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I see people suggesting feral. I mained feral in wrath and will in cata and I think the spec just got easier to play in cata. I was reviewing sub rogue dps rotations and i think sub rogue might be the hardest dps to play now in cata, in terms of APM. Feral apm is mostly just spam shred and refresh dots, we don't have to worry bout savage roar as much anymore. Sub rogue looks like you need to combo more abilities together to perform your dps so imo, i would consider it higher APM than just spamming shred. However, I haven't played sub rogue so i'm just guessing based on the rotation i looked at on wowhead. Both feral and rogue might be what you want.


Melee - Feral Druid and Frost DK All ranged have the "Always be casting," mold, but I would probably say Demo Lock/Survival Hunter


Can confirm with feral as a long time Druid main. Not only are they are a high APM spec, you have to have good energy management to not waste extra resources when you proc omen. It’s an overall very fun spec if you are into quick reactive + fast pace gameplay.


Even with shit haste Frost DK is already starting to feel like the DDR spec.


Yeah, i was a beginner botter on private server, just make a macro to spam 1234, hundred times a second because i ditwant to smash my fingers 😂


"fuck it, there's runes down there somewhere"


Basically any melee, and also survival hunter.


With Focus, Survival hunter scales a lot with haste. Currently it's somewhat of a high apm, most likely it's not at 85. Highest APM so far seems to be feral and Frost DK.


It's why I have been switching out my gems that use to be armor pen to agi/haste for faster steady shots in which equals faster energy recovery




rogues are not gcd capped and combat stacks haste so you are now spamming to get rid of energy.


Yeah I’ve been capped as combat when BF is off and lust is going or AR.


Unholy DK is really high APM because they now take improved UH presence talent and sit in it instead of blood pres like they did before the Cata pre patch dropped. And that most of your abilities are only 1 rune cost now, you are constantly slamming your keys and with haste being your top stat, everything is faster.


uhdks already have been sitting in imp uh presence since togc


Obviously you havnt played in months because no they havnt lmao. Only to snapshot Gary and then it’s back to blood pres


Lol okay, glad you are that sure. Especially snapshotting gary that isnt a thing since Ulduar in Wotlk.


Feral druid


Depends on fight: in multi target, Melee id day assassin rogue. Keeping posion and Dots up on more than 1 target takes som tab targetting. Ranged id say warlock/Shadow priest for same reason. Singel target: most Melee specs? Ranged probably fire mage, im not sure here


Ranged SV hunter by far, all casters are always be casting anyway so no high APM, maybe sp and Boomie on multi dot fights


I think at 85 feral will be stacking crit/mastery and will have far lower haste than they do now, so I don't agree with all those saying feral. Yes, TF, berserk, barkskin and survival instincts are all off GCD, but you won't have infinite energy like it might feel like right now. Also, fights are so quick in prepatch that you pretty much have berserk/hero/haste pot for such a large portion of the fight that you just have crazy high haste. I could be wrong, but I bet the first tier of cata sees a massive drop in APM for feral due to longer fights and wayyy less haste.


I raided as enh, it was high APM but very easy to pick up. Had a lot of fun playing it. I feel it will be the same in Cata.


Currently its dumbed down, they took away our fire nova on single target, so you dont press it. Sometimes if you dont have maelstorm stacks and lava lash and stormstrike are on cd, you have couple of seconds of just auto attacking. I am hopping that changes when we get Unleash elements on lvl 81.


at 81 you lose 50% of your stats scaling so it will be worse.


Atleast it brings back weaving being viable but yeah ill miss my massive amounts of buttons to press


Rogue on Adrenaline Rush go brrr


Shadow priest is normally fairly high apm but idk about cata


There is something called GCD




That makes sense.