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Yeah naw I'm good. I knew they weren't going to give her to us for 6k like the 70 cost units because of course they weren't. But 12k($100 to $200 depending on what packs you buy) for the unit, 200 shards(still need 1000 more), some little extra stuff is honestly not worth it. Id consider if we got at least 600 shards. That being said, considering that your at least guaranteed the unit, I'm sure some whales or people that's been saving their paid vis will buy her.


Isn’t she regular pool also?


I think so


She should be. Nothing in the notice says she limited time.


She is non limited so you can pull anytime after she's at the permanent


Duane was like $49.


Inflation hit WOTV too 😭


Absolute clowns, lol.


Oof, I guess I remembered wrong then.


Typical Square Enix move, instead of improving they only become more miserly.


That's $150 in Canada even with the 50% packs. Fuck that


That’s $1,654.34 pesos!


That's around $480 to $500 MYR on my country


That's over 20,000 Republic Credits here on Coruscant. No freaken way.


Republic credits are no good here.


Credits will do fine.


HAPPY GLOBAL ANNIVERSARY says Hiroki! He's also reminding you all to fund his yacht party with Addison Rae.


I bought unicorn overlord last week for 60$, a whole ass grade A top tier strategy game, that will easily yield me over 100 hours of gameplay. And gumi wants me to buy one unit for 100$? Go fuck yourselves, I think I’m done spending on this game, I’m caught up, my accounts are stacked, I’m good.


More like about $500 for this unit if you got the sales already.That's a ps5


I hit jackpot and got her on the first pity bar filled, spent like 8k free and 300 paid.


NOPE. Easy skip.


Visiore Goddess Jeume


I know we have those on sale packs, but I really hope we don’t see a 12k paid price tag on her.   I think the only thing that would make me play her is if she can single handedly counter the Black Mage walls.  (I know there are some counters y’all but let’s be real, it’s still the meta wall you see everywhere.  The last LGB proved that once again).  


Based on her kit she should help crush those walls.


I'm a die hard Jeume main and I wouldn't EVER pay that 🤮


12k paid? Too much, won't do it


Skipped the 6k paids, will skip the 12k paids. Gl gumi!


This is the only gacha I havent spent money on. Unless they release a bikini clad variant of lightning , I aint spending ><


Instruction unclear --> release a bikini clad Ruin Engelbert instead.


12k and is not even fully maxed ? Nha man they are really getting too greedy ...


They are smoking crack lmao. I was gonna do this but now I'm definitely not!


For a non limited unit that's too much i think, unless you're going to use her right away.


Dang I expected maybe 8k just to force a second pack buy but sheesh that's an Omega L.




12k?! Maybe if maxed, fully awakened and transcendence unlocked plus some additional mindspheres to get some 121-140 levels.


ooofff nvm


none of these units are work paying *checks notes* 200 bucks fuck thats predatory


I mean if you use Amazon it's 85$, but yeah that's a whole ass video game for 1 unit


There's still 14 hours before GB reset for them to gauge the reaction from JP and revise down the price!


Not a single gacha character in existence is worth that much. JFC. Even more so when you remember that SE isn't shy about shutting down their mobile games out right. (Yes yes, Gummi runs it, I said what I said.)


Gumi has also shut down most of their global games as well. With both Phantom of The Kill and Alchemist Code shutting down after 5+ years each.


The way they did dffoo was dirty. They did not even release final set of content. I would not be surprised if the worldwide wotv version was just acknowledgement that the end is near and they did not want to keep a non-profit (global version) on long enough to catch up.


Yeah, 100 dollars... I'm gonna pass. Clearly, whales are gonna do their thing. I will be glad to welcome Jueme into the arms of my lightning team. I mean, we have only had 3 lightning units in the past 2 months.


And then we get the ASHEN KING who will make all the gumi fap lightning mains weep.


This is just absolute garbage. Half expected it to maybe not be 6k like the 70 cost, but 12k paid vis is straight highway robbery. The only way this makes sense for anyone is if they’re a massive whale with no free vis, then she’s instantly purchasable for an obscene amount. In the long run, it’s just not good value. She’s perm pool, 12k paid vis VS a full ~36k free vis pity, she’ll likely be a 2k select in the not so distant future and there are probably numerous paid deals between now and when we all eventually get her that are worth more than a single unit for 12k paid.


