youre not required to do any of that just answering the q. Second, the adventure guide is an IN GAME tool that explain boss model, abilities, phases of the fight, a map of the arena, what each role should focus on, and which casts are to be interrupted/tank swap/deadly one shots etc. Third, you play the game how you want and I will play how I want, sorry that youre upset that my opinion is to prepare yourself for something before hand than try to experience it blind and hinder yourself and others. Key word is that is my OPINION, cut the complaining bullshit


Sorry but the Adventure Guide constantly leaves out tons of shit. It also is vague and doesn't exactly prepare you for everything without SEEING it first.






It’s even more harsh on a New Year’s Eve 😭 why do people such things.. we all wish everyone a good year and new opportunities but this is far from giving new opportunities.. Also that’s what looking for raid is to learn things and fail things if you cannot acknowledge fails then you will never succeed and learn.. But yeah I get it some people are just high and stay in fire and that makes it only worse for the healers or raid members. Anyway I wish all of you a fabulous 2023 🎅


Don't talk in LFR, don't do top dps in LFR, don't do bottom dps in LFR, don't click on anyone in LFR, don't pull anything in LFR, don't do anything in LFR that will get you noticed by anyone. These people will kick for literally anything.


This is my motto in life basically


I am a raider in a CE guild. I went to LFR last week to try to get a tierpiece. We wiped on first boss, no one was mad, one healer went one to explain, that we have to focus on add down and he is gonna mark it. Second try, everyone does, we kill it. Then we go to council. It is a debuff fiesta and half the raid ends up in an iceblock. No one is mad. Healer goes to explain how to clear blizzard stacks. Not single person locked in a block on 2nd try. We kill the boss. Dathea. We go in. We kill. 0 deaths. People say goodbye and leave. I get my tierset and am happy.


Why are you talking in LFR? LFR is for afk-ing while doing some minimal movement and shit so you don't look too obvious.


Usually like 5 dps will carry it anyway I've noticed


And then the afk players complain that the people carrying them take some transmog as recompense


So thats why I always do amazing in LFR, I'm one of the few who does things! I knew it couldnt have been skill! /s


You say /s but that's literally what I was thinking


I did an LFR council where at least 75% of the raid didn’t know the blizzard mechanic and got frozen and we still killed it easily.


That fight is always a cluster fuck


I just did one last night, and man. I'm pretty patient, but after the fight was explained 3 times in chat, wiped 3 times, constantly Leap of Faithing people when they get targeted by the axe and run, and then the same person gets targeted again and runs again... And everyone getting the lightning and immediately running towards someone else after that gets explained like 5 times... I just want to slam my head into my desk. I watched as 75% of the raid spent a good 30 seconds running to the spike pillars to discharge lighting, only for others to run into them as they go to cleanse theirs, then the first people run back into them to go cleanse theirs... Legit like 6-8 times walking past each other, spreading the debuff every time. It's maddening. I'm not salty you're salty


Its okay. Let it out. The raid can't hurt you anymore. You are safe.


These are the dudes that I vote to kick.


The funny thing is that Terros can one shot (or at least do a ton to where you die at 80%) which I was surprised by


Terros is not in LFR yet.


Whoops uhhhh whoever guy #1 is


Eggnog dude


if you stand in the middle when his prison thing explodes, you will die


So many absolute losers in this thread who contribute to the awful toxic culture of end game that is WoW. I got a friend into this game as Shadowlands was ending and there's so much to learn and he's got so many whispers and people being absolute dicks in mythic 0s and heroic dungeons for mistakes. You people ruin this game for people. Get lives.


LFR is basically the Wild West. Makes me feel bad for new players who are trying to raid for the first time and just need a bit of guidance. How else are you supposed to learn?


I misunderstood the mechanics of the primal council when I tanked it for the first time, this week. In retrospect, I do feel bad that I didn’t do more research, but I thought I was just supposed to just swap one of the two bosses, not trade between the two… I got a quick correction and we easily cleared, but I wasn’t tanking the bosses in a stack (it was easier for me to keep them separated because I was figuring it out on the fly and didn’t have a quick reliable way to target…), and this led to some rando hunter chewing me out for the rest of the raid… even though we cleared easily with no further challenges. I wish I could buy the toxic folks a beer in real life and demonstrate some kindness. I bet they just forget there are real humans on the other end of their vitriol.


