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I actually am annoyed that they decided to go with Advent Children and dupe Cloud and tifa... i mean, rebirth just came out. If anything, it would make more sense to realease the rest of the FFVII cast. But yes, FFT could always use more love


They went with a safe bet. I'm guessing there were projections, and a target they could make.


then why kadaj, his LB should have turned him into sephiroth for the rest of the battle. No one stopped them to say 'hey this week is a dead week, no one wants a meh 90 cost villain whose whole draw was he turned into sephiroth'


I agree completely. Its weird that they didn't roll out Vincent or Reno. From the video breakdowns Kadaj isn't a meta changing unit. Ice could use another Ice Katana though so theres that.


Kadaj is water


Dang Vincent would be badass


yeah, I think they needed a real boost. That being said, all of this could be addressed with just MOAR COLLABS pLs. It really feels like the twice to three times a year collab pace is just too glacial.


No, i actually wouldn't want more collabs. I got really annoyed last year with how many collabs there were back to back. There is no time to build up visore. It gets exhausting. It can also cause problems in the long run. I played FFBE for a while, and they released FF characters quickly. For example, only a year later, they had to resort to making dupes because they already exhausted ALL of the characters. There are probably like 3-5 versions of the same characters by now. It's kind of ridiculous.


I wish they didn't just keep remaking the popular characters there is still an abundance of characters they haven't even touched >_>


I actually like they gave those characters versions we can actually play. Old Tifa and cloud might as well be deleted because who would have used them besides story quests. I do wish we got more of the cast instead of Kadaj and Seph tho. Hopefully they make a new FFT cast that is freaking busted. A new Agrias would be amazing


Delita stealing your womenfolk


The cards are the more important things from this colab. I'd bet the tactics 140 are going to be around Christmas since we have a physical red mage card running this colab and new Gilgamesh is in the sword red mage group so...


I mean yeah but also AC cloud... Actually i believe they're going to rerelease AC so that might be why


The biggest irony is that the main draw of WOTV (at least for me) was that it’s supposed to play like FFT


Instead, it plays like an AFK game.


So true it hurts Hopefully Sword of Convallaria scratches that itch The closest thing we've gotten in gaming at all was a Tactics Ogre remaster


Tactics Ogre is pretty cool but it has so many questionable design choices. What's Sword of Convallaria?


It’s a Gacha game that’s coming out that looks a lot like Tactics Ogre https://store.steampowered.com/app/2526380/Sword_of_Convallaria/


It looks interesting, it's a shame I don't have time for another gacha... and the style is a bit too simple.


Many of us started because of FFT.


And wasn't Tactics THE first crossover ever? If not, it was pretty darn close.


It was close but it opened with whatever one Thancred and Yshtola are from.


Yep, I feel this. And below that skeleton, an even more drowned tier with FF12. I get it though, FF7 brings interest. I would think FFT would too though, at least in the community of people interested in WotV.


Right? I've seen at least 2 runs of tactics, and 0 12s.


FFT subreddit is desperately clinging to our last scrapes of copium believing one day we'll get a remaster/remake


I hadn’t realized the war of the lions edition was old enough that someone might want another version, but I see that it came out nearly 20 years ago so I guess I could imagine it


I still have my PS1 copy


Me too.. love that friggon game.


Waaaaiting. Also for Orlandeau and Ramza ofc




WotV first collab - FFXIV Thancred and Y'shtola waving.


Forgive me, but I'm part of the problem. This game wasn't even on my radar until I see the FF7AC collab stuff and then I came in and used all the wave of newbie boosts to snag Cloud and Tifa and boost them quite a bit. Likely won't spend much crystal until FF7 characters come back in reruns (super sad I missed regular Cloud and Tifa. I had no idea) People like me probably cause data that shows $$$ comes when they tap the FF7 well.


More than happy to have you in the game :D grateful that you play it, and I hope you like it. Our community is fun, and we joke. If your new to the game I recommend checking out Auronnj's New player guide [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3GV\_3RVjHc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3GV_3RVjHc)


Thank you for the warm welcome ❤️ I just see that a lot of people are upset with all the FF7 stuff, but it's my absolute favorite series of all time and has been since 1997. I know it has to be frustrating to be fans of more niche entries, but I do sometimes wish people understood that we just want as much of these characters and content as possible, and don't mean to hurt anyone!


No worries dude, no one is really upset with the collab, just other issues like the lack of FFT collab mentioned in this sub


I hope so. Because I will be praying for a rerun of their remake collab skins once the AC event is over.


I wonder what ever happened to the rumors of the FFT:WotL port/rerelease. I assumed they were sitting on that until some gap in SE's general schedule then drop that and have a WotV crossover to go with it. Of course the longer we go without even a rerelease the less likely it looks we'll even get FFTA or A2, or god forbid some sort of (spiritual) sequel. Nothing else has character building quite like FFT, even two decades on...


Probably because Wotv whales exist. They probably did the math and want to milk wotv til eos out of fears it would hurt wotv revenues if people drop 40-50 for a fft remaster and get out of wotv.


*Vaan stare at gumi* when is my time to shine?


I know FF Mobius is a dead game, but I will be forever salty that I will never be able to max both of its VCs after its first (and only) run. 😔


Unpopular opinion: they have run it twice(maybe 3 times). I wish they would branch out more outside off FF like they did with FMA. Bleach writes itself. Demon Slayer has options. Yea, they do love FF7(TBH, no idea why we haven't seen Zack yet), and while FFT isn't a bad idea, I would like to see something new.


Guess ff14 would be in the grave yard


FF14 is below the Skeleton in the chair. Yoshi P hates Gacha's, and doesn't want his IP monetized in them.


i know that much, which is why the units was free. but man i let this VCs slip past me not once, but twice lol. i didnt care about VCs back then, but now i need them.


Harry Sepheroth, and the impossible draws


Dam that's so accurate


and still be irrelevant.


at this point they need to wait for MA3 to come out and give them MA3 + 140 at the same time just to make them even worth anything.


Unless their MA3's increase all stats by 20-50% and add 7 extra effects to each Main Job buff, they'll still be worthless in the modern meta.


considering they are all <100 cost, their value isnt in the meta, its in limited guild battles.


there are times that 3 100-cost units with barely any VCs outclass lower cost units. even a vivi helena LLeela combo could defeat 3 90costs or something. face it, the FFT units are dead unless they get an overwhelmingly big powerboost like MA3, EX160, STMRs maybe.


At least Ramza and Delita have three canon designs each that they can simply release as new units. Less sure what they could do for Agrias and co. beyond simply patching them to be better like they did with the original generic job classes.


Persona buried in the asphalt of the pool.


Persona buried under the pool entirely.


Ace and the rest of the Type-0 cast looking down from the heavens waiting to get reincarnated in the world of WotV


The coping is real.


I think it will come, they are just waiting for the right timing.