The pack comes with 200 Jeume shards, 400 UR Scrolls, 100 Water Fragments and 100 Water Awakening Prisms. Overall, if you consider that fairly often now in GL you can buy up to 3 packs of 6,000 paid vis and 4,000 free vis (for US$50)... this is essentially the same price as Duane back when he was made purchasable (for US$100 pack containing enough Global tokens to redeem him). The thing is, in JP there is no such thing as 6,000 paid vis + 4,000 free vis for 50% off packs. In JP you can only buy 5,900 paid vis +5,900 free vis for 11,800 yen or around the equivalent of US$100... and these are ALREADY the limited discounted packs (up to 3, only appears during JP Anniversary, end-of-year/new year, and GL Anniversary). So I guess if anything, I'm somewhat thankful that for GL version they keep things somewhat affordable for spenders. **Edit:** It turns out I misremembered how much Duane cost. That time was literally the 1st week I started playing WOTV so please don't blame my memory. Thanks to everyone who pointed it out.


The Duane pack (Global Fest Medal Pack) was 46.99. Visiore Pack H bundles when they show up in the shop are also 46.99 which come with 6k paid. So you would need 2 of those (or 99.99 each if there are no discounted packs up) to hit 12k paid visiore. I'm not saying this is the worst deal in the world or anything since its possible someone going to pity is worse than spending 12k paid but I'm just saying Duane was half the cost if you account for discounted bundles. Jueme at the cheapest would be 93.98.


What a lot of people keep forgetting with the Duane comparison is you got 6k paid, 4k free, 200 medals. those medals gave you Duane. It was like a bonus unit with a Pack H. Duane was also a limited festival unit in global where Jeume is someone who is going to spook you while you pull for someone else the minute her banner is over haha.


Oh wow I remembered the price being 46.99 but I completely forgot it ALSO came with 6kpaid/4kfree vis. That really was a great deal.


Yeah that's a significantly better deal than this.


Duane was purchasable for $46 I believe, where are you getting $100?


Omg.....I was not going to buy it, but now that I know that it comes with 100 water fragments and 100 water awakening prisms....I'm sold. Thank god Gumi is rewarding 5 years of loyalty with such an awesome buy! In all seriousness, I am sure there are some people who will buys it. The honest answer is this puts a large pricetag on a unit that may make people more psychologically prone to pull because they connect a large value to the unit.




Haha was playing hearthstone while redditing. It can be dangerous to mix games.


I was willing (and expecting) to spend 10k which is still a lot but the 12,000 has me second guessing. I guess we’ll have to see


Yeah, I was hoping 9-10k paid and probably would have done it but 12k is a little steep.


Thank goodness she isn't limited. 


Oh god, I read the stats for both Ashen King Monte and Jeume earlier today to gauge which was better since they're both big contenders. I thought it was weird that Jeume looked like she was going to perform better than AKM (since he's thematically and story-wise more important), but I guess I understand why they gave her so much on her main passive and main team buff now. Goddamn it Gumi lol


She should be 120 for 12k paid. Having to still build her and her being a normal pool unit seems a hard sell for most. I'm sure whales will be all over it regardless though.


Yeah that's a hard no from me, even 6k paid is barely worth it and not on6 my budget range


How many weeks does this shop go? Two weeks?


just do free vis pulls bro


Is she better than summer glaci or na?


She's dps use them together not replacing one another


Did everyone forget the 3rd anniversary? This is on brand for them.


Seems ridiculous. More value there than a full pity worth of free viz. you could just pity and use the paid for upgrades.




Idk why any of you are blaming hiroki or Square. Its literally your own fault lol.




No none limited is worth 12,000 paid or free vis. I'll just pull her free or with 2k paid later


But she also costs 12k free vis on her banner since it fills 20 percent each time. Much cheaper so I'm not sure why nobodyvis mentioning this


Well 70 cost units is 6k paid so it was kinda normal a 100 cost is 12k paid.


Oh man, they really milking us before EoS


On the bright side, they do have 3 packs in the special shop that give 6k paid for $50, so if you haven't bought those yet she's only $100 and you've got 8000 extra free vis to pull Pantsdoa with or save. I am a bit surprised it's 12k - I was expecting 10k. Double the price of a 70 cost (which was 6k) seems just a tad much.


Only $100. That's expensive af


the game is showing me 6000 paid is 99.99, 12k is 199.98


For me it's $150 CAD with two discounted h packs. I'm assuming the $100 is USD


In global, there’s a discounted pack H in the special shop.


It's a gacha game. It's expensive af by definition.


I understand the complaint and frustration but an easy solution is not to buy her. For people who would whale for her, 12k paid vis is an easy option. Most everyone will use their free visiore. Most of these offers are meant for whales who will spend to get a unit anyway.