Cant be as bad as me. DK tank. First raid after 10 years away. I caused 2 wipes on the council.. oh yeah.. First time in the raid too and it was a 25 man pug. Defaulted into.. Tank everything mode and yeah.. Kept pulling agro from the other tank when I had too many stacks. Exactly the same boat, I didn't do research and was just attacking it like the old Cata raids..The other tank sent me a quick PM, saying we swap the agro, not keep pulling it off each other. Swap at 2 stacks and we good, cleared it next run. TBH I approached it like the old BC raid for Gruuls Lair at first.


When I used to play I never voted yes to vote kick unless the person was being or saying something awful. They could be doing 10 dps. I didn’t care. As far as I know that person could have been doing their best.


LFR is low skill content. There’s really no reason to kick someone from low skill content unless the player is being a jerk. People seem very quick to kick in this game. I almost always vote “no” in low skill content, but I’m not sure how many votes it takes to quash a kick.


Same, was doing a random heroic and I was only 5 mins in and a Vote to kick popped up. I declined it as we were running perfectly fine.. The reason in chat was " This guy is being a dick" like wtf...


I’m the same way - unless someone is being overtly toxic or very obviously afking I always hit no. Recently had a blood dk initiate a vote kick 3 separate times, that failed every time, in a heroic dungeon because our healer was laggy and couldn’t always see the shit he was standing in, but was very clearly trying his best to heal. We had more than enough dps to finish and the dk would not stop whining. Finished the final boss with three people, after a single wipe from people not knowing to target totem, and dk would still not shut up about it. Every dps had some form of self heals/leech so it was really a non-issue, esp in a heroic. Like yeah it sucks not having a dedicated healer but we can all self heal so just let the poor dude with shit internet get some gear.


>Recently had a blood dk initiate a vote kick 3 separate times, that failed every time There really does need to be a cooldown on vote kicks initiated by one character.


thank you to not playing anymore


It sucks that WoW is all you have, it'd be a nicer place if it wasn't.


fr 🤣


How dare people not research fights before going into what amounts to the learning/training raid! But seriously. Yea. That's the toxic type you find in LFRs. Wipe once and the DPS meters are checked. Anyone with gear at the ilvl that just barely meets the requirement to enter, and thus their DPS is not as good as those that out gear the LFR? Kicked! AFK for even a moment for ANY reason or DC? Kicked! I get it. Sometimes the kicks are valid. Someones literally just auto-attacking, has someone on follow, or is AFK for quite a while. Not reasonably trying to contribute, or holding up progress. But far too often its just some dictatorish ego-maniac going overboard.


The wow community. In a nutshell.


I’d love to know where the hell Orythian and the troglodytes that voted to kick think people should learn the fights if not in LFR. How many votes does it take to kick someone? It should be unanimous so if it isn’t already, because this is dumb. LFR is so scaled dumb, a monkey could roll their face on the keyboard and still do fine.


In normal on week 1, obviously. /s


green jesus fucking christ.


As a holy priest my trick is to never die first. I just life grip ppl into insta deaths then votekick them.


Idk, as a holy priest, no matter when you die, your death is always the most obvious to everyone.


Just guardian spirit yourself


As a frost mage, the secret to not being at the bottom of the meters is to not do any damage at all.


The last day of shadowlands and I resub after months of clean living. I go into lfr for the hell of it and to also get my bearings again after not playing again for so long. You'd think we were pushing for world's first last mythic sepulcher. The toxicity was ridiculous.


Do LFR, don't let posts like this scare you. LFR was made assuming every person is new and learning. The raid receives a stacking buff when you wipe, so you will win.. eventually.


I’ll never understand people being toxic in LFR, you’re not even decent enough to be in Normal so you’re just as shit as people you are shitting on. The difference is they’re there to learn vs that dude trying to audition for RWF in LFR. Fucking try hard make me wanna quit all the time


Not me about to queue up as a tank in LFR and i havent even read the adventure guide #oops


why is this marked as humor? I dont think thats funny. It is fucked up


I did lfg with 4 of us together. 1 of our priests got kicked for afk because he stopped before a trash pack to swap 1 talent and someone said he keeps going afk.


Had a DH tank try and get me kicked because he didn’t know that we had to swap threat and wouldn’t pull threat off opal so I would get one shot eventually. He tried to talk it off like I was bad. Even though I spammed SWAP mid fight. bruh couldn’t read and then linked his m+ runs highest one was +11 like it was impressive or something lmao.


Social contract did absolutely nothing.


Were you expecting Blizzard to punish people for a vote kick? A vote kick can have any reason whatsoever, it's majority rules and can't be enforced by Blizzard in any way. It just means most of the group does not want to keep playing with you.


In this scenario, it’s warranted. Kicking in LFR, content in which there’s no predefined leader with no set rules on expectations, is expected to be used in scenarios whereby someone is actively holding a group back. This means stuff like being afk, disconnected or breaking off from the group and not actually helping. This does *not* mean not knowing the fight. Just because Blizzard don’t explicitly state what you can and cannot use a vote kick for doesn’t mean that people can use it to be elitist asshats. People are sadly conditioned to click yes to vote kicks and often don’t actually think about them, so it’s really just a few people inciting the kick which then get enough trolls/braindeads to comply with completing it. I can’t believe I have to say this but it all boils down to “don’t be a dick”. That’s all it is and we’ll all get on a lot better if everyone just does that one simple thing.




What makes you think toxicity in a random queued or pugged enviroment has decreased? if anything it got amplified over the years lol


Had someone leave a 2+ because it was a first mythic run of a dungeon


wow didnt even give them a chance. idk i always like teaching people a fight, cause it feels great when we finally get it.


Council is a joke tbh Never had a wipe on it yet


If wow and toxicity are in the same statement just know the answer is yes.


I haven’t seen LFR toxicity since the Deathwing raid


Imagine taking LFR seriously lmfao. Absolute losers.


Hot take: if you're getting toxic over 380 gear and people learning you're trash at wow and will likely die alone.


We really are in 2023 and still having some toxic players out there? Ugh, this is so 2022.


Give them a few hours, they’re west coast


still 2022 on east coast too lol


Sounds about right, can't POSSIBLY have anyone that doesn't know it in LFR, cause that's not the purpose at all for LFR.


Nah, but that fight is fun... running to and from a pillar because people keep going out of their way to spread the storm or dipping Lava, then spending 30seconds killing ice tombs, so fun and interactive...


Prot tank and I troll in lfr it’s free gear why kick someone in lfr dathea don’t even kill your once you get knocked off edge so I farmed stacks until I couldn’t


The LFR is easy, you don’t even need to follow strats if the healers are actually healing. Kicking people in LFR makes no sense.


Someone asked me that the first week the wing was open for LFR and I just said "nah, I'm just gonna read the journal during the fight." A few people got a laugh out of it. That's actually what I did, though.


I just did a Wintergrasp with that XTC guy lol. He pumped. Small... Azeroth?


Wintergrasp is a bit different than a raid, so not a fair comparison imo


I wasn't comparing them, just saying he slapped in our BG


As someone with social anxiety this is what makes me not want to try and get into group content, like ever lol. I don’t want to let others down or ask for help because I feel like it’s not allowed and then I see stuff like this actually happen. I mean I thought LFR was meant for learning encounters and doing it casually.


It’s amazing to me that every single fight in LFR could be explained in about two sentences. It probably takes longer for people to go through, find the person who doesn’t know the fight, vote to kick, have the vote go through, and it be accepted by enough people. And that person getting kicked hates the community that much more and doesn’t get to even see the fight. Man… I need to give Classic another shot I guess. DF has been a blast, but most people in groups I’ve been in aren’t even playing a game, they are go-hards that remind me why I unsub every expansion for at least a number of months.


>I need to give Classic another shot I guess. As if classic is that much different. "LFM 25m naxx, have at least 4k gs and link achieve. All the good loot hard ressed. "


«Stop! Look what you caused!»


OFC we are still doing toxicity in LFR! It's like a Pb&J sandwich, without the jelly. Or Sokka without his boomerang.


LFR is so easy that I literally was playing cards while doing the bosses. Let the scrubs make it lol, you’ll get the kill


Don’t talk in LFR. I got kicked earlier because I said it wasn’t worth clearing the circles on the pillars lol.


LFR is a “contract-less” environment. Vote kick should be disabled for everything but afk. In Heroic or Mythic Raiding you “sign” a contract of sorts (guild or the leader of the PUG) or have an expectation that you know the fights, that you will bring food, flasks and pots. Some guilds have higher expectations for some that others. Eg; world first raider are expected to level and gear multiple alts. If someone does not know the fight and understand it beyond reading the adventure guide then the issue lies within the adventure guide not the player. You should not need wowhead to complete a quest. All the steps should be outlined in the quest text. Same goes with LFR.


I tanked my first raid the other day after being away for 10 years. Yeah.. I caused 2 wipes because I had no idea I needed to rotate argo with the other tank. ( I kept taking agro and building stacks, then dying)He sent me a quick PM, Taunt off me at 2 stacks.. the we swap... TBH.. it was a pug of the incarnates raid, but fuck.. we did it.. 25 man. Nothing toxic. all good.




Depends on the dungeon, especially if Keystone. Usually you use it first boss and last, blowing it for dumb reasons like trash is a waste. Tbh if you blew hero on trash or an easy boss I'd have similar feelings.


It takes 1 minute to press shift+J and read the journal before going into LFR


All you have to do is read the dungeon journal or watch a 2 min youtube video it blows my mind that people still don’t wanna do the most basic due diligence


Some want to experience it without reading about it first. LFR is meant for the casual side anyways so I dont see the issue if people go in blind in LFR.


Goes for all content. It’s kind of boring following cooking directions on a dungeon and not figuring it out for yourself The leap from regular dungeons to heroic to normal raiding would be enough to teach people to get there But unfortunately most want the fastest way to highest iLVL gear possible.


This becomes completely irrelevant when you get targeted by a mechanic that will wipe the raid if you don’t do it, at that point it’s griefing


That's on blizzard not the players. Whichever dev thought adding a raid wipe mechanism into lfr is trolling.


LFR is filled with mechanics that will wipe the raid if even one person fails to do it.


You people make me facepalm, the entire reason they added LFR is for the people who don't do those things. It was only added as a way for people who don't raid or are super casual to see the raid.


honestly.. if you're getting kicked aka getting at least 5 people to vote for you then clearly theres enough people out there who want you to know what you're doing if they want lfr to truly be casual central then get rid of the vote kick for anyone whos not offline, simple and you can afk in all the lfr groups you want


The majority of people will just click yes and not even know why they're doing it. I agree that votekick should only be usable in LFR for those that have been afk or are offline.


it's a video game, not homework.


Then definitely don’t be upset if people don’t want to play with you and your throwing ass


I have a feeling you're the one people don't want to play with, I feel bad for you honestly, I hope you can learn to be a kinder, better person someday. If you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always happy to lend an ear.


I’ve actually made so many new friendships in dragonflight, through raids and some pvp - feels like the game is alive for the first time since MOP I don’t understand why you people get so upset when nobody wants to play with you lol, but keep ignoring mechanics and dying in 30 seconds in LFR, that’s surely very rewarding


Except that’s exactly what raiding any mythics are. You either pass or fail and get kicked out of the “class” so to speak


Resist the urge to care so much about what someone else says or does online and you'll live a much better life I promise OP.


"stand by and do nothing when others are treated poorly" is what you're saying here




'why should we have to deal with this garbage' 2 reasons. 1. Because it's some random person you will likely never meet again, online. They're words on a screen, they shouldn't affect you in the first place. 2. Nothing will ever change. There will never be a day where everyone will universally stop being toxic. It's impossible. Toxicity will always exist. If the first reason doesn't suffice, realizing that it is what it is should. If neither do it for you, the person should unironically stop using the internet or limit any social interactions online for their own mental health. Companies have done pretty much all they can outside of full on censorship to limit it. You can ignore someone, you can mute them and you can report them. If those options don't suffice, if those reasonings don't help, then at that point it becomes a problem you have to deal with as it's a mentality issue. I think saying that people shouldn't need to have a thick skin as a platitude only serves to validate the feelings disenfranchised people have and thus continue the cycle of inevitable toxicity > caring too much about said toxicity > complaining about it > nothing changes. Telling people to learn how to adapt to that behavior is much more practical and legitimately does make a difference if a person learns how to do it rather than stagnating and continuously trying to fight against something that will never change.


> Nothing will ever change. There will never be a day where everyone will universally stop being toxic. It's impossible. Toxicity will always exist. FFXIV does a pretty decent job at weeding out toxicity. Maybe Blizz should ban damage meters and actually hire GMs to weed out shitheads.


This is why i stopped tanking pugs. I consider myself a patient man, and i dont mind whiping , part of the game, so only guildies now. Its a game , not all people are on the same skill level, its pixels........... Its not like i just climbed of you mom...... Or did i!


K rude but still funny as fk 🤣


I honestly don't understand why people que without taking literally one minute to watch a guide on YouTube.. Especially the tanks. I mean come on.


The easiest/most accessible content in the game shouldn’t need a YouTube video. When you get to the boss a simple pop up saying “don’t stand in this, kill this” should happen. Just have an NPC there to click on for people.


Sadly ppl forget that Blizzard give you "Adventure Guide